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Sewa Sandesh


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From Editor’s Desk
Changing the rural scenario in Bharat had been a daunting task. Many have ventured on
the path, yet, very few could accomplish. One of the most renowned among them is
Shri Nanaji Deshmukh.
ITT & Van- 1
Late Shri Nanaji Deshmukh is an exemplary person who decided to retire from the ac-
vasi Kalyan tive politics at the age of 65, to utilize his rest of the life for the rural upliftment. All his
Ashram energies, skills and talent, his contacts were deployed to change the face of villages in
Gonda and Chitrakut districts. Nobody needs to explain his achievements through the
Sevabharathi 3 Deendayal Research Institute as the villages where DRI has been working are the stand-
Tamil Nadu ing monuments of his contribution to the development of those villages.
Visiting Chitrakut mesmerizes the visitor, for a person like Dr. APJ Kalam, ex-
Rashtrapati of Bharat spoke at length of his visit to Chitrakut in the Parliament of
Seva Sangam 4 Bharat. Dr. Kalam personally paid his tribute to Nanaji by visiting DRI in Delhi.
Shri Nanaji breathed his last on 27th February 2010. In life he breathed for the down-
trodden and in death, he had endowed his body for the medical research.
We pay our tributes to the towering social worker who started as a Pracharak for
Bhutanese 6 Sangh, adopting to the politics some way, only to prosper as a Sewa Vrati. Om Shanti.
ment Confer-
ence USA IIT Delhi and Kalyan Ashram join hands for
Titbits 6
rural development
RURAL development de- will be camps in Assam Madhya Bharat and Ma-
partment of IIT Delhi and from April 2 to 3, Sundar- hakaushal regions will be
Food For 7 Akhil Bharatiya Vanvasi garh (Orissa) from April held in June.
Kalyan Ashram have 10 to 11, Jashpur A joint meeting of both the
joined hands for strength- (Chhattisgarh) from April organisations was organ-
ening the process of devel- 12 to 13, Babhani (Uttar ised in New Delhi on Janu-
opment in rural areas. As Pradesh) from April 14 to ary 30 to start the process
Contact 7 a follow up, they have de- 15. The dates of the camps in a systematic way. Kalyan
cided to organize village in Purulia (WB) and Lo- Ashram workers from As-
development camps in hardaga (Jharkhand) will be sam, Orissa, Maharashtra,
Vanvasi villages beginning declared later. While the Madhya Pradesh, Ma-
from April this year. There camps in Karnataka, hakaushal, Chhattisgarh,

Jharkhand, Uttar electricity, transport fa- successful and Govern-

Pradesh, Rajasthan and cility, educational facility ment provides subsidy
Jammu & Kashmir par- and drinking water is the for it to BPL families.
ticipated in the meeting. immediate needs. When Shri Jagdish Joshi, an en-
The meeting was inaugu- the state governments gineer from Rajasthan,
rated by joint general have failed to take initia- who has done experi-
secretary of Kalyan Ash- tives on these fronts the ments in Banswara, Dun-
Prof. SS ram Shri Kripa Prasad social organisations and garpur and Udaipur dis-
Singh and Dr Rajendra technical institutions tricts, said the invest-
Prasad as well as Dr SN have to do it," he said. ment from Rs two to
presented the Nayak of IIT. Prof. SS Krishnamurti three lakh could irrigate
Both, Dr Rajendra presented the model of 100 acre land for double
model of Picco Prasad and Dr SN Picco Hydle project yield.

Hydle project Nayak, explained the which hardly costs Rs 1.5 The IIT has spared Dr
new technology available lakh and can supply Rajendra Prasad, Dr SN
which hardly costs for rural development. power to 100 houses. Nayak and Sri Ramgopal
Shri Kripa Prasad Singh Two horse power pump for this work while the
Rs 1.5 lakh and can elaborated on the sad supply of water is re- Kalyan Ashram spared
supply power to condition of rural areas. quired for the Hydle Shri Harsh Chouhan, Shri
He said 45000 revenue project. If the village is Soumen Gupta, Shri Jag-
100 houses. villages in Vanvasi areas situated on the bank of a dish Joshi and Shri
do not have basic facili- small river, it could be a Prakash Kamath for this
ties and there is a dire successful experiment. project. All these work-
need to initiate the ef- IIT can install this project ers are from engineering
forts of development for the villagers. Simi- background and are suit-
there. "Connectivity of larly, the experiment of able for the village devel-
villages with roads is nec- using solar energy in vil- opment programmmes.
essary but providing lages has also been very

Sevabharathi, Tamil Nadu:

Sevabharathi, Tamil Nadu reach out to the weaker Disaster Management.
is a socio-cultural sewa and neglected sections of Over 7,000 Seva Projects
organisation striving to the society living in re- are being implemented
bring about the integra- mote villages, forests, all over Tamilnadu.
tion and all-round devel- hills and slums. Whenever and wherever
opment of society. It en- It focuses on five areas of a natural or man-made
sures that caste, class service – Education, disaster occurs, Sevab-
and religion do not stand Health-care, Social Wel- harathi volunteers are
in the way of social cohe- fare, Self-sustenance and often the first to arrive
sion. Its service activities


Sevabharathi… Seva Project Summary, December

Play Schools (Balvadi) 26
Free Tuition Centres 342
Value Education Classes 436
Libraries 5
Mobile Libraries 77
Yoga Classes 83
Hindi Classes 4
Children’s Small Savings Forums 737
at the scene and the last to depart from Health Care
A little help, it. It is one of the very few NGOs with Medical Centres 19
guidance and end-to-end disaster management Mobile Medical Services 4
inspiration from (rescue, relief and rehabilitation) capabil-
Blood Banks 2
it can go a long ity, with over 25,000 disciplined and
way in dedicated volunteers who can assemble Blood Donor Directories 15
transforming the at short notice at the disaster site. Blood Donation Camps 7
scene. These As it looks around, it sees an increasing Neurotherapy Centres 14
people will not need for broadening and deepening its
Ambulances 2
only catch up Seva activities. These millions, mostly
Social Welfare
with the rest of from villages and slums, are languishing
people, but not for lack of talent, ambition or perse- Bhajan Mandalis 35
make a verance, but because they have far fewer Anbu Illams (Orphanages) 14
substantial opportunities and vastly inferior infra-
Women’s Forums 257
structure – schools without teachers,
contribution Deepa Pooja Groups 1,179
the nearest hospital miles away, lack of
through their
identity because of zero contact with the Adolescent Girls’ Counselling Centres 2
own vigour and
mainstream culture... Maintenance of Temples (Uzhavarappani) 151
skills when their
A little help, guidance and inspiration
self-esteem is Senior Citizen’s Forums (Sanjeevani) 5
from it can go a long way in transform-
bolstered. Self-sustenance
ing the scene. These people will not only
catch up with the rest of people, but Tailoring Training Centres 77
make a substantial contribution through Computer Training Centres 5
their own vigour and skills when their self-esteem
Typewriting Training Centre 1
is bolstered.
Self-help Groups 3,761
Sevabharathi Tamil Nadu is seeing the miracles
happening everyday, as it engages with these chil- Handicrafts Training Centres 14
dren, youth, mothers and elders.
Total Projects 7,275
Sewa Sangam in Bengaluru
A search for the grassroots leaders
By Shyam Parande Nandurbar district is involved in the IPM method since last two
producing the Neem seed kernel years using the produce of the
powder. The Dr Hedgewar Sewa Annapurna Mahila Bachat Gat
Samiti through the Krishi Vigyan to save on chemical sprays
Kendra Nandurbar had trained which cost him Rs 3600 per
the group in producing the Inte- hectare to Rs 1700 per hectare
grated Pest Management (IPM) while the net earning on the
that includes physical, biological, cotton produce has been en-
chemical control of pests. The hance from Rs 27,500 to Rs
major component of IPM is the 39,850 on the same plot of
Neem seed kernel powder. land. The local resources and
The SHG could produce 32 quin- technology has been effectively
tals of Neem seed kernel powder used to provide self reliance to
last year to earn Rs 48,000 and the women’s SHG as well as
I had the opportunity to talk and this year could produce 60 quin- helping the Vanvasi farmers
discuss with the grass roots as tals to earn Rs 90,000, making the improve on their profits.
well as the higher ups in the women participants of the SHG I wish to elaborate a case of
echelon present in the Sewa San- self-reliant, enhancing the confi- Kantilal Gojilal Naik, a Vanvasi
gam and decided to have a reality dence of the women from the farmer from Navapur Taluka
check on the ethics that were small and remote village. The among the Satpura Mountain.
presented from the podium. Annpurna Mahila Bachat Gat is Kantilal was harvesting rice for
Participants, I could understand, now looking for other avenues to quite many years and since his
were from large voluntary organi- training with the KVK Nandur-
sations on the one hand and small bar has doubled his rice har-
on the other, not to mention that vest. It was the training in seed
there were the mid-size also. treatment, Integrated Nutrient
Budget and expanse of activity Management, and Improved
wise, some were restricted to a agronomical practices along
village or a slum while the others with improved rice variety that
were covering a state. A fine brought the difference.
spectrum well spread to under- work together and earn better, But this is a difference that
stand the quantity and quality of helping their kids for improved many other NGOs can talk
activity, their penetration and education. about. Kantilal, the Vanvasi
acumen in reaching the legitimate If this was the case of the SHG farmer from the remotest vil-
needy, I thought. I could talk to producing the Neem powder to lage has gathered the courage
quite a number of delegates to be self reliant, the story of some and conviction to offer his own
gauge the organisations they are others who utilised the same farmland for experimenting to
working for, their working powder to advance their eco- the agricultural university. Any
method, their finance nomic resources needs to be person with integrity, just can-
management, their listened to. not ignore what the Sarsang-
achievements, et al. Namdev Atmaram Koli, a small hachalak was talking about and
Annapurna Mahila farmer from Hatmohida village in will have to trust his word
Bachat Gat (A women the same district had been culti- Dr Hedgewar Sewa Samiti
Self Help Group) work- vating Bt. Cotton for quite a few Nandurbar accomplished the
ing in the village Kolda of years now. However, he adopted self reliance in the remotest


A Search for the …

villages through the SHGs and the around while she walks up to her hachalak Ramya
agricultural innovations. Can we school from Nivedita Nele home. was
have a look at the urban slums and This is amazing to understand that talking is now
the much talked about city of Ben- a girl, who was destitute herself, about?
galuru? that too within a short period of Turning 13
Ramya, a girl at the age of 5 had to just 5 years, is dreaming of serving the
resort to rag picking, like some others. Ramya is not alone for benefici-
other children because she lost her singling out. Saumya, a 4th grade ary into the 5th
parents before that age. She had a student from Nivedita Nele a benefactor, appropriately!
noble hearted neighbour who ac- topped her class with 100 per Well, a Ramya from Bengaluru
standard and
commodated the young kid but the cent marks while Netra, a 10th streets, a Kantilal from the re-
standard student, excels in tradi- has a dream
supporting family was also part of mote Vanvasi village in Satpura,
the slum and had economical re- tional Rangoli art and a compere the Annapurna Mahila Bachat Gat of serving the
strictions. Ramya used to leave the of programmes par excellence. SHG group from Nandurbar, the
home everyday for rag picking from Let me also talk about a village Perumal SHG from Kanyakumari aged people
8 AM to 8 PM, a rigorous 12 hour and this is from the southernmost district of Tamil Nadu, are just a
routine. district of the country- few examples of the change that
whom she
She would spend her entire day Kanyakumari. Perumal Self Help is being brought in the minds of watches
rummaging through large piles of Group-a women group-has influ- the beneficiaries by the dedicated
trash sorting out and recyclable enced the life of their village abso- band of activists. Not bothered around while
paper products. At the end of the lutely. Caste differences are done about someone watching them or
away-women representing all not, someone cares for them or she walks up
day Ramya would take the paper
products she had collected to a castes in the village are members not, they have raised the flag of
of the group-no discrimination. development and that they would
to her school
recyclable centre where in ex-
change for her findings she would Drinking water tank-which hap- carry till they achieve the goal. from Nivedita
receive Rs 10 only, a paltry sum for pens to be the bone of contention The urge to serve and the urge to
day long toil. That is inhuman on in every other village-is open to all develop are innate and concur- Nele home.
the part of the civil society. villagers. The members of the rent among the people who vol-
SHG initiated cleaning process of unteer and the people who are This is
Ramya was 8 then. She was spotted
the tank themselves offering being offered some kind of sup-
by a Sewavrati of Nivedita Nele, a
karseva, following which whole port through this movement. This
amazing to
home for rag picking girls run by
village participated. ‘Anganwadi’ is something different, I realise understand
Hindu Sewa Pratishthana Bengaluru.
centre for the young kid’s educa- from what I see otherwise.
Quickly Ramya could understand
tion was brought into the village Are they not the "grass roots that a girl,
the importance of education and
from a neighbouring village as the leaders" joining hands for devel-
joined the Nivedita Nele starting who was
students had to walk long. An opment of the underdeveloped
her 1st standard at the age of 8.
enterprising unit using the green and yet do not cater any ego,
The challenge of being in a home
technology to manufacture plates
and discipline was huge for the totally selfless shunning name,
and bowls out of Areca nut leaves fame or anything else, and sowing herself, that
young girl who was enjoyed the
has been established-from micro the seed of self reliance in the
roaming and roving at will on the
finance to micro enterprise devel- minds of people who would have too within a
streets of the city. She struggled a
opment. The local village Pancha- been otherwise?
lot to herself for a year or so and short period of
yat and Banks, observing the impe-
was helped by the Sewavratis, full Probably, these are the people
tus, have joined hands with this
timer ladies, to settle down.
SHG offering funding to various
who made the Sarsanghachalak just 5 years, is
Ramya is now 13 studying the 5th speak out for their action.
schemes in the village. dreaming of
standard and has a dream of serving (To be concluded)
Well, can not this be called the
the aged people whom she watches serving others.
metamorphosis that the Sarsang-

Bhutanese Refugee Empowerment Conference:

Sewa International, US is going to organise a address the unique needs of the Bhutanese in the US.
conference on Bhutanese Refugee Empowerment. • A platform is needed to nurture National and local
This conference will be held from April 17 to April leadership among the Bhutanese through mentoring.
18, 2010. Conference details are as follows:
• Sewa is happy to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with our
Objective Bhutanese brethren and help them achieve this goal.
Empower Bhutanese-Nepalis to settle in the US while Goals and expected outcomes
preserving their identity and culture.
• Bhutanese brethren and Sewa volunteers will
Conference Need exchange best practices, success and challenges faced.
• With significant experience gained over last two • Bhutanese to organize themselves into a self-
years, a crucible for exchange of experience is vital. governing national US organization.
• Success and challenge of the BRE project are uneven Program
geographically. Some chapters have significant
• Bhutanese/Sewa delegates from 30 cities.
successes in certain BRE projects while lagging
Academicians will share experiences and will guide.
behind in others.
• Determine future plans of action.
• It has become increasingly clear among the
community that a national forum is needed to • Open session.

TITBITS treatment in India . Jayakumar said van fell into a 30 – foot deep pond
that anti-diabetic activity of cow at Panayadikuthagai in Katripulam
1. Good news for millions
urine was tested on rats with ex- village of Vedaranyam in Nagapatti-
of diabetic patients. Cow urine,
perimentally induced diabetes. He nam district (Tamilnadu, bharat).
which has many medicinal proper-
said rats were orally administered The pond was full to the brim.
ties, can also cure diabetes.In a
small doses of cow urine daily and Twelve children were rescued
significant development, a three-
there was marked difference in from the water by the 22-year-old
member team of researchers in
blood sugar levels in these animals. teacher M . Suganthi, who died by
Bangalore has found that cow
But in the case of diabetic rats drowing while saving the kids. But
urine contains certain molecules
which were not administered cow for two who were in Class IV, the
that can fight diabetes. Led by Dr
urine, sugar levels remained the children were in kindergarten
K Jayakumar, professor and head
same. The cow urine is used in the grade. Most of the rescue work
of the Department of Pharmacol-
preparation of Ayurvedic medi- was undertaken by local people,
ogy and Toxicology of the Veteri-
cines for centuries. This scientific who jumped into the pond and
nary College under Karnataka Vet-
study promises to give a ray of forced open the van. One family
erinary, Animal and Fisheries Sci-
hope for millions of diabetic pa- lost two boys in the accident.
ences University (Karnataka,
tients in the country. Based on a Later, on Republic Day, Chief Min-
Bharat), the team is in the final
report by Smt. Kestur Vasuki in ister gave away the Anna Medal
stages of identifying the molecule
THE PIONEER, February 19, 2010. for Gallantry 2010 to Suganthi for
that secretes insulin. This is the
2. Nine children and a saving the lives of 12 children from
first ever scientific study on cow
teacher were killed on Thursday drowning. It was presented post-
urine and its properties and its
December 3, 2009 when a school humously to her father Mariappan.
findings can change the diabetes
The award carries a medal, a

"Man is not a detached spectator

Plot Number 49,
of a progress immanent in human
Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Marg,
New Delhi-110002, Bharat history, but an active agent re-
Phone: 0091-11 23232850
Fax: 0091-11-23517722
moulding the world nearer to his
E-mail: ideals".
— Dr. S. Radhakrishnan
“Sewa Hi Parmo Dharmah”
(Service to Mankind is the Supreme Dharma)

Sewa International
A Registered International

cheque for Rs.25,000 and a cita- learner support centres and some behind Navashakti Vinayaka tem-
tion. Based on media reports and the 52 overseas centres, the university ple) in Myalpore , Chennai
Tamilnadu government press release. offers 175 certificate, diploma, de- (Tamilnadu, Bharat) promptly re-
3. Ms Irina Bokova, during gree and doctoral programs, com- ceive a bottle of water every
her first official visit to India as prising around 1,500 courses. morning, thanks to the thoughtful
Director-General of UNESCO, IGNOU's staff consist of 380 fac- school going kids of the Enclave.
delivered the IGNOU Silver Jubilee ulty members and academic staff in As part of New Year celebrations,
lecture on "Building inclusive headquarters and regional centres instead of dinner and dance, the
knowledge societies in a globalized while some 36,000 counsellors children of this community planted
world". Ms Bokova's visit to India from conventional institutions of saplings of various trees. The
has drawn attention to IGNOU, higher learning and professionals Owners' Association president Dr.
the largest university in the world, from different spheres. With the A.M. Jayaraman led the activity.
as well as to distance education in launch of EduSat (a satellite dedi- Association auditor Shri Raman,
general. Almost three million stu- cated only to education) in 2004, impressed with this campaign, an-
dents in India and 33 other coun- and the establishment of the Inter- nounced a gift of Rs, 250 to each
tries study at IGNOU which is also University Consortium, IGNOU of four well-maintained saplings to
India's National Resource Centre has ushered in a new era of tech- be given at the end of the year to
for Open and Distance Learning nology--enabled education. the child who planted it.
and a world leader in distance edu- 4. Each of the 50 plus sap- — Courtesy: Panchaamritam
cation. Through its 21 schools of lings girding the Luz Garden En-
study, 59 regional centres, 2,300 clave (the High Income Group flats

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