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Peace and Harmony as a Value

(Manoraj K.S. & Mithun Abraham)

The Significance of Harmony

The wave of globalization has been connecting all the countries of the world into
a community to an unprecedented extent, which implies that a mankind society
in its true sense is taking shape. In the meantime, the significance of harmony is
being recognized by more and more far-sighted people for the following reasons:

Harmony is a basic prerequisite. Peace and harmony can bring a

peaceful and stable order to society, and they are a necessary condition
for the survival and development of mankind. A world deprived of peace
and harmony certainly will fall apart and return to the jungle era in which

the strong prey on the weak.

Harmony is an essential benefit. Peace and harmony are enjoyed and
possessed jointly by mankind, which is a base for the full realization of the
creativity potential of individuals, the sustainable development of the
economy and culture of nations, and a true security for the long lasting

prosperity of mankind society.

Harmony is an ideal path. Peace and harmony mean dealing with
disputes and resolving conflicts fairly and properly with neutralization and
Middle Way principles to further the welfare of each individual as well as

the wellbeing of mankind as a whole.

Harmony is long lasting value. Ever since the emergence of mankind,
numerous cultures have been produced, among which most vanished as
soon as they appeared and were forgotten in history for being partial to
certain aspect or limited to certain period. Among those thoughts which
have been handed down to the present and continuing to have important

influence, peace and harmony occupy the most dominating position.

Harmony is high wisdom. It is the height of wisdom that determines the
breadth of vision, the depth of exploration, the extent of progress and the
limit of transcendence. None of the current major religions and major
cultural traditions of the world does not love peace or pursue harmony.
History shows that all the thoughts that are against peace and harmony
are against the will of the people and shall perish by themselves.

Harmony at the Workplace

The workplace is one of the most common places for conflicts. Considering the
workplace situation, employees establish a kind of relationship among each
other that keeps a diplomatic approach but usually does not go beyond personal
level, though there are other relationships that develop into a deeper stage.
Employees have to socialize with their co-workers because people in the
workplace work collaboratively.
Refrain from Office Gossip
Office gossip never results to anything positive toward the organization and the
individuals. It is, in fact, one of the ultimate destroyers of harmony in the
workplace because it destroys trust among the people. Paying attention to
gossips is no different than spreading it. This is because when you listen to
gossips, it will retain in your head and affects your view of the person negatively.
Make an Effort to Adhere to Company Policy
Ground rules are established to keep an organization guided and controlled. At
times, we feel that certain rules are choking us to the neck. This may be grounds
for emerging conflicts between employees and the management. Whenever an
individual feels that there are inconsistencies and irrationalities in the workplace,
tendency is the person struggles to break free from such process.
Keep a Cordial Relationship with your Colleagues
Just as this article initially tells us that working individuals create a kind of social
and diplomatic connection with each other, keeping such affiliation professional
and at the same time a cordial one is essential in building a harmonious
atmosphere. Personal attack on an individual on work performance is
discouraged and must be avoided.
If someone in the team or the person you are working with lacks competence in
the job, learn to understand the persons weakness. Instead of putting the
person down, attempt to help the individual realize the weak points and improve
himself. A disparaging attitude toward another individual may develop conflict.

Project Proposal
We intend to explain and highlight the importance of harmony in the work place
with the help of a scrapbook and a video.

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