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Pokemon Learning League

Online Safety
Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with Ash, Pikachu, Dawn, Piplup,

Iris, Axew and Serena en route to Anistar City via
Kalos Route 18 on a clear, blue mid-afternoon. A
breeze is in the air, the Sun beats down on the air
& glistens in the river and a couple of Fletchinder
fly overhead, swoop down over the river and catch
some small fish. Serena lets out a sigh & speaks
to the others.)
Serena: Ahh, it wont be much longer until we get
to Anistar City.
Ash: You said it, Serena.
Pikachu (concurring): Pikachu.
Dawn (wondering): So, does the city have anything
Serena: Yes, it does. It has a really large crystal &
a sundial at the north end of the city.
Ash: Yeah, and it also does an incredible thing
during sunset.
Iris (curiously): Oh, what?
Ash: Wait until later on, and youll see.
Iris: Okay, then.
(They continue onward. Moments later, they come
to a quiet site that has a few large oak trees &
bushes growing and a large boulder.)

Ash: Hey, what do you guys say we stop here & do

a little training before we head into the city?
(The three think about it for a moment and they
nod their heads in agreement. Now, a montage
goes on, where they each either practice or work
on one move each.)
Ash: Okay, Pikachu, use Volt Tackle as hard as you
can on that boulder.
Pikachu: Pika.
(He starts running really fast towards the boulder
and his body becomes surrounded in golden
electricity. He lands a direct hit & leaves a mark
on it.)
Ash: Thats the way to do it, buddy!
Pikachu (proudly): Pi-Pikachu!
(Now, we pan over to Iris and Axew over by one of
the oak trees.)
Iris: Axew, Dragon Rage!
Axew: Axew!
(He opens his mouth and firs a powerful blast of
blue & black energy, which forms into the shape of
a blue & black dragon. It hit the tree and leaves a
scorch mark on the trunk.)
Iris: Great job, Axew!

Axew: Ax-ew!
(Next, we pan over to Serena getting ready for her
training. She has one Pokeball in her hand.)
Serena: Sylveon, come on out!
(She tosses her Pokeball up and Sylveon emerges
from it.)
Sylveon: Sylveon!
Serena: Sylveon, I want you to use Swift on this
tree here.
(She nods her head, jumps into the air, swishes its
tail and releases multiple yellow stars with golden
sparkles around them at a tree, hitting it.)
Serena: Excellent job, Sylveon!
Sylveon: Sylv.
(Now, we pan over to Dawn & Piplup.)
Dawn: All right, Piplup, use Hydro Pump!
Piplup: Pip-lup!
(He opens his beak, glows light blue on the inside
and fires a powerful stream of water with white
rings of water around it at the tree, landing a
strong hit on its trunk.)
Dawn: That was terrific!
Piplup (happily): Piplup, Piplup!

(All four of them continue training. Montage ends

with them finishing up on one last session.)
Ash: Okay, I think thats enough. Pikachu, you
were amazing!
Pikachu (appreciatively): Pika.
(Now, we look over to the other three.)
Dawn: Theyre really getting better
Serena: Yeah, they sure are.
(Just then, Pikachus stomach grumbles.)
Pikachu: Pika.
Ash: Okay, buddy. Lets go get some dinner.
(They pick up their bags & resume on down the
path. Dissolve to moments later, they arrive at the
Pokemon Center. Upon entering, they go up to the
front desk where nurse Joy awaits them.)
Joy: Hey, guys. How are you all doing?
Iris: Were doing great, Nurse Joy.
Joy: Thats nice. Let me guess, you want to heal up
your Pokemon?
(They all nod their heads.)
Joy: All right, no problem.
(They hand her their PokeBalls, and she put them
all on trays and carries them away. The four head

over to the buffet, where they each grab a plate &

tray. They each get some Tartiflette with sweet
potatoes, poulet au vinaigre, creamy burrito
casserole, tortilla pizza, and some bonet, turron
and chocolate cake. Now, they head over to a
booth, where they place their trays on the table
and sit down in their seats. Now, they get out cans
of Pokemon food, pour them in small bowls and
place them on the table. They all commence
All (happily & contended): Mmm.
Pikachu (happily & contended): Chu.
Axew (happily & contended): Axew.
Piplup (happily & contended): Pip.
Ash: Oh, this is really delicious
Dawn (concurring): You said it, Ash.
Iris: How much longer before we go & see the
(Ash looks out the window and sees the Suns
slowly starting to go down.)
Ash: Not much longer, Iris.
Iris: Ahh, good.
(They continue on eating. Diagonal wipe to four
minutes later, where they finish up their meal &

are taking their trays & plates up to the cleaning

station. Just as theyre about to head back to their
booth, they stop & take notice of a trainer named
Phil, who is watching a video about the Kalos Elite
Four on his laptop. He has long, spikey blue hair,
indigo eyes, and is wearing a dark pink t-shirt, blue
jean shorts and sneakers. He pauses the video
and takes notice of the quartet.)
Phil: Uh, yes can I help you?
Ash: Yeah. What kind of Elite Four video are you
watching there?
Phil: Oh, its about each of their unique battling &
training styles.
Ash: Thats pretty cool.
Phil: Mmm-hmm. My names Phil, by the way.
Ash: Its nice to meet you. Im Ash and this is
Pikachu: Pi-Pikachu.
Serena: Im Serena.
Iris: Im Iris, and this is Axew.
Axew: Axew.
Dawn: And Im Dawn. This is Piplup.
Piplup: Pip-lup.
(Phil shakes each of the Pokmons hands.)

Iris: So, how long have you been watching them?

Phil: For about four weeks now. Ive been using
them to help me create my own training style.
Iris: Oh, thats good.
Phil: Yeah. I could show you later on.
Serena: All right, sure.
(He starts to play the video again, but then, a popup ad appears, claiming to offer a free video chat
with one member of the elite four. Phil raises an
Phil (suspiciously): Hmm.
Dawn: What is it?
Phil: Its an offer to talk with one member of the
Kalos Elite Four. Its pretty tempting, but theres
something about it that feels too good to be true.
(They look at the ad.)
Dawn: Ahh, I see.
Phil: Yep. Ive seen many online scams before, but
with this one, I cant tell if its for real or not.
Dawn: Well, lets see if Diana can help you out with
(She goes into her backpack, pulls out the
Pokepilot, turns it on, presses a button and speed
dials Diana, who is writing a screenplay.)

Diana: Hey, there guys. How are you all doing?

Dawn: Were just great, Diana. What script are you
working on there?
Diana: Its for an animated feature were going to
be working on. Its about two sisters that have
grown apart. One of them has a secret that
accidentally gets revealed during a gathering and
she runs out of her home. So now the other one
has to go find her & try to rekindle their
Iris: Ahh, that sounds good.
Diana: It will be. So, what are you guys up to?
Serena: We just met this guy named Phil whos
watching videos about the Elite Four.
Diana: That sounds great. What else?
Ash: Right now, he just got an offer to video chat
with chat with them, but he isnt sure if its real or
not, so do you know any he can figure that out?
Diana: Sure I can. In order to get a better idea of
how to handle this, you need to know a little bit of
internet safety, and to start that off, the first thing
to know is that if a stranger is asking you for your
personal information, dont tell them anything.
They could use it to hack your accounts or do harm
to you.

Dawn: Ahh, thats a good tip. What else can be

Diana: Another way is to be careful with phishers.
Basically, theyre e-mails claiming that theyre from
highly-rated websites and theyll ask you for your
personal information. To avoid them, its pretty
simple: dont share your email address with anyone
except people you trust.
Serena: Okay, thats another helpful one.
Diana: Oh, thats not all. A very helpful way is to
have multiple email accounts. This not only gives
you some official & non-official addresses, but itll
also help cut down on spam & privacy issues.
Phil: Okay, sounds good. What else?
Diana: Dont try to meet with certain people you
meet online, as some of them may be lying about
certain information about themselves & try to scam
or harm you.
Iris: Okay, now what?
Diana: Watch out for any online scams. You may be
already doing this, but always avoid any links with
addresses that dont look like real ones or have a
lot of letters and characters in them & look like
gibberish. Oh, and they also tend to sound too
good to be true.

Ash: All right, anything else?

Diana: Look for any cyberbullying warnings. As you
may already know, they try to emotionally hurt
people, so if you come across one or they approach
you, dont let their talks get to you & just ignore
Phil: Those are some very helpful tips there.
Diana: In the right context, they can be, which is
why Im going to show you guys something.
Iris: All right, Diana.
Axew: Axew.
(Pan down to a lower panel, displaying three
people doing various online activities.)
Diana: Are you guys ready to go?
Serena: Sure thing.
Diana: Okay, then. This guy, Forrest, has received
a comment on his post in a coordinator message
claiming that shes an expert coordinator that
theyd like to meet him in person and talk about
contest moves. What do you think he should do
Ash: He shouldnt go & meet her, as it sounds like a

Diana: All right, then Ash. Now, this other boy,

Buster, has been getting e-mails stating that he is
a pathetic trainer and that he should just quit his
Iris: Dont let those what those messages say get
to him & just ignore them.
Diana: Here, this girl, Kimberly, is signing up to a
new website that talks about Pokemon breeding.
How do you think she can avoid getting any
privacy issues?
Phil: Have several accounts set up for herself.
Diana: All right, then Phil. You guys did really well.
Dawn: Thanks, Diana.
Piplup: Piplup.
Diana: No problem, Dawn. Well, I better get back
to work on this script. See you later, and nice to
have met you, Phil.
Phil: Thanks, Diana. Same to you.
(Dawn turns the Pokepilot off and puts it back in
her backpack. Now, Phil clicks to accept and is sent
to the sign-up page.)
Phil: Looking good so far.
(He puts in his name and e-mail address. Now, he
goes over to the next page and sees that its

asking a lot of questions about his personal life and

more information about himself.)
Phil (figuring it out): Ahh, well then forget about it.
(He tries to leave the page, but a pop-up box
comes up, saying if hes sure he wants to leave.)
Phil: Yes, Im sure.
(He hits Yes and exits off the page.)
Serena: Good for you, Phil.
Phil: Well, thanks Serena.
(Just then, they hear the chime.)
Serena: Oh, excuse us for a minute, Phil.
Phil: Okay, then.
(They head up to the front desk, where Nurse Joy is
waiting with their Pokemon on the trays.)
Joy: All of your Pokemon are now fighting fit &
ready to go.
Serena: Thanks a lot, Nurse Joy.
Joy: Hey, it was no trouble at all.
(Now, they go back over to Phil.)
Phil: So, you guys ready to see how I do my
Ash: You bet.

(He shuts down his laptop & closes it up, puts it in

his backpack and they all depart from the
Pokemon Center. Now, they come to the town
square. Phil takes two PokeBalls off his belt.)
Phil: Go!
(He tosses them up and a female Meowstic and a
female Audino emerge from them.)
Phil: Okay. Meowstic, use Energy Ball!
(She puts her hands together and a light green orb
of energy forms in between them. Now, she fires
them into the air and does the same thing several
more times.)
Phil: Now, Audino, use Thunderbolt!
Audino: Audi! Aaaaauuuu-di!
(Her body becomes surrounded in yellow electricity
& fires a powerful bolt at the orbs, knocking out
each one as they get hit.)
Phil: Excellent job! Now, use Shadow Ball!
(She puts her hands together and forms a ball of
black & purple energy with black static around it
and fires it, as well as several more of them in a
single row.)
Phil: All right, Meowstic, use Iron Tail!

(She leaps up into the air and her tail becomes

surrounded in white sparkles and then in a white
outline. Now, it turns into iron and hits all the balls
in multiple directions and they explode like
fireworks. The four applaud them.)
Iris (complementing): That was amazing, Phil.
Phil: Why, thank you. There are a few moves were
still working on, but theyre coming along great.
Ash: Thats good to hear.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Dawn: Say, guys, how about we do another round
of what we did earlier?
Ash: Sure thing, but lets see if the viewers want to
do it.
Iris: Okay, then. (She turns over to the audience.)
Hey, you guys up for doing this? (She casually
waits for an answer from the audience for one
second.) All right, then.
Phil (inquisitively): I take it you guys do this often.
Serena: Yeah, we do. Its pretty silly, but theyre
really good at around this point.
Phil: Ahh, got you then.
(Dissolve to three more situations involving people
being on the internet.)

Serena (V.O.): All right, lets do it. This guy, Louis,

wants to avoid getting phishing e-mails from
certain users. How do you think he can do this?
(She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one second.) By not sharing his web
address with anyone. Okay, then.
Dawn (V.O.): Here, this girl, Debra, is being asked
by someone to share her personal information with
them. What do you think she should do here?
(She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one second.) Not give it to him. Sure,
why not.
Ash (V.O.): Finally, another girl, Dorothea, has been
given an offer to win one million free PokeBalls.
How can she check to see if its a scam or not?
(He casually waits for an answer from the audience
for one second.) Check the address and see if its
real or not. All right.
(Cross fade back to the gang and Serena casually
speaks to the audience.)
Serena (casually): You guys did that.
(Ash looks over at the Sun, as its gone down more
than earlier.)
Ash: Oh, its time, guys. Lets get going.
Others: Okay.

(They start up north of the city. Moments later,

they come to the spot where the sundial and the
giant pink crystal looms over them.)
Iris & Dawn (impressed): Wow!
Iris: That is one big crystal.
Dawn: Yeah, and the Sundial looks cool. (She turns
over to Ash.) So, what happens from here?
Ash: Just watch & youll see.
(As the sun continues to set, the Sunlight shines
through a hole in the crystal and it hits the orb in
the center of the Sundial. As it does, the rings in it
start to slowly rise up & down around the orb.)
Dawn & Iris (in awestruck): Whoa!
Piplup (in awestruck): Pip-lup!
Axew (in awestruck): Ax-ew!
Dawn: Thats beautiful.
Ash (concurring): It sure is.
(They continue watching few a few moments as
the rings go on & start to get faster.)
Serena (offering): Say, Ash, how would like me to
teach you to dance better?
(Ash thinks about it for a brief moment.)
Ash: Okay, sure.

Serena: Oh, great. (She looks over to the other

three.) You want to learn it too?
(They all nod their head as if to say, yes. Now,
she takes out the Pokepilot from her bag, turns it
on, goes through some music selection, picks out
tango music and starts playing it. She places it on
a bench.)
Serena: Try to feel the rhythm of the music first.
Ash: All right.
(He listens to the music for a few moments, and
then starts to get a small sense of the beat.)
Ash: Yeah, Im getting it now.
Serena: Good. Next, you have to do the embrace.
(She comes closer to Ash. Now, she raises her left
hand and wraps her right arm around him and
places her hand on the center of his back.)
Serena: Do the opposite of what I did.
Ash: Um, okay.
(He raises his right hand and wraps his left arm
around Serena and places his hand on the center
of her back.)
Serena: Very good. Now, try to keep your head up
high, your back straight and have your chest lifted.
Ash (comprehending): Ahh, all right. Whats next?

Serena: This.
(She steps back from him and shows the basic
step. First, she moves forward with her left, then
with her right, then her left again and moves to the
right with her right foot. Now, she keeps both feet
separated while moving her left leg to meet her
right one.)
Ash: All right, I think I know what to do.
(He moves backwards with his right foot first, then
with his left one, then with his right again, and
then moves to the left with his left foot. Now he
keeps his feet separated while moving his right leg
to meet with his left.)
Serena: You got it! Thats what youre supposed to
Ash: Thanks, Serena. Now what?
Serena: All thats left is you find a partner to do it
Ash: All right, and I already know who its going to
(He extends his hand out to her.)
Serena (surprised): Oh, okay then.
(They start dancing the tango together. The others
join in, and they all dance around the area.
Dissolve to fifteen minutes later, where theyre

sitting at the benches, watching the rest of the

Sunset. The clouds are in a deep orange-red color,
the golden aura of the Sun radiates through the
sky and the waters calm and glistens in the light.)
Ash (relaxed): Doesnt it look beautiful?
Iris: Yeah. You dont see one like this too often.
Dawn: So, Phil, what are you plans for tomorrow?
Phil: I think Ill head out to the forest and do more
training, and probably catch some Pokemon.
Dawn: Ahh, thats good.
Ash: Serena, thanks for teaching that dance. It was
really fun.
Serena: Youre welcome, Ash.
(He gives a friendly hug and pats her on the
shoulder. Now, they turn over to the audience.)
All (casually): Thank you, guys.
Pikachu (casually): Pika.
Piplup (casually): Piplup.
Axew (casually): Axew.
(Dissolve to moments later, where theyre still
watching the Sunset.)
Dawn: That was a good episode. Did you guys
enjoy it? (She casually waits for an answer from

the audience for one second.) Oh, okay. Well see

you later, then.
(They casually wave goodbye to the viewers, and
they resume watching on. Now, we pan up to see
the rest of the Sunset, and we fade to black,
ending the episode.)

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