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Leadership Ch.

Non-Verbal Communication:
Why is non-verbal communication given more credence than verbal communication when the two
are incongruous?
Because it indicates the emotional component of the message
Verbal Communication:
Is assertive communication rude? How is it dierent than aggressive communication? Is it
What is passive aggressive communication? Give an example.
Eective Communication:
What can you say to someone to foster eective communication if you need to correct them?
A nurse is abrupt with a pt
A CNA has illegible handwriting
A pt wants a specific nurse assigned to him
A nurse is not doing adequate hand hygiene
A nurse is clocking out late but did not have to stay late to work
S: state what it is you want discuss about the pt
Briefly describe the situation
Give a succinct overview
B: describe the hx of the pts issue
Briefly state pertinent hx
What got us to this point?
A: summarize what your assessment of the problem is
Summarize the facts
What do you think is going on
R: identify your recommendations
What are you asking for?
What needs to happen next?
Pg 467-481
What is delegation?
Assigning nursing tasks to another
To whom would you delegate a task?
UAP, family member, another nurse
Why would you delegate?
Understaed, care needs continue at home, to allow another nurse to have a new experience,
your expertise is needed with a higher-acuity pt
Can you delegate to someone if they are better suited to a task than you?
Delegation Errors:
Over delegating: Dont give someone a task just bc you are not as good at a task as another
Under delegating: Dont be afraid to challenge someone who has the skills and training to do a
task. Dont be tempted to do the task yourself bc you can do it faster or better.
Improper delegating: Remember not to exceed anyones scope of practice. Also, monitor,
evaluate, and intervene throughout the course of the shift to make sure that the delegatees are
able to complete their work.

able to complete their work.

Conflict Resolution:
Goal + Complication = Conflict
Conflict is necessary to achieve growth. Collaboration is how coworkers allow for goals to be met,
and the most parties to win. Collaborating means putting aside your own values or goals and
working toward a common goal.
Give definitions and examples of each:
Interpersonal conflict
Interpersonal conflict
Intergroup conflict
Conflict Management:
Conflict can never be completely eradicated, but some outcomes can be better managed than
others. Give definitions and examples of each:
Pg 495-497
Collective Bargaining Terms to Know:
Arbitration: A method of settling a labor-management dispute by having an impartial third party
hold a formal hearing, take testimony and render a final and binding decision.
Closed shop: A contract provision requiring employees to be union members before they are
Collective bargaining: Relations between employers and the union
Grievance: A formal complaint filed by the union alleging a violation of the parties collective
bargaining agreement
The national Labor Relations Act forbids employers from interfering with, restraining, or coercing
employees in the exercise of rights relating to organizing, forming, joining or assisting a labor
organization for collective bargaining purposes.
Similarly, labor organizations may not restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of these rights.
Nurses are targets for unionization. You can tell that a union is trying to organize nurses if you get
a card oering for you to sign up for information about the union. The union only needs 30% of
employees to sign this interest card for them to be able to demand an election for a union.
Labor Standards:
A manager must know what the minimum wage is, and the maximum number of hours an
employee may legally work.
Most nurses are hourly employees, and therefore receive overtime if they work more than the
hours mandated. This can go by hours per shift or hours per week, depending on the facility.
If an employee is mandated to do something, that is counted as worked hours.
Managing a Union Unit:
Managers are required to know and understand legislation that applies to their facility, such as
equal opportunity employment, civil rights, sexual harassment, Americans with Disabilities, OSHA,
etc. Working with a union adds the need to understand labor relations laws.
Problems with sta must be addressed through union representatives. Problems must be brought
to upper-level management so that there can be a joint resolution.

to upper-level management so that there can be a joint resolution.

Your first duty is to your pts

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