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JEII0, 1\ll'S \VI'l'NESSES .1\- SSE:\IBLY


{Hehl at St. Loui<,


111<: g1cnt0Rt (onwntion of all rerord

ha8 now hl'C'<>llW a mnttE>r of hi,ton.
XPver lwfort were <O 111am- C'hristiiuis
us1'111hlE>d n>< nt the Tl1rotrnhc AsHrmbly
of Jehwnh'' \'\'itn1sses lwld al St. Lon iR,
.Ang11sl r;.10, 1!l 1-1. On Hw last clav of the
convN1tio11 th<' aff Pnrl:mc<> ri,;ched n
pea1, o l' 11 ;.,ooo p4' 1>ir!'~. who endured
heat anti d~sl to lwnr two of the most
powerful mcsfiages from .Jel1ovah ev<>r
clelinrt<'d to men. or this .!;"reat audienre
1fl,000 \yp10whildrrn, whose smi lin; farcs
and d1hring; applau"" lwtoke11cd their
,joyful reecplim1 ot' .r ndg1 Ruthetford's
djmactic lP<turP, "CHJLI>REN ov T1rn
Krxi:." .\( it~ ton<ln~ion thPre was a cl(llightfnl "111v1i-e [or thcc 1;,,ooo ee"tatic
youngshr~ ! J-.:a<h r<'tei 1-c1l a eopy of the
lilnP-:md-g<>l<l liook, Clii/rlr<'11. U8 a lo'.ldy
gift frmn it' nnthnr Tudi_:e Rutherford.
Tltc (hil1lrl'1t wcw thP iirst to rc1ei,c this
SJ>arklin~ nc'' Yolntn<\ llf'\..~I even seen
1111iil ifo r0J,.a,~ on thi~ orrasion. i\s little
hand~ dntd1ed this t1PHl11' to their
lwarls, mm1y were the n>iN'' that w~re
ehoked and the eyes that W<'l'e wet~
'l'lus wa "ChildrC>n'< lluy'', sli;Hcd hy

a hnndr~d thonsaml paluts nm! friends!

'l'ho<e of ttK who sa\\ tlw si;dlt of them
will nl'ver fon!et it. Bv twos thev eume


iJ1 ordNly J>TOl'E'H,ion,' the r-Joor

:\ rl'na emptyin~ first. some to the si,Jrs,
some. to thr renr, ~omc lo the ba<'k or ~r
platfo1n1- ~rent arn1ie:-:. oi fnthu~iasn1
marchini; olwdicntly to the prnp~r;
anJ on the \Yay out re<Pivin~<atl n <~fJllY
of Childn:n. Boy:< and girls, thPir np:es'
rnnglld from flyp to eil'(ht~Pn; most \\rrc
whil ~ Amcri<'ans, !Jut every ruC<' and
state wa" rt>prc>~<nted. 'l'fir rlnthcs and
cf'eportnwnt imlitalrtl <;;odfy re,uinl(. Rut
uo parents were> in the> <E>ntPr an<l ~idc~
of 'l'he .\rPna to gnid< lhe11) : for thi~ bnd


U.8.A., 1\11gnst 6-10, 1911)

been re~erwd exrlniwly for this young
tontingent of the 'hildren of the King.
On and out !fwy 11 P11t 11:.ni11:t he new
hook. 1'0m~ pa,<id the h1J1,, <d "11\hor,
gi-cetiug hi tu with smil<'s ancl thanks;
aH<I the lines sceuwd inter1uinalik; applause burst out lwrn aml there t'rnm
little groups, yotmi?; 'oireR honhrl
.. Thanks for the noo1:. <',fr. Th~t' wns
n(I confusion nor nndpt noi~c, \\ hl~li '.\as
r('markahl<" in (1 11 mf.'li(rnq ol' hildrP11
whirh nloml wonl<I ;1h11o"t l1an fi llt-d
1\ladi~ou ::iqtui ,.,, \.m-.l<n. Parent' 1::1iterl
happily al 'lJ'floinl ,l Jl:1cC>1< f(li the
youn-~tert' so faYor .} ' h\

Ki.Jig. That

f"11ri:-t. t1H~


\\;ll 11'-I' i 11 th<' m..inory

of eow1tk~;; thou:tn1k It \\ '" a <la 1 ll1c
Lo'id h!J:d 111at!P to tnin:.: juy b> lh1 h~u rts
of Tl;,, j)yplc !
~'hi~ w:-is tlie climax of ; rn"it h" .. r pr<'pnratiOl1. It \\fl:-- a Right to liP fr,1 ('\'Pl'
~l'f\\'<'ll or1 t11e tl\('oHJn' ~ 11.,0 f'\ fr .' \(o~t

of those

who witnc"~d l11al ,j,:lii will

Jive forc'\~r in thP ~in~tlo111. ;.11,d they
will forewr 11rni"'' the ,\l111i:J1ty Go.J,
who was pl<asc>d to enliirlitl'l1 :i 11d instrnd tl1l>m hy, am<>ng- ot wr ""'ll'" t hP
11001< Claldre11, tlt,ii:nl'd for clildrtn m:<l
adult:; as \n.ll, to a>XisW he11 ln l."rdlnw
th<' Lorcrs way. :mil h<;11~c tl11 nnl1 way
to Iii'<'. Tl is saitl in sitnpl<' t r1nl t '1at this
dny will liY(' rorCY('I' in the JL1iJ11[~ of

Children the Outstanding Feature

'!'hen ha"'' hc~u housumls pf dtiltlren
at 01tli<'r \\'.\T(;,I "1'1>11ett a8<E>mhlit'8, lmt
lleYCl' bdurc were l;>.000, "ho hat! hePn
1mYi11nsfy ngist('rPd, seated E>11tirely hy
them8clve~ in t he main P'"tion of one or
Mrth's g-rente~t amlitori11mR: .Ncv1r before wPrP mor(' thnn l,:JOO t:hildreu im
mcrAc'(I at one Jime. :\Pvt>r before was
Nuh child gileu u new hook (here the

--- -


Publlahed by \.Vatchtower Dlb1.e .-nd Tract Society, lno .. 117 Adam:; St. , Brooklyn, N . Y.
Pd~ted In t'1c 1.lnit<:d Sta.les of Amtl"lc.;1, October~ 1941. 5c .



hook C:hildr~11)-a "'"me 1111iq1w i11 nil

hi:;toiy. An ;11ti~t dP~nilJed it tJ1 u"'
Tt ;, J11'<'llJ hanl to explain ,just how ii. feels
to come 11po11 1:1.(100 chilJl'Cll s11J young men
and \\O?li.f'U aJI si! lin; in on<' piaee, cxpcttnnt,

orderly. ;.111d 1atliatiu{! 1hat iut cnsc int~rl''il

and vitnlily <l1<Ha~hr istic of .\ outh. ()ne 1ni~ht
Sa_r tha1 thr \\"Ol'd "('~l<\ l 0TI1i11 g: \liCIUld d<>s<1ih<~
the ::t<'f!rl(', 0-1 "f~1~<'inating", ol' "hcaulH"111"', 01

''fov<'ly", oi hea.11enin~ly cxnh(rant'' : J,111

"o rds al'C! \'r('ak. in J his instanrl'. J)rC'.s:-:.,d in
thcii eolotfnJ ~ Jlllllt.. 1 apparel, 1he cnti1e
...-\ rcna looJ.:cd like n 1!1n' et hc<l-c,c-n n)orc
cldi~lingJy rolol'ful tliun any llowcr l>txl-a
Ho\) et beil tJ1:i! :qin1illah"<I ;_11ul vihr;1Ltd w)l
ffiQVClf)(>UI an fl t'OJISI ant \" i I ;1 lity.




hautlso1nc figntf in grn~

lil<1tt'ortu, a1'tl a t unrc

l<llfs 1lu.rn tht',V "hall tac-11 have :t <'01>.Y frcc

1hen nlt l 1lu rt' .
.-\n<l 'vht11 tluy al1 shont<'d ".\y~" lo I he
1Haus 'Illl'Slion. it


sornC'lhing' tlnilling (O

hctll'. a1t1l t'OH!->iu~ to th<' spirit.

'''l1c11 thty tik<I 1o 111<' platfortn lo r<'<'<'ivc
Iheir hook. I hC' tall m;111 in g1c1y.gre('n i,~ <:OnlplC'l<.'ly surronn<led by .von1h fton1 :> to 18
.YC<.ll'S or ~lg'(' and yon l'eC'O!llliZC at fJllCc !hat
tlu~y hlong to caeh o1ht1, i1nd JOU don't k no\\'
'rhifh is llll n1o:st nppcaling-- J)u_
clttp-ft>lt. joy
of the Ulan. \rl1itl1 is ~tiikiu~l.Y :tP[Hll'f'nt in
his voic:<: whl'n he speaks. 01 lhe cnlhusiaslic
l"('sl'M)ll~t of tl1c childl'en . \s I he SC'<l1s C'mpty
iu an Ol'd~rlv llJiUllH't' you \\'ondC't' 11t the ('ni Ire .,.<:~tH, 1l;e flo\Y<'l" h;<l lu1s c>onu1 to Jif~ ~ind
~i11 is ntO\"('lfl('llt ;ind <'OIOt'

~rtc11 :-:tc)l-" upon ll1<.~

lhe \\:holl.! ,.J.\ l'eJl:.l HS OliC <:llild-~i\"f'S fo.-1h ll

a1 tl olapit.hands :m,0(11) lwn<l,-a11d it
is ai:: 1ho\1~h Lhe tnliJ'e pl~1ec \VCl'~ :ln elcrttie
st-01n1 or ff'; rlnc">S~ .;111<1 ht-iJttftlt 'l'eetin:..,"S. 1'he
t.nlffig-Uj<' L... ~Jud!,!f' HutlHrfortl. 1Jt> \Yavts \Vith
hi' J1il1l<lk.l:lj!;hkf anti 1 ha rids ""'"' ha"k
t:: 1 1!1 t Ui .' 111 ., ~ith; u1lll ho~.s, ru.o kl('n~ an1 I


you1)1K aru.l ." n :-;cni-:c at onre that thc.Tc is

l (111<l of fello,p.;hip het,vcl'n these
.1iu111g10Jk 3u<Ji llw man Oll lhc pl;itform whose
.a: ::o.LCllt'i '*' b<! uo oldc-1 thnri his :Htdienec.-.
l ' rt:-.(u1lr :hr s lir arH.1 g 1e-~ti 11g subsid(}s and
t1J1 t\lll'-l' l l

in a ~" n1in11 rs th<' n1an hc.gins to 1alk; and

if th~ p l;h e \\"H:s- or<l('L'I). b<' l'orl~, ii is <JUiPt ns
j)Cac~jt~f DO\\" ti!f :~ll p1csent. ~i vc cager and
rii)>t aA,1 cnfion to what is !icing '<ltd.
Thls mdie11ec is vit.111.1 alive to all 1hat is
$llicl nncl needs no ptornpting 10 lau;rh or <lap
}1au<l.$ of ap}Jrov:ll as tl1e <ast' d l'rn:inds, <..fp.
noli11g an a.'"arer1t~ I hat h; <Una.zing <~Yen t o
oue who wonlcl cxpoot i t to be so. 'J'hcy quickly
grasp the fcno1 61' the t:i lk and cngct'iy accept that which is ol'fncrl to thom. 8(11nni11g
the crowd, arching thd1 faces, only"IT heart
of stone would nN he moved ut the,i ~pcetaele
of youth seeking righteousness 1md facing 1he:
world 1md its horrors with eomplcl.e trust and
faith in tht>ir .Jc!1oval1 r.od. And thoui(h the"<'ch i~ov<r an hour in l<'n:;t1lt 1 no imp;1tirnr.._~
or \veurin<~ss. is ohstrv;1 hie-. s-1 ,.<' in f he youngest and only :L fp\v of thtn1-and th.,,-ise nll
eoine lo g1eHler ~111imation \vhcn the nutu on
the 1llli.torm prewnts the book Childrci. and


Ilnt no"r the 1nan has goon~. and you still

look on-nnd Hrc sutp1i~f'<l to note that the
15.000 <'hilcl1'Cn ar~ on 111< hlond si1lc-brown
hair, .r<~l hnr IHti 1. lig:hl-hto\rn heads-only a
''c,:y fc,v t'tally h ln"!' c11H:. and you don't fl Hite
undc-rstnnct \\'hy 1hi"> is so 1 but it i!). 1\nd you
eornc a'vay f('eliu~ J'('ftC'shed ;:1s 1hou~h yon
had $1t"'t'll .%1ncthiu:.{ cxct.<tdit1gly r;uc in this
C\'il tlay ~or~ltthittg: h.:.111 anrl honcst nnti
pure-; so1ncthing- uuforgttt.ublt-a p ro1n isc of
tliat S\VCelness and J1ar1nouy \vhiC!h 'vill be in
God's kingdom .




<J) i'hildren OU Arl>na, boxes and firel balron)'. 11 .. "Ch.Hdrt-u's tiay.
4:?) A'A adult-" t:<i!W t.he childrt'n march out ordt'rly to re~ive a "gracious gltt".


Tiie Children S cene at A rena Ret old

Ouc writer sec::; a thiHg one way, a nd
a nothe r a nother, yet hoth are right. The
Scriptures th em~Plveg r ecognize this
principle in t he eon clative writ ings or

Matthew, ~lark, Luke a nd ,John and in

the writings of all !he prophets. Hence,
those who lmve e n joy e<l the ro regoing by

the pen of tlie a r tii<t will al~o enjoy the

foll owi ng stor y which comes lhrou;h the
kind offices of a urnch appre1is1tcd witn ess liviug t lnc.e tlwu"nnd miles away
from t he one Inst namNl:
~\ngust 10 \\'Us s<I al-1'.iciC': t1s '' ( ~hildren's
Day". Wha t look place at The ,\rr-na at 11 : 00
a.m. to

p.m. is ha 1<l to dt.,;cril>c in

12~ 30

\vords ; 1nan.r eyes \Vt>rt' fillf'd \\.-ith ten 1s of

joy-joy I.ha t coul <l n ot he con tuincd, and an

hour whil'h will never he roigottcn.

P icture h<foro ~ou The 1\1-euu, \vld<"h seats
some 2i).000, und all 11w !(round sea ls, a nd
ha lf of a ll the sMts o n the sidcs-15,000fill~ wil Ii <h il<l"'", 5 to 18 years of age !
:l\e,er h a,c we seen Ruch a l><'atttiful ~i!:iht,
'vho ;ire on thPir \\':JY it1 Lo the l< ingdont Hnd
J>l'Ospcctive children o f lh1 Kini.r.
'l'rcnln1lous ilpplausc \'r'hc:'n the lhn i1n1an
sa i<l, "Tbis is 'Children's Day' at the T!wo

CJa tie convention of Jchovnh's ,\itnesst:s at

.St. Louis, Missomi. The total nttci1dan<c

yest.relay (0th] was lOfJ,000 lgorcat applause I.

and today it is mueh more." (}lore appln nse)
J udge R ut her ford was int 1ucht<'<'d, all<l ~a,o
the most thrilliuiz t alk cv<'L' i:iven, and under
circumsbllH~e.i.; nc,er h<rorc scC'n-''Chi ltlr<'n
of 1lhe J( ing.,- irnpossibl<' to eonve~1 in \\ords
t he re<'eption o( th;s mc""agc by the thonmuls
of children an,] also a ll on th" ~1011 11cls-nt
least twelve timts T lw Arenn nncl other build-

ings icsonndcd ,\ith joy an<JJlpplausc. _.t'\.~uiu

the SJ>takcr icfcrrcJ to tlil retnm of the
p rop he ts an cl how all these bo,\'s mul <:i r ls
should follow their advit'' .\ftcr oonehtdin~
his talk he 'aid lo th <'11 il clrcn : ",\lJ of you
'"ho liavc a~1c<'c1 to do the \\.ill ot <lod <llhl
luivc taken your stand 011 1hr ~idt> of 'l'hc



havp .ag-1cc<1 to ohC'y tl-od

Hi.8 l{ing, s1A~O


It \Vas u h<'nrt.thrilling,
j oyful s il<(ht lo see lo,000 <'hil<lrcn riS<: u p as
one 1u:ut htl'otC' ,Jl~hovuh; :1nd \\hat a1>pl:iu~
fill!'<! T he c\1cnu ! Theil bi~ h1other on the

platform shotttl'd: "Behold, more th:in 15,000

witness.s l.o 1lw J\ ing !" (Long applause)
Aga in he sa id : ",\J I of yon that will do what





..:i.yc r Th-()l a

thunder of ",\ y e" from 15.00U d1Ud1e11 on

thcil' feet (au<l mo1e npplauso) . .\ l!ain he
asked : 'If you hac1 au insl ru ni<'nt in your
h:mcl which you ould nsc to the honor of
t..l<'hO\"'ah's non1c, "'Oll ld y ou ht! c1ili~Pnt to use

it l" "Yes!'' came like the sound o f ma ny

waters. (.\rnl rnme thu n<lc1011s <1pplnuse from
100,000) 'l'lwn ho aid to the cltiJ<l,.en, "Be
s<:llecl, and I will tel l you nhout thal int tuntC'nt," tin.d i1nnH<linttll.Y hl'1<l up onr of the
most beautiful books"'"' '' p ri ntod. un cl he then
shoul<'d '"ilh joT: "The name of the book is
cnn..nRr:~~." ( ..\nd \vhut a 1rcnun<lo11s upplausc ensued') Then he said tli;tl as n p;raciou.< 1-(ift fmm lht 1-:wh of the children
would 1cecil't'. ft1c, one of Ihc't' books! (,\nd
i1nagiue, if ~on ean , the joy uud l'lur'lling oi
15,0rJO who arr matehinl-( into lh" I<in!(<lom !)
Tlitln \Ve \VitncsseU u mos1 hrautifnl si~h t,
tlH plut l"orm \\cilS so <'onsl l'll<'tcd that j t bas
t'\'O s lni 1'\\'nys i 11 fl-OUt Of it, one ('OIH ing Up OU
cnf'h sicl<'- pulrns a<l~1u the platfomt. ~! any
eliildten hOVl' hten \\'<\Ill irtg to s~c .Judg<'
Rutherfol'd :.1t elos( rang<', and hf! hin1sflf
e\ i<lt'n tly \\an1Pd lo -:pc sornf' of thc1n. Thcl'efnr'f the n<ho1'< were in,tructcu to dirert the
chil<heu up the steps fro111 l>0tli sitll's, have
thenl :lt th(ir hook:-:, Hrul paR-; on do,vn the
steps in hack 11f th~ plalforrn: and \Vh ile their
bjg l>1othcr \\Tns hnppil,v looking ou, the':>e <-'on..
socn1t od eh ildr"n who shall soon be tlrn real

\\'orkrl''S unrlt'l' 1he dit'('(tiou of thr "princ<'s",

DnnitI :m<l othets. and will fulfill the d ivine
n1nllllt1t e lo 1nultiply arnl fill the r1th , in their
thousnds. \\'t'I'<' f,!Oing up lhl' steps an\ i<lsl the
''p<1lms" (Rcl'clntio11 i: 0) whil< lh<' orchestra
plnyetl sorrH soug~ of joy, ;111d provided a
pictu1e of thf' 1..~ntru ncr of th( .rgl'Cl.Ut n1ultit uclc" iu to I he "'e1fost iug Kingdom of Jc ho-

"ah Otxl.
The ~n111" 1niler, llfl<r i1nollwr l1ad
tll'a\\'n a ll<'lttion to thl' l'aC't that on the
first clay nloue 7,000 childron hacl heen
rp~.!isfpr.f'd, fn1litir 111:idr th( follo\vinf!'
~tattlll('ll t, wltil'h i" ubo of iut<'l'l'"t and


Tl1trt1 nre U\iilt)' thott'i.llltls or (l1ll1htn that
have hn1I tht prhile~e of l~omin!t to thi~ con\.'tution, und pah'nts an> lilu-c1 up b)' tht tbou~ud' nEri-11tin~ th,ms<'lvcs nud th<'ir <"hildrtn ~omtthin~ th;it hns 11C'VlI' O<cnrrl'-<l in
hh1101y sinrr the ronYcntion 1allcd hy King

ll11.1kinh in da;vs of ol<I, and ' """'"l<d for

on1 <'t11n l'oi-t. Thnt conwntiu11 wn ..all~d lo

clcuu ou t t<liJ.?:ion \vhi<.h had lh111 111loph<l by
"-\ hui. T1 \\11s an in1 port~1 nt (onv~nt ion-n t imc
of t'lfnrrn an4 l t'f'Or~ani1...<1tinn. To nutkf' that
eon\'trH iun a su('eess. lc>thN \\'tut frum the

hu11<l or th,. kin::r in\;tin~ th('lll to thnt ]}3~

O\'t.r ronvcnlion. It is \\Titt('ll, ~>me came.'
nnd mnny laughed the mf~...rntctr~ lo s~orn';
but ill s1i1l' of this OPJIO'."iti,111 "uauth P("'>ple"
eatuc 1u ,Jtrl1!'1Jl(~111, ('\"('fl ;is to this ~t. T.ouis
'l'ht'O<rnl ic- gaUurin!t- c1n {'Xrj111ing lnrgc"

ro11 \'''ll Iion.

Pl'io1 to the St. Loni; 1-1111hcl'inl(, letter
\Ytut fl'on .l('hovn h'~ or~anizn tion t'l1 II in.{ the
p<'oph, olcl and young and ('hild1tt1. nrul as in
old , '1\'t'll lti the l'\!~L"lllrin~ of nll the
litllc utus . . . their sons :u:ul clnughtrN.':? l'h,"1i1i1lt- :11: 14-J<;_
rill)"! 111

St. Louisans Generally Fair

'J"li c gnat andi<'nC1' whfrh hmrd the

w1111l1< of "" n~olation <'ontni1wd in the

kduro "C11 rr.nnF.X OF 'l'im I\ 1:-111", and
lntc;r rtt11mcd to tlwil' honw1< in 11 Parnvun of countl~~~ ca rs. 0 11 trul n und plan~,
to <':llTV th<' nwssa;e to otltf'I'' pr1st'nt~
jm;t nnr "rtion of the gr<at t\'<nt which
"11> t hi 'l'lworratk \"1mlih at l'{t.
1oolli~. ~\s it \\'US 3 i~Of\\'Urtl Ulf;\Tt~ in the
11drn11ct o( 'I'ht Thl'o<'l'<ll'~. it was to he
l'Xpt'<cl<I that l'lll'llly op1m"ilin11 wonlI he
wnnifrst. Na tanic oppc"ition ptl rlirularly n1utle it~el 1' fp]t through tlw religious
f.;t. Louis Chamhrr of C011111Hr<e and
Comtn l ion B nrcun.
Huch, how<'\'<'l', wrrt' va,tl~ i 11 the rni110 r it v. .\ i'l'W busine8s Ii nn>< u nd honscholtl1:,., lislt1ll'<l lo thl'it fal"' r1ports,
a111l "l'l'l' the lospr~. But :-;1. Lonisnns, for
th mo>I part, demonstra!t'<I tlt<ir love
for th .\nwrifan prinriph of fne wor~hij' 'l'o thtH the C'ffoHs of thl' prC"-S
ml! olli<i:lldom to h<'litt h this \'list a~
'1'111hlngt of those who lo\'f' .T1ho\'f1h and

stnd~ Hi:< \\'nr<l "'ncd only to r;<posc

snrh 11w111i1g 111111 to inspir<' morP frimllim. " for llis humhle Fernmt.-. Opposition to thl Loni always rt'homuls upon
the heads of thr opposerl'. It 1nt1 I~ sniil,
then, that ~\. LoniR, \\'ith tJ11 ff'W l'X
ceplions not<d, who were no doul1l inlhwnrecl hy "l"itllwr O' llooligun 'H" rrowtl,
g ree ted .Jtl11wah's witnes~es with OJl<'l1
ann~. Many wr l'r the lovin_g C'-Pl'l'"ions
of kin<lnl'"'<'' whirh will be ([tlfll<'<I JutN.
Month' uJ't1r pr~p111ation" hail l11'Pl1
under ll'U\', tlw lll:l\'or wired tlw Rrnok- ..4
lvn office
!ht' \\'.~TCUTOWt:R to a;k the

number of tlt>ltgutcs thnt wer<' <'XpNtc{J,

\'11cn lw wu wired buck that l:i,000 Wll><
the estimate, lw expr essf'<I a11rnic111~11t.
No dou lit liiH <'Y'8 were ove1wd whn thr.
ronvl'11lion lwgan, on \Vcdnl',dny, wilh
64,000 ; und had 105,000 hy Kat urdny,
and morn t han 11 :i,000 on Rnn1l:1y. !-({. 1j
Lo ui::< ha' H<'<'ll con\'entions a111l 1011\'l'll
tions, i1wliuling one of The Arneri<'llu I .e
gion, hut nothing that upprourhr>tl tliis
one cithcr in nnmhl'rs. in or<ll'rlint~. or
in value to tlw rity. The merchant" profited in whnl tlw l<'W:<Jl!lpcrs de>crilw<I n 8 "nistnnwr hlilz". ThP ho11s"11oldtrs r 41
who re1ilc1l roo111s or kept .frhmah">~ wit

nessc8 had as :ur, t s lovely ]l<'O]llt who

are rich iu lhe love of their l"nll1-r.
There wn, not n lo8cr amonl?: tho;t who
hull d ~ali11g:< with or had befri .. n<lt'<I II iR




.\$ till i11tl'tHltl<'tion to a furtlwr 1leSl'riptio11 nf <vents the progn1111 i~ here

r~p1odll<'l'<I :


n'ffincstlay, A11y-u.vl 6


3: 30 C'ntmntion A>.;emble.
3: ~5 C'hairrnnn' Welcome

H. C. Covi11gto11
PN,idv11I ,\<lclrt'S"e; 'l'ht'Ot"ratic
J. F. Jlutl1t.ifonl

,! : 00

5: 00

Con\ tn1 ion ..-\rti\ity An11om1<.>ed


T. ,J. Httllivnn


Satuiday. iltt9ust .9


7: 00


7: 30 :.lone and Regional Senanls' Duties

F . W. Fraitz
8: 30 Discourse
J. C. Booth


'l' Jrn J l':HOVA ll'S Wl1WESSE8 ASSE1J:BLY



9: 00 Assembly for T heocratic Activities

9 : 30 T o tbe Field

Thursday, A11911st 7

9: 00 Assembly for 'l'hcO<'ratic Activities

9 : 30 'l'o the Field

2: 30 Songs
3:00 Magazine Witnessing:
Hout cs
W. n. Akin
E. 1\. Flinn
4: 00 Disconrl;c
W. K. Jackson
C. , . . . l( n<>rnt'ytr
4:30 Discourse

1 :30 Son.~ and l)<la1:.1.t ions

2:00 Ad,ic<J for K ingdom Publishers
11. C. Covin1it.on
2:30 .\"sembly for Public ~Jecting
3: 00 ))isc-outsc
' Co:\1FOR1' .:'\Lt. 1'JL\T .:\IOUR~"

J. }'.Rutherford

7 , 00 Son!!'
7 , :m


W. P. Heath, Jr.



A. II. Mocrnilla.n


Sunday. i111uust JO

7:00 $ong-s aud f)telar;1 t ions

7: 30 7.onc X'scmbly and !ls Pu t'pose
'!' .T. Sullivan


and zone



in lht 1nnln nre 1u~ ln f 1ont of the spcaktra'


8 :30 Discourse

A. M. IIoJfman

l 1'ri(_lay. Augnsf 8



7 : 30

Di-;rouNC 'Baptism,,
I n1111t>1~iou

!J: 00
!): BO

J)is<OU l'SC'

10: (){)



l'ion<'<.'r llcquirc11Hnls
N . II. J\norr
(.AU piouee1~ n:-;Hc1nhh iu thi 111ni 11 aUilitoriu1n in frout of $1.pC<\kjrs' plat t'orin ancl
~ho\\. idPntift<'.lltiou l'al'd.:.. )

1hc l,ionccl-s


.r. F. Rutheifo1d
r. (jluqllnnn

'l'hrocratit ~('l'\.i((' ~l<'f'l ln::R. W. Ktn'7.m

:.\l. I\. <,)twkrnhnsh
J. R. Pierce
C. D. Quaekenb\L~h

8: 30 Discourse


~1~1s o t' .') a~td

1:5 :uul h:t\'ill:C

''('1JILJ)llJ~:-; OP

'fill-: f\JX i;''

,) . F. Hui hcr forc.I

I )<<'I a rat i<tlls
Thl. .\. 1lmdctt
"Your :\\\\. \\.ork'"
:\. n. Knon
"~o1\'ill!t 1hr 1'1oh!C'tn"
I'. \V. l'rauz
4:00 "\\'ll<'n l o B<"!?in"
<". ll. l le:;.-;lcr

3 : 00
3: !10

'I', .J.


.\. II. Th laem illan

.1. F. ll 11 I lw r fo1d

7 : 00 Songs


' THn i\ntliurgh

)[. ~l. Downie

i>C'al tiPkt-.. will a.-~-nlbll~ in th<'

111a in annn din11I,\ in fl'oul )f pli\tl"unn.)

4 : ~O



n. Friend


11 : bo




(All Philth"<'n of (on-.<11"'ltr1l p:u... nt<:. l'loe

2:30 ~Oil~
3:00 Pioneer's P Jncc in t.hc Org;anjzation
C:. Suiter

4: 00



{\\'f~ 1 1

9 : 00 A:"emhl:-- foi 'l'lwoc'ratie Aetiv il ies

9: 30 T o the Fid1l


A. Kershaw

7: ()() ~on gs nud f>c<-1._l rat ions

:\I. C. IlmIJ<)Ck
7 : 30 JJiscours<'
8: 00 ()is<onrse
S. II. 'l'ontjian
.). C. Tfainhow
8 :15 Discourse

Judge Rutherford, at ease and in action at The Arena



J udge Rutherford's Addresses

lt is seen th1tt the president was schcdnlNl to appear four limes. H11t the Lon!
is alwayR gPnerous bcyoud c:xpectation.
The bnthren and friends we1'e over:joyed
to hear five sp~ed1es, iu all near ly seven
hours, i"rom the head of the \V ATCR1'owrn, who has h<>en preaching "this
go~pel of the kingdoni'' for morn than
thirty-live yc!lrs. liis iutroduetor y speech
on Wednesday, entillctl "integrity",
sonndecl the keyuote of the convention;
on Friday his adrlrcss was "Greeting the
Pioneers''; both the Saturday lcdurc1
"Comfort All 'l'hat ~Iourn,'" and that of
Sunday, "Chiklrc11 of '1.'he King," "ere
ad\'Cl'tised iutcusivcly, especially by auton1obile hanners and i11vitutio11 Jea!lcts,
in >lll parts of St. Loui~. and the environs
for fo 1ty miles >trouod . There was one
more given, an imprnmptu adtlre~s of
farewell. A lthongh not reco l'rle<l us were
three of the other speeches, it will he remcrnbcrctl by the army of Jehovah's witnesses who wcrf> setting their faces for
the homeward trek. lt was h1 truth a battle ery delivernd to fellow warriors for
tbe King gtt>rnal.
l!:verv word betokened the enemies'
impendln:.: doom. Yet there was not a
harsh svllable utlerccl. The futile efforts
of the li:iernrehy were dMcrilled in pas~
ing, in good-humored deti~ion, as emanating from Father O'Hooligan", who
took ol'dPrs by 'long-distance telephone'
from \'ati<:nn City. The crowd roared us
the tall. <listinguiRlwd Missourian, hack
among l1is own 1wople. imitated ti<' Irish
brogue of "O'JlooligD11'' protesting in horro1 at the exposnl'o of C'>ttholic "purgatory" and other pet rackets. T he shock
of tetTor \v:ith which '"O'Hooligan" viewed
all the activities of Jchovnh's witnesses
was rPronnted in amusing Irish idiom.
'_jfost all the people of the Shamrock,
except those poisoned by religious prejudice, would have enjoyed it. They wonld
havt> seen the ridienlonR futility of trying to dcfeod falsehood by v iolence and
"shushing" such as employed by the Irish

"J'athcr", learned on ly in Romanism .

.Manr a11 O'Hi lcy, O'Sullivan, McGinty,
an<l Casey, liowever, will have a laugh at
tho clilrmmn or "()'Hooligan's" gang for
tlwir rnilure to 8top God's me~~agc by
hlaklisting and defaming His witnes:ses.
rhc Lord too is laughing at thelll.Psnlrn 2: 4.
The lhr~e ma in <li~NUrRcfi. "Jn tegrity ,"
"C'orn[o1t .\ll That :llourn,'' aml "Chi!
drrn of Tht> Kin:', n111y all hP had in
print. ,\s tl1e "O'l looligmi;; Dil0rnm11"
rernark::; wil l not appear in pnhlished
forn:i, a few cxc0q1h.arc sl"l <>Ill helow to
show its rolliekin!( irony. 'J'hc speaker,
Judge Hnlherforcl, was ncwrr in liner
form, hiR wit was lilrn a ru1>ir1 thrnst,
and hi~ good humor nevr1 rnffi1>d . 'l'he
p1ess which desc1ih0cl this lr<'tm'<' as
''vitriolie'' ~imply docs not n11<IPrRtand
tht! ~nglish language. 'rhey fail to di~
tinguish between ~afire a11d Nlllstic. Perhaps ror too Joni!: th!'ir perspectiv<' has
hecomedislorted hv adhcrmce to ''O'Hoolig~n's" orders. As will appPar later,
their rnan11c1 ol' hreak inl{ thci1 word
mu~t have been lcumcd from tlw p1ic.-tly
tribe as well.

" . . . Severn! months <l,!N, thP represl'nb1tives of tltc' So<"iclv tanw out l'rom
Brooklyn t.o see about iiaving this convent.ion. And these are conscrvativc boys
that eome from Brooklyn. They don't
come a long here and tell you we arc going io lmvc 20,000 and expeet to bring
about S,000, but they nw,.nt what wns
said, we are !.:"oi11g to hiwc 10,000, nnd
except to rwecl a great 111<111y t hings.'
T hey went tu thP C'hmuber of Commerce
and tall<e<I to the111 nhont it. One said:
Wait a mi 1111te, wait 11 111inute. I will have
lo call up '"l'~yther O'llooligan" and ask
him what ahout it.'' l'ayther O'Hfil>ligan'
answered, 'Have notl1i11g to do with i l
And faith, they an a bad lot and shock
tile r eligiouR Rusreptibilities of us religious people anyl1ow.' Arni so the Chamber o[ Commerce put thP 'kibosh' on the
whole ll1ir1g; and they wrnte the l1otels
that they better listen to 'f'ayther


O'lioolignu''' ndvk<:>. nnd ll1<' hnlPI!< hnd

everythrng cnga~{(\tl'. xo, havc n't nny

Aw1tkt: l11"f(Jrn molhlr, on lh .\?''I\<\ l;1w11.

ot lhe



l1<1y<ntt .

"Our boy,; weren't di~courap;cd. They

went rii.:ht on. 'l'liey kne11 tlw Loni was
going to nm thi8 cmivPntion; so tlwy
went out and engawcl n lot of roo111s from
many good [><'Opl<. ' l'arthcr !l'Jlooligan'
heard of that, and w h~ seut 011t 11ord,
]''aith an<l \Jegorra, you helter not lel
those ptople stay in your house; a11d
some ol' th<'UJ ranrded the roo11rn, and
said, '\Ve don t \\'Hl 1t ycrn to ~ta y. I1l'rm1'e
onr " l"aythPr O'll<lolignn" snys we
mustn't lo it.' \\'<ll, lwn:, the clilli<'ultr.
They wenn't l'iuuiliar with the :-;irii>turcs, he<'aps! 'Fayth!'l' O'l [ooli:,mn
wonh.I 11ot let lhem rea!l !lu ~<'ripture<.
lie says. 'Jui;t read thE> praye r book and
cross Yonr;;ell' enrv time T come to the

"Ii th<>se good 1wople had read their

Bible. they 11ould l1ave found out that

tlw Bihlc:> ~1l\s that the l'ear of man lends

thcn1 into d1c s111nt ol' the Devil. 'rhey
foare<l 'Faytlwr O'!Tnoligan'. rh<'y did
not 11;;1 nt to !lbplcase hi111. They said,
'Aud faith, in a tO\rn likP thi:-. wll<'l'f> tlwy
run a <o~katrice hatclwr:; all th" tiru~,
WI' m1J>t k<Pp in litw.' I .\pplnn~d .\ud

l'lia1nhPr or C'n111Ull'J'('C
'flwy tarn('d up their
snoots und WC'n1 ihr othct way .
COH!'Cfitlt 1lll.\ 1111
fell into tl trap.



You know nl this time, if they wonld

ha vc read their Hihle, they would sec
that thi:s wa~ thP time .TesuH sui<l Ile
11011ld bave all lh<> nationg l>efore Him
judging th<>m. antl He put tho~e who
want to do th<' rigl1t thing toward thrir
fellow rrM!ur<'s on 11is r ight side of
fawr. lie <'allcrl those lli,; '><hcep'. These
Christ >Jmke ol' as Ili" 'othcn ghcep'. Ancl
to those who wanted to li>t<n to some
111un \vho \\'01p luc{I tnrtai11s \\'hen~'er he
walkPrl dow1> llw st rl'ct, or else a longtai led (oat, and who had io ask 'Fa vt11er
O'lfoolignn' every lime !hey tunw<l
amund wlwtl1er they should go to 11 meNinc; or uot, Jesu~ ~nltl, ;l..ou f PllQ\\~f". iro to
pf'r:wcuting my little child1ni. am! I will
put yon all in the "goat du~s.' And so
I lie' Chnmhl'r or Comn1etce Hild ROlllC of
thr> othrrs here put thc1u;;c'l"e" in the
'goat' rial's hPrt. [.\pplan~I']
"But I \\'ant to 1f>ll ~ou about the good
1wople or St. l.nni~. I hnp11c11 to know
some>thi11g ahllll ~ l is">u1 ia ns. They a r e
a lib<'rnl dass or people. Thnt, I r<>ckon,
is IJCtau~c I was born in lfissonri n1 vsdf.
~nybow. they low fair rlPaling-. And
when many or the~e good proplc of SL
Louis 11eard ahont ho\' the Charnher of
Cornn1Pr< e ,~as \VOl'king aguin:s( the in
t<'lrsts ol' the <-ity and against tl1P intcr<,ts of !111 good peopl<> who rome here,
thty kept the wire~ hot tel<'phoning and
telegraphing into the otlif' lwie. telling
011r peopk., 'Our homf's :\J'( op<m, and
yon peoplP rome.' Some ol' them went to
tlw rnilway st11tion, met train~ coming in,
and said to thlUJ, 'Are you ,Jphovah's
witn<>~scs ?' 'Yes.' 'Come hnme with us.
Our liouse is open.' [.\pplauRc]
"'I' housn nls 0 r other good hn1rnckee p~rs, housewivc", and hnuRe-hnshands of
8t. Louis, when ,Jphovnlt's wituesses
callc1l at.their door, sttir.I, 'Corne rip;ht in.
~t is so hot. Sit down, pleasl, and rest.
Will yon l1ave u gla><~ or rold water?
Could I g<>t yon a <Up of lta or somethin;.: !' Tiu~ <licl not know, i1rohahly, at
the time, that tliey wen' fulfilling a
prophecy of the Lord .Jesus; because


U) O~U\t- r i u i-:: .f ('hu"ah'lf 111tssa ge. (2) &-clion In Jiau " 8". ( 3) Part of crowd tbnt p~c)t(' J H;_1U "B" .
(1) Hull .-\ .. ; eateterla closed tor apeech1 (5) Childr~n camper.ii ht~ r- l)y Wh'f'. (6) Ch1ldt't'U ln can1p TOVEi .


(2) I'1lrke-O Aerial vlewt:

(l) Full ,.ll'W oC the Ar.. un i;rtu,1ndj!;.
'.itw fr<>rn
(S) el
'rra.Her c:unp. (f) More patkt!d






Jesus Rairl, Whenewr )'ou do sorn<'thing

kind to one of my ~hildren or one of my
servant!< who go about, yon are doing it
for me.' Platthow 25: 40) So, yon see,
these good, honest, straight-Forwarrl
Missourians during tl1is ronventiou have
put themselves in the '~heep' clnsg, and
they are going to get the Lord's blessing. [Applause]
"So it wiU be a happy time, not only
for )Jissouri. but for all the earth, when
all the religionists hove to quit business . . . . "
"Some of my old-time political friends
remain in Mi,soari. By their sirle l
fought in politics when 1 was a younger
man and wben I didn't look so old and
knock-kneed. [Laughter and applause]
So1nc of these fellows were reared Catholicp, and even the priest said, 'And faith,
if lean do nnything for you, I
<lown all the votes in the rburch !' And
he cliil I 'l'hey were pretty good fellows.
I wouldn't ~ay anything against them
personnlly. The attack we lia vc got to
nmke iti ju~t whul Jesus did. You know
that when Jesus wus on earth the religiorust8 wore long robrs. Th()y didn't
have much of lure curtains at that time;
tliey wore phylacteries, greased their
head witl1 goat-grease, and snwlled a
good ,leal like liillil'~. And, no donht, that
is wlwrc .fo<us got thP thought that it
wns a 'goat' 1l11ss. They smelled us if they
should be pnt in that clMs. So, when I le
spoke Hbuot the 'g-out' rlass, He 111ca11t
the Jews of that class of hilly-goats with
long wl1iskPrs, and long fnces that
snwlled to the' top of lhc nwuntuin.
"So llOW l lei! rnu we "hould not l'cel
unkinclly toward ~\uy imli\'idunl, berirnse
all thetie indfrirluals that have got caught
in Satan's trnp are to hr pitied. Awl "o
the Lonl Jesu~ Christ sa\s to vou, 'Chilrlreu, nil you who cxped to live' and ~ervc
me, go a11d tell the good p<Jopl~ that theil'
hope ror lir1>, lihr-rty und happiuesH rests
solely iu Tui; 'l'r<F.OCUATtc Go\JmNMEKT.
Go uncl tell them: 'L'hat is what you ure
doing. You tlre 11ot here to 'i njure m1y-






body. You are not 11olding anyone np to

ridicule. You arr tr);ng, hy the Lord's
grace, to briu~ them the inforrnalion tllat
will open thl'ir eyes of undc1stunding,
that t.hey may lnpnk uway rrom the fetters in which tlwv nr<' IJcunrl and stand
free to worship God iii spirit aud in
truU1. Therefore the work you do in
currying lo them the m!'"~n~e of God's
lcingdom is a wvrk of love, a ..-oluntary
service in which you re.ioi<e lo enga,l\'e."
"The Globe-Democrat sent a qiwstion
up to Ill<.' and aHked 111e lo answer it,
which I di1I: hnt tlwy woulcl not puhlish
the answer. T can t blame tl11111. hec;n1sc
'Fayther O'Hooligan' rnight object to the
answer. . . . " (Laughter)

Hierarchy Refused to Debate

On Hl'\'cral otca~ions J 11dge Rutherford has challcn;pJ the Homan Catholic
Hiera1c11y to select a man fol' a public
del1ate, rxpenses to hr split, and the people left to :indg<' wlwther ('ntholic doctrine" have b<'en miHcpn,rntrd by him.
Although 2.utl!l.tlllll p(opl ~C'atholiC's
and others-sign<'() n J>Plilivn rt-tp1Psting
such a dehute, thl' lfiernl'chy rrl'nsed. On
this point the speukcr continues:
well, T got tlwm into a Rrrnp. Ho I
iRRUt:'ri a l1ooklt>l, took up all those 11ucs(iou~ that \Yt> \\1 f'r'P gnin~ tcJ fli~cu~~; and
l lirst di$tll"l'd th; l'~1tlwli<' \'ie\\'s, taku1; it from Uwir BncyC'lopc<lia and other
wriliJ1gs they coulcl not 1fo11y. 'l'hen I took
the argument on the other si<l<', with tlie
Bible, and puncturt'd it rnll or holes . .And
then they t!Hcw up tlieil' hands aml said,
''l'l1at ohork;; Olli' reli;fous :;11scrptibilities.' [Lau;htPrJ They <lid m~t want the
people lo know the truth. They tlidn't
want nny disr1"sion: ~o when you. as
faithful H'l'\'un($ of tlw Ll)rd God. went
strni1d1t on handing out lhc~r 1'Unco1'ered hookl<t l to tlw people and tPlli11g
t hem :1hont <Tocl'R gTaious provi1<ion for
U1ern, 'l"nythcr O'llooli:rnn' and the resl
who !call Catholi<' ,\diun for the Hierarchy uirl, 'Faith, and WP have got to



ltEl'OH'l' 01' 'l'llf: .!E ll 0 \'.\ Il 'S \\'l'l'N l:SS J:s

th1111 i11 ;-111111t- \vay. (Jpt np a rnnh.

f:1t !111 'l11riff awl th1 <'ity ntt11r11l'y,
whorn WP ha\'<' d1d1'1l, uwl let tl11111 t,i.-11
th( moh tllt'y """lo a> tll\'y damu pka><'.
Oo aftH tlll'm.'
'"Jli~ht o\"Pr li1rt nrro~:-. th~ rivPr
th1>y 1l1t roy1.f II lot of automohilP, :111.J
lmriwI up 11 lot of propNty, at thl!' in~tanc1 ot' tliP priP:-o.t
hc'<au~e hont:-ot
Anw1i..uns 11.. r1 tlliug the truth. And
oflitials Id ll1C'1 11 do it.
"'J'l1 c.v t hink !lint i~ going to l'r ii:lil111
sonuhod,v 1111<1 11111k1 t l1t111 qnit, hut it i><
not. l:vl'l'Y t i111" t l11') do a t h i11 ~ ot' that.
kind. tl111"' 11 lu1 lo\'<' llw Kingdom tnk1
unotlw r hith in lluir lil t~ and sal',
'Boy,, Id'" :o 11ftt1 tll('111,' and they 1io
Uftl'I' tfll'lll.
'No\\.' \\'lun l f;H\', \\'"e are in a fi!!ht.'
I woulcln't hnnn ,; hai I' on the head of
um ( 'utholi1 prll'sl 01 l'atholi<: ofliri1.1l in
A1iwri<':t. I would he' i:l:id to do ~olll('.
thin: l!'""'I l'nr tlwm if thty woul<l li~tPn;
hut tlw\' ha\'I' '"'"ll r""'"'l in a 10<kn1ri'
den dn\n1 i11 ii"' hatehH\', nn1l thPY nrc
doin.; th" 111,1 t 111) 1a11. 1 npologiz1 for
th<Jll, hut I ~n~ In) nu yotW1;' p<opk , if
you \l'nnt Io liv1'. y1111 l11tter look into
God's \\'ord nnd dNide for vo nrsdf
whdlit'I' yo n w:rn t to l'ol low >011 1e mun or
whcll wr yon \\'>lil t lo do !li e Lor<l's \\'i ll.
It i" "'llti11l'l y up lo you. It is not hing

to lll P.
"'l'l1t I .nnl's pPnpl" n r .ll'hrwah's witnPsscs; uw l wh1n I say ,Jehovah's wit-

ll('~!'c:-:, I do11't ruuu a ~l:"t, C"ult or or~nn

ization. l int-an }101u'(t, ff'arlf'F~ 1nen Uncl

wouwn who''""' Owl u11<l the Lord .J1sus

C'hri,1 :111d who ln\'1 ri;hkousnes"' who
don't frn r n~ 111:u1 or 1111y de\il, but \\ho
arl' <1..1..r111it1<'d to tl'il the truth at nil
costs." ] .\p11ln11<<']
" I stat" t his hcr J'o1 the henrfit of lll\'
old mii.:hl11ll',, :-;mn<' or thr hovs are stiil
hen thut [ 1<r11> up with in ::iiioso nri. I
~ latl' Ihis 11111 l11111 11s" I k11 ow that int hi><
stute t1J c1c n1t~ 111nn\ 1-1 iiu.'t\rP l 11cn


d on't think J11 mh ol' i1wu who wea r long

" J uel~ Ruth1rl'onl did nol lfuntioo Litchfield,
Ill., but Hu 1u11'1~ r11u1rltI ll:at he Jid .



111111 ln11' l'lll'lai11" and hi<l<' lwhir11 l



for thfir nPfarions \'t.n rk;

ln!t who hl'lit!\'I' in h<~ne>t, opn. fuir1111111!<11 'Jl<<"l'h. I >ny tor the hcnefil of
"'!''II 111111, If you <'XJ>lct to liw. get your
ll1hll', nucl it and find out that von are
li\'ing t1~lay in the moi;t m1.1rv1lc;u,., time
iu t lw hist niy of tlw worTd, when we i;hlnd
nt 1111 \'"r~ portnl" of the new age, oh~trviug

111 w

that 'J'HJ rf'JJF.OCRACY, iR C'Otnb1t;

tt)l(l lhrongh it hl c>ssings wil l flow to

nll l't1J11il i"s o l' t he rartl1. .. . "

" I w1111! lo :\fl k yo u to join 11 ilh mo in
a 1"1tl >lt>gra111 lo the Lek;;;tcr ( l:n:lan cl)
1011 \'l' 1tl i11 11. J wi ll rtad it. T lwn we will
tn l'< a \nt ...
To flJ~~ L 1;1tl'::slTR ..:\S~JiLBL\":
Yu11r f..llow ":rrnnti;, m;scmbl pd l l:i.000
'ln>lll( nt St. l.oni<, bit! our British ~_r'<lhnn
lK. \cry rour.t~tou~ and hold (U!il your illtt;:'
rity. 'l'h('O('ralir \'irtury is c-ert<lin.


.J&110Lul' \\"JThl>;:;ES



""l'hnsC' in. fnvor of ~ending tl\n t .

I [ nll ll llllUllS ~]WU( of ',\ yc'J



"\\'111, my dear hl'et hren, 1111' Lord

hJe"s y1111. 1\011 T won 't say 'Goo1l-l>ye',
IJl'1a 11s1 I Pxped to see yon a l some time


'J'he Jllsl e of "GMd.bues"


.\ nutiv!'
had Mticl p;ootl-bye. Ouce
mon a loug, gray car ll!OYl'd slowly
ulo111( n 1orri1lor of 'm.ilinp; people. A littli 11\'Pllll was parted throul('b thii< vnt
throng nrul lirmly kPpt open bv a clouhle
li1w ot' nlurs with locked hands. B1hind
\rPrl' titn; upon tiPr:-; of faer~. 'vnving
lr:111d, >hnut~ of "Oood-ln-e'', 111J the e\>i''"ll'lf 1111<1 1XJJ1'"'"io11 of tiie love of those
of "like pr<'lions faith" for a follow s(r\'nnl clPar to l'Vl'ry heart. Never before
w1ro RO 111nn y ('hrisl i1.1ns as~c111bltd l ogct l11"" 'l'h1 <'lll' pass(!ll on. 'l'hc side>1 of
t he a is l11 or " Clood-byes" flowed together
Iii a river. 'l'he great a sselllbl v tnrnl'd
tlwir J'n1l's and thought~ toward. t he hnttlP uh11.1d whc1e lay victory for 'l'UE



Attcnclanee and Transportation

The 1'/teacracy Tnumplta11t

\ ll.. \\"hln the, <-4.lllll' 1\?I o .ltl"'m.

uuto 11Lthph:!!!., ~uJ Btt11:1n~. ''' th(I nlount
01' Oliws. he ""nclf'1h forlh two of hii <liseiplc" :uu l snith unto th<'1n, <:o your \\:1y iuto
tht\ \ illnv:1 ov01 uguin~1 you : nuc l us soon ;1s
yt h1 t111Lrd into it, ,\'l .... hu ll liud n colt tic<l,
"ht 11:-ou 1u.. ,rr 1nan su1 ; luu:-;l' hiin, n11Ll bring
hi111 ,\ud if an_r u1an 8ay un1u you, \\"lt~ Jo
,, !his "". "' lhut lhc Lo1<l hullo llC'<.l
l1i111; 1:111d F.t.1-.1ig-ht":i.y he '"ill !4(1ul him hither.
.._\11J lhty \\'tnt tht~ir \Ya~, and (O\lllll lhf' eolt
lit"C.l liy th( door \\'ithout, in 3 pint', \\'h<'N' two
,,.a'111111; 11111 th('y loose him. ,\n<I 1~11ain of
thr'1n 1!::1t ..;t<HHl there 'aid u'i1to thcm, \rhat
du ).,., l1"i11:i: lhe eolt ! Ami tlioy "ii<I unto
1h11n I\ l'l 1 U!\ .J est l.') lH1t1 ru1u1u:1 11d1.~I: :nHl t h~y
kt !11tm 1'(o. And l hcy IJ101111ht llu ""11 lo
J '<'!{t1i...t .11 nd l'asl t hc->i 1 ga 11ntnt."4 on 11irn; n nd he
xal upo11 him. 1-\ nd n1any spttad I h('i1 gar
n1t11ts in th('. \tny~ antl ullll'l'K 1ut d0\\"'1\
li1Htulh~- oft th<' tr<('.... nntl ~lr~l \\",cl tJurn in the
.., \\'<t1i ' \nt,th~_y . thJt '":'nt htro1,, uuJ lh~y
_ _...., th:.t fi1 ~-t>tl. f'l'IC"J. S3.\'ll1Jl, lfo-..anuu; l~Jc~:d
" is h~I t:Offit't fi it\ ihc 11a1nt uf lht Lonl:
111 ~..ltl IM_ thl' kiugdotn of our fnt h,r 1>.-a,id,
1huC ~011ulltJ~h1' nume of tlw 1.orol: Jlo,anna
ill llw hig_i1<sL"-Mai-k 11: 1 lll.
.....,; ,\ f1t1 1l1li-> I heh<'ld, anti, It, 11 grtH I 1nul t it\1dt, \\ hit:l1 no 1nan <.outd 11u111h<1" o r aJI naLion.-i, n1ul kin<ll'etl.s, and pto1>h'. nntl ton~ucs~
lo0<l l><'l'wl't! the throne, nnd hfon I he Lamb,
clothed \\ ith '"hite ro~:-;, u11J pulins i11 their
.... hands; 111ul <1ic<l \\'llh a lout! voicl'. !'laying,
Snl\ntion to our (Jdd ,~hirh sithth upon the
throne, nud unto Ifie '"'mh... Therefore
81'\' 1hey (,..fore the ihrone of <:od, And ><'r<'e
him d;iy md night in his templt: nn<l he I hat
sitklh ou the throne shall <lwcll among them ...
-Rt'vt'lntion 7: 9, 10, 15.

..\I!tO thut tl~ty lhty offen.-d !!h'!ll s:urlfitt"I.,

and njoht"(I: ror <t0tl houl made' thtrn 1,joi(-e
\\;fh 1(1"\'at j1l)': thr \\ i\c-s; "1 .... , 0111<1 the rhild1n 1ijoilt"ll, so that 1be joy of .J. ru~h111
\\"US hearJ t\~ll flflll' off.' -~l'ht.11,iu.IJ J:! -1-:i.

'l'hrong hout tl1< Unitrd St ah" i" t he

W(Ck Clldi11,r.: J\ llj.(llSt 21, Hll I. in nil tl1e

RKO J'atlP 1'<'"'"'~<'1 Ci u<'lt1t1,, 1il111~

were show 11 ult1>slin~ that al lh" \\,n< 1tTO\n;n '"'"'"l'n lion helJ ill :->t. l,onb,
-afi>>Oll l'i, . \ llitll' t (i. It), (!).I [, .J l'ho\'ldl ~


\VitllC'!'i:-'t':-' hrn\~jn~ the hottt':-f }l\;fiocl of

tht yNH. 1n1w11<~1 into Tlw ,\r1m1 l l~>,000 "tl'Ulll-(.'"
lt wa' litirall'' tnw that till ""'111l1ly
nt ~t. I .oni~ \v~ls 'a grent t't'<\vd ,,hi(h
Ho one <'un lil l111n HUJ nbcrl'cl' ( l!<'v<'lat ion 7: !I, /Jia.fJ/o/1) .B ut, inn>111t1<h 11"
t hosC' l!l'sl qun li fif'd to ,.,tirnnl<' 1111' :I~
tendu1w1 nii:1"'''" thnl I t'J,()()() ;, app10"
nmtely <'011<<"!, l!-t th<' lii.:11n .. tau.I , .
'l'lwv h:1v1 n l"'"nlinr int"r""' in v11w ol'
th!' i:wt that th<1-. w1rp l~1Jlll() <"hilolr .. n
prPwnt. aml <-hihlnn both ill tlw "!'Ill~
la\\ a1ul iu J111u1an la\\ arP 011nttl in :\,':'
part of tlll' pnnnt until. tht) :1t'ai11 ti"'
U"C 01' J'('l"]HHIFiihi)jty j . ":-:o tlur< \\'('l't
100,UOO ntlultH nt 8t. Louis, \Ji;:"(llll'i, 6
(10 X JO
lO X 10 X 10). ln tlw holy of
lsrn<>I"~ tu lwma~I" \\('l"l' fh pil1111-.' : a


l ha t in !'tHra ~\'a~v& tl1i~ lilth

pow(' r o l' 10 ii' u I ill te l't'"t lo .J PbU\'l\h.

" [ 1:1.rnj ,...,,() therc>in bdon I he sl recI that

the \\ 8tc-1 tz'U.l(', r t"Qlll tJ1c lllOt'llillg
until 11dtltla_y, b~J'ore the nu:u uuc.l llu. ,.,01ncn,
\VU.lj l.>l -fOrt

und tho thnt eoul<l undcNt .. nJ; an<l the

cu"' uf ull thl' ix..-uplc '"en.- ulttnti\e unto the
bunk of tJu. l:m . . . . So ther rem! In the book.
in tht la"'- of (io<l. Jistinctly, nnd :.ta\e the
~t'nSt, uuc) t'<Hl....00 them to uncltrstand the

h: a, 8.


J elrovail's Com:entian
F<>r anybody who lo\<'F ~oI it wotllI
be impo"ih!<' to I~\<'' l~n t>ft<~rl\
the St. Lom~ omt,ention uJHI 1111! h~1 ,.<'
dis,.e1ueI tlw ha nd ol' the 'Oivt'l' ot' vtr)
"Ood ancl ptrfrt"t g-il'f i11 cvt:r)tlri11~ l'Oll
~eded with it. 'flw j)l'O!{l'a1U Int' of tJl(>
highe1:1l onkr, th~ speakcl'H 11crc ou.-e
folly ~<>litl<'il, the cmwention m:whi1wi-y
wai:i txqu iiltly <lc; igncd uud rnon'<l
,,;t110ut n ju r or hitch. !-;urcly ti"' holy
nngdi< nnd pl'rhap' the ri"e" '""mlicr'
of the IJO<ly of l'hrist were plt''''lll sup
porting 1111.J din.,ting the work of lhl'
remnant and their companio11s u111l the



(1) .lam ln belweeh rbe Arena att\i Hall "A... (!) Ovel'ftow outllrJOt'tt hearti hy miun,lci:u.
(S) Parking Jot during sessions.



~RF.POil'!' OI

THE .11\HO\.nr,, WITSES,.:Es .\<:SJDfnT,Y

,\r1nn nc<'<ls h11t n ft>w thon~uml dollnrR'

of sonndpl'Ooting- to ht' nttarhed
to its tPiling to he almost id111l.
Roadway~. parking arrn>' and pathR
wrrt' i:rnYrled with pnf1dly "mooth,
round brown prhhk~ from lht bed of thr
M1r11mce riwr in the 11outh1,rn part of
th .. < ily. T ill' ~rnnl l eRt Riz1\ ~hot p;ravel,
lnicl on n basl' of lar mudr walking tleli)?htful. Though dredges have been digging hrO\Yll p;ran( from thP ~lrramec ror
a gPnriotion, thl're is enough let't to la~t
for mnny genernt ions morn.
.\hove the plt\ll'orm in 'l' h<> Arena, 1111
l1~1'd hy .Jehovnh'R witnr~~I'~, appearetl
tl1t word~ .. 'f>nhntion unto our God . . .
and unto th<' Larub.'-Rcv. i: 10"; and
A 8t. Louis bnsin"'"mnn n~kril one of the platform Wl\N 1ulorn(>{I with palms, in
the yo1d hH of the H1tli1I l'uruiJ v, " I low is hn n11011y with 1lw preced ing vl' rse. 'l'ho
lt po~si11(t> !hat yon <'Ollld bri1ig snl'h nn orrhl'tra or I:!Ii in8lrunwnt~ ( f6 differ
iJnmrns" us<'mblv to tlJP botkst <'it\ in cnt kindi<) wa ~ompos1'd of 57 violinR,
the l'nihd :-;tate:<.in th" hottest 'Pu~n"n of 2 \iolns, 4 C('Jlo,, 2 bass \iob, 2 guitar,
the ~-ear: The youth an~werl'<l; "lh a 1:! nccorclioM, :1 flntl's, 22 clariJiets,
11otico<' in The JV11tchlower abou t tl1at l oho(', 1 donhll' ha~~. () ~nxophonl's,
long" (l<1111r11tin11: hi>< linger and lh11111h ri coJ'mts, 14 I run1pet~. :l I romho1H'R,
by ap11roxi1icnlel~ two inche~). '\'ilhout 1 h1nit01w, and I piano. 'l'hl' yunnj!'e~t inu qn<',t0nn , uf doubt, th: f>t. Lo111" con- strn111111taliFt WI" an eight.yNir-olcl girl
YPntion wn :t re\'clntion that thou,m1tls violini<t. On "Children, Day"' aU the
are nm r1hing into the Kingdom, nn<I thut <'hi lt! in>truml'ntuli,h; up to 18 years of
the tin11' has n t'l'i,NI wlwn11/.\1' lrfl t he Ol'!'hrHtra and ~nt iit tbc rc1hc rno1111t11i11 oi tho Lord's hou.<L1 hnll be ~f'l'l'<'n "('ats in 'l'h<> .\renn. l'nvoritcs of
c'lahlihrtl in the top of th<' mountmi, and tlw C'hornR of 11 ~i,000 voicPs were "Cliili;h11ll be exnl'<I abon lh hills: anti nil na- drN1of"t)Je11rnv111ly King", "The Sword
tions ~'.1all ll~nv unto it .o\1ul n1an,v t>eoplc tiihnll ol' tlu Lo1d uud of (;icleon; "\\'ho Is on
go and xny, <'orne y1:1:, .fltHI (('1. ns go up (-0 lhe th<' Lorcls ::,iidr r and u iv1 Praise to
monn tain nl' I Ill' Lol'd. lo the hou~ ol' the JPhovnh". 'l' hl'l<c were snnp; manv tim('~
God of .J, Nlh: au.J he 11 ill l<'nch ns of hi win dming the <011\'<'lltion. A mmh ..;: of llm
aml 11c 11 ...I walk in h ,..,11 ., for out nf 7.i~,; mu"intl 'taff of the \Ynkht<1wr 'radio
hall J.:<l forth the Jn1 .. , llllcl the """"' or the 11l11tinn 'WBBR 111" director of the mu,ir
nl th ... convention.
Lord from ''l'llS<1lc111. luiah 2: 2, :1.
Blue is the st:l"lc i111941, a 111l it was thr
i<tyl1> nt tlte convl'ntion.frhovah's wit.
The Arena a GtJQd Place
Tl1c .\ r .. na i a ."Ootl place to hold a ne~~''" do not i:o around drl'>"''I in black
ni:htgown~. lac.. urtain~. flut-topprd
1 j?'reat 1om...1tion. Tl1c ."'nting r11 pnrity hats, .. ~f othPr 11 nhburd .. i:nwn~. bla~k
1s 4,00ll mor!' thnn M11cl1,on Sqnnn !lar.
den iu .:-.l1w York City, 'l' he arM in L'rnnt h ood~. elf'phnntinc colla1s, urnl with
is land~cup<'d in au ni11philhcatriral lnwu string:> of l)caclH i<win!(i ng nncl dangli np;.
11l1le to hold uumY JUMP thru1 thr l."nat '.l'h<y drc~~ '<'llihly, lik~ othrr people.
AJ'(.'lla it~,.Jr. A ,,0)0>,al .'tructure, with. H J>l'<>ple wi~h to cln"~ lik" monkevs. that
out inkrror pt,Lur' tn nun the viP11-, The i~ tl11ir affair:"

chil<lrtn in this gr<'at witness to lhr hon01 of .f(ho\'ali's nanw.

$onw nt' lhe illORt ll ll officiaJ r~tinmt<>s
of attcntlnnce were th<> mo~t inltrl',liu!(.
The litll wornan at the north l'nt) of the
o\'erluad hri<li:c into 1-'ore~t Pnrk volnn.
tei>r<>I tl1t informal ion that tbi~ w11s the
greate~f llsscrnbh' SI. I ,oni~ hacl in numv
a year, :nu! she lim1 liNn ~cllin!\" JHunuts
and elwwing gum at th11t location for aJ.
most a lifPtiine.
Sigm< on St. LouiR streeknrs urnl
buses on J\ ugnst 7 rt'lld : "80,000 wopl e
c1111't JlC' 11Tnng."' An r 1dhusi11slic IH1H conductor sai.I to a witn<':<: "Ther<' arr mil.
lion~ of tll!'tn here, and this lime 1 nm
p:oing to !war J oc!gt Hutherford."




HEPOHT OF Tl l f: .11rnO\'AH'S \\"l'l')l'E::;SES .\1':'<E)fRL'\:

So, hark to The_\ rena. It won let not he

pORRihle to imn!{inP nieer-looking p<'O
pie than for<'d .Jnflp:P Rntherfnrd. Hine
rn every shade and tint imaginahlP greeted th<' eye. Drc~~ts, hat,, ho~l", ~hoes,
Rhirt" trouset~. ncckwcar, rontainPd anything from n gPntle whisp<'r to a mighty
shout of lite prcdominant color. nncl
the re was t'nongb pink. white and green
lo 8e t it off-alonii: witlt those nice, stiff,
yellow progrmns. By U11> 1.-a~" it wtts hot,
and thosP ) cllow pmgrnms waving- to
and fro as l'!ln~ lent a wealth of !(nl<lc'n
color to the "<';>ne that would hal'<' to be
l'en to be appreciatl'd..Jndge Rutherford Raid of t l1e Arena crowd t hat it was
the hcst-looking on!' he Imel c1cr :<ccu in
h is Jj r< and, at: he hn.i- S(\en rnany ~rcat
tro11ds, in all parts of the rartlt, hr onght
to know. ln the <listance the wa\inp: yellow rans look.'" like l>eanliful buttc:>rflics.
'thr arnustirs of thP A 1rna proper
were lw><l w h<'n every ~cat wa~ oc<npied;
most, hut nol all, cou ld then ll<'ar all that
was saicl. Hut the crow<l soon INtrnc<l
tlmt t'\'<'r> wol'd could he !ware! nnt~ide,
from th~ JonclspN1keri'. skillfully and
strategically placed. aud so many sal outside on the p:rnss, or ~at in their a11tomol1ilc-s, or gathered in the ~hade of the
buil<linp:s in any old way. on ly so long as
they got what wai< >aid.

Special Trains from the Eaat

Two speeial trains from Boston rarried !106 witnrsRcs to the convention. 'l'he
Penm<ylvanh1 had t111niernus specia l curs.
air-conditinnQJ wa><h-Rtnn<I ronrhe, thr
seab or whil'lt wen "l1rolwn down" and

adjust<'<! with Rte~! :,traps lo provicle

cornfortahle "leepinp: Rpaee, witl1 J8 ~ec
tions to each car. ~!any rented pillows
at 2;,,. Meh. Lights were cxtini(Ui8hed
d111ing the night to insurl' rest an<l Hlctp.
'J'hou:lt the outsi<I<' trm1wrutmrs hovered around 80 deg-re<', n lii?ht cover was
comfortable bi tlie air-conclitioned rars.
Pullman cost:< were sancl. Breakfasts
ancl lmwheon~ were sl'rved in dining cars

at 50c and 7Gc reRpectively.

'!'here: wcrr 1,200 J'rom l)('(roit and 50

Mcxi1a11 witnl',S<'~ rrnm Sa11 Antonio.

It iR not known for 81111 ii' the~r came
hy rail or bv auto. A l111111lrPcl autM ll\<'t
i1;eowi11g trains ancl wliir!Pcl ""11ve11tinners to their clestinntinns.
'l'hNP wai:. ('011sitlc1.,1h!P ~upprcs"d
exciterncnt owr tlw pn,c1H'P of ::?,:100
from l'oreign lands whie'l1 a rt nnder the
domination ol' ~ulwH,iYe fifth colnmnists connected 11ith t he :rc(ltest rrligionf.: R)'$.f.(\ln. ~on1c t'\f the:-:.<' for<'i.g-ners
counted on s1wrnli11g six monll" in juil
il' 111ughl as,ncinting with ('hri"tian r~o
ple who lO'I'<' CJod :rnd llis Wore!. hut
thoug-ht the co11n11tioJ1 worth tire Ms! nf
the SClllP ll CC. 'l'hC'Y had thrilling tall'~ to
tell, whi('h will ht> told somr timc, hut
not now.

'J'hert> W!IR a l'CTll'csrntative from British C111inna. 'l'htre wt're 'evrml ' from'

Ten Thousand Automobil!'s

'Phel'<' were prrhap~ 10.000 ant11mr\l1ilc~ (Ill x JO X 10 X JO) inrnl\'f'l in


,llho,-.n118 ,,-itne..,.:-:(); to thE"


vcntion. That woul<I arronnt l'or approximatelv half the nttrnclancc>, and i~ rcai<onahly 11crnn1te. .A>< thc>y came forwanl,
from every stute in th<' Union, they all
bore tlw ~nml' witnl'ss of 'l'hc> 'I'beornwv.
lt' thPy rarrie<l Si).,"llR tlw Rlop:nns \\'Cl'('
alike. "Hear .Judge H.11th<'rfor<I at 'J'he
Arena, Saturday the !1th, 3: 00 P.'.\1.,
'()JMJ"onr .d.u. 'l'aAT '.lloo1:x'-:oinnclay,
.\ugust 10, 11 :00 A.~I., Cmr.nni;:,1 nF
'1'111~ Kmo.' All pe rsons of good- will 111'1corne. l~rcc"; thus likrnlly oh<>,rinl!: the
Mmmnnclnwnt to ''all "peak tl1e same
thing". (1 Corinthia1rn 1: 10) This in itsel r mndc a g-rl'at witness.
Perhaps Uie car had a Walchlo11er,
. or a Go1.solation, or the book RPli.11io11,
in the hack window while com in;; if i<o,
it had the book Childre11 cm llw rpturn.
'l'his also made a witnesi<. HnndrPcfa of
miles before rcaclriup; Ht. Louis <'Vf'l'Y
major highway leading in tl1nt clircdion
had a stream of cars hearing those who
arP g lad to give their all for tl1e l1onor


ot Jehovah's name. Tuesday urtemoon,

HEJ'flll'r IW THE .TEHOY.\U's \\Tl'Xl:S:'E" .\SSE\IBLY

on \lw ~l1111i1ipal 13ridg'. llwre we1'f two

snlid liul'~ ol' tonventi.n1~r~ co1ni11,g J'ro111
all onr 011 nst!'rn part of the L:nikd
-fc luwnh's witncssPs <on4itnte a good
nll 'talion' in liro>, t111cl
llw <-a rs WPrf' Ii k1 1lui r ow IH' rs, but mo"l
ly u bov,.. thr- 11'\'cira~t. onl' \\ould ~ny. CtsidPs nnto111ohilts m11 and old there were
crM~:<tdion nl'

intf' 1c~t.ju~ Yariution~,

nf!'\V bn$CS, ol<l

onrs, Int:< of tmilPri<, and scYeral


\Vat?:on:-i ...


:-:o cnlletl.

One or tit(' ,.onrpd wup:on" h11s,.:;

l!'l't Y;ikima, \\'ashington, nt 2 a.111. on
Wedncsoluy, .Tuly ;10. with 2:{ perso11s ou
board, 10 of whom were no long<'r mun~.
but lhn<' \VNI' tl1ilol n11 in thP groL~J
down to tH!t' 11. Th 1lrivin" dav and
night I his Hhi!'IP n1idwd its ~"st iirntion
Sunda)-nnr lllO hour>< on the road.
Another large lm~lnatl l'rom the west
coast was 011' Ow rend l'or on<' solid week.
It startcd on Thnrsduy, .J nly 31, 1111d arrfre<l at miclni1d1t .\ 11~'11,f 1;, hmini.: driv-

en 11ight ancl clav nnd l1l'ru Pml111r1'11~~t'<I

by fi1e hlnwnut< 011 1hP way.
Anollwr "eo1er('d wagon" hus had only
to eor11e filO mil1,, from B1wklin, Kan~tl8.
The cama..; lop <'tmstrnrtC'<I Ol'Cr a 2~-ton
truck mad<' n eozy e11nipa.~c for 16 witneRse", l'ight If them "l'hiJdren of thP
Kin~'. and two hrothcr$ in tlw flpi;h an1l
in lhc spirit hronght the wap;on to its
destination in ::!~ hours of norH<lop drfr-


A Superb Police Foice

A uniformed n1emher of the St. Lenis
police l'orc<' sal in his car tninl\" to figure
it nil out..\ witnnss came along and said,
want to know who yonr ,;sitors are'
Read this." :->aid the ofii<-cr, "That's just
what I want to know; thauk you; I'll read
it right away." And at length he drove
off witl1 il in his cap, th<' copper's catrhall for important papN<. '\"hat he may
get out of that Goel and Ilic State booklet
may mean to him lhc difference between

life and death.

The conduct of Jehovah's wHnesses

and their loving obedience to instruc-

lions made :1 pn11rrl'nl and la>'tin: \l'itnt'" to lh1 iwopl< aud 111 the olli<'ers o[
tlw law. On<' polkernan sui<l, "\\"hen we
lmndl!' H> many cm" the people won't
li,ltn lo 11~, hnl hrr<' thPy do .iuRt a;; dircd<'<I; yon ha1p 110 li.~hl' and no sma:,;ftup,, not 1v1n l'cn1ltrs lwnt." The traffic
~<'1"\icl' on thP ~round:-; \ra:-- 111a.r\'Plou:-..
Only 1110 polil-c wrrc ddailed, a111l they
lrnd nntbin~ to do.
One poliet111an w11~ overhea1d lo say
th tit i r tl1e worlcl wrre lill1d witlr people
likr .Telwn1h'>< witnc>~es. thP police
won ld lun:c wry liltle to do exrcpt to
dirPd trullic. Onr or the dircdon; of
trnJlic al 'l'he Ar<>na i~ a St. Lollis expoli<"ctuan and now on!' or .hhovah's witrwsscH. JI<' lrop<'il soon to he in th!' pionr~r rank~.

This hit of <'011v1r,-ation took plac!' on

the ,\renu g-rounds Sa1nnla). ~\ugu~t 9.
Two poli"c>nwn i11cdin: HO that they
coul<l ~hangP duty: lt'irst polirPman:
] fnvc thPv conYCrl<'d you vet!'" Second
polkcman; "Ko, hut fr a pe1Ron can't
sec that what they "t1Y is the trnth, then
he :;hould have his lwutl <'xa111ine1l !"
Posihly another ~lucp in the Loni's

l\fter thrPe honrs of


in The

J\ rena and i-onrnl ahont a fire captain of

!5t. Louis said, "J lmvc never in nil my

exp"ricncc u1cn ablt to 'end in n report

~o nearly perfect. Dnrin: the tl1n'e hours

l hav!' bePn oYer this plarc, insi<le and
outside, T have failed Lo lind a single per-

son smokin~.''
One ni!.:ht, when a tl1011~ancl people
were slel'ping-on the lawn in l'ront
Arena. !'Cl'lain per8ons 111tercd waYing
a flag and disturhel ,fPhcivnh's people,
and some per~on unlmown xockcd the
ringleu<lPr for the <onnt. The police came
and g-ol tlic crowd o[ e1ildoers and took
them all awn\'. Tbn lidnt liothN to find
out who did "the so'cking. It was a goocl,


wbolp,;ome joh.
(f any of the St. Louis polil'e force are
other than kindly and compPtcnt for
lheir work, we have y<>t to l1ear of iL
They seem to be an A-1 lot of men.


on U\c STaJJllfY


or 'l'hc .Arena. (1) Weatern view f:!)


vJ .. w.

Overcoming Accommodations Boycott

Pre-Convention Work at St. Louis

i\Iany weeks before the conwnlion the
work of gottin11: rPady for it was under
way. Convention oflire rooms and their
furnishingii, main auditorinm deroratious ant.I signs. sound-equipment arrangeme,nts, water supply. gas supply,
ice supply, ~auitation, and a lhou~nnd
and one thing::; for the ll(~cds of the cafeteria, were gome of t11e things that required attention.
l~arly in tho game the manager of one
of the larger hotclB, ha,ing hef'n
"reached.. hY encmieR ol' Jehovah's witnesse~, called on otlier hotel managers
not to open ujl to .Jeho\'ah's witnesses;
t11ey did not wlie>f' as he did, and so
were "unp!ltl'iotir". lt worked for a time,
but Icll down Ual in Ute end, and the hotel
lJCOplc subsequently admitted they had
ne,er enkrtained finer people than Jehon1h's witnesses.
From the botds thP <'Onspim<:y spread
to the homes, nncl in a suburb (llaplewood) somf' were nrr<>~tP<i and hf'ln all
dny fo1 soliciting rooms for whirh they
were prepared lo pay the rent dcHi red.
The uitwor had been "reached... lli!ler's
relii.rion" is his, nncl h0 doe1< whnt h e cnn
to please Ili tl<'I' and those for whom Hitler i~ workin.g.
The identit~ of the con~11irators and
of their toob soon uecall\e dear. One
larly in St. Louis snid tl1at members of
the American Legion came to lier house
four times, askinp: her to tnrn ,Jehovah's
wili1csses out. The lm~t tilnc they came
was al one o'clock in the morni11g, and
she then said lo thew, "I ha\'e four in my
honst> now a11cl T um going to 1111ve six
tomorro\\'." These funrtionuries told this
woman tl1at slw was nn-Ameriran, to
whkh 'ltc repli<'<l that she 11a, a true
Ame1iN1n ancl intcnd<"I to remain one as
long ns she was lrcat<d like one, hut that
t~e Amoriran L~((ion did not puy hPr
u1lls or her rent, aud that shP wa~ rap11ble
of running- her O\rn liou~P anrl eon1lt1eti U((
her ow11 aiTairn withonl a ny of lltci'i

assistance or interference. So Mary B.

l\'onkes, Bessie T. Bell, Janie H. Broadrup und Nannette B. Cahoon r eport.
This ludy was not a Catholic, bnt hud
relatives who were. \Yhen the Legion fell
down on tho job of hlufling, the relatives
were called in. Thev said lheit' mother
could have had 15 in.her home, hut would
not have one of them in her ho11se. This
courageous woman replied, "You go
home and tell vour mother that she is
missing the granc'le~t privilege of her life
by not having these people in her home,
and lhaL 1 am daily thankful that my
hnsba11d. my children and I can sleep on
the lloor thut the~e people cnay have a
place to hty th~ir l1eals." "Then shall the
righteous answer [Christ), Sa}ing, Lord,
. . . whc>n ~aw we thPe a ~trangcr, and
took thee in 1 ... And the King shall
a11swer a nd say unto them, . . . Inasmuch as ~e have done it unto one or the
lea~t of these lllY brethren, yo have done
it unto me. . . . Come, ye bJeRsed of mv
l'athcr, inherit the Jdngdom preparecl
for ,ou from the fonnrlation of the
world."- :\1ntthrw 2ii: 37, 38, JO, 34.
One of these lltl- .\merican "patriots"
grahh~d and tor" up ~cvcral copies of
Consolation from lhc hands of a street
witnesser at St. Louis. .dn ofticer made
him pay for them at 5c per ropy, and
o rrercd to arrest him if the witness so desired.
Slick Work of the Priests

The priests of the oldest religious organization uhrny8 prefer lo have l he

dirty work rlone hy the .American J .egion,
Prote~hrnt pators or other persons or
things wider tllt'ir control. They keep out
of sight nm! urp trained in tJ1e art of
posinp:. !<'or Pxnmple, there was l''ather"
Lyons, priE>8t or the Catholic rln1rch at
2721 Pine street. .St. Louis. On Wednesday morning he asked l1ow many of his
pari~hiouers hail romn,- with which they
could actouimodate .Jehovah~ \Yitnes~c";
that those who had surh roo1ns should

lit thl'ir nnrnf' 1111cl nrldrc'>' with him.
Ill' wonlcf tnkl' can or 11... 111:\tlPr.
Ancl clicl he! Ik Jt"l'l thP list "' thut lie
wonlcl know upon whom to hri11i.: pressurt to t'lll"e <'ml<'f'llntion~.
\\'ctlis lwfore thf' Mn \'<'111 ion Iriok
pln<P I lie pl'iPsts an<I othtrs lhal p;o to
111111<1 up "'l'J1e Rt. Lo u i~ arn l SI. Lonis
County Jli,lrid Lf'ugnP, ('ntholi1 Union
or ~li""ouri (,\Jlilintl'll wi1l1 tl11 <'ntholic
Ccntrnl i'-ic.><'iPty of ,\mp1ir11)'' a1lclr1""<l
all mP111hpr" witl1 an inllanunaton 1ir1ul11r 1lt1111111rli np; i I' tJip, knr'\\' that for t hf'
Jlllst 'ix \\'Cf'k" pffort~ ha\'! ht<n rnarlr> to
~p111rr lo<lp;int?>< ror i.\llOI) ri<'l r;:ut"' to
this rcHl\'Pntion"; that "111011 thnn :100.
000,000 ropics of thf' WAT<'111rrn 1:n pnblimt iom< l1m,. litr>rnlly pnp1 ncf the
0111'\li"; ''t hat an avern,!.(l' ol' 1<11 lrmi< of
tlwir litPr11t11rc is b<'inp; trnck d in lo St.
Lonir< nlo11P CYl'ry montli": r111rl, "\\'hat
er<' !/'"' doing- to f'fm11t ...11d tf1e intlul"H(<- !'' Pf<>., rt<"., ad nau:o:.roarn. ']'hi~ <-ir<'Ulnr 1li<I tlw hlll<iness.
.\t :m-11 Compton sh'NI. St. l.nuis. two
\l'C)llHn rlrnd tirl'rl rrm11 a (on)!' f'nilwu\'
rifl< \\'<'I'' unclrrssirl~ for hcid \\"h< n ~
Cat li ol it priel<t invarlrd tlw horn(' anrl
ordtl'<'rl lhr hrn womrn to )ii'( up und
1lrPs~ and p:et out of thf' 11111111'. ,\ . L.
]If Ill' 1)01m Il, o I' New l<:n l".11t11e I, i>< nH h1111wd
nlioul tlti" l ><'<'au~e lw 11"rl tu l1C u CatltoJic 11111! hi< motlwr \His horn i11 lrrland
and lw l'nnuot nnclcr"fand why Trish
pricst" l<houltl 11<.' ~o llll'Un whilr tiir Irish
proplr ure so ldncl anti ~1HlI. In tell in"
the story hP PXJlfRins tli:;t n taxi-rlrin~
a li t'" Oaflnc:hrr. said to hi111 that '"' had
nwt so1111 of lhe wih11 s><r'" 1111d likttl
thl'm, u111l '"' l111rl 11 fiYP-r1101 11 h11 11g-a\ow
Olllsid< of tJw <itv li<Ht wliid1 li e would
be p:lnd lo (pf hiin lulV<'. or 11111 other
conplr lhnt Jl<'<'d!'cl a room 1011ld im\'e it.
i;;o it isn't tlw Irish tl;a! ar1 nt fault; it
is tlw relip;ion.
,\ wilnrss in tlK 'lr<"<t wc1rk ~tatc<I
thnt II fot priPst 1''11llf' lip (o him, U(On).:
with n w11ma11. The woman pull<< I out u
p:un, po intl'rl it ut his fa1t', aucl wlu'fl she
Jlllft cd tl1t trii;p:et", hr ~nid , 111 lhonght

~Ort"ly he 1111s gnnr, hut it 11'1\~ onh 11

water ~'1111, 'l'h'1~ ''"'"'~ the sp1nt, hnwe\rr.
Fonr pric~t,. 111111 two WOllll'!I rnnw to
th!' l'llltINin Oil lJ1p nit;ht ol' tl1e filh 1lll<f
trirrl tu ).'<'! into on lll'J!llllll'n! with th<
work<r:<, hul 1111 i11 \'ain. Th< dirty wo rk
of tlw }ll'<''~ in hll<'king up t lw pri.c,..l. in
th1ir <'ffol'I In rnnkP fr<nblc wus lw1wnlh
<'Ol1t<'lllJ1t. 'l'h1~ showr<l lhtir snllH'l'\'i.
NW<' to 11Tor 111111 tl1Pir hatrrd of 1ruth
at 81. T.onb II' thry do en-rywhtre <!~'"
LikP B11l11u111 working for llnlnk, the,
<'Onst1ut~ tluir uti~~ion a~ to curse .J11lu;.
vah's pcopl1. hut nil iu niin. Tiu! p10J>I"
~ce the> t'nlsih 111111 bah and cfo,\ l'll"l tl1cir
motivr .... \\'Ii(']] 1111 ntt1mpl was m111l to
influ 111<' t lu m imfH of the 1wuplt l1n11s"
tlit>r<' w11s 1111 ll11p; in 'l'he ,\r!'11>1, th<' 1111111lll{<'I' ol' Tlw A11nn explni1w1l that tlwrc>
had hPNl nn1w tlwre for m1111y .1ur~. lint
why ()II) nny ntt<'nlion to person~ :ind institutions long- simc rlisCTl'<litP<l f 'l'o lwll
with !ht pris~!-S(t P~alm !l: Ji.
Thel"t \\'U~ r1uit :-:on1e jokin~ :1111ong
<'Onv~ntiouttf; u~ tn \vl10 arrivttl f;,(
(b<:'l'ore t'llll<'Pllation) anrl who 1w111 later. 'l'h<' mi 11<ls o[ HOlll<' of the l'itiz111s liar!
brcn WP) I poixnn!'tl. One huHiuessmnn
reachNl mHl<1 t hP <'Olln(('l' ancl pt1l!Pd onL
a r iflc, t l11<"11l!'11 inp; l h(> lit'< of 11 11ilr1<'s".
DP111011i:w 11111 1l'ol wa,; thl'C'P plninll' "''en.
Tll'o "it Ill'"""" WC'l'C a~'il!n ..11 to a
C11tholi1 honw. On urrfral tl11') \\ 'l'l ..,._
fusetl !ht rooms Plll!'U.~f'<I: o tltcy nnt ..rl
a l'toreroom for $12 anrl pnt 401ots in it.
'l.'wo rlnys latN, the lamllmly ;;air! tliut
thoul{h h1 iH 11 l'atholi< nen1 ni:uin will
~h~ tnlPrntt 11 11 1\iud lunh'11U.~P u~niul"t ,Ju.
l1ovah'x wit111sMs, :rn the J>t'<lfll1ty 111'111'
two clays 111111 in murh hel te r conrlition
than wh11 shl' nntccl it.


Jiang Splendid Catholic8

.\ pli1e.. 111flt'<l "ThP T1wl'r11" r<luS<'l

to t11k1 in .J1l1m11h's l"ih11's~e<. hut r1ther.<, not k11owi11~ of the nfus11l, kPpt 10111ing. nntil nt fa~i th!' ownE'r rtaliwrl thno
was a grat 1rnwcl in the ii\ nncl Id
them i11. Tiu Indy nfterwards siat .. <1 that
~lte had n<'V<'I' f111'orc nwt 1rnch lol'llhln


pMp1e, lln<I wns mad ut the pripgts thut

had tot.I hrr nol Ill let th<'m in. Tlit rc'11lt
wns that slw o f'fl 1e<l 11l'r p1in1tr home

for th1ir "'e and hPr prirnt<> back ynrd

for tl1em in whid1 to <'ntao1p.

One family wn;; pnt out of thcir mom;;
four difTlrent tiuu~. At the last plaC'e of
expulsion the lacly was of ,!\'OO<I "ill but
ho1 lrnslinnd wns dl'ad 1'10111 tlw neck up
and ordl'rrd the111 out. 'l'lu lady ran aftrr
them and ~ae thrm $1.:io to lu:lp on tluir
carfar e, saying' ;;he was ttngr) with licr
husband for ~e11clin;: th<>111 a\;11v.
'!'hrC'c l'ntholic prirts were. "><I
to cotne from I .ouisiann nnil to declnrt
pul>Jicly t hat thy IHWI' lnken th .. ir stnncl
for the trnth. Tiu\ 11111\ lu\'\e donp ~o. 'l'o
scrutiniz< N\cb r111"." in;, "rowel ol 11'>,00.J
on d talw onlv on" scco 11 d for l'IWh facI'
it woulil reqnirr :l2 hour to finish th~
scrutiny. :-;o don't PXJll'<'l too mu~h.
One f) l'l'lty gMcl joh was that the
D1Hud1tr1" of l~uhel. nuxiliarv o[ tht
K11ight;. of Columhui', hnd a ..,:n,rntion
in i-it. Loni" at I he :<nrnc tinw itH .J eho
vn h's \\ it 11e~s~H. f'ivC' htt~<-"~ ~old hcc n
ehnrt<:>rl'<I. Fonr hud loucl ..J ancl pull"'!
0111. wlwn lhP girl> for tlw fifth noti"~I
tlw nd''"1tistnw11ts or .J 11<11-:<' Rutlwr
ford\; ltdntps al Tlw \rrna. 'l'hrv .....
fuw1l to 1icle mtil the n0l'll<hr,,. ~i~ns
~u111e off (<'011trar~ to onlrad); lint tlw
four othtr ht1s<'s went lh1otwh the C'ily
p_rmi<lin,_ "Fath1 r O'llooliir;.1," with ;,
111ght for sore <>~1' 11011 he must hm<>

rnjo~~d :-.Pf' in~ tluR(I dnn1PR itl n rn 1

nd ..

vri-tisin.:.: th<' tnl'l'ling-" o" .Jehovnh'8 wit


One ( 'nt holir woumn was Yisitin: nt

tlw houw of nnot her ( 'ntlmliC' woman

wh<'H a wifnp" t:illc<I. plnyl'fl tlw pbono.

grnph a11d4 offp1 .. d tl11 lit<'nlflll'l'. 1'h<>
vh~iling ( atl1olic \\0U1a11 ~aid it \\as
wnnclrrfnl; ubo that")"'"'"' goini.: to tPll
fl()' f'amil~ ',lrlt to "I.\' anything 11101'(' to
tl1 1 1ltsrrc1hl of .Jr hmnh's wifnt'XSPs;
tlult thty Wl'l't' t
finrst J><ople ,fie hurl

evn mPt.
A witrw's t'ro111 Dan"ille, Virginia
stated that the attitude ot' the Catholic!

JWople of l'it. Louil' <'PnH!<l to bav<'

d11u1:,:ed; n1nc!t runrr fri111dlin1" wa,;
Jllllll j fesf<tf Uf'lc t' the tOll l't'llti 011 got Url
dN way tl1an 1u..,io11sly. Pn"iously
somr bad htea ej1do'll from bom('s in thP
micldle of' lhP nip:hl, hut towards t he lm>.t
hl'lf Pl' trentment prr,uihd and all wero
tak<n ~an of a~ to rooms. The dividiu ..
\\'Ol'k i~ go in~ flll, l~}vell hC'fOJ'{I t lte
''"ntion some <.'ntl1olies wrotr lo\rlv self
Hl<rili<'iug ltttpr, fo those who haft been
a~!-ii~ned to lheil' honlC's.
J\ ><istN wus !\fH)'ing at the hom" of n
Catholic woman. 'l'he pri .. st <'flmP and
ttwd to i:wt her to throw out tlu "itnes>,
l>nt sbe rel'usNl. 'l'h r pri<'><l sh1yt'1l until
3 a.m. an<! t lwn ~ht snicl. "l"uther, l waut
to to sl"'P ancl woulcl likf. vou to
)pa\'c"" As lhc pri il'l't he shc;ok hi,;
fi,1 ancl to lei her slit urnst 1hrnw 1hf' wit.
nt>sw~ out. 'l'h~n ,hr nplil'd, "'.l.'htsc pcopl .. are l'U<'h mcl' l"'"PI<'; I have 11otl1in"'
111';!\l ll<'t t hl'ln;" .l<'innlly, as lhP p r i1st wa~
g'o111g out ot tlw cloor ~lw l'ai<l, "I am
thrnn,c;h \\ilh ~-..11 nnd thr clmr1h."
,\_ \litncss from fl:<w Odl'un' '"' llUl'l<'d
<':lllnu.i: npon tlw ~ l ':"a111nra, thf' polico
o1ic1dl. 11 f1rrecl to in /\.111t1do111 \cir.~
Xo. fi. \\'hPn she 1allc>1l 'h" did not know
it. w1_1~ he: l111l uitcr a 1"''"''"1 wa,; playf'il


h1' 1dcmhl~ wa'

.,,.;i!cd anti h" diselu' ''"I that he dew.< 11nt w1,:, dt'fnul lifc.
lit hu:s a rir.;lit lo 1111\'< his tlioi<-r. 'l'his is
.Jtho,ah~ aran~tuunt for all 1nnnkin<l.

The Spirit flf St. J,11uii;

1:,trylJu<ly ha:-: lunrd nt nn<' t iiuP or
another ahnnt th" :-;pi1it of St. I.cuds'',
na1111 1'in11 to tlw plane on \lhiel1 Linclucr;.(h lltw l rnm HI. 1,nuis tu Pari". 'l'h"
first part 111' .\ugn't rn11hltcl 11 \O!Kl of
.Jt>hondt's witll<''"t'' tn adnally '"'fJ1Jrien1t tlus spirit nf' hospil11 lity, lricndli-

nss and ~(lod-\\lll. 'rho~( \vho \\'t' l't enltrlainP<I in tit" hu1111's oft 1,..,., kiml peoplc 11 ill np1cr forg<'l tlHi r heart warn1iu;.\ 111l<'CJJllt and lt 11cltr '"lic i1 nd1 for
tlwir hodily "omfud d1u111;.( their "tav.
Tho11"11HI; or ~t. Lnuis n,idcnts sl<>pl

on t he floor to Nrnhle .J1 hova1t, w1(,.

neRS<'s to slct'fl in 10111fort11hle bNI'.

(l) 'Voods tn lower foreground hide UH.: cn1t1p extension. (2) City on \Vheels, nna

H~ ov~rftow



UJpcr Jett).



.\ conventiomr who happens to be a

wholesale food dealer writes: "'.My brother, Tra Hou~er, who was attending his
filo~t hig comention, and myself visited
the St. Louis independent Pa<>king Co.
on Fridav. \\"c related to one of the leading cxecuti,es that we were attending
tbc com'cution of Jeho\'ahs witnesses at
The Ar!'na. ''e explained to this gentlema11 that Jehovah's witnesses l1ad been
grossly misuud~rstood and mistreatecl
by the AmPrican Legion and others. This
party said lo us. 'I know very little about
your organization but I do know that
U}J to now (Friday) we have sold .Jehovah's witnesses behYeen $10,000 and
$1 G,000 worth of meats, et<., and that the
ctc<lit of this orgu11iza(ion is ace-high.
And as for the Amcricun Legion, well,
it has just about done itself with the
Most St. Louisans were not intimidated by the Hierarchy's frantic efforts
to retain its prisoners. Instead, they
proved to he real Ameritans, possessed
of remarkable sheep-like qualities. They
firmly ~tood their ground by keeping
open U1eir hearts and their homes for the
'strangers within t11eir gates'. Many listened with a willing ear to the Theocratic
message as it came from the lips of their
guests, an<l accepted literature still fmther explaining tile hope that awaits the
meek. Money would be an inadequate
recompentie for the kindnesses sl10\\TU in
many homes. The Lord will repay all in
His own good way and time, as havi11g
been done unto himself.
The big '"l'oom cancellation" day
(l1rought about by the efforts of the
newspapers) was '\ednesday. The next
day 7,700 otTers of rooms were rercived.
2,200 of these came by telephone, 150 by
telegraph, 200 by mail, 200 by personal
calls, and the rest were obtained by
house-to-house calls. Many publishers
were stopp~.J on the 1;trecls by people
who offcrc<l lo throw open their homes to
the conventioners. Many autoisls drove


to The Arena to rari-y to their homes the

cancellation victim:<." A wealtl1y couple
cleared out two room~ in their hotne and
came in pc1"<1n to get some witnesses to
tenant them . .d St. Louis mun of rneans
called 1.-ith his cbanff<>ur to escort a
group to his home. l le that sitteth in the
he<l\'ens harl a good langh at His enemies. "l1at do they aU amotmt lof L\ few
nostrils, breathing at present hut soon
to be silent for ever in death. Some witnes8cs reported special!)' kind treatment
frow .Jewish people: al~o from Greek
Catl10lics. ~ome who had to ~lecp on the
lawn of The .Arena, or in Forest Par!:,
enjoyed the i>:qirrience bngely.
J{ight hcsidc the telephone l>0oth, rlmb1g the convention, wns n pile of bedding
and grips tucked neatly in a corner.
Wlien nighttime came a little i,<irl would
take a piece of newspaper ancl start
brushing off the pebbles from thP floor.
The first time I ~aw her with this big
piece of paper jn her hand l said, "What
arc you going to do with tlrnt. honeyf"
And she Raid, 1m ju;;t sweeping tl1e
floor so I ca11 make up my bed.'"
:She looked to he about 11ine or ten
years of age. Took to it like u duck to
water. Then ;;he would go lo this pile of
lilankets, sprearl thPlJl out on t he floor,
and was gone for tile night. She must
haYe been of the tribe of Issachar-glad
to have some place to lay her hem!, and
didn't seem to rnirnl where it wa:s either.
One of the "children or the King" I

The "Downie Mattresses"

When the sleepini:; emergency arose,
early in the convl'ntion, r('g-ional serYant
11. M. Downie was detail eel to do what
could be done wiU1 least delar and expense. Struuge as it may s!'en1, with no
time in which lo makP elabonik arrangements, 1,569 mattri>~ses wC>re made and
used, and they ronHumcd 6,93:i yards of
matei-iaL 111 ton~ ol' 'traw, anrl 30 large
spools of thread.
1'he first opm1tion of the mattress
"factory" was lo liuy thirty ar111y cots for



'1'111: .JEIIOYaffS WITl\ES<:iES .\SSEHDLY

$41.40. 'l'hese were quickly dispose<.! of;

and when an attempt WAS made to buy

several humlrc<l more the price was up
85c per ~ot. a lloost or lllvrc than 60 percent, and even then there was th.., warning that only a Jimitc<l supply was a'l'ailable.
'J'he next purchase was 1,000 yards of
ticking, and a ton of straw at $4. ancl a
ho8t of willing workers made tick;; 6 feet
by 2-! feet. Result: ruattre88Cs that sold
like hot cakes. at fiUr each, free to those
unable to pay. Each night 11t the mattress
"factory" conld bo seen a queue of men
and women. youn.<t 1\tttl old, waiting to
get their 'Downie" mattresses as they
came off the sewing machines.
One publisher was heard to say that
he had seen many a br ead line. hut that was Uie first "heel line" he bad ever
seen. One young lady, well-dressed, re-


minded Uie mattreRR " 01kers that 'Jesus

was horn on a strnw mntlress, and tile
sen'ant is not itt'cater than his :Master'.
Otl1ers were heard to say, "It is a miracle: the witnesses literally pick up their
b<:ds and walk." Borne carl'iPd their m!lttreRses home on tlic tops of the cars,
thinkb1g to nse them at the next convention. All could see the graciomme8S of the
Lord in keeping the weather wnrrn 'o
that sleeping on the grass wa:< no <liscomfort. A week later it would have been
impossible, due to a cold wave that suddenly swept the country. ~ot one wns
heard to complain. .Jlany preferred to
sleep under the stars instead of in the
l~ortv witneRses worked on the rnattresses; glad to nm sewhl!{ machines at
a convention that Uiey might tlrn:1 show
their faithfulness to JchoYab God.

Trailer Camp
Theocratic Trailer Camp News
\Yhen arrangement8 were pr-ogiessing
for the ~'heocratic Assemhly in 8t. Louis,
Missouri, and, in that a multitude of
trailers and tents were expected, it was
necessary to arrange for U1cm a location
outside of the city. A large field conveniently situated for the purpose, located
on Schuetz road, was offered by a person
of good-will. Tall weeds and gra~s COYered the field, which wete then cut by a
farmer. Then the '<>ity" plot was made,
IY.ith Jots 20 feet by '.!5 feet for eacl1 trailer or tent and the car. The main streets
were 50 feet wide; int~rsection streets,
30 feet. There were around 100 plots
staked off, and a "city map" made of the
entire field, and plans were to have Uie
cars park in the street .in front of their
trailer, so tl1at, in case it should be necessary, due to the field's being filled, another trailer or tent C'OUld be parked in
the space for the car, thereby making
room for some 1,400 trailers and tents in
the city.
Many estiruated what wa~ expe<:ted as

to the population of lhe traikr city. Sll<'h

estimates ranging from :i,000 to 10,000
population; therefore the city plot would
fumish plenty of room for them all. By
;\Jonday evening before the convention
it was ~een that additio110I room would
be necessary for the ~ity rrunp, and efforts were ma.tie to secme such additional tield space for the over/low. 8ueJ1 arrangements were i>low in bt>ing completed, and by late afternoon Tuesday
the large field was foll and the highwuy
leading to the 1'n1m was blockecl for over
a mile with trailers and cars witb teuts a place to locate. A farmer ue1\t
by (be and wife both Catholic) lwa1d the
announcements froo1 the sound-ear on
the camp, ancl came over and offered
room for ;)() trailers and tents on his
farm. Consi<lcring this tl1e T,ord's provision Sl.!vcral were direel<>tl to his place,
but shortly word was received that we
could nse a lmgE woodland on the back
of the farm where the tmiler camp was
located. 1t was now onlv one hour until
darkness would fall, and, in that there

(l} i..18l+"rtel'fl tn 1.i.uL &.had !! (:!) (~onve.dt!n l J1uyshtt>I,; (:'.;) L'hlldr 11 ltt l'Pl'lf'l'Yel AJ-l:11<(4> Puhl1t'n(ldr1..~>1 8,)'J:l ;_m, (!i) I.. ht.-.nlng to "CbLldr,n of The Kini('. \bl Rl<'lvlng nr-w b1>ok Chlldrn~
(7) '''oodl!d tlt.-Cltetu of 1~amp. (Ii> ln allady gTOVt-. Ct) Auxlllary lot1tlspeake-t11

At the traller cam p :


(1) r1 !ltJr c;iamp uffie1. (:?} "'.\1~ n 61 1 ' (;) H-Ctlon of u1u11p cati'1r!a. (4.) Arrlvtna: by tho tr\hklod.
(S) lit. tu 11 fac1ory, (6) <!anipMJ 111 th"' v.cH1d- <1) Open-air tlorn1ltOr), <S) Urt.w.klll. camt,1.



were no lights aTailahle for this woodland, it requiretl 41Lick action. Announcem<>nts from the Ronml-car for men with
axes and hatrhetR soon brought a crew
of IH<'ll who began to elca1 off 11 homesfrad for the ne1womer:;. The: spirit or
co-operation corumon among lhc Lorus
~enauti< pre:vailed. and shortly many
were settled m the wooclland camp; iilso
Reveral alr1>11elv located ill the fielcl ";th
tents remowci to th<> shacly woodland,
leaving room for those who ha<.l large
trailers to take their place on \lie Jield.
Street markers anti other s ic:ns lo dircrl th<~ !'ricncb in an orderlv rnannet
wrre c'tablishcd. aml the Theocratic
'l'railer City grew unW 677 trailers, 1,824
tents, 100 cars with ,J.,pp~rs, 99 truckloads (soruP trtH'lrn ln;nr:ing-10 to 50 passenger~}. and 3 hu~es, with a grand population in tlie city of 1G,i>26, were located
to share the greatest convention yet.
Well--0rdered F'acilities
. \ "business section" was located in
the center of th<:> ramp, where the general ofllce, rafoteria~. refrc~hment stands,
information hoa1d, mnttress factory,
first nid, "lost :md round" booth, icehousc. S<Jllud-cars whi<'h broadcast nll
programs l'rom The Mena. <ity directory (wherein Hery pPr~on in the ramp
was registerecl, tol':etber with the address
in the camp. ~o that M'eryone could readily locate his f1iends). a post office, tclepll-One booth, and many other conven1ence1' fo1 the aid of the population.
'l'lwre was a dcl!land for straw to be
used [or beds in tentg, etc., so 2,459 bales
of straw were 11sed, and a hirl':c stack of
straw fnrniRhed material for hundreds
of mattresse", which were manufactured
in the camp. ....,
'l'hree ~lissonri springs on the farm
furnishe<l 1?:00<1 water for nurn, after being piped to lhc camp, also 144,000 gallons of water was purchased for general
use, it being Ullivere<I in tanks to a cistern locatPd on the farm, antl then piped
througbout the camp. with spigots local-

ed 50 fePt apart alon!l: the ~treet:>. There

were 133 trurkloads or Rawdust put on
the streC'ts to cover the du:>t. F.lectricity
was furnishc<l to all who wanted iL in the
main eump, and 450 servants, watchmen,
anto m<'chunicR, ~ig-n painters. road crew,
sanitation crew, watermen, and office and
other plares wh<'r<' efforts were matle to
furni~h C'omfort for all 1\ithin the city.
Chiroprnctors, <>8leopatli~. medical doctors and nur,.;es were avuilahle for those
who were ill; the more se1ere ruses were
sent to the 8t. Louis city hospital. Also
some cases wJt,.re prospccli1e witnesses
for The Theoruc~ Wl're horn. The city
functio1rnd very similarly to any other
city of its size, notwithstuncling it existed
only a few days.
A great witncR' was giwn to 1he surrow1cting neighbors ot the <'ity by the
sound-can; on the camp, and one in particular would be of interest. which is here
related. The Catholic man mid wil'e who
offered room for trailers and tentg on his
acljoining farm ac<-epted tlt!' Trnth and
say tbPv are witnr"e~ now for Jehovah.
'l'hcr stated that thcv nt\'er ~aw such remarkable Christian people, and thut they
too will be at the next convention working with the rest of us in establi shing a
camp. During thP time thP friend~ were
parked witll them a Catholic woman
came to pu1diase frnit and Raid to him,
"isn't that awful, this bunch of .Jehornh's
\litnesses located here I T bet YOU have
trouble wutd1i11g your fruit." The man
replied, 'If they we1e that bad, they
would not be located on 111y form; und
for yonr il1formatio11, T haVl' not lo~t any
fruit, exc<>pt what l frcelv offered tliem.
These people l1avc been i'nisrepre~ented
to you:'
A "lo~t and found., hooth was maintained, where a Yast Yaril't~ of lost articles were tnrnNl in so the owners could
repossess their belongings. Several children were brought in, and some adults
that could not find their way home, especiaUy at night; also purses, and many
other artirles. ~'or example, one elderly



witness lost a ten-dollar bill. 1d1ith was

fo und and turned in to the "lost and
found" hooth. and he was happy to again
hiwe his legal lend<'!' and aYoitl inconveniences aml hardships. What otl1er
group of per~ons would operate like lbis !
At 1 a.m., l~riday night, guards noticed several l ight~<! cignr<>ttes coming
ll1rough the fields and apprchenrlE>cl four
strangers, who aclmiltl'd they were out
of place. A goo<l '"itne.s~ \\a~ Kiven to
them and the~ were kt :o. lrnt their presence was a dani<er, H~ all the roads in the
Woodland se<tion were paYed with straw
and might have been set afire with disastrous results.
The sudden shift of the trailer camp
from St. Louis to the sites ~elede<i made
one of the grcate~t strains lo which m1y
orgunizalion was ever subjecteel, and it


was a marYcl to i<<'e' how thP Lord pro

viclcd expert:; in '";cry linr to <'"tahlish
order and comfort in a ~(>J'V f111 hours.
'l.'he story is too lo11g lo tclJ:
By llonday night al'tcr the 1011,cntion
the majority of the population lmd
moved out of the ~amp <'ity, 1rnrl were
,journeying to every state in the U11ion,
also to Canada, where lhev will co11linnc
to witness of 'fhe Thcot:racy. 'he remaining population WllrC wihws~es who
rrmainPel to 1lismun1le tlw city, 11ncl hy
Wcdne~day nigl1t lh<' fi<'l<l was hnrp, as
every trailer am! tent was gone. 1111d the
fit>ld waH dcan"d of all material, with
nothing lrrt hut swe<'t memorie~ of the
111111li.fold ble>sings that .Jl'bovah had
showered upon His amba~sadors in convention.

Convention 01ganization
Jehovah's witnesses Are God's People
Though .Jehovah's witnesses may be,
a~ some would rle~rrill them, as "the
fewest of all people" (thongb tlwy did
not present that appearance at tit.
Louis), yet they arc really .Jehovah
God's own people. In important respect:;
they are not like others, and could not be
like them and be llis representatives in
the earth.
Diel you ever sec a ma~s of over I 00,000 people without a p\pP, a eig:n or a
cigarette in ~igbl t You could "cc it at
St. LOLus. The police soon caugf1l on, and
their instructions to the force were, "If
you see a man smoking, wakh lum.''
'l.'he obedience of the witnesses was remarked by everybody within the eouvention and without. N'o sucl1 obedient gronp
was probably ever found upon the earth
in such great numbers.
Were more ushers needed 01 more
' ' any purworkers in any department, !or
pose' A ll that was necessary was to
make the annonncl'tneu t. Did the management desire to have the grounds
cleaned up f Thousunds were ready to

lend a hand and Llw work wa done

presto. Were they wanted to keep a
<lri\'eway open/ Then th"y were, lrnnclin-hand, alert, patieut, sw<'et in tlw E>yes
of the "~athcr or l'W<'Nness''. ('I'hat is
one of th~ lHHll<:'R 1'hat ocrur in Holy Writ,
to wit, "Abinomn.")
Honest! Has an\'one Her SE'en sueh
honest people I _\nd yet. ufter all, .Jesus
said that these are th<>y that lmve rerei 1ecl the W ol'Cl in to gone l an<l h 011,.st
henrts'. A pnrking lot manag-cr in:;nrerl
earh car on hi:s lot up lo $100 damag-c:;.
A stranger rame in, and drew attention
lo the fact that u sign on one o[ the Jw
cars had been dawag-et.l. The parking lot
manager localed tJ1c car owner. and
started to expre~s his re1<r<>t. whPreupou
JehornMs witmss inunetliately responded, "Oh, that isn't your fault; that was
not don~ here." "'ith that the parking
lot manager h1rnc1l lo his prnspcctivc
customer and frrnlt-findc1 and said, "Yon
are not one or these people>: you get out
of here." 1'1w same or another parking
lot manager also chased off his premises
a11othcr man, operating with a Bible ll11-



<ll'r l1is ar111. II!. 'aid, iu ~11hla1wl', "l

l'llll ltll from the WU\' \'Oii 1011<111..t \'OOr~lf that you art> no;t ;,IH' of the<e. p<'o11!.. : so yon !!tt otl" tny 1>latt
'Pv.u tla\:-; afll 1 lht t'Ott\'Pnliuu \Vas.
0\'11 llw "l11pt1u1 co111pauy "' ' wel l I'<'
1111,11 il1Pni their 11111111>1011>1 n11tl kind Iv
111sto1111'' from ull O\'l'I' th<' l 'n ited
l-Hn l"" that t lw~ still 1arl'i1d t li P sig-us
dr:1ll'iug at\1'11tio11 to th1 acld 1ps~P'
"('omfort .\II 'l'hat ~lourn" a111l "('hil<lr<'n of Tiu King". 'l'ilis al<o made a

g~<Hf \~itn ..:;s.

.\ w1tuc" reports that nt a 1ntain

011 Kingshi)!hwu~. St. Loui,, u


1nit:.t \\a~ ~tundin~, pntlin~ H\\u~ at a

i~ttl'. .\ \\'ifnp~:-:, tnr tllllt' Hlon; liPu rj 11A:
tlH (1u11i 11g- l lll'(Jl~
iu1-t~, n11tJ. l'or ~<Hllf n 11 l.:110\\-u rpasou. n~
HH :ld\'t'l'ti~t~JUC'lll o l'

~0011 us I J1P privst ~a". 1ltt< :-> i ~ 11 "( "01nfort

.\II 'l'lial 'lourn", I'll'., In 'l:tll'ht'<I hi~

ci-111 l'nm1 hi>. mouth nnd tl11"11 it on the
)1;1\' llllC'" (.

..\n ()rt':.:on \Vit11t~~ rPj1ort(d :--tayin~

nt n trailer <::imp owne1 liy u 1111111 of

gornl.will, a former Homan l '11tholi1., i\ot.
only hncl hi' '"'.i"l'f".{ :,,.;,.,lt-ntlt, lmt
wl1111 h1 )ward ol' lum llllln\' or .Jl'hmah"s
wil"""''' had l11p11 t11111l1l :iwa 1 hv clel11tl1 d ll ll'llli>l' I'' 01' his fOl l'llll'I' M'I:(, Jr~
1111' "' i11rli;~11a11t H1at unly 1111 OJ'J'O l'\\luily uf t111'11ing' his 'nl 1in ;'nd <a 111p ovt\r
to illl'lll co1111l <'hl'tI' 111111. 11 i~ i:rc<ting
was n~ wnr111 and true aN hi< lll'art.

/,i1it1(1 lfw TruU1



wi,Ju-cl tu 1111t it iuto thl luu11l~ of tlw

u\\'llt'r, llt uJ:o:o rt-i1uarkltl ho" "011~hl(!1'
atl' tlu wih11"p' wt>rr, tiptoeini: iu Jij,
hnllll' "" a;i 110( tu <li>tnrh ot l11r~. 111111 of

llui l' kind11c:-::-: lo\\ar'l ol1C auol hPr.

.\ wit lli'">' sta!Pcl t hat a 1111111 >':lid i11 h11
)ll'C'X11111 I hut it 11as t111 111ust 111 11ark
ahl1 lhi11:-: 111 hnd cvH wif111,<P<I, t hnl
p1opl" shou ld 1.,1111 from all )'111'1,: of ll11
(jui t1-d ~taleo:-t j 11 ~t11l i1n11u~11 ... c n ..~nl1P t'l"
ancl 011 ~llt'11 an 1~rrand.
.\t a


:--tatinn a \ritllt_'ri.S \Va:ir.


tak<'11ly lm111h'<I u $~11 hill iu cl1ani:... iu,had of a 8tnall1 """ \\'hn I:. di""""1ntl it h1 \\'<'lit l~1d; to ti"' f'il in)! (utiou
und 11t 11rt11d it. a~ a rnartcr ot' t11111~p.
1111d !Ii<' 111:111 r1111nrk1d thut "'"' 11111,. i1tc<'cl hi 111 11 I' I h<' truth 11 rid fa i I Ir I' 11 I111 ss
"I' ,Jf'l1111 uli', )lf'O)'I.
~\l ilt1 ll''cfprin ii \\il11t-:-1s
t'or~ot li r r cha:1;.;.1" and it \\';1~ u1 0 1ut
that 'h1 nhould ""''c nrnl i.:..t
it. J 111a~i1u1 tlu pur_c:ai.ory Hru1
rn<hll'1r~' loin~

unythini; lik{ tlmt:

( >rh' \\'ori:u1 took litt-ratu ..1 \\1th tl1PF-1'

\\or<ls = 'J iur 11111 ... 1 lu to.01H11 hi11~ ~tln(I

in tlii ., lllt'!'\~l\g1: r. ,. a:1 tlu la11:-1 of th1
)>t'oi(ll! lhal l\111011' thi' Hl't ):nc11I 111 l1o"k
,\11ollur wo111ttn ll' hu took Ji(1mt 1111
:-.aicl: ") li uv1 kno\\ 11 ot' .fPhu\'ali ':-; \\it
)1(>:--1 .... fo. H 11111:.:. l;I L~( .. hut l"l'\'4'1' 1lllHl.t!llt

much ul.,11\ th1"11 until I 'aw ri// //us'

/ll'fiJllr. ,., Olt IH~Y fn11J trn,

t\\ tUt)' 01'

"''111 a h111clrc"I l"'"J>k, hut 11111 this


or 1)11' WitOPS>t>, U );\'lltll'lt\:111 of

Jt h< or 1111 a..-uil to try tn hn tlu truth

if ynu t1ay,ri 't got it 1n yuur lunrt . . \

;;), \\"itli n lou- \\hitP 1uard. 111i~tuk1 1 11 h.'

cltr k I " udo1111to11 11 Lii;gl'll\ .-101p (po'~iilly th .. llltlll<j/.(l'I') to ld II 11itlll'S~ t hat

h1 hacl 11htait1<d litl'rnl.1111 fr1>111 1ud1 of
11i111 ol' .J .. hon1h's wit111'"''" and that
t h1y ar1 thl )!l'filltl<'s t 111' ]l<'O]ll~. lle
ta!I 1) :1ttPntion lo au P\]h1i1111t lu had
oh"n<'d : Au JJ,rly rippli.I witues>. a
l:11ly. cum" ut 1; p.111. tu nnt 11 room au<l
disim .. n~l ,Jte liud lu~t lwr purw (cont11it1i11i.: $~00). ha\i11i.: l11't it on thl' lmF.
'l'v.n hour:- latPr H ~;)t111g "it1u~!" <"ailed
und a~k1.<I l'or the e1i]tpl1d witnc", 'tatiug thut ~he had fou11J hl'I' purs~ an<l

ll li tt l( f'hild 1., l11 "~:111111 ('Inn", look

th1 ti111" to l'Xplui" to t h litll 0111 tl11<
trntl1 1111 tl11 H11hj1d, ilnd t lv1t h1 iH ju,1
0 11t of .J<liovnh'~ \ritnt1 1'~L'~. Ii',, all tl1u
otJip r n1tu ~he ~a\~! ah< int l1t-r. It i a 1r()4
liou:-- u111l IH_'H 11ti l'ttl thin~ to lhit \\'i Ill'.;~
to tlll' tr11!h lo tl11 )wart 111' 11111 of !Ill'
littl" d1ildn11 or the King.
1'hn was 111itlll'r ltc.lrhll'~s or 11 hlu>i:
kine! 1111r modt<t~ of 11 ra1, .. l;incl 11n11111~
Go<I'>' pl'l1plt at St. I.oui.<. 'l'b \lfath..r
wag hot. und 1he peopll' cll'C'H>"d a<'orclingly: und in ! li t frw irn<tn "'"'" 11 li111 111 ..11



r()i>m fl1<tdgntirA. (%) Pr<DOring territory. (3) Emf"rtcney


( t)



(5) to;njoy inraw 1naltre~ea. (l) B,00() '\'Oluntcer tor eonv~11llon org-.l1:1lzfttlu-n. (7) Re-gi!ll.t"ring el1UdJen. (8) Iti.
llne for no'W pbMographa. (t) Orchestra. (10) lntorruauon walkt:Ml apply. (il) 7{12 tdg>n up for vlonecr eetvlc._



and women wore Rhorts, that was their

own business. I'robably they did not
wear them in the witness work, but only
for comfort while traveling. Several
110.hies w!'re horn at the trailer camp.
'l\11v not T .Jesus was horn at a conventioli. was lie not I
Thoso in the religious business arc
always saying that if "their" people hacl
the ''Zeal of .Tehovab's witi1esses they
could turn tl1e world np~ide down. But
they ha<>n't it, an<l tlHy c1mnot gd it,
hecau~c they haven't the truth. )lohody
can lie about Almighty God and make
others enthusiastic to serve llim.
New Phonograph

Then 1111s 110 official unuouncement

mad!', but it lw<amf' genf'rally known that
earb rnorni Ill! there woul<l be a release
of 100 new plwnograph~. By 5 a.m. each
morning there were two long lines of witnesses waitiJig to get in to gPt thP new
model. By falkini; to thPRe witnesses it
was lenrncd thnt ROmf' of those in the
front uf the li1w took th('ir post at lwehe
o'clock 111iclnighl, and ~omP at l a.m., and
many were thPre as eitrly as 3 a.m. It
was noted that Pach one was patiently
waiting his turn and without any corn.
plain\~. Thc~c early birds represented a
cross-scrtion of pioneer~ and company
pubJisher> from eHry part of the country and some from fonign lands.
TriJu and streamline<!. resembling a
handsome pierr of luggnge, tile new,
p!>bblctl gray ph011ograph is an improved
mstrmtlC'nt for the ul\e of His witnesses
to magnify .TPl10,-ah's name and to proclaim His King and His 'l'heocratic
Kingrlom. although i;peeially rlcsigned
for door;;\ep setups, the n.rtical-type
machine i~ equally e!licient for back-calls
anrl model stucli<>~, ns proved by lrnndreds of conventioners who WPrc abk to
SCC\ll'C this eqt1i(Jmcnt in f;t. Louis.
]'.]quipped with a lock and key. also a
complete set of instructions for its operntion, each onP of the llf'W ligl1twei~ht
models was borne tTimnphanlly away by
a witness who counted himself fortunate

in acquirinp; the instrument and eager to

put it into 'J'heonatic use. About 300 of
the machines had been taken to The
Arena, and they were disposed of with a
rapitlity that was sugge::;tive of the proverbial hot <>akes.
It was difficult to !urn them out fast
enough, a~ each one had to be as~emblecl
by experts from Society heudquarters,
then te::;tcd, all of whjch requi rnd time.
They were apportioned over a period of
three din's anrl meanwhile demonstrations 11-ere carried on with a special cutaway modPl ~hawing the working mechanism ";thin. 'rhe Lord's people, after
all, a1e at heart only children; hence it
was witb childish intere~t they watched,
fascinated, while tbc demonstrator model wai< put throt11J:h its paces, and when
the sonn<I of Judp;c RuthNford's voice
issned therefrom as tlie machine was
J1etd in one~ hand in un upright position,
there werP no hounds to their enthusiasm. In Owir mind's eyP they could picture themselws making door~lcp setups
wi tll surl1 n handy machi11c.
Bach machine is also <>quipped with a
package of chromium nceclle~ of the required length that mn~t be used, each
neNlle being recommended for 25 playin,p;s. l"nll in>;tructions for opernting the
ma<"hine al~o include an explanation of
how to work the volume control. The
shutter m11Y he left almost dosed for use
in apartment honse~. wlli..le outdoors it
may be opet1ed to gi>e full volume.
One advantat:c whicl1 entranced tl1e
friends was the hook compnrtmcnt, the
upper part of which mas be u~ed lo hold
two book~ and a numl1er of booklets
while below may he carried copies of

Watchtower. Oo11solatioi. Kmgdom

New.~, and additional booklets. Or, in

case of getting ready to hold a model
study, sufficient bound honks, Bible, etc.,
for refereMe:; may he 811felv stowed
away in lite double compartment, along
\vith Model Study booklet, eliminating
the nece8sity of ean~ing another witnessing case. '.L'wo records-fonr sidcsthe maximwn nnmlwr 11~11ally <l<>Rired for


a model study of one ltours length, may

be rarrie<l on the turntable wliell the machine is closed.
Tho~e who have read the instructions
given with each machine value highly the
detailed outline of bow to arrange and
carry out the doorstep setup, even to lbc
statement tl1e witness makes in introducing the playing of the rE'cord; also advice on adjusting and care of the phonogravh.
The new pbono,graph wcip:hs but si
pounds, empty. One may imagine its intricate and rleviom; workings wl1en it is
rememhered that earh machh1e contains
215 parts. The ..i11sides,. of a typical machine were displa.\'ed on a- board at the
phonogmpl1 cou11te1-, at St. Louis, the
~amf.' being n rP\elation ernn to the
mechanirally-mimled. ,\Joulds, dies and
tools for constrnrtion or the new model
were made uilller the direction of the
Society. I'ruducti011 will hP continued as
rapidly as 1iussible, ~o that mor<> machines mar be pot into the possession of
witnesses as rapidly as pos"iblc.
Surely the Loni ha8 again shown His
gooclness to His people hy placing such
an efficient instr\lmcnt in theit hands,
and they wiJJ show their gratitude by
wielding il ns eticctively and accurately
as Ehud used !Jis dagger 011 fat old Eglon.


tawe1 and of Consolatia11. Having <lispo~e<l ot' all in one l1onr, he returned for
more, only to find the magazine co1mter

ill the same plight as bim~elf.

'!'he advertii<ing fliers also were all exhausted by 'l'hmsday, when hundreds
seeking them were turned away. '0 t11e
rescue were bro11gl1t hook-and-booklet..
comhi11atious and Kingdom News to
place for dishibution in~tead of the
magazines. :I.lore than 400 new subgcri ptions were obtained at this counter and
elsewhpre in St. Louis during convention . . ~
Territory Assignme11t
Establishing union between the carclrivers who needed publishers to make
up their loads, and the publighers who
preferred to witnc!<s in vehicles, was the
hlsk assigned to the counter bearing the
announcement "Car Gronps .i\fod~ Up
Herc". Pedc>triarn; applying therP were
directed to a section of ~eats rr~erved
for them near hy in The Ar<na, tliere to
wait nntil a car-driver with a vac!\n<'Y
or v11c11nri('s pnt in appearnnce. f'uddenly the am1011ncrr would 1i1ll out after t11is
fashion: "'l'hrrc more wantrd for tloorto-door work." Tho>e willing to volunteer for this type of ~ervice thereupon
offered thernselve~ and the car-driver
made hfa selection. E:J undrc.Js of' pnhlishers patiently awaited their tunrn. 'l'he
flpplicant" greatly C>:cecded tbe a~comMagazine and Subscription Counter
t;old Ollt the morning oJ' the second modations.
<lay of conventiPn, wiU1 more than three Book room
dayR yet to go," wus reported at the
Tl1e bookroom comprised spnce and
")lagazines.. co1mter. Dnring thiR time nine counter~ in the right ronidor of
the corps of 21 dii-pos~d of 45,000 maga- The Arena. Hll(l ~6 work!'rs were needed
zines aml took more than 100 sull>crip- to keep thP soldiers suppliPd with mntions. The conwntion could easily have munition in the warfare again"! the
tripled tJie 4:i,OOO.
DPviJ and his army, espe<inlly rentererl
lt seems all witnesses 11ent to the con- at that pJlrlicuJm time in St. Louis mid
vention magazi11c-mindc<l: thus making round nbout. J<;verv soldier used forethe demand enormous. Furthermore. the sight in having arnp\p ammunition for
magazines went out so fast on th<' streets the conquest. >:evN at nny pTevious cont!Jal in a 8l1ort tirnr the ma~azine poh- vention was thr enthusiasm of th(' witlisltcrs were "'>ol<I ont" antl had to re- nesse~ neal'ly so mark<:'<l: l'ot it wns CYcn
far ahove expectatio11. Jf ore thnn 600,pkni'h stock.
~\ \ery ai.:Pd "it11e" obtained 24 mnga- 000 piec('s of litcratmc, of all kinds. went
zines, consisting of 12 each of The Watch- out during the coJLYention.


Arena Ushtrs
i\for<' Ihnn ::!,000 u,Jwr!< gave <I i lil(Pnl
f:ervi<l at 'J'h~ .\rena. Ho runny 1'('~1)nnd
ecl to tlw c:tlls for n1c111 u"her" tl111l not
nil ('<>lllcl .... 1nrollc~1: henre hurulreds
\\'Cfl llll'llP<l ll\\ ay. ~nr.I~ thPy l\'illinl!IY
ofl'precl th1msehc' in fullillnw11t or
propliNy 11 11wPrnin~ 1lw pt'opl!> 111' ,Jt>ho\'llh Guel. 'l'lwy "off..1pcf fllPm~<'h'ls willin!!l~~-". - .Judie~.)::!, n.
Pro,i~;inn \\n~ mntlP ror evf'r\ f>lllPf

Hta tT ol' l'l''NTP~ W/1' 11fwny"

lhal in l'llHI' Ull UHhCI', l'ol' tl;l}'
reu~011, 11111sl fall ou l ol' the rn11b, a1iother C'CJll)cl rPntlil~ take hi~ pluc1', or if

li<'llCy, ll' a
al ha 11tl : Ho

a. uee<l nro:-:t for mo rt n~lu-~r:-. at nny pnr-

twolnr pla11-. the\ coul1l be s111l nt a

mim1(c\ n11lil'P.

The Asstmbly Hospital

Xenr r. force at nn" ThP<><rnti .. n~
~embly lu sud1 thoroi1~h prepamtions
h1>r11 m_a<lt to <'Ur<' fo r th!' ,iek nnd ui ling
hnmnm ty :1Hnr rnnl(Pd n l ~t. Louis. ~il LL
a ted on t in snh-lloor in lhP Pnsl of t lte
.c\n.m1 huilclim.:, a \\ hof,. snit of ofliccs
,,.a!' ~i\'<'U u\cr for tlu f1l:o-pitnlt ,,ith its
di~pe1ts1u~, first ui1l '"'"ice. <>k. l11rc
52 diJfonflt phy,;ici<uls were on t'Cl(Ulm
duty, nssi><trrl hy 4<i 1<1(11lu 1 11Ill'Hts und
:,o pradi<-al lllll'~Ps to cnr" t'or t lw rnrl1".'' str1a111 or applwnnt" for phy,iral

On ~aturduy, fnu1th clay of tilt' l'Oll

1cnt10H. nl lh<' dos!' of t lt r day thoHe in
charge npnrtPt! that I ,S9(i ltncl lwen
ghen t l'l'almPnt thnt clay.
\'irtun(h 1'\ f'f\ knm111 stl10ol or tr<nt.
nwnt \\'ll:< ~. pn:enhI in the loni;: li:<l of
prnctiti111111,, iud ucl in)( allopat'hil', ho111 cop at l1i 1. o,;te11p11 ll1ic., chi rn pitirtir,
!1curopatlti1., naluropathit, al~o >J~1i al1~t~ 1n t')'. 1ar ctntl no:-ot- aiJ1nt.nt~. foot
speriafi,t, und tho'< with equipmtnt
to furnish l'il'l'lrie trcatment><, tn)(l'lher
with nw11 skillr1I in lwnt llwrnpy, hydrnputl1y, ck.
ThP"' faithful dol'tnrs workecl nnclcr
ronrlition' 11r 1110,;t u1hcrse nature. For
example, th..r1 wns a >hortage of rots

111111 Pl ~ctri< fnn,, ubo or ,.J,.l'tti~ul 11p

parnlus. 'l'h< ft1cl ('ros~ n11d l lil' Y.;\l.r. ..\ .
ol' 'St. Louis "'"''" l(iven nn opportunity
t.o 10-op~rate in l'!'o\i<fill!i '111'!1 artidcs
tor tb1 'J~k ancl ailmo.: coll\'<nt icm<'rS, hut
111111 afliliation 11 ith hili i.11,inc>~ pn.
(h11hd their lwl ping the Lor<l'R Jilli,.
mws. They >tll lw;.i:n n with mw nceortl to
mnk!' rxeURPR, "'ll'li, for Pxt11uple. as th<'
f:ict that their t1uiprue11t hnd h1m lPnt
to 1!1<' _l~oy Sc-out,. They would he l?'ln<I
to 1111l 1f thl'y Muir!, hut th~y cli1ln't ha1<'
thP t11ts, elc.; uncl ~o the nlihis rolled
g liltly fl'Olll their (ongueR. "'l'hcn sh11J I
th<y nl:-:.u UJ1!'\\'e1 J1iua, ~aying. ( ~nrcl. \Vhfln
>II\\ we thee . . . sick . . . mu) clid not
minit<'r onto tlw1 r-~Jatl 111\\ ::!.) : 44.
Hut the Lord's arm ;, not horlf'JH'll
an1 I """' 1mrn~ 11' nol all l111 1111cll'tl arl iel<s lw:a n to upptar. Lm ing l'tiP111l><
. ~vhc'. l111cl 11a11gl1t lo >leep 111111 hut Mts
Jo~lully .~aw lhm up o llrat the en!"
rnight be takcn lo the ho,pilnl, there to
bt' 11sp<l d urinl( th!' <lay, th111 lnkPn hu!'k
h cHU(1 H1{nin

1"0 1

t li('j I'

O\Vllfll'S' ll~(\

'Vli fln

hl'cltimP urrhPI. J:\'l'O so. t Ill' g-r<'al Ulfl

un11rccf'<lPntl'll mid u ow' I"'"I "I de111a11< I
m11dt npon tlw ,i.... tors and tlni r ns"i't
ants wus so rxtrnonlinnry tl111t thes<'
\'ol11ntN'r wmkl' t'I' perfotm1cl their scnil'cs under prirnith'I a nd udvt rsl' conclitionl". J'or i11~tll11<t, a naturopnthi~t gav<'
trcntnwnb to his pnti1nb \\ lrih thev I'!.'
rlin1d on plain honrcls, hn\'mi,: rwitlicr n
t11hlr nnr arnatlrl'ss to use. 'l'lw Lord will
rc1t1C111IJcr th1>sl' thin:i; whrn t li e filial ac.
~mmling- is. ~Ptll1d with Liil' r,.Jio.:io-mP<I.
1c11l uuthor1hes \\ lw ermitt1cl 'llell le, ts
to lw heaped upon hi~ faithful >l'lnrnb.
By fnr the nm,jority or 1t1Hfs culli11i;:
for I l'f'atm ent to nsiH LCd ol' vidirns of lhc
heal. In ndditio11, there wcrt nuious ac.
citfon! eal'e~ trentP<I, ~omf' .or the ac-l'itl<'nt" ha\ing otturred to com(ntioners
on thcir way to St. Loui~. whilr othrr;.
hupp('llccl afttr nrrival. .Jo'ortumilcly no
Hrio11s illness had to lw topcd ,~ith.
Thr11 first aid slut ions Wt'r<' in ~nn~tnnt.
ll><, e11rh staffod hy an :.U.D. us,.isted h)
one or more nurM~~-

U) Cafeteria countr "'tr\k~. (?) cartil<r-ia. patron$ at n1ealLabl..-s <3> 8k1Ded cooks. \iJ SiXtf:o:n orderly Cood
line. ({i) Sa.ndwiih-mnkers, (6) 1-:ltcheu r<irce. (7) Salad dcpa1'tn1c>nt. (S) Hatl~ry or ool'(.-e urni:. C9) Ph;h
waallet-a at '''Ol'k. (10) f'1epal'hlg ft"lll!A and vc-~etabl ea. (11) Laundry



Feeding tllc Jlultitude

Dailv a modern miracle wns performed
wlwn the nmltitu<lt was red at an average of 2,:100 ev<'ry 20 minutes at lhe
greatest nud lar~''"t a~~emhly of .Jeho\"ah's people ever held on the face of the
e1uth; performccl not once, but three
tiwes cvE'r~ day ch1rh1p; tho as~embly in
~t. Louis. 'l'he hand of thP Lord WllR evident in thi~ vast undertaking, when a
smootl1-working otganizalion of vo lunk<'rs, Rkill1<l wo1kMs all, gave gladly of
their time and cnC'rl(ies so that the ('00wrttioner, might be refreshc\l with good,
wholcso111e food in abundan1e. Tito con V<'ntioner", it is true, endm1'<l many priv11t1ons un<l himlships from the he11vy
hnnd of th< enemy during tl1eir passage
to and from tl1!l assembly point and in
lirnlin!l' 11<l1'<1nate sle<ping quarters while
within th1 ~ity, but it is l'<1ually certain
that goini.: hungry was not numbered
among tho test!< to which their faith was

.\ parn<lc of tr1wks which nC'ver 1>nded
rolled up to the rcceiving depa r truent
und 1lisehar.L!cd llwir sack~. crntes, hags,
cnscs and l'llll$ fillcI with t'ood and drink.

Thereupou these \\'!'re \I hisked into the

ll"~l'rulily liue where vegetables, l'ruits
a11d meuts were rleanc'<l, prepared,
t'ouke<l and placecl upon the caleteria
tuhlco. lhl'rP to hc borne away by the
huni;-ry witnl'SBP>t lo thP dining tublcs
wh1re th<'\' '"''re rnu~umed . .\:;the dishes
were em1itiNI, otlur eafet .. ria workers
gutlwre<l th<'111. tool; thPm to the anlomatir dishwnshin1.nnacliine, wh!'re thPy were
deansed, >IPrilizc"<I. thcu wiJ>Pd dry ancl
put hack into tlw Mn'it'e, rcfillNl with
edihlcs a11d m11tlt ready for DrH>tlJPr
roun<l as tlrousand~ of more liuugl'y one~
ca111e in waYes to haYe tl1eir ereaturc
ne\d' p1ovidcd for.
Ami, a>< i' the eusc with nil tl1P lGr1gdo111 work, frecling of the multitude was
ue<'ompli,hetl witl1out any hint of comnwrciulism . .t\on" profitecl thereby in a
l'''nninry wny. All ~crvi~t was gl'atis.
A nominal rharg<' \HI' male for food ancl

dl'ink, but this was mC'r'eiy enongh to

l'OYer the l'OSt of the foo<I and t>Xpenses
of operation. Thousand:< who could not
afford to pay wPr!' fed without one cenl
of cost to them. 'l'hus Ml'h who gavo a
little of Iii> means helpP<I somebody else,
which wns the l'lttistian thing to do.
The t'al'eteria not only was hC'tter and
larger than ewr ll<'fort', but was man-
aged 1vith unpr!'<'<'dc>ntf'cl effil'i~ncy ancl
dispatch. Probl!'tlls that arosP nl previou~ connntion" 1li<l not pPrplPx the cafeteria stnff this time; tll() had profited
by their f'xperi1n1e. For ouc lhrng, the
long qncucs of \\Uiting, hungry <'onven-



not '""" Wlrnle ai~lrfuls of

people w1re a1lmittt'l at .. ne time to be

nhsor bed tit thl l.' -sha1iccl paRol\g<'way11,
16 in number, where with nrnnrkahlP
speed they pas,;el arutmd nnd eaeh
l1elped him>elf, <'tlfeteriu style, puid bi~
<heck or p1es<:'ntPd hiR 1re<lenti11ls fo1
frt>e food, then cnrl'ie<l hi" truyfnl away
to devoh to it ~oni'e minute" of ,Jc"i> and
eurnest "ronsi<l" ru tion".
Local<>d in Bnilding "A", to lhe le[l
(east) of The .11.,na, tlw cafeteria gradnally expnndecl until it ocenpi ... I 11lruost
tl1e en ti rdy of thi~ inuncrrne oiw-~tory

Cafeteria lte1t111 I ~oo<l eon,umf.'d)

Dairy Products: RI-ii.:". l,:U~u 111?.:n; hutt1r, 1.168
lullk lqt:nrt l1olll!i.'S), :tJ.G:?7 h<>lllts: mUk
:11~ 1: lllor.~; mil,._ Cl/l& bo 'li<'J). !iY.7Zt bottlP;
C'.-olatj- ni'Rc (J/11 -".17J botU
r11ltk (1/11 t"lltl"-"). l~.;;:f; hon~ , 1-~ln, :!6 .. pUon,,.,


cht I ,-; w p91,11lCh; l'uttage




Fruits: l'ache.s {lli3 l>r bush1l h'*'kt>tl, 201 hU8hf'la;

~n!.~~ ('ll.'1'61J) . .;;cs c.r.1lets; S:"-P91t (~6.~ '""uuds),
; "
oc>1>1; b&na.l:uut. i':S bOX"' k-mon:c.
. ; boXd,
pl 1t'l'l!'I, :?l l boset;: <.1lnUl<>Ul)i!e ltt per ,ra\~). t~1
C"'lt'K; 1w.1r (13.'J (l<-r l10X). $1) 1..1x.t-:s; JWUhe" !,&7!i

rah1lu11. 9Z!t


Jt~, bsp;
l>OUJ')ch1. 11'5 r.p, .. t!.tu4
tom-tQJe,:: l11unrt
l.l&D qw1r1~. com
cu1al:r:e), :11n loun nlery, 31& IO;trn; ra1li hes. !l
Cl"tite-is; 1abb11~-: <!-t, HU poun1l1U, ll.5 ton; t1.trroh1,
7~ cntltHl; CU11n1h1r11, 1\ 1 ~rnt~a: 111r"'IC'y, 1r; 11'alt!S;
IJtl8. 11 1rutn. C'OOkl111r appl,..a.; lettuC*t.
1$1 crtll"' :..-reen ~f1M'rw. Ui C"%1Lte., endJ,-e, i. 'ratt"W





rotat<Ci1 c1!.!1o1+1},






hr;ad, J;,ft7l loa\'"; Corn

t-l.1k13, !:tI l'tl8e~; m~L ::-;.t."11 IK>Un<J_g; fl~h. 2,$1~

HUl(.1r. Juund .. ; ~11~1.:. :?,.:.uo 11oun(.)s;
-odn llOP (l'.!,1!11;, cs..11111), '"llh:s; or.lnK<' drink
(I /IC buttle), 10,Cof)I botUes: IOl'C"rc>-1tm l1rl ..kt1 :Ued
no,-ett.ies.. It.ill dozen: ke. 3fl.tGO pounJa.


In Appreciation

Companies lol\nlni; fnachlnvry for cnfct.crfa u!le nnd

"'hose kind service and co-opt>ratlon much appre-

c\l\t<!d 'by the Society are the following:

llOl)a.rt SAies Al."''ncy, Krog~r and COmpnny, t.. R.
Flori, 9urtla Mauuractur1ng corrtp&ny, U. $. Slicing

:Mu.chine Company, Howe Scale Company, Marlo Coll







Stuart's Car..:.

Any reference to the Assembly cafeteria would be incomplete without mention of the corps of ushers upon whom
devoh'ed tlte duty or keeping tl1e flow of
lmmanity at an even volume. lt required
425 ushers to do this job, working in two
shifts, Lbe f101n 6 a.m. to 2 p.m., the
second from 2 p.m. to 8: 30 p.m. L1 addition, it was necessary to keep a reserve
handy in case of emergency or for relief.
'l'J1e~e ushers were arranged in five divisions, each havi11g its own captain.


Their job was to havo charge over the

lines, that is, tho ropes leading into lhe
cafeteria, ancl others who directed the
conventioners out of and away from the
food lines on re tbev hacl loaded th~i r
trays. Thus bottlenecks, jams and confosion were avoided. Time after time, additional volunteers had to be callc<l for as
the demands becamo moro strenuous.
A smooth, orderly, elllcient and hardworking corps was built up quirkly. Sai<l
a St. Lot1is metropolitan policeman who
came to eat in the rafoteria and who remained to praise the efli.ciency of the
ushe1s' corps: "lt heati< me. r simply cannot m1clerRtand how you could set up
such an ordel'ly arrangrmlnt in so short
a time. It is astounding."


New Pioneers
Jeliovuh's witnesses uro a servi.ce organization. nothing dse; more concerned
about doing Jeliovah's will than anything
else at all. At tho St. Louis romention,
besides the 15,000 children that rose to
tell Judgo Rntlierforcl of their holy plll'poses, 702 new pioneers signed up for
all-time seni('(!. Married couples predominated, tl1e \\'est !md Soutl1 seeming
to predominate over the ~forth ancl East.
In some cases entire families registered
-six in one instance. Many had no antomobiles. About half expect to remain at
home and work from thn l bn~e.
A blind colored witness wished to know,
"Cau'l I be an all-time pioneer and spe11d
all my time in street-corner work f" She
wRS assured that she could.
At the convention were a number of
paraly1ics and persons entirely blind
who are giving much or all of t11eir time
lo the work of The Theocracy. The secretary and back-cull servant of the Plainview, Texas, company was left a cripple
by infantile paralysis at the age of four
months. lle drives his own car, spPrial ly
equipped with gearshift levers and

brakes manually operated, am! has heen

to every convention since J937.
A wheel chair sufferer of Lansin:,
Michigan, participates regularly in information !lllH<'hcs and l'Cp;ulnr witnessing ancl rnaga?.ine work. Others bl'in~ the
interested to lier and slie does the taU;ing. What an example to all the rest!
Pioneer Requireme11ts
Friday afternoon N. LJ. Knorr took up
the matter of "Pioneer Requirements".
He said, among otJier t11ings:
You who ha\'e accepted the privilege of
pioneer SLll'\'i<'e tlcsi1-e alv..ays to earl")' out Or
gani1..ation inst1ucLions 1o 1he b~:st of your

nbility. Your being a Jlioncor is not 11 focl that

disercdit~ or casts a rcft('<'tion upon ol ht'l"S of
Jchovah:S witnesses who are unable to be pio
neers. but yout position &..'\a pionl~et is a pri\"
ilege from the Lord 1111cl <onfr.rred UJ>Qn you
in 1eward .for your 1.1'111 und faith in respond
ing lo tlu.' eall for fuU.time sct\icc:.
When yon dcci<ltd to go into the pioneer

service you fill('() out au application for ionecr service, und there arc Ctrliiin questions
on tJwl apJ)Jication whi<h rrcry pioneer must
have an.s\vercd 'Ye."'', 01 hcr\lisc he never
would have been ucccptcd hr tho Lord's or-



goniuit.ion to represent it i11 the piouccr work.

One of the questions i thi, "Ate you uure
servedly devoted to Jehoval1, having made a
cousceration 0 your life to Him Y" TJ1at is tho
whole hruiis for entering the pio11Nr work.
Our brethren in the British Isles are working under great stress. The conclitious under
which they operate are !ar more perilolll! aud
di~tressi11g than the pioneers in this couutry
have to go through at this time. P<irhnps this
has i1idcd some in seeing their privileges. A
rep01t was recently received from the Britigh
Isles showing that 11,024 publishers hanl engaged in tho field service work in B1-itain some
time during the past nine months. ..ind 11 percent of these publbhers m-e pioneers. In the
lJnjted .States, whe!'e conditions are murh
more favornhle, only 6l )l<'l'Cent of all puhJishers are pjonccrs.
In England the publisl1ers arc J>Utling in
more time than the publisher:> 11crc. Ourir1g
the past nine moullc tJ1c l 1,02-1 publishers,
which is their peak, put in 2,323,000 hours,
1111 avcra~e for ea<'l1 publisher of 23.4 hours a
mouth in the field. The peak in the UuiM:l
States, 64,302 publi~lwrs, put in a tot~! or
J0,988,000 hours, an awr-.igc of only 18.9
hours a mo11t11 pe1 publisbc1-.
The Lord's people bring much comfort to
tJic distressed htnnan family, and this can be
greatly a]l 1)rL>eiatod from a report recently recched at the Brookl~,, office. One of our correspondents here iu 8t. Louis, who is au an
nouneer ovC<r a radio .station, n1ct a "ell-Jrno\\'ll
English lady who was broadcasting over a
chain of stations. The key station of lier broadcust wu.~ in St. boui~. The convcl'sfllion that is
1clnted shows the e~cct of the puhlic activity
of Jehovah's witnesses upon tho British mo1'1tlc
duriuir the war. Our eorrespondent reports:
"Some time ai::o throuirh my work in a radio
station I c>an11' in tonlaC't \\~it11 quite ft prom ..
inent lady from En~hmd. She is wcll-knowt1
in religious citcks tho1e. . . .
''During a talk which slte !!&Ve on the radio
she usoo a well-lmow11 phrasu quite frequently. After lier talk I exprcs.<ed intcrc;;t and
called her attention thereto, saying: I notice
you used the pluase 'face tl1e facts" quite
oiten. It reminded me of a tallt I heard called
"Face tlte Facts" given lty .Judge RuU1erfo1d

and later published. Do you know of him or

Jehovah's witnesses?'
"She straightened right up and said: 'Indeed I do. They are doing a fine work in England. In fact their courage tmcl faith 11as a
great deal to do ";th the wonderful morale
of the English people.'
''I queried: 'In what way T' and she continued: 'Yon always sec them on the street
corner ";th a smile on their faces, an eucournging word on their lips, and a little bag
over their shoulders. And they always tell
about the Kingdom. Then when an oir-raid
siren soundl! people on the street run for the
shelters, but these witnesses calmly put ~heir
magazines into the bags and walk to the shelter. Theu, once int.o the, out come the
magazines, and sometimes t.hcy even plny port
able gramophones, wl1icb run off me.'l88ges of
eomfort the war-torn hearts of En11land so
greatly need at this time. It certainly has a
great effect.'
'"!'hen I asked: 'But what is the effect in
OcrmauyY These .Jehovah's witnesses are
cniclly persecuted thc1-e.'
"She replied: '1es, Hitler au~ the Nazis
fear Jehovah's witnesses in Germany. ,\:friend
of miue escaped from a concentration erunp
and he told me of the conditions tl1ere. Ile was
greatly impiessed by the faith :ind <0111ai.,'C oJ'
Jehovnl1's witnesses. He said the attitude of
the ";tnesscs toward their tormentors was
sou1cthing to behold-nothing but pity, no
hatred. He al!!O said thnt Jehovah's "1tne<;.'*'8
were kept separate from other prisoners by
means of higl1 barbed-wire fences so that they
could not mjnglc with or talk to anyone else.'
"My English informant indicated that while
she did not agree witl1 Jehovah's witnesses,
she did admire tJ1em for their zeal and
'fhis statem~t from a person not associated
with the Lord's organization completely dis
proves the false chal'gc made in this country
by the persecutors of J~hovuh's witnesses that
the witnesses arc Nazis or Communists or fifth
columnists, subversive and dangerou~ to the
cause of Britain 8Jld her allies in the war
against Ilit.ler.
'rhc pioneers in Engl:111d have played an
inlportant part in comforting thoso that



mourn. The pioneer ranks arc continually increasing there, even as in this country. In
1940 there were 1,037 p ionee1'S report iug to
the British Office, but now there arc 1,243 at
the end of the first nine months of 1941, and
they ate still increasing. If in Ametfoa we !tad
the same percentage of pioneers, that would
mean over 7,000 full-time 'servants of The
The pioneer work is open to anyone who is
thoroughly devoted to the JJQrd and who can
make arrangements to devote all bis time to
the interests of the Kingdom. As to those in
the pioneer service, they should remain there,
nnd can do so by pulting in the lime arnl lookiJ1g well to the interests of the Kingdom; for
the Lord promises definitely that i( you seek
first the kingdom of God and Ffis riithteousness, then all these things shall be added unto
you. The "things" referred to were 'what ye
shu ll cat", '"what ye shall drink," ""what ye
shall put on."

Brother K norr !lien read a heartcheering report received from Oenmu1y.

~'he witness writes in crypti c plna~e
from the heavily-bombed cily of Kiel
that t he good hand of the Lord is ornr
them and they are gettinl! on well and
they are rejoicing over the victorious
forward u1arch of our Leader, meaning,
of course, Jehovah. Daily they sec that
truly the words of the Lord do not return uuto llim void, and lhis gives tl1em
strength. cournge and perseverance. Rhe
reports that tl1ey url' filled with joy and
deep serenity, and pea<'e tliat nothing cnn
take aw-ny from them. Undonl1tcclly
speaking of their hack-calls, ~he says:
All our family is in<ncu.5ing m1d th~ little
one gi\'o us much to do. Tt is a real joy to
watd1 these dcar souls grow nnd increase in
stnmgth. True, we are goinit thronj?h much
suffering. yet wa experience also much joy,
and the latter helps us quickly to o,ereome all
hardships. Give our loving greetings to all
our relatives. In the spirit we constantly i1 nd
inseparably are united with you.

Brother Rutherford Greets the Pioneers

Next, at four o'clock. Brother Rutherford addressed t he pioneers, the rest


of the convention "listening in" with

grca t interest us he spoke without notes
or manuFcripl. with 11 simple <lirectne~s
that ~bowed inclee<l that he is one of tl1em
--0no of Jehovah's wit11esses, faithfully
serving together with tbem in tJ1e fu r thering of t he Kiugdolll interests to the
praise of .Jehovah's name. lie said (and
the 1eport is verbatim):

Greeting the Pioneers

Well, it should refresh anyon~s heart to
grct a company of real fi1d1ters, I hat are uot
only willing to fight, but to light fo1 the g l'eatest thing that hu C\'er been known or ever will
be known, nan1ely, the great Theocratic Government. And the weapons with which )'OU
light arc not Nlrnal, but they are mighty to
1hl' pulling down of strongholds. I imagine"-'
this company 110 about !lie streets today, they
arc making some of the '"old woman"' mighly
sick. [Applause l I mean I hat pal'l of the old
woman that wears the flnt hats. I Applause I
The time w,i-; wl1c11 thry had diJliculty get
ting people to listen to them, but uo" they put
the throttle on the JkOple tlu'Oughout the
earth and !hey don"t want auYboclv else to
squeak. [Applause] But the h~d of thc Lord
is not shortened. It i. not short<"nc<l in the
least. When Ile gets l'l>:uly to send fortl1 His
1itt1c cornpauy of \Vtutio1st the)~ RO and are
like a strong company of locusts that make a
little fuss and stiug wilh hard truths.
A pioneer is one who blazes tl1e wa I" for
others to follow. When our forefnllw~ lert
the conn tty on th(' other sid~ oi the oteau more

th;ln o no hu.ndrcd fifty years a,go an<l rarnc to

;\ Hl~rica., they \\ ere .fleeing rum rel igious -persecution, and they were pioneers fo1 freedom

o( s1icc.. h, fr<'i><lom of thought and freooom

of worship. They never expected their off.

in this C"Onntry to be hampered its t;e

arc no''' But it ha.5 b~<'U Sutru1's purpo~ for

many rentul"ics in duo time to try to pnt a

clamp on the month of everyone who proclaims liberty of WOl'ship of Almighty Got.I;
and while we rccog11 ize tlwt throu1thout t.he
whole earth he is eloing down on I he witne:ss
work, we know !hut wlwn the door is completely elosed, tlte explosion will follow. It

will blow Hie Iii.I off and the whole organi101lion eleiu out of l!."<istenee. [.\ppluusel
Ro )'ou ha\t co1ne to this ('Oll\'entiou be
c.uuS4! you '''anted to be tog-ctl1e1 uncl cheer
0neh oth11 up. )rou ha\'C' btPn fr:ln1pin!.! up
and <lown this eountr) for srvrnil )'turs, and
rwwy of you I l1a,e lrnown pe1-,,onaUy for a
lon~ thnc.-, ;1nc1 sonH.~ ot" you f have not kno,vn
so Ionic. but I sec here many I housuncls whose
'""1 for lhe Lord ond His Kingdom knows no
bound;. You "hu have detrnni nee!, by II is
g1ille, to lXpend ~v<'t'Y hit or your ~tr~ntz1h
a11d your <-U<>J'I!.'', 1101 fo1 selfish u~g-randizc-.

ment, nor for the purpoS4 of r('<'<'hcing 1he

uppr(wal of men. hat for the purpose


\'Cl"tii.;iu!! the tuune of the Cireat Thr:oerat and

l ht 'l'lito<- 1a1 it c :o\fCl'l1nien t h~- C!hris1 Jesus i
you IH1\e ton1t- 1o rt>nlizt !hat the glt:ut issnc
b<'l'or tlw world is. ~hall l ho worl<l be 1ulil
by the selfish ill((nts of :i:!ltan tluit blasphem<
the name of Ahni1:h 1y Uod. or shall it I~ ruled
in ii~hteonsu~S-'i, t'Cl'Ognizing every n1a11 to
stand "Jllal Ldo1e the Lur<l. mid eveiyonc en
~n1gc-<l soltly in ri~hlC'ousnt.. . _-; 1 Yun lnHn\ ,,-hut
fht' vert.Jitl \\~ill h(', rrluf'('fOI'<' )'OU hU\'C ~OllC
forth with full 8nd <'Ompletc '"onfl<lcncc that,
when rom work is done. thr J.ord 1~ill do His
real i:r1a1 uud mic:hty "arr called llis
"!\ltnng-r iHt
I am 1..-miuded o[ the words of the p1ophct

haiali, r.-.ur-<l<-<l in the 62nd ehnpter, 10th



\Vhich ...ays. (this is u



('OllUlHUldHtt!Ut 10
1l1rou~h tht g-;1lc's. t~o

tluon11h till' !,'Illes. Prepare ti"' war for Iii<'

1wo1>lc." For what peopleT For the people ot
the <arth tl1al hnw bt><u lm0<lwinkl'll, blinolc<l,
n1ish~<t Jt<f'i\'t"ll. and brou~ht into an or~an
iza1iou thut Hatnn hin1self org" yc11rs
ag-o for lht. v~ry pu1po~1"\ of deeci,inf;( man
kind. 'rlll'sr people "'"" gnod ('<'<>I'''" I <lou"t
<.>arl' \\'hf't lur t lie~ a tc ('atholit. l'tot~tant 1
Je\v or ho11<l 1 hhuk, yc>llo\\" or \rh ile. 11 hP~'
al'e all rn:id( of ont' tlcsh. a1ul cYc1y honest
n1an \\ants to "~f\'l' <tot.I: aull out pur]lOSC
i~ lo ucC Ulld~I' tht conunant.l of OUI' J..orJ lo
n1nkc known to 1hc.n1 !hat llt hus a \\ar of
openin~ the- zat('s for <'\'(ryone '''ho lov<'s, thnt every on<! of th~(' may
serve Him in spirit an<l in truth and may mjoy the J'ullnc"" or liberty o( thought and ac-

tion in rightlousnt S..'i.


.Now, it is a womlrrful thing to prcpal'C the

way for the 1~ople thn.. You ure preparing
it as nn intc-(!ral purl of the or:;unizntion of
tlic Lord by telling them the trutl1, not by
doing thern any injurJ . ,.ou al'< not assault.
iug anyllQtly. You ar<' 1nertlr callint? atltntion

to the g1wll truths they ,J10uld know.

And 1lwn the prophet sa)'s, ('as! up 11 high\vily.' Thi." is th< tiinP for tlu "\rotl<l 1.o huiJd
sp1endid hig:h\rays, and it is ti tin1C' for C~od's
pcoph tu (>:1st np the 1-1 igh,~n~ of Tiightl:OUS
ness that the people may ee tlw wa) of coming 10 Uod nn<l lo llis Kiu~<lom.
The prophet furth~r ni!W., '"llatlh'r out lho
stone~. \\.hat stoues t Tht~ stones o\f'r \\hi<'h
honC'st and sine-err men and women, Cntholie.
Protestant and olhers, ha,e stumbled for n
Ion..: while. Tuke thorn ou1 of lh< Wll) nnd
sny 1 "ll_en: is 1lu. pJuiu nuy hndint;r 1o 1he
Kingdom: Yon <111111 h"'"' to follow any
mn11. ~'ollow the J,orrl: study His \Yord; take
II is Word and know, "hell yotl hu ve thal,
that you have the 1rutl1.
Then &l)"S 1he prophet or 00<1 fnrtl1rr, ''Lift
up u standard for the" What stanc1md TCc11ainly 11oi llit lri\ swatik>1, certainly
not that! 1"\Jll>lausl') l'P1rninly not tlw On!(
of lhal l"lli~ious i11stilutiou that has ~.'xer,iM..U
.i;.u"/t inflllrn<< >VC'r 1 he offirials of many na
lions, a flag thul floated 1thove the tta~ of the
T'uited Stal..s. Kot that llul(! [.\pplausr-]
:No\\ a~ (ot" th<_. flatr of the ["11il'1.l Sta1~.
T~vctytlne h<'re lovc>~ th~t fht~ nnd loves that
for wh ich ii st@<k IAppia us<'! An<l rvor)ono
hcrC' pnts forth an hon('st ancl ~i11<<'I"C" f'nc1c~1Yor
to obey cwry luw for whiob it tnnd. J ,\p.
)Jlllll>t! l
rhc ~lnnclartl tl111t you 1ift up lo tl1c p1opl1
the1"('fore. enables them to st lh<" r(al nwaninir
of the On!( of lhe ('nilt.J 8t~tes. When the
AmPrimu flac: was a<lupti'<.l. it >IOOCl rot [r.'<.'dom of thought, fr<e<lom of art ion, freedom of
'''<)tship 1 frcttlorn of opt'll distUssio11 o[ 11Ues~
tions of in1port11n<'t'. f1111nl righl .. of l he ptnph~
lxforo the t'Ollrt a11d elsewlwre. thr- ri1thl to
('Xprcss oncsclr so lot1u- as it docs uot inler

t'<>rt' wilh th< 1hd1t'\ iuul Hhc.rtil's of auyonc>

C'lse; anc1 l'\'try out> of you si il I st anlls !'01 t ha I.
:But U1cst dtrnonizt-..1. unreasonxblc flag.\\a,crs \Vant to ('otnpc.~I ~oo to ho" tlo,,n in ordl'r
to violate (;od"s Jaw, an~ thus jropil1di?.c yom



eternal life. They do not know what thoy a rc

doing. They are under the invisible inUncuce
of tile 1mseeu ones, and you can depend on
this: that the moot fanatica 1 fl"ii:-wavers :11'0
the first ones to '~olate the law ior which tho
flag s lands I [APJ' lause]
T 11gain st.otc for the hcncfit of the people of
St. 1.ouis and of Missouri (where J happened
to be born, and glad of it I Applause l ; and
where I made many fights for the principles
of dcmo<'racy bcN1Usc T believed they arc right
( Applause)) and for the bcncflt of the Gnited
State.~ of America [Applanse), that Jehovah's
witncs.cs have 1hc highest rcs]lect, love and
cst~m -for what. the ttng ot the Unit!1d States
represents, but, by God's grace, they will not
bow down to anything! I Ap1ilnuse) To them
that fiag mcai1" l iberty to do tlrnt which is
right, and not liccns" 1.0 c<>mpcl people to violnle their conscience. f Applansej
But so much for tliat; and let these longski rl.ed roostcl'l! go OLH a nd howl about that all
they want to. (ApJJlau~e) They hide belliud
the businessmen of the eity and lie to them to
try to indnco thern to put up barriers to tliose
who come b~re. The businessmen :trc very
mu<'h chagl'incd, and J appreciate thir s ituAtion, because J know that men of Missonri
generaUy, the real old-time Missourians, believed in doing what is right, and t.hey st ill <lo.
Well, when Jcbornh says, "t.ift up a standard fot the people," what dOE'.s Ile meant He
means to lHI: up the llmdard of Tbc 'l'hcocratic Government, which is the remedy, and
the only remedy, for world i.IJ.s. (Applause)
Thel'eforc, you, as pioneel's in the field, pioJH'-<!1-s in fact, as you c arr.v tht? mcs."ngc Io the
pc-oplc, you a 1e I.ho libcrato1s ot the oppressed
people of .America because you cany God's
mts.age which will Liberate them. (Apphiu.~e)
Yon go illl O a community with k illdness of
hea rt toward nil <lnd with prejudice to none.
Yon have no malice toward anyone because he
is Catholic, Protestant, Jew, or a colored man
or anybod) else. You wanl lo do liim good,
and because you go about and try to do good,
these u nscrupulous things that walk on two
legs try to induc.e the fanatics to go out and
break up yonr cars and burn up your litcmture, and rob you, ancl e;1stl'ntc some of yon,

which they have done. We serve notice npon

such now, once and for all, that those who
Jove .Almighty God and the Lord Jesus Christ,
and who have undertaken to serve Him, are
not dct erred by a ny of the Devil's wol'ks that
these enemies try to do. I.Applause]
We are gohig to harm no one, but the God
whom we se1ve is able to pre.serve l)S from the
a.s:;.~ ults of t.ho;;e who hate r ighteousness and
love iniquity, and Goel will do so, and we ba,e
full confidence to go 1ight on and expect Him
to do so.
Now then, when you go out from this convention, yon go to carry on your work again.
You have Jots oi suffel'ing. By t.hnt l don't
mean physical s uffe1ing, but .uffcring the reproaches that fell upon the 1., ord Jesus Christ,
1.hat havo fallen upon the name ot Jehovah
God. You are held up ancl ri<liculed by l'eligionhts, nol. by honest men ancl women; and
you not ashamed to tell it, bnt anxious t.o
tell it. (Applause] .And therefore you rejoirA:
in tribulation, because that is an evidence that
the uord is p leased to call you His, His servants, which you arc.
Of course, the enemy, IJ<X>nns<: thoy head "
sect or cult themselves, insist on ra iling Jehoval1's>;.5e.8 a sect or cult. '!'hat is all nonsense.'I. sect or cult is that kind of people
that are Jed b;v some lrnman institu1 ion, led by
some men for selfish reasons; but Jehovah's
"itnesses could not be such, because they have
no human lcade1 on this earth. [Applause]
You saw a supposed Jlicture in tl1e paper
the other day of an old, drawn, b ldy man.
[Applause) 'l'hc caption reads, "This is the
leader." I 11m glad the Lord understands. He
knows that this is not the leader, b11t this is
just one of the boys fightjng Hiong with you.
[Applause )
I was born to fight for l'ighteodsness, and,
by the grace of the Lo1-d, l will keep on doing
it. [ Applause]
Now, if I don't quit pretty soon, Hayden
Covington won't get a chance t-0 s1m1k to you.
I told him I would talk 1.o you four minutes,
and l have gone over it by about four times
t hat, but I will conclude with these words :
Don't think you are the whole U1ing yourself
because you a:re a pioneer. when yon go into
a town, work it, and when you get ready to


leave, don't go until you hnve turned over to

some zealous loeal ";tness for tl1e L<>rd the

full re.ults 0 your work, so that they can


enrry on. Keep on eneonro;:in!l: those who Jo,c

the Lord and want to do His will.
Kow get busy.

Field Service
vcrtising servant, hack-call servant, terThe following are the quantitiei; of lit- ritory servan t. 'rreain1rer, secretary and
erature transported to the St. Louis As- study conductor duties were also dissembly from tne manufacturing plant of cussed. This demonstration was planned
the Society at Brooklyn, N'. Y., all of to show what a propPrly conducted servwhich publications were taken hy thosn ice meeting shou Id be like, each of the
attending the Assembly:

br1>thren participating in the program

coming properly prepared and the en40,(HiO Children (autographed edition)
lG0,000 Ch ildren ( r.-gulnr f'(l ition)
t ire m0eting being condoct<d in ftdl
m,flOO Comfort A ll T hat Mourn
harmony with Organization Tn strue25.21)0 coplea ot The Watchtower
io,000 eoplcs of Consol<ation
tions. Som<> of the points mnde, aside
Other literature was also used which is from tl1e featurPR that a r c a part of
not ~hown here, besides ll1at which lhe every service m<'<'ting, follow:
Ilow publishcl'!I make Ihei r IJUO!-Os :
comentioner s brought along with them
for use in the As,embly field service.
1. Attend every sei-vice meeting. 'rl1cre yo\1
are instruct! in the ways nnd means of adField Service
vancing the Kingdom in1cre~ts. Supply ~our
The following is the report for the self Ihere every wed< with the proper literafour days of field-service activities, Au- ture, territory and back-calls needed.
2. Sre t.111Jf your phonograph i< inspected begust 6-9 iuclnsive, there being no r <lgnJar
field service on S unday, August 10, due fore you leave the house, anil make sure that
to the full program at The Arena for you hi1ve the record rrrommcnded in the
Informant fot that particular month. Also
the entire day :
lhat 1.1101'(' are cuoul(h needles and that the
phouograph is all ready for the doo1-:;lepsetup.
3. Do not neglect yotu family or duties at
By woddng out a system you can 11ive
Souud attendanee
proper car~ to yo111 famil.v and also reacl1 or
lll\(k ..('~'"''"' obtaiocd durlns tho A:seontl)ly
cxc~d the quoin' ct hy tlie Society each
When we put fortl1 the ..!Tort I he J,01d
The more than 8,000 that voluntcurcd
t o carry .on the tuany and diversified du- is witl1 u.' to give us tho strmgth to do all.
4. It makes no difference if you live in I hr
ties and services of the Assembly Ornorth
Ol' the south. iJ' associated with a lnrgc
ganization d id not r eport as field pubC"Om}):\ny
or a so1a1l con1pany, if in the city
li~hers. Rotwithstanding, t he above tabulatioo r epresents the g 1eatest field r e- or in the <ouutry : some publisher in the same you a1c in \fill he rnaking lhe
port of any convention to date.
quota this month just as has been done before.

/Jfodel Service Meeting

Friday evening, after a period of song,
an hour was rlevoted to the presentation
of a model se1vice meeting, in whirh
four brethren participated, representing
respectively the company servant, ad-

In r <'gard to magazine witnessing, it

waR )Jointed out that as this work pro;re~~es it ron~tantly gain;; momentum.
'l'hc advertiRing i<ervB nt Raicl:
1t. has been found lo be better for tl1e publisher, while goin g Crom stotc to store, to dis-


rrlS<" \\ith th(' 11,,. of th" ma:r:1zi111 hate. This

i ... pn1lirnlnrly true in Jnfl?tr husi111"-' t1'tal)+
li"'h11u11ts, f ;o nt.flf ly t.f n.s,1<!. tUltl in n hu ...i1u:'.'i:j,lik1 11111 1111\'t': r;.1rry thl!-f in u hrit>f
<'lll'll' i 11 pp1onth 1lil' nn1nug-c:r 01 <-lt>1k nnd ln11'ncl 111~ yourx<'I f ns tHH' of .hho\'11h 1'( \\ittu.~

llu 11 J11itf1,r explnin that ,\'Oii nn' diMt ril>11 linA l'li1u1 pl1 eopies of 11l1c u '11t thlnu1r1 (or
('on ..;11/rtfiou) \\'ith lhc hope 0 1' l'IH'Olll'llJlillg


Olfl l~' f~l'Oplf' to hC"l'Omf' hf>l l1r 11('(j1Uli lll PcJ \\itJl

:his llnJKlrtnnt joninal. Brirll~ xpluin the

n1.,,j,,11 of th<' maeazinr. lltutinn tht prire
rlinrl.v, ~,.. pH ou)>)'. Takr thr nnnw und adcf rr-."i of thr maua~er or oth1r (>t'r"iOH "ith
,vJu1n1 you ha\<' l'ft the> ma,i.:111.i11'' ancl t<'ll
hi1n thnt ,\ou \viii enll a,iznin nnd h1jin!? the

i '"llt

Au>l h<'l' po int rnrul r in tl11 mod<I ~<'rv

ic" 11111 lit1;.\" was tl11 holcl inl( ol' modrl
HihlP ~t rnlic>H. On this iwint t h1 ha~k-eall
~t'l'\'Hllt ~nid:

Th< I.on! h11s rau.ed thr quot11 of on~ model

,ritutl~ JH'r puhlisher to ht s<'t. ll r clo1..'"ll t n..,k
lht. iml"k'<"ihlr, nor i.-c lit" nn.r '"'"'JKtlt~r of
Pf''SOll~. E:lfh nnfl ('\"f'I')" Ortl' io,; r:l pa hit


inA" it, tirul is. exp<'<'tf'<l to st ri\'t' tovtnn l th;.1t

tnd. f'Prl;iinly .Jehovah hns nuu lt :ulr<ll13lC
prH\' i:-cio11'1 . \\-c hnYt' the phll11ou-raph Hutl
1re1n'(li111:s. We h<1vc thrNi cliffl"l't'nl Moch!
St urly honklcIs. The met hoc 1 uf sl 11<!.1 is 01>l l int1l, f\n,v n1c \\'t' "illin11 lo nt.:<' thi"I t~qnjp11un1' lli:"ot ptople frrt "illi111: in the da)' of
l Ii., JMt\\"tr. \\'here \\e JJO\\' rup
01w puhlisher had h<ll "nh-1u"I lo thi~
dnys in jail. .\ftt"'r ri!?ht tluss nrrnni;r<"ntlnh;
hntl hrtn nu1dt~ fot his rtha""l' on hnil. \\~h'n
ht Vt'n~ i1tt"orn1('tl O( hi~ l'tlt1 H:->t hf' ohjt('t('f(,
sn.d111i ho hn<l a <luily mocltI stuol,, ~ni 11~ wilu
lhl'{'\1 pril"Olll'l'S ;111d clid noL \Vhd1 to cl i~('OU
tin ti(' it. Jl<.'n1(.m h(r th( tu1n1oi:"1o1io11 ht Co ton1
fo rt all I hal mourn. ;111<1 I he mo<lcl 8lud.' is a
splendid w:iy lo do it.

~houltl hn,t 111 1nind n1 all tim,-:-.:. thr t.."(lrnrni..:.

sion "hi,h 1:ocl hu:< .:i\cn to th'm n1ul , ..hirh
t"Ommi...sion i~ ~t forth at Js.uiuh 61: 1, :?, "Thr
~pir it of tlu Lo1tl . . . hath anoiuu~l ntt Co
P~'n<'h go'"it l t id i11~s unto U1c nu.-k; h(I lu1th
sent nH to hi nil up thr hfoke nhc;1rhl!1 l o pro.
flaim lihc-rty lo the captives, and tlrn o pt'ni111r
of I h<' pri~on to I hc 1n lh;c1 t il r<! l)()nn1l; to pl'O
cJain1 lh<" ;H(1plahlc> y:u or fh<~ J ~ol'cl , l1JU] ff14
d;.1y of YC'llf.!('fllH'(' of our f;od ; to corn furl all
that mourn."
Th,r nntt'mb..-r nl!'o the ~rriphU'f\1 ~ .\tnJ
this llO'!X'I or the kin~clom shall be prctrh"I
in nll tht. \\orld 01' a \\"ilnt."SS unto nll nut i1111s;
:incl Ihm la;1ll llw rml comt."-~Iallht" ~I: l-1.
'l'hi~ \\'orlc .h-ho,;1h~ \\--11. nf'SSt'.-.; art <arr~iu\(
on by n1C':H1~ nl' lhl.' d istribut ion of IHhh"'
hook.q, h0t)ld 1f.lo\ 11nd<'K, <HHl hy nHaus
of 1h" phnnoS.?rnph, and hy ('on1lu('ti11!f Bilih

s tudir-s. It i..,

dom Publi,bers. An
mn rh follow:; :





,\ II Jll'l"i;Ons who arc Cull y <'<lllCt'rnlcd to

Jchovnh Ood and have agreed to do His will

1ri\j Jeg<' to

2.'0 1'10111 111111:-.l'

\~ou "'ho11l1l hn"'' in n1iud that \\'t nrc livin~

iu ttu da~ ,,-lu11 !'a tau at1tl hi't ho-ti' of chmun ...
nt't' usir11! t'\"l ry ~nrl of dr\'it1' to lnru the-
failhl'ul ll\VU,\" frn1n ~<r,i ng .lthovHh, and
\\ron~fully u... i11g hn\'"I tna<'tl'cl fnr I hi !-! put
pose. This .rcus fo1..told. ( ~l111"k 1:1: !J, l:l)
Thtr< tll'l' n1 1\r11 1fl of :1,ono nr1'<'st~ or \\1 itnt'!i."t'~
C.:l<'h ,\'l'lll. 'l'hi" is 1oouf tha1 \\'Cl :lr(' I ht 0111~
01u!i iJ1 lht. 4'nr1h ut ttils tinu tha 1 :tl'1' cloi 11J.:
lh<- Lord', \\ill. \Vr \\ould 1)(~~in 1o <1011111 lhut
.J<-lunnh is \\ith 11s if l\'f' did not sutTtt tht."'
l"(;)lt"Oill""'"' ""'' injurie at the hands or ~a

tan'-; 0'.:'l'H~S.

E:uli p11hli-thtr shn11l1l O\\~ antl J>O,!-iL'!llo..... th1

bookftt. .lr/iicT for /(i1111fl1>nt Publi:'i/lrr:i nrul
shuultl l>t. l'n1nili11r ''"ilh ull its.<outcnt~. 'rhtl't'
is no cx('Ust\ for not h(ing H('quai11l <l \vitl1 OH
ihin~"S <l i'lcUHl'(.('il in it. l~ting f'onfid c1d inl, il
should not lw ea1-ried with .von in the firl I
S<'rv"i ('C'.

Adl'ic<' for Kingdom Publisl1er11

811t11rdn, nft4'rnoon II. ('. Covinh'ion
tnlkr<I on thl' suhj4'ct AchiN for Kin,!(-

0 1J J'

fo hnu~ to clo this ,\ork (Yc'IU as ('hri.... 1 ,J\Nns

an<l llis dii('ipl(.... \\-l'nl from hou~r 1o hollS(
bt.-...i rini;: I t ...1inion_,.


'l'o ho
thr Lord will, acorclini: to lht
promist. JHlt ,,01')" illto JOUr mot11 h ,,.h .. n
lx:fore tin (>11('10)", hut Jlr \\ill not <lo !if) rur
those who hn\'l' 11c~le.,tt-d a study of lhc mince jlro\'iil"I hy the Lord through Jli, orgnnizat ion on Ihi., maltcr. Therefore ~t \lily lo
show yonrolC npprovcd'.


Tr11lhir l@:'n.

slim. t5)

On h1co1nlng troh111. (3) BY mllgazlne bA.P and announcen1ent folders. <'4) City streetcar
slam on auto. (6) Ltrtln.r ~tencU aft~r aprayJng.





Each of the wittw,.;e. should defend lumself in 1h( lower courts, snch as the police,
city, ntunicipal (tnO n1agi.stratr;-.-' courts, hiring

an attorney only for an nppcal. However,

wheu mlY case is first filfJ<l, by all means secure
a postpon<'mcnt of the cu,e sons lo ullow time
to report the matter to the Socicty. Tf it i~
the typo of case that you should have counsel
to repl'esent you in the lower courts, the Society will ad l'ise J'OU after receh'ing your report; otherwise net as your own lawyer.
'l'he new book J<ltQt"h 's Scria11ls Dcfe11dcd
is for the use of the witnc!!Ses in pleading their
own ease before the courts a.~ well as in aiding the }3,\y e 1'S \\'ho ate ~ngaged to appe~I
your cases.
'rhe book let contuins hund1eds of fa\'orable
statements made b;v honest American judges
in favor of the work of Jehol'ah' witness('>!,
and it shoulcl he pcrsun$iie to any faii-mind('{)
As we sec the enemy moving in closer to
strike their final blow against autitypical
Jerusalem, Go<l'8 organization, we know that
our dclivcral\cc draweth nigh. Until that time
of finu l <lrliw1un~<', wc shuU joyfull) go forth
with bolclness, cng11ging iu every branch of the
witness work in the uanie of ,Jehovah, regardless of oppositiou, violence and interference,
and glad ly push the battle to the gate, as commanded by 1'bc lJ ighcr Power. We trust im-

plicitly in Jcbo,uh Goel as to the results.

"Your New Work"

Sundav afternoon was devoted to a
consideration of th<:> privilege of distributing the ltook Clcildre11, 1md the manner
in which tliis "'new work" should be conducted. N. H. Knorr Rpoke nr,;t. Ho said:
The Lord is now at Ilis temple, and those
that belie\'e this will look to IIim as the one
directing the Lord's Ol'ganiza1 ion to carry on
the work of God prope1ly. When .Jesus said,

'':Aly Father workcth ltithcrto, and I work"

(John 5: 17), tJrnt annollllcecl the rule that
everyone should \\Ork. One who hus covenanted to serve God and llis kingdom must do
works of rii:htcousnes.~. With him the Kingdom intc1~ts arc all-important at all times.
The Lord's organiJ.ation directs the activity of Jehovah's servants at all times; and


when new work is announced, then everyone

will want to get behind it wholeheartedly,
willingly offering himself, and sec to it that
it is done properly and as unto the f ,ord, that
His name will be praised.
B1iefly stated, your new work i this: Placing the book Children in 1he homes of the
people of good-will, following up each placement with tho Study Course, and then making
a back-call U'ilh<nJt fail!
What docs this Children Study Course consist off
1. 1'hc Childre>1 Study Course 01wclof)e.
2. 'l'ltrcc folde1s beautiful!)' designed and
eaeh printed in tlu-ee colors.
3. Cht?drei Study Course Order slip.
4. Cht?dtM Back-Cal l Reminder slip.
These Study Course folders are mailed each
Sunday night from your Kingdom Hall. So the
reader of Children will get his fast Study of
the Course on Monday, about one week ar1er
he obtain.~ the book. The next Sunday night
the second is mailed; a week later, the thiid.
A person receiving this folder each Monduy
over It period or three weeks will certainly
have bis interest nrouscd in the IJ-Ook Cltild1c11.
If, because of being loo busy, he didn't get
started reading the h0-0k, the Clti/4rc11 Study
Couri;c will start him reading it. Thal is why
the l>ook is distributccl, isn't it1

Purthe1 particulars dealing with the

distribution of the book Children were
presented, the main and only object heing to assist all persous of good-will,
young and old, to appreciate the great
blessings soon to come to lhern.
l?. W. Franz followed on tl1c Sunday
ai:ter110011 program, and discuss<:>d the
subject "Solving the l'roblcrn". lie said,
in part:
Till now over 350 millions of books and
booklets besides st.ill other hundreds of millions of magazines and tracts have been placed
with the p~'Ople. But we urc still faced with the
problem [of awtd<ening real interest]. The
fault has not been with the litemtm-e or the
lecture recordings; for thc~e are or tbe Lol'd,
who makes no mistakes. But the people baye
been overcharged with tlic cares of this life,
preoccupied with worldly pleasures and inter-


ests, ,md also blinded and prejudiced by Tcligion, and frightene<l at persecution, and greatl y in fe<tr of. the cri1 icism ol' men. They have
looked on this as just unothcr religion, and
djfferent in that it is only so peculiar, and not
seeing 1hat thi8 is Christianity, \Vhieh nu1ans
life. So they bu vc not correc1 ly appreciated
the Theoerutie message.
Be assured of this: Onr times arc in Jehovah's hand and He knows the situution with
us and is more keenl.I' ali vc to it lhau any of
us. He has brought us 1o sC<' our need of sOtM
instrument to create the opportunity hy which
to catch up with the service quota whi<h Ito
set for us through Ms visible Theocratic orgatuzation. And i.J1 bis due time He gmciously
pro\'ides the way to solve our p1oblcm. HowT
By c11uipping us with lhe book Children.
The very fnct that the Society hus au1horized a first edition o[ three million copiesthe first tune in human history aud in the
printing of any clothbound book, it matters
not whieh- is evidence or the fact tlrnt tJ1e
Socict~ is Con\inccd tlwL tl1is b(l()k Children
is the Lo1d's producd instrurncnl to ~arry on,
if not also to finish, Go<l's "strnuge w01k'' on
earth, and that ::i great multitude iue due to
come out, and that now-this late day-is
the time!
'fiJne before A1-muge<ldon \Va.s never n1ol'C
short thun now. If tbc rest of the "great multitude" ure to have any time to come out of
the great tribulation, they must conrn out 11ow.
They must come out quickly. 1'hcy ncecl lhe1core to be helped to a speedy decision and
action. Children is the thing! We now hae
it! llence all that ueeds to be added is our
parl, our willing spirit to wo~k. our t1ctual
effort, and the <lcvotion ot our time and allen
tion in faith ancl faithfuh1ci;s.

C. R. HPssler followed with some

poin ted suggestions on "\\'hen to Begin",

of which the following arc a part :
There is one phase o{ this new work which
should begin immediate!)', and that is this:
}~vcryone prescut should make n very definite
decision righ t no\\' that yon are going l-0 have
a part in tbe distribution just as soon as you
receive your consignment of the new book.
Everyone must be wide-awake and alert to
his privileges and responsibilities.


'Our weapons arc not carnal, but mighty

before God to the casting dowu of strongholds,' and the t ime is hero w uso those weapons in a most effective manner. The opportunity has now co1ne to nse !hose weapons
a11.ainst !be most vii al part of I he Roman Cal holic cult. For ccnturit"'! she has cu1u1ii11l'l~ und
craftily l'fitTic<l on a subtle campaign against
the ch ilch'l:n of her own organization, searing
their m.illds as with a hot iron, blinding Lhcm
to the truth, and filling their minds with trash,
fuiry tales and nonsense, with the 1es1tlt that
today the child1e11 grow up in complc1e darkne"" as to the gracious provL~ion that Almighty God bas made fo1 tJio:;e who love and
honor Him.
But now, thank Oocl, we arc Io have a part
in the mighty flood of truth that is to sweep
away the icfuge of lies an<l overllow the hiding places. 'l'ho very thought of hnviug ~ome
part in disscmina1ing this flood of truth
should fill our hearts with joy.

rrhc co1nn1and ha._o,; been given to ndvance

against the enemy in what is to be tho great
est educational "hlitzkrieg", or "lightning
war", in histoty. Wlrnl. a lll'ospcct I How our
hearts should leap with joy with ti"' lmowledge of the fact that we are to have a part in
tbis new work against the most wicked, the
mos[ \ icious and most blasphemous organiza.
lion on earth-the Roman Catholic llierarehy I
You \\ill 1-ecall that the tribes of Reubm,
Oun, Cad aud .A~hcr, wl1cn giveu 1he oppot
tunity to serve and callc-cl to serve in IJattle,
failed to answer the call to arms; and this pic-

tul'es those in a eovennnt \\ God \Vho have

failed or neglected to do their duly. Surely
C\'Ct'yonc here should I>\' nady when lhe time
comes to go forth with their snpply of the
book Children, tJiat the people may know that
'.l chornb is the !\lost Iligh ove1 all the earth'.
T ..T. S ulli van spokr next on "\v'11en to
Begin''. :Some ol' his n;marks foUow:
When to hcgin what! h"1r\wting the child1e11 of the King. All of us are convimed that
this began this mo ruing wi1 h B1olher Rnther
fotcl's speech on "Clilluren of The King".
His evident to all of us that th" book Children is the instrument that the Lord has now



lttpnt"d for llw in,frnrtion vf th~<' of


1, 'l'lw Lm-J has pnpuml it In ~r.nt Ul'tail
lor lhi" "lfw.tial \fork at thi~ lirnt., tuul it \viii
1nulu11htt.dh ront ril111t 11l lt1, \"i111li1al ion of
J f i~ IUllOt.~ :~nd thl lilt.-,::illr: o( f Ili t'ITtlf Ur\.'S:.
'J'his is tht flnil and pl'i1111t1',\ ra~ou l"o1 J,~
8it-i11" to ploet. it in lht. ha114l:i tlf Hu. p~oplt.
2. 'rl1t bonk Chil(frtn is 1n11t1nu fHJIH ht~aten
JJ111urid hy lite Lord for I hl' J><<>Jh or !'\JOU
\r-ill to 1111h]P th(Jn 1n s.t tJuir h'lnliou;;.hiJ to
1'h., 'flu"<X'rncy (ns rhir.Jrrn of !hr l\111g) nn<l

w-h:it iii .,..1u.in_"I of tl1cn1 in ordtr ro hn,e the

I.or.l's approval. This inforrn~hun rn:M he
plrtf""11 i.11 ttuir hauds :tnl 1t11.r fto,l an upporl1111it,, tu a.;sin1ili1lt il h,furt .\r111.:1!,!t(lt1011.
:i, 'l'ht hook (1}tfJ,lrt n. \\'itli ii" Shuh C'ou1,f1
111ul f1;1t'k-call follo\v-11p u111111i.tt11u11I. is the
t1111sl tfl'tcli\c means


h1t\t hiul In cla1c to


ttllJ' lhrou~h tJ1c \"til of i111)iffcrct1tt

111ukca tnauy hak-"nlls ithtl\\I i\t.

~ . ('hildrtn makl-s tht i~11t "o cltnr that
the people of wod-w1:1 <UlluI h<'i1 hut "'"'
how tlu'Se lhiui;s <"lln filll "ill nppl~ tu th<m.
nud \~ill f"rt>:ltf": i11 tin lu11rt or tonrh n th....itp
lo hnY'' wmt part in thi~ l[rtnl \\'urk.
!i. 1'l1t on:auizatioJJ arrah'!t1nr11t outHnc"l
iri 111tuhrtion \\.,.ith tl1l hook f'/liltlr1 ,l i~ so
intt rlocktd thut it is i111pus.~ihl1 1'01 ariyc'ltH to
\\'ii Ii hold cotnplet{ C'o-opc1nl ion UO\\
G...\s \\e list~n, ..J 1u l~111tl1tr Hu1htrfnrc]\;

511("tth trt ('hiJ(lrt'11 of 1;,~ l\'iui:''. and ~s,\

tho.if" tln1u-..111ds of t:l!!t'f' )tlUllS: f~... luea1hlt'5Sly

following t\1'1')' wonJ, lht wor<I< of

.Jesus ieeurN"'d to n,.y ~uft'tr lilllt ,.J1i1JttU to

t'(n11 unto n11..1: Tfit~ same in1plicit 1(:it1iidt1u--e,
1uith 1111d tru~t must ht t , hil1ilt"ll liy ull ,.,,ho
rr1fi\t the l~ll',-;.in!!' ,,f ll1c l\inv.doni. .\nntlur
gr,UI inch11rm,nt for us to parlitipa1t in thi~
canquiiJ{U 11nrn('dintely: 'l'lu i11(11r111atio11 Lhat
1htrt' ur1\ thl'tc million C'Opi1.11 in l ht first pl'i11lin~ l0 h~1dy iudieutcs thnt 1'111t i:-. u J.;l't'Ut \\oik
)'\'1 10 ht t]UllL'.


,j\, II. ~lac:uUIJan :-..po1't- lh.

.JfhoYah"s vr.!'nnization ha 1.>M:>n Nlrryiu"!
on Kingdom work sirnt the Ku1s:dom \\'"ti-; set
up. Who ('(lllld ha\'c u11y doubt that oar
JU'W "ork'', ns explainrcl by llrotl1rr Kuorr,
is rcul h7i11gdo1n 'vork. J-lu1 the fl'll'sfion is
'"tt:N TO Dl-;<>rn, :\Ir Jhon .. hl i<, H1mrr 1'0w.

\\ ITN'l;ssg:-; ASSC~lBLY

\\'h'-11 .hho\a)1 r: .. J t!:l\1~ a11y \\ork tu llis

faithfol witll""'l--; of oltl. it is wrillll. "Iii.-
ros~ lll) c.arf:- in the ruomin!.{.. 11nd 1tot bus):.
Th\J cJitl uot He in ht'tl until nunu \\uutlcrinR"
JHn\ lo i:11 i:uiuti_t. :'\11, thl'y \\trt up 11114J at
it enrJy "' tile rnoruin!!.
J lill\'l' httt1 utllJl<liu~ asst111hli1-.; or .Jtho

vuh's \\'ifllt'''I'!'( fol' 0\'('r ro1Lv Y\"111''.!I lnat. I

llt'\'t1 IJ1fe111 \\iL11t:-t."'<"1 anythi~1~ that' slirLl-<l
au<l 1h1illt1l 11u ns ~lid the mrt:tinJ.t thi!'( 111urning-. \\'t -..;l\\ 11e. hooks 11..ltast'CJ nl tu11vtutio1L'i
bctl1f\-1 l:ul .i..C'\tr \\ tJ.'S n book rtleJl.S('f) fL"i thi'
book l'hildrcn wa.. Wt "'"' lhouo;.irul of
lill)f!' rnlk IU:Sl"t'h OUt of the :uuJitoriurn \\ith
thtir hook "- ~i(t frorn our pr.~uftnt-hu1ie
J,!inl!' it H' llu IH't'tious thin_!.! ii is l\ot one
lilt J. girl hn I a <lol I, nor :1 Iilt ll' Iov a to\'
pistol. j\11 1111Tild the J{in~tlo111 nh--;.~~1gt>.
\\'hat n hltS'.'lin!.:: w1 ull rtttht1l ru4 \\'t lis.
lfH11l lo ,;11,J'H 1n1.....:s.1l:.{t "( 'hiltlrr11 or 'l'ht
l\i11g ... 811 'tni1 tly on<l \\"ell p~n11-cl , 8u1'l:1y
t11f' Lo1"1I \\'U" '"'ith our tlt'::n hrulhtr us- ht tlt ....
Ji\-l'l"t-c) .Jt.J10\ah's Utl".'s3~'l, .aud \\l.' nrt 1111


.\t l!L.1i.1h 4:1 : IS c:o1J :-.t:11t"!'fi 1h11111ach the

pnph(t tfint lie (onnf'cl ltOt tht t'Ufllt ill \Uill,
t.ut lu I lnl1ahitttl. He abo lalL'S 111111 1hU.
1011111 ,hull f)(ru1ue D..'( lht> '.!atll111 or J:d,11, no
CX('(':-l... i\t' ht.It 01' ('Old. iloo<l.~ u1 1ho11f.{hl, to.i<'kJlCN!i 0 1 NOl'l'U\\', pts1 iltncf' 01 pln~1t1 1 to dis
1u1h t ht ptu11 1111d Ir;1 nquil lily of t tH~ ptoplt
li\iu;: 11nd r 1'l1t 1'1 .1-itt'l'H
1'JHUI c:ocl'H n:11n1 \\ill )k (UJly ltllcJ 1ttr11aJI~
\ilhlira1 ..J . The whole t-arth wi!l IK tillr<I wilh
His glory n11d with :i tnt.' of h:ippy nud 1><rfrrt rtrotlUft!' that \\ ilJ {on\.1r "8ill~ llis
Jltai~cs. 1'hu'' 'l'hl' Thc..._
1e1arr j.,. tlu ~rt'at 011d
irllJMlffJllll HUhjttt of thu (til1l1, lftrough
"hi1h noJ ',\Bl l1Ji11g ahout n co1uli1 iota of
p1.-ill1 1111ll h11ppi11..~--; h(J'( 11po;1 ~~ull1 I hat
!,hull t11tlt111 l'orT\'tr.
'l'h11l tlw 11<'\\ \\'Ul'k lllllSI lll!.dll 1:11:1.-r
xm1 "l'l"'al',.I wll<'n llrotlwr Jlnlli<'ri'onl
i1111111clia1d1 Jl111vnt'trr .:m his l'u11wPll
:->lM.Clh Hltc1t'11r1u1~ 1 '<1 all h~ Ulllloll111in:!:
\\.t ha,J uo tbe :!!'round, tlus 1noruiu.:: c111ly
40,000 uf llrt' nulo~rnph<"l c..Jition (or f'brl
dr1 n I .. t;ur I nm ~lad to hJI you thnl.
\\hilt thut 40,00C.1 utt L.~nt:'. tl11r 1- nt1orh.r
1!)U,lKMJ rop11" 011 th\ ~ruuuds l'\ud,\ t'or list"

l\J1plu11"!l . . . lwn lo start with M>I\.

Flcld activities~ Cll New p11rtaLhi- phonog-ranh. (::?) "lln.\~ 11 rold!!r!" (3) Ano1h1r of :?5,0()1) 1uag1u~ine publbher11.
''Thankit, 11011nyl" (5l A lhlng i1dYertllh'Jnt!nl. (6) _.\ ~orner. (7) .\ .-~rv1eo n)un J)l.lU~R, (8) \Vork1uon
tll (!p(i!d(>t1 poiot . (9) t;xpltlinlnK 1n~ine. (10) Younx publisher, (11) Oooratt:p ,111on"'1'aJ)h ktu~.

Other Add resses
From Chairman's Address of Welcome
II i a '<'al pleasure to w~I'"""' you to thi5,
the iireate.1 a.-;sembly of .Teho\'ah's '"'"ants
over lwhl. We ba\'e gath<r<"I here for the purPt"'<' of givin!( nil glory, homni:t and adot'1ltion
lo Almighty Clod, our Fnllwr, the Uiver of
) ift aud every goocJ nnd Pl\l'fl-tt gift, \Vhose

the ~n of Goel said that He hnd no pla<e to

lay His hcacl : and wheu He WM horn room
was l'Cfus.-d to ,J.,,_eph and Mary ewn in an
inn, and lie \\"US Lorn in a Joy,-ly 111u11J(cr.
E\'Cry petl;on of good-will toward ,Jehornh
God, whcl her ho be Catholic, Ptotelanl or
Jew, holHJ Ol' l'rec, has been and iR 011li1tll,v
in vited to a1 lrnd C-Vel'y session or tl1hi ANHf'Til
bly. Jn thut1 doing we keep in mil1d 1,niuh
55: 1, which "Ho. every 011c that thll'tlt
eth, comc Y<' to the waters, :rncl he thut hu th

a1ono is J(':bov<lh.
Wu mc hne as 1he rcp 1'Csc11tntivcs of the
gnu l Thcoc,.atie llo\'el'llllltnt. 'l'hut go,.erntullHt.l

m<nl is the only hope of tlw Jk'Oplc, lo obtain

!hot which they so !!reatly d""ire and need in
th<'c days of dire clistn<s and oppl'\.-sion.
'l'hh1 is a sen-ice eon\t.>ntion or 8"-'embly of



in the


no monty: <"<>mt J~. buy and <nt: ytn,


by railing

to t lw ullention of tht 1woplc uf Rt. [,ouis and

virinitv vital trnths fo1 lhd1 wdfnre we a re
givi11g.11raise to

Jebovnh. 'Phus \VC cdif.v one

gt'<!ntcsl t\.'l~Cnlbly of ''or<laiucd 1nin i~tcn1 ' or

the go~pd c,c1 nssembled in one plucl! on

another und S<)t an cxnniplc for our brethren

1111d othe1>1. We arc cmty ing out the command
o{ our Lo1d and .\laster, who 8UYS: " Let him
I hat l1<areth say, <'omo. Aud let him that is

cn rth 11t auy time. Ono does not hnvo to 11tt1nd

a pnr()('hin l college or theological ireminnr.I' to
bc an orda inccl minister. The apo:11lo Peter,
and all ot Jehovah's witnesses since the d8l's
of Abel until now, did not rccd"e their ordination by 1-easuu of attendiuJ? the worldly
sehool1 mentionL'<l. U one elaim hi ordination boenue of attending sueh Sl'hool. that
is a su re Kign that he is ><OT a scr-ant of J~ho
vuh God. i'ho upostle Paul, b<'fote ho bcr11me
a Chl'iI iun, cluimed his ordination after that
fashion, havinl(' uttended the theological
sehool:1 or his tlav. When he Miiie to a knowlecl1(t' or the T.-uii1, he g:ne up the rirnctiec ot
religion "' tnu2ht in such schools nncl turned
to scr\ing Almil?hty God a.~ one of Jcho"ah 's
";t"""""" nncl footstep followeN of Christ
J1ho\'llh' witness<!s receive the hi'thest ordination, from ,Jebovab God, and nrc conuni.i-

othitst eome..~'
1'his (!real Tbeocrntic UMembly of Jeho,ah"s i;enanl.'> is. without o doubt, the !(rt1atest
a."embly of Gocl's people hl'lcl on eanh ; the
grcul""l in number; the grca!l.,,t in enthusin~un, &"I Mh0\\'11

on the t'nrtM of the



Iholl'llllcl in attcndnncc"
llc1'-!tofol'e annua l convt1utions hnve been
lwltl nt the f>alllC time in mric1us cit ies tied in
to tho l'Y convention rity with tflephone so ~s to pre\'t'UI th~ hrcth rtn from h3v
intr to tra,el great <li'\18utt-c. 'fhis )car 1he
Lou! God Jehovah caw.;.J Iii~ pco1ile to as""ml>lto at one place. lk<'llU>IC of it.' central locatiun this city of the llim~'ippi \alley was
dettnnincd upon as the id111l spot. Fi-om the
outtrn1ost part~ of th<' nntlon .Jt1 ho\ah 's ,.,it
nl''i~C"l hav< corue and <'nntinuc1 to pour in:
from Canuda, Mexico, Soul11 ontl Central
Amoticu, the West. ncli1K, nnd fl'om many
othrr lands, they ha,o conv,.r1:d on St. Louis
to join in this joyous ""'rmbl)' to 1nrticipato
in l(hing praise to the .\lost Jli;d1.
The Roman Catholic lli<r11l'l'l1y ba,e sent
thcil' prir.,ts and nuns ahout tho rity clemanding that the )Jt.'Ople caned th1ir Ulln.oement.s
to proide 1ooms UJld accommo<lntions for the
con\l'ntiont'rS. !IO\\."ti\e-.., \\e rcncrnbc-r that

siont'd to

l'l'[trtstn t


A..~ nrnbas..,Hlotg~


ordained rn inh;tctl:l of l1is grco t 'l'ht~ocratic

Oovcrnn1t:nt. 'l'hc Jncssage they pr<'l'U'nt in

printed fol'rn to the people shows thl'lll how
t11ey cun NtC'ivc eternal life, joy, p1o~plrity1
security of home, sure J>cnce, nnd IJ<'rform
Jeho\oh's muuclatc to fill the cal1h with a
rii:hkou< race of people. Therefore ,foho,ah's
witne:i:;.,. brimc a message of peace which the
people so i:r<atlr need.
One uf the hubits indulged in, itn<l which is



buy \Yinr n11cl milk \\"ithout n1onry and \\ithout price.'' 1'he ";ne here pietnn.,, thr joy of
the Lord, which ~ manifested nt thio conVC'ntion.
It can nlw be truly saicl that this is the


i~ handshaking. lt requires
time and euerg.v of both pa1ties that could
be used to a better purpoS<?. Stop tbc foolish
rel igious habit of l1andshakil1g. Let each one
remember that he has u duly to Ihe Lord to
see 1haL everythinp: is u;;ed to Jl is glory.

s1 l'ictly religious,

President's Ope11ing Address

to the Theocratic Conve11tioners
After a brief int rodudion lJy the chairnmn, the prcsiclent or lite 8ociety, .T. 1".
Rutherford, nddress~d the conventioners, laking "lntegrity.. us his theme, nn1l
as his text Psalm 41, verse 12, which
says. "And as for me, thou upholdest me
in mine in te~rity, and settcst me before
thy face J'or ever." 1'he address appenrs
in full in llic August 15 issue o[ 1'he
Zone and Regional Servants' Duties

The Wednesday evening session of lhe

convention began with a period o[ singing, after which F. W. Franz add l'essc<l
tl1e conventioners with regard to zone
and regional servants' duties. Among
other things, he said:
When Jesus was sent to earl.Ii Ile wru; assigned a territory in whieh to bear witnc><S.
. .. When Ile sent forth l:J:is twelve apostles
two by two in witness work Ile doubtless had
i1 orgnniZ<.'<i on Thcocrtitie lines and Ile assigned to each pair a region. L:1ter "'hen Ile
sent forth lhe seventy, two by two, lie must
have subd ivi<led lhe territory of Israel into
still smi~ller parcels of territory, like zoucs,
in onler to avoid confusion in the work, to
J>rc,enL overlapping, and to see thal in tl1e
territory over which Ile was the Thcoetatie
ofllcer and exaetor all parts were reached and
worked in peace :md prosperity and wi1h
righteousness, according to the righteous in
st nwtious He gave to them ou sending them
Si.nee we come to this assembly chiefly from
these United States of America, we are chietly
in le rested iu the work and manner of opera
lion here, but 1he same 'rbeO<'.mLie principle
of operation applies to all other lands where
the work still goes on iu ru1 orgauized way.
This eountry is didcled into sLx regions and




about 155 wnes. Eneh region includes about

25 zQ!lc>s. In turn, each zone includes from 5
lo 20 <ll'ganizcd companies. E1uh company bas
its ~spcetive assignment of tenitory within
thnL zone. Those attending upon these divi-



subdivisions or

tl.'L'l'iloey 3J'C


at.cordingly, regional. zone and eornpany serv

ants. Where u company grows lo more Lhan
200 publi$bers it is divided UJ> into units, each
with i1s definite )Jicce of wrri1.01J., anJ all such
units to14etbcr uwke up the grwtcr Mmpa.ny
of thnt unn. . . .
1'hc reeorJ at l Ramuel 7 : 16, 17 shows
Sumuel covered a n:gular circuit euch year as
a judicial ovc1sert', goi ng from l3cthcl to Gil
gal, and to 11.lizpeh, 1md then to his hcaJ.
quart<Jl'll at lfamnh..\t cneh point of his drcn it he made known und executed lhe judg
mcnts of the Lord and llcckcd up on the
keeping ol' Gods lnws in the typical Theocracy. At tho hcauquarters of the Lord' vis-

ibic orga.ujzation on t:arth a tlaily inspection

is made to see that all i going well, up to the
right staudard, and that nothing is being
overlooked or is sl ipping 0 1 fulling into a
condition of disrcpai1 or danger or foiUng to
perform its proper part. Likewise the zone
servant, as well as the regional scrvnt, must
make the rounds by pel'sonal visits at l>cgnlar
int~tvals and sponJ three days at a time at
each point, Wednesday being bis off day for
1naking reports anJ otb~r nl.attcr~ . . . .
Jn connection with gelling well acquainted
and carefully observing the brethren individually as far as possible, the servant should be
on the lookout for 1hosc who show themselves
as capable, rdiable, zealous, and faithful ond
who a1c good prospects and could be cntiusted
with spedal service or responsibility. . . .
Thus he muy maJ<e ~ood re<ommendutions to
the Society, and someone may thus be convenient fol- call who is equal to the task. The
apostle Paul had this in m.iud when be wrote
to Ti1nothy, saying, '''l'hou t!Jcrcfore, 1ny sou,
be strong in the g1ace that is in Christ Jesus.
And the tl1inb'll thut thon hast bem-cl of me
among many witnl'SSCS, the same commit thou
to fllithful men, who shall be able to teach
others also.''- 2 Tilno1hy 2: I, 2.
H the cons<cralcd servant loves Cod with
all his mind, hcait, soul and strength, U1cn



he will seek to eonsct'\c all his iiowcrs and

time ..uu.11ne.aus so us to eeo1101nizt- toward th<:

De'\'il's ~elfish or~~niz;1tion au<l tu gj\e rith1y
of his all to\\al'd 1h<" l..or<r"l org<in izat ion. flring on the go all thr tin1(", the 1.on(' sf'rvilnt
mw<t. take tbi into arrount, us to trn,rl, time,
hi~ bodily strength and expense ;11lowan<e and
t.he 'rear and tear or l1is 01c:111s. of co11ve)':1uc~.
The n:tatter of l'On101uniations ::ib:c1 pla,rs a
purl in this. Care should Ix' takc-11 to arnirl all
confusion in kcrping in touc:h \\'i1h the So-

<.' irty, Ol" tht zonl? S<'f\'t:u1t "'ith the re,.donal

ser\nnt nn<l \iel-' \'CJ'sH.
Tt is wrillt'n : "Bltssd a1t thou, 0 lnn1l .
"'hell . , . thy }'f'ill<'f'S ('1'1 in 1...111(' (o;('()SO!l, [or
sll.,.ngth, and not fo1 1" ( Er<k
siru;tes 10: Ji) .\clhe J\inf:dom p11hlishc1
need ttength aud to have it renewed 1e11:u
Jarly in due s<'i1son. \\\~:1k nnd ii-t~u1a 1 IHlb~
Jishcrs fl('rtl ~lrc.n!.~th 1hrou~h 1lu rood .Jchov:ih provirlf's in cln(I Sl'llson. rrhC' stl"t'nt!fh one
!!Cts by eating the Lord's pro,ickil food al
stud~ rla""" is unly rightly used up in field

S tatement Regarding Press

'l'hurstla\ :ifttrl\0011 th~ <'onvcntinn
chairmnn 1iiade the foll owing statemPnt:
The puhlie ]ll'CSS, nt lll<' inslaJl(o or 1'llgious
1nogul~, igno1cd this <'On\'Clnt iot1 htfon-' \Ve

ur1hcd in th~ eitY. l~vcn tJJC n1:1\01s s~e1ctu1,

slated 111at tl1ert; \\oulJ. no1 1,r 20,oan ptop1~~
l1<'1'r. Th(' 011,e11tiou oplJHd y~tetdar with
04,000 pC'Opl('. :\c\\s11aper rtpol't\'J'S \\~('rt:' present,
they l'llf. off 10,000 or till' >1ttendunee.


Then follow in~ the- nsun l roul'S<' of thei1 spiritual a<hi<c,.,.. they misquoted the s11<aker, pLlb
Jishitl~ thnt "hiel1 he nevr1 C'V('n thoug-ht of
saying. We have ecasrd to fumish eopy lo th~
public prCs..-i, for the reason. they ehn ngc it
to 1nak<' i1 ;1ppC';11 1idicnluus. J~ut 10 sa l'cgunrd
oursclvc~, anti in 01-<l<'r that the people 1uight
kt10"; the truth. ou1 ~oti tt~r 1>uhli.shL.J tlie
presi<lent's <listoursc ,,ith "hirh this (onvcution \\'HS 01>(:1lt'C1. and it is tCH.lny tC'lcas<'<l a nd
evel',yo110 who will l'<'acl ii will src that Ill<'
mo111 i ng vapf't' dfllihcrntcly n1is1(lprcs<.n l rd
the fu<'ls. LtI each pe1.,;on judge whom the
papel' rlprl~t'nls. 'l'hi"I <'<>llVt>Jttiou is iuter<sh.."Cl
only in publishing tlw truth. lt is quite maJJi
fest that the newspapers have no clcsit'(> for


the t1nth. Jud~ing fron1 thr actions of

the t1c\vspapc1'..; \VC ha\e lciH'ned th;lt they
vcoul<l nol publish tho truth onn if tlwy
knc,, 1h< truth \\ould :..nit 1hcit sil untion bC'ttrr than a falsthood. 'rl1ey are in tho habit
or fotlo"ing their father, llw cltief of liars,
n1entionC'd .nl .John 8 : 44, ancl \Vhcnn lhPir spi t
itu:1l :u],ise1s tJO\\' ably r<pr<'S\'llt.
.Jullg-t> l~utbtrfor<l is a nali\\1 .ho1"11 ~lis
souria11, a 1ntmh('r of thf' bar. priH1h"'C'd in all
lht C:VUl'JS Of this stat{' l"or Sf'\"f'l11C'('ll yeUI'S,
,m,1 .'ct tho (;/n/>r.fhmorm/ ealh him tbe
1all. hnldinf1., ,,in~rolla11'(I C'(aliforuh1u" . ...!\nd
~"'\'idn11y fol' 1hc pul'pos~ o f trtnkiu~ it appPar
that he insult the t>roJ>le of his uativt slalr
tlwy published the followiu~ : "Yon 'lill\red
rnmiug to St. Loul~. you arr sufl"trin~ no\\
he<':lUse OHlllJ of you hu \t h;1d ,rou l 1001n ac
conul1otl;1t ions c...111((lltcl . '!'his \\'H~ lnought on
hr JH't's."urr lo fort1. (nneellntiotis. \ou <.'an
C'Xfl<.'C"t other sufill'ill'~ ~1u<l iu!-.~ll~ iu St. l.ouis,
and n1a:, like .Joh, \\'<)Hdcr \\'hy th.: Lotd led
you tu his city fo1 a tu.tlicJn:tJ <.'011v<ntion."
:-;i};ty~four thou~nncl p<opl( \\ho heard this
di,eour:se kno1w ti :1t th:il is nhsolutdr false,
1h;i l he ut t(tt<l uut*lfit' \ror<l of it.
Furtlurn1otv. I ht' pulJJ icaLion or tltt~ C!Xaet
lt.'Xt of his ;uldrrss. 1hHt 1oclny is l'{'ICaSl><l 1o
you. shO\\'S thnt Ii<.' ultcrt\I nothin ~ o-f tllc
_\s furLhc1 l"Yi<lelll'1. his sp'('(~1 "as s irnul1:111t.'QUsl_\ l'l'<-01<ltd and thi') \\ill ul.,o ttsti.r
tl1:1l the re]>ol'lt.r \\'lH> IUl'Jl1"il in the c-opy, and
\'Vhi<'h ,\.flS publi..;;hc'11, <l1JihtJ'HltI~ lit-..1.
In ortlcr thal llH 111tss nla.'~ uol have any
ex<'use:_; 1'<11 1nil'-qLtotin~ TIH:, 1 have had a few
ropit or "hnt Jam now sa~ing mHde and they
can hu\c that.

At :; p.m. :-1,200 aurnntc copi"s of the

1'111 H alchtO!rer,

, \uc;ust ][j i~sm o[

featuring .fod:l' Rut l1('11'01:d's oponingadtl1l'~><, on "h1 tt>gri ty", W<'l'( rt>lNl8NI

and t111itk ly tirculate<l in St. Louis.

Zone Assembly and Its Purpose

Al 'i: 30 p.m. '1'. J. SulliYan ~poke on
tl ie sul)ject " A;;s('ll1bly anti lts Put'
pose''. ,\ portion of hiB address follows:
B.'' zoue as~cn1hly-" ,\.<" tlo i1ot n1('.<1n the oecru;ion when the N'<;:ional ser,nnt visits the
zone, but hither t11r organiziu '! 01 assein bling


o f t he con nt l'y iuio 7.0ncs fo1 l(ingdoni RC'r Yi<"<'.
Thr. zone setup as \Ve UO\V have it is no ne\\'

arrangement. The early church '""'(IS organized

into a zone setup simila:r 1o wlwt we ha\'c to.
day, having the <'hllrch :1t .Jeru~:Jltm 1~1kiug in
the f{ingdom intrrests in that ~<.'rlion, 1hl'
eh ul'eh <.lt l~phcsu~. t'ol'inth, Cialatia. Ron1c
and other places '"hose urti,it.ic.:; spr ead out
to inolude the I<in:dom iHtNc''" through the
a rea surround ing these ec.'flt<'r.i. . . .
At t he br,..rinnin!:! tlu~ f;1ithf11I r ('<'og-niz<:'<l
th:it. I ho v isihlo pnrt of The Thcoornc~ centered at J crt1S<1lcm, a nd t hat oqi:anization insti-uetious t!IHana lccJ f1on1 tbel'e. Thes( 'rere
3CCCp1ed find oh~yl'tl lJ('<'allS<' llH_\,V \\'{'r'l fl'OIIl
t he Lord nud th11J11~h JJis l's1u.bli~h<'d ;1rr:111g-<1nenl. .,-\fhr 1.,.aul's ;1ppoi11hnrnt t h t~ thurC'h
a..~ a. \\'hol<' rtrognizcd hin1 a~ '-feho,1:1h's spfeia l <'hoic" ;n1d 1('p1c~cntc1ti ve to is:iUC instrnc~
tions. '11h('S(' instru(tions thC>.'- at1t'ph:d as or
ganization in~truC'tions and oht:yL'<.i I hC'm im
plicitJ,,. Tl1~ Lord 11 nqutst iorrn hly l>lossid I bis
a11augetnent iu 1ht t>stahl ish 1ncnt of the C'<1rly
c1llll'th :uicl il grt\r <incl dtY<'lop<'d 1111~1t1 that
lllill istry.
This c~tublislit!s u pn..'t'etlent for t':tC'h ~er,.
a nl or tht' l.ol'cl and (':tLlt Pt'rl-'011 ill .Jtho\nh's
or~anization to lit go,rrn~"'J hy. To us it 1nPtlll\li
- first, <l~(r11-niu \rho is clf'lrz;1tf'<l hr the Lor<l
to isslH' insl1urtions. Pl'O\'j" thi~ h<.yon1 l any
possihlc clou ht. 't'h(ln ol:C'y <111 in~t111etion~
coming from tlult sotn"fc., in spit(' of ('\'('rythin~ . J>ero1i1 nothing to 1urn you asidt fronl
thc1 l. ' l'hc l)('\'il \Viii llS<' l"\'<'I'~ po\rtr at his
<'onunand I o b<'rloud l h< issui:' .a nd tu r 11 you
nsidc 11nd u:-;c you to tu 1n otht'l'!-i aside from
l h0 1.orcl' Cr,iec. Do tiol pcnnit this.
~on1e "hn think 1hty lH1vc a g-oo<l knO\\ ltdgc
of the l.01cl's puJposes <lisoliey the p11siti,-c
in~1rurtion of 1IH Lord 1o rnuk and u,oid
t hose \\'ho crn1sc .-1i ,isio11!-\. 'l' hl';o.;( foolish o nes
go out of thti r \\H,, to huvt fl llo\\'"hip \\ith
su<>h c]isordll'ly pto~1lc iu 1hc hopt ur tt'c1c-e1n ..
ing th<n1. 'l'ht only \\;1.r anyol\l' tan 1'4 t'L~
dc('ml'cl or hrlp<'d h~ cinnthtr i~ for Hu uhc><li
t'Hl ('1cu1UI'<' to ,,ht'J thr Lofil illltl Jl~l th<' 1r




tion instruction8 cannot be ovPrPn1phnsized .

E\rery wne at1(l r<'.~donnl sf'rvant. should be
cont inually 011 ti"' aler t by word and deed to
bti ah <>xttnlplc of pt-opcr ol-r.;ct\anee of or
gnnization instructions; for ii those appointed
by the Lord to take O\'ersight of tho Kingrlom
set viec sf'I an intprOP<'I' Pxan1p l<', oth"r :i feel
that they ''"" take Rimilnr lihcl'lics with tho
Lor<l~ insl ruPI ions.
How arc we to find out what is requit<'cl or
ns nO\'\'! The fir~t an<l rnain t(quiren1r11t is to
hn\'(' a elea r visic111 or trhe rhP(}{'l'i]('\'. The
pro11dt1 11 set forth in the early oh~ rrh is
givPn c1s nn <'Xi:tn1p1c for u~ to follo'\" HS '"ell
as slarting 1h<' tl<.ltl~ ehntch in Lhc proper
f.oursc. 'T'hr <tpnstlC's anci olhers as ln.J.lvitluals
did not judg(!, t.ondernu. rtbukt ;.u1d in..;trnet
acrortlini.( lo thei r O\\'n iclt':is; nr il h('J' should
~"" J'o r t v,o vc.ry good 1<'asons:

1. If the at""'1les aml C'arlr <hureh nmld

not <lo this as indhhlun ls, it is <trtain that
'"" rannol clo ii.
2. I f tho indiddual WC'rc to do thC'.C thin!!S
ll('('ONling to his o\\n ~tnndai-d~. th('n nu oi-ganir.11tion instruf'tions ~uC'h as the thllt('J1 at
Jer11:-.ale1n gn\e to the apostl,..; or as Paul !!'ave
to TituJ-; and Ti1no1 hy \\'oulJ h nt'(('~s.<tr):.

The Lol"t1.

ho,r1~vl'r. stt\\~

fhnt !'lt1<'h



l ions \\'Crti nee~s:ir.v ancl arrnng1d for the1n,

Allll we a rc obligatccl hcfore the Lord to arccpt
tl1t1u and ohey llHrn. I au1 NUrl! w1 ~hon1d hu\'C
no di0ic:u1ty in :-::rring 11tut npostlc"' a.s:--l.'1nbling
nt .J11u~alrm and issuin~ inst1u<I ions to he
rh11r<>h T'<'prcsC'nfrcl th<' l.oi1l'."i ;1rrc1n<:ttm1nt
11l that time. Neil her , J10nld w0 hilve nny difficulty in sc,ing thal Panl wns RperiAlly 1folcg-iHtd Ly Uu.' Lord :Ls Uis sp11.,lttl rlpteseutu

ti\'t) tu the tarly chur<h. ht.<'.aUst tht R<"rip..

ttucs dttinihI) slate this to he :1 l"at.t.
!'\(I\\', if the ron<litious thnt rxistec1 in lhe
ca rl.v th i'Jrch a 1e ~oin~ to he r(':-1tort'll. a nd the
'Lord .sc1~s l hc: are (I"aiah l: 25"27), t.h~n
1-'Hul , fl!' th1' t"('pr1scnlali\e or the Lo1tl Jell
f,Z(lting autho1ity to 'fitu!-. nnd 'l'i1111JtLy, rnusl

pi<'tllr<' th<' 1.01ci hi 1n:-;<'li' at


:-.1'(ontl ad\pnl

b~Jl iO U .S {))l('S :-:1(' )'0111' ![OOil \\'OJks of 1111S\\'(' I'\'

rlehj.?a ljng aufhn1i1 ,, lo sonl('Onc whom 1'i111~

i1n<l 'l'i1nuth,\ piel Ul'<'<L 'f'hC' qutsf1nn is, \Vhont

ing- clHotio11 lo Jd10,ah .. \ void all kllowshi1>

\vilh lhem uulil lhty 1nanift~l p1(1p<'t r11h!lll
a nee a n d 1lw ~pi ri1 o CUw Lmd.
'r hc vit;.1 J importan<'e of Qhc:'ying org-ttniza

did 1'flns " "'] Timo1hy pi1ture1 The SeriplllrL-:-; tIPar1y aUS\\'t~r thc.r pil'turea that
''faithful and \\'isc scrvHnl.. , lhr rt.)ruru1nt on
earth after the LoJ'd comcs to Jli~ tern plc aml


proves His people and delegate' spccfol :iuthority to them.-)Iatthcw 2:1; 4i>-47.
Tu I his bised on solid Scriptural facts 1 Here
al"C\ the Scriplu1al fa<:l~. ,J1idge for you rsell'.
1. The detailed spec-ifie organization such
a.~ we now hnn it was cstilhlislwd by 1he fJord
and carried on l>y the early church.
2. After the death of our Lord and the
apostles l11e enemy overreHched the church
and substituted a C'ercmonial religions practice instead of the simple nnd efficient organization of the Lo1-d.
3. The Lord piomised to restore this original condition in His own due time ancl way.
These scrif)tures we haYe alrcacly considered.
-Isaiah 1' 25-27; 60: 17.
4. Accordini: to the par"hle of the pounds
and of the talents this restoration was to take
place after the J,orcl's second advrnt when He
was to come to the temple, exallline the sen'ants, condemn the unfaithful, and to the faithful say, <IS at Matthew 25: 23, 'Well done,
good and faitJiful servaut: thou hast been
faithful OYer n few tJ1in6"', I will se1 thee over
mlllY thin~'S; enter thou into the joy of thy
lord.' '!'here the Lord definitely delegates or
autho1izes Hi servant to act.
5. The par<lhlr. of the fa ith ful and wise senant. "Who then is I he f uitJ1ful and wise servant., whom his lord hath set over his household,
to gi\'e them their food in due season l Blessed
is that servant, whom his lord when he comc1h
shall find so doing:- ru:atthew U: 45-~7,

6. Who is that "faithful and wise scnant" t

It is unquestionably the class who saw the
Lord in His temple, who rccogn izt'(\ thei r own
undone condition and their need of cleansing
and who joy full y submitted themselves to
that olcansing, and then said, Lord, here am
I; send mc.'-Tsaiah 6: 1-9.
At the Cedar Point co11'cntion of the Lord's
people in 1922 that "faithful and wise serYant" was appointed by the Lord and delegated
to go forward ";th the organization oI the
church for service just as Timothy and T iJ;us
were delegate<] by Pall! lo act in the, early
chu1~h. '!'here the l.~rd '" laid hands' upon
Flis servant. Step by step that oriranization
has continued to 2row from that time on. We
had the f<!\'elation of the two organizations

in 1925, clcaming of the sanctuary, revelation

of the 'great multitude'", and so on, up to
1938, whcu e.ome the inslalhil ion of the zone
assernbly St)tup.
The Sc ri ptures and tho facls clearly prove
that the Lord, the great Judge, came to His
temple in 1918, 1hat He tested His servant,
and in 1922 He delegated Ilis "faithful and
wise servant .. lo ael for Ilim, and that "faith
iu) and \\'L~c sen~ant'' is lli!'! p<'oplc organized
and kno\\'ll ns t.hc \V AT<:U'N)\\'F.:R Bm1.1..: ANI)
'J1RAC'I' ~O('IF:l'V,



But ko,cp this in mind: Urnt this delegating

11uthority is not conferred upon an.v individnnl. Timolhy and Titus represented a colleetivc hody, not some ind ividua l. 11 is the eollective hod,y or or~nization 1hnt issues organization instructions, 1ebukcs when nccel'sary,
and issue~ 811)' other counsel lo !he church Lill
der the direction of tlie Lord. The Jll'<'sidenl
of the \V,1TcHTOWER Bmr.F. AN<> 'fRACT So.
Cl.KTY, I herefore, is I he ph)'sieal mou I hpitee
or 1he orgllnizlltion nnd the one appointe<l hy
the Lord to determine policy, issue organization instructions, etc.. be, or course, acting for
the organization and as dired<'<.l by 1he Lord.
Special organization instrn<'t ions coYering
the field seniee are sent forth. 'l'hcse are
based upon the Sc1i1>lures nd in ful l nccord
with the organizat ion established by the Lord
at H is first advent. These i.t1Strnctions are
bindin~ upon cvr-ryone in the orga1lizntio1t.
They arc not discretionar y, bnt entirely mandatory. No regional ser,ant, woe senant or
company servant bas any ri1?bt to alter or
amend them.
Always carry out the instructions yon have
received us from I.he Lord. Report lo the office
acrording to orgun i7..ntion instrut:tions, :40 that
the brethren 1herc who cheek ~onr report eun
accept ~our 1"port with full confidence, so
that they iu turn may carry out their iiart of
the Theocratic arrangements.

"Comfort All That /Jlourn"

The outstanding feature of Saturday's
program was tl1e adrlress hy the p1esident of tl1e Society, J.1''. Rutherford, on
the subject "Comfort All That Mourn".
To this ar!dres~ the public were invited,
altliough welcome to any and all sessions


of the great Theoerati<I Assembly. The

address is available in print, complete.
His conclucling remarks wereIt is a blessed privilege to stand in this
place, the laud where I happened to be born,
and speak to I he rhildr~n and otrsprin{? of
some who are neighbors and personal friend~
of mine, and I count it n great blessing from
the Lord to be pernrittcd t-0 ha vc something
to do with bringing to the people of this State
a message of comfort. I hid you <>ach one and
all to calmly consider : What do auy of the
world powers hold for me Uiat will bring any
lasting benefit~f You will find none. And then
ask, What arc the benefits the great Theocral ic
Government holds if I turn my heart to Jehovah God and liis Kingf and you will find
everything here that heart desites. And may
the Lord's blossings go with every one who i
of good-will and who accepts the truth, whcthe1 be be Catholic, Protestnnt, Jew or Gentile,
white or black, bond or free. Let's thank the
Lord that we have tJ1e privilege of now seeing
th~t the g reat Thc>ocn1I ie (lovemment is hero,
thut evil shall quickly puss away. and that
blessings sha II come to stay forever to the
glory of U!C Lord.
After the lectUt"e the new booklet Comfort AU 1'hat M011 rn was released a!ld

ten copies were given free to each conventioner so desirin::i; for instant distl"ihution. Thus 450,000 copies of the
speech were speedily di~tributcd nll over
St. Louis und vicinity.

Sunduy morning witnessed the greatest muss immersion of Christians in history. There was nn eurly assembly at
The Arena of a ll tboAc dcsi ring to swholize U1eir conscwration to Ood hy l)aptism in water, and at 7: 30 a.m. a spenker
addrei<sed them briefly on the significance of lhe occa!<ion, also introrlucing
Brother Uuthcrford's rcrorded speech
on "Baptism". which was rcproducecl
over the public-adrlress system. There
were 3,903 that pre~entc<l themselves for
irrunersion; and 1,357 or lhcse were dlil<lr~n. which was quite appropriate for
"'Children',; Day".


The same corponition that rented The

Arena and its grounds for the 1'heocratic
.Assembly also ananged with its adjacent Amusement Park for the use of
their exccUcnt outdoo1 swimming pool
for tlie immersion. The preliminn.ries
concluded at 'l'he Arena, the children
were first permitteil to ma rch out and
walk the one blork to the srene of the
immersion, in order U1at they might re~ive the first attention and he able to
return and occupy their plnres among
tbo reserved scats for clnldrcn al The
Arena before Brother Rutherford delivered his address on "Childrell' of The
King", at 11 a.m. The adults came thereafter and were immersed, without any
further words or any ceremony at the
pool. So well-manned and etneient was
the or~anization for this service that
everything proreeded very orrlerly and
with dispatch, and in two hours the
record-breaking 11umhcr of 3,003 were
hm1dlecl nnd cnnhled to rctnrn and join
in the 10 a,m. as~cmhly nt The Arena in
preparation for the fcntur<' event of
'"('hjldrens Day'". Dne to conditions over
which the Society has no control there
in St. Louis, the many Colored bretliren
amongst the eandida!Ps wrre obliged to
be immersed in n fine pool in a Colored
institution downtown, and lo which U1ey
were speedily taken and tl1ereafter
transportrd bark to 'rhe A rcna by a
motorcade all in readiness nnd at their
service, free and voluntary.
The att<'llilanre eMh successive tlny of
the Assembly i1Jngtrated the prophetic
truth that 'of the iUCrCaRCl Of his government 1tnd peace there shall be no end".
(Isaiah 9 : i) When RrothPr Rutherford
delivered the opening address \Vednesday afternoon 64,000 were in attendance
arrordinl! to tl1e otJiciul count. Friday,
the numher had increased to 7fi,OOO; Saturday, to 1O:i,500; and 8und11y morning,
to 115,000, to hear "Children of The
Kin~"'. Tht>reaftcr the audien~e tapered
off to 80.000 to hPar Brother Rutherford'i> fa rewel I ~p~rrh at 4 p.m., and 44,000 remained anrl heard thc concluding

(t) On way to hn.merslon pool. (2) Hold your noise C3) Two or 1,$57 c::.hlld.rcn Jnuneraed. <4) Awaltlng thC<ir
turn. (6) Symbolizing their conaecrat.lon. (G) The itnmtr1<1(11\ VOOL (7) Sonte ot 3,:ll>:J immersed. (8) Immcr

Ilion of colored b:rothrc-o.

REPORT OF THE .J EH OYA H'S \\'lTXE:<,,E:< AX,. Ell UL\"

speeehr:< hy other "peakcrs iH the e\'<'n i n~.

\Ye 1101\ take Iea,r of the ~l'eak~t conventioH P\'f>I' :1ssemhlcd. llsitlcs the va1't
audienres reported. 100 htard the Saturday ann Snnd11y '!J''<tl11:; hy phone <li -


red to Bethel (Brooklyn, N. Y.) nml

Rtation \\' H111{ 011 Staten Island, :-.I. Y .
\lRo \\'edne~day'~ tliHour<e wn~ hrnaclcai<t by \\'J3HH. ::\o\\' by phonogrnph rrcoriliugs, hy pictun.. anrl hy print all the
proceeding" will lw hrnnl{ht l" others
who seek niePkn e><,; a11<l wi"h to li\-e 1111der the protc..tio11 of 'l'iu; 'l'-rmnrnAcY.

J ehovah's "itrnsscs Assembly in Britain-alWar

Leicester, England, September 3-7, 1941
i<-an~ fi011111]~ like COll$i<J<-ralJJe of a teat.
, \ncl a hove all, this whole nceoruplisluncnt
or .Jehovah'> witm<~<'~ at St. Loni" this mnst he arricd out i11 a <otmtry rxceedqtwslion was in thE> minds ol' fri('nds on ingl~ nf'rvous from two ye:u" o'r tc>rrible
IJollt sides of t lw A11a ntk : ll'i II .J rlioval1 war. ''l'his is thP Lord's doing, and it is
exert His pow('r t<i 1-(iV(' Great Britain a marvPlons in our eycs.'- l'~alm 118: 23.
conHntion thi:< y<'a1 1 The J:;nl(lish hr<'lhrPn faithfnll\' hdien<l the Lord would Faith Re1oarded
do it, und Ills clircC'\ion se<'med to i..ndiAt last,". ednesday, 8cpl<'tuhe1 3, J!J+l,
cat.-. I),. Montrorl lfoll, in LC'ic<>st<'r, as 2 p .rn., was h ere. The courng<:ou~ people
t he gall1erin!-( placr . .T!'hond1 t h<>n re- who a~semhlc>d in I .<'ircster in the face of
warded t hE> clili!-(rnt pffort~ of thl' British all odds had their foi(l1 rPwarded and
to giw them an unparalleled wartime thrir anticipated joy l'ullillrcl wh<'n thPy
conwntion of l:!,000 attendance. tiepte111- hrHr<I the grrat Rt. Louis <"(l('Cl'itc~ of
her 3-7, l!JH!
J 11<1,!1;<' Rutherford re prod u<:ed l'or tl1 rm
'l'hc Lonl's people in Ilrilain were thus by <: lcetrital rccor,Jing. The prog-rnm,
fnrnislicd ro11d usivc proor tha~ J eho- 3114 l ~C{j ltellcc, 0 f the . \ meri('an t'On V<'llvah's '1'11~-:0<'1-t:ATJC organization is in co111- tion. hchl a month h<'forE', was followed
plcte o-peration and mard1ing forward exactly. 'rhey evm heartl the judge's
unwml'ringly to final victory. [11 war- voicE>, due to tl1e miraculous manner in
torn F:nglanc l, wh<'m t he hloody J.uft- which t he Lord got the recordings over
wajfe has desolated ;;o !l1any ciliN<, the to 811glnnd, less than n month aftel' their
diITicullirs or bavinl{ a eouwntion were oril(inal dt>li\'c.>ry.
'l'he glorion~ ronvention opened on
i11supcrahlc exr-ept by llis pow<'r to couqucr. Travel itself is l'rowm'<.l upnn. Pet- time. Tlw I [all Wtlfi pa<:ked, thr amphirol is rationed and, of course, dillicult to theater was full; joyful]~- seven thouobtajn for ti-ips. Bntler and sugar ar(' sanrl sang Uw opening so11g>1 in conalso strirtl~ rnt.ionNI and, ill onler not junction with the ord1eslrn, chorns and
to lmrdcn the eity ot' Lcic~ter hy large organ. My. what RW<'<'t praisl's were
drniands, mo~I w<'re eompPll<!d to bring sung to the 111ost 11 igh ! and what voltheir owu suply. For shelter the Lord's ume! 'l'hc d111innnn's op<'ning ;neetings
people had lo bring tons of aiivas tent~, were p:ivcn, followed hy an outline of all
which, after erection, must IH' cnmou- convci1tion field-service activity. All
flaged according to regulations. The two tl11;s1> instrurtions were mefully foJ.
thousand who rame on hieyclei; ranicd lowP<l. Xow it was three o"clok, another
clothes, food, hook!\, and even children, song was sung, ancl then came the first
often hundreds of miles; which to Amer- great feature of the convention-Judge

whik preparations wPre nu\dP

for lhe grPnt .\meriC'an <on,ention

Rutherford's op0ning: addr~!\S. n was
hPard 0rystnl-clear throng ho u t tl1e
gronnd11, hull, tPnts and amphitheater,
actomplisl1e<l tlmmgh one of the finest
sound-'ngincering h ookups in th i R
country, all hu il!. llcsigi1e<l and operated
hy servanti; of 'l'm: 1'ur.ocr.AeY. 't<;vPryone pai1l dose nttPntion, just as ii' the
whole andfonee were sitting before Judge
Rutherford at :-;t, Louis. l~r th<' Lord's
gra00, the thref' ~et:< or recordings for
this ronvPntinn were fiown over tl1c Ati antic hv trnnsatl:rntic air mail shortlv
after llie tit. Louis convention. 'l'hPse
were tlw finest and clearest rt>cordings
ever rP0eivP<l of .T udge Hutherford's
~'he subjeet of "Tnt0grity", with its
inctcased light on the hook of Joh, was
an unexpected thrill. Ev<:'1vono was enconrnged by this nvelatio1i that the sufferings of that "lrnted" one, .Tob, who had
doni> no wrong, pictured the suffo l'ings
of the Lol'J's rem11ant anrl their companions today; that 11 raillifulness like to
J oh's wonlrl re~ult in a reward as hounteons as ho enjoyed when his integrity
had hecn proved under severe teRt. 'The
brethren duly noted the emphatic statement by Judge Rutherforrl that the issue
was tl1at of "UN'f\'F.JlSAL DOMIN'ATION", mid
resolv<ld hencefortl1 lo resist to t he ntmost the Devil's mighty campaign lo
dominate thP whole of JiYing flesh. At
the conclusion of tl1is remarkable lecture
the following cahle \\as se11t to Judge
Se,1eo lho1u1and your BriHsl1 bt'<'tbren oJ)t"nPd
assembly for wor"'hip IO<lny. Drli~ht~d to hear
yotn voi"r again. Greatly appreciaJe yonr tn1k

"Int.egrily-''. Our ?'..t\:l 1 for 1'ht' 'rhcoo.rac.y has been

thoronghl). arou!ted. We are <lPtCJrmint'd t() main
t.ain our iriWgl'ity, eoulc "'bat may, and Rght

against Satan's bid for unii;~n;al <lo1lnnotion.Leieestcr 1rheoctatic Assembly.

'Wednesday ev<ming ,Jesse Hernery,

vigorous and confident, jubilant and
exultant, evet1 as the president revealed
himself, lost no time in conunnnicating to
his audience some of tl1e reasons for his
enthusiasm. 'rhe brethren hung i1pon his

wo,.ds a~ lie strP~sed tlw statement, "This

is no t om swan song," and rejoiced as he
exclaimed, "\Ye shall meet again next
year. I don'\ lh1nk it will he her <l i11
Leice;;ter, or they don't s0em to like us
very much," and pondc1cd deeply over
his suggestion t h at Kuzism was only a
passing and preliminary phase, and that
the great clasl1 of the two opposing
organizations is yet to come. 1'J1e bret11 ren were dPlighted to know of a prohahle
ru,.ther opportunity to contact wHh a
"quick, sharp witncRs" t.hose whom the
present emergency of wnr holds in a
tight grip, and were keenly appreciative
of his expo~ition of the ahuudant qua lificat ions of the :mciPnt prince!< for th<'ir
positio11s of authority in rontrol of the

ne" earth.

L\ discourse was given on "Zone ancl

'R-egional SPrvants' Duties", and a caJI
given to all brethren to giYe closer heed
to organization instructions, to abide
caipf'allv within the fold and render that
trno obC>diPnce to the Higher Powers,
Jehova h, the 'l'RF.oGnA'r, and CbristJesus,
the King.
T hursday

Tl1 e morning of the ~econd day 'vas

spent in t.lw field service hy nearly fi\"O
thousand p11hlisheri<. By the at'tcrnoon
a few mnre lnmrlrerl brethren arrived at
the Assembly, hrinii:ing thP atten<lance on
'fhursday to 7,500. 'l'he brethren throughout the grnunds lis\e11ed carefully to the
discourRc rlNtling with "Pa\lemcnt 'WitnesRing", "Study Grnnps," and the "Victory Song".
'l'hursday evening, after several songs
and many inter<>sting declarations, the
convention Rervaut spoke on "Zone Assembly and Its PnrpoRe"; the point being
made t hat ,TeJ1ovah was dealing with a
people just as in the days of lsrael: thnt
as in .Lsrael it was rwcessary for the
people to assemlile together to gain the
Lord's i11struclions, fo1 t11is reason it
was vitally necesRary for everyone to
attend this great assembly fol' worship,
and for the same reason zone assemblies

-REPORT OF TUE .mRO\"AJ!'i'i \HT)l"F;!';;:;E>; As:-iE~lflI,Y

arc of ,;tal importance to be attended

at lcn~t twirc each ypar. The chairman
concluded the evening session with a
di~course on .. \\'hen Uie Righteous Rule".

By Friday the convention was gaining

momPntum and the attendance rose to
8,500 for the dny. Another host of
"locusts" covered thP city during the
morning in regular field service; the
field-service plans being I hat each day
the same territo1y be covere<l by placing
two p11blishers with phonographs doing
the house-to-house work on each block,
two publishers doing the street work
with the magazines, nnd two <loin:;: information walking. In this manner of
field organization it was 1>ossible to put
five thousand brethren in the residential
parts of the city and another tlrnuRand
on the strePts in the bu~iness center.
Thus Leicester, a city of 300,000, rec<>ived
a concentrated "locust attack" earh clay
and nerv soul knew that ,fohovah's witne~ses 'vp1e in town holding a great
Friday afternoon A. D. Schroeder
i<poke on ''Pioneer's Pince in the Organization". 1,2n0 pione1>rs were seated in
the fronl pa rt of ll1c fl all. "'hat a stirring
sight it wi1s to ~e<' all U10se full-time
zealous warriors of THF. TUEOCRACV !
What a happy hand! They izalhered every
shilling U1ey could get to come to this
great convention. The Lord aw to it that
Pvery one of thesP full-time servants
atl<'ncled this assembly for worship. The
speaker opened with a surprise by reading to this vast comention .Judii:e Hulherforcl's informal talk to the pioneers at
St. Louis. His words <rpened, "Well, it
shonkl refresh anyone's heart to greet n
company of real llizhters, that arc not
only willing to fight, but to fight for tlie
:;:r!'ntl'st thing that has ever been known
or ever will be known, namely, the great
'l'heocratic Government." ApJ?lnuse after
apvlausc followed th<! rearlrng or this
speech. The most touclting part, which
g-really moved all the brethren to nn-

precedented applaus<', was th<' following

closing woTdR of.Judge Rntherf01d: 'Y 011
snw n i<nppo:;ed pictmc in tlit ri:-;t. Louis l
paper the othN day ol' an old, drawn,
baldy man. The caption rend~. ''l'Jtig is
the lr-ader.' 1 am glad the Lord ur1derstnnds. He know~ thnt this i~ not the
leader, hnt t11is i$ just one of the hoys
fighting along with you. I was born to
fight for righteouimc~~. arnl, by lhP grace
of the Lord, T will kcf'p on doing it....
Don't think yon nre th<' wholP thin:;: yourself hl'ennRe you arc a pioncer. When
you go. work a town, and work it up and
get ready to leave; do11't )pave until you
hnve turned over to ~omc 7.c>alons Jocnl
witneRs for the Lorri the full results of
your work, ~o that tl1ey run curry on.
Keep on <>nrourai...;ng tho~e who love lhP
Lord nnd want to do His will."
The afternoon prnp;ram rontinued
wit11 furtl1er nrlvice lo the pioneers and
srverul exlrcmdy iutere~ting declarations l'rom some or these front-line
lighters. ,\ tinwly tnlk follow!'<! on the
counsel and advir<> gi\'PD in the llny lj
Wotchtower, on ".Noah's Day''.
On Friday evening a ~pcakcr gave a
l'el'iew of tbe work in the British field
during the past fifty yca1s- n hrirf history of the work in this (ountry [rom its
stnrt in London ahout 180.q. He ~tated
that there wer<' two hrotlwrg in att.mdance at this ass em hi y who have hrPn
faithful in the work since 1888. (The
speaker, Uemrry, is one of !he two.) The
evening RC>:<ion continued l\ilh o very
instTnctivP Theoerati1 ~1>rvire mrr-ting
conduc!Nl hv four of the srr..-ants from
London. A ciiRMnrs<' on "C'ovPnant Ohligations" fuiished olT lhe l<'riday pmgram.

Saturday, the hig day or thr COllVPntion, now arrhr11. Ilundrrds more of the
brellue11 were rolling into the convention city. The attt>nclance was now well
over the ten l110nsnnd mark. 'l'he climax
in the field l'Pr>;cp wnH reached when
6,17i faill1flll pnhlighers were in the



fif'lcl fnrinp: thP ri>ing ti<l1 of rcHnttnrnt

nn .J nJpo~itinn.
l'rnmptly at 1111<-thirly 1111 aftc>rnoon
~onp:> aml clPC'larntion< npPlll'tl, l'ollowc>d
11t two o'clork hv a \'~n in'l rrwliYc talk
on "J\chicc to K'inwloni I111i>li<lwrs''. Bctwc111 lwci-thirlv Hncl llll'PI' o'rlo1k the
Vnl'>t throng- \VPI:(, h(in~ :tl":i.Ptuhl('d. nu-n~
11l1nlccl, nnd ""atccl l'or 111< .~rcal public
l<<tnrc hy .Jud.~e T:uthcrl'ord to hp ~iven
at :1 p.m. nn '"C"11-'0111 ,\t.L 1'n.\T
)lntnx". 1'hi~ wa:- to I e the fncn point
of the whole> comrntinn..\11 air nf rx1wrtn11c-y 1wn:ulr~l ti11 entir" "'wrnhly. ThP
f'('tHl.-rt>cl n l'P\\' ~lIP~tionl".
'J'lwn prcnn ptly at th rt'' t h1 c-hn i rm an
or4}1psl ra

mn<lr 11 hrirf opening- >t111101111c-111w11l, 1011rlrnlinp: hy Rnying 11ml we will nnw h<'
ttuwcl in(o !lw \':1st <'tll\'Cllt ion or .fohovnh'"' "it1u.:-::-:es n_:-;~P1ulilP1l nl ~t. I ,oni~.
Ali!'tl"ouri. to h<'nr ,lncl~c l{nlh<rfnrrl'~
l!'l'NI t 11' c t u r P "('o,uuur .\u. TH",.
~Int r.x '.
Tlwn lmr"I forth mpr thP spc>akrs
tlu d1it11!' rrfmin> of llrc nrrl11,tra nt
8t. l.otd~. 'l'hc~ .\111f"ri1nt1 1liairr11an'::intrududinn i'ollo11 '"'tile 11 hn11111<d l'nrth
tlu ekar. l1nl1l, plt;wi 11 ~ and l'amiliar
voiC'<' ol' .Tnd;e Ruth<rl'cncl, "" Ktrnni:- as
fl11ci h<lf<1 1' than ('\l('r hc 1 f01'4 1 , l~V("l'\onc

Rn( sp<'llhonncl, cini<t. full md11~ ,.\pry

'''urcl utt<f'tcl.

~\nd \~~hPrt

\rl'J'~J:ssf::< .\Sl"E~fl:f,Y

TllE .JEllO\'AW:->

lhP 11a111p of

I>nn i<'l did i1Hh'<'<l fnll 11111111 tlwir (ars

on< ,nnld :-.f2'n:--1.. a ~rlat ~i.J.dt of !":tti~
fal'I ion w;1ftffi thrnni:-h lire amli<'nce.
\\'hat wa' th:it? Th" kin;: of the 1111111r:
"th1 kin; of tlrr "''nth." .\s the INtnn
~ontinut>d a prou1i~f' \\'Hl'i :.:iv111 tliut <.1

1'1111 1xpnsitio11 or lla11i1I 11 11e111ld he

fol'(llC'omin; in T!t1 ll'a/r/i/1Hl'Pr. T it<'
<lelight of the hr<tlmn loll'w 111 1 111111111!:-c,
nnd tlw applausf' at tl11 e111wl11sin11 of
1h arlclrl'"' wn>< tlrn11dret1" \\'hat n
M'll'r of <i<'t'P 'Htist'netinn that lht
1111"11' rnmhine k1101111 ns 111<' ...\xip0\1<r~" was <-ntnin to
:11111 fail in
1t~ clTorls to elominal< thr worht, arul
that the 'flwe)("n\\il' (;m-.rn111rnt which
Tchnnth wa~ ~ettiug- up woulrl proePe<l
to 1'111! l'~tuhli8bment (]('<)lifr 111 1 that the
Devil <onkl hurl ugniust. iL


T11m111 li:1t<ly fnllowin~ t hi~ <'('01h-n111ki11.~ lc.I nrP Ihe followin!! eahle, whi<'h hucl
<n1tlP f roau t hri ..\1111ri,a !l httf h rC'n. \\.:ts

r< tul:

'f() lhl' LPirt.. ,f,r ~\:-:'"'"Olhh: Ynu1 11110\\\

lUtl-;. 11-<.11nf1l"d I ...1ro11~ ut ~I l.ouiH, hi1I


lll'ilii.h l111Uu-.11 llr' Y(>1'\' C'OIH'l1~1'(lll' fltlll lu1)1J

Yt1111 1nl1"1itv. Tl11o<l'~dl( 'j,.1;,l.\" i" 11rjni11 .
. Sh1wtt I .l1l;11v:1h';. wih11'!->!i " 111. ,\11w1 tcJt

1'11 1111 alrcad\' thrillP<l u11el.clll"' 1hi:nhl1 frnm mtr ,\nwri'<ll! hrcthnn
hron;ht forth annthu )!nat ~hont of jm
flllCI II pphlll>C' \\ hi .. h Wt\.' t l"Pllll'lll l(ltl,, I i1
rPp(y to tlu!tc fovin~ .t::rt Pti11"'t\ it \\'H!'\
prnpo-.:.t d llu1t tlu fnllo,,~in~~ IOf'$fllJ.:'P Ii'

R<nt to 011r ~\nur:('Utl h11lhrt11

'fo .}4h11\11h'-i K<l'\'1ul:-: in A111111111 w ~11v:
Thrill11I '' 11'1 lt1f11n 1Co111furl All Tit I '.\IH11 11i".
1-;:i~ rI.\ nwnll 1111 or ",\ ''i:-' p1wi~i.;'' \\" will

bolrl I, :I

1111 r 1111.



"nl \'

whwh 11111\
1111 hanil~

111 Tl1101 nit,. 11i ,., II

101111'. (1111 ;ltll\'f'l'i:ll<'t'

.\h11i!..'11I\' Ou.f.
4)111nq.rul l1u1 l'h'r Tl"'or1"Ltlt' <on\ ,;utlimrr



JOU srtl"''I :nJtl.

'"rhi~ f:tlJ!;.!t'-.r.ft"'I cal le ~rttl in~ \\"llH

tlf<tplt'<I \\ ilh a v1 1 at ~l1nt1l of "O)"l'~ ...
'Phrt n 0111 11u1r ~urnri .,, 11 \\'/Ito: nn~
no 11 n1'<l l h:1I cHttiP:: 111' 1hi:-> ... ~at l111ure

"('111111-,>rI .\ti Tlrnl ',J.,111 11 \\C'l'<' now

nrnilnl>I< in lrnnklet l'on11 :md ""1ilcl he
uht:tl111'cl 110" 011t id" 'Iii li a'I :1111l in thP
!.:,l'c11111ds. 'I iii:-. hrnu:l1. f1'rtl1 aun lliPr
1rtJ11t1tdc~11~ upp!a'~!"t. ;1nc1 th 11 .;ting
~11dP1I ,,ith n 'llli<"k c!i:-:p1 r-.ul to uhtnin
eopi ...- 11f thi, ptat l<''"h n 'l'wentyl'our tli1111:0::1111t of thi:-11 h11okl"t \rer<
}'hJff'd iJ~f1!1 1 tlialPJy rn( l\\'illg lfi! C'1 ill\U'X
of 1ll( t11~1v1111 io11.
~Ht 11rdt1\' p\tnill.!, the 1or1\i11 I ion tn11 ..
l i1~ 111 d 1n 11r"'Pr hPight:->. '1'1 t" I'\ 111 in~ :-;.~ :-.
~ion opPtH'C I \\i1h a f]i:->l'f1nr:--<' 1111 "()ur
('0111111i""':-:ir111 .. a~ tl<ordt~d nl l..i,1iali (i1.

111 .l1s11s' ola\' tlri.- hnd """ ,} 11111 i11l r11tlili11l<'llt, hut' now in thi d 1)
ha ii~
""'nl'l"I" fulfilhmnt. Th!' ~J>Lnla'I' """

<'ouru;.::<il .. ,cryonP no\\. lo


1r 11"~


in tarr~ in.~ nut tf1u4; '0111

1ni!.;:-oion iuul to <onifort all flint 111nUl'11.
ollo\\iog tl1i~ thP hrt hr111 \'1r1 n~ain
;;urp1i<1el to lll'ar the rtacli1w or uncothcr
thl'illinp: i11l'ol'llml tulk ~i""" hy .lmkc>


Le1c;c:s-t~r Atcmoly; 1
('onncclod ll)' wlru with Oe ~tontfort. Hull c:n Hun gr)' crowd Un cd up for caLerln&
tt>nt. (3) Stcuonnl vhw or Jilnuned Oe. Afontrort ltatl. (.fi) C'towd l!ICC:nl.' to th" rt.,._.r or thu trnu (~) P4Ltfc.rm


De Montfort J-laU. (8) The tnrormatlon uureau booth a na Travel \xH)th wer. wen pa.Lronl&t'<.I.


Hl:POHT OF ' l'l!E .JEllOYAll'S WITNESSES A::;SE)J ll l,Y

Hul11trford at the St. Lrrni,; eonYN1tion.

JndgP Rutl1prfor<l',; wnrru hParl-lu-hl'uT-t
talk wu" immc>n:<ely a1p1(<"iatNl; al:'o hi'
(]c>~1riplion o[ the great Lniiler ramp <\\
St. Loui,, his nport o[ Utt' opposit.ion
rncountNPcl in 1u1parin;:; [nr lhr ennYf'l1tion at St. Loni,;, how "F:wther
O'llooligan" 'ecmed lo ltnvc n lot
Whal laul(hler a1UI applau"c l'ollowPd
theP rru\a1ks of Iii,; !-"You know when
Jesn8 wns on Ntrth . thm'l' religioni,;ts
woie long rnb<'s. 'l'hey (licln't l1111p m11 rh
lace curtain:< at tliat ti11tt'; lhry wore
phylncleriP~. and 1~rf'ased their '1t,.,1d a
1rre11t deal. lik!' thP l1illie"..\nd, nodonbt,
that is wlwr" .ft'i\~ go1 tlw tl1on!.(h1 that
it was a 'gnat' rll\>'R. :-:;" whrn lie ~polrn
about tltt ')(oat' 1la"'. I It meant !110 .Jl'ws
or thut ('}a,;,; of l1ilJy.gont,; with lnni.:
whi,k<'l'~, lnru::--f1w(d, t hut Mnl'llt'cl to th<'
top of tho 11iom1 lait1."
Thi' hrPthrl'n appreeiatcd Ow rollowing: " I wnnt tn let >111~ sfr1111ger,; her<
know what v11u think :ihnut a 1111111 h!'ing
your l<'adw: so 1h(y won't hi' l'orgrtt in:.
l:n'ry ti11w so11wthi11g ri,1s up and "(rls
to grnw, th<'y "ay tlwrP is ~rnne 111m1 a
leader who has n followmg. Tf thPl'e
is a11y [lf'l'Holl i11 thi.- aLHlitnco wl10 th inks
that t, this nta11 stiuulin:.: h<.'rc, is \ he
l<'a<lPr of .J eho,ah's wit ne~"<'" say Ye~.
[:\ot on<' "aid YPs.] Tf you who nre here
b!'liC\'e tJmt f 11111 ju,;f Olli' of the ~pnants
of the Lord, and "1 urC> working ;;honlclcr
to 'Shouldl'r in uuil \', sllTing God and
sening Chri~t. "ay 'le,." (A grPat shout
of ''Yes" J'ollowt.J.)



Tt Punnot he <lenitd lltat the grt>atest

moment ol' th<' connnlio11 was to come
on the Sunrlay. Vinrly Rnnrlny morning,
while mMt or Leict:;ter was still asleep,
Jehovah'" "-ilne:;'e" CYcrywhrrt' were
b1rny getting rMdy to attend the nine
o'clock 1111irnin; >'C'" iun. Al l the trumcal'S in the rity were 'pccially engaged
to run between 7: :io and 9 a.m. Only
brethren who had spe(ial liekcti> filled
thei>e curs an<l bail a direct r ide to the

hall without (han::in;. 'l'ramrar after

trurn!'nr enmc nv to tl1e hall anloadin;
thP hrctl11en. Bv nirw o'dock a la1ge
numhct wel'e a~scrnhlNI [or the first
di"con r"e. 'fhiR talk d cnlt with instruction nncl proper training in tlll' wny of
'l'hc 'l'heocrncv. 'fLi" talk wa~ foll owed
by auother tabn from "Yi<:tory Song".
Al ten o'clock t hP De 1fonll'ort hall was
clenred to make re iul y the reser\>ed
seetion for the ehildr<'n. 'l'his was "Children's Dav" 11t the etll1\'l'rttion, and there
was grNit rxC'itement. n tuon;st t he children l\nd their parenb. Tl1c information
that at thi" 1omentioJ1 ll1c Lord had
~ome ~prcial provi~ion for Ilis little oneR
bacl lwen rec<>i\Nl with ke<'ll inter<'St and
cx110dation, nnd spcrial nrr,ing<'ment"
had lwE>n mnde to re;i:;tN' nll childr<'n
between the al(c~ of :-> nncl JS. Eaeh cl1ild
or family of rhild l'<'ll lind a spednl green
card entitling them to l1ave a ~eat iJ1 the
rcse1,ed Rection.
Given the place of privilege at the
l' ront of t h<' 111111, the young pPolc, boy:;
and girl~, 1!1ll "ehoolhoyR ancl diminutive
Scotc h lns"ies in tlwir picturc~qllc kilts,
some grnve. ~onw gay, many
si~ters and h r otlwrs a l'ter the Oesh, and
all of tlt<m al'lcr Uw <pirit, filr,<l thr11ugh
the front door of the hall, prceenting tl1eh
ti<kets. and we r<> then ushered to their
RllE'~ial scats. Tht'y pre8c11led a SCC ll C
which could not hnt fill t h<> heart with
p r aise to the grc;at 'l'm;ocRAT. .At the
front door they l<'ft their parents, then
eyes forward with great exp<>dation
they tripped l11rongl1 the hallway into
tl10 lmll just 81$ ir they were mar ching
right into the Kingdom. By 10: 45 all
the two thon~aud <'hiklren found their
scats, filling the l'ntire g ro1md floor of
the hall ancl al~o Jilling the first ~ection
of the hull'onv. The remainder of the
hall wa~ open only to the parents of the
cltilclrcn. What a movi ng sigh t it was to
bel1old t11ose two thousand little hearts
of gold beatiug excitingly on this momentous oceusion ! Those on tl1e platform
w}JO were prilrilegccl to behold this sight


REPORT OF 'I'll!:: ,JEUO\-.\H':-l

fonnrl lumps in their thro11ls 1111<1 tears

of jov
. fillin11:. their eve~.
Tiii' orrh'stra of 4~> 11111~i.. ian~. the
<'hOrn,c 0 230, and th1 Urj,:lln, ll'll the
Pntir< uudient'e b1 ~t~\'t\rnl ~011~H, uruong
whi1li \\'U~ the hPantit'u l, 1tppropl'iittl'
~ong ''('hildren of llw ll11W'uly Kin,1('.
Promptly 111 ele\!en 1111 lnlirc 11mliente
''i"ihl1 1111d out in tl1l' 011r<J,.ns 11rnountit1g: lo O\'Pr twl'IVI' thousnrnl 1n1):< W('re
~alc.111111! rNtch for the int l'IMhl<'finn of
tlw gnat talk hy .Ju1lg1 llutherforrl ou
Cu11.u1:&x .,.. l'eR Knt:''. l'r-Pnth thr
do>i11g ~train" oi thl' ;-;t, I .nlli> nrh;">lra
could lw henr<I, then tlw .\nlt'ri11111 dmirmnn wnH heard to iutr111l11<'t' .Tutlg:e
H11l111rford. after whirh n grl'lll, tlmnd1rn11~ upphtURP W!IR lw11nl join in)( \\ ith
t ill' i-:t. I .uni~ thron:.

.Tutlg:1 Hutherford's voic<, full ul' kinclllf"~s

a1ul (nonragenH11t. 8.nH~ for,rarrl

fiS (}tar

U~ t\"PT. )Ji~ \\"OTt)S



follmw<I hv all. He l1>ld how Tiii' 'fhc~

rncy \\as n patf'rnali~tlc J:O\"(rnrnPnt
\\ hi1h woul<l alroinist11 ri"htPnnrnrss to
1111 tl111>1 umlPr it: how it is that the
P[in1.s will soon return lei propPrly ud.
"'"'' und tPudt tl1e .. liilclrt'll: that the
rhi ldr111 shou ld pnt t li l'il' ful l tru ~l in
lhs ptirnts. Ile also sl,,1w<'tl llu duly
nl' ll11 lllr!'nts to tPn<'h tl11ir dtilclrl'n, nnd
what duti .. ,. lhl' thil<lrtn 11111" f,.fon the
Loni. 11,. 1r11,.,. a urief l<ri pt ion of wlm t
co111lilin11s will he likr in till' rnrth under
th full rth,-n of Thr 'l'h1t<'r8<'\': how
th..r1 will he henutiful <st1tl1" 111ui <lwellit1g: plt111s for the chihlrtn ol' 1111 Kini.(;
tl1111 tlu~ and the auimnls lil'in~ h>"Ptlwr
in l<!'>l<c will nil pruis<' J1hoval1 's 1111uw.
'l'hl'11 lw Mk!'d nil the l'f1il<lrn lo stand
1111 whill' he pnt sonw q1wstinus to th~rn.
t:v11~ 1111' ol' the two lhu1w1111I <'hildrcn
slood. unI iH<o~ling-ly pl1d~"d lllt'ir u11-

\\'1t\p1 11,L:

nllf!!'Htnr(l tn 1'1u 'l'hto<rn<y


111111 lo hnn a ,J..,.irn lo i:lmn in it!Fni'. puttin~ in ,.;x hours 11 day in the
work. II WU> wond1rful to "'" thPir
gr111t f'nthnsinsm for Tlw 'l'lull'rurv. It
brnught ll'ars of joy to tlw pnnnls. nnd
llwrs 11ho witnessed this grt:'uf l'VPnt.




ThPn .Tu<l)(1' HutlurforJ git\'!' tltPID a

;-;urpri~1-. u 11 u nun,. in!? tht.,a 11t\\. honk
Cliildn:11 . .\ly, what a pleasant surprise
this 11t1s ! Two lari:-e po,tns witl1 the
pi ctn rr of I h1 '"'" honk Wl'I'' i1111111cl i at tly
rrwa lccl lo t l11 1hil1h1n tru111 1114' pl11tl'ol'lll .\t llw <lose of lhi~ 1c1111111lmlile
lectun lh <'hilclrcn were tol<l thut .J ucl"e
Rutlwrforcl hnd made arranr::N111nts fcir
P11..i1 011< ol llll'111 to he g-i\en a pn~nt
ot' this h111utifnl ll<'W liook as soon 11~ it
wa". t11111phte11 h~ th London prinlel't'.
Tl1(tr 1op): wnnl<l he "nt to thl'm shortly.
Ilo\\"(v11-. ti \\ 11s annonti<'l'41 thnt n ~Pri\!-S
ot' l'olurt<I, 11ttnwthe stmh slw1tR hnrl
hl'~n d1~ii.;11Pd to aid in th: studying of
1111~ n!'w hook 1111d that tlw~<' ''""'' 11n1V
l'l'ttth l'o1 t "" l'liildren. Cal111lv ancl
01J~fi111I~ ull th<' ~hilu:n li1t..1' 1111 in
pn 11s onto tllC' plntlonn 111 f\\o ~tr .. a111s
l'<'l'<i\'illl{ tl11ir )('iJ't 111pie". 'fl11y 1111 lochavP<I th ..111o:ih1> i...autifulh, tUth one
thnnl;ini.( with u HnilP II> he t<!<'<'h'1d his
irift. \\'hut II pnirms lot. the,;p "hildrrm
of Ill!' l~inl!; ! llm1 <ould on" lulp h11t
give prni"" siknlly in pra\'n to 1111' i;rtat
'l'hrtl4'1'1ll !
Imtstii.:utiun nfl<r tlw IPf'fu1c wns
compkhtl T<'\'l'Ulid that th PS<\ 01111/.( Sldljecls ol' 'l'li1 'l'hC'Oc'l'll<':V lwd 1,;sf 11oll1i11i;
of ti"' "i1.:11itinrnt:e of 1114' 11 <1rcl, a1!d1p,,,.1 tu tlll'ir 1ars ""l"'"illll) \loot
>ll'ikiug proof wus thP entl111~in8ti .. 1111111twr iu whith tlll'y spoke of ID<'Pling the
rl'>'1u11dt'I prin1s. i;tntin!! with ~omc
tl1!<'i>i111 \\horn th<'Y l'>l""-'iully 111-sir<'<I to
lrtt1t. 'l'h1 :--tu 1,. :-;fip('ts for tht Ill'\\" I,nnk
wen \\'ll1nnlt'ci'with no littll' ddight, arid
lll'rt1H1d. 1111 h11sit1,tiC'ally at nuc<'. 1u11!
OJI( U1ld 1111 4'\ (ll'C"HC<l tlal'lllM'l\'rs l':l)('\'T
l'or tlw opportunity of stmlYing !111 111w
,\nJ 114'1'1', p1rhnpR it llll\) "" n1111rnpri11t1 to ~111:tk Jll"I hri1fly of 11110 nr
two of 1111~1 "d1il<lrn of the h:ini:"to tl'll of 1111' lhirUtn-war-old hov who
tra\'L'l"J with tlw lirethr..11 fro111 l\in;:rlom Farn1", ul't<r takint( a "tm1d fu r thr
truth in1lq>111hntlv of hi" t'ainill. awl
who ~\11y1d np lill l~1le at nii:ht rxjinuutl0




ing tlw Seripttms to Iii" LeiL('ll'I' ho't

an(l hostPss: ol' th!' l'onrtePn-Year-olJ
<langhler of a \Wiil' ""'1,:rnt wl10 wag the
yotmgesl pi OJH'l'r lo tu ro 11 a I the convention, and ol' anothM girl of the 'ame
age who hucl alrracly "pent fourteen
month' in the fnll-tinw ~ervi<'<': of tht


:<nhnr~in lu lhe i11ll'rt,ts ol' lite Stale.

II t' tl bo 'howed how the kumin<,; of the

\\'Ork i11 thP ])0111inion~ and tht> l'olonies
was due to thl' <on~pirn<'y of 1h<> Roman
l 'atholir 1TiC'rn1d1y.
Tlwrt>~ i'll'r

thL following- th>..Jaration

wa~ pre,entrd sud nn<lnirnun>'ly

eight-yNtr-ohl hrothl'r from Stockport hy tftC' {IJ(j l'f (C1l1V(1Jtioll:
who 'pent I)() hom" i 11 t hi' fiPltl ~en;<'<'
I Jf:t'I...Ht\TlO?\
Juring A11;u,t, M1cl reru~<cl to ~nlute hi~.
.}(ho\:ih\. witHl~"-l"'\ :tS.'i4'rnhltd
hen<lma,ler with the re'l llf !ht> cln'~: of
tl1e ele\'!'ll)'eHr-nlcl boy l'ro111 Ply111outh in ton\l'lllion in Lf'i<,.;,tc>1' h11"(b, d<'clar<' th('ir
purpost> hl c>untiun1 tu witnl':;:-; 1~1 llll t-sl11hli:-;J1who conclurt" mockl stnrliPs on his own nuut of lht 1'1rr.O<'ll.\'f'I(' kin:,.\11010 Ahnigh1r nod,
witl1 adults; or the eightet11-year-olcl nruJ to nl:iintain lheir inlt't!rity il1 the Cl>Ulllli:-sion
hrotlwr who is a company 'errnnt: ot' ~l,en h1 tLtw hy J l'lun ah, iu- l"i at4<l at ] "uiuh

the lw1>ln-na1-oltl Hcollic fro111 <Hn'i:ow who ptlt in 150 hours of field "cr>;>iee
during- .c\u.~ust.

Auel what of tl1o:<e families where the

piu-eols h11vc indC'td h1oug-ht up their
chilclnn in the 11urtcn-e n11cl aclmcmition
of lht Loni r It wn' n gr<'at ('ansc !'or
rejoicing that tliere wcrl 'o many or
the~<> at Ll'ict,ler. Typil'il.1 of lhttll wn'
that 'I'hM<'rati< familv from l~cli11hurgh
in wlikh the y01mge~i or four (hildren,
agc<l ,jx, })lll" in 2:i hOlll'~ or fic]d SC'rn<'P
a month, ancl thc clau.!(ht<'r ap;!'tl lhirte0n
svc11d~ sorne I \\'{'Jlty hours a Wc'(k in a
t::l1llilar 11Jtt1111t\r. 1 n auotlicr fa111il, all ~ix
(']1iJd1~n arf.' re:ula1 Thcotrati< au1hu~
sadorR, inc-ludiug- eight-year-old twin,;,
who lm\'e hNn going from cloor to door
for th!' pa~t two Ylm~. All rccorcls are
prohahly lnoktn b~ lhe -parents with
senm d1il<lren from Ep,;om, who f(gctla1ly tl\'ery Saturday evPninir set a 1in<' lead
to other puhlislwrs of th<>ir rompany by
presenting n united front of nine 011 the
pavement wihHssing. Youugcst Kingdom puh!isher in Britnin i~ probably
three-Har-old l le111y Windle. a weP
Scotcli la<ldit'. who 'oftt>n f(Cl<'~ to tlw
doors by Jiimsell'. saying- "\\'unlcl .''On like
God's l1ook for a ~hilling!" aml who tell~
the other d1ilclrcn, "T'm a Jonaclab, a11cl

yonre not.11
The Branrh Sl'rn\nt d1>liYerecl a public
staten1cnt HnS\Vl'rin.~ tlte n1a11y p1ess
attacks that Jeho\ah's witncHses are

ti] :


\\"t affirrn


fnith iu tbt

TI11l~ ~tr-iphtre~


llil \rorcl uf (~otL :11111 01u lulh.;.t ('1nfltl1wE> in

lhr unl'oldin!? of ll~~ propht'("it~ ~i\'l'll to u.., ftr

0111 <::lll'iltiou aud for rl1s s('r\'i1t in Llu~to htsl dn\s.
\\'( 1ll'lu1p ciur to11,-i11ion lhal .fLHO\'AU. ih('
grf<tt T1n-:o tt \T. hn~ nlrPiuJy "''t Tl j..., l\ upon
111.., hol.\ hill ut> Zinu ( p..,nJru 2: 6) aucl 1l1t1i
.ftlio\ah i~ now lnin){in~ tht> ualiott.., ot' th1' ('arth
tn 11 i~ judgUJOl1'1 ( JvtI ;j: 2: Zl-.!haiiah 1-4: 2) i al:-o
tbnt hv ] JJ.., witn<:--"4"i 111 U; ~i\iu.. the 11t1tio1u;.
\l'~1ruiu~ cif Uu f"fio;\,;. of An~<tj..''t-'1fclon. at
band. aud. hr th(' ~~n1 11Hcu1:s. 1s ;.:-ivi1.1g the t1toplc
ol i:-n.n1l-will IOW:lrd nod :1rul 1ic-~!1nU"'U1s.s lhl'

upp11rtunity of s1hatiou an<l tlu hk:-<siJ1~ of Jlft

in hnppi1ll:-;s tthtl fW:H"I' iu tli:tl k1ngdou1. H0<11\ to
It( !o\f'I UJ 011 lbt 1:.irlh; 1lu't twop1t ol' Ji!"IHHlwi11
pro\in'.::- fh1i1 f1\ithf11hu ....., to (iod wiH bn\,~ lhC'
pri\ilcgf of{ out tin J)i\inr n1nndutl co
till Liu r:ul 1, with :i ri~hl i>on~ nui ci' pt>oph lo
thr> ~lnry ol' Jt'ilf)\ah.
'\"e dt:plun tht attinus ot' tlu..' J)unnu1<111 Ot)Y1n
tr.fnt or tht' HriH.,.;h C111111nH\\p~Jth o( :\alions and
~r tbf" :;tn\'LrtuuttJt:-; in Pfrtain of tlu~ Colou ics. in

ba1n1lll!.t tht ser\1t'tl flf God nnd Uu:-. pro<l:l1nfltiorl

of' thf' ~v:-.pfl of the l\"inzdon1
..-\wr11'<' tbnt thf$1C rt'Pl'('~-:i\<" nC'tions al'" in lht
111ua1 tllt' t'~:n1IL ot' Ho111n11 C11tlu11i< i11fltnf11.!<. tlnil
p1"'ssurt, t1n1I 1h:it lht P:1p:1"~ 1,.. ~a1:111's hiI'

ngtnt in the


for lbe :supprt..:--sion 1>C the truth

ol' lbt IJol) St'ripturl"> n1ul 1-; "4'l'k1n;.: to gft nil

mrn inlo it~ bon.-ts of 1h1rko.-.~~. wtt clcclnre thut
we ~hn11 11ot C:(:t~t: to witnt:-;..; u;;.ultLo,;t it. bv tbt
011:u1s wl1ith Ootl h:l-.. pru\"ithU th.1l 1nt!I nl:&,) "knPW

or this l'tehttn1 ot' 111< Di,il co hlin1l lhf'Ul tf, U1<"

~C)o(I ntw~ 11f I ht' Tu u11_'K .~T1c: r.o\cn.1tut11t. \\ 1
u\'tr tl1:tt .Jtho,nbt~ \\'ihu..,,(~ nri lo.,:11 tiuhj11t!ol in
(\try l:iud ~ th:1t ihP wii11<'~"" Huy r:f\'i> j.;, 1uvt>-r
"subversive" a,;. its t'Dl'Uli<l'l <lC'<larc, hut tltl~ Wt',.,-:.iln"C
tlil"_y proeloirn is ()Ill' of hopt for all llll'll
goorl~will who Jo,c .\ln\ighly ti<,J.


There was vet to be one more hi"h

light of the c~nvenlio11. That wu.;


Leit;:c$tcr Auembty: <> 1:-ronl \' i l-"w of Dr i\1ont.fort Mall. (2) Service 01gn.nl2.atlean tenls in Ut ALont fu11 Oar
d ne. <3J ~Pe<'lal lntlnload from London. (4) Possible Nazi air raids mad E- camoutlnaed tent-tOJ)~ nd,"i..eablo
u11.1~ si.:ction ot 1tm1Jblthcatfr in upper right). t~) Pion\'.'r fumil;r. from Birmingbam, at.i-rlvlnt{. ($) Threu
Jar~ oiarque('& sellh:d <l,UUU conventloners.


"Your Xew \\"ork".\

lcttcr w;\,; 1Pad from the presic!Pnt of tlle flori\'ty outlining the new
plnn of :wtion l"or the Hriti><h fid<l. p,,-cry
"1ml of t!ll'l<<' m11 pla11" wn dl'voured.
Our 11(''' \York l'nr thP nt~\v vrnr \\Hf: to
rnn"i"t ot' inll11silird h:vk afl and mo<ldstud~ ,,ork. 'rh'" clny~ nl' f!i,--lng a \\'31'1li11t{
to ll1e uatiou=-- lifl\'t! {Hl~~t-tl ~ 110\V a \\ork
of ><JIP~inll ~ lhdi 11g a111l teaching thP
)JtoplP nl' goocl will 11m"t lir uml<>rtakPn.

11mrn11necU1Pllt of






ancl dPligl1t [ru111 all lh1 brethren . How


it wa" of 1h<' f'od<'!y to appropriatP 1 ::l,000 !'or the 1wd tiix mouths to
asi<iRt the pion<'erl< in tlii" 1ww eoncenb-atcd study Nunpaign. 'T'rnl~ the dn.11<
are now l1P11 to 1"1Prl 1ht' Lor<!'" sh<'p.
'l.'lw hrrthrPn g-nn a i;hont of '"ave>"" r1!Jll<'ting the i"ollowiug cahie h1' ~Pnt to
.Judc;e Hutl11'r[ord:
T\\elvc thou ...ond C'nlhusinsti<'nllv hLard 11 C'hi1t1r.,.n of The 1-\ini:n. Two thou:-;;uul cl;ild1"4D identified
th<'nl~he" for 'fht Th1~<JC1'M\'. X+w \\urk for Brit
i:-;h litlcl nnnuunfd ,\II thrilJ..d t w1dtorl11ke new
wor~. PihUCt'1""' ""P<."t:i~\lly thunkful foi LorJ'i;,
gr:.u1ous pnn 1:-;1ou.

Organization and Field Service

De Montfort Hall
\\'hat Ctf thi~ itv of l.1ir!'sft>1 Br1>thren fnUJHI it f'lv1i,ant. cllHn, 111111 spaciou:<, 11itli hniad war>. nmm fine huil<ling-~1 H l'on~piruon~ ah..:...-nce of shnnR,
and Xl'\'1n1I hca11tifnl parks. Hadintiug
from I IH liu"v t"Cnllr of the eit 1 were hu"
au<I tnuu ro.ute8 to all purb; with frequent >PrVi!'PS. lfrPtbrt>n Wlll'P nnunimous in sp(akin:; or the d"nnlii1tss or the
dwc;lliul{S which were their homes for
the fhe clay,; of th!' eonn.>ntion. The p~o
plt- revNlled t hr111Mln" a:< hnmely, ancl

ind ustrin11sl ;- <'ngn u:NI in I he man 1 fnrto ri c" whi1li 111tl1 i11 war arul in lJ<'aC
emplo~ thP gr!'a'1r part of llw 111uny
th1t11'11111b of tlw it 1' wrJrk1>r~.
ThP first sight of tlie Dt< ~lontror( llall
anti <ia1,1,\n~ \\:as UH cxpPl'iP1u:c eag-erly
U\Htitl'd hy the lmthreu. \\'l1ill' they lutcl
lw11nl mul'h to !'ntliu~1 thPm lo kPPn a11ticipafion of many ri<'h plc"1"11rr to
come>, 'Jl'''"inl ,111;s l1t1d lo1en laid 011 llw
nianelous pnn isirm lhl" Lord had made
for the gri.nt aHstrnhly together with it~
plc;a~a n t su rro1111d in~s.
Brethrt>u who walk<>tl up lhl' ri"e from
th<' raihrn) station antl N\Jne upon the
widl' nnd 'i'fl<'io11s approa<'h to tile \'i<'toria P1Hk must haw cxpl'ric>nced nn
attticipalnry ~nrg" uf l'XJweta11cc. which
beeamc n thrill of .joy whP11 they obtaiucd
tlttir lirnt glimpse of the l'onvention

Built in 1!)1:l. nnrl with .ludgc Ruther-' ,

for<I Olll' of llw lir~t lu a<J.lrl'"; an audit>ncI' within it tlw ])p ~lontforl I !nil i~
a uuignilil'<'Jlt huilding, kt>pt beaulifally
clean and l'rc:;h. ln addition to the llnll
itself, capable of holding
t here wnR
aeeommodation for sevtral thonRand
more in u vast natural u111phillwater in
the gnrclcns ndjoining. 0111 or .thl' most
apprcciat<'cl featu1es in!'idlntnlly wa~
tlH'8<' same l{anlen~, in which thl' brethren were able lo stroll amitl trees, and
nlong grn!<sy wnys, rinnkc;cl by ultructive
flower bcds. The p1ivilege or Pnjoying
th<i<c garchus wn>1 one that wns fnlly
appreciuhd hy nil who att<ntlP<I, imrl one
of the complimentary testimonic>s to tlw


' l'lwo<ratic


which in,pircd tbc

gathering was that of tlw park keeper,

who !<tated n ot a s ingle flow1r was pick Pd
or l'\en disturhP<l hy any of the hundreds
of rhilrlrcn 1nesf'11I.
10:\cn the wcnlhcr hccauw i1leal for this
blessed event. 'l.'he sun i;mile<i by tlay nnd
the moon lwamecl by night. 'l'hc !<lll1 was
~o strong and hot the fitst few days of
the convention that it seemed Lciccsler
wus goiug lo be nn exnl't clnplicate or
St. Louis even to the detail of n hf'ut
wuvP. For the fivp weeks prior to the
convention th~ weather tl1roughont the
couulry was un,cllled, full of rain and
shower s und cold. 8ince the ac10111111od1.1tion of the large audiences at the con-


HE PORT OF 'I'll o: .TEUOYAIT'S l\Tl'K ~:ssr:.-;

\'ention dP1wml1>d larJ?el) upon warm

WNltlll'r, tlw 1.ord hies,; ..,! th.. Ment


ancl all prai>c llf'lon:" to

Hi111 fol' Hi~ smile of apprcl\'lll.
Tl1< hrPthn>n had lwnrd 11111!1 of .J eho\'ah's o l'~nni7.ntion in 1 > r 1 (pc-liu~ 111onths,

ancl now hP gr>Wio u~ly 1w 1111its tlwn1 to

~'< it in !'nil opNati<111 . HY. nil 11~u t oc<'ll l'l't'<I hoth be1o re ancl 11111111: t l11' MnV(ntiun it '"a~ 1nanife!"t tliat tht> 'P;Ho ..
<' l'tl tit ( j o\trnrnerl t i~ i ndl~d f u111~tiun in.~
undl'r thP clir1>tio11 of Christ .J(sn~: that
it fuu"tiun~ ,,~ith n hnr1nPny th"t "-rin~s
trihnlt <\'<'II from tlJCN thnt hntt it:
tliat this migohty or1.m11ization or the
Loni lunr1I orlh fm1rtio11s intl1pr1ulen1ly
of 1v11y l'l1111ent of ~al:.111~ wol'lcl, whid1
l'l'OIU 110\V on it i8 IX l'OSITICN TO IC:NOIH~;
and t hn1 evPrv pfTort of ~iit an nnd his
l'o 1c<'~ to Pm hnnMs it t 1,.. I .onl lnrn", as
C\'f.!r, to tlHir O\VU' co nt'n:-:ion . ..:\11 d no\\.,.
the prool of these Matr11Hnts.
.J1rnsalNn,'' criL'I llw PXt1lt11nt psalmi><t. "is buil1le<l as a tity that is c-ompac-t
tog1tlwr," and hi:> !!larl 1ry wns t~h111'<l
Jn (\'l'r\' onP o( ,Jehovah's wihl<"Sl's who
b;hl'l<I 'lww ev.. n mi11nh cMuil of lhc
_\'""111hly was T>ia111w1l 111111 l'ttni1d out
without rwn n ripp le ol' <l is ..ord. 'l'he
hul-(C' livo-clny progra1 n (lf di l'tour:es,
~011gs nnd <ledamtio ns was ru rri c~cl
t h1ou:h without n hiteh. and in "''Pl')'
cu~P lo thP Vf'l'Y n1i11utft. 'J'htrP voas llt'\'(\t
un intrrrnptiu'n, t'or tlw husk) ltand of
ushtr:-> took ~o()(i t<1rc thut uuyo1u~ \\"ho
tnn slii:hth rese111h1<... 1 a truuhlemnker

<li1l not <,.t:n get a glim1isc inside De

~lonHort llall.

'l'lw ma ny nt'cds of t he t wt>IV<' 1housn nd

'J'h11111':1lie' publisher~ in tlw o u1s1' of
tJ1r dnv wP re udmiral1lv <'lll'l'd for . Tn the
dn,vs iinull'cliately pre<:edin: lht <"On\'tn
lion II body Ot pion ..{'J' hrotlt<'I'' of the
eonstrul'tion department- they i11du<led
shij' rigi.:ers, eaqJ{'nters. work>< l'ort!men
arn n mnster builder~en't:tr'd the fifteen
(Pnts or marquees on tlw gro11111l~. The
two lnr:cst tents were 240 fc-1t hy ;{() f Pet
and 200 feet by 40 feet. l!:';.f l'Y hit of the



four U('I'(~ or tht l'OllYention grouru)~ \\as

utilizP<I ancl l11i1l ont for th<? A~P111hh.
_\ft1r th<' linnl t'l'Pt'tion of ull thr t<>nts,
patl1s 1111cl pnrkin~ "Pates th<' whole
KJ'ound:->. lnokeod as ir a circuR hucl <otHP to
tn\\Jl, with ll1 \lnntJortllall ill l lillc111\er
ol' a f1pl<\ 11 1' l'llllVllS aU pro pPr ly t'Hlll OU
flag-!'tl. }, I1my Ii llll'H ui rcra rt II,.~. O\'t'I' ~he
J.\T1>11111I' (n chc1k the tnrnoufia:I'. whirl\
w:u li11al ly a1 ljustrd to the satisfol'I ion of
tlw authnriti<.
'fhc~e ln1i;1 tents housro thP two
<:tlt<.'rin.s: tl1pnrt1ne11t~; one on the 111.,rth
si1le of the runn<ls and the othrr 1lining
tent nu thl' south ~itle. T,._.o u1nrP lnr.~e
tPn1' l'nrnislwtl shrlter~<l s1nti11: fur
4,000. :-;11t11lt>J' 11nts \\'Pre u~NI to house
tl1e n1ti1111,; tlvpnr1 ml'n\s lll'<'l'ssury for
t he orguHiwt ion ol' the tonv<>n(ion. l'rior
to t h!' !'IHl\'"llt in11 {,cieest?r ollid11ld1Hn
dl'<:luiP1I t ha I tt11ts of m1 y "'rt 11 t' I'<'
u11nhtainal1l<" "" tlw ~ov!'rnnil"'t l1n1I
tuk~n tlwm nll m1>r for the militiu,. But
thrr1> w:is 11 'l'lwonatie go\ernm;nt m
the pillll'P nlsn, :.rnn tlw><1> te11t were
(uun<l. lty till' I ,orn;; gru~e. and \l'Prt'
brought i'rn111 I .ouclou on thnf' l<'n-ton
All tl1< "nkrin,i\' was undPrtak<'n nncl
"llJIC'l'Vii<t>cl by thP Society. Ki11;.:clum
l"nn11 ~ furui,lud lnr:i> supplil'11 of '"',i\'Ctnhles, i11d11<li11,;- tll'o ton~ nl' lmnalnt<.
For ~ix w11k> 111inr to tlw eo11v ..11tion
~tori', of nll kiwb o[ 1mratiomd fornls
wen pur..tmH<I anti ~torl'I in two \\llrehou,e in l .1iester. _\ local hakcn linn,
opctal'"I h)' lll'oplt fr!emlly to tlw truth,
gave <'IP:--<' to.opf'rntlon. Ho'\'l'Ytr. Cl1c
drmantl 1'111 lonlud goods was so ~rt>at
tlrn.t tlwi 1nnwil the hnken- '"1r to the
Sockty, 'whi( h in hun ~ uppiied t hl'i 1 1>wn
1nn ~lt> I' hak<-\1'~ f'ro1u volunteers, n11d RO
"upplil's t'<111ti111wd uninterrnph>tl. l\ot n
"Htl \1cnt nntH'oviled for. and tlml without impo>ing <111y hurd<>n npon Uw JW"plc
of Ll'il'('lPr. 'l'lu Lord supplil~I cnry
mnterinl nPl'cl nn<l the multitude wu~ well
fed. Tn \'i(>w of nil tl11> wartime diffirultiP~,
the fee.Jin~
the brethren wus providl'ntial, hrin;.:in~ to mind .Jesus' feeding
of t he Jive tho usand in Galilee.





~Th,. .\ ('('OIUDIO<lu l i 0 II d l'Jlll rtment

workI hlll-~peP<l throm:hout thrl'on..-en tion. Enn 'Olli' of tl1f' tPn 1l11111s;11ul vi~it
iui.: hr('th1:p11 in L,. ;,.,.,t.. r wu< >uppli ..rl
with ti rnol" anrl u pillow. 'l'lus hrl'thren
workt>c l valiuntly and lult'll. hul'inp: to
ovtrco111e many diflicnltil's. 'l'lw Voluntct r H.. ni.-<> hootl1 classi licd nnd nssigncd
rnorc th1111 one thonsu111\ lmthrPn to eonVC'ntion org':mization duli" .\II tho~e
nssi,nwd lutics workt<l w1ll and l1:nrl.
M urh of the ~nl'e<ss of tlw c-onnntion
dqumh"I on thcsl' lmlhr<n fnithfnlly
1wrl'orn1i11R their <l11ti1~. 'l'lwrc wns no
di0i1ulty in l(('ttini: tlw l11111clre<l uig-ht
l(llllrds tn1y nigllt lo 11 ntc-h ancl safel(nard lw 'fltro<:rnli<' in lN!sls. The m m1
Wl'I'!' <':tii:rr for t his trnstNl privil~RC of
scrvi1t 1111d to fiRl1t th<' d111m11,, 'L'hose i11
th1 ('uhrini.: <ltpartuwnt workl'd Jl<'arly
niidtl 1111<1 day to a<l<'qnntPI) nrran;::-<' for
1111 daily f<.!'dinir of "ud1 11 11111ltitucle.
'rlu l.0111 hlPss tlwm for t.h<'~<'
lffnrt' an.J tl<'I;< of liP\'Olion, 'l'hr hmul of
IIt""'' h uru I'""" 11sl1Pr< did n ~ pl1111 lid joh.
Lik1wisl' thr Ho::pital >luff of lwl'nly
\dtil'h humllerl and trl'al<d 140 casPs.
Hp1l' i:i l treattuPnl>< a11<l 1x:unin11t ions
wc-n t(ivc11 1o p ione<'l's lo <1111hlt l h<'Hl to
l;n flt a1-tai11 fur rn n<li l\.i n1:;dn1u ~crvi(C
i11 thP l'ulurt'. 1'1w l'r<'>" dtpurt111rnl
Ind l'ully dcalt with :'!I nputer,, 1111"tly
of Ill<' national pnss. 01w wa u n11trter
who J111rri<"I to L<>i<'<',ll'r t'ro111 1.nnrlnn lo
tonr the ><torv for u IP111li11:,-: ..\meril'an
fllllgnzint . .\ JillJll)\tt Of thtSto pl't'SS)l tftll


lt was known that JJl:lll\" 01' tlw hnthrf'n ,,~oultl I:~ urrivin;.=- \\)th linu:-ot"-enr~.
trailr-i~ und t ents; anrl pro\'i,iou for
tJu_:-:( \\':l~ likc\\'i}:P n1ndP. _\ t\\Pntv atrp
li<'lll on 1111 uut,i;irh "r lht> <'it\ wn:<
]'(lOt(ld . nutl hPrP 'i:JO brPlhr<'ll \\'t 1 1~ f'Ol11fortnhly l1t>n~ccl. This r ..111IPZ\'C111;, 11ppro})J'ial1l.v 11n11wd camp c; itll'on . 11 HK one
of thl' nut <landing l'catm1,.; of I ht 11 ho IP


ll1r<' mivht han lJ<>en 11 pr11hl1m int..h{<l: fur in rPf"t_lnt n1ontl1~ th (luv.-.rn11w11t !mil plu11d cnnsi1l .. ral1!1 rt.;lrittions 0 11 trtt\'Pl. l:al'l~- 011 it \\':\:o. up ptu~lnt
that lrnwl hy rn:11I, eitlwr in 1111wh o r
in privalt 11u-. wHs 11\1110,l to111pl<hly
out ol' t h1 q1tt>~tion 1 owin!!' to pl'!ro l
rationing. 'P"n thn!1sa11<1, 1110!!-Uy piollf'Prl'I, \\'f 1 l'P


to h1

t rH\'tli11~


hirwl<'. hut tlri ~ ~till mt>ant thnt 1111 rnii,,:i~ co1np~111it~





lr:lll,IMrt EOlll<' 11.'ll thnll>llllli of the

brcthrl'l1 ,
.\ lt~h li J{I!,!. of th1 cnnn11tiun Wll~
\\'lltn tlu "C:la~~<'\V Sl!$1ial" :-;tt-:11111cl iu
011 '11 nt~cln~ ni'. ht. llri.11~111)!' a .ifl) l'ul t1nrul
or GOO rro1t1 nll IH'l' i-;('olla11t l ; 11hil P a
~pc<ia l t !H'C'~:-; l'toin l .ond11n horc tto IPX~

1hnn 1,1110

~1111tlt4r11cr~ l,,.j,p..;.tc'l'



uou:i 7<i1 !JrPf hr .. 11 f' \ 111hc1ljzpcl

tluir <011,.,.(rali nn to thl l.1ord." 'l'hi~ ,, ... !'\
tlu~ lnrJ.!ist iuuuf"r:..:ion t\p r 11nt1:r1nk1n
in 1h1 llriti>h lid1l. Tl1r<'t' ~winimi n;.: ti
1110!:0: luicl to he t11.~a~P1l 10 ttc"<ouunnlatt
lhii< lnr;: 11u1fil>rr. lt was i11:1piri11' to,
wit11"" tlti< ;.:nat nrt of t'uit It"" t 111 part

npprt'<iation or 1111 c11n<id1ra1io11 sh1111 n I h~m. and it '"'" olwious that

~OIJH' \\.'('L'P \"(._ry ~r<nt ly it1lfll'C:O:l-iPd hy th(!'
ordNly, d ig:n ili<d 1111<1 happy Hpl'rllw lc

of so nuany lj P\\ onp..:. \\ho Hl'P t1u\\ JIP1ing

to th<- "f'iti<~ ol' r.-fup:t''.

hy th< c10 l1 Yc11tio11 t' l',_>\rtl".

.\lorp tlia11 on<' l'<'p1wl<1 <''1""'"<11 lti::
d1sirt' to haye- ~i\'t11 a co11stroeti\'t._,, rcpnrl of till A<'mhly, 1111<1 u truthful
111...,11nt of th!' stand of .J..J10\ah, wiln1ss. hut >11111~1 thnt tlw l'ditnr'" hlue
Jl<'lwil ha' 1an'*"l his "torr In h 11n1tto).(niznhl1 whPn it 11p1><un<I in print.
01w nllin11etl lhnt th<' tot1\'t11t 1011 was the
lllOHl 111t11\clon" thin!-( Ill' lutd '"'l'r ~ecn.

F'i<ld 8<11ia
Thi n.. 1<1 nport for llw four iln~s of
fip\tl Prl'i11 ~h1111' 1l1at Ci, 1'jl iii ff1rP11l
JIHhli~hrrll 'hnre<I in tit< ~<ni11-. :i;;
11111111 l1ook q nd 11.JIJJ lt<mkl<lN Wl'fl'
plac<I. i11 ~~P h~.L! :!4SHi J1ou n1 \~ 1r<
~11ent 1n lJu :-<tr,ut, n1ul :!.O!l. 11111;..:-uznil'!"
WNP p(U<d!"il! th" :<tl"<'<'f'. 'J'ho >Pttlld
nttf'ntl1tt11i; with tlw pho1101.n;aphs and
'011111 l -1nr~n t 1d lo 7,~lti. llu1ing:


l ll'(1:-;p1d td



Litlltcr As~mb!y
1:, lo lh
.,:al'l of i .. 1 u1h1

nf,,' 01<ffio<>a, 7:$,t ca1npril hr ri CZI Jntonnatlon marehtt l'f'4USl.

(0 \ .i:titld of lhe King. C> A m11lt1 111r1 t'' 1rana1vtion. 16) H"n1.:nc1.. 1 w.tlk.lnJ, (~) 1!1 rror11 or n, .\10111 r ..rt 11 all (R> Pil\"m('n t. puhlif'hf'l"'ll: 11lnn1elhu1r of 11ritj:m moru)r,




the convention 4i8 bark-callR were snack

i1pon peop1e of good-";11. This jg a
~plen<lul llckl rcport. lll addition, tl1!' new
booklet M od!'l St ud.11 No. 3 wa>< released
dnrinp; the eonvention. oi' which G,000
copi<~ wen plaeccl 'l'hc new hooklet
Comfort .Ali Thal Mourn was t~lca~e<l
OJI the Haturday, and enry one aYailablc
wa:> plal'ed, nanwly, 24,000 copies. 'l'hus
a p:rall(] total of +1,538 h<Oki< and bookIPts wcrP plMcd nt this a;;~cmbly Co1
wor~hip. 'frnly a mi~1ty wilue;;::;.
On l\'cdncsrhw and Thur"dav of the
convention upw;trd or 1,000 hn>thren
were in the husines~ cliRtrict standing ten
yards apart with liooklets, miu::azinPR
and fol<lHs, somP h<arin~ sign:< ndv~rtis
jng- the lcdn1"'" ol' Saturday ant! Sunday.
(TllP rpmuiuing :i,000 fif'ld workl'rR wPre
conflnecl to th<' 1p~idential l'erlion ul' the
city.) Sn~h a spl'rlarlc unto mPn and
angel:< R]lccdily :;tirrcd up the wrath of
oppos(r>; of ThP ThePC'rn<'y, ThP uual
taetics of coPrion were NnployP<I. phone
call" nncl lethr~ ol' profr,t ponring into
ti 1e 7wl ;,... hcad<p mrtcri<.
The first reael ion was upparPnt when
LPie<':<ter local paper;; <'11111<' into the
hands <>r the hr<.>threll on 'l'hnrMlav evPning, annonning th<' su r prii<ing ll<'WS
"L<>i<'<':<ttr pnlirc sl<'J> in. Witrie><~cs
pm<'ment ~al<'~ lmnn<'d". Luter that PV<.'
ning it wa~ an1101111< NI l'rom tlw platform
thnt the conwr1ticin <:nmmittec knew notl1ing of any ban. and t hat the work would
gri on in tlw 'ltrlle way on tl1e morrow.
Tlw da~ l'ollowini:r there 11\'re 1nany
fHrioH:< !ooh Ni-"lal llw fai!l1[ul hrdhrcn
llR thPy a~SC'lllhle<l Oil('(' 11101'(' for th!'
stnl'I witn<'"ing, nrnl tlw new~puper~
of Friday nil!ht maIP another attempt
to inf)h1irlate the lJfllI llll'll, womPn and
chil,JrPn-for tlu C'ouragl' of thP pnv<'nwnt witn!'s~PR wus '"'mnrkahl<' hv delaring that 1111d1r n hy-law ilat<d 1868
nn pmnphlcl of a ny kind coulcl lw distrihntM in the strP1ts, even frP.e of


'l'lu work, 1wv<'1th<'ll's~, continu<'cl, and

on ~atnrclay a l'<'w nanws and addresses

were taken by the poliee. R~ now feeling

among the hillY_;goats was nmnin11: ''ery
hip;h, and it was almost as mud1 as a
<itize11 of Leirc,tc1 dare <lo to ap1>roach
oue of the w il nes~es in the gutter, for
fear or hPing Jmtted by his neighbors.
Brethren in trams WPrC suh.icctetl to opf;n
insults hy fellow pas,engers and conductors nnd coudndresst" hut through
it all tlw Lord's people ktpt right on
driing thP work tlwir Gori rom1m1m!Nl
them to do. 1rncl ,Jeho,ah snw to it tlmt
I lis iiwi siblc prol~ctors w!'re nbrnml in
the strePls to sh ield His servants from
all 11arrn.
'!'his ontroversy, blazed ahrond in
hNn-y lwacllines by lll''""P!lJll'rs ull over \
the cotmtr)', will nndonhtedly 1an~e a
g-rC'at stir in all those parts of the
rountrv where pavement \\;I ne~sing is
caniNI oat. \rJ1 il<' mnnv i11 Lcirester
s ..emcd lo \earn for<t action to
deny .1cl10,:ah's witne"~I'" tlu right of
freedom of wor;;hip and frPelom of
speP<h, there was evidn,.e that ;;om<:.
lwnrtily of this atten1pl lo
g;ag the Lnc:s~a~c of tl10 1Ung<lo1n. One
shopketper rall~d from his shop: "Good
Jtwk ! I'm glad to see you !':ltTying- 011."
A young man, after loitPr ing nervously
for som<' fim<', npproaelw<l n sister an1l
snid, .. PIPnsc tC'll me nil ahout it. l rt1lrnire
your pltwk, am! it's wonrkrful the wa)
yon peoplP are organizer!." A ('ze<h
refngPe. <!('spite anp:r~- looks from pMser~-hy, !<pettl twenty minntcs in C'OOVNsution with n brother in lhe ]wart or lhe
tity, and prnrni ~ed to call r1t the hookroom fo 1 liternh1 1p in his nnli,,e ton~ne.
OM lady expl'e~"C'!I hPr np1m!'iatio11 to
an eld~l'iy sister in the wonts, "TJ1at
tUc8Sage for 01tJ)~ l\\o pc11cc !"

BrethrNl engaged in pavt'rn<nt witnessing were t he d1ief targ-Pts, lln<I
pat iently bore t he 1~p 1onC'hcs that fell
upon their Ma!:'ter when lle ltimsl'll' was
in simi liir rons pico nous tirum~taJH'P::<.
Lang11og1'. 11111.h of it tilthy, was frC'ely
hurled nt both nwn and wom(11 h)' mcm-



hl'n;: or OOth

~exe:>:: al~n.


~nlflP ('ll~t'~

T lw <ttl111inutin1t point ""'"'' 011 :-\nnilay

11i1thl 11 !Jpn a hrotlwr and'r Wl'l"I'
uttackpcl hy n rrowcl of "olclil'1s, nn<l tlw

hrn th!'I"' .law i nju1w l. J\ not hl'I' l!rothe r

w11~ nltnc-hd hy a r::ronp nl' ~olcltl'l'~ on
i-;u11dn1 nii;ht in frout nf tlw '""""'ntion
1o:rn11n1i ancl was tak111 In tlw ho"pital
l'or, tr!atnwnt. Two >i~tl'r< hml tluir
mni:ar.1111! hags anrl hh'mtun' tnkl'n
from them anol 1lestr0\'lI hefon tlwir
Hos. ,\ nHlll' lad \\(I,: tho victim of a
pi11ti<11J,irh nlt:>M tri<k. hi~ 111n~azi1w
htt!( stmp lwin11: rttt with s<iFrnrs hy


RF.PORT OF THE .TE HOY.\ H'S \\'lTXE'iSl:s ,\l',;El!BLY

m~n in uniform -toppI h1 ..1hr1n in the

~tn~t, nnd 1:11dPaYore1I to pi<'k a 'lllllrr<'I.


lorn! sn<'nk-thi<f.

'J'h1on.c;h ni l this t ht> h rl'lhrN1 remnin<'cl unruffi<'d, huYing nPNI aohig<d at

thP upPnin.~ :-:fl~~ion thut "u p;oft nn~wP.r
tnrruth nway wruth". This prnp<'r ..on1l11rt Fl'l"\'ll 0111\ tn infnrintl' ~flllll' nl' th<'
hilly-1o:onts the' morP, and tlurl' were
~ev,rnl in~tun<.>f:-> or l<rnoni~n in :ietiun.

l'i!!nrl'ttl's for 1.r-il'-t<'r pC<lpll'. n~ the

witn .. ,se~ wonlcl i;rah 1lwrn nil. '!'hey
wen <:0111prll1"l to ~wallow tluir words
whl'n it 11;1~ 11oi111P1l ont thnt .Jihovnh'R
"itncs~-.~ du 11ut "{ruokP.
01w hmtl1l'1 II> 11<' sto0J i11 llw gn11M
was tcol<I h111 11 iral1 pa"'er-hy. "Yn11'll do
mnthing lml work." Thnt hmtl1er is 11
D1irha111 111i11o>r, 111,.;a!;<"I in thP hnr<l<'.st
toil thut U1" IJ,.,ji",, on.:a11izntio11 i111po:<c Upon hllllll\11 l'ft"UtUtC:<. :-;111h hlirul
fnllowC"rR of the hlinI and of till' '"g0<l ot'
thi~ wnri.l" d~t'r\e to encl up in the <litch
thcrr,. h<'n<iing for.
\Yhi 1,. ~01111 rn r~ld. ""'" n-. hill>' I'111111<< I,
on tlw otlwr lo1111d th,.re wrf' mnny in
1... i<'N<ltr 11 ho :t>'1ll'<'<lly 11 ill slmrl ly hu
found n11 10 1 1~ tlu' ~rcat 11 1uH ll 11clt


J;-,orPOlO~t UllHH1t.:: thr~t:i

\YllJ hi'

~01114.' ot'

tlu ho' pit a I1!" l11n1s.-hn"1l'r< who took

th" "brl'thrn i11l11 their ho111ts und
manY nr thl'lll into their l11arts also.
()~" lnly wl11'. thong 1111 im-nli1I, surrPnd1r.-l lll'r hNl lo a p101wer ~ist<'r, ~n1ol
(lne uu111 tlrovf' hi::. car up to n ::-onnJ- slw wa< cli~guF1<'d with ti"' 1...;r.. sfrr
n1a1hin< nnt1 ~~t tl1., <~n.!!illtt rn11ni11g to p('opll'. an11 t'ht \\'ns not tlu 011ly on4'.
clro\Vll t 111" lo\in!!dnn1 111Ps~n!': ... l'inding()np T,r.>i<t..:t 1 1 h1 . l~. h1~n ring nf a ~uppnt=:ed
thi~ 11f 1111 nv:1il he rrn,>1d 1111' rmttl 1111<1 :=>hor1H~~~ ui" t'c1od arri\"Cd at th11 ))p
m11" h1 l the jJhonograph r1111rd o!' a ~lotJ \101 1 lln ll witl1 an offer lu l'lli<rtn in
p uhli,.h1r wh o 11as call in).t flo11111 h1111<1' to ,;ix p11lili-l11r to lmwh, ca1h day: 'l'wo
,,itnP!""""' \vlio ~1;-:kl1l of n ruun 111 tlic
:\\orl' niltly the Dr>Yil got to work hy ~trPl't tlw \I'll\' tn a Pal\~ fo11111I thr111~Cl\'CS
llll'llllS nt' ll ,)(~Uit-JJ1inrhl p1"1s .\ srflre
imito'fl tu l111id1 nt his owu hnllH'. with :rn
was rai~d to tl1e ('fft>rt that I he pr><'ll~e i11\itatio11 to <'OlllP ugnin.
of .J.. ho\nh":< w;tnes:<e> men11t that the
.\ )liOnl'f'r ~~t<r \.-ho got illt(I cnn\'l'rJ.,.j,,p~ltr l"-<111. woulil h.. 1hpriw-<l of ~ation witl1 a 1tirl of nhottt the 8a1111 ngr.
fn111I, nml thi> appc:al In 11111" >1llbhn"" at a hu "'"" r..111111111,r
NO thrillt1I
nwl \rith u rea1ly r"'Jl"l1~ in 1111111y \Yith th1 l\iu~cl1TJ11 111"ssa!.! that slu
q u:11! p1s. 1'hl' true farts II'<' I"<' 1h:1t ti 111ple a:-.kf'1 if :-;hi touhl <0111e au dn~ "" :-\un.
('HlP rinJ,t nrran!{<"lllPnts \\'(l't 111aclt, unrl da , .. ._ ~'"' '"as '""lll"<'d slw 11oulo11>< mo><l
1110~! o !' thl' br ethr en broug li l !li<ir own
\\<' l(o111P. n1Hl conu_~ Nundny. tJi.,n thPy
ratiuns, hnt throu.<rhnnl t 111 1om111tio11 hoth "''"" >trollin!! arm in ar111 thrOn\:h
thr h1w nud 1r\' 11a' tnaintai1111I, au1I one the ll1 \l1111tl'nrl t::mh11-. ~ ..11111i:; n
rintiounl lll\\':"ik'\pct P\'UO \\'l11lt ft.fl fnr tl~ Jlrttlv 1111111111!1"11111 n" to whid1 wuR tho
lo print th., lie that the hnlhnn l<'ft the lmppin-looking of the l\rn\ ~bt<r who
rih fn<><ll>. The Lord 'o DlUDl'll\... n1l took n 1log thnt hail be<'n injurl'd loy n
~11nin of thP~e Jp\i~trs of 1nislhi<f, nr hn~k t" it~ mi>trr~ plae.. d lit1r11turn
ho\\ (\'t 1-. tl1nt they 111;Hf of \:ilh tJ,.. ln1l~ 1111<1 lh<' nnwol of s)mpati1 JJt>iglihor~. n11tl arruu_~{ld n u1oclPl
t}l1111Hlnos. It wa< darkly hi11t!'<I in th1_
>nnu 111wspap<'r:< thnt tl1< rl' wonl1l lw no
. for lh ncxt 1v1'ni11e; al llw 111i~-

lj,,.... ,..

Leletttflr Aasemt>ty: 411 l'.1rt nr 1,hl f\'jC(! (U~:\nl%.atlOl'I. (:.'J lo;l\lll'PlfHr )'OUl'llf lOtd ohl f<1r lrtrormutlon
1111,r1 hi11~. 1:1) fJrchC"stril on ihf' J11 .flt11n1tflrt Hall J))attorrn. (t) ~lnlfltnn In the butrel. (6) Tht< llCWJ111Al
8111n' <6> rht 1<l1trt of pione~r eaturJuu hutit. (1) Tho busy altn.1 d111111rtnwn1~ (8) Thu \Jookroo1u,




1101111 C uanl who took part in thl' ni~ht

:'\ot a ~inp;le ilern nl' clmnairc \\'!18 donr

raitl on "<'amp Oic\con" expl'l'S'l'cl hitn- to eithN tlw co11vcnlion hal l m the p;arclrn~, whith tlw hr.. thrPn had u11df>rluk<11
~<'11' confic!Pntiallv to a 'i~lcr a< l'oll1>wH:
"l'vp spent twcfve hom" \\'orkini:: in u to protf>Ct.
factory today, ttnd now 1m ralltcl npon
01w fot that i:;too<i ont amidst all lhis
lo lake part in thi~ ~ill~ non'"'"" ff~ conlrover><\" waH Uie l'riP111llv altilu1Jp of
nil It lot or mt."
tlw loml rolirP. All the r01iwnt ion ritli
Ch1>rlwcl at tlu> o\llpost of 'Camp cinlRwho .. ume in touel1 with thern pn, isrrl
Gidron" tlrr d<mon~ tlH rUpnn tram<- th<'ir court<".'' anl wil li11: i:;plril of
l'errrd their fiC'ld of oper:it ion (n lh<:> hnh co-<rp1ratir111. The police of Brituin >ll'<l
of affairH 11l tli1 T>1 :\lo11tfort llull. Ot1 proucl of thPir rPputation for int<':rrit\'.
Friday 11i.d1l Olli' of tlr hrNhrtn who and althon:h th<> war 1i r<11111<ta ll<'I'<
artNl as ni1.d1l pahol of tl1r properly hm-r hrom:hl into liein!::' or1wnizations,
p;1111rd l'llrOllll[Pt'(>tJ U "Jllt\Jl hocly or ~trrh aR th<' llume Guard. which in ;onw
soldier:> who hml climbed the raili11p;s dr:r!'P are "a luw unto tlrein.:<Ph'P!>" [like
iuto th~ t<1nvPn1iou ~1onn<t :uH1 \\'ho 'l'hr' ,\mPri1>1n LP1:tion nncl tlro Honurn
"""c hi1lintt i11 tli" li11>-l1t. In th.- ~cnm,. <'11t hnlir 11iHnrchY in f\nwrka, showinti;
that follrniecl lill' hruthl'I' \\US k11ol'k<'cl thP l'\nr.i spirit], "':cntsal L1iceHkr mnn.i
un ..onsinn" (lw r"''''"r<"l in uhnnl f P,h'<I Ural tlw olliet>rs of the law Rhem
twe11ty minutes). hut a>'i;tnnc!' was pll nn di,po,i6on to relitl((Ui~h tl1ei1 role ns
Uie H]lol at utttf'.
i.:uardians of thP pnhlic safC'ty.
,\ i<talwart Htlwl hrnthor who lcurne<I
Tn rai rno~R i t m11~1 he sai1l thnt not
how to tnkc' (an uf himsolf whil.-t pio- 011ly the police, but also the 1nilitary
noorinp: in Hout h"rn lr'lund, l'aNl t lw authoritie8, did thf'ir 11e~l to lllaintain
i11t ruder:< with n <'rowhar, mHl ll1rruto1u'd ordPr. Tire 11111 j l1 r or the 1'l'p;i111Plll
to "ha~h !h(> hrains ont" of tlw rirst om ~I at ionP<I lot(tll\" b unrlNslood Ln have
wl.10 mov<cl. ()lthC'minh +: 1:~. I+) ( i'lf>r fxprr,~ctl 11imicll' a~ \\illini.: to lo all
1Fatchtour'r rnagazinP Sopl<mher I\ in hiH powrr to Jll'l'\ent any trouble from
19:m, l 'arl 7 ol"' fluom of R{'liginn".) Not a 1nilitnl'y :->OUf<'<', nn<l th('l"e \\,.(l't rnany
Oil<' of tJ1p 'ix snlclier~ H<'<'Pptcd tlw inin khaki 11ho CXprfiRtd H pprC!iation OJ'
vitut ion, an cl tl11y wrr<' tin'" hPld at hoy the h'.ini.:clorn me"a!l:<>. 'l'lw major <ent
uni ii thl poli<'<' urrivl'<l mul rP1110,c<l the ~1vPral military polii<> to patrol out,i.J1>
soldier< in ll1C' "hlMk ~larin".
tlw eom11ll inn g-roundo<.

The follo\\ in!( night som<> rivilinn"

brok into the p;rntu1d~. pinnrd one rif Conclusion
tho brntlu-rg, a nig'ht gua rd, np al(aini<I
All the br cthrPn folt indP<id that t he
tllf> railings. Brethren soon <'11111<' to hi:< Loni l1ad t11mrul a rich tohlc' of spi r itual
food for tfwlll rluring lhei;e fivC' ,grand
l'Pti<'llf". girlng- Oil\' of tit(~ hnoli~a.ns n
goml caning tmtil he heal a rrlna! dNtr- clavs of US><mhly..\s one large hClt1~1'
inir th< fiw-foot fencP i11 one' ,jump. hoid tl'n ll1ou~nncl Hriti~h hrrthrPn
Finnlly, on Htmday 11i,11;ht, tl1e rennrnnts learned to dwell top;C'tlwr !li' a rompad
of a q11.-r11lo118 <'row1l whil'h had p:rowlPd city undN palernali 81ie Tlieof'rnlic conontsid1 \hr 1nnin g-nt<'s most of the day ditiom<. 'J'lr c~i r lwarl~ whc rull l)f grati1!'lrl0Vcd lltP nar gDIJ! of the Dc> .\lont- tn1l(' ancl thankl'nlurss to th<' :reat
fort Ourd<nH l'r0111 iti; lrinp;pi;, and in- 'J'11Kmn.n for this 11h1111dnnt pro..-ision
vitP<l the hrl'thn11 lo attnrk tht>m. I "ucler for llt<'ir i>piritual welfare i11 lh<'i'e days
thiH, as under C\'Cry form of provocation, of great trihulatiou. l;ver~one rl'turned
tlw hretln<>n maintained a dig-nificI and homeward with n kePllPI' 1ll'terminulion
nstrainccl attituclt', a11d ll't lltlir aclvcr- to pr<'~>\ forward in the "Htr:rn~P wor k"
r-:aric~~ ho\vl in vain . .-\..nd ~o OIH.'<' agui11
whik it i' yet possihle and hcfore the
night of Artnagtddon ~ets in.
the dpmons wPrt' foill'd .


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