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The Parallel Organizational Context
Potential of the Eye ball and the
Earth ball

Regarding the Article: - The Eye ball & the

Earth ball: Model for inverted planetarium.

The spatial geometry of the eye ball in the knee –

head position which bring the eye ball to be in a
specific organizational context with the earth ball
could shed new light on a potential position may help
us to figure out the directions in the celestial sphere
and find a new frame and reference point to our
The Parallel Organizational Context Potential of the
Eye ball and the Earth ball could yield vital clues to
understand something about the evolution of
structural arrangement of the universe and may
support our perception to a fixed direction for our
location in the celestial sphere.
Embarking on efforts to assemble best evidence to
support this new proposition the emphasis on
evidence – based facts that find the eye ball is similar
to the earth ball (our planet) in shape and tilt and
many motions and both can be framed through a
spherical coordinate system logically set this

We can assign an arbitrary X, Y, Z, coordinate
system in the local frame of the earth: in which the
“Z” axe of the earth ball is the rotational axe of the
earth and this is sound logic since the “Z” axe is the
vertical axe at which the earth ball is rotated in its
plane around itself and a round the sun.

The Earth equator frame has the X-axis pointed

towards the vernal equinox and the Z-axis parallel to
the Earth's spin axis towards north. The Earth
ecliptic frame has the same X-axis direction but the
Z-axis towards the ecliptically north Pole. The Y-axis
makes up a 'right-handed' orthogonal set with the X-
and Z-axes. For both frames the origin is in the
center of the Earth.

Similarly the eye ball also assign an arbitrary X, Y, Z

coordinate system which is best described by FICK.
FICKS AXES: All movements of the globe around the
hypothetical center of rotation can be analyzed in
terms of a coordinate system with three axes
perpendicular to each other and intersecting at the
center of rotation. These three axes were described by
FICK and bear his name as the X, Y, Z axes of
FICK. These axes are stable in relation to a frontal
plane (i.e. frontal plane divides the body into back
and front, or posterior and anterior portions.) fixed in
the skull that corresponds roughly with the equatorial
plane of the eye when it is directed straight ahead
(Listing plane).
Reference: Page 90, chapter 5, ADLERS Physiology of the eye

The Eye ball also has a primary position in the globe
which is best defined by SCOBEE as…that position of
the eyes in binocular vision when, with the head erect,
the object of regard is at infinity and lies at the
intersection of the sagittal plane (i.e. sagittal plane
divides the body into left and right portions) of the
head and a horizontal plane passing through the
center of rotation of the two eyeballs.
Reference: Page 88, chapter 5, ADLERS Physiology of the eye

The primary position of the earth ball in Cartesian

coordinate system is defined with its origin at the
earth’s center, is fixed to the earth and the "Z" axis
coincides with the earth’s rotation axis.
By studying the primary positions of the two balls, we
find that the eye ball optic axe which is considered the
central axe of the eye ball is the “Y” axe in the
coordinate system, and as the planet earth central
rotational axe coincides with the “Z” axis in the
Cartesian coordinate system, the central axe of the
eye ball which is considered the “Y” axe in the
coordinate system can be converted to the “Z” axe if
we prone the head and body and positioned the head
directly facing the earth when the body prone in the
knee head position.

In this position we may parallel the “Y” axe of the

human eye ball with the “Z” axe of the planet earth,
and we may say the following regarding our
proposition to the two balls in this new organizational
context: The Eye ball central axe is “Y” which cope
with the “Z” central axe of the Earth in the knee –

head position, and as the shape of the two balls are
similar then; the anterior pole of the eye ball which
locates in the center of the cornea is the analogues to
the south pole of the planet earth and the posterior
pole of the eye ball which locates in the back of the
eye ball about 3mm posterior laterally from the optic
disc is the analogues of the north pole of the earth.
According to the position which the eye can reach in
the knee-head position which the human being can
assume we say again that: in this position the
Anterior Pole of the Eye correspond to the South Pole
of the Planet Earth, and according to this parallel
relation which I called The Parallel Organizational
Context Potential of the Eye ball and the Earth ball
the following can be considered:
1- On average, Antarctica which is locates in the
South Pole has the highest average elevation of all the
continents.The elevation of a geographic location is its
height above a fixed reference point, often the mean
sea level. Elevation, or geometric height, is mainly
used when referring to points on the Earth's surface,
similar the human Eye ball anterior pole locates on
the center of the cornea which is the highest point on
the eye ball surface.

2- the North Pole of the Planet Earth has no

continent, its simply a glacier of ice sheet above the
see, similarly the posterior pole of the human eye ball
is a smooth surface and has no structure which may
cause elevation.

3- In the proposed analogy which put the anterior
pole of the eye ball to analogue with the south pole of
the earth to make the “Y” axe of the eye ball to be
parallel with the “Z” axe of the earth conclude that
the tip of our planet Earth is in the south pole and the
bottom is in the north pole as the human Eye ball in
this prone position is the rferance point, this can be
proved by the inverted image of an object which fall
on the retina and perceived by our brain to be up-

“Quote”: Yes, indeed, the image of the "outside

world" is inverted on our retina, even though the
world appears right side up. Interestingly, if one
wears prisms to make the retinal image right side up,
the world will appear inverted.

4- Pole shift theory

Recent work by scientists and geologists Adam
Maloof of Princeton University and Galen Halverson
of Paul Sabatier University in Toulouse, France,
indicates that Earth indeed rebalanced itself around
800 million years ago during the Precambrian time
period. They tested this idea by studying magnetic
minerals in sedimentary rocks in a Norwegian
archipelago. Using these minerals, Maloof and
Halverson found that the north pole shifted more
than 50 degrees — about the current distance
between Alaska and the equator — in less than 20
million years. This reasoning is supported by a record
of changes in sea level and ocean chemistry in the

Norwegian sediments that could be explained by true
polar wander, the team reports in the September–
October 2006 issue of the Geological Society of
America Bulletin.
Research using GPS, conducted by Geoffrey Blewitt
of the University of Nevada, has shown that normal
seasonal changes in the distribution of ice and water
cause minor movements of the poles.


M.B.B.Ch, Independent Researcher


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