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The Zeitgeist Movement

Beyond servitude, poverty, politics, and war

WHERE DO YOU SEE OUR CIVILIZATION HEADING? Taking into account the multifaceted collapse of the global
fractional reserve pyramid scheme, in conjunction with the quadrillion dollars in outstanding US derivatives, coupled with
peak-oil and the unsustainable use of resources, coupled with technological unemployment and outsourcing, war, population
issues, and serious health and environmental issues. Something is not right with our society.

YOU SHOULDN’T BE SURPRISED that you see a controlled and regimented society outside your doors, that we have
monopolies and cartels, that politicians are bought, and individuals are in constant fear of losing their necessities. This is the
free market at work. It’s what the free market creates. How do you think the constant fear of losing your necessities if you
don’t make your next paycheck (or your parents don’t make theirs) affects your behavior and you psyche?

THE MONETARY SYSTEM IS OBSOLETE. The technology we have this very day could be used to create abundance for
all of the earth’s inhabitants instead of destroying ecosystems and confining you to an existence as a lifelong wage slave.
The monetary system is based on the creation and perpetuation of scarcity. When you're born into a scarcity driven
environment you are going to make choices based upon the protection of your basic needs; you are going to horde and
protect yourself because that is what the system requires. With everyone acting this way at once we end up with chaos and
warfare. As long as a social system uses money or barter, people and nations will seek to maintain the economic competitive
edge, and if they cannot do so by means of commerce they will by military intervention. The monetary system makes us
compete for the planets resources. A good college education is no longer a lifetime meal ticket.

MONEY CREATES INSTITUTIONS that are forced for their own survival to perpetuate themselves. Therefore, progress is
inhibited by money more than it is accelerated by it. Money serves as an incentive, only to a certain degree. Once you build
an establishment and you have lots of people working for you, it doesn't matter how honest or genuine you think you might
be. The moment you have that type of establishment and the moment something comes along to challenge your advocation,
you are going to have a natural propensity to want to restrict the development of anything that might take away your market
share. This is the underlying mechanism that governs the whole of monetary society. The current monetary system is not
capable of providing a high standard of living for everyone, nor can it ensure the protection of the environment because the
major motive is profit. Greed and competition are not the result of immutable human temperament. They are in fact being
continuously created and amplified as a direct result of the monetary system.

arbitrarily decide what is best for you? With the scientific method problems could be solved without anyone having to
“decide” what the solution will be, because solutions would “arrive” from logical analysis of situational variables, just the
same as a calculator arrives at the correct answer when the correct data is entered. Wouldn’t it make sense to apply the
scientific method to the intelligent management of the Earth’s resources and the operation of society? Politics doesn't solve
anything. The people in power have no problem solving capabilities outside of manipulation of the Monetary System and
legislation. You do not need the Monetary System and legislation is the wrong approach. Politicians and monetary interests
are a hindrance to the evolvement of human civilization.

IMAGINE A SOCIETY WHERE THERE ARE NO HARDSHIPS, poverty, war, crime, corruption because everyone has
full access to the necessities of life, and more, absolutely free. Imagine having enough free time to do whatever you would
like: to create, to travel, to volunteer, to learn, to help others, to enjoy your life. But you might ask, “if humans don’t do the
work how will the work get done?” The appropriate application of technology can at this very moment allow for the
automation of laborious and banal tasks that are on all accounts a waste of human potential. Almost all problems in the
world relating to humans’ basic needs (shelter, food & clothing, etc.) are technical in nature. And, any problem that is
technical in nature can be solved through the application of the scientific method and automated by technology. There is no
technical job that could not be automated and performed by computers, robots, or machines that we have right now. No
matter how mundane, redundant, or technical the work may be, machines are capable of doing every job imaginable. Money
is used as a means of compensating labor contributions. If all banal labor contributions are done by machines then again,
there is no need for money. Truly, it is morally wrong not to replace banal human labor (servitude) with machines whenever
and wherever possible. Technology has progressed to the point where economies based on barter, servitude, and money are
rendered unnecessary.

THE MISSION OF THE ZEITGEIST MOVEMENT is to spread awareness of a Resource Based Economy (RBE) and the
application of the scientific method for social change. The Zeitgeist Movement is not a political movement. It does not
recognize nations, governments, races, religions, creeds or class. The Movement calls for a straight forward approach to the
redesign of culture, in which the age-old inadequacies of war, poverty, hunger, debt, environmental degradation and
unnecessary human suffering are viewed not only as avoidable, but totally unacceptable.

A RESOURCE-BASED ECONOMY IS a society without money, barter or exchange, with the awareness that Humanity is
One Family and where technology, science and spirituality is used to its fullest to develop and manage the planet’s
resources to provide abundance for everyone in the most sustainable way. All resources become the common heritage of all
of the inhabitants, not just a select few. In a resource based economy goods are produced and distributed as needed, and in
the most sustainable and efficient way possible for the entire population. Scarcity is eliminated through technology. When
labor is automated and scarcity reduced or eliminated through the sustainable use and reuse of resources (cradle to cradle)
there would no longer be a need for money, let alone any other economic system based upon debt or servitude. In such a
society, the measure of success would be based on the fulfillment of one's individual pursuits and highest potentials rather
than the acquisition of wealth, property, and power. Human behavior is subject to the same laws as any other natural
phenomenon. Our customs, behaviors, and values are byproducts of our culture. No one is born with greed, prejudice,
bigotry, patriotism, and hatred; these are all learned behavior patterns.

that a resource based economy is concerned with social interest whereas in a monetary system the concerns of people and
the environment become secondary…if they are there at all. The goods and services that are turned out in a monetary
society are for profit and not for social concern or betterment. The theory behind a resource based economic model is that
resources that were once scarce (food, shelter, clothing, water) have been made plentiful by the use of technology. As such,
a model of distribution based on scarcity, such as the monetary system, has become redundant. Furthermore, since scarcity
based models promote concentration of scarce resources through competition the monetary system actually creates scarcity
as a means of self preservation. According to this model the only path to equitable and universal allocation of resources is
the end of the monetary system.

WE MUST MOBILIZE AND EDUCATE everyone about the inherent corruption of our current world system, along with
the only workable and sustainable solution: declaring all the natural resources on the planet as the common heritage of all
people, while informing everyone as to the true state of technology and how we can all be free if the world works together
rather than fights. The choice lies with you. I would like you to join us in this movement for critical mass awareness the
likes of which our civilization has never seen. You must be the change you wish to see in the world. Humanity deserves a
better future. A resource based economy creates a society where we truly have the option to take care of each other and
reach our highest potential, instead of struggling to survive.

The resource-based economy puts into practice everything the great religious and philosophic teachers have always talked
about in regard to humans embracing each other as their own and working together in mutual respect as a single human
family. Jesus says thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. There is no business in heaven, no private property, no
banks. The appropriate application of technology can create abundance on Earth as abundance exists in heaven. Money is
not our God.


 Watch the free documentary film Zeitgeist Addendum:

 Watch the free ZDay 2010 Event videos:
 Watch the free presentation “Where are we going”:
 Watch “Capitalism and other kids stuff”:
 Watch “Zeitgeist Movement – Common Objectives”:
 Watch “Jacque Fresco: US has never been a democracy”:
 Must see free media: &
 Read the movement orientation guide:
 Stay informed:
 Join the Zeitgeist Movement at
 Support the Venus Project (originator of the RBE model):
 Stay healthy:
 Copy this flyer and distribute it everywhere.

"Truly free people do not need to be told they are free."

“If you don’t have equal purchasing power you cannot have a democracy.”
- Jacque Fresco

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