Pohick Post, March 2016

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Pohick Episcopal Church

9301 Richmond Highway Lorton, VA 22079
Telephone: 703-339-6572 Fax: 703-339-9884
Let your light so shine (Matt. 5:16)

From The Rector

The Reverend
Donald D. Binder, PhD

uring one of the sessions in my class Visions of

Heaven, Visions of Hell, we explored the opening books of John Miltons masterful epic, Paradise
Lost. Although most members of the class had heard
of this literary piece, only a handful had actually read
it. After reviewing the works opening sequences, I
suggested to those who had not read Miltons magnum opus that if they were still seeking a Lenten study
discipline, taking up that volume would be a good one
to pursue. Heres why.
To begin with, on a literary basis alone it deserves
to be read: scholars have long judged Paradise Lost to
be the greatest of all English epics. Indeed, Milton
himself was not only incredibly well-read, but also
well-travelled, being fluent in more than half-a-dozen
languages, both ancient and modern. During his travels, he interacted with much of Europes 17th century
intelligentsia, literally visiting Galileo, for example,
while the famed astronomer was living under house
When Milton returned from the continent, in recognition of that scholars great learning, Oliver Cromwell chose him to be Englands Secretary of Foreign
Tongues in 1649. After the restoration of the monarchy eleven years later, Milton understandably became
reclusive, eventually even losing his eyesight.
Perhaps because of sharing this physical impediment with the great epic poet Homer, Milton resolved

MARCH 2016
to write a massive English epic dealing with an issue
of much greater concern than those addressed by the
classical poets: the fall of humanity. The final product
was completed in the year of his death, 1674. Like
Virgils Aeneid, it consists of twelve books and begins
in medias res, with the fall of Satan and his fellow demons having already taken place.
This leads to the second reason to read Miltons
epic: it sparkles with theological insights into some
of the most vexing questions posed over the course of
human existence. Among these is the concern about
the nature of evil. Thus in book one, while Satan is still
initially chained near hells lake of fire, the fallen angel
remains defiant in his rebellion against God, uttering
the most famous lines in the entire epic:
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a Heavn of Hell, a Hell of Heavn.
What matter where, if I be still the same,
And what I should be, all but less than he
Whom Thunder hath made greater? Here at least
We shall be free; th Almighty hath not built
Here for his envy, will not drive us hence:
Here we may reign secure, and in my choice
To reign is worth ambition though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heavn.
Satan goes on to rally his fellow devils inside their
self-styled hall that Milton dubbed Pandemonium
(All Demons), where they settle upon the demon
Beelzebubs proposal to take their revenge on God by
destroying his newly created race, humanity:
Continued on page 2

Page 2 March 2016

Pohick Episcopal Church

From the Rector: continued from page 1

Some advantageous act may be achievd

By sudden onset, either with Hell fire
To waste his whole Creation, or possess
All as our own, and drive as we were driven,
The puny habitants, or if not drive,
Seduce them to our Party, that their God
May prove their foe, and with repenting hand
Abolish his own works. This would surpass
Common revenge, and interrupt his joy
In our Confusion, and our Joy upraise
In his disturbance; when his darling Sons
Hurld headlong to partake with us, shall curse
Their frail Original, and faded bliss,
Faded so soon. . . . (2.363376a)
Satan volunteers to be the initial tempter of humanity and begins to claw his way out of hell and
towards the newly created earth. From heaven, God
the Father observes Satans movements and predicts
that the devil will achieve his purpose, causing the fall
of humanity. Yet God would permit this to happen
because he had already ordained that human beings
should possess freewill, as otherwise they could not
choose to love:
Not free, what proof could they have givn sincere
Of true allegiance, constant Faith or Love,

Robert and Bernice

Kilmarx Scholarship

The Robert and Bernice

Kilmarx Scholarship will encourage and assist the youth
of Pohick Church by providing financial assistance for graduating seniors entering post-secondary education.
Individuals and organizations will replenish
the fund on an ongoing basis. The annual Youth
Sunday service in June is the only event planned
to replenish the scholarship.
Please consider donating to the scholarship!
Application deadline is April 30. Questions
about the scholarship or application should be directed to the Youth Minister.

Applications are available online now!

Where only what they needs must do, appeard,

Not what they would? what praise could they
receive? (3.103106)
Nevertheless, God would be merciful upon humanity, although he proclaims that this would require
another to serve as a substitute for their punishment.
God the Son immediately volunteers to be that substitute. As a result of the Sons loving redemption
of humanity, in Mercy and Justice both, Through
Heavn and Earth, so shall [Gods] glory excel, But
Mercy first and last shall brightest shine (3.132b34).
This leads to the third and final reason to read
Paradise Lost during the Lenten season: its themes
of Sin and Redemption resonate powerfully with the
journey we take towards Jerusalem and the Cross of
Christ during this penitential season - leading finally
to the empty tomb of Easter morn.
Probably because Paradise Lost deals with such
profound theological concerns, it is largely absent
from high school and college curricula on this side of
the Atlantic. Still, for the reasons given, for all Christians, it should stand near the top of their required
reading list. And so, as the childs voice chanted to
the young Augustine of Hippo many centuries ago, I
repeat to you: Take up and read!

Docent Guild

New Pohick Guide Book Meeting

The next docent meeting is on Monday, March

14 at 7:00 pm. If interested in helping to create a
new Pohick Guide Book in 2016, the guild will
get together at 6:00 pm before the regular meeting. Discussion will include the guide book and
the best time and place for future meetings.

Martha Guild

The Martha Guild will NOT meet in March so

members can participate in the Lenten Suppers,
Programs and Services. The Guild is responsible
for setup and cleanup for the Lenten Supper on
Wednesday, March 2. The next meeting will be
Wednesday, April 6 at 7:30 pm in Classroom B.
Questions? Contact Connie Myers at 703-4554652 or jetskiing@hotmail.com.

Pohick Episcopal Church

From The Assistant Rector

The Reverend
Dr. Ruth E. Correll, Ed.D.
A Lenten Woe Is Me!

Simplify, simplify, simplify! quoth Henry David

Thoreau. When I moved into my brand new townhouse as a first time local home owner, my furniture
consisted of two lawn chairs, an outdoor lounger, and
a loaded barristers bookcase handed down from my
fathers side. My four chairs from Target did not (and
still dont) match the dining room table a longtime
friend had discarded in my direction. He also picked
up a set of mattress and box springs on a frame for
next to nothing at an auction. (They are twin size, an
indication of the unlikely chance he thought I had of
ever marrying.) Life was simple.
But try as I might to avoid it, I confess I have succumbed to the temptations of living in Woodbridge, a
middle class consumers and eaters paradise. It started
innocently enough.
What can be simpler, less expensive, and better for
the joints than walking for exercise? I love to walk,
especially when I am praying, preparing for a sermon,
or mulling over a pastoral situation. My best walking
meditations take place on hiking trails in nearby state
parks. Second choice takes me through the neighborhood to observe landscaping and seasonal decorations.
Since the completion of sidewalks and widening of Jeff
Davis Highway near my home, its great to walk uphill
to Wegmans and back down loaded with groceries.
But when the weather makes walking dangerous or
miserable, I resort to the Potomac Mills Mall for exercise. It is at least a mile indoors from And That to
Nordstroms Rack, not counting visits to stores. Did
you notice the heightened presence of material possessions with each successive exercise option?
It costs only a little gasoline to drive to Leesylvania State Park. But just try going to Potomac Mills
Mall without picking up an irresistible bargain along
the way. The TJMax clearance shelves have become
a regular stop on my indoor hikes. No wonder Jesus
went to the wilderness to pray. I doubt that even the
Son of God could meditate at the number one tourist attraction in Virginia. With the aroma from Auntie Annes Pretzels and Cinnabon wafting down the

March 2016 Page 3

halls, one can believe man does indeed live by bread

alone after all.
The shoppers themselves present a distractingly
fascinating spectrum of humanity. Jesus would want
to minister to their needs, but few folks appear to be
in distress. Credit cards work without divine assistance. Swinging my arms for enhanced circulation, I
must stay alert to avoid bumping into people or driving a wedge into groups meandering along to browse
the stores.
The unrelenting pressure to purchase flies in the
face of silent reflection. Aggressive sales people interrupt my thoughts and pace by thrusting their wares
before my eyes. Then there are the unavoidable flashing announcements overhead. Is it that urgent for me
to know the eighth book in the Harry Potter series is
coming out?
Today I was absolutely determined not to return
to my car swinging a package in either hand. I succeeded for the first time! Hurrah! However, I enjoyed
an unwarranted turkey dinner in the food court. And
in my purse is a carefully folded receipt for a ticket to
the Kennedy Center.
When I returned to my now comfortably furnished home, I pondered anew the wisdom of this
season of self-examination and denial. Have mercy on
me, Lord!

Telephone Tree

There has been requests from parishioners who do

not have email for a telephone tree to be activated when issues arise after the Sunday services,
such as weather closures, deaths, and illnesses.
To be included on this list, please sign up in the
Church Office. Questions should be directed to
Helen Parker at 703-497-5927.

Christmas Mart Brainstorming

No, it is not November, but it is time to have a Christmas Mart Brainstorming Session! ALL Women of
the Church, whether already involved, want to be
involved, or just want to find out more information
about the Christmas Mart, please attend this Brainstorming Session. It will be held Saturday, March 12
from 10:00 am - 12 noon in Classroom A/B. Any
questions, please contact Connie Myers at 703-4554652 or jetskiing@hotmail.com.

Page 4 March 2016

Christian Education

Frances Sessums, Director of Christian Education

Pohicks Wednesday evening Lenten programs
will continue in March. A class on The Beatitudes
will be taught by Frances Sessums for the preschoolers
through third graders. Rusty Booth is working with
the fourth grade through senior high students studying Gods Compassion in Me. The nursery is available with a paid attendant during class time. Please
come and join us.
On Sunday, March 20, the 5th 12th grade students will visit the Fairfax for the Palm Sunday visitations. They will meet directly after the 9:00 am service
in the Senior high trailer. After the visit, there will be
a pizza party in classrooms A & B. Students should
bring $4.00 and a permission slip. Parents should pick
up their students at 12 noon.
The Flowering of the Cross and the collection of
the Mite Boxes will take place during the 9:15 am
Easter Sunday service on March 27. Students should
bring single stemmed flowers to insert into the Cross.
If someone should forget their mite box on Easter
Sunday, please bring it to the education office the following Sunday.
Pohicks annual Easter Egg Hunt directly follows
the 9:15 am service Easter Sunday. There will be two
egg hunts occurring simultaneously. These will be for
the Preschoolers through Fourth grade students. At
least one parent needs to accompany each child during the egg hunt. The children should gather in the
following rooms directly after the service. Please be on
time so the children can be counted. The Preschoolers
and Kindergarteners will meet with their parent in
classroom F and the 1st through 4th grade students
will meet with their parent in classrooms C and D.
It is requested that the
parent of each student participating in the Easter Egg Hunt
bring a dozen filled plastic eggs per child to the hall
outside classrooms E and F
downstairs by Easter morning
before the 9:15 am service.
There will be a box marked
Easter Eggs. Call Frances
Sessums with any questions.

Pohick Episcopal Church

eens in focus
Should teens be encouraged to volunteer in community service projects? The short answer is yes! Teens
who volunteer gain benefits ranging from increased
self esteem to valuable job skills.
In the parable of the Sheep and Goats, Jesus talks
about one of the results of following Him is the desire
and need to help others. He made it clear that in order to fully experience and share faith, serving others
needs to be a major part of it.
In an article written for Teenlife Blog, Camille
Heidebrecht lists five benefits of teens volunteering in
their community. Volunteering:
Develops an increased sense of social responsibility, a global view of society and a heart for giving back
and helping others
Exposes teens to diversity and different cultures
Provides an opportunity to apply academic learning to real needs
Builds relationships with peers, adults and people
sharing a cause
Improves communication and critical thinking
She goes on to say that teens today are not just
helping their neighbor with the groceries or babysitting for free. They are building houses, delivering meals
and more. They realize that community service has the
potential to be life changing in more ways than one.
Pohicks youth program encourages teen service by
participating in the Diocesans PYM Spring Day of
Service on March 12. All teens in grades 5 through 12
are invited to participate for a day of working on the
farm! The work will be performed at Shalom Farms,
which is a regional food access and community development project serving 1,500 individuals and families
per year. This is a great opportunity to experience being
Gods hands in the community.

Send News!

Articles for the April 2016 Pohick Post are due no later
than March 15. Forward input by email in Word
compatible format to Lori Buckius, raebuck@aol.com.
Design concerns & items for the Sunday
Service Volunteers page should be addressed
to Carmel Hodge, cchodge@aol.com.

March 2016 Page 5

Pohick Episcopal Church

The Persecution Corner

By Bob Munson

Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Mathew 5:10
This month our journey looking at Christian persecution turns to Africa and the most populous country on that continent. Each week our Prayers of the
People includes the following:
We pray for Christians and others around the
world, especially those in Nigeria who continue to
face persecution for their faith.
Nigeria is a wonderful country full of vibrant societies, vast expanses of farmland, wildlife, lonely stretches
of savanna, rainforests, and large amounts of oil (much
offshore in the Gulf of Guinea). In many respects, Nigeria appears to be a microcosm of Africa with all of its
beauties and frailties.
One of these frailties is the Christian-Muslim split
which runs roughly through the Middle Belt of the
country. In centuries past, Islam spread south from
North Africa along the caravan tracks across the Sahara
Desert. Christianity, in turn, spread later from the colonial ports on the coast, up into the area. During the
colonial period in the late 19th century and first half of
the 20th century (until Nigerian independence in 1960),
the British governed the area and tried to weigh the interests of their colonial government against the emerging Christian communities of the South and the ageold Muslim sultanates and communities of the North.
Certainly the people of Nigeria do not merely identify
by religion for their ethnic groups and other personal
factors are also very important, but religion often overlays these other factors, e.g. generally (but not always!)
ethnic groups tend to belong to one religion. Population
estimates for 2015 hold that Nigeria has about 181 million people, 50% Muslim and 40% Christian.
The case of Nigeria varies from the other countries
we have discussed here for the government tries to treat
all people equally and does not officially persecute
people based on religion. In fact, several of the recent
presidents have been Christian. Nevertheless, a number
of the northern states have adopted Islamic Sharia Law,
de facto ostracizing minority Christians. Throughout
the northern and central regions, Christians certainly
face informal persecution at the hands of their neighbors and communities. For example, the city of Jos,
situated in the Nigerian Middle Belt, has significant
Christian and Muslim populations, and over the years,

has witnessed one group attacking the other, burning

churches and/or mosques and inflaming the civil relationships due to perceived slights, attacks, and the history of conflict.
The biggest danger currently to anyone in Nigeria
is the Islamist extremist terrorist group Boko Haram
which operates in the northeastern corner of Nigeria
and across the border into Niger (to the north), Chad
(northeast), and Cameroon (east). Boko Haram is arguably the most dangerous terrorist group in the world,
surpassing Al Qaeda and even ISIS in the number of
casualties. The Voice of the Martyrs website estimates
that Boko Haram has killed over 11,000 people since
2009, including 4000 in 2014 (www.persecution.com).
In the northeast, many Christians in small villages or
rural areas have fled to the larger cities. In September,
Boko Haram militants surrounded the city of Maidugiri which harbored many of these displaced people.
Boko Haram suicide bombers have killed many innocent people while attacks continue in the northeast.
A number of years ago, I had the pleasure of working in the US Embassy in Abuja in charge of Defense
Cooperation. My Nigerian counterparts were a mixture
of Christians and Muslims. In our relationship, many of
my Muslim colleagues treated me first as an American;
conversely, a number of my Christian contacts saw me
first as a Christian. Neither of these viewpoints adversely affected my work, and I enjoyed them all immensely.
What it did point out, though, was the religious consciousness in this country. Certainly those who worked
for the government had to be able to function effectively with those across the religious divide but from this I
took the belief that, in general, Nigerians are interested
in working peacefully with others and their future is
In the meantime, the pervasive poverty, chronic tension, periodic rioting, and competition for resources will
continue to wear down the people, and make religious
interactions potentially explosive - especially within the
countrys Middle Belt where the two religions meet.
Please pray for the peaceful resolution of religious tensions in Nigeria and for protection of many from the
terror of Boko Haram. Perhaps prayers from outside
will help bring peace inside to Nigeria!

Page 6 March 2016

Pohick Episcopal Church

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion

Don Brownlee, Co-chair, Policy and Planning Commission

This monthly report is part of the Vestrys ongoing effort to inform and update the Parish about the ongoing controversies within
The Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Anglican Communion. These
controversies largely involve the blessing of same-sex unions, ordination of non-celibate homosexuals, interpretation of Scripture,
and breakdown of traditional boundary lines between Provinces.
The Primates Meeting held in Canterbury between 11th
and 15th January 2016 occasioned much comment and even
more misrepresentation. It has been spun more than Donald
Thus did the Archbishop of Canterbury begin a February address to the Church of Englands General Synod. With
characteristic self-depreciation, he added, You would be well
advised to set your spin meters to detect as I am hoping both
to say something about what happened, at least from my point
of view and more importantly, why and what it says to us.
He outlined the various factors that led to his calling the
gathering, including his decision to invite Abp. Foley Beach of
the Anglican Church of North America. Given the tensions
that exist in North America, it speaks much of the graciousness of the Archbishop Fred Hiltz of Canada and the then
presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori and her successor
Michael Curry, as well as Archbishop Foley Beach, that despite being deeply unhappy, they were still willing to come to
the meeting - and we should be duly grateful to all of them.
He told the Synod, We were conscious as we met in that
week that literally millions, possibly tens of millions, of people
were praying for us, and I have never known a week in which
I have been so aware of prayer.
He repeated his emphatic statement that the primates did
not vote to sanction The Episcopal Church. The vote was
immediately spun outside the Meeting, having been leaked on
the Thursday (the day before it ended) as a severe sanction on
TEC. You will not find the word sanction or punishment or
anything like it at any point in the Communique, or the Addendum which refers to the decision taken. The word used is
consequence. He likewise repeated previous statements that
the consequences imposed binds the Primates as a group, but
not any Province or other Instrument of Communion.
Provinces of the Anglican Communion have been recognised since its beginning at the first Lambeth Conference of
1867 and in numerous other places (since then), as a collection of autonomous and interdependent churches, he noted.
The autonomy means that no meeting of the Communion
has any authority to give instructions to individual provinces.
We rightly talk of scripture, of tradition and reason; but
in the tension in which we live in a Global Church, there is
another trio - of freedom, order and human flourishing. As
a Communion where authority is found in discernment, and
expressed in relationship, this trio is of huge importance. It

anchors us in the breaking down of barriers, in facing each

other, in the beauty of human interaction in love.
Disaster has come whenever one element has overcome
the others to an excessive degree. A hunger for power, masquerading as order, has very often overcome freedom, and neglected human flourishing. Order is essential, but it exists to
assure foot washing and love, not domination.
** *
Bp. Shannon has written a Letter to the Diocese with his
reflections on the Primates meeting.
The Primates may be the ranking representatives of the
Communion, but I emphatically note that they are not the
leaders of it, he wrote. Like Abp. Justin, he reminded us that
the Provinces are both autonomous and interdependent, and
each Province is recognized to have the right to make its own
decisions for itself.
Im not at all surprised that the Primates expressed their
strong objections to our actions, but I am very much surprised by the relatively restrained tone of the Communique.
I thought it would be much more harsh and hard-linedWe
must remember, we did do what, in their own several ways,
they urged us not to do. I actually expected worse
He stressed, It is especially notable that we have not
been asked to repent or somehow undo what weve passed.
Weve simply been asked to back away from a very few aspects
(important though these certainly are) of the Communions
work for a period of three years, while the Primates work with
an in-house committee that will seek to facilitate understanding, healing, and reconciliation. I think we can and should
work with that.
He said he felt Presiding Bishop Michael was absolutely
magnificent throughout the meeting, He simply got everything right, most eloquently so, from expressing the pain that
LGBT people will experience as a result of the Communique,
to humility as the Primate of the offending Church, to an unqualified commitment to our full participation in the Anglican Communion. Ive already received one telling email from
a bishop in another part of the world saying that Michael
Curry proved himself right away to be an Anglican leader of
true world-stature who commands respect.
The Chairman of the Anglican Consultative Council
(ACC) has confirmed those interpretations of the limits to
the Primates authority. In a conversation with the dean of
School of Theology of the University of the South, known as
Sewanee, Bp. James Tengatenga said The Episcopal Church
cannot be kicked out of the Anglican Communion and will
never be kicked out of the Anglican Communion.
Continued on page 7

Pohick Episcopal Church

Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion,

continued from page 6

Bp. Tengatenga also said the legal and ecclesial structures

of the Anglican Communion did not permit the primates, or
any other instrument of communion,
to discipline a member church.
In his view, the impression that
the primates could take decisive action
arose from a confusion of roles. In most
provinces, bishops were tasked with
preserving the doctrine and teaching
of the church. When bishops gathered
in mass in gatherings such as the Lambeth Conference, or when the leaders of provinces met at the
primates meeting, the participants were often under the impression that their deliberations had the same standing as they
would have in their home churches.
The primates believe they have said something that is definitive, but it is not, he said.
He said the Episcopal Church
has the right and responsibility to
attend next months meeting of the
ACC in Lusaka, Zambia.
Are they going to vote? Yes, they are going to vote as it is
their right and responsibility, the ACC chairman said
But if representatives of The Episcopal Church will be
there to vote, representatives of the Church of Uganda will
not. The Primate of that province announced late in February
that it will not take part in the meeting.
In a Lenten message, Abp. Stanley Ntagali called the Primates resolution an important, symbolic vote because it was
a rebuke of TEC. It also enabled the Primates of the Anglican
Communion to re-state their commitment to the doctrine of
marriage as between one man and one
woman. But he added, it was only a
symbolic vote; it was not a substantive
vote. He noted Bp. Tengatengas statements that the Primates do not have
the authority to tell the ACC what to
do, and likewise acknowledged that the
Primates resolution is not binding on
the ACC. It is like we are back in 2003
where we continue to be betrayed by our leaders. The Primates
voted to bring discipline to TEC and, yet, we now see that the
leadership of the Anglican Communion does not have the will
to follow through. This is another deep betrayal.
He said that because the Anglican Communion has
again failed to demonstrate that it will restore Biblical faith
and godly order, and discipline those who stray from them,
his province will not be participating in the upcoming ACC

March 2016 Page 7

In mid-December, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
placed three senior leaders of the churchs executive staff on
administrative leave due to concerns that have been raised
about possible misconduct in carrying out their duties. An
outside law firm was hired to investigate. Late in February, he
wrote the churchs Executive Council to say that those investigators should complete their interviews in the next three or
four weeks. They will then share their findings with him. I
will then consult with the officers of the (Episcopal Church)
and legal counsel regarding appropriate steps forward. Once
the course of action is clear and it has been properly shared
with those on administrative leave, I will share with you with
as much transparency as is appropriate, protecting confidentiality, and the ways we will move forward from that point. The
nature of the alleged misconduct has not been disclosed.
Bp. Michael also updated the Executive Council on his
health. (He suffered a subdural hematoma and underwent
surgery in December.) He said his doctors know the problems were caused when he tripped on a curb, fell, and struck
his head the weekend of his installation as presiding bishop
in November. At the time he did not think he was injured
beyond a few scrapes on his arm. He told council members he
is now reasonably back to normal...I think I am back about
90%, although Some brain processes are a little slower than
they were before. He said he has another speech therapy session scheduled, and one more CAT scan and a three-hour
neuropsychological work-up to finish up everything.
For almost a century, the Good Friday offering at Episcopal churches has been donated to support the Province of
Jerusalem and the Middle East. But the bishop of one its four
dioceses, Bp. Mouneer Anis of the Diocese of Egypt, has issued a statement make it clear his diocese does not accept
these donations. The decision not to receive these funds came
after the 2003 decision by TEC to consecrate as bishop a divorced man living in a homosexual relationship, he said. The
decision not to receive money from TEC is one expression of
the reality that the Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and
the Horn of Africa was (and still is) in an impaired relationship with The Episcopal Church.
One of our clergy in Ethiopia states our situation in
graphic terms: We rather starve and not receive money from
churches whose actions contradict the scriptures.

It is important to remember that despite all these controversies,

the work of the Church - globally, nationally, and locally - goes on. As
Bp. Susan observed, we consciously refuse to be a museum church. Our
Stewardship Commission continues to remind us of the ways we at Pohick carry out that work, and spread the good News. We continue to be
the only Bible some people will ever read. Through youth mission trips,
food donations to LCAC, donations of school supplies and backpacks, the
Gunston School tutoring program, and the Community of Hope, Pohick
continues to leak the love of God to those in need.

Page 8 March 2016

Pohick Episcopal Church

Junior Wardens Report

Fred Crawford, Junior Warden

Thanks: Thanks to everyone who has taken part in

the community effort to maintain the physical plant
here at Pohick. John Sessums, the Sexton, does exceptional work in maintaining things on a day to day basis and managing the work done under contract to the
Church. The Junior Warden is assisted in supporting
John by a number of well-known people. Doug Smith,
just elected to the Vestry, is co-chair of the Property
Commission. The Junior Warden is supported by the
Building and Grounds Committee and the Renovation Committee. Thanks for the support of the following members of the B&G Committee: Jim Bartholomew, Bill and Tom Bland, Clint Herbert, Grant
Hodges, Rodger Jones, Pete Kind, Jeff Parker, John
Pasour, Pierce Prior, Stew Remaly, John Sessums, and
Doug Smith. Another group with seemingly boundless energy is led by Stew Remaly. This Committee
is comprised of Clint Herbert, Theron Jackson, Rodger Jones, Kathy Kirkland, Connie Meyers, Wendy
Remaly, Fuzzy and Jane Thurston, and Jackie Wells.
These talented people serve Pohick, and it is a blessing
to have their support in the efforts to maintain and

improve the aging physical plant.

What has been done: Most are aware that the much
needed replacement of the roof on the Parish House
has been completed. All of the shingled roofing was
completed first. Two weeks later, the contractor finished the three areas where there are flat roofs. Those
had been deferred until warmer weather as the membrane used to seal them uses an adhesive requiring
continuous temperatures above 40F. On February 2,
the kitchen refrigerator failed. Thanks to John Sessums efforts, the repair folks ordered parts, and it was
repaired by February 8. Although there was an impact
on some events, the flexible Guilds were able to work
around the outage.
What is planned: The electrical distribution in the
Parish House is not well documented, particularly in
the old section of the Parish House. Testing and documentation of this portion of the electrical distribution
is under way. The objective is to validate the electrical
loads and loading, and determine ways to provide the
additional power needed for the new dishwasher.
What is to be planned: There are several improvements to the Sanctuary under review to do what is
possible to preserve the historic treasure known as Pohick Church. There will be more information on these
improvements in the coming months.

Easter Flowers

To make contributions toward flowers for the Church at Easter, please fill out this form and return it to the Church office with payment no later than Sunday, March 20, 2016. Forms can be mailed to: Pohick Church, 9301 Richmond Highway, Lorton, VA 22079.
Telephone: ________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________

Please write the memorial, thanksgiving, or other designation for publication in the Easter Bulletin:

Enclosed is a check payable to Pohick Church, marked For Easter Flowers

in the following amount: $11 (1)

$22 (2)

Other _________________

Please note For Easter Flowers on the memo line of check.

March 2016 Page 9

Pohick Episcopal Church

Pohick Church Activities March 2016



















Lent 4c
7p EFM
7:45a HE I
9a HE II
10:15a Christian Ed,
Inquirers Class
11:15a HE I
5p Confirmation Class
6p EYC Dinner
6:30p Alpha/Parenting
Lent 5c
7p Docent
7:45a HE I
Gen Mtg
9a HE II
7p EFM
10:15a Christian Ed,
Inquirers Class
11:15a HE II
5p Confirmation Class


Palm Sunday

7:45a HE I
9a HE II
10:15a Christian Ed,
Inquirers Class
10:30a Fairfax Visit
11:15a HE I



7p EFM


9:30a Staff Mtg

9:30a Ann Mason Guild Mtg
7p Tutoring
7:30p Vestry

9:30a Staff Mtg

7p Tutoring
Pohick Post


9:30a Staff Mtg


2p HE, the Fairfax

6p St. Cecelia St.
Alban Choir
6p St. Francis Choir
6:30p Lenten
2p HE, the Fairfax
6p St. Cecelia St.
Alban Choir
6p St. Francis Choir


6:15p Bell Choir

7p Boy Scouts
7:30p Choir of
8:30p AA

6:15p Bell Choir

7p Boy Scouts
7:30p Choir of
8:30p AA

8a Brotherhood
of St. Andrew
1p Docent Tour

8a Brotherhood of
St. Andrew
Day of Service
10a Christmas Mart
12:30p Confirmation Class
2p Alpha/Teen Parenting
6p St. Pats Dinner

8a Brotherhood
of St. Andrew
9:15a Building
& Grounds
10a Special
Vestry Mtg


Maundy Thursday Good Friday

Holy Saturday
Office Closes 8a Brotherhood
7p Boy Scouts
at Noon
7:30p Maundy
of St. Andrew
Thursday Service
2p Southpointe HOA
Friday Service
8:30p AA


4p Baptism


6:15p Bell Choir Shrine Mont

Shrine Mont
7p Boy Scouts
Work Weekend
7:30p Choir of
8a Brotherhood
of St. Andrew
8:30p AA
9:15a Building
& Grounds
1p Docent Tour
Contact the Parish Secretary, Susan Hayward-Costa, to list group meetings or events on the calendar, shcosta@pohick.org.

5:30a Easter Vigil

7:45a HE I
9:15a HE II
10:30a Easter Egg
11:15a HE II

Easter Monday 9:30a Staff Mtg

Office Closed
7p EFM
8p Sheffield

2p HE, the Fairfax

6p St. Cecelia St.
Alban Choir
6p St. Francis Choir
6:30p Lenten

6:15p Bell Choir

7p Boy Scouts
7:30p Choir of
8:30p AA



2p HE, the Fairfax

6p St. Cecelia St.
Alban Choir
6p St. Francis Choir
6:30p Lenten



Lent 3c
6p COH/COC 9:30a Staff Mtg
7:45a HE I
7p Tutoring
7p EFM
9a HE II
10:15a Christian Ed,
Inquirers Class
11:15a HE II
5p Confirmation Class
6:30p Alpha/Parenting
6:30p EYC


2p HE, the Fairfax

6p COH
6p St. Cecelia St.
Alban Choir
6p St. Francis Choir
7:30p Healing Service

Dont Forget!

Daylight Savings Time begins

Sunday, March 13, 2016.
Remember to set clocks forward one hour!

St. Patricks Day!

Page 10 March 2016


Pohick Episcopal Church


Mike Zane
Mike Vaughn

Dru Hodges
Beth Altman
Matt Gurrola
Dennis Myers

11:15 Rick Nelson


Rodger Jones
Becky Wagner

Pehr Pehrsson
Jim Foster
Jan Hoffheins
Kathy Kirkland

Sandra Caesar

Paul Walden
Dave Billingsley


K. Kirkland

F. Crawford


D. Derbes

H. Parker

12:15 Kirkland/Hoffheins

Pitcock Schmid


J. Sunderland
N. Bireley
C. Heddleston
J. MacDonald
R. Teale
B. Wagner


J. Sunderland
N. Bireley
C. Heddleston
J. MacDonald
R. Teale
B. Wagner

Greens only

Greens only

7:45 Stew Remaly

9:00 Schow/Hayward
11:15 Leslie Aqueron

Edie Bartlett


Wagner (P)
Foresman (R)


Thorson (P)
Marsico (R)

M. Harding (P)
S. Harding (R)

11:15 Elston (R)

Rickenbaker (P)

7:45 M/M Altman

9:00 M/M Yarwood
11:15 TBD

M/M Remaly

9:00 F. Crawford
11:15 Hamly/Darling

M/M Kind


B. Bland








Tony Marsico
Don Cooke

Mo Faber
Grant Hodges
John Pasour
Edwardene Pitcock
Mike Wooten
Rita Smith

E. Thorson

C. Cockroft

S. Pehrsson

F. Thurston

R. Heddleston

D. Smith


M/M Myers


J. Wells
N. Sage
C. Foster
J. Geschickter
J. Mullins
H. Parker
R. Stankwitz

J. Wells
N. Sage
C. Foster
J. Geschickter
J. Mullins
H. Parker
R. Stankwitz

BJ McPherson
A. Powell, J. Schmid
M. Tonkin
S. Caesar
E. Pitcock
A. Marsico
M. Yezek




Rita Stankwitz

M/M Sam Biddlecomb Judy Byrne

Paul Walden

Frank VanDevelder




Mohammed Kanu

Cockroft (R)
Faber (P)




M/M Wayne Biggs

Ayorinde (P)
Sage (R)


M/M Clint Herbert


M/M John Godley

M/M Fuzzy Thurston

M/M Ryan Ickes

Thorson (R)
Marsico (P)

5:30a Wagner
Rickenbaker (R)
8a Elston (R), Sunderland (P) Thorson (P)

Nelson (R)
Foresman (P)

Ayorinde (R)
Choi (P)

Heddleston (P)
Pasour (R)

9:15a Rickenbaker (P)

Gastrell (R)

Faber (R)
Pasour (P)

M/M Bryant

M/M Bireley

M/M Altman




M/M Lynn

J. Wells

H. Foresman


T. Bland

M/M Costa

Foresman (R)
Sage (P)

M/M Harding

G. Delaune

The Sunday Service Volunteers Schedule is also available at Pohick Churchs website, www.pohick.org, under Ministries.

March 2016 Page 11

Pohick Episcopal Church

Spring Has Sprung!

Stop by The Golden Dove gift

shop for new and unique items
Easter decorations
Religious pewter bookmarks, baptismal
baby ups and bowls
Episcopalian rosaries
Easter cards and handmade all occasion
greeting cards
Custom designed silver jewelry
Distinctive crosses and pearl jewelry
Visit the Clearance Corner for great deals.
Open Sundays
between Services
First Saturdays from 1-3PM
during Docent Tours
& Special Events
North end of the Vestry House

Sunday, March 20 Palm Sunday

Palm Procession & Dramatic
Passion Reading with Sunday Services:
7:45 am, 9:00 am and 11:15 am
Sunday School: 10:15 am - 11:05 am
Thursday, March 24 Maundy Thursday
Service and Vigil: 7:30 pm
Friday, March 25 Good Friday
Good Friday services with Stations
of the Cross: 12 noon - 3:00 pm
Holy Saturday, March 26 Baptisms: 4:00 pm
Easter Sunday, March 27
Flame walk: 4:30 am
Sunrise Great Vigil: 5:30 am
Festival Easter Services:
8:00 am, 9:15 am, 11:15 am
Childrens Easter
Egg Hunt: 10:30 am

Golden Dove Volunteers

March 5: P. Nelson
March 6: C. Wylie, A. Marsico;

P. Mitchell, T. Jackson
March 13: C. Knipling, K. Myers;

C. Eitler, D. Crawford
March 20: M. Morgan, C. Myers;

C. Heintze, V. Albert
March 27: Closed

St. Patricks Day Dinner

St. Patricks Day Dinner is Saturday March 12,

6:00 - 8:00 pm. Tickets are $15 per person, $30 per
family with children under 12 free.
For tickets and more information,
see a salesman from the Brotherhood of St. Andrew.

Who Are We?

Been married for years. Husband attended a Catholic

school. A shy boy, he spoke with a stutter and eventually
cured himself. He graduated from college at age 40 but had
a professional 34-year career with the federal government.
He is descended from the Royal House of Plantagenet. The
wife was a school teacher for 10 years before moving to
Virginia. She worked for a nonprofit where she developed
training curricula on the use of deadly force. She was a
guest in Bill and Hillary Clintons home. She is a descendant of Sally Cary, wife of George Fairfax.
The January Pohickian: I grew up in LeRoy, NY, a small
town noted for the invention of Jello. The plant is gone now
but we still have the Jello brick road. After college I taught in
Lowvillle, NY for three years and endured the lake effects snows
of about eight feet a year and temperatures of -40 for a week
at a time. A few of my students had to snowshoe into the main
road to catch the school bus (no joke). Decided I needed a little
adventure in my life so went to teach in the DOD system in the
Philippines, Turkey, and Italy and loved them all. Returned to
Rochester, NY and headed up the remedial reading department
and also met my husband, Bob, there (Navy on dry land at the
time). He was shocked by the snow fall. We were stationed in
Rhode Island, Charleston, Hawaii, and DC - and have been
attending Pohick since (1983?). We traveled a lot after he retired even though he said it was like a postman going for a
walk. I still travel as much as possible, it is in the blood and
there is so much to see and experience. Thats my story and I am
sticking to it! Edie Bartlett
We are Pohickians!

Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 2
Lorton, VA

Pohick Church

9301 Richmond Highway

Lorton, Virginia 22079-1519
Return Service Requested

The Purpose of Pohick Church is to be a nourishing community where Christs love is experienced and taken beyond its walls.


Date: _____________________ Subject: _____________________

To: The Vestry


Reed Heddleston
Fred Crawford
Dan Derbes
Susan Pehrsson
Amanda Choi,
Caroline Cockroft,
Kathy Kirkland, Helen Parker,
Edwardene Pitcock,
Doug Smith, Zach Smith,
Eric Thorson, Fuzzy Thurston

Pohick Church Vestry

The Revd Donald

Sr. Warden:
Binder, PhD
Jr. Warden:
The Revd Dr. Ruth Treasurer:
E. Correll, Ed.D.
James Rickenbaker
Linda Egan

Frances Sessums

Rusty Booth

Susan Hayward-Costa
Mike Morgan

John Sessums

Pohick Church Staff



Minister of Music:
Director of
Christian Ed:
Youth Minister:
Parish Secretary:
Finance Admin:

Telephone: 703-339-6572 Fax: 703-339-9884

Church Office Email: shcosta@pohick.org Web Site: www.pohick.org

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