Sona Comp Martin Abbott S

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THE SONA PROJECTOR INITIATIVE showcasing student work from across Australia

The concept of the project is

simple. The houses rise up high
into the airspace once occupied Prior to the national conference, architecture students
by falling mortar and artillery will be asked to forward an image of their work to be
shells fired by the city s besiegers included in the sona projector initiative. Potentially
in the surrounding mountains. By hundreds of students from across australia will have the
opportunity to exhibit work. The volume of work on show
occupying the airspace, the High
will highlight the scope and breadth of student ideas and
Houses reclaim it for the people talent.
of the city. Balancing on
scavenged steel beams welded
end-to-end, they are spaces of a
new beginning for Sarajevo, one The sona projector initiative empowers students to
that challenges—in physical engage with the conference and articulate a position or
terms—the city s past and an idea evident in their work. This will be illustrated
visually and submitted in a digital format to be included in
present, aiming at a future a continuous slideshow to be projected onto the wall of
uniquely Sarajevan... the scaffolding.
...poised like catapults, fulfill the
paradoxical desire to fly and at
the same time be rooted in their
place of origin. The opportunity exists for audience interaction, for
conference delegates present at the sona projector to
Lebbeus Woods, http://lebbeuswoods.wordpress. interact in real-time with the slideshow via twitter,
commenting on student ideas and agendas on display.


Similarly occupying the air space

above the conference, the
scaffold platforms elevate Access to elevated viewing platform
students, providing them with a
forum and means to reflect and
reinterpret their position and Elevated platform; projection opportunity
agenda at the conference and
consequently individual
architectural direction.

A primary steel structure, the


scaffolding provides real and Scaffolding; primary steel structure. Reuseable,


present opportunity for students sustainable, easy installation on site and removal
to reinterpret and re-engage with afterwards. Ready availability.
the conference and the broader
australian architecture
community. Elevated and 00
removed, students will consider 60
and claim a piece of the action for
themselves. Gathering
inspiration, students will stake out
a position and project their Access to elevated viewing platform
agenda to the national

0 500 1000 2000 MARTIN ABBOTT

THE SONA PROJECTOR INITIATIVE showcasing student work from across Australia


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