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Miguel Gonzalez
Mr. Smoak
English 1102
26 January 2016
Feed the Young
In this essay Too Many Kids Are Hungry In the United States, Troy Morris
describes the amount of children that do not receive adequate nutrition and different
societies that attempt to relieve the issue. Troy Morris supports his claim by providing
statistical facts and examples throughout his essay. The author uses these specific
examples in order to emphasize how much of a problem childhood hunger is in our
society. The intended audience would be anybody interested and learning about how our
country attempts to fix the problem of children going hungry.
Throughout the essay, I was interested in reading about the authors life
experiences and examples of this growing problem. In the beginning of the essay, I was
saddened to learn about the authors childhood and the struggles he faced in regards to
food. When I kept reading, I was glad that the author was able to preserve and have a
better economic life. In regards to childhood hunger, I was astonished by the facts and
percentages that Morris gave, but the organizations that he mentioned made me feel
better that people are working on the solution. Overall, it was a great eye-opening paper,
and it made me realize that not everything is the way it seems.
Troy Morris helps make the claim that childhood hunger is a rising dilemma by
stating facts and personal experiences into his paper. When Morris starts his paper, he
uses a personal childhood experience he had: I remember on multiple occasions my only


choice was a Saltine cracker. I remember my meals where my mother simply made a
gravy from left over bacon grease and served it on break (Morris 232). Morris uses
pathos in the beginning of his paper because he wants the reader to have sympathy
towards him and attract the reader with emotions. When Morris is about to start
discussing childhood hunger, he states, Nearly 28% of Georgia Households with
children live in an environment where the ability to provide an adequate amount of food
to feed a family a nutritionally balanced meal three times a day is a challenge (Morris
233). By stating the percentage of people in Georgia who have this issue, the reader gets
a clear and realistic grasp of what is happening in Georgia and how many people are truly
affected by childhood hunger. Also, stating facts supports the authors claim because
numbers provide a truthful sense of how drastic the issue is; in this case, its very
problematic. To provide other real-life examples that the other has witnessed, he declares,
I distinctly remember one family whose child simply wanted a treat; they had used all of
their WIC allowance, 50-60 coupons and barely had enough money to pay the remaining
balance. I remember the small childs look of sadness when her mother told her to put the
treat back (Morris 233). This is another example of pathos that the author effectively
uses in his paper. By providing this personal experience, the author clearly shows that
childhood hunger is a problem not only in Georgia but the country as a whole.

Works Cited
Morris, Troy. Too Many Kids Are Hungry In the United States. Connections: Guide to
First-Year Writing @ Clayton State University. Ed. Mary R. Lamb. 5th Edition.
Southlake: 2015. 233-236. Print.

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