Self Introduction Utp

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First of all, my name is Hasnul Hafizi Bin Roslani and I came from Johor Bahru, Johor. I am an ex-
students from Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Ulu Tiram (SMKUT) from form 1 till form 3. For my upper
secondary education I am studying at Maktab Rendah Sains MARA (MRSM) Muar. Born in a family of
eight I am the youngest child, I was raise with undivided love from my parents and siblings. For me, it
has been a full 18 years since I saw the first light of life. In those 18 long years I had encounter thousand
of achievement and failure, which in return had become a great friends and admonition for me. With my
keen interest in physics, I like to observe and try to explain things working around me. Physics is a study
natural phenomena, the occurrence around us about the material world and energy. For example, if we
looked at a flying airplane, is it look impossible? A clump of metals that big and heavy able to flew. But,
the aerofoil shape of it wings obey the law of Bernoulli’s Principle, the higher the velocity, the lower the
pressure and vice versa. So, The low pressure above the wings allow air particles to push it upwards.
Conducting a little experiments and making hypothesis, having a dream to fly a clump of metals really
make sense.

For my higher education I would like to take geosciences as my major course. Looking at several
place like Indonesia, Chinese and Haiti which recently occur a deadly Earthquake bothers me. It is an
occurrence which take away the life of thousand peoples. Why I choose geosciences? So that I could
decrease the number of casualties in a natural disasters occurrence, because earthquake, volcanoes,
and landslide, it not about ‘did’ it occur? it is about ‘when’ will it occur? Geosciences is a study that
integrates scientific evaluation, mathematics and geology to learn about the occurrence inside our
earth. To study the material inside our earth, to study the eruption of a volcanoes, to study the
possibilities of an earth quake, to search for a petroleum reservoirs it is all in a single geosciences. With
the knowledge of geosciences I could contribute a lot of help to my country, my fellow Malaysians and
peoples all around the world. Why I choose geosciences is also because of my keen of interest in physics
and mathematics that is also involve in the study of geosciences. I did also want to learn about geology
deeper as I liked it so much.

The place of study that a really hope to get is at the Universiti Teknologi Petronas
(UTP). I choose UTP because it is a well grown institutes that had been recognize by the world in just a
few years. With a high technological advances instruments in UTP I could be provide with a deeper
learning experiences and understanding for the study of geosciences. It also because laboratory
equipment and instruments was complete and advance. UTP also had a good relationship with
Malaysian company which could provide me a job upon graduating. UTP also had been accepted in
several country for its excellence in the study of engineering.

To be accept as a UTP studebts under the Petronas scholarship was my biggest hope. To pursue
my ambition, to be useful for my country after my degree and to contribute a lot to my civilizations this
is without any doubt my biggest of hope.

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