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In contrast to adults, growth of all body parameters and, later, the development of puberty are key features of
 childhood and adolescence.
Growth : increase in size.
*There are four phases of normal human growth:
Development : increase in function of processes
related to body and mind

 1- Fetal: This is the fastest period of growth, accounting for about 30% of eventual height.
2- The infantile phase : Growth during infancy to around 18 months of age is dependent on adequate nutrition.
Good health and normal thyroid are also necessary. This phase is characterized by a rapid but decelerating growth
rate, and accounts for about 15% of eventual height.
3- Childhood phase : This is a slow, steady but prolonged period of growth that contributes 40% of final height.
Pituitary growth hormone (GH) is the main determinant of a child's rate of growth .
4- Pubertal growth spurt : Sex hormones, cause the back to lengthen and boost GH secretion. This adds 15% to final
height. The same sex steroids cause fusion of the epiphyseal plates cessation of growth

 Assessment of growth:

Growth must be measured accurately, with attention to correct technique and accurate plotting of the data on
Weight :
Drug Dose in children depend on the weight
 - Normal birth Weight = 2.5-3.5Kg
- During the first 7 days there is an initial loss of weight reaching up to 10% of birth weight, due to loss of
meconium, urine and less fluid intake. The birth weight is regained by the 10th day in most full term babies.
- Double birth weight: 4-5 months.
 - Triple birth weight: 1 year .
- Quadruple birth weight: 2 year .
During 1st 4 months : Weight increased by Kg/month.

For first year can be calculated by


 During 2 4 months: Weight increased by Kg/month.

( Age in months + 9 ) / 2


 During 3 4 months : Weight increases by Kg/month.

For Second-Sixth year can be

calculated by

The weight doubled at 4 Months

  ( Age in year x 2) + 8 Kg

The length doubled at 4 years

Form 7 -12 years old can be
calculated by
 Age in year x 7)-5 /2

Length or Height :
 - Normal birth length = 50cm.
 - At 1 year = 75cm i.e. increase by *25cm
- At 2 years = 87.5 cm i.e. increase by *12.5cm.
- The infant doubles his birth length at 4 years.
 So at 4 years, the length is 100 cm.

The lower limbs should be fully extended

Length(<2yrs) measurement of an infant

After the 2nd year length can be

calculated by:
 (Age in years x 5) + 80 cm.

Mid-parental height :
 (maternal height + paternal height +13)/2
 (maternal height + paternal height - 13)/2
Height(>2yrs) measurement:

Mid arm circumference :

 - It gives an idea about the state of muscle nutrition.
 - 13.5 14.5cm in children 1-5 years old.

The heels, buttock, scapula and occiput

should touch the wall

- Decrease in 1 cm (i.e12.5 13.5 cm) have mild to

 moderate malnutrition
- less than 12.5cm have severe malnutrition.
Head circumference : Measure the widest occipito-frontal
- Gives an idea about the integrity of brain growth.
The maximum rate of head growth occurs during the 1st year (50%).
At birth 35 cm
At 6 months 43 cm

1 cm/mo for first yr

At 1 year 45-47 cm
At 2 years 47-49 cm
At 5 years 50 cm
 At 12 years 55 c

10 cm for rest of life

 Hold the child gently
Remember to measure by cm not inch

Proportion of upper and lower segments:

*At birth : upper seg: Lower Seg = 1.7 : 1
- The upper segment is measured from the crown symphysis pubis
 - The lower segment is measured from the symphysis pubis the heel.

 At 3 years : the ratio = 1.3 : 1

 At 7 year : the ratio = 1 : 1

The Arm Span height :
 The arm span = the distance between the tips of the middle fingers of out stretched arms.
 Span height
* - 3 cm at 1-7 yrs
  0 cm at 8-12 yrs
  + 4 cm (in male) at 14 yrs
  + 1 cm (in female) at 14 yrs

Persistence of the fetal and infantile

proportions indicates some endocrinal
disturbances e.g. *hypothyroidism.

 - There are 6 fontanelles : (1. Anterior & 1. Posterior & 2. Sphenoid and 2 mastoid)
 - The anterior & Posterior ones are clinically important.
 - The post. Fontanelle : closes at full term or 1-2 month later
 - The Ant. Fontenelle : is 3 fingers at birth (average 4-5cm)
 Delayed closure In:
  2 fingers at 6 months
 1 finger at 1 year
 Down syndrome.
 *close at 1.5 year

Causes of delayed eruption of teeth :
(A) Deciduous (Milk) Teeth :
 They are 20 in number (10 in each Jaw)
(B) Permanent teeth :
They are 32 in number (16 in each Jaw)

 Down syndrome
 Osteogenesis imperfecta
 Under & Malnutrition
Local causes e.g. cysts, retained secondary
 teeth, supernumerary teeth.
Causes of premature eruption (rare) :
Natal teeth (at birth)
 Congenital syphilis
 Ellis van Creveld syndrome

Assessment of Development:

They are arranged in two ways:

 1- According to the Milestones.

2- According to the age .

Study it by the way you like

Gross motor development:

Prone position:

 Birth Generally flexed Posture

 2 months Rise his chin when prone
 3 months Head support
 4 months Lifts head and shoulders with weight on forearms
6 months Arms extended supporting chest

Pull to sit:
 Birth Complete head lag
 4 months No head lag

4 months old ,no head lag

2 months old , head lag

 6 weeks Curved back, needs support from adult

 67 months Sits with self-propping

9 months Gets into sitting position alone

 Standing and walking:
7 months Crawling

 10 months pull to standing position

 12 months walk with one hand held

 15 months walk alone

 24 months run well

4-6 Weeks old sitting with Curved back

Early walking is not an advantage

 30 months get up stairs alternating feet

 36 months stand momentary on one foot & rides tricycle

 48 months hops on one foot

B\C it cause more load on bone

May cause bowing

Pencil skills:

18 months Scribbles with a pencil

 3 years Draws a circle

3 years
1.5 years

 4 years Draws a cross or square

 5 years Draws a triangle

4 years

5 years

Speech and language development:
7 months polysyllabic vowel sounds

Intelligible Speaking :

Understanding the child while speaking

 9-12 months 2-3 words with meaning (mama, dada, ----)

 18 months 10 words

At 2 years 50 % understandable

 24 months 3 words together

 36 months knows age & sex

At 3 years 75% understandable

 48 months counts 4 pennies, tells story

 60 months names 4 colors

At 1 year 25% understandable

At 4 years 100% understandable


At 2nd month *Social smile
At 3 4 months Can recognize his mother&laughing.
 At 9 months Stranger anxiety& plays peek-a-boo
At 1.5 year Sphincter control (up to 4 years normally)

According to age:

Age 2 months :
 Adaptive/ Fine motor: Follow object with eyes past midline.
 Language: Vowel sounds.
 Gross motor: Lifts head in prone position to 45 degree.
 Personal/ Social: Smiles in response to others.

plays peek-a-boo

 Age 6 months:
1- Make babbling sounds (vocalize)
2- Raise his head and chest when prone
3- reach for objects
4- *Sit without support
Age 9-10 months :
 1- Pincer grasp
 2- Says mama & baba
 3- crawls

Child at 9 Months

4- Feeds self,Gets to a sitting position.

Age 12 mo:
 1- Helps turn pages of book.
 2- 2-4 words more.
 3- Stands independently, walks one hand held, Points to indicate wants.
Age 18 months (1.5 years ) :
Motor: Runs stiffly; sits on small chair; walks up stairs with one hand held; and wastebaskets
 Adaptive: Makes tower of 4 cubes, Scribbles with a pencil

Delay speaking if 1.5 year old no even single word .

 Language: 10 words (average); names pictures; identifies one or more parts of body
 Social: Feeds self, may complain when wet or soiled.
Age 24 months( 2 years ) :

Motor: Runs well, walks up and down stairs, one step at a time; opens doors; climbs on furniture; jumps
 Adaptive: Makes tower of 7 cubes (6 at 21 mo); folds paper

 Language: Puts 3 words together (subject, verb, object), use I & you

 Social: Handles spoon well; helps to undress; listens to stories when shown pictures
*Age 36 months( 3 years ) :

Motor: Rides tricycle; stands momentarily on one foot

 Adaptive: Makes tower of 10 cubes; *copies circle .

Language: *Knows age, name and sex; counts 3 objects correctly; repeats 3 numbers or a sentence of 6

shoes); washes hands

Age 48 months( 4 years ) :

Motor: Hops on one foot; throws ball overhand; uses scissors to cut out
 pictures; climbs well

 Adaptive: Copies bridge from model; copies square; draws man with 2 to 4 parts besides head.
 Language: Counts 4 pennies accurately; *tells story and *Speech is 100% intelligible

 Social: Plays with several children, with beginning of social interaction and role-playing; goes to toilet alone.
Age 60 months( 5 years ) :
Motor: Skips

 Adaptive: Draws triangle from copy; names heavier of 2 weights

 Language: Names 4 colors; repeats sentence of 10 syllables; counts 10 pennies correctly

Social: Dresses and undresses; asks questions about meaning of words; engages in domestic role-playing.
 Developmental warning signs:
At any age Regression in previously acquired skills
 At 10 weeks: No smiling:

 At 6 months: Persistent primitive reflexes, Persistent squint

 At 1012 months: No sitting, No double syllable babble, No pincer grasp

 At 18 months: Not walking independently, Less than 6 words, Persistent mouthing and drooling
 At 2.5 years: No 23-word sentences

At 4 years: Unintelligible speech

Milestones that are essential to remember:

46 weeks Smiles responsively

 67 months Sits unsupported

 9 months Gets to a sitting position

 10 months Pincer grasp

 12 months Walks unsupported

 Two or three words

 18 months Tower of three or four cubes

24 months Two to three word sentences


 The first signs of puberty are usually:

Testicular enlargement in boys,

Breast budding in girls.

 - Puberty is precocious if it starts before the age of 8.5 years in girls and 9.5 years in boys.
 - Puberty is delayed if onset is after 13 years in girls and 14 years in boys.

- A growth spurt occurs early in puberty for girls, but at the end of puberty for boys.

After 2 years the child increase in height 6 cm\year

Until puberty where the Growth spurt occur the height increase 10-15 cm\year

- Puberty is evaluated by clinical examination of the genitalia, breasts and secondary sexual characteristics.
The scale used is known as Tanner staging.

Commonly tested milestones appear in bold :-

Review of important Points :

- initial loss of weight reaching up to 10% of birth weight that regained within the 10th day .
- Scribbles with a pencil at 18 months .
 - Draws a circle at 3 years.

 - Draws a cross or square at 4 years.

 - Draws a triangle at 5 years .

- The maximum rate of head growth occurs during the 1st year.
- The length doubled at 4 years.
- The weight doubled at 4 Months
- ant. Fontenelle close at 1.5 year.
- Social smile at 2nd month .
- Sit without support at 6 months .
 - Speech is 100% intelligible at 4 years .

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