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Generation and control of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger entanglement in superconducting circuits

L.F. Wei,1, 2 Yu-xi Liu,1 and Franco Nori1, 3

Frontier Research System, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Wako-shi, Saitama, 351-0198, Japan
IQOQI, Department of Physics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Shanghai 200030, China
Center for Theoretical Physics, Physics Department, CSCS,
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1040, USA
(Dated: February 1, 2008)
Going beyond the entanglement of microscopic objects (such as photons, spins, and ions), here we propose
an efficient approach to produce and control the quantum entanglement of three macroscopic coupled super-
conducting qubits. By conditionally rotating, one by one, selected Josephson charge qubits, we show that their
Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) entangled states can be deterministically generated. The existence of GHZ
correlations between these qubits could be experimentally demonstrated by effective single-qubit operations fol-
arXiv:quant-ph/0510169v3 22 Jun 2006

lowed by high-fidelity single-shot readouts. The possibility of using the prepared GHZ correlations to test the
macroscopic conflict between the noncommutativity of quantum mechanics and the commutativity of classical
physics is also discussed.

PACS number(s): 03.65.Ud, 03.67.Lx, 85.35.Ds

Introduction.—Entanglement is one of the most essential mangled in their readouts of ensemble averages.
features of quantum mechanics and has no analogue in classi- Superconducting qubits [8] provides an attractive platform
cal physics. Mathematically, it means that the wave function to control the genuine (rather than ensemble-pseudo-pure)
of a system composed of many particles cannot be separated macroscopic quantum state. The sizes of the present “par-
into independent wave functions, one for each particle. Physi- ticles”, e.g., Cooper-pairs boxes, and the distance between
cally, entangled particles can display remarkable and counter- them are typically on the order of microns. If the interbit cou-
intuitive quantum effects. For example, a measurement made plings are switchable, then methods [2, 5, 6], working well in
on one particle collapses the total wavefunction and thus in- photon- and trapped-ion systems, could be applied [9] to gen-
stantaneously determines the states of the other particles, even erate and verify the GHZ entanglement between the Joseph-
if they are far apart. son qubits. However, in all published (so far) experiments the
The existence of entanglement has been experimentally interactions between Josephson qubits [8] are fixed (either ca-
demonstrated [1] with, e.g., two photons separated far apart pacitively or inductively), and thus the usually required single-
(e.g., up to 500 m) and two closely-spaced trapped ions (e.g., qubit gates cannot, in principle, be strictly implemented.
separated a few micrometers apart). The obvious violation of For the currently-existing experimental circuits with
Bell’s inequality in these two-qubit experiments statistically always-on coupling, here we propose an effective approach
verifies the conflict between the locality of classical physics to deterministically generate three-qubit GHZ states by con-
and the non-locality of quantum mechanics. Only recently, ditionally rotating the selected qubits one by one. The exis-
the experimental study of entanglement has been successfully tence of the desirable GHZ entanglement is then reliably ver-
extended to a system composed of more than two qubits. For ified by using effective single-qubit operations. The prepared
example, three-photon Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) GHZ entanglement should allow to test quantum nonlocality
entangled states [2] have been demonstrated, and then used by definite predictions at a macroscopic level.
to test the conflict between classical local-realism and quan- Preparation of GHZ states.— We consider the three-qubit
tum non-locality using definite predictions [3], rather than the circuit sketched in Fig. 1; that is, only adding one qubit to
statistical ones based on Bell’s inequalities. Yet, besides the the experimentally-existing one [10]. Three superconducting-
problem of detector efficiency, the expected GHZ state in op- quantum-interference-device (SQUID) loops with control-
tical experiments could not be deterministically prepared [2] lable Josephson energies produce three Josephson qubits, fab-
because: i) each entangled photon-pair was generated in a ricated a small distance apart (e.g., up to a few microme-
small subset of all pairs created in certain spontaneous pro- ters [10], as the case of entangled trapped ions in Ref. [6])
cesses, and ii) the nondeterministic detection of a trigger pho- and coupled via the capacitances C12 and C23 . The dynam-
ton among two pairs of entangled photons was required. ics of the system can be effectively restricted to the subspace
spanned by the computational basis, and be thus described by
Instead of fast-escaping photons, massive or macroscopic
the following simplified Hamiltonian
quantum systems [4] have also been extensively studied to
3 2
realize controllable multipartite quantum entanglement. The 1 X h (j) (j) (j)
i X
three-qubit entanglement of microscopic Rydberg atoms [5] Ĥ = EC σz − EJ σx(j) + Kj,j+1 σz(j) σz(j+1) .
2 j=1 j=1
and trapped-ions [6] was prepared experimentally. Moreover,
the GHZ state of massive macroscopic “particles” has also (1)
Here, EC =2e2 [C̃Σ−1 −1
been demonstrated in liquid NMR [7]. However, the existence j
(2n gj − 1)+ C̃
k6=j j,k (2n gk
− 1)] with
of nonlocal correlations in these “particles” cannot be settled, ngj =Cgj Vj /(2e) ∼ 0.5, is the effective charging en-
as the correlated information between them will be completely ergy of the jth qubit, whose effective Josephson energy is

(j) (j) (j)

EJ =2εJ cos(πΦj /Φ0 ) with εJ the Josephson energy of
the single-junction and Φ0 the flux quantum. The effective
coupling energy between the jth qubit and the (j + 1)th
−1 Φ1 Φ2 Φ3
one is Kj,j+1 =e2 C̃j,j+1 . Above, CΣj is the sum of all ca-
pacitances connected to the jth box, and other effective ca-
pacitances are defined by C̃Σ1 = CΣ1 /(1 + C12 2
CΣ3 /C̃), C12 C23
C̃Σ2 = C̃/(CΣ1 CΣ3 ), C̃Σ3 = CΣ3 /(1 + C23 CΣ1 /C̃), C̃12 = V1 V2 V3
C̃/(CΣ3 C12 ), C̃23 = C̃/(CΣ1 C23 ), C̃13 = C̃/(C12 C23 ),
with C̃= 3j=1 CΣj − C12 2 2
CΣ3 − C23 CΣ1 . The pesu-
dospin operators are defined as σz =|0j ih0j | − |1j ih1j | and FIG. 1: (Color online) Three capacitively-coupled SQUID-based
σx =|0j ih1j |+ |1j ih0j |. As the interbit-couplings are always charge qubits. The quantum states of three Cooper-pair boxes (i.e.,
(j) qubits) are manipulated by controlling the applied gate-voltages
on, the charge energy EC of the jth qubit depends not only
on the gate-voltage applied to the jth qubit, but also on those Vj (j = 1, 2, 3), and external magnetic-fluxes Φj (penetrating the
SQUID loops). The circuit can be generalized to include more qubits.
applied to the other two Cooper-pair boxes. Compared to
the coupling Kj,j+1 between nearest-neighboring qubits, the
interaction of two non-nearest-neighbor qubits (i.e., K13 = sufficient number of identically prepared copies. Optical ex-
e2 /C̃13 between the first and the third qubits), is very weak periments [2] have achieved this via single-shot readout and
and thus has been safely neglected [11]. Indeed, for the typical we propose a superconducting-qubit analog of this approach.
experimental parameters: CJ ∼ 600 aF, Cm ∼ 30 aF , and The single-shot readout of a Josephson-charge qubit has been
Cg = 0.6 aF in Ref. [10], we have K13 /K12 =K13 /K23 < experimentally demonstrated [13] by using a single-electron
Cm /CJ = 0.05 and K12 /2εJ ∼ 1/4. transistor (SET) [14]. Before and after the readout, the SET
In principle, the coupled qubits cannot be individually is physically decoupled from the qubit. The GHZ state gener-
manipulated, as the nearest-neighbor capacitive couplings ated above implies that the three SETs, if they are individually
Kj,j+1 are sufficiently strong. However, once the state of the coupled to each one of the three Cooper-pair boxes at the same
circuit is known, it is still possible to design certain operations time, will simultaneously either receive charge signals or re-
for only evolving the selected qubits and keeping the remain- ceive no signal. The former case indicates that the circuit is
ing ones unchanged. Our preparation begins with the ground in the state |111i, while the latter one corresponds to the state
state of the circuit |ψ(0)i = |000i, which can be easily ini- |000i. However, the existence of these two terms, |111i and
tialized. The expected GHZ state could be produced by the |000i, in these single-shot readouts, is just a necessary but not
following simple three-step pulse process [11] yet sufficient condition for demonstrating the GHZ entangle-
Û2 (t2 ) 1
ment. Indeed, a statistical mixture of those two states may also
|ψ(0)i = |000i −→ √ (|000i ± i|010i) give the same measurement results. In order to confirm that
2 +
the state (2), e.g., |ψGHZ i, is indeed in a coherent superposi-
Û1 (t1 ) 1 tion of the states |000i and |111i, we consider the following
−→ √ (|000i ∓ |110i)
2 operational sequence
Û3 (t3 ) 1
−→ √ (|000i ± i|111i) = |ψGHZ ±
i. (2) + 2 Ũ 1
2 |ψGHZ i −→ (|000i − |101i + i|010i + i|111i)
(2) √ 2 P̂ 1
The first evolution Û2 (t2 ), with sin[EJ t2 /(2~)]=±1/ 2, −→ √ (|01 03 i + |11 13 i)
is used to superpose two logic states of the second qubit. 2
This is achieved by simply using a pulse that switches on Ũ1 ⊗Ũ3 1
−→ √ (|01 13 i + |11 03 i), (3)
(2) 2
the Josephson energy EJ and sets the charging energy
EC =−2(K12 +K23 ). The second (or third) evolution Û1 (t1 ) which is similar to the verification of the optical GHZ correla-
(or Û3 (t3 )) is achieved by switching on the Josephson en- tions [2]. Above, P̂2 = |12 ih12 | is a projective measurement
ergy of the first (third) qubit and setting its charging en- of the second qubit. The suffixes are introduced in the sec-
(1) (3) ond and third steps to denote the order of the qubits. When
ergy as EC =2K12 (or EC = 2K23 ). The corresponding
(j) we finally readout the first and third qubits at the same time,
duration is set to satisfy the conditions sin[EJ tj /(2~)]=1
q the simultaneous absence of the terms |01 03 i and |11 13 i due
and cos(γj tj /~)=1, with γj = (2 Kj2 )2 + (EJ /2)2 , with to destructive interference indicates the desired coherent su-
j = 1, 3, in order to conditionally flip the jth qubit; that is, perposition of the terms in the prepared GHZ state (2). The
flip it if the second qubit is in the |1i state, and keep it un- question now is how to realize the required single-qubit oper-
changed if the second qubit is in the |0i state. ations Ũj = exp[iπσx /4], j = 1, 2, 3, keeping the remain-
The fidelity of the GHZ state prepared above can be exper- ing qubits unchanged, in this circuit with untunable interbit
imentally measured by quantum-state tomography [6, 7, 12]. interactions (like the currently available experimental ones).
However, it would be desirable to confirm the existence of In order to effectively implement the single-qubit rotation
a GHZ state without using tomographic measurements on a Ũ2 performed only on the second qubit, while keeping the first

and third qubits unchanged, we let the circuit evolve under the eigenvalue +1. Thus, classical reality implies that
(2) (2) (1) (2) (2) (3)
Hamiltonian Ĥ2 = −εJ σx + K12 σz σz + K23 σz σz ,
by only switching on the Josephson energy of the second 1 = (m(1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)
y mx mx )(mx my mx )(mx mx my )
(2) (2) (2)
qubit, e.g., EJ = 2εJ . Since ζ12 = K12 /(2εJ ) < = m(1) (2) (3)
y my my .
1, ζ23 = K23 /(2εJ ) < 1 (e.g., . 1/4 for the typical ex-
The second formula indicates that, if we perform the
perimental parameters [10]), we can treat the second and third Q3 (j)
terms in Ĥ2 as perturbations of the first one there. Indeed, j=1 σy -measurement (i.e., yyy-experiment) on the state
neglecting quantities smaller than the second-order perturba- |ψGHZ i, the eigenstate |−̃i only shows in pairs. Here, |+̃i
tions [15], the Hamiltonian Ĥ2 can be effectively approxi- (or |−̃i) denotes the eigenstate of the operator σy with eigen-
mated to [16] value +1 (or −1) and corresponds to the classical number
my = +1 (or −1). While, for this yyy-experiment quantum-
h i mechanics predicts that the state |−̃i never shows simultane-
(2) (2) 2 2
Ĥeff = −εJ 1 + 2 ζ12 + 2 ζ23 + 4 ζ12 ζ23 σz(1) σz(3) σx(2) . ously in pairs, because the prepared GHZ state can be rewrit-
(4) ten as |ψGHZ i = (|+̃+̃−̃i + |+̃−̃+̃i + |−̃+̃+̃i + |−̃−̃−̃i)/2.
In the state (2) the logic states of the first and third qubits Obviously, this contradiction comes from the fact that the ob-
(j) (j)
are always identical. Thus, by setting the corresponding dura- servable σx anti-commutes with the observable σy and the
(2)  2 2

operator identity
tion τ2 as τ2 = ~π/{4εJ 1 + 2ζ12 + 2ζ23 + 4ζ12 ζ23 }, the
required single-qubit operation Ũ2 = exp(−iĤeff τ2 /~) = (σy(1) σx(2) σx(3) )(σx(1) σy(2) σx(3) )(σx(1) σx(2) σy(3) ) = − σy(1) σy(2) σy(3) ,
exp(iπσx /4) could be effectively performed on the sec-
ond qubit in state (2). Similarly, the Hamiltonian Ĥ13 = which is “opposite” to its classical counterpart.
P (j) (j) (j) (2) The protocol described above could be directly (e.g., for
j=1,3 {−εJ σx + Kj2 σz σz }, induced by simultane- the optical system [2]) performed by reading out the eigen-
ously switching on the Josephson energies of the first and third
states of the operators σx and σy , respectively. However, in
qubits, can be effectively approximated to
the present solid-state qubit, the eigenstates of σz are usu-
h i ally read out. Thus, additional operations,
√ e.g., the Hadamard
(13) (j)
Ĥeff = − εJ 1 + 2 ζj2 σz(2) σx(j) , (5) transformation Ŝx = (σz + σx )/ 2, and the√unitary transfor-
mation Ŝy = [(1 + i)Iˆ + (1 − i) α σα ]/(2 2), are required
to transform the eigenstates of σx and σy to those of σz , re-
by neglecting the higher-order terms of ζj2 = Kj2 /(2εJ ) <
(j) spectively. These additional single-qubit operations could be
(j) implemented by combining the rotations of the selected qubit
1, with j = 1, 3. The shifts of Josephson energies ∆ẼJ = along the x-axis (by using the effective Hamiltonian proposed
(j) 2 (2)
4εJ ζj2 σz depend on the state of the second Cooper- above) and those along the z-axis (by effectively refocusing
pair box, which collapsed into the state |0i after the pro- the fixed-interactions [15]).
jective measurement P̂2 = |12 ih12 | (because such a mea- Conclusion and Discussions.— The experimental realiza-
surement tunnels the existing excess Cooper-pairs into the tion of our proposal for producing and testing GHZ correla-
(13) tions is possible, although it may also face various technolog-
connected SET). Thus, the effective Hamiltonian Ĥeff
(13) ical challenges, like other theoretical designs [17] for quantum
yields the evolution Û13 (τ13 ) = exp(−i
o Ĥeff τ13 /~) =
(j) (j)
engineering. Of course, the fabrication of the proposed circuit
j=1,3 exp iτ13 [εJ (1 + 2 ζj2 )]σx /~ . Obviously, if the is not difficult, as it only adds one qubit to experimentally-
duration τ13 satisfies the condition τ13 [εJ (1 + 2ζj2 2
)]/~ = existing superconducting nanocircuits [10]. Moreover, rapidly
switching on/off the Josephson energy, to realize the fast
π/4, then the required single-qubit operations Ũj = quantum manipulations, is experimentally possible. In fact,
exp[iπσx /4] could be simultaneously implemented. assuming a SQUID loop size of 10 (µm)2 , changing the flux
Possible application.— The prepared GHZ state, e.g., by about a half of a flux quantum in 10−10 s, requires sweeping
|ψGHZ i, should allow, at least in principle, to test the macro- the magnetic field at a rate of 105 Tesla/s, almost reachable by
scopic conflict between the noncommutativity of quantum current techniques [18].
mechanics and the commutativity of classical physics by def- Also, the prepared GHZ states are the eigenstates of the
inite predictions [3]. Using the EPR’s reality criterion, each idle circuit (i.e., no operations on it) without any charge-
observable corresponds to an “element of reality” (even if it is and Josephson energies (by setting the controllable param-
not measured). That is, the quantum operators σα , (α =
(j) eters as Φj = Φ0 /2 and ngj = 0.5) and thus are rela-
x, y, z; j = 1, 2, 3) are linked to the classical numbers tively long-lived,at least theoretically.
 Indeed, the couplings
(j) (j)
P3 (j) P3
mα , which have the value +1 or −1. The so called σα - V̂ = j=1 σz k=1 λjk Xk between the relevant baths
measurement is the projection of the quantum state into one of and the circuit commute with the non-fluctuating Hamiltonian
(j) P (j) (j+1)
the eigenstates of σα . The prepared GHZ state is the eigen- of the idle circuit Ĥ0 = j=1,2 Kj,j+1 σz σz . Here,
(1) (2) (3)
state of the three operators: Ayxx = σy σx σx , Axyx = λjk equals to either 1 for j = k or C̃Σk C̃jk for j 6= k, and
(1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)
Xk = (e Cgk /C̃Σk ) ωk (gω∗ k â†ωk + gωk âωk ) with âωk , â†ωk
σx σy σx , and Axxy = σx σx σy , with a common

being the Boson operators of the kth bath, and gωk the cou- charge-qubit circuits [10], where the interbit coupling-energy
pling strength between the oscillator of frequency ωk and K ∼ 3 GHz yields tc ∼ 100 ps, the duration of the single-
the non-dissipative system. Thus, only pure dephasing, i.e., shot readout pulse should be not longer than several tens of
the zero frequency value of the noise spectrum contributes picosecond. Thus, the weaker interbit coupling, e.g., lowered
to overall decoherence rates [19]. However, the working fre- to hundreds of KHz, is required for the current SET tech-
quency of the present circuit is always non-zero. This implies nique, whose response time is usually hundreds of nanosec-
that the lifetimes of the prepared GHZ correlations are still ond [13, 14].
sufficiently long, and thus various required quantum manipu- In summary, based on conditionally manipulating the se-
lations could still be coherently implemented. lected qubits, we have shown how to engineer the macro-
Perhaps, the biggest challenge comes from the fast single- scopic quantum entanglement of Josephson qubits with fixed-
shot readouts [13, 20] of multi-qubits at the same time. This is couplings. Our proposal allows to deterministically pre-
a common required task of almost all quantum algorithms and pare three-qubit GHZ entangled states and allows a macro-
an important goal for almost all physical realizations of quan- scopic test of the contradiction between the noncommutativ-
tum computing. In order to avoid the crosstalk between qubits ity of quantum mechanics and the commutativity of classical
during the readouts, the readout time tm should be “much” physics.
shorter than the characteristic time tc ∼ ~/Kj,j+1 of commu- This work was supported in part by the NSA and ARDA,
nications. This requirement has been achieved by the existing under AFOSR contract number F49620-02-1-0334, and by the
phase-qubit circuits [21]: tm ∼ 1 ns, and tc ∼ 4 ns for the NSF grant No. EIA-0130383. We thank Dr. Xiang-bin Wang
demonstrated coupling energy K ∼ 80 MHz. For the existing for useful discussions.

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