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GRAP2641/2249 Strategy Stream
Bachelor of Communication Design

BRIEF 4: Knowledge Object

Develop a knowledge object that communicates your development of knowledge and skills as
a reflective practitioner in the field of interpretation design / experience design.
The Knowledge Object is a common assessment task across all the studios and carries the same value in terms of
marks. While the knowledge object has similar aims across all the studios, the form and content is specific to each
In this studio, the Knowledge Object is a 2-page A3 document that includes three inter-related elements:
1. Contextualise your practice: A short review of relevant literature and practice in the field of interpretive exhibition
design / experience design to situate your practice in relation to other practitioners and existing knowledge. This
review refers to academic articles, published practitioner knowledge and design work in the public realm.
2. Reflect on your practice: Critically reflect on your process, learning, outcomes and your development as a
designer. It focuses on this studio and will include reference to your projects but may include reference to your
work or development outside of the studio and published knowledge, site visits and other relevant activities.
3. Future statement: A brief proposition of future directions for your own development and challenges / directions
for the field of interpretive exhibition design / experience design in general.
The knowledge object should be targeted at an educated public who may not be expert in this specific field (eg
lecturers, potential employers, industry leaders). It could be a significant element of your folio or other forms of
professional promotion.
The knowledge object will need to include at least 600 words of original text, and no more than 1000 words in total.
It can include images of your own work and thumbnail reference images of sites or other examples.
It will be presented in 2 x A3 landscape pages (to flow/join/bind along short edge), printed and placed in a clear
plastic sleeve. A pdf version is to be uploaded to Blackboard. It may include additional media if desired. The form
and content should be of a high standard: well structured, with clear communication and attention to detail, suitable
for public presentation. For third year students, this will sit alongside your folio during folio submission in week 14.
You will have some support in the development of the Knowledge Object. Some class time will be allocated for
research, drafting and editing. You will also have the opportunity to respond to lecturer feedback before submitting
the final version.
Submit your draft knowledge object for review on Tuesday 2 June (Week 13).
Submit your printed finals and pdf on Tuesday 9 June (Week14).
Worth 30%.
Quality print - 2 X A3 landscape pages.
Submit a cover sheet with the title and your details for administration purposes via Blackboard (max file size
Submit a high res version as pdf for publication (on USB / via Dropbox / Google docs/ other).
Assessment Criteria: The assessment matrix will be provided on Blackboard.

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