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Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0

Release Notes

Landmark/Asia Pacific
11th Floor Menara Tan & Tan
207 Jalan Tun Razak
50400 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 011-60-3-2164-1121
Fax: 011-60-3-2164-1135
Help Desk: 011-61-8-9481-4488

Hill Park South
Springfield Drive
Leatherhead, Surrey GU22 7NL
Tel: 011-44 (0) 1372 868-600
Fax: 011-44 (0) 1372 868-601
Help Desk: 011-44 (0) 1372-868-686

Landmark/The Americas
Building 1, Suite 200, 2101 CityWest
Houston, TX 77042
P.O. Box 42806, Houston, TX 77242
Tel: 713-839-2000
Help Desk: 713-839-2200
Fax: 713-839-2169

Contents of the Release Notes

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
New Features in the 2003.12.0 Release. . . . . . . . . 7
Known Issues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Document Part No. 161338


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October 2003


Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

The Z-MAP Plus R2003.12.0 release focuses on these objectives:

Improved performance, design, and stability

Improved performance with the OpenWorks upgrade to Oracle
True color display capability on all platforms: With the 2003.3 release for Linux, Z-MAP Plus
supported true color (to be compatible with Linux 24-bit graphics devices). Advances in
graphics hardware from Sun now support true color, prompting requests for a true-color
Usability improvements through additional and redesigned workflow icons, as well as
enhancements in the workflows for opening SeisWorks horizons as grids and saving Z-MAP
Plus grids as horizons

Applications and Utilities Delivered

The following tables show the Z-MAP Plus applications and utilities delivered in Release

No Longer Included


Z-MAP Plus1
ZGF Picture Viewer
3D Viewer (optional)

Contouring Assistant


Pointset Builder
Flowlines/Orthogonal Contour
Overpost Resolution (New)
Source Priority
Hardcopy Batch
Convert a ZGF to a DXF

Smart Data Reduction

Convert a ZGF to a DGN

1. Linux only: In this release, the Surveys (Canadian) options are not included in the
Z-MAP Plus Features menu.


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Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

System Requirements
Operating System and Third-Party Software Elements
The following table describes the operating systems and third-party software upgrades supported
for Release 2003.12:




SunOS 5.8 (Solaris 8.0 Operating

Environment 0202) plus patch
108940-52 or higher (Motif patch
for Z-Map Plus)1


RedHat Enterprise Linux WS 2.1

(Advanced Workstation 2.1)
Either kernel patch level
2.4.9e12smp or 2.4.9e24smp2
Full install

Adobe Acrobat 5.x









Exceed 3D








RedHat Gnome or KDE3














Certified OS

1. You can download Sun patches from A username and password are required.
2. The command to show the kernel patch is uname -a. The symmetric multi-processor is smp, and the single
processor machine is 2.4.9-e.12 or 2.4.9e.24.
3. The Sawfish window manager is recommended.


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Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

Hardware Requirements
Z-MAP Plus Release 2003.12.0 is designed to work on systems that meet the following minimum
hardware requirements:




Blade 1000
Blade 2000

Octane (with V12

Octane 2 (with V12

Professional Workstation
class PC with Pentium III or
IV (or equivalent chip, such
as equivalent AMD Athlon


XVR 500
XVR 1000
Expert 3D1

Matrox G400/G450/G550
Most SGI graphics cards
supported, although you may ATI FireGL4
encounter problems with
cards that have textured

1. Variations of the Expert 3D card are not supported, such as the Expert 3D Lite.

Installation Disk Space Requirements

The space requirements for a complete Z-MAP Plus installation are:



Disk space

300 MB

270 MB

290 MB


512 MB

512 MB

256 MB (512 MB for much

improved performance with
large datasets)

Swap space

Standalone: 500 MB
Servers: 500 MB + 200 MB per client

Recommended Browser: Netscape 4.7 or Higher

Landmark recommends that you use Netscape 4.7 or later to take full advantage of the navigation
features of the Help > Help browser-based, context-sensitive help system. Older versions of
Netscape do not support many important help features. The RedHat operating system ships with
Netscape 4.7 as the default browser. The context-sensitive online help augments a full range of
PDF-format online manuals, which you view with the Acrobat Reader application included with
the release.


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Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

For step-by-step installation instructions, see the following documents.

Installing Z-MAP Plus with OpenWorks Use the Release 2003.12 Release Notes, these
release notes, and the installation and operation instructions in the Z-MAP Plus Installation and
Configuration Guide.

Installing Z-MAP Plus standalone (without OpenWorks) Use these release notes and the
installation and operation instructions in the Z-MAP Plus Installation and Configuration
Updating the MappingLauncher.dat File
If you are updating Z-MAP Plus from a previous version (so that your home directory contains a
MappingLauncher.dat file), delete the MappingLauncher.dat file before you launch Z-MAP Plus R2003.12.0
for the first time. The application automatically generates an updated version of MappingLauncher.dat.
Failure to remove the old MappingLauncher.dat file causes the Z-MAP Plus Command Menu to reflect
obsolete menu options.

Installing the Acrobat Reader

Be sure to install the Adobe Acrobat Reader before you install Z-MAP Plus.

Permissions Needed to Install This Release

Log in as root to install the software. Use the command su - root and not su to get to root so you
do not inherit permissions and environments from any login except root.
For a successful installation, you must have write permission for the target directory. If you have
do not have write permissions for all of the files in the target directory, some files are not removed
during installation. This combination of old and new files compromises the installation.
If you install OpenWorks while you are logged in as root, you must set full permissions on several
directories in the OpenWorks tree if you want to install Z-MAP Plus or other products at a later
time, when you are not logged in as root. Set full permission on the following directories:

$OWHOME/bitmaps and its contents

$OWHOME/templates and its contents


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October 2003


Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

Getting Licenses
FLEXlm 7.2e license management software from Globetrotter supplies licenses to run Z-MAP
PlusFLEXlm 7.2e for Solaris and IRIX workstations and FLEXlm 7.2g for Linux workstations.
Software versioning is implemented in the license file (license.dat). License files from previous
releases of Z-MAP Plus 2003.x work with Z-MAP Plus R2003.12.0. If your license file predates
R2003.x, you must get a new license.dat file from your Landmark representative before you can
use Z-MAP Plus R2003.12.0.
If you request a license, make sure you have the 12-character host ID for your system or systems
(servers and clients) as well as server host names. To obtain a host ID, use the lmhostid
Z-MAP Plus has three licensing option groups:
ZFULL Complete Z-MAP Plus Suite
ZSEIS Z-MAP Plus Seismic Suite
ZENG Z-MAP Plus Reservoir Engineering Suite
Each new Z-MAP Plus license file contains ZMAPPLUS, ZCL, and ZMS feature lines plus one of
the following feature groups ZFULL, ZSEIS or ZENG.
If you purchase the OpenVision 3D Viewer option, your license file should also contain the
following entry: ZMAP_3DVIEW.
For complete license installation and configuration information, see the FLEX License Manager


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October 2003


Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

New Features in the 2003.12.0 Release

True Color
Z-MAP Plus now displays images in True Color on any system set to display True Color, no matter
which platform you use. When you print images or save them as CGM files, a standard 256-color
palette is still used. The addition of True Color capability for Solaris and IRIX systems
standardizes Z-MAP Plus functionality on all supported platforms.

Opening SeisWorks Horizons as Grids

If you open SeisWorks horizons as grids in Z-MAP Plus, you now select the horizons to import in
much the same way you would select horizons in SeisWorks. You can also filter or search the
horizon list by using the wildcards *, ?, and [ ]. (For more information, see the SeisWorks topic
in the File section of the Z-MAP Plus Reference Manual.)
The dialog box for saving grids as SeisWorks horizons also has search and filter capabilities for
managing the horizon list. (For more information, see the SeisWorks File topic under Save As
in the File section of the Z-MAP Plus Reference Manual.)

New Icons
Three shortcut icons have been added to the top of the Z-MAP Plus window and one icon has been
updated to be more recognizable:


File Manager To start the File Manager, click the new File Manager icon (or
select File > Manager in the Z-MAP Plus window). Use the File Manager to
quickly copy, move, and delete virtually any type of file you create in Z-MAP Plus.
You can also use the File Manager to compress MFDs and ZGFs.

Open SeisWorks Data To display the dialog box for opening a SeisWorks
horizon as a grid, click the new Open SeisWorks Data icon (or select File > Open
> SeisWorks in the Z-MAP Plus window).

Save to SeisWorks To display the dialog box for saving grids as SeisWorks
horizons, click the new Save to SeisWorks icon (or select File > Save As >
SeisWorks File in the Z-MAP Plus window).

Open Picture To display the dialog box for opening a picture, click the newly
designed Open Picture icon (or select File > Open > Picture Open in the Z-MAP
Plus window).

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Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

Changing the Color of a Map Feature

To change the color assigned to a cell in the color table, click the Color Table icon or
select Edit > Color Table from the menu. The Color Table display and the Edit Color
Table dialog box appear.

Toggle on to update picture dynamically

The Edit Color Table dialog box now gives you the option to update the display
dynamically or on demandon all platforms. To toggle this option on or off, select or
clear the Update picture dynamically check box.
If you select this option, the map colors change as you move the sliders. For a large
map, this may affect performance. If you choose to update the picture on demand, you
see the effect of color changes only when you click the Apply or OK button. Updating
on demand is particularly useful for optimizing performance if you are working on
maps with large datasets.


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October 2003


Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

Known Issues
This section describes problems that were noted during testing and describes differences between
the functionality of R2003.12.0 and previous releases.

Problems from Improperly Closing Windows and Dialog Boxes

It is very important that you close windows and dialog boxes properly, by clicking the OK or Save
button or by selecting Exit or Close from the application window menu.
If you attempt to close a window or dialog box with the Window Manager Close menu option or
the X-Windows Close button, serious problems may result.


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October 2003


Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

Well Symbol Replaced by X

If your maps display an X in place of the expected well symbol, it is likely that Z-MAP Plus is
not able to locate the extended symbol set.
Beginning with release 2003.0, Z-MAP Plus uses the OpenWorks symbol set. Z-MAP Plus and
OpenWorks look for symbols in the <directory_path>/OW_SYS_DATA/owsymbols directory,
with the <directory_path> as specified in the $OWHOME/conf/owdir.dat file.
The symbols known in Z-MAP Plus as the extended symbol set are installed in the
$ZYCORHOME/OW_SYS_DATA/owsymbols directory. For a Z-MAP Plus and OpenWorks
installation, this is probably not the same OW_SYS_DATA directory specified by the $OWHOME/
conf/owdir.dat file.
For an OpenWorks Installation: Copy the symbol files located in the $ZYCORHOME/
OW_SYS_DATA/owsymbols directory into the OW_SYS_DATA/owsymbols directory that is
specified in the $OWHOME/conf/owdir.dat file. This enables Z-MAP Plus and OpenWorks to use
the extended symbols. (The extended symbol files follow the format sh<NUM>:<NUM>.SYM,
where <NUM> is a six-digit number.)
For a Standalone Z-MAP Plus Installation: If your standalone Z-MAP Plus installation does
not have access to the extended symbols, check the $ZYCORHOME/conf/owdir.dat file to see
where Z-MAP Plus expects the symbols to be located. Verify that the actual location of the
symbols corresponds to the location specified by the owdir.dat file.

Fault File Field Irregularities When Saving to OpenWorks

OpenWorks writes one copy of each basic field type for each fault. If you save either a centerline
or polygonal fault to OpenWorks, only the first instance of each required field type is saved. For
example, lets say you create an alternative dip field in a centerline fault with a data operation and
name it Dip2. OpenWorks does not save the new field if a Dip field already exists. OpenWorks
saves the first one it finds and ignores the rest. Z-MAP Plus reports all fields it cannot save in the
System window.
Also note that saved fields revert to their default field names. For example, if you rename a field,
OpenWorks uses the default, original name to save the field.
There is a problem report against OpenWorks to fix this problem.


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October 2003


Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

Program Fails on Saving Grid to Large 3D SeisWorks Project

In the current release, you cannot save a grid as a horizon to a SeisWorks 3D project that contains
a large survey. For example, the conversion process fails in the following circumstances: You select
File > Save As > SeisWorks File, select a large 3D SeisWorks project as the destination (a project
that contains a survey with 10,000 lines and 10,000 traces), finish specifying the input values, then
click OK to create the horizon. The program hangs or closes abruptly, and the new horizon is not
The problem is limited to large 3D SeisWorks projects and to the File > Save As > SeisWorks File
operation. The exact limit for an acceptably sized destination project has not been determined.
(D/E 305807)
WORKAROUND #1 If the grid you are converting is a subset of a large 3D survey, create a
3D project in SeisWorks that is at least as extensive as the grid. Use the new project as the
destination in the File > Save As > SeisWorks File operation. Create a mapping file in the new
project and convert the horizon to map points by using the Map It dialog box (accessible by
selecting Mapping > Mapit).
WORKAROUND #2 Copy the grid from the source MFD to OpenWorks. Create or open a
mapping file in SeisWorks, then select Mapping > Read from Database, and use the SeisWorks/
Read from Database dialog box to import the grid into the mapping file.
Finally, select Mapping > Convert Map Data to Horizon in SeisWorks, and use the Convert Map
Data to Horizon dialog box to convert the map points to a horizon.
WORKAROUND #3 Export the grid as x,y,z data by selecting Operations >
Data Operations > Grid to Data in Z-MAP Plus. Import the x,y,z data to SeisWorks by using the
SeisWorks Horizon Import/Export utility. (To display this utility, select Horizons >
Horizon Import/Export [Hie] in the Seismic Project Manager Command Menu).
Finally, select Mapping > Mapit and use the Map It dialog box to grid the points.

Help: Fonts in Browser-Based Help Are Too Close Together

Set your Netscape browser preferences (Edit > Preferences) to display fonts in 14 point or smaller
type. 18 point fonts make the lines appear very close together and may be more difficult to read.

Program Fails on Deletion of Range Edit Equation

Z-MAP Plus hangs if you delete the only range edit equation you have defined for a data selection
operation. That is, the program stops responding if you delete the only defined equation in the
SELECT RANGE EDIT EQUATIONS DISPLAY dialog box (displayed if you select
Operations > Data Operations > Data Selection to display the SELECT dialog box, then you
click the Range Edit: Arrow icon). (D/E 167990)


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Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

Extra Large Basemap Features Window

If the Basemap Features window appears much too large, comment out the following line (or
something similar to it) in your .Xdefaults file:
ZMAPPLUS*fontlist: -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal--14-*-*-*-p-*-*-*1

Solaris/Linux: Dialog Box Position Changes with Each New Display

If you run Z-MAP Plus on a Solaris or Linux system and display a dialog box multiple times, the
dialog box appears in a new position each time it appears. With each appearance, the dialog box is
slightly lower and further to the right of its previous position.
WORKAROUND: To correct this problem on a Solaris system, add the following line to your
.Xdefaults file:
Dtwm*positionIsFrame: False
The problem is corrected once you log off and log on again.

Linux: Xterm Window for Z-MAP Plus; Log Files for Other Applications
No xterm window appears for Z-MAP Plus in R2003.12.0. Z-MAP Plus writes errors and session
information to the zmapplus.zlog file in the project directory. Z-MAP Plus launcher error messages
are written to the MappingLauncher.zlog file.
All other applications delivered in R2003.12.0 have xterm windows, which display errors and
session information. This information is available for real-time viewing, but is not saved in any log
file. (No set.zlog, zcl.zlog, or zgfviewer.zlog files are produced.)

Linux: Using Button 3 with Matrox 450 Dual Head Graphics Cards
If you have a Matrox 450 dual head graphics card, clicking Mouse Button 3 (MB3) may cause the
monitors to suddenly appear blank (solid black). To restore normal viewing, move the mouse
slightly. If you encounter this problem, make sure you have installed the latest drivers from the
graphics card manufacturer.


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October 2003


Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

SGI Remote Solaris Display: Cannot Select from MB3 Menus

If you run Solaris remotely on an SGI, you cannot select from the Mouse Button 3 (MB3) menus
on the tabbed dialog boxes (such as Point Gridding Plus, File Manager, and Contouring). Lines
have been added to the R2003 Z-MAP Plus Xdefaults file to fix this problem. If you run a custom
or older version of Xdefaults, your file will not have the solution to this problem. To take advantage
of the solution, amend your customized Xdefaults file to match the new one.
To replace your Xdefaults file temporarily with the new one, use this command:
xrdb -override ZMAPInstallDirectory/app-defaults/ZMAPPLUS

SGI: Displaying Back to a Sun Blade System

Software failures were reported by users executing on an SGI system and displaying to a Sun Blade
system. These problems were noted when using a TSI Raptor GFX 8P card, which is not supported
for this release. Please refer to the Hardware Requirements topic for supported hardware and
operating systems.

SGI: Program Crashes If Right Monitor Used to Display Contouring or

Basemap Features Dialog Box
On an SGI system, Z-MAP Plus may close abruptly if you select the right-hand monitor to display
the Contouring dialog box or Basemap Features dialog box. (That is, if you click the Contouring
or Basemap Features icon or select Features > Contouring or Basemap, then select the
right-hand monitor.)
This problem has been observed on 6.5.13 version to 6.5.18 version SGI systems that use an SI or
ESI graphics cards. In some cases, configuring the graphics card to remove texture memory may
resolve the problem. (D/E 165718)

SGI: Help Does Not Show Contents, Index, Search Pane

The default browser for SGI is Netscape 4.05. The current version of Netscape for Unix is 4.7 or
7.1. Netscape 4.05 does not support several java scripts used in the help system. For example,
Netscape 4.05 does not display the table of contents, index, and search tabs or display pop-up
subwindows. All of these features make the browser-based Help system more navigable and
useful. (The browser-based Help system appears if you click the Help button in any of the newer,
tabbed dialog boxes.) Landmark suggests SGI users upgrade to Netscape 4.7 or later.


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October 2003


Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

Troubleshooting Netscape Version Problems

SGI is shipping Netscape 4.05 as part of the OS. This older version of Netscape does not contain
the same modern functionality used in the Help system. For this reason, Landmark suggests that
you use Netscape 4.7 or later. Because the IRIX operating system is set to automatically launch the
Netscape 4.05, contradictions can produce unexpected results. Here are some tips to help you avoid
known version problems:
1. Be sure you have enough swap space to start Netscape.
2. Set the BROWSER environment variable and include the name of the executable file at the end
of the directory path. You must launch Z-MAP Plus from the same terminal or X-window in which
you set the environment variable.
3. If you launched an earlier version of Netscape before you made the BROWSER settings, a file
named Netscape was created that contains parameters for the first version you launched. The
following error message (or something similar) appears:
netscape: program is version 4.61, but resources are version
This means there is an inappropriate Netscape file installed
in the YourDirectory. Check these environment variables and
the directories to which they point:
Also, check for this file in your home directory, or in the
directory called YourDirectory somewhere in
If you get this message, set the three environment variables to the directory that contains the
version of Netscape you want to use. Do not include the name of the executable file at the end of
the path. Next, delete the file named Netscape from the path indicated in the last paragraph. To find
that file, navigate to the directory given by the error message and use the following command:
find . -name Netscape -print
Running the help system with Netscape requires more swap space than most systems allot.
Landmark recommends that you use at least 500 MB of swap space to run Netscape and the Z-MAP
Plus help system. You can avoid running low on swap space by launching Netscape from outside
the program.


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October 2003


Z-MAP Plus 2003.12.0 Release Notes

3D Drill View, 3D Drill View KM, 3Dview, Active Field Surveillance, Active Reservoir Surveillance, ADC,
ARIES, Asset Development Center, Asset Development Centre, Automate, BLITZ, BLITZPAK, CasingSeat,
CDDM, COMPASS, Corporate Data Archiver, Corporate Data Store, DataStar, DBPlot, Decision Suite,
Decisionarium, DecisionDesktop, DecisionSpace, DecisionSpace AssetPlanner, DecisionSpace AssetView,
DecisionSpace Atomic Meshing, DecisionSpace Power Grid, DecisionSpace PowerModel,
DecisionSpace PrecisionTarget, DecisionSpace TracPlanner, DecisionSpace Well Seismic Fusion, DepthTeam,
DepthTeam Explorer, DepthTeam Express, DepthTeam Express3, DepthTeam Extreme, DepthTeam Interpreter,
DESKTOP-PVT, DESKTOP-VIP, DEX, DFW, DIMS, Discovery, Drill-to-the-Earth Model, Drillability Suite,
DrillModel, DrillVision, DSS, Dynamic Reservoir Management, Dynamic Surveillance System, EarthCube, EDM,
eLandmark, Engineers Data Model, Engineer's Desktop, EOS-PAK, EPM, Executive Assistant, ezFault, ezSurface,
ezTracker, FastTrack, FZAP!, GeoDataLoad, GeoGraphix (stylized), GeoGraphix Exploration System, GeoLink,
GeoProbe, GES, GESXplorer, GMAplus, GRIDGENR, Handheld Field Operator, I2 Enterprise, iDIMS, IsoMap,
Landmark, Landmark and Design, Landmark logo and Design, LandScape, Lattix, LeaseMap, LMK Resources,
LogEdit, LogM, LogPrep, Magic Earth, MagicDesk, MagicStation, MagicVision, Make Great Decisions, MathPack,
MIRA, Model Builder, MultiWell, MyLandmark, MyWorkspace, OpenBooks, OpenExplorer, OpenJournal,
OpenOrigin, OpenSGM, OpenVision, OpenWells, OpenWire, OpenWorks, OpenWorks Well File, PAL, Parallel-VIP,
PetroBank, PetroWorks, PlotView, Point Gridding Plus, Pointing Dispatcher, PostStack, PostStack ESP,
PowerCalculator, PowerExplorer, PowerJournal, PowerModel, PowerSection, PowerView, PRIZM, PROFILE,
Real-Time Asset Management Center, Real-Time Asset Management Centre, Real Time Knowledge Company,
RESev, ResMap, RMS, SafeStart, SCAN, SeisCube, SeisMap, SeisModel, SeisSpace, SeisVision, SeisWell,
SeisWorks, SeisWorks MultiView, SeisWorks PowerCalculator, SeisWorks PowerSection, SeisWorks PowerView,
SeisXchange, Sierra, Sierra (design), SigmaView, SimResults, SIVA, Spatializer, SpecDecomp, StrataAmp,
StrataMap, Stratamodel, StrataSim, StratWorks, StressCheck, STRUCT, Surf & Connect, SynTool,
System Start for Servers, SystemStart, SystemStart for Clients, System Start for Servers, SystemStart for Storage,
T2B, TDQ, Team Workspace, TeamView, TERAS, Total Drilling Performance, TOW/cs The Oilfield Workstation,
Trend Form Gridding, Turbo Synthetics, VIP, VIP-COMP, VIP-CORE, VIP-DUAL, VIP-ENCORE,
VIP-EXECUTIVE, VIP-Local Grid Refinement, VIP-THERM, WavX, Web Editor, Web OpenWorks, Wellbase,
Wellbore Planner, Wellbore Planner Connect, WELLCAT, WELLPLAN, WellXchange, WOW, Xsection, Xsource,
You're in Control. Experience the difference, ZAP!, and Z-MAP Plus are trademarks, registered trademarks or service
marks of Landmark Graphics Corporation or Magic Earth, Inc.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


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October 2003

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