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Lungay, Belbeth
Lancion, Hasmin Anne
Ladignon, Raphy
Pastrana, Joshua
Dinglasan, Stephanie Anne Marie
Hernandez, Thryxia Mae
Songalia, Norhaine
Rivera, Julie Vi

Situational Analysis

Nowadays, more people are conscious on good health and long life, and with
that, choosing what water to drink is a major decision to all because water is very
important to life. Health depends on the water we drink, so it is important to drink
clean and potable water. Probably most Pinoy households today dont drink water
from the tap and opt instead for bottled water. Indeed, mineral bottled water is a
thriving industry and there are just too many brands on the market today.
Most people, especially those who are athletic which belongs on broad
market in ages 16 to 34, those who are called millennials in Metro cities are
concerned with their health and looks for water that will fit their lifestyle. They are
the active people who work regularly and yet they have time to work-out and
explore, people who are able to maximize their time with such works and perform
physical activities that requires extra power and energy.
Out of the different brands, Summit Natural Drinking Water topped number 3
along with other brands as Nature Spring at top 1 and Crystal Clear at top 2; out of
the 11 top mineral water brands.
Natures Spring, is the top mind for bottled water due to its competitive and
lower pricing. They were able to grow and sustain their customers because of their
service and they take every opportunity to reach the people of the generation.
Crystal clear is used as drinking and cooking water and it is the leading brand of
water in homes and offices nationwide. And it is the top two bottled water in the
country. Crystal Clear water stores provide consistent purity, guaranteed water
treatment technology.
Summit Natural drinking water is the Official bottled water of the Philippine
Olympic Committee (POC). Summit Water indeed plays a very important role in the
Filipino athletes in sustaining their concentration and their athletic edge. It has
minerals to boost their hydration level. Summit Natural Drinking water has been
inspired by the hard work, dedication and formidable spirit of the athletes. Summit
fueled the first Filipino and first all-women Mount Everest expedition teams. Summit
supports the athletes in their journey to aspire, perspire, and inspire fellow Filipinos.
But due to its lesser channels of distribution and they are bound to a limited market,
Summit Naturals Drinking Water are considered as the top 3 bottled water brand.
Not only athletes need proper hydration but every active individual always
needs to be properly hydrated, because every day is an adventure, and everyone is
an athlete of their own field. And Summit will provide as your daily partner to the
athlete spirit in you

Target Market:
Age: 16 to 34 years old, the Millennials
Sex: Male and Female
Socio-Eco Class: Upper Class C
Location: Metro Cities

Active persons who work regularly and still have time to work out and
People who are athletic and lively which maximize their time for physical
activities which require extra power and energy.
Health conscious individuals
Nature Spring and Crystal Clear

SWOT Analysis:

Official bottled water of the Philippine Olympic Committee.

High quality obtained by special production process
Safety and purity from the source to the end user


Limited distribution.
No refilling stations because of the brands procedure.


Tying up with sports events and

Power of perception. Consumer perceives bottled water to be purer.
Product is essential part of everyday life.

Everyone prefers to drink safe and healthy water.


Tough competition in the market with competitors.

With this one I know I will be satisfied with the water I serve. This is the most
trusted natured water that a body can have.. Taste so good and nothing can beat its
magic I always bring one of these at the office for my emergencies to fulfill my
thirsty needs :) for that very reason me always a lot of these online
at with their nice quality service that made it possible thank you for
sharing ideas about my favorites - Eric Buenaventura
Everyone is an athlete of their own field, Sum it up with Summit.
Summit (Sum it) up!

Marketing Objective:
To raise the brands rank up to the top 1 from top 3 in the list along with its
competitors through extending the brand to different life fields.
Advertising Objective:
To communicate the idea that Summit water is an essential everyday need
for everyones different daily life adventure for every active individuals not only for
Advertising Strategy:
To present the brands' advocacy as the top brand known to provide athlete
level needs, for every active individuals different daily life adventure.

Marketing Strategy:
Product: To redesign the brands packaging by associating different designs
according to different fields in life by putting phrases connected to their field along
with the brands tagline.
(Ex. For students design: Getting ready for todays Exam? Summit up!)

To use psychological pricing by bring down the price exactly at Php 10 from Php 12.

(And also, for the summer season the demand for bottled water is increasing, and
by means of the law of demand as the demand increases the price decrease)

To put up/install different Summit water vendo machine according to its
life field in different places in the metro cities with Summit bottles inside that are
designed for a particular life field.
(Ex. On offices, on schools for students& for teachers, on hospitals, on athlete
training grounds)

Promotion: To present the brands big idea through advertising and PR efforts.
Advertising: To intensify brand visibility and augment through different
efforts such as; online ads, mobile ads, e-ads, posters and billboards; in different
media like internet, television, radio, magazines, newspaper etc.
PR Effort: To launch a sports event in different life fields but the equipment
that will be used are the particular life fields tools and materials. (Brands other
promotional materials will be present and the brands product itself.)

TVC1: Trailer style
F.1 V.O Every day is a challenge text on screen
Fade to
F.2 First field (ex. Office worker, nurse, doctors, student, teacher, and athlete)
Fade to
F.3 V.O Every day is an adventure text on screen
Fade to
F.4 Second field (ex. Office worker, nurse, doctors, student, teacher, and athlete)
Fade to
F.5 V.O Everyone has their battles text on screen
Fade to
F. 6 third field (ex. Office worker, nurse, doctors, student, teacher, and athlete)
Fade to
F. 7 Everyone is an athlete of their own field text on screen
Fade to
F.8 All the different fields together.
teacher, athlete)

(Ex. Office worker, nurse, doctors, student,

Fade to
F.9 Drinks Summit (Fast cut per person)
F. 10 Long cut-- Fast frame everybody is seen.
F. 11 Zoom in, shows the bottle in hand showing the brands name then says the big
Sum it up with Summit!

TV2: Specified type

15-seconder TVC according to the different fields

(Ex. Students, Teachers, Office Workers, and Athletes)

The end line is always: Summit Up!

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