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Broken Family

Research Paper



Lyka Toquero

Ama Computer Learning Center Guimba Branch

Guimba, Nueva Ecija

In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirement For The Course

Software Development

Communication Skills II

Presented To:

Mrs. Gloria V. Barawid




Definition of term_____________________________________________________2-3


The Good Of Not Breaking Up

Other Effects On The Family

The Decay Of The Family

Know The Ultimate Secrets To Fix Broken Marriage

Reason Of Broken Family

Unqualified Mediators Prey On Broken Families

Fix Broken Marriage And Start All Over Again


Having A Broken Family Is Always Happened At Wrong Time

What Causes Broken Family?

The Effect Of Divorce On The Children

How Do You Fix Broken Family?

Is Misunderstanding A Cause Of Having A Broken Family?

Broken Family Structure Leads To Educational Difficulties For Children

The Negative Effects On Family Divorce


Questions On The Broken Family

How Broken Families Rob Children Of Their Chances For Future Prosperity

The Link Between Divorce And Poverty

What Leaders In The Public And Private Sectors Should Do?


Broken Family

Frequency Of Divorce In The United States

New Standards Of Marriage Success

Free Love Not Admissible

Prohibition Of Paid Attorneys In Divorce

Earlier And Better Use Of Domestic Relations Court

Education Our Chief Reliance





BIBLIOGRAPHY ______________________________________________________vi




Gregor Samsa awakes one morning to find that he has been inexplicably transformed
into a giant insect. He has also slept late. His parents and his sister Grete try to rouse
him so he can make it to his dreary job as a traveling salesman. The family depends on
him for its livelihood. Gregor, however, is now a bug. When a clerk from his company
comes to demand an explanation for his absence, Gregor makes a great effort to open
the bedroom door and show himself. This sends the terrified clerk tearing down the
stairwell and Gregor's family into shock.

Grete, more than his father or mother, handles the situation practically. Gregor is fed,
and his room is cleaned. Before long, however, economic reality requires all three to
find work, and less attention is paid to Gregor--except when he gets out of his room. No
one in the family is fully able to reconcile him- or herself to the insect Gregor, and
Gregor is unable to express himself to his family. The fear and disgust his presence
inspires (the irrational fear of the mammoth cockroach) is a detriment to his mother's
health and incites his father to brief fits of violence. One such fit, a bombardment of fruit,
deals Gregor a deep and crippling wound.

Hobbled and neglected, Gregor begins to waste away in his room. The family takes in
three carping lodgers, using Gregor's room to store excess furniture and other
miscellanea--adding insult to injury. Yet the family does leave Gregor's door slightly
open in the evenings, so that he may take part in the household in a small way. One
evening, the lodgers hear Grete practicing her violin. They call her into the parlor for a
concert. She obliges, and the music so moves Gregor that he creeps out into the parlor
towards her, wanting to convey that he understands her gift and will help it to blossom.
The lodgers see Gregor and immediately give notice. This is the breaking point for the
family. Grete declares that they must abandon the notion that this hideous bug is their
dear Gregor. All sadly agree. Gregor slinks back into his room. He dies that night.

A great weight has been lifted from the family. After a moment of mourning, the father
demands that the lodgers leave immediately. The family takes a trolley out of the city
and into the countryside. It is a beautiful, sunny day, and as Grete stretches out her
limbs in the trolley car, her parents' thoughts turn to finding her a husband.


Marital and family stability is undeniably linked to economic prosperity for American
families. Even though America has achieved a level of prosperity unrivaled in history,
too many families still do not share in these benefits. The effects of marital breakdown
on national prosperity and the well-being of individual children are like the action of
termites on the beams in a home's foundation: They are weakening, quietly but
seriously, the structural underpinnings of society.

The contradiction between Washington's concern for economic prosperity and its
disregard for stable marriage and family life must be resolved. The longer reform is
delayed, the more children will be doomed to living in poverty with its life-changing
effects. Congress, state legislators, community leaders, and church officials can and
must take clear steps to restore the primacy of marriage--the backbone of the family
and society in America.


My Family right now is all over the place, I have always been different from the rest of

my sisters cause we are 5girls I am the second one the only one with curly hair and the

only one with a different dad. my real dad wasn’t ever in my life he was in jail most of

the time my step dad also in jail he would hit my mom, hit us steal from us but he was

the closest thing as a dad, at times he would be nice and he does drugs and taught me

many things, I was maybe 14 with my older sis and dad when we went to jail for robbing

but that’s another story. I’ve always been strong and calm, but let talk about now well

my older sis lives with my best friend and my sis is pregnant having a baby boy, my

mom is in ,with my 3little sisters she doesn’t want to leave. my father step dad is in jail

prison. and me I’m with I guess close family who judges your every move its hard being

and living here with judge mental people, I am 17years old I have lots of pain

sometimes I don’t know why or where it comes from, I’m living with my uncle and aunt

also grandma and cousin, I drink alcohol to ease my pain I eat a lot when I try not to

think, I am very angry with myself inside I heat up quickly, I wish I knew what was wrong

with me but I do think I might have a broken family.

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