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Professional Memberships

Nicole Cory

Ferris State University

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Every nurse should seek membership to a professional nursing organization. Belonging to such

organizations presents nurses with the ability to be involved a higher level. Professional

organizations represent nurses politically and tackle issues from a nursing standpoint that one

could not address as an individual. The American Nursing Association is a professional

organization that works to set policies and standards and acts as an advocate for nurses.
Professional Membership 3
Professional Organization Membership

Professional organizations play a vital role for nurses. These organizations represent

nurses on many important issues. Organizations have the power to tackle issues by representing

large numbers of nurses who hold the same position on the issue. These organizations also

provide resources for continuing education, networking, and career development.

The American Nurses Association plays critical a role for nurses throughout the United

States. This organization works to, “develop policies, set standards, advocate in government and

private settings, provide education, maintain the Code of Ethics for Nurses and shape the future

of the profession” (Importance, 2010).

It is crucial for nurses to display as a unified front on important issues. Currently the

Michigan Nurses Association is discussing topics such as nurse to patient ratios, handwashing

practices, and patient safety (MNA, 2010).

The cost of membership to the Michigan Nurses Association is $75.00 and this fee is paid

yearly. The membership comes with a subscription to a weekly e-newsletter called Nurseline

and a monthly magazine titled Michigan Nurse. These publications are aimed at keeping nurses

up-to-date on the latest statewide and national issues and trends that impact you as a registered

nurse (MNA, 2010).

Another benefit of membership is the contacts one can make. Through one of these

organizations a nurses can network with other nurses. New opportunities could arise when

making this type of acquaintance. The MNA also provides opportunities for continuing

education for a nominal fee on their website (MNA, 2010).

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The MNA also provides information regarding political and government regulations.

There is information available on the MNA website regarding several issues such as the

healthcare reform, H1N1 information, and the nursing shortage (MNA, 2010).

Professional organizations play a vital role for nurses. There are many to choose from

and several that are formed with specialties in mind. The ANA and MNA are organizations that

I will be considering joining. Belonging to an organization provides you with opportunities to

grow and learn from other nurses. It is important to be as involved as possible in the nursing

profession so that the right people are making the decisions and impacting healthcare.
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The Importance of Belonging to Your Professional Organization. (n.d.). American Nurses

Association. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from Especi


MNA News (2010). Michigan Nurses Association. Retrieved from


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