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1.1 Background
English language consists of four main skills: listening, speaking, writing and reading.
Vocabulary is one of the important elements in teaching English. Vocabulary is the basic
competence that must be reached by students in order to get other competencies like reading,
writing, listening, and speaking. As a foreign language country, in Indonesia many students
had problems in written and spoken english. Most of them had troubles in written and spoken
english because of low vocabulary mastery. According to Hatch and Brown (1995: 1). They
say, Vocabulary is the foundation to build languages, which plays a fundamental role in
communication. It means that by mastering vocabulary the students will increase the english
ability to build competencies such as speaking and writing.
Based on information obtained from the English teacher at SMPN 11 Kota Bengkulu it
was found that many students still had difficulties in mastering vocabulary. At The Grade
Eight SMPN 11 Kota Bengkulu, many students had problems such as low vocabulary that it
will make the student to be afraid to speak english. They will not confident to write anything
in English.
Based on this statement, English teachers should think critically in order to find creative
approach in teaching vocabulary so that the students will take much participation and also get
more vocabulary during the learning process. The teacher as a facilitator of student and
become directly involved in the study should found and identify the way to improve students
vocabulary mastery. To make the students have strong interest in teaching and learning
process especially in learning English, the teacher should take the best approach, method, and
strategies. One of the best strategies is by using Word wall. Word wall is a group of words
that are displayed on a wall, bulletin board, check board, or white board in classroom. The

words are printed in a large front so that they are easy visible from all student seating area.
These words are reffered to continually throughout a unit or term by the teacher and the
students during a variety of activities (Cronsberry:2004:3).
Based on the pre-observation done by the researcher that got information from the
English teacher at SMPN 11 Kota Bengkulu, the researcher would like to conduct the
research entitle Improving Students English Vocabulary Mastery Through Word Wall
For Students Grade Eight SMPN 11 Kota Bengkulu.

1.2 Identification Of The Problem

1. more than 50 % the students grade eight in SMPN 11 Kota Bengkulu have low in
vocabulary that it will make the student to be afraid to speak english
2. the students are not confident to speak or write anything in English.
3. The students have problems when translate words or sentences in short story because
they probably found the new words that they did not know the meaning of words
1.3 Limitation of the problem
In this research, the researcher gives the students short story. They are given the
opportunity to list the difficult words that they unfamiliar and then they find the meaning of
the word from dictionary. And after that they put their list vocabulary into word wall
1.4 Research question
The questions of the study are briefly stated as follows:
1. How was the implementation of Word wall in improving vocabulary mastery to the
students grade eight SMPN 11 Bengkulu?
2. How much Word wall could improve the vocabulary mastery to the students grade eight
SMPN 11 Bengkulu ?

1.5 Significances Of The Research

The results of this study are expected to give both theoretical and practical benefits as

The result of this study is expected to find out the effect of Word wall in improving

vocabulary mastery to the students grade eight SMPN 11 Bengkulu. The outcomes of this
research are expected to be a piece of useful information for teaching especially the teaching
of english.

a. Teacher
1. Teacher can use Word wall in mastering vocabuary to the student
2. The teacher will know weaknesess and strengthness of Word wall is hoped to
be able create a meaningful way in teaching english


Students will expect to be useful for developing students vocabulary mastery so it will
improve their english ability.
1.6 Purpose Of The Research
Based on the problem statement above this researcher intended to know how effective
Word wall in improving vocabulary mastery to the students grade eight SMPN 11 Bengkulu.
And how much improving the students vocabulary mastery by Word wall
1.7 Definition of Key Term
1. Vocabulary is total number of words that known in a particular language Vocabulary is the
knowledge of words and word meanings. Collins (2001:1774),
2. Word wall is a group of words that are displayed on a wall, bulletin board, check board, or
white board in classroom. The words are printed in a large front so that they are easy visible
from all student seating area. These words are reffered to continually throughout a unit or
term by the teacher and the students during a variety of activities (Cronsberry:2004:3).

3. Classroom Action research is a form of investigation designed for use by teachers to

attempt to solve problems and improve professional practices in their own classrooms. It
involves systematic observations and data collection which can be then used by the
practitioner-researcher in reflection, decision-making and the development of more effective
classroom strategies. Parsons and Brown (2002).


2.1 Theory Of The Research
The studies used as comparison are as follows :
1. Vocabulary
Vocabulary is the all the language and words either used or understood by a person or
group of people. (Cited in article http://www.yourdictionary.com/vocabulary). According to
Collins (2001:1774),Vocabulary is total number of words that known in a particular language
Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meanings. As Steven Stahl (2005) puts it,
Vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the knowledge of a word not only implies a definition,
but also implies how that word fits into the world." Vocabulary knowledge is not something
that can ever be fully mastered; it is something that expands and deepens over the course of a
lifetime. Instruction in vocabulary involves far more than looking up words in a dictionary
and using the words in a sentence.
Vocabulary is acquired incidentally through indirect exposure to words and intentionally
through explicit instruction in specific words and word-learning strategies. (cited in article
http://www.readingrockets.org/article/teaching-vocabulary). Hatch and Brown (1995: 1). Said
that Vocabulary is the foundation to build languages, which plays a fundamental role in
communication. Richards and Rennadya (2004:255) defines that vocabulary is a core
component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well learners
speak, listen, read, and write. Based on this statement, it is clear that vocabulary gives effects
for skills in English. Without mastering vocabulary, the students can not master English
because all of the skills in English are related to words. If the students have less vocabulary,
they will not be successful in speaking, listening, reading, and writing. So, learning English
will be successful, if the students master vocabulary.
2. Teaching vocabulary

Based on a research from Dhika Lomita Rafinggi (Teaching Vocabulary By Using Charades
Technique For Young Learners) that he got from Cameron (2001:85) proposes that there are
some listed basic techniques that can be used by teacher in young learner classroom:
By demonstration and picture
1. Using an object
In teaching English, teacher should use the real object that are related to the material will
be learnt. It can help the teacher to make the students understand about the material.
2. Using Gesture
Gesture is one of the aids to help the teacher in explaining the material. Students can
know the meaning of the words by gesture of the teachers. It can be used to describe
3. Performing and action
In telling the story, it is very important for the teachers to do the action based the
situation given because it can make the students interested to the story because the teacher
makes the students feel that it is real and they will be easy to understand the story.
4. Photograph
The teachers use the picture to help them in explaining the material. The photograph
should be appropriate with the material and childrens world.
5. Drawing or diagram on the board
Drawing something or diagram to make the lesson that explained will be clear for the
6. Pictures from the books
In teaching, the teachers also use the pictures not only from the books but also in TV,
video or computer. The pictures can attract students to catch the ideas that teachers delivered.
By verbal explanation

1. Putting the new word in defining context

The teacher can help to activate schemas or networks that will in turn help
understanding. If the students know hospital, then mention it will help them construct a
meaning for ambulance, by activating scenarios connected with hospitals.
2. Translating into another language
The new words can be translated to the source language. It can help the students to know
the meaning of the words by translating to the language.
Based on explanation above the researcher conclude that as a teacher, we can choose the
best technique to teach vocabulary. it must be appropriate with the material than the teacher
will teach and also the teacher must know what the students need.
3. Word wall
Word wall is a group of words that are displayed on a wall, bulletin board, check board,
or white board in classroom. The words are printed in a large front so that they are easy
visible from all student seating area. These words are reffered to continually throughout a unit
or term by the teacher and the students during a variety of activities (Cronsberry:2004:3).
4. The actvities of word wall
According to Nuraeni Kasim (Increasing The Students Vocabulary Mastery
By Using Word Wall Media) that she got from Jerry (2010:5), in teaching
vocabulary by using word wall consists some activities:

Make words accessible by putting them where every student can

see them. They should be written in large black letters using a
variety of background colors to distinguish easily confused words.

Teachers should be selective about the words that go on the word

wall. Try to include words that children use most commonly in their
writing. Words should be added gradually- a gudeline is five words
per week

Use the word wall daily to practice words incorporating a variety of

activies such as: Chanting, snapping, cheering, clapping, tracing,
word guessing games as well as writing them.

Provide enough practice so the words are read and spelled

automatically and make sure that word wall are always spell
correctly in the childrens daily writing.

5. Classroom Action Research

Classroom Action research is a form of investigation designed for use by teachers to
attempt to solve problems and improve professional practices in their own classrooms. It
involves systematic observations and data collection which can be then used by the
practitioner-researcher in reflection, decision-making and the development of more effective
classroom strategies. Parsons and Brown (2002).
Classroom action research is a method of finding out what works best in your own
classroom so that you can improve student learning. Classroom action research is more
systematic than personal reflection but it is more informal and personal than formal
educational research. McNiff (1992, cited in Supardi, 2010:106)
2.2 Previous Study
In this research, the researcher takes review of related literature from Nuraeni Kasim, the
title is Increasing The Students Vocabulary Mastery By Using Word Wall Media The

result of the test was analyzed by using word wall could make the students active in learning
process from 67.83% at cycle 1 increased significantly to be 82.005 at cycle 2, so the
implementation of this method was suitable and effective.

2.3 conceptual framework

1. vocabulary
Vocabulary is the all the language and words either used or understood by a person or
group of people. (Cited in article http://www.yourdictionary.com/vocabulary). According to
Collins (2001:1774),Vocabulary is total number of words that known in a particular language
Vocabulary is the knowledge of words and word meanings. Hatch and Brown (1995: 1). Said
that Vocabulary is the foundation to build languages, which plays a fundamental role in
2. Word wall
Word wall is a group of words that are displayed on a wall, bulletin board, check board,
or white board in classroom. The words are printed in a large front so that they are easy
visible from all student seating area. These words are reffered to continually throughout a unit
or term by the teacher and the students during a variety of activities (Cronsberry:2004:3).


3.1 Research Design
This research use design of Kemmis and Mc Taggart. There are 4 steps and those are
Planning, Acting, Observing and Reflection.




And Taggard
Each step is explained as follows:


a. Planning. Develop a plan of critically informed action to improve what is already

b. Action. Moment of Action is an act to implement the plan.
c. Observation. Observe the effect of the critically informed action in the context in which it
d. Reflection. Reflect these effects as the basis for further planning, subsequent critically
informed action and so on, trough a succession on stages.
This researh is a classroom action research. Action research is a form of investigation
designed for use by teachers to attempt to solve problems and improve professional practices
in their own classrooms. It involves systematic observations and data collection which can be
then used by the practitioner-researcher in reflection, decision-making and the development
of more effective classroom strategies. Parsons and Brown (2002). Then A. Christine Miller
(2007) said that action research is a natural part of teaching. Teachers are continually
observing students, collecting data and changing practices to improve student learning and

the classroom and school environment. Action research provides a framework that guides the
energies of teachers toward a better understanding of why, when, and how students become
better learners.

3.2 The Subjects Of The Research

This research is conducted at the eight grade of SMPN 11 Kota Bengkulu in academic
year 2014/2015.
3.3 Location of the reseach
This research is conducted in SMPN 11 Kota Bengkulu which is located in Jalan Bandar
raya Kota Bengkulu
3.4 Procedure of the research
1. Planning
Make a lesson plan based on the curriculum that is used in the school and arrange the
Doing pre test
The researcher know the situation of teaching-learning process when the technique is
prepared exercises and post-test to know whether students vocabulary mastery

improves or not
The researcher gave post test 1 and evaluated the result to decide on the next cycle

2. Action
Teacher/researcher explain about what is word wall and how to used it.
Teacher/researcher gives a short story and a paper and then asks the students to write
list of vocabulary noun, verb and adjective from text into paper. Next teacher asks the

students to find the meaning of the words from dictionary.

the sudents stick paper on the word wall.
After that, give them evaluation and the teacher asked the students to colect their

3. Observation

The researcher observed all activities during teaching learning process. The researcher
also wrote her observation result in a field note. The researcher also took some photographs
of the teaching and learning process.
4. Reflection
The researcher made an evaluation on the observation result to find out the positive
results and weakness during the action. The weaknesses were refined in the next cycle, so that
finally the effectiveness of using Word wall` to improve the technique of teaching vocabulary
was determined.
3.5 Instrument of the research
1. interview
2. Pre-test, Post-test
3. observation
3.6 Technique of analyzing data
Both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied in this research. According to
Creswell (1994), it is possible to use a combination of qualitative and quantitative findings. In
this type of research, one method can be used to elaborate, enhance or illustrate the results
from the other method. The qualitative method was concerned with in-depth analysis social
dimensions of students about implementation of Word Wall in SMPN 11 Kota Bengkulu. The
quantitative method was considered as identifying the frequencies of effectiveness of Word
Wall whether it is effective or not. In this study, mainly used four research instruments, Pretest, Post-test, interview observation. All of them were used to collect collect the valid and
reliable data for study being undertaken.
3.7 Indicator of succes
The result of data analysis showed the implementation of Word Wall in SMPN 11 Kota
Bengkulu and the frequencies of effectiveness of word wallwhether it is effective or not or
whether it is improve the students vocabulary mastery or not. This research also showed
whether Word Wall is interesting for student or not.

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