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:. ,* worship



: Ah.-...CA

should not neglect the house of our God."-Neh.

and not to forsake the Again







NO. 1

our articles yourself ; they contain many

fine points of explanation that you


(8 min.) Publisher makes a refurn

purpose, aiding men to learn
call where subscription was obta!ned
but study was not started on initla1 the truth. Keep in mind thesc
call. The groundwork for return call various languages when you meel
was laid by the concluding remarks
who are apparently from
when the subscription was obtained.
After introductory remarks regard~ng Some other land. Invite them tc
r H lRD M EETl N G I N J A N U A R Y previous s u b ~ e c t ,publisher brings out subscribe.
copies of the "Good News" bookTheme: Making Our
Heart two
There is certainly much for all
let hands one to householder and
Glad. Song 2.
injites him to consider some points of US to do in the ministry, and
5 min: Introduction, text and corn- from booklet wlth him. Householder we are looking forward to having a

10 min:
Concluding comments Include accounts servant's report: and
"How Did We Do in November?"
RemLnd brothers to order new "InPex. Song GO.

serving Jehovah's purpose.

- H r e~ -,
, tbr

Your Inheri-mr,,

a l l of us like to receive letters. arranged for me. Some children here e mat would be a balanced viewWe want to know how our friends aren't
I I I C toward social activities?
that needed guidance ~ OWhen
nd relatives are doing. Parents during getting
a responsible adult arranges
for his own relaxation, it is a personal
want to hear from their children. their parents don't seem to appre- matter,
we should
After having spent possibly twenty ciate the need to start early. When always be guidedof bycourse,
Scriptural prlnyears in raising a son it is com- they ask me how early you started ciples. However, when undertaking
invite others to join him responpletely understandable that a father being strict with me I tell them that to
slbility widens. What are yo; inviting
and mother, for example, would I don't remember, that it must have your
brother to do? Where are you
want to know how this "inheritance" started the day I was born. ,
of theirs was getting along. (Ps.
'But there is improvement to be
127: 3 ) The following is not an
Especially is this true in one
actual letter but is one that could seen.
that had been quite absorbed
easily be compiled from various family
in the everyday affairs of life. They
letters and reports that have come had
little time for their children,
through the Society's offices. As a
not have a regular schedule of
parent, will you, someday, be able did
study and were irregular in service
to receive one like i t ? ~ 3 ; - %
and meeting attendance. Gradually
'Dear Dad and Mom,
they are beginning to organize, and
'Today is just a year since taking I really believe that eventually
up this assignment a t the direction they will be a family working and
of the Society in this congregation playing together a s ours was. We
that needed so much help and en- worked hard but also had time for
couragement. I t has been such a some fun and relaxation.
joyous year and I have so many
'I just wanted you to know how
persons to thank for the encourage- I was getting along and that I think
ment given me ; most of all, Jehovah. of you often. I'm glad I had parents
Recently, though, my thoughts have who thought of my future when
turned to others to whom I am they were supposed to, and I was
grateful, namely, you. So many of too young to know what was best. for what is arranged. If a servant
the congregation invites others to
the good habits that help me now I am happy in my work and I in
home or otherwise makes some,,
that I am on my own, along with know why. Jehovah is apparently his
arrangements of this nature however r',
the routine and schedule that I blessing my activity, and I had it should never be assumed that t h i z s
is sponsoring what is"
follow, can be traced back to the parents who gave me the best gift congregation
being done. I t is still a private matter.
things that both of you did and possible: Loving training in a No
arrangements should be made in
was Christian household, according to the name of the congregation. The
insisted that 1 do ~#w
Kingdom Hall and its facilities should
growing 1
strict Bible principles.
'Don't worry auour;
'Warm love to you both,
schedule. It's a good one. It's the
'Your son.'
same one that you insisted our
family keep even when me kids
couldn't quite understand the need
I t is suggested that the oversel and
or being so rigid in it. My partner +
the literature servant meet eally in
and I still have Monday evening as January to discuss the literature serour "family" Watchtower study vant's work. Such points as balanced
ordering so no overstocking occurs,
period just a s we had it a t home. how
use the Literature Check Sheet
When we ask Jehovah's blessing on and to
keep the progressive inventory,
this personal Watchtower study, it as well as the literature servant's field
should be covered.
gives me a warm feeling, knowing work
At meetings for. field service during
that this is exactly what you are 8
January the tollowing suggestions may
doing. I haT-- been able to fit in be used, if they are appropriate to
needs. January 9, review simthe Fest of I personal s t u d h y s g your
plified sermon (Scripture is Psalm
licely too.
.j&.$ 72. 7 8 ) - January 16 tactfully encourAv.
'Some of tne families nerE Z i e a&& h6useholder td invite publishers
during cold weather- January 23
not doing so well and it makes me in
back on subscription promises!
quite concerned. They just don't see calling
Januar 30 what to say on returi
b&ld on interest. February
the inlportance of disciplining them- visits
how to start study in booklet on Pubs.
selves and their children, not only 6,
291,312 9.4 3.4 .6 10.
initlal call.
n doing what is good but also in +Literature offer: January through T O T A L 304,096
not doing what is unprofitable. How April Watchtower subscription camPublic Meetings Held: 27,406
I respect you now for not letting a i g i year's subscription and three UNITED S T A T E S G-OAL F O R 19
332,695 P u b l ~ s h e r s
me have my way when I wanted to Awake! subscriptions and six booklets
engage in outside social activities for $2.
a t school and get tied up in "bad *This year's Memorial will fall on
associations.~ ~ ~ I dcan , still re- for
April 5. It would be well to arrange
your speaker now.
member the summer you vacation
Many will want to vacation pioneer
pioneered during your time off from in Aprll. Make plans now. Overseer
work. You could never get into the should order vacation pioneer appliregular pioneer service but you cer- ggt!'
stock in U.S.A.:
tainly encouraged me to make the "Thzs Good News of the Kingdom"
-Afrikaans, Arabic, Benen,
full-time service my goal a s a career
by what YOU said and did and by FrSFtilCibemba G?,
Gujirati, kausa:
the regular service schedule you p*;~
a - i @ 2 ~ m d l ,Ibo, Ijaw, Isoko, Kaonde

v530 attend circuit assembly in new civic

building at Rawlins, Wyoming, where aul
brothers were mobbed ,and beaten twe
five years ago. City officials most cordial,
From nearby Riverton, Wyoming, came
twenty-six telegrams from city' officialr
asking that next assembly be held in thei~
Stanley Jones has thus fa1
spoken before crowds numbering 60,2
in England. At the Wembley Empire Poo
alone there were 30,015 on hand to heal
the experiences he had during seven yearr
in a Chinese Communist prison.
*steady progress in Eire; new peak of
255 publisher$ in October-an
S ~ i c a r a ~ ureports
a neyr peak of 942
home Bible studies and a peak of 707
publishers, which is 1 2 percent over lasl
year's average.
+chile reaches new peak of 4,443 home
Bible studies, also 3,737 publishers,
1 0-percent increase.
1,035 publishers in Mozambique report
new peaks in back-calls and hours ~ O I
October. Three special pioneers arreste
during the month; the circuit servant and
his wife still in prison after three months,
Israel rejects application for missionaries to enter country to serve congre.
gation, but work continues to progress;
reporting in October.

how we say it is vital, too. Why not

"What Will I
you, ever asked yourself discreetly "involve" the householder
the above question when contem- by finding out if he is satisfied with
plating a return visit on someone the answers given. I n this manner it
with whom you placed literature? will be a two-way conversation and
Many of us have. What will we say you will be a better teacher by
when we call back on the thousands far, as you get the householder's
of persons with whom Bibles and observations and comments. Of
books were placed during December course, some of us may need help
alone, and what about all those with in making return visits. If that is
,whom magazines and booklets will true of you, why not make an
be placed during the Watchtower appointment to have your Bible
campaign? We want to make our study servant or your study conreturn visits purposeful, developi~g ductor go with you on some of
fine home Bible studies, if possible, your calls, or to help you prepare
what to say in advance. In addition,
don't we?
are other mature publishers
ZReally, planning what to say there
and possibly pioneers in the congreon return visits starts when the gation
who can aid you and who
initial literature placement is made. are quite
willing to do so. Ask them.
For that reason, after the call it is And
a splendid "friend" we 6
good to jott down points that inter- have what
"Make Sure of All Things;
ested the householder. This will give Hold in
to What Is Fine"! Here
you something to talk about, a com- is a Fast
reference to help you
mon ground for a ' discussion when know ready
what to say when you make
you return. Of course, don't wait your return
too long before returning. If weeks
Some of us may need ideas on
go by, the householder's interest
may fade and it will be more diffi- how to make our presentation most
~ l l l tto rekindle the interest. When appealing. If t h i s is the case, why
I prepare for your revisit, ask not read over Study 53 in the book
1961-1965 Index
yourself : "Would this presentation Qualified to Be Ministers, "on "ReMepest me if I were the one being turn Visits." Here you will find
1 We are pleased to let you kr
called on?" Undoubtedly this will
the latest edition of the Wq6c.r
help yon to see the necessity of prove to be instrumental in giving that
Tower Publications Index is nom
effectivekeeping your remarks simple, clear
Don't you agree now that ad- available. It is not simply anothei
and to the point. Also, using the ness.
will make our annual edition. This is a cumulativt
Bible and directing the householder return preparation
visits much more effective index, including everything from the
to it for proof of what you are and will truly help us in feeding individual indexes far 1961, 1962
saying will be most impressive.
the "sheep," which is really the .I963 and 1964, along with manJ
more references for those years tc
3 While what we say is important, objective of our ministry?
make it easier to use. And, ol
the material for 1965 if
German Edition of New Book Ready for Use course,
included. Bound with a hard cover
it may be had for 50c a copy. Placf
-You read in the Kingdom Min- to come in from brothers and inter- your order with your literaturt
istrg last month that our wonderful
new book "Th'ings k Which It Is ested persons, expressing apprecia- 2 What a boon the I n d e ~has b
Impossible for God to Lie" was tion for the new book. They make to\us in preparing public talks and
available in Spanish, Italian, French us want to print and bind the books parts for the Theocratic Ministrj
and Portuguese, besides English. even faster, so you can use them. School, as well as finding answers tc
Now you will be happy to know that May we suggest that you carry some our personal Bible questions! Ir
the German edition is available. along with you to placje with people addition to listing all the fine Scrip
The brothers have really been work- who already subscribe for the maga- tural material found in The Watch
ing hard to get it out. You may zines. The Watchtower subscription tower and the Society's bound book^
send in orders for it immediately. is the offer, but there is nothing and booklets, the Index puts all tht
Undoubtedly there are some Ger- wrong with being prepared to place varied information from Awake! a1
aan-speaking people in your terri- the book if the people are sub- our fingertips for quick reference
this has been used with fint
tory you can think of right now scribers. Jehovah cer'tainly blesses and
results by both a'dults and school
i~h.0would be delighted to <get the ds with fine equipment to use tb children.
Those who have used i i
hnnk. Be sure to get it for them. reach people of all the nations. Let would not be. withou t. Don't for
Heartwarming letters continue us use it fully!
get to order your cop
1 Have


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should not neglect the house of our God."-Neh.



here is more news to add to what

re wrote you in December about
h e Latin-Ainerican tours and Broth- 1 I t was Sunday evening. A dedi- and effective Bible studies are
!r Knor6s visit to that part of the cated brother had just returned from needed if we are, to teach these
world. Everywhere Brother Knorr the Watchtower study. As he sat people to be "doers of the word."
has gone up to date he has found alone quietly in his home, thoughts
4The brother mentioned in our
tremendous enthusiasm among local of the ministry filled his mind. first
paragraph found that he needed
publishers and missionaries and in "In what ways do I need to make to
get started in the Bible study
the branch offices. The brothers are progress?" he asked himself. Jesus' work
to be a better teacher
a11 looking forward to greeting their instruction came to mind: 'Go and I s thisinaorder
step you need to take toe
visitors in December and January, make disciples of people of all the He
the help he needed. Yo
2nd they hope even more will be nations, teaching them to observe can got
from the brothers wit
~ b l eto visit them than have decided all the things I have commanded whomtoo,
you are associated. One GL
to go up to now. The local brothers you.' (Matt. 28 :19, 20) "I had a the mature
or your own
^Ire prepared to make arrangements good share in the witness work parents willpublishers
be glad to assist you.
or hotel accommodations and other this week," he thought to himself. Also, the Society
asked the_
:hings necessary for their brothers "But where do I need to improve? circuit servant and, has
if married, his
Jesus said 'teach.' Really, how well wife to endeavor to start
:o enjoy a good visit.
two studies
I t has been possible to find sta- do I teach? Perhaps this is where each week and turn these
over to
diums, auditoriums and meeting I need to improve." I t was very publishers
places of various kinds for the beneficial for this brother to reflect are visiting. Why not arrangethey
assemblies that will be held, and and examine himself like this. After work with them the next time they
nany arrqngements have been thinking things over, this brother visit the congregation? They %ill
worked out so the visitors will followed through and made good be glad to turn one of th(ese ptudies
have an enjoyable time, including progress. Have you?
over to you.
Dme share in the Kingdom service
2 In February we will all be busy
5 HOW and when can studies be
and an mportunity to see what the in the witness work presenting the started?
Perhaps you have observed
living conditions are like. Brother Watchtower subscription. To present that some
endeavor to
Knorr's visits are brief, but in some the Watchtower subscription most start studiespublishers
the initial call, anA
places there were opportunities to effectively in the field, have you often this is aongood
time, while tb
speak t o the local brothers. In done some advance planning and
interest is still strow
Guatemalh City 510 attended the preparing, just as you do with householder's
Some, after placing the literature,
alk given by Brother Knorr and your student talks? If you do you say:
'Everyone who obtains this
!94 in Managua, Nicaragua.
may be able to help householders literature
is entitled to a frc
I t has been a great pleaspre to to learn how greatly they will be demonstration
so he can know hol
receive numerous letters from broth- benefited personally by the truths to use it in understanding
owers ,in the United States expressin'g presented in this magazine. Let's Bible. If you would like, Ihiswould
apg~eciatian&r the Saturday night talk about The Watchtower and its be happy to demonstrate this fc
program pwsented a t the last serjes benefits, or The Watchtower and you right now.' To succeed in star,
of circuit
ies. Beginning in Awake! if you will be offering a
February will be a new circuit double subscription, a t every op- ing a study usually requires that,we
assern.@ pmgram operating, with portunity as we endeavor to help take the initiative. .Have you offered
to study the new 'Impossible to Lie'
the program highlighting the Bible other people to learn the truth.
book with one of your relatives, a
study work. We suggest that by all
3 But back to what Jesus said a t
friend or neighbor, or with someone
means you do not miss it.
Matthew 28 :20 : I n our ministry our
The book "Things in Which I t I s goal is to teach other people so who studied before and still shows.
Impossible for God to Lie" continues that eventually they will want to interest in the truth? You may have
to be received well in the field and observe and do all the things thqt success if you try.
6 I t is good to review our activldemand for it is very heavy. We we have been commanded to do. Our
rejoice to see theaevidence of Jeho- just placing literature with inter- ties from time to time, whether we
vah's blessing upon the work. May ested ones does not usually accom- are alone a t home or together in
the Kingdom Hall, isn't it? We all
Jehovah's rich blessing be with you
this, does it? Why, often it have the assignment to 'teach others
a s you use the book to aid righ- plish
teously disposed persons to learn is necessary for us to call back and to observe all the t h i w s Jesus has
to worship the living God, Jehovah. discuss things further to get the commanded.' May ~ e h & a hbless u s
householder even to open the liter- a s we help one another to do this
Your brothers.
I ature again. So regular back-calls I work well.-

*- Deepening


your joy by

God all day

S E C O N D M E E T I N G I N F E B R U A R Y 13 min:

Stand Strong in the Faith. I not a t home should be the same

Chairman should encourage all to in regular house-to-house work, p-continue personal study meeting a t - lisher suggests t h a t i t is usually best
tendance and service sd we may all to tell' the householder t h a t you called
remain strong in the faith. Prepared before and because he was not home
publishers should be called on to re- you have come back to present this
late experiences. These can ?? pre- very important information to him
sented a s "first-person reports. Make personally This often stirs greater
presentations alive, forceful, describ~ng interest in the message. YOU might
things a s they happened, just a s if tell ofr your own successful expew-you were there and saw and expe- ences in following up on subscript
rienced it all. After relating the promises and those not a t home.
experience, the publisher should tell 15 min: Overcoming Obstacles a?d
what impression the experience made Keeping Busy in the Work of
on him. The chairman can also em- Lord. In your congregation there
phasize the point of each experience. no doubt a number of obstacles tne
(You m-ay choose to include the ac- brothers face a t this time of year
count 111 tlie 1966 "Yearbook" on t h a t sometimes interfere with their
page 235, paragraph 2, of the brother regularly sharing in service. ( I t may
who was impr.isoned. See page 339, be much snow or rain, caring for
paragraph 2, about a pioneer brother. small children sickness lack of transPersonal impressions of the publishers portation or gomethin; else. Discuss
might include comments on Acts 5:41 only obstacles t h a t face many in your
or R y e l a t i o n 2:lO. See the "Year- congregation.) Chairman, perhaps a s book, paqe 25'. paragraph 1, about sistant congregation servant, can name
the i n c r e ~ s e J e h o ~ a h has given in two or three obstacles t h a t face those
Russia. See also the account of two in the congregation and then ask
parents in the ".4make!" of Noven~ber audience for suggestions a s to how
8.. 1955. pares 37-19, which brings to these can be overcome and how we
n l ~ i l d Ptjaltrl 1 9 : i , 11.) In conclusion can help one another to have a regchairman should encourage all in con- ular share in the service. Chairman
gregation to take advantage of free- may also add hie own suggestions.
dom to grow stronger spiritually by 3 min: Vacation Pioneering. Two
regular study, meeting attendance and sisters walk toward platform, one
keeping busy in the ministry.
asking the other: "Are you golng to
10 min: Concluding comments. E n - be a t the special lneetlng of those
courage all to faithful, regular service. who a r e planning to vacation pioGive congregation report to date, in- neer in April?" Publisher hesitant;
cluding subscriptions placed. Commend would like to vacation pioneer, but
brothers for work done. Read and cannot see how to work everything
comment on Question Box. Song 57. out. F i r s t sister says t h a t is reason
for meeting, so t h a t all can discuss
F O U R T H M E E T I N G I N F E B R U A R Y the situation and see what they can
do to help one another. Publisher
Theme: Delight to Do Jehovah's didn't realize t h a t ; glad to knc
Will. Song 29.
will be present. (See tenth item unl
5 m in : Introduction, text, commellts. Announcements.)
15 min: "What I s a Christian's Re- 12 m in : Concluding comments. Include
sponsibility to the Teedy and t h e , "Over 4,500,000 Copies." Song 56.
Sick?" "Watchtower
February 1,
1966 ' I t is suggested 'that after brief
i n t r b d u c t o r ~remarks chairman invite
Theme: Holding F a s t a s Slaves of
all publisheks to loii; up James 2:15, Our Repurchaser. Song 86.
16. After reading the scripture ask 6 min: Ii~troduction,text, comments.
the congregation for suggestions a s Also high points of March 1,
to how the .counsel in this scripture ''Watchtower" article on theme
can be applied. Then read Galatians month, making personal applical
6:10 a n d isk for comments from the of material to theocratic activities v b
congregation a s to how t h e counsel congregation.
in this verse can be followed. In 12 min: "But, How Can 1 Help?''
conclusion the chairman can give a Question-and-answer coverage. Read
brief talk summarizing the points paragraphs if time permits..made in the article.
12 min:
"Yearbook" experiences on
10 m in: Following Up on Subscribtion vacation pioneering. Consider items
Promises and Those Not a t Home. on page 76 paragraph 2, 90 71, 170 a3,
Two publishers discuss progress they 232 72 236 11 Report how many in
have made individually and the prog- your hongregation have . applied for
ress of the congregation in meeting vacation pioneer service in April. Insuggested goal of two subscriptions vite a n y who would like to do so,
per publisher during the campaign. but have not yet made out a n appliT H I R D M E E T I N G I N F E B R U A R Y One publisher suggests to another cation, to a s k for a n application.
how they personally might obtain sub- 20 rnin : Settling Personal Difficulties.
Pheme: "What I s Looked for
scriptions by calling back on those Talk based on material in "Make
ru for a Man to Be Found ~ a i t h f u i . ' ; who promised to subscribe and those Sure," pages 446-448. In "Make Sure"
s-o n g 10. who were not a t home when tHey questions a r e asked in each of the
m in : Introduction, text, comments. first called. When hpuseholder shows eight subheadings. These should be
min: "Presenting the Good News interest in subscription i t is good to the basis or outline for the talk.
During the Time Set Aside." Congre- t r y to s e t a definite time for the Invite all to follow along in "Make
gation book study conductor calls on return call and then keep the appoint- Sure" or in their Bible a s the Bible
3lisher irregular in the ministry. ment. Take a positive view. Show answer to each question i s read :
blisher tells of his good plans the householder t h e great value of discussed. Comments on some scr
Aeld service, but how unexpected the magazine and how he personally tures can be entertained from audience
,,,a unavoidable difficulties pterfered. will benefit. Interesting experiences if desired. You will probably have
Consider together information under showing the appreciation of the public time to read and comment qn only
be found one scripture under each heading. n n
"Presenting t h e Good News," reading f o r "The ' ~ ~ a t c h t o w e r "can
rts of article. Be kind. Encourage. in "Awake!" of F e b r u a r y . 22, 1964: not t r y to crowd too much mate
into the presentation. Rather, m,,-,
page 19, and in "The Watchtower,
min: "Finding Increased Joy in February 1 1964 page 87, under i t clear a n d simple so all understand
the points. Do not scold. Rather, let
dchoval~'s Service." Questions and "Changed kttitud;."
When asked if our introduction the Bible teach.
answers ; discuss scriptures ; read parawhen calling back on those who were 10 m in: Concluding comments. Sone 11


Theme: 'Go
Teach.' Song 17.
5 rnin : Introduction, text, comments.
10 min: J e s u s W a s a Teacher and
Our Model. This should be a Scriptural talk highlighting Jesus' activity
a s a teacher a n d his manner of teaching. Encourage all to follow his example. Fine information appears in
t h e Aqril 1, 1960, issue of "The Watchtower, pages 200-206. See also "Watch
Tower Publications Index" under the
heading "Teachers"
and the subheading "Jesus Christ."
15 min. 'Go
Teach.' Questions
and aAswers ' on 'main article. Read
paragraphs 1, 4, 5 and 6.
15 min: Various Ways Studies Can
Be Started.
(2 rnin.) Chairman, preferably Bible
study servant, analyzes the Bible
study activity of congregation and
pioneers. How a r e we doing in working
toward the suggested goals? Are pubhers averaging one, regular pioneers
ren and special pioneers t e n ? Comments on importance of conducting
Bible studies to fu!fill our commission
to 'go
teach W h a t can we do
this mdnth' to s t a r t more studies?
(10 mjn.) Have individuals in a u dience prepared to tell how they have
started studies when (1) literature
was initially placed, ( 2 ) by arranging
a definite back-call when circum.nces did not permit starting a
study when literature was placed,
(3) when householder already had
magazine subscription. and (4) by use
of suggestion under "Presenting Ihe
Good News" in November "Tcingdom
Ministry." Discuss them one a t a
time. After discussing each one chairman will ask publisher brikfly to
demonstrate his approach, what he
said or how he handled things in
getting the study started. Experiences
may be given in connection with each
way a s time permits. Many fine experiences a r e coming into the Society's
office telling of the success brothers
a r e having in following the suggestion
given on page four in the November
"Kingdom Ministry." Have you tried
t o s t a r t studies in t h a t way?
( 3 rnin.) Discuss the need for more
Bible studies. Encourage all to fulfill
our commission to 'go
. . teach' by
conducting Bible studies.
15 min:
Closing comments. Include
some news items, high points of
Branch Letter and appropriate Announcements. "311.933 Praisers of
Jehovah" and report on congregatioil
accounts. (Material f i g h t be presented
a s news broadcast or otherwise a s
desired. To the extent possible, make
this p a r t alive, fresh, newsy and
interesting.) Song 78.



How happy we are to ot; mmbered a m b ~ ~cpate

~ to describe the joy I have had while vacapeople! (Isa. 65:13, 14) AS his wit tion pioneering, but I just had to write and tell
nesses, we have a treasured privilege of. service, yon how grateful I am this privilege of service is
and we are grateful for it. Jehovah has not used available." A brother from Illinois described
his angels to shout the Kingdom good news from as "the fnost enjoyable month of bylife.'
the heavens for all men to hear. Rather, through
6 \ny
was it such a happy month for themi
his Son he has entrusted it to us, confidentially Principally because they find their greatest hapas it were, and has commissioned us to make it piness in doing Jehovah's will, and = vacation
known publicly. Sharing in this God-given work pioneers they were able to devdte more,time to it.
results in the enjoyment of rich blessings from Increased
it possible for tliem
)ur Father in heaven.-Matt. 10:27.
to do a more thorough job of following up on
But with this great privilege goes responsi- interest shown, and there is satisfaction in that.
bility. It is Jehovah's announced purpose for his Some ex3erienced that, while they had little SIXname "to be declared in all the earth." (Rom. cess in starting home Bible studies before, during
9:17) Through his Son he has informed us that the time they vacati &oneered they were able
"jn all the nations the good news has to be to start several.
preached." (Mark 13:10) SOthere is work to be
7 It was not just a zew who shared in this vadone, and the time is short. If even the Devil hation pioneer service during the'year, but many
knows that "he has a short period of time," how thousands. I n the United States there were
much more so should we be ware of the urgency 25,448 in April alone, and thousands more in
~f the situation!-Bev. 12:12.
other months. I n Argentina more than 10 percent
This urgency in no way diminishes our joy. of the publishers enrolled as vacation pioneers
We volunteered to work; we expect to work, and last April, and nearly two and a half times that.
,here is no other work on earth that we would number during the entire year. I n Congo Rrather be doing at this time. (Ps. 110:3) We find public, 1.8 percent of the publishers were sharing
joy in serving Jehovah. Understandably, then, in the full-time service in April. And there were
those who can 'share in that service in fuller mea-. . similar fine responsi in other la s around the
sure experience even greater joy.
While all of us share in the miinistry to the
Can you, too, share in this service? Just .at
?xtent that we are able to do so each month of is there that might prevent a person from b e i ~
: year, there are thousands of Jehovah's people a vacation pioneer at some time during the year?
rho put forth a special effort as vacatiop pio- JVould old age? Not necessarily, because not long
neers during certain months. Those who spend a ago a publisher in Oklahoma who was 103 yea
full month in this activity devote I00 hours to of ,age thoroughly enjoyed a month of this serthe field ministry; others, who enroll for two vice. Does having young children make it impc
eks, report 75 hours for the entire month. This sible? This Scriptural responsibility definitely,
is open to any regular publisher who has been should not be slighted,' but the fact is that this
baptized and who is recommended by the con- past year there lwefe many sisters with youngg-regation committee.
sters who enrolled and met the requirements
HOWdo those who have been vacation pio- without neglectidg their families. What about
.leers feel about it? &4sister from Washington, those with unbelieving mates? A sister in ~ e n n D.C., wrote: "As a congregation publisher I have sylvania admitted: "I sopehow viewed. this as
experienced many happy moments in the field not for me, since I have four small children, two
servi~e,but April 1965 proved to be the happiest preschool age, and an unbelieving mate." But.
month of all my ministerial service to Jehovah. with the cooperation of her children and 0th
You see, I had the joy of being a vacation pio- publishers in the congregation, she, almg with
leer." A publisher from New Jersey wrote: "1 many in similar circumstances, enjoyed vacati
iust can't find enough adjectives to describe the pioneering. Might poor he'alth make it impossible
aappiness I've enjoyed." From Massachusetts to vacation pioneer? It might make it more d B ?an the expression: "There are no words ade- cult, but there are many with' va--ing health

- .--ovah's




keep this inserf. It will bc


during March and April


I ~ Z S . ~ ILCL





t times. Suiely elJ;..iis

Trvice would r ~ 'be
,-,le for a man who must bold a full-time job
- 3upport his household, some might Bay. But
nany of them, too, vacation pioneer. Some find
. such pleasure in this service that, for a period of
two weeks froni time to time, they actually pioneer after working hours, during strikes, in -seasons when work is slow or at vacation time. Additionally, there are thousands of single persons,
some who are of school age and some older, who
frequently use their vacations to pioneer. As one
brother said, after his first vaciation spent as a
pioneer: f'I have done many things on vabatiow
in the past, but this has been the most memorable
. , .,.&
of all."
. *Many whose circumstances might make it difi
ficult for them to vacation pioneer alone find
- that, with the mutual assistance of a group, they
are able to do it. I n some localities the servants
in I ! congregation have been able to take the



aged ~ t u e mto fol1,-,,

of sisters and familiLi have d i s - l w e ~. .
tion together and, among 'themselves, -rrang- their affairs so.they could vac,ation pioneer. During
the month of April there is much special
activity-the special public-talk, Memorial, special IT'dtchtower and Awake! magazines to dj
tribute, reaching out for a new peak in the number of praisers of Jehovah-so thousands fipd
this a good month to plan together for vacation
pioneer service. Othersrunable to do it in April,
may enroll in May, June, July or any 0thmonth. The fact is that there are vacation pi
neers envolled every month of the year,,because
they can see that "the harvest, is great, but tl workers are few." (Matt. 92371 They prize t 1 ~ privilege of being numbered among J e h o ~ a h ' ~
people and want to share in serving him as full,
as their circumgtances will permit. I n doing so
they are finding increased joy in Jehovah

. ,%


Rowl do you feel about the ministry? Is it a she had, her whole living." (Mark 12:41-44-1
~urdenor a blessing? The Lord Jesus, though Others are able to spend more time in the serrpoken against and even mobbed during the first vice; regularly each week they are out preack
year of his preaching activity on earth, delighted ing, averaging at least ten hours a month. StLr
to do his Father's will: The apostle Paul, bo, others have been able to arrange their affairs to
iiewed the ministry as a privilege, and said: "I devote at least one hundred hours every month
dm grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord, who im- to praising Jehovah publicly a s regular pioneern
part& power to me, because 'he considered me and, if they are able to do that without neglecfaithful by assigning me to a ministry." (1 Tim. ing other ScripturaI responsibilities, it is the
I:12) So, too, in our case, it was not compulsion reasonable thing for them to do.
but a heartfelt response to God's love that moved
That is the way those who are regular &,
3 to make a dedication to Jehovah and become
neers feel about it. As a newly ,enrolled pioneer
John 4: in Kentucky wrote: "When I made my dediea
active preachers of the\ good
.FeL*.- &-.n;-J
tion to gehovah, it was for all rhy time, hot just
z>-That does not mean that it is always easy for what I could spare from other activities. So aeus to share in Jehovah's service. Careful plan- tually, I felt that if I was in a position to pioneer
riing may be required. Some undergo severe op- and didntt, I woulh7t be fulfilling my dedicaposition because of their determination to serve tion." Another, in California, said: "The san
. God. But appreciation for the privilege of serv- desire that moved'me to be baptized moved me
i n g the interests of. our loving heayenly Father become- a regular pioneer. I, wanted to serve
moves us to surmount these obstacles and share Jehovah."
'h the ministry as fully as possible.
Interestingly, most of those who are n
ease of some,' the hours they are able neers at one time felt that, in view of their mr50 aevote in the actual field ministry might be
cumstances, they could not enter this full t4
sompared to the two small coins that Jesus ob- service. But that' is not strange, because +e-served a woman depositing in the temple trea- they were first learning the truth many of theuk
sury in Jerusqlem. What she did was pleasing to also felt that they could nkver go from house to
34,because, as Jesus said, she gave "all of what house preaching to others. Yet i.1 timn 'their


*.* ;

wing love for Jehovah moved their mouths to

speak, and they found that, when,they relied on
Him, He strengthened them for the work. To
have time for the ministry as congregation publishers, they found that they had to buy it out
Erom other pursuits, alid love for Jehovah moved
;hem to do that. (Eph. 5:15, 16) 'They did .not
arme: 'Well, if Jehovah requipes me to study the
Bible and go to meetings, I will'do that; but I
to others; that is asking
am never
;oo much.' Nor, when they became congregation
- publishers did they reason to themselves: 'If I
.have to preach, I will do it as a congregation
publisher; but being a pioneer is just too much.'
No; they view the ministry, not as a bbrden, but
as a blessing. (Matt. 11:29, 30) They want to
have the fullest possible share in doing the work
that Jehovah has commanded to be done at this
time. They feel as the psalmist who said: "Jehovah is great and very much to be praised."
-Ps. 145:3.
But, now, what about these who at one time
Eelt that they could not pioneer but have succc .2d in taking hold of that grand privilege of ser!e?How did they get started? I n various ways.
3ome were in position to alter their circumstances, and they did it, to make more time for
what they realized was the most important thing
in their life. There were many who were en:ouraged by the example of others. Frequently,
those wha really wished that their circumstances
would permit them to pioneer enrolled as vacation pioneers far a month or two to put the matter to t& test and see if they could succeed as
regular pioneers. Many of them found that pioneerihg was not as difficult as they had anticipated. I t called for better personal organization
in their lives; but, then, it brought deeper satis-

faction too. They began to realize ~llatwhen th,,

relied on Jehovah more heavily, he blessed them
mgre richly. Not only was their ministry more
productive, but their home life was happier too.
Having tasted the blessings of this service, they
knew that they would not be really content until
they could enjoy it regular
so they filled out
their applications.
, A considerable number of the younL
pioneers say that for years they had anticipated enrolling- as soon as they finished .high school, and
that is what they did. Foreas long as they could
remember, their parents had taught them to prize
spiritual treasures above material possessions.
(Matt. 6:19-21) Together they had read the lj"
stories of full-time ministers published in TYLB
- IYatchtower. At vacation time their parents had
pioneered with them.. They now realized that in
- the pioneer ranks they could give the fullest expression to their love for Jehovah, that it would
prove to be the most satisfying activity, and that
it offered a future far better than anything that
the world could produce. How grateful they are
that their parents had so lovingly taught them to
viqw things Jehovah's way!
If you are one whose heart moves you to
want to make fuller expression of your love f
Jehovph, why not consider again the pbssibility
of pioneer service. Anlalyze your own. pircumstances. Discuss the matter with the other member's of your family. Talk to pioneers, to your
congregation servant - or to your circuit servant
when he visits your congregation. Try it out as a
vacation pioneer. .But most of all, make it a
matter of prayer to Jehovah. In this way you
may find that you, too, can be one of the thousands regularly enjoviag this g ~ a n dprivilege of

Tilt; majority of working people view their
lployment only as a means to obtain the necessities of life. Some are very conscientious about
their work, but comparatively few have such
love for their work that they devote themselves
to constant study and specialized training in or- ,
der to be equipped to share in it more fully.
Yet Christians are encouraged to apply themselves in just such a wholehearted way to the
ministry. Rather than viewing it simply as a job
at which they spend only as much time as is
required, it becomes the most important thing

in their life. They make a career of thc ini is ti

that is, they view it as a course of constant, pragressive achievement. They take to heart the
Scriptural counsel to "press on to maturity," to
"widen out," to be absorbed in the ministry, that
their "advancement may be manifest t o all persons."-Heb. 6: 1;2 Cor. 6: 13; 1 Tim. 4: 15.
When one first starts out in Jehovah's service,
if he looks to Jehovah for direction and applies
himself, his progress will readily be apparent. I n
a comparatively short period of time he will be
commenting in the meetings, going from house fn

house, making baek-callsFand sharing in the home . Bible from Genesis through Revelation. mawz,
Bible study activity. But bnae -,the mmistry be- .Bible.doetrines are thoroughly discussed. History
comes an. established part of his life, will he con- as it ,qelates to -the Bible, improving one's mintinue to progress? Will the 'love that he had at isterial'-ability andiorganizational principles' all
first'lose its vigor, or will it move him to fur$her are given careful attention. I n preparation Ti1
vancement?-Rev. 2 :4.
the missionary akignment to which they will be
sent, they are also given iiltensive i n s t m d i 0 ~i1
4 If we keep strong our ,love for Jehovah,
rvice to God will, never become just a job at language, usually the one that they will ~ a r t i c u .
which we work, but it will continue to be the, larly need to know...Though they will be moving
@ost ibportant part of our life. We will build out to a land where living conditions may bf
quite different from tho& to which they are aooui. lives around lit,
Jesus did, ( ~ ~ 18:37)
h b
have no neeif for concern a b ~ u l
There will be regular advancement made. We customed,
will have goals in mind toward which,we are their physicalnecessities, becausd, not o d y doer
working. For example, we may be concentrating the Watch Tower Sqciet~assist them, but the5
on overcoming objections met in the ministry, have the' dependabie assurance of their Fathe1
learning pointed Scripture texts on a variety of in heaven that, if they seek continually the in
topics, improving teaching ability on home Bible terests of his kingdom, he will see that thesf
studies, sharing more fully in congregation meet- other things are provided 'for them+-Luke 1 9 g
ings, training others in the ministry, perhaps 22-31. qgdifying as a servant in the congregation. Do
who took the forward step of pioneeryou have such a goal toward which you are ing have since been appointed as circuit, and dis.
working? Is there evidence of aontinued progress trict servants. They proved 'themselves faithfu*
in a few ,things and, in accord with thelBibk
. your mi@stry? I s it really ybnr career?
principle+ now they have*been put in charge of
T h o s e who are able to arrknge their
stances to pioneer find that it opens up many new more. (Matt- 25:19-233) As whole~ouledservan
avenues for advancement in their, ministerial they share to an even peater extent the joy oi
reer. Daily exp8riencepin the ministry speeds
Iiordmany, ,pioneering has been a 8te1
their progress to maturity. With increased
frequency they enjoy the heartwarming privilege stone*to service at Bethel, where they find il
of aiding newly interested ones to become active richly rewarding to know that what they do is a
praisers of. Jehovah. Furthermore, syrvkeas a contribution to the ministry of t h e i ~brother!
gular pioneer can dso be a stepping-stone to everywhere. They love their work, because they
, feel as the psalmist who &id; "A day in you1
her fields of full-time service.
B ~
h who
b now
~ sesvb
~ as special
have courtyards is better than a thousand elsewhere.
experienced that. They were once remlar ' pio- I have chosen to stand at the,.threshold .in t h ~
move aroun? in
neerg; they enjoyed their work, did well in it, and house of my God rather than
Some whc
were willing and able to serve wherever .they
might be needed. .Now, as
pioneers they entered the pioneer work Years ago
for twenty to sixty years, and
share all the blessings of regular pioneer service been at
graad privilegks o,f qertrice.
and, in addition, they have the privilege of openIndeed, they have made the mini st^ their career?
i m g ap new territory ahd onganizing new congrelo TO the extent-that you are able to fill,
,&tions. it was in this i t y .of
~ seMce that theanostle Paul particularly took pleasure, and the life with the ministry, you too will be able
cord' of his ministry continues to be a source crowd out the 'old -system of things and its frusof inspiration to those who reach out fdr this trations. As you lay hold of enlarged privilkg
of service you g l e'njoy to a greater extent the
privilege of service.-Rom. 15:20-24.
From the ranks of those who have been pb- contentment that is'the ponion of the people of
nekrs for at least two years, there are a t least' God. The knowledge and capabilities that YOU
two hundred' each year who are invited to take, acquire now will help to equip you for further
special five-month training course at Cilead privileges in God's righteous new s y ~ t e mof
hool in preparation for foreign missionary things. So let the fullness of your,Iove $timulate
the ministry, in
During their time of schooling they sha~k you to move ahead
erpretative study of ' the reality your career


cnnaren. Think of it ir 'erms of

makina vnur familv R P I familu

led fathf tnd mother, tance? Why, you, the parents, of exam2
&merestea ln the congregation, aP- course. Not only is this your Scripe desire
But do you still h;
proached their overseer, and with tural responsibility but you are in to help
others outside youl family?
some discouragement said, "We have the best position to do so. Thus, Maybe you can. Many are able to
when you are regular in studying look after their families well and
often heard encouragement
to the congregation to be generous with them, working in the field with still offer such assistance. Some
n offering personal assistance to them, getting to the meetings and have found that, as long a s they are
others. But, really, it seems that commenting a t those meetings with going out in the service anyway, it
V ~ S you very likely are having
when we have looked after O U ~ S ~ ~ them,
doesn't take too much time t~ n dthe children, seeing that we get as full a share in giving personal encourage
and arrange for a les,
to the meetings, into the service and assistance a s any in the congrega- experienced publisher or two to go
study together, there just isn't time tion.
along. Also, some parents a r e pioeft !o, do much in helping anyone
5 ~ c t n a l l y , if
you are carrying neers and can take others along
out your family responsibilities well, during the day without too much
Are you a parent who has a keen you may be doing even more in if any, loss of time. And sometimes
desire to assist, and who has ended the congregation than what has just older children in a well-organized
UP asking, "But, how can I help?" been mentioned. How is that? Well, family can assist other children.
JVell, maybe you are helping-more all of us influence others in some Maybe through one of these ways
than you realize.
way. If the family is poorly organ- you can fulfill your desire personallx7
3 Look a t i t this way: You want ized and irregular in service and to help some besides your family.
o help the congregation. Fine. Your meeting attendance, this is .not the
7 Need busy parents ask in dis
-hildren are a part of the congre- best influence on others. On the couragement,
"But; how can I -help?'
gation, aren't they? Certainly ! Why, other hand, if the family is well or- No, because they are already helping
in some congregations children make ganized, zealous in service and at- greatly, aren't they? Indeed, paren
up half or even more than half of the tends all meetings, this is a whole- can rejoice in having more oppo
congregation. So, if they are helped, some influence, having far-reaching
1 very large contribution is being effects for good in the congregation. 1 tunities for giving personal assibuade to strengthen the congregation. So, here is another reason for tance than most other publishers.
4 And who should see to it that r~arentsto be concerned with aivinn 1 Keep up your good work, to Jet
our children get the needed assis- I personal assistance first to the& own I vah's praise.


Have you ordered an increased supply of the special April 15 Watchtower

and April 22 Awake! for the congregation? Magazine goals for the month
are thirty for publishers two hundred
for pioneers and threey hundred for
special pioneers.
offer for February through
April is the Watchtower subscri tion,
vlth three booklets for $1 The gatchower and wake!' subsc&ptions, with
six booklets, can be offered for $2.
Offer for May: Each congregation
may present any older book of whicH
-t has a lar e su ply. Use up .all
of "%
&eans Everlastzng
When your su ply of older
boo& has been $xhausgd check with
nearby congregatlons, The Society has
on hand 29 000 copies of "The Kingdom
Is a t ~ank,:' which you may order
for use during May.
Memorial will be celebrated
after 6 p.m. 0.n Tuesday, A ri1 5 1966
Memorial mv~tationsmay g e oidered
from the Society usmg the regular
Handbill Order form. The price y
25c a thousand; 15c for five hundred,
10c foP two hundred and fifty.
A special public talk entitled "What
3inding Satan. the Devil Will M.ean
?or Mankmd" 1s scheduled fpr April 3.
Manuscript for the talk will be sent
to each congregation. Handbills featuring just this talk are available.
<lease order your handbills early.
,ongregations having circuit assemblies
scheduled that weekend may have
.he special talk on April 10.
If the circuit servant is with your
2ongregation during the week of Memonal Wednesday should be used for
9eld s'ervice and the service meeting
nay be held on. Wednesday evening.
dongregations bemg v ~ s ~ t ethat
d week
may ask the circuit or district servant
to handle the Memorial if they wish.
Early in February the overseer
nld meet with the accounts servant

to discuss his duties. Arrange for an

audit of accounts on March 1. Are
subscriptions being prepared and sent
to the Society each week? Consider
servant's field activity and work together in the ministry.
Suggested meeting$ for field service: February 13: Ways to Start
Studies This Morning. (See page two.)
February 20: Effective Introductions in
Your Territory. February 27 : Talking
Points in the Current Watchtower.
March 6: Plan your own program.
+Starting February 6 the district
servants' new public talk' will be "Does
God Have Influence m This Twentieth
Century?" Beginning March 6, the
circuit 'servantsv new talk wlll be "How
Practical Is the Search for Wealth?"
Many who would like to vacation
pioneer find it encouraging to know
who else has in mind doing it at the
same time they want to. So we suggest
that at the end of February the
oveGseer arrange a convenient 'time,
perhaps after a meeting., when those
interested in vacation ploneer servlce
in April can $et together to discuss
their plans.
his will afford them
opportunity to work out arrangements
among themselves and it will enable the overseer 'to determine what
arran ements for group witnessing
shoul8 be made to asslst them.
"Portugal Continues to Persecute
Jehovah's ,Witnesses." That is the title
of an extensive special report in the
February 22 issue of Awake! The
Society would llke to have thls issue
receive as wlde a distr~butionas possible, to give support to our brothers
in Portugal. Can ou use extra copies?
~f so, please o r g r now.
+Each regular and special pioneer
who has been on the list since July 1
1965, may receive a free copy of th$
new Watch Tower Publications Index
for 1961-1965 by maklng request through

the congregation; or by ordering from

the Society, if isolated.
+We still have a good supply of
both Watchtower and Awake! v o l w
for 1964. If you can use these, ales
place your order.
New publications avapable :
Lzvzn zn Hope of a Rzghteous Ne
-Cinyanja, Swah
O Out of stock in U.S.A.:
-Dutch, German,
Norwe iavr
When All Nations Unite Under
When God Speaks Peace to All
Tract 4-- Awake from Sleep!"


e In stuzying chapter three, "The

True-Life Story a s Told by the Holy
Bible," in the 'Im~ossible to Lie'
book. what scriptures are to be read
duriig a home Bible study?
The account in this chapter is fast
moving and the study of this materlal
should be kept moving too. I t is not
intended to be a detailed, long-drawnout affair, but i t gives the reader a
quick resume of the entire Bible account a s it relates to the Seed of
promise and thus lays a gqqd foundation for the study material that
I t is not necessary to read all those
scriptures listed in the footnotes du
ing the time set aside for your stud
but they are there for consultation
by those who want to know the
basis for the information presented
on the page. However! if you a s a
study conductor, whether a t a home
BIble study or a t a congregation book
study feel that it Would be beneficial ' for those present to read a
few key verses directly from the Bible
during the study of this part of the
book, you may pick them out , ad
of t l q e and. use them 9 empl ize
the high polnts of the %son.


Seventy-one new congregations en

rolled in the United States in the first four
months of this service year; one hundred
and seventy-one during the pr
,his wife with books under their twelve months.
arms. As reported in the Yearbook, *.Branch in Bangui, Central Africa, ha
the man commented: "When it fin~shed construction of a nqw brancl
comes to religion, I can make just home, and moved in on November 22
a s many excuses a s the next person, +Jordan government has asked brunch
but when someone %takesthe time 'servant to leave the country due to F - - - of Babylon
to write me a letter about it, I sures from recce,seniatives
.figure it is time to do something." Great.
74-- &E
(Page 65) Some even conduct studit
In Burma, where 70 attended a re
ies by mail. I n the Bahamas, a circuit assembly public meeting, 8 3 0 were
woman became interested in the on hand for the film showing.
truth and it was agreed that she
District assembly in Douala, Cameroun,
would study with a missionary in the first in a series of four, reports 7,413
Nassau by mail. Because of her at public talk, 1 7 3 baptized.
desire to learn, a chapter a week
Leopoldville, Congo, branch reports
was covered in " U t God Be True."
(Yearbook, page 71) While this 5,958 publishers in November, an
sister wasn't confined to her home, crease of 5 9 percent over last year.
it does give you-some idea of what 4 French Guiana, with 3 2 publishers
c a n be done along these lines. As to says 1 8 7 came to district assembly publi
what you might include in your talk.
letter, please refer to the September ' I ) India, a land with fourteen p r i n c ~ p a ~
1965 Kingdom Ministry article lanhuages and hundreds of didlects,
"Have You Tried This?"
recently had eleven district assemblies
4 Oh, yes, one more thought. I n where the "pure language" of truth was
your letters Jt would often be good a uniting force; 2,174 were nlr hand, 4 7
to refer to material in The Watch- baptized.

During the Time Set Aside
you ever planned to share
field service on a certain day and
~11enhad unavoidable circumstances
interfere with your plans? Most of
us have had that experience. Perhaps
+here was sickness in your family,
evere weather or' a breakdown in
the transportation needed to get to
'he territory.
However, if we have set aside a
certain time for field service, it may
--ot be necessary to miss out just
ecause unexpected situations arise.
When we stop and think about it,
there are many ways to present the
Q O O ~news even if unavoidable cirlmstances make it impossible for
you to follow through with your
original plans. For example, possibly
you could work the territory right
around your home. Or, perhaps you
could resort to public transportation
to get to the territory. Some have
used the telephone to make return
visits on people with whom literature had been placed or to make
~mfortingcalls oil those who had
lust loved ones.
Of course, you could also write
tters. I n Alaska, a pioneer wrote a
letter to a person whose subscription
had expired but whose address m7as
just a box number. One evening
there was a knock a t the pioneer's
door, and there stood the man and
1 Have

twwer, particularly if the person is

a subscriber, for this will keep him
alert to its ,excellent material, so
conducive to developing a love for
the truth. We do hope that some of
these suggestions will help you to
overcome obstacles so you can present the good news during the time
you've set aside to do so.

Over 4,500,000 Copies

1 We are glad to report that the

'Imaossible to Lie' book in Dutch is
now being printed in the factory in
Brooklyn. You may now place orders
for the book in Dutch, German, Portuguese, French, Italian, Spanish
and English.
2 What are the prospects for the
future? If you walked through the
Praisers of Jehov---l
society's factory right now you
311,933 p u b l i s ~ ~in
~ ~the
field ber, when many had difficulty with would see the brothers on the linois a n excellent report for December ! illness and when there were prob- type machines already working on
Our united efforts to praise our ,lems with bad weather and other the book in Danish, Swedish, AfriGod and the resulting grand witness obstacles, 311,933 were aided to have kaans and Greek. As soon a s these
before men and angels unquestion- some part in the ministry. I t just are bound and ready to be prdered,
bly made Jehovah's heart glad. shows what can be done, with Jeho- we will let you know.
3nly during April 1965, with warm- vah's blessing, when each of us ar3 You will be thrilled to know mar;
ing spring weather, did more share in ranges his own affairs to have a the Brooklyn factory has already
~ewitness work in the United States part in the service and when we printed over 4,50q,000 copies of the
1965, when there were 327,588 try to help one another a s we did, new book. The Society's factory in
ho shared in Jehovah's service.
in December, doesn't i t ? Yes; De- Germany has also been printjng the
Just consider for a moment the cember was an excellent month of 'Impossible to Lie' book in German
le way Jehovah blessed our efforts. activity to Jehovah's praise !
And this spring it is expected that
--I the months from April to Deour brothers in Finland will be
cember t h e number who shared in
printing the new book in Finnish
1 on their presses.
the ministry varied from month
ns. B;C ~ i . s t . M&.
to month. Of course, some of the Sp'l Pios. PUIIS756 142.8
4 1 t is a delight to see this fine
54.0 7.8 135.4
new ones had not yet come to ap- PIOS.
9.282 91.3 31.2 4.8 98.7 production of the new book, isn't i t ?
preciate the importance of regular Vac. Pios. 3;158 75.9 19.9 2.1 73.3 Doesn't i t make you glad that yo^:
9.2 3.3
.6 10.5 can have a part in distributing ii
service to Jehovah. With others, Pubs.A L 298,737
sickness and other unforeseen ob- T O TPublic
to others -and that it is such a won.
~ ' e e t i n ~Held:
vere permitted to interfere U N I T E D S T A T E S q O A L F O R 1966 derful aid to many in learning tht
3ir mi-'-try. Yet in Decem332,695 Publishers




"We sh

d not r--led the house of our God.'-Neh.

r, My recent trip through Mexic

. :
?ntral and South America w,
- ~ x c ~ ~ r t enjoyabk.
a i n l ~ The enthusiasthat
- "3for the 1966-1967assemblies is run- been out for two hours we
::ning high, and all are
.sthat, many brothers are coming. Why, it seems as if we just got
..;$I had the opportunity to visit started-" Isn't it tI3.E that when
we are doing something interesting
- Fe-ztwenty-one branch offices, discuss and
time flies? And, in
Kingdom interests with branch
with Our ministerial
servants, dedicate a new Kingdom Service9 do we
not have abundant
g: Hall
branch office, meet many
-*>-Ghappy missionaries, talk to l o c ~ l reasons to delight in the grand
of serving the happy God,
- ir3congregations and a t district assem- privilege
'"5 blies, as well a s arrange for fie Jehovah?-1




NP. 3

Do God's Will
we still show
and do not allow a lack of response
to rob us of our joy.
3Perhaps YpU have found i t
profitable before engaging in the
service 'to
yourself: "What 610
I want to accomplish, what is my
overall objective?" Having thil
clearly in mind, we can next ask.
"How does giving the sermon or

I Remind publishers to bring "WatchTheme: Helping Others to the Way tower" that will be studied next
week for part on service meeting
of Life. Song 20.
program and February insert on pio5 min: Introduction, text, comments. I neering.
Song 13.
15 min: Obtaining New Subscriptions.
Tell publishers how many have been
-jtained to date. Draw comments
Theme: Obedient Slavds of Our Reom audience on following points:
(1)l Why we wan;, people to receive purchaser. Song 1.
mi n : Introduction, text, comments.
"The Watchtower. (2) Benefits they
will receive from reading it. (3) What 10 min: Two publishers discuss Branch
is there in current issue to which letter and Theocratic News.
you could particularly direct atten- 10 min: "Watchtower" study servant
tion? What did you learn from that having met with overseer offers sugl
article? (4) Possibilities for obtaining gestions to congregation'on how to
subscriptions and local experiences. study and prepare comments on lesson
Publisher can be assigned - t o read to be studied that week. Publishers
experiences from "Yearbook" (p. 250, can be encouraged to bring their own
Sr. 2; p. 261, par. 3). (Have some copy to meeting. Show how scriptures
,repared in advance to comment.) cited can be used for comments. Give
8 min: Talk on article "Will You encouragement to read all articles
in magazine.
Have Enough?"
15 min: ~ c ~ i a i n t i nNewly
Interested 20 min: "A Grand Privilege of SerOnes with Jehovah's Organization. vice." (Question-and-answer coverage
CHAIRMAN (5 min.) Chairman dis- of insert on pioneering in February
cusses following points with audience. "Kingdom Ministry". look up scripOver 225,000 Bible studies were con- tures cited; read p$ragraphs.)
lcted in U.S. each month last year. 15 m in : Concluding comments. Interany a r e not yet joining us in view a t least two publishers in conmeetings and service. This raises the gregation asking them "How did you
question: How can we regularly di- become dne of ~ e h o v a h ' switnesses?"
rect interested ones to Jehovah's or- Remind the publishers to help others
ganization and his service? To help in service during April. Song 3.
us, the Society has prepared just
what we need. Invlte audience to turn
to "Make Sure" and heading "JeTheme: Joyful Servants of the True
hovah's. Witnesses." Enough material God, Jehovah. Song 71.
is provlded for almost fifty discus- 5 m in : Introduction, text, comments.
sions. Observe the logical sequence: 15 min: "Delighting to Do God's Will."
First, consideration is given to our Have entire audience look up, read
name and origin; next, matters of and
comment on Acts 13:48, 52. Then
conduct and what kind of people
article with questions and
we are; then what kind of meetlngs discuss
~ o m k e n ton scriptures.
we have and why. this is fqllowed 30 min: Aiding
Others to Attend the
by information on ' the organmation
Talk and the Memorial.
and field ministry. You may choose
(13 rnin.) Chairman gives short talk
to consider one heading a week, or
article "Talks You Are to Give."
several headings may be handled a t onNext
comments from audience
once, though i t is best not to try on wh$ draw
is that we are particularly
to handle too much a t one time. interestedi t in
getting everyone to a t The .point to emphasize is in the
leading, which is in boldface type. tend the Memorial. Let them read
showing its importance.
'EMONSTRATION (3 rnin.) You might scriptures
Stir up enthusiasm for special April
.y: "Something I thought you would 3 talk,
"What Binding Satan the Devil
ant to know is why we are called Will Mean
for Mankind." Have sev!hovah's witnesses. The answer is eral in audience
ready to comment
re in Isaiah 43:lO-12." Read verses along these lines: Until
underd repeat idea expressed in heading stand what the Bible people
says on this
in "Make Sure."
CHAIRMAN (7 rnin.) Ask audience thing find it difficult to loveeveryhim
r comments'' on how Convention and but faith in his promises. Many
?ports, the Yearbook," "Kingdom today are skeptical about existence
inistry," Theocratic Ministry School of Devil. Even those who believe he
hedule, etc., can .be used along exists often ask why God does not
th other headings in "Makd Sure," do . something about the .situation.
ges 270-281. It is suggested that This
a vital topic. I t will answer
bjects be considered ~ u s tone a t many is
questions in the minds of newly
time, according to the need of interested
ones, if we can aid them
Bible students. Keep things simple.
be present and get the truth on
You may find i t appropriate to direct to
clearly in mind.
tention to the organization and
(17 rnin.) Subscribers and others who
-hovah's service in the above rnan- have
interest should be given
er before or after your study. Need
. a t limit to after-study discussions. personal
can ask
Progress of student will enable you for suggestions on audience
how to go about
to d-etermine frequency of such dis- inviting them. Have
cussions, having them each week or suggestions on what to say, Chairman
less often.
7 min:
Young publisher talks to
warm and inviting. Publisher
---erseer about the school assignment simple,
can then demonstrate how
write to a "pen pal." Discuss ainquiring
call can be made, showing he apmaterial according to what is out- preciates
suggestions. Chairman can
lined in Question Box.
then discuss prospects, ask who needs
3 min: ~ c c b u n t sreport. (Make men- help how we can help them
tion of audit on March 1.)
A ~ O read
to congregation titles of
7 mini;
Concluding comments. In- new public talks. (Congregation serclude How Did We Do in January?" vant has list.)
Also, local service report. Mention 10 min: Concluding comments. Rethat i t is not too late to fill out a mind publishers to ~chedulntime sn
vacation pioneer applica
i fc
Lpril. calls can be made 1 all s icril

and those studying etc., to invitc

them to special meetings. Song 63


(Or fifth meetine: in March)

~ h e r n e : strengthened to ~ a i t h f u l
ness by Resurrection Hope. Song 35
10 min: After brief introductory r e
marks, show family of three discussing day's text. Father calls on
son to tell the family two or thref
main points that stood out in hit
mind on theme for the month. (Draw
them from the article in the April 1
1966, "Watchtower"; use a scripture. j
Mother adds that she read a "Yearbook" experience (p 178 par. 2) that
nicely illustrates the'therhe; relates it
20 min: Presenting the Good News
Talk and demonstration on article
"Presenting the Good News by Teaching with Authority." Help audience
to see "why" ;ind "how" attention can
be focused on Bible.
20 min: Aiding Others to Praise Jehovah.
(7 min.) Chairman comments ora
scriptures a t Matthew 5-14 16 and
Acts 20:24. ~ n c o u r a g e m e k t 'is then
given to aid all who have previously
shared in service. to do so during
April and following months. They
have shown a desire to serve J e
- hovah; let's help them. - - Ask study conductor, "When doel
your group meet for service?" Lei
him outline program. Ask those who
meet for midweek service to comment
from audience on when and. wherc
they meet. Ascertain if there is anyone who would like to go out with
one of these groups. Encqurage publishers to think, "Who IS there in
your group that needs help?" "Why
not call and offer help?"
What about those with whom wc
study? Are there some who are read3
for service? Do they know the New
World society's Scriptural standards
on morals separateness from false
religious ahd political affairs, and arc
their personal circumstances m harmony with those standards? If so
invite them to go with you,
( 6 rnin.) Publisher in audience asks
for suggestions on how to do it. Invited to platform. It is pointed out
that "Make Sure" could be left with
householder one week requesting t h a t
he read the section o i "Preaching the
Good News." Next week highlight
a point from i t and invite him along
to see how the work is done. I t may
be that after a few doors he will
want to say something. If you discerr
that to be the case then spend a
few minutes helping 'him to prepare
a short presentation. Demonstrate how
to handle in a natural, friendly way.
(5 .min.) Our. goal is to have new
ublisher continue participation in
ingdom service after April, so be.
fore separating, i t will be profltablf
to analyze what was accomplisheu
that day in a positive way. Demonstrate how after service publisher
using ~ a t i h e w10.12-14 khows thaf
differing reactions b e r e Iexpected, but
we are doing a s Jesus said we should
and witness is being accomplished
Enjpyed companionship and hope tc
do i t again soon.
(2 min.) Conclude with comments
on privilege of serving Jehovah. Our
attaining the 20-percent goal will be
a reflection of the efforts we put
forth to aid others to praise Jehovah.
10 min:
Concluding commenta. Include item on 'GnnA News for EVDT-Tonguc

-- -

brothers who'~wignedto give public t

@r&s beginning April,

Will You Have Enough:

Y k 9 yoti dll have enodh if

~ r rreport
~ ~ n u a r2 y
6 to hear Brother
on Kingdom work in Central and South
America, after his return from trip there.
n January 1 new branch ofices of
To illustrate, if we a r e studying
were established
in 0kinaxQ
Pa"graph four at the top
page in the Pacific, and in Barbados in the
five in "Tfi$e C ~ ~ h t N ~ ~ 8Caribbean. Another is due to open :i ~ ~ Africa,
l iin Dahomey,
~ ~ ~
on March 1.
just to refer to John 17:" and +Our brotherr in s+rife-+orn Dominican
2 Timothy 3 :15-17. But if we actual- Republic report 1,949 publishers in
ly Open Our
and invite the Docembecan
increase of 21 percent.
student to do the same and then *GuadelOupe
have him read the scriptures, this percent increase in publishers in aDecemwill impress on his mind that he is bir. O f the 6 2 2 reporting8 lo5 were
having a study in the Bible and vacation pioneers*
not just a study in the booklet. + K a ~ a h u l y congregation in1 Hawaii
yes, if we focus attention on the recently enloyed a 22-percent increase
Bible, then we will be teaching with as over half the 6 3 publishers vacation
greater authority.
3 If, in starting studies on the pioneered. Forty-eight new studies were
that month.
initial Call, we Say that We are started
+In Monrovia, Liberia, 6 0 0 turned 0,.
enC0~raging Bible study, then it to
see Society's film in one of the biggest


leaching w+h Authority

l a a n y of U s these days have the
grand privilege. of assisting and
:aining newer and less-experienced
publishers to become more effective
we showing them
OW to teach with authority? IS
our example of teaching patterned
after the greatest ~~~~h~~ of all
time, J~~~~
christ? He taught with
authority because he used the scrip
,tures we today cap actllally open
the Bible and let people see for
themselves what it says, ~h~ society recommends that you do this
studies, looking up and
reading particularly the scriptures
that are cited but not quoted. When
you are newly starting, a stu8y, would be good to get into the Bible
for a few weeks you might even a s soon a s possible and briefly refer halls in town. Increase continues; 3 6 5
waat to look up in the ~ i b those
l ~ to the booklet or book SO they will publishers in December-a
texts that a r e fillly quoted in the See where the information is being Increasepublications being studied, In this obtained. I n this way it will truly +In Ibarra, Ecuador, 11 ~eal0uS isoway you focus principal attention be a study in the Bible a s f a r a s lated publishers, most of whom began to
on the Bible itself.
the householder is concerned and publish within the past year, averaged
when 'teaching not a study in only a book or a 3 6 hours, 13 back-calls and 2 Bible
2 F ~ ~ ,
booklet. I n the mind of the house- studies eadh during December.', New
another publishei how to
a progressive study iIi one of the holder this will surely build up con- congregation ljeing formed there.
booklets, some of our brothers have fidence in Jehovah's Word, the ' +senegal reaches 32-percent increase,
A done this : Instead of just discussdergy of Christendom often with 8 7 publishers in December
ing the answer to a question and
say the
says this or that, but, then referring to the scriptures of
course, very often it doesn't. cited, they actually look up all
think that we 61s i t proper to write to the Society
the scriptures in the Bible. They are the same may
a s the clergy unless or its branch offices for addresses of
ask the householder to get his Bible
and they persons- we can write
as "pe
and then read the
See for
what the pa+$L?recommend that publishers +?lo
right from the Bible, with impressive results. In lnany cases this has Bible teaches. Truly, this will aid wish
to correspond with brpthers in
other cities and even in foreign countea'h with authority.
made a tremendous difference in Us
tries work such matters out for
Oftentimes many fine
the respect that the One bking
have at
acstudied with has for God's Word.
. AV. AV. AV. friendships
B-C Bi.St. Mags.
by q a n s of regular c,orrespondence i t Ddighfing to Do God's Will
(Cont'd) ~ p rpies.
777 141'6 54 8 7 8 125 7 has been possible to develop a warm
9 209 s9'7 32'2 5'1 93'4 enduring friendship. There is nothink
mind toward ~ e h o v a n and his ~ho,qmp~os.2:136
so:l ~ : 2:s
73:3 wroog in such personal corresponpeople than when we found them, pubs.
9.0 3.5
10.1 dence. However addresses for sneh
correspondence burposes must be obor that a good foundation was T O T A L 303,449
laid, for a witness to be given the
~ ~d $ $ d ~~ ~s us f
next time someone calls, then we U N I T E D STATES G O A L F O R 1966 and in congregation files are con332,695
have accomplphed a fine work.
5 We have what the people in our
' O ' S ~ ~ ' . 8 \ ~ i b ~ . e n c o u r a corresponge
terrihry need. Jehovah has wonder- Though severe winter weather buf- dence with "pen pals" a s training in
fully trained us to provide spiritual feted many parts of the country certain courses. I n some instances
nevertheless you brothers kept bus; younger publishers have witnessed
assistance to sheeplike Ones. When in the minikry and much fine work effectively by means of corresponwe see such perso& being drawn was accomplished. Many found the dence and have succeeded in stimulating
genuine gnterest in the truth.
a finehtime to make
closer to ~
as~ inclement
~ weather
and~ start Bible
It ~is up to each individual, however
a result of Our efforts, even though- Publishers averaged .6 Bible studies: to decide if h e will participate i<
their progress may be quite slow, vacation pioneers 2.5, pioneers 5.1 and such a scpool-sponsored program .of
special pioneers 7 8 All together letter writing Those who do write
bring us great satisfaction 235,479
studies were conducted. I t i i to worldly persons, hpwever, do well
and a Sense of dccomplishment. We fine to see .the good attention that to. keep in mind giving a Kingdom
have every reason to rejoice and you are givlng to these home Bible witness rather than cultivating a n
because this is the most qf- interest in worldly affairs in view of
can be certain that J~~~~~~
is well studies,
fective means to aid sheeplike persons the warning against " b k associapleased with our diligent efforts.
to become praisers of Jehovah.
tipns" given a t 1 Corinthians 15:33.


' a

Whom can you bring to the special public talk and the Memorial?

WbIished m a

Y t-Wdchktwer Bibl6 and Trac* Society oil New Yet&, Ina,

Second-class postage gaid rt Broolrlyn, N.Y.


"We should not nealect the house of our God."-Neh.




NO. 4

Hello! We certainly naa a nne

me here in New York when the
1st class of Gilead graduated. We
nsed the new Jehovah's Witnesses
assembly Hall, which- the Society
1 It w a u a special occasion when the temple was ready.-2
Chron. ~d :
u r c h a s e d r e c e n t l y . T h i s m a s Hezekiah made that statement. He 11,
packed out and every seat was had just been made king in Judah
2 Were these special efforts retaken. Over 1900 were in atten- and was urging the priests and warded? Yes. It was the 'most
dance. The program began a t ten Levites to get on with the work of 'joyous Passover celebmted until
o'clock in the morning and by the cleansing the temple from the de- that time! Even Israelites from the
time 4: 30 rolled around in the filed condition in which his father ten-tribe Kingdom were invited an<
afternoon we felt. a s if o n l ~a n had left it. The amount of work attended. Unusual, united efforts b1
hour had passed. The president to be done was tremendous. They God's servants are surely apprf
and vicepresident of the Society wanted the temple ready for the priate on special occasions.
swke, along with the school in- Passover, now drawing near, so the
3 DO We today have occasions
structors- We had 102 students time Was short. S ~ r e l y this
Was no when more than the usual effort is
come UP to the platform to get time for resting ! Did they make appropriate? fis, the Memorial is a
their diplomas. The 103d student this deadline? Not on Nisan 14, but special occasion for Christians t o d b
did not make it. He got an appen- wise King Hezekiah, acquainted - and the month of April is a tim,
dicitis attack the day before gradu- with Jehovah's loving provision for additional, united effort in
ation and had to go to
hnqnitnl through the Law, had the Passover GO@% i;iervim. A9~rec-g
He isa$-sliqg7 fine_ no
eel@?rnM. ~ t f . l * f o u l . t e w - o f,3esus' death a n d resarreetion mean
I n the afternoon ti1 stucle~ '-the following month a n d by that for us, we a r e stirred to act in
clemonstrated some of ~ n t ! things time this great work was done and behalf of others.
that went on in school itself during
there other reasons for puthe last five months, and we actual- servants, assistant congregation
thought we were in a theater servants and Bible study servants ting forth
seeing a reproduction of Jeremiah who will be invited to the Kingdom Aprny even striving to reach the
talking to the people of Jerusalem, Ministry School in the coming 20-percent go'17 if
This is an
Tob talking to his "comforters," and months. What a .pleasure it is there are good
to 'Oncentrate
>aul writing to the Hebrew Chris- to hear their experiences! They
new Ones into the service.
tians. My, what we saw and heard! even handled the service meetReally, i t was a marvelous day,
one filled with joy.
showing them how sillp1e
We suppose you are wondering we have had some fine talent to
the work is cw'o get,'L
who were able to get into the put on our service meetings
theater for the graduation. Brother
I n a few days we will be listen- them started and they might want
Knorr gave five tickets to each grad: ing to the special public talk, on to have a share each month the'q
when the servants
uate of Gilead so they could g k e April 3, and following that we kill after'
showing that
tickets to their friends, mothers have the Memorial celebration, and forth the
od fathers; and there were many we will be working toward a new
encollraeed to join in the
relatives there. He also arranged peak in publishers. There seems to
to give a ticket to every pioneer jn be no end' of new things. Oh, yes,
It is easy to see wnat me
New Pork C i t i as well a s all the we got a u r pocket edition of the
is' We
never th'hk
members of the Bethel family.' SO LIrnpossible to Lie' book on March 7
these, along with a few others who and the Bethel family broke into
mere able to get tic: ts, just packed enthusiastic applause over it. We the magnif~ing Of Jehovah's name
like it. We hope you
too. That
but the place.,
the saving Of lives that are
But a s soon aD
grand day is all for now We a r e getting and
'lVe ape interested in
ends another starts for us, i t ready for April 'and hope to make important'
just as Jesus was: ''On nen seems. Rere a t Bethel we are now it a big month here in New Pork
having the pleasure of visiting with City, and we hope that all of you ing the crowds he
they were skinned/ ar
many of the circuit and
can do the same. May Jehovah's
about lide sheep withour
servants who are going through the blessing go with all of you. With
revised two-week course of the wn-m love,
a shepherd."-Matt. 9 : 36.
6 Servants and study conduc
Kingdom Ministry School that has
Your brothers,
em arraaged for congregation
(Corttifiu-ed 09% page 4, col. 4



0,";i",;2;;f zivg

~ ~ ~ ~ g $ l - ~ ~ ~ ~ faIf):i

18 min: Presenting special "Awake!" view of the seemingly permanenl

Capable brother mentions magazine gloomy conditions on earth. I t car
goals. for April-30 for publishers, 200 only be through the power of God.
for pioneers, 300 for special pioneersHis promised remedy is clearly statec
6 min: Introduction, text and com- and comments on excellent material here a t Psalm 37:10, 11. [Read .and
in special magazines. Interviews var- comment.] To be among the righ18 min: u~~ ~~t ~i~~ yourselves up ious publishers a s to their plans for teous, the Bible shows here a t J o h ~ :
to Rest." Questions and answers.
placing magazines.
17:3 the need for knowledge of C
to pioneer or vacation and of his Son. Jesus Christ," [RI
min: Occasions for Field Instrueif possible who will find and comment.] Present literature
tion and Encouragement. Talk ref- special 'occasions fo; magazine work, which aids in getting such knowledge
Capable Prepared publisher dem(
them whenwork
What will
h i strates bermon.
erlcOuragement and
upbuilding. highlight? Explains a n d demonstrates 20 min: "Making a Career of the
Here instructions and suggestions a r e
covoffered t h a t can be used immediately
pub- erage
of February
in the
service. Text for the day lisher. Chairman discusses with him try" pioneer insert. Look up scrl-$ o ~ ~ ~ s ~ ~ e ~ i s a ~ ~ e s ~ f , " ~ v ~ " , e $point
a l P "he
, ' ~will stress and hears brief tures cited and read paragraphs.
rangements for field service have been { ~ $ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . b e O ~ ~ ; t ' ~ e d . s u g gOn
e s t15
i om
n in
s : Those Who Wisely C h ~ s ethe
made for the month of April, in adRight Career. (Experiences with apdition to usual arrangements. Show
(3) Chairman offers thoughts on plication.) How have others made the
how ill Or infirm Can have share. vital decision to make the ministry
a ~ ~ b l i~ ~c ha ~t ~~ ~~ Have
t i ~ magazines
f ~
on hand to offer their career? Cons!der how two made
regular pioneers will benefit by being "11 visitors and deliverymen CEn .use this important decislon early In their
there, if possible. Well-prepared meet- phone, send letters. (See 9/65 King- lives and never regretted the happy
Ministry*" page 4.)
outcome (The life stories of Sister
ings for service will be of special
encouragement to new and irregular
(4) Study conduGor interviewed. He Garcia and Brother Zuercher conones.
will use above methods; also street tained in w61 508-511 and w65 f30-735
Know Your April
..Watch- work, shopping centers. Gives pre- should be briefly related. o n e brothei
sentation to chairman.
can handle this part a s a whole o r one
(5) Experiences from audience on can be chairman, with a sister and
a , ( ~ e ~ ~ > i t f " , " i r ~ ~ ~ a ~ [ e f e ~ ~ ~ $ S what
has (Speak
worked towell
placing aThis
sister relating
and brother
the decided
that we all enjoyed
the fine
determination to pursue the ministry
information contained in the special beforehand.)
talk. N~~ we can give many others
Chairman offers encouraging re- a s a Career, despite other OPPorthe opportunity t o enjoy this too by marks on progress of magazine work tunities and prob!ems. They mziched
placing individual ,Foples of the spe- so f a r and makes suggestions on what out for o p ~ o r t u n l t l e s to serve and
- ~ ~ t ~ w
h h yt n~o t ~spend
~ ~appears
to be needed for full suc- thus made advancement in their ministerial careers, the sister to becoming
some additional time in magazlne dis- ceSS in
tribution this month? Important +o 6 min: Theocratic News presented in a
a Gilead
a, graduate
and then a missionary in
h o w contents of magazine -1
e an interesting _-a=,. QOS---&.
another m u n e y ; t h e brother t o bewell-prepared presentations.
yiwng brother.
coming a pioneer to serving a t Bethel
(8 min.) Different ~ubli-..-.~ in 8 min: Accounts servant's report.
and then to se&ing a s branch seraudience give talking points. (Pub- 10 ,in:
Concluding comments. Re- vant. Both a r e still faithfully pursuing
lishers can be assigned to Prepare a port through April 10 and discuss their careers and a r e happy with
to Lie Jehovah's rich blessing. W h a t faithful
o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r l l a *Pocket
~ h &Edition
~ ~ Song
o ~ ~ ~ j
examples for others! The ministry can
They tell what points they feel will
truly be one's happy career, with
appeal to different kinds of housedetermination'
holders. TWO a r e asked to come t o
platform and give brief, well-preOverseer should arrange for a n incomments. Repared presentations.
structive and encouraging program Port through April 24. Appropriate
Song 55'
(4 min.) Chairman. Various presen- t h a t fits the needs of congregation.
tations for various circumstances a r e Give report through April 17, highgood. Also fine to have one good !ight how Your congregation is doing
general presentation t h a t will fit most in "Watchtower" campaign help pub~
h Cultivating
~Love a~s c h r i:s t ? ~
circumstances. Gives suggestions for lishers see how overall ~ & i lactivity Imitator'' Song
one, and then he or another publisher is progressing and what yet needs 5 min: Introduction, text and comdemonstrates.
to be done
(2 rnin ) We want to give the widest
possib!e ' distribution to this special
8 min: Talk on month's theme. (See
magazine. Feature it wherever pOSTheme.'Recommending Ourselves a s
Of May
sible. Would be good to take advan- ~ o d ' sM&isters. (2 Car. 6:4-7) Song 32. 10 min: Question Box. A father distage of Magazine Day service regucusses serving where the need is
larly, also prestudy work. (Remind
Introduction, text and
greater with his family. They consider
the material in Question Box tobrothers:' previous week, to bring
special Watchtower.")
12 mln: Sermon for May.
gether. He may conclude t h a t he will
the Society, supplying suggested
10 min: Concluding comments. Local Theme: The Bible's Promise of a
March report and "How Did We.Do
Better System of Things
in February?" Report through April 3. Rev. 21 :3, &Bright promise of better 12 min: why Don't YOU Try It?"
Comment on s t a r t of new public talk
A brother who has been successful
series on April 10. RemLnd brothers ps. 37:10, Il-Wicked destroyed, righ- in starting home Bible studies. disto bring special "Awake! next week.
teous preserved into new system
Cusses this article with a publisher
Song 81.
John 17:3-What
one must do to live who wants to conduct a Bible study.
Read excerpts together. They make
under better system of things
appointment to work together in the
Suggested introduction and tran- field to t r y the suggestion.
heme : "Out of the Abundpnce of
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~u a , ~
S" ~
~ ~~ yi S"e12 /m in
~a :&Branch
~Letter. Chairman inthe Heart the
Speaks. (Matt. ~
are the major items troduces setting. Then mature sister
12:34) Song 72.
of the news, I would like to brighten uses this information on home Bible
min: Introduction, text and com- your day by showing you briefly .the study to show the wide scope of the
promise of better
activities of Jehovah's organization
18 min: "An Excellent Way to Aid to come on earth. Certainly you would and
3ne Another." Questions and answers. enjoy receiving good news for a lege
come under its loving car
[f possible include a n experience change isn't t h a t true? Revelation 13 mi?; Concluding comments. Contrranged fbr beforehand, illustratink 21:3, 4' gives this good news. [Read sider 1966 District Assemblies." C--1ow new one progressed by early and comment on it.] You may wonder plete April report for publishers
though, how this can come about id pioneers. Song efi
tttendance at meetings.

Theme: Bracing
Up Our
Pet' ':l3)









-n dxcellent Way to Aid One Another 1966

Are you studying with someone
7ou wish would make greater prog*ess?Have you wondered
aid this student to
bee the need
share in the
try? Or have
been asked to
aid another publisher in the 'Ongregation and you feel a t a loss
as to how you can be of the greatest
aid to
Well, maybe you have
been trying to do too much all by
rather than taking full
advantage of the arrangements Jehovah has made through the congregation.
Think of the encouragement,
direction and instruction we get
at our meetings. It is truly amazing
the quantity of
when you Biblicalof knowledge
comes from Christ,s faithful and
discreet slave and through the
brothers on the platform in just a
few months, time,
it? If
and others being helped
were there with us and were getting
this spiritual counsel and encouragemerit into their minds and hearts

cut down on the


we would have to,Po

ally in trying to get

3se same
thoughts to them by durselves,
wouldn't it ?
An -6emesr
has aided many to get started in

the truth. She has some dificulty

teaching on home Bible studies because English is not her native
tongue. But what does she do? She
them to the meetings as
as she can. The congregation servant says that when they first begin
to attend they don,t really have a
good grasp of the truth, nor do they
know very much about the organization. But the friendly and urgent
invitations of the sister have suc-





ceeded in getting them there- They

immediately begin to enjoy the association and they learn from the
meetings. The overseer says: "When
she gets them to the meetings, Jehovah7s congregational arrangements begin to take over and they
But what about encouraging
new ones to attend service meetings
during April when we are considering
how theyWon't
can be
the service?
be premature or even a shock to them? Not
necessarily. Don't most people already know that each one of Jehovah's witnesses is a minister and
engages in the ministry in one way
or another? Surely. After they have
listened to a program such as this,
your work in assisting them may
be a great deal easier. You may
simply have to refer back to that
meeting, build on the information
presented and help them to see how
5 I n fact, if every one of us endeavored to be in attendance a t
each meeting during April, wouldn't
this greatly aid us all to be successfu1 in our efforts for the month?
Without a doubt! X7hether the absent one is mature or new, how
could we ever personally repeat
to him all the fine information presented a t the meeting that he
missed? Much would surely be overlooked. ~ i s o ,there we enjoy the
warmth of association. And Jehovah's spirit is present a t each meeting. So, why not say, in the words
of Isaiah 2 : 3 : "Come, you people,
the mountain
and let us go up
of Jehovah, to the house of the God
of Jacob; and he will instruct us
about his ways, and we will walk
in his paths"! What an excellent
way to aid one another!


vacation pioneer
is still service
tin?e to
in April.
apply The
Piofi- 778 143-1
8.1 137m0 Society will qulckly process your ap9,215 88.5 31.2 5.1 97.6 plication even if you find a t the last
Vac. Pios. 1,791 79.3 22.6 2.6 74.5 minute that you can vacation pioneer.
292,343 9.1 3.4 .6 10.8 +Please mail your Memorial report
:OTAL 304,127
card immediately after Memorial.
Public. Meetings Held: 18,654
~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ P O ~ s i ~ ~ ; ~ , " g ~ ;::t
UNITED S T A T E S G O A L FOR 1966 field service for April 5.
332,695 Publishers
8 Offer for May: Each congregation
may present any older book of which
it has a large .su ply. Use up .all
February is a short month, a cold supplies of "Thzs &eons Everlasttng
month, and this year it saw a great Life." June: The New World Transladeal of sickness. Yet, how did we do? tzon along with "Things in Which I t
A number of definite improvements IS ~hzposszblefor God to LzeJyand two
were made over January, but it was 32-page booklets, on a contribution
in the Bible study work that we exAt meetings for field service during
celled. A total of 240,339 were conducted, 4,860 more in ~~b~~~~~ than the next four weeks ending May 1
in January, and January had been the following points' may be con:
sidered: (1) Review points for presentOur
in studies since Our ing the ,special Watchtower. (2) Repeak of last
w i t h this fine view points for presenting the special
start, what will March and A ~ r i l Awake! (3) Suggestions f o r following
briny 'n new Bible studies?
up all subscription promises. (4) SugBA
i :t.




1 Jehovah's

witnesses are accl

tomed to schedules for their fie--service and make plans accordingly.
~t times a little longer-range
scheduling is essential, and if we
have not already made plans for
attending one of the conventions
during June, ~ u l yor ~ u g u s t ,we
should begin NOW. Remember, the
conventions this year a r e for Rue
days. They are important, and we
will not want to miss any day.
Undoubtedly, most publishers
will want to attend the convention
nearest their home, geographically
speaking, though you are free to
attend any assembly. We are endeavoring to arrange adequate facilities for all who come.
3 Arrangements have been made
for Spanish assemblies in four locations. Spanish programs will be
held in conjunction with the English
assemblies in Miahi Beach, Fla.,
Dallas, Tex., and San Francisco,
Calif. I n Newark, N.J., the program
will be in Spanish only. The dates
of the Newark assembly a r e August
3-7. You will also be interested in
knowing that there will be full programs in both English and French
a t Montreal, Que.
Plan, then, to assemble unitedly
and joyfully, working and living
together harmoniously in a the(
cratic atmosphere a t the convention
of your choice this summer.

Pocket Edition of 'Impossible

to Lie' Appreciated
Ever since Brother KnOrr's letter
was received by the
congregations, orders have been
the Office
even by

, " ~ ~ , e a ~ " , ~ f ~fz
Brother Knorr." IVrote anothe
congregation: "We are thrilled
Send us three cases right a w a j
Any who have not yet ordered m t ,
and when you need more
copies, me will be glad to supply
them. I t makes us very happy to
that you
appreciate this provision that hr
been made for your convenience
study and in the ministry.

gestions for presenting the literature

offer for May.
+Tour application forms for the convention trips have been sent out
those whose names and addresses we
sent to the Society If your name was
sent in and you habe not yet received
the forms please write zmmedzately
to the w i t c h Tower .Society, Travel
Desk 124 Columbia Heights Brooklyn,
N.Y. 11201, and recluest forks.
publications available:
Living in Hope of a Rzghteous New
When God Is King over All the
World Government on t F n Shoulder
of the Prince of PI

1 arct 5 t< pril will 3 the first

group atrending rne new two-week Kingdom Ministry School course at Kingdom
Farm, South Lansing, N.Y. Some congregation servants w h o have not yet
ttended will be invited, and the letter
ow going out shows that assistant conregation servants _and Bible study serFollowing stops at Curavo, Surinam
d British Guiana, Brother Henschef
ited Trinidad, Barbados, St. Lucia, Doma, Guadeloupe, Puerto Rice and ' Doican Republic and h a spoken
to 6 , 2 8 6

cessible only b y walking.

_ -J, hape much more than a numerical goal in mind when encouraging
helping others. They have in
mind the
of those
entrusted to their care, just as
Epaphras had, concerning whom
Paul said : '6Epaphras, who is from
among you, a slave of Christ Jesus,
sends you his greetings, always
exerting himself in your behalf in

the co
6 :1 ;

Can number.


- - .-





- ,--_-


MAY, 1966

Qem Qb[ishens:

"We should not neglect the house of our God."-Neh.

~ ~ ~ ~ $- 2 i B--AL






NO. 5

Need Help

we're a singing family ! We have

been for some time now. but we
couldt not tell you about it. You
Already it is time to start thinklookat it this way:
it is
probably received a letter about our ing about our work for May. Our
new songbook, "Singing and Accom- thoughts may well focus on the true that having a good personal
pamging YourseZves with Music in many new ones we helped to get
rep0rt is
is it
Your Hearts." For some months started in the field serviice in April.
more imp0rtant than
w we have been singing these We would certainly -like to see all Someone
serve Jehovah?
new songs with music in our hearts, of them keep on in Kingdom service. desire
undoubtedly mswer that
~ n qwe Xave already heard some1But not all do. In fact, here a t
to assist
the recorded music on phono- the Society's office we have made a it is more
graph records. I t is simply beauti- few calculations in which we believe dedicated brothers, and that is
F711! Did you ever feel tingling going you will be interested. ~ u r i h gthe
right. In fact, what is it that Jesus
a_nd down your back when you last service year, for every two Said would be the distinguishing
?re singing a beautiful melody new publishers added to the ranks feature of his true folhwers? While
..ith words that were full qf mean- one became inactive. This make; preaching the good news is one of
ing? That is what happens to us us think, doesn't it? We naturally the very important features, We
when we sing these new songs,
wonder if there is iWthing more know that the outstanding feature
Remember to take your new song- that we can do to help these persons. that Jesus said would distinWish
book along with you to the "God's
2We believe that with many who his followers is l o v e f o ~ o n eanother.
Sons of Liberty" District Assembly. become inactive the solution centers (John 13 : 35) Do we love our brothYou will need it, because the songs around the home Bible study; that ers as much as the ones on whom
sung there will be from this new is, continuing the study with them we call a t their door, - many of
after they start in the field service whom refuse to listen? If so,
0 yes, another exciting thing yes, even after dedication. ~ h e we
i certainly should find time to Pro.
happened here since we last wrote we get to the heart of the matter, vide a few hours of additional help
you. All the family saw the new isn't what they really need an ac- a month for these many new
film the Society has made entitled curate knowledge of the truth?
ones -in the fold- If we can
"Heritage." All the actors in it Of course, you may be thinking, render this help and still make the
are Jehovah's witnesses. We en- 'But how can Lkeep on studying goal of ten hours, that is fine, and
joyed it very much. when you see with them now that they are dedi- usually that is possible; but if we
it over TV, it will make you think. cated? How will I keep up my have to make a choice, then our first
Ct carries a powerful message, but service report?' I n answer, we ought obligation would be to our brothers.
4 Of course, we also want to make
if it is going to do people the most
good, we will have to follow through hear it. We here are all keyed UP time to do house-to-house work in
pgjth Bible studies to hel@ them get about the assembly and anxious to May, and we have as the suggested
3n the right path, the one that go. If what is said a t the assembly offer the book "This Means Everieads to life.
is anything like the new sohgbook, lasting Life." Though this book war
By now you no doubt have de- then certaipl~lt will be an assem- published some years ago, you know,
:ided which convention you will be bly of PFlse to Jehovah. We are perhaps fmm your own case, that
attending. Quite a number of us in sure lt will be and that every One it has helped many new ones into
the Bethel family are going to of You attending will have hearts the trqth. I t may have been one
Foronto. That is the first one on welling UP with Praise. We will of the books that did much to make
this continent, you know. Probably have a happy time together. Re- over your mind in harmony with
the greater part of the family will member incidental witnessing along the divine Will. Its chapter .14, on
be going to Baltimore, though, as the way to and from the conventipn. marriage, is just one of many that
that is the nearest one for us.
Let's keep ~reachlng and telhng help persons adjust their lives $0
How do you like the title of the everyone the good news.
God's requirements. So why not
public talk for the assembly, "What
Ma9 Jehovah's rich blessing go get all the copies of this book off
Has God's Kingdom Been Doing with all .of YOU as You sing with the shelf and put them in t
hands of the people? If you do nut
Since 1914?" What a question! I t music in your hearts.
gets one's mind to working, and
- with warm love,
have any left, then use any other
C ~ bound book you might have on
there are a lot of $things that one
can think of that God's kingdom PS: Songs to be used a t the as- hand; and as you share in the
has_ done since 1914. But still we semblies this summer are listed on service, perhaps you can invite
vonder how that question will be page 3. Why not practice some of, others who need encouragement to
.---~ted when the public comes to them in your meetings before then? go ++h you.

C u l t i v a t i ~lave as Christ's imit'ato


Theme : "Serving with Constancy"

I s Life-preserving. (Dan. 6:16) Song 1.
15 min: Introduction text and comments. As text is coAcluded, a family
o r several publishers leave their seats
and s t a r t for platform. Brother handling part greets them and invites
them to come up and share some good
news from the Brooklyn branch office. They then have lively discussion
of branch letter and make application
to the local congregation.
15 min: "Your Brothers Need Help."
Questions and answers on main article. Have all look up scripture and
a s k for comments on it. Also, discuss
article entitled "Its New!"
15 min: "Many Enjoy a n Added Privilege-Can
You Too?" Overseer or
other servant comments on article.
then calls on pioneers, vacation piol
neers and other publishers who had
'good experiences during April to relate them. Plan carefully in advance.
3 min: Accounts reDort for A ~ r i l .
12 m i n : Concluding comments. "How
Did We Do in March?" Local April
report. May report to date. Comment
briefly on meeting theme and its
Scriptural sptting. Song 10.

undergoing hardships we should by

all means include them in our prayers.
15 m i n : "Do You Use I t Wisely?"
Opening scene : A group of publishers
in pantomime a c t out ideas In paragraphs 1-4, with t h e settina beina the
service center Qn.SundaU m - i n
C h i r m a n ciiinments on- -s
develops. Publishers come in one and
two a t a time after meeting for service has started. After few minutes,
group leaves a s if going to field.
Chairman then talks on paragraph 2.
Paragraphs 3-5 m a s be handled bv
questions and answ-ers. Conclude bjr
discussing paragraph 6. While wrong
tendencies a r e here discussed and
portrayed to show what habits we
can allow ourselves to slip into the
approach should be a positive ' o n e
rather than giving the appearanc;
of being critical. Show how much
better i t is and how i t is showing love
when we come on time.
10 min: Concluding comments. Announcement about certificate for Selective Service boards. Song 24.

(5 min.) Emphasize that, when we

call on people a t their homes our
real desire is to study the ~ i b l ewith
them. In house-to-house work, we
may discuss t h a t with householders
right a t the outset; or we may do, i t
a f t e r giving the sermon. But in calling
a t every door keep t h a t goal of s
home Bible sthdy in mind.
12 min: "Are You Ready?" Cover mr
article by questions and answers. Tic
in announcement on lapel cards celluloid holders and bumper signst. Include comments from May 15, 1966
"Watchtower" on "A Wise Perso1
Will Listen."
8 m i n : Question Box. Discussion
tween two publishers.
10 min:
Concluding commentb. xu.
nouncement of arrangements for spe.
cia1 Magazine Day activity on dmn7r30
Also appropriate comments on
page 4. Song 55.


Theme: Prepare to Handle t h e Truth

Aright. (2 Tim. 2:15) Song 39.
5 rnin: Introduction, text and cornments.
25 min: A suggested Sermon for June.
(2 min.1 Chairman: Belief in Bible
becoming less in religious world today. Need to show people Bible is
God's Word, is reliable, foretells man's
future accurately. Gives hope of everlasting life in a new,earth.

'J%eme: "Not the . s ~ r tT h a t Shrink

Back" Under Opposltlon- (Heb. 10:39)
Song 51.
15 m i n : Introduction text and comments. Theocratic ~ g w s A
. discussion
between two or three publishers high- Theme: T h e Bible Tells the T r u t h
lighting how the Theocratic News
Concerning Man's F u t u r e
encourages us.
Isa. 46:9, 10-Jehovah
has foretold the
20 min: Bearing Up Under Persecufuture in the B ~ b l e
tion. consideration of jnformation in John 17:17-Jesus
recommended the
article "Portugal Continues to PerBible as t r u t h

f~n'O 2 things
Pet. 3:13-Righteous
bard $hem-

article, Where Prisoners

new system

; ; 1 ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ & ~ ; ~ ~ ~ lishers
$ ~prepare
~ ~ ,new
" or
2 ~together
of~ pub~ ~
man can use appropriate scriptures
under heading persecution,. in
with brother leading very lively d i d
sure.. to show t h a t persecution can ~ ~ $ ~ 2 e ~ 0 ~ thoughts
~ ~ ~ as
be expected in this "time of the end."
(6 mi,.) One in group gives model
Tn various parts of the world our sermon. hi^ approach may be used:
brothers a r e being persecuted and, ~ h ,
I have
by today

ke::~ 2 ~ ~ 2 s 6 ~ e ~ ~ e ~ v f " $ ~

bring future
you some
Toports from Portugal a r e sobering. We because of the war, so much sickness
a ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ o :mine
O ~ in~and
~ i t elands
~ [use
U every
a r e concerned
and has some problem. People sometimes
we want to learn from their experi- wonder if their future will ever get
better, don't they? [Allow to

t t z m ewhat
n t . 1 iWhile
s goingweto can't
tell even
a n hour in advance the Bible is the

the article on Portugal and one publisher can briefly tell of t h e integrity
of our brothers in Sheden and how
they have a favorable report from
authorities even though some a r e being restrained from doing their ministerial work.
Then for about six minutes comments can be drawn from the audience on how we can benefit from
these experiences how the Scriptures
a r e thus being fdlfilled, and how consideration of what our brothers a r e
yolng through will prepare us for
Chairman can be instrumental in
making this whole presentation very
upbuilding and stimulating to our
brother?. Conclud~ng remarks can
summarlze briefly how information is
beneficial to-us. We should not forget
)ur brothers. E s ~ e c i a l l y
when they a r e

guidance of all of us now. [Make offer

1 book.]'
of Bible and "Impossible to Liey'

book t h a t tells t h e ' t r u t h concerning

man's future. Note how clearly this is
explained a t Isaiah 46:9, 10. [Read and
comment.]. These things t h a t God
says he will do a r e recorded in the
Bible, and we can have confidence
in it because it is impossible for God
to lie. Jesus knew this, and a t John
17:17 he said
[Read] This Word
u's that, after
of truth, the ~ i h l e tells
God destroys this present wicked system of things he will bless Godfearing personstwith life in arighteous
new system and this new system of
things is pkomised here a t 2 Peter
. [Read] W e want to be inc!uded'among th'ose who live in t h a t
righteous new system of things, don't
we? [Allow householder t o answer.]
To obtain t h a t blessing, we need to
learn what the Bible says for the

Theme. Inviting Hungry Ones LC

~ Banquet
' for~ ~ 1 Peoples.
:6) Song 5.
5 min: Introduction, text and corn.
12 min: Talk on month's theme I "Inviting Hungry 2 n e s to ~
~ Binquel
for ~ 1 peoples.
( 1 ~ 2~5 .: ~ )(see J~~~
1 1966, u ~ ~ t ~ and
h ~
t ~ ~ 15
~ ~~
1'965, "Watchtower.")
Presenting the Good
You Let Make Sure' He16
y o u ? 9 >A
discussion and
demonstration to show the value 01
having "Make Sure" with us in the
15 min: Discuss May 15 "Watchtowery'
"A New Songbook!"
13 min:

~ :

Closing comments. Song 107.





gSp'l Pios.



766 143.6 56.1

9,101 96.9 35.6
Vac. Pios. 1,922 84.5 25.0
9.8 3.9
T O T A L 304,062
Public Meetings Held:
~ ~ i C332,695
~ ~Publishers


Bi.St. Mag
8.0 136
5.3 103
2.7 78.7
.6 11.4

F O R 1966


"He t h a t sows bountifully will also
reap bountifully." (2 Cor. 9:6) Our
March report certainly Illustrates the
truthfulness of this scripture. H o y
so? Well, we had another new p
of home Bible studies Yes 244
were conducted, a n i n k e a s e ' o f 4,441
over February The f a c t t h a t we
spent more time in the ministry and
made more back-calls no doubt contributed much to this. Our average
hours and back-calls, a s well a s magazine placements came up very nicely
even though thdre was considerabli
sickness in some areas. How good it
is to see all of you giving so generously of yourselves in the Christian
ministry! Truly this is a labor of love,
a real evidence of love for Jehovah
and neighbor which stands out In
refreshing coAtrast to this system of
things. May all of us continue bearing
thorough witness a s Jesus and Paul
did, helping many more to plnbrsway 1 t leads to life.

s here well a
ing must have
him late!" I s t
e also want to be considerate

do they say to themselves:

get here eventually. He's a1
ten minutes or so late"?
2 Circuit servant reports indicat
that a t times service center gro
get started late in the servic
cause of tardiness on the pa
some in the group. We don't
this to happen, do we? As dedi
Christians it is important for
llse our time wisely.-Eph. 5 : 1
3 Being habitually late a t meeting
ar service generally shows lack o

we do this in a practical w
?t's ask ourselves some
)O we cooperate with on
n the, family so all can be ready o
ime? Or, if another publishe
kindly arranges to pick us up fo
~ervice,are me ready when h
ives? Or, for that matter, a r
n time to pick up someone

hem to be on time, d
not in a critical
the need arise on oc

and prestudy meetings

service may be very brief
not include the daily text
6 HOW, then, can me make wi
se of our time? One way is cul

ied to have a part in vacationgZ

service. Now, add to that all; "


is inspiring service for two week

DO Vou Let "Make Sure'=

Help YOU? .
fine letters have come in
from the brothers in all parts of
the country, saying in one way or
grateful , I am for
Sure,l So often,
when a question has come up in th,e
ministry I have redched into my
bag to iet'Make Sure, and almost
immediately found just the scriq;
tures I needed to give an answer.
It is good to know that you are
enjoying it Many of you may have
you had time to sit
down and become better aquaintea
ith what,s in it; .so let,s just take
time to consider a portion together
on the
meeting. It will do all
of US good.
le has expressed
ln favor Of the
Trinity. How many scriptures
1 Many

+Argentina reports tn.e h i s n e ~ t f l ~ ~ d waters in the Paran6 River since 166

Publishers ,in good spirits, thoatgh BO
ranqueras, Chaco, Kingdom Hall destroyt,
and brothers are without hot6es. Meetings
not a b l ~ l eteacnlng. S O tne Dook continue to be 'held, even though 'pubquotes those who do teach it to . lishers have to wade through water,tn 4et
show what
say- There are both to them. Society has sent food, C ~ C 3s
statements and money to help brothers.
of belief. The material that follows +February's total of 7 4 4 publishers i~


shows just how those statements of

is a 34-percent increase Ovr
belief are contrary to the Bible, -Nicaragua
February. Come down and see us i
and the Bible translations quoted, last
December. W e are having a conventior
Y O U will observe, are the ones that
a r e used by those who believe in the
Trinity. you will find it most pek- 4 In NBW York City 1 3 new congregation
been formed this past year; the,
at the begin- have
total is now 172. On April 5, 30,234
turn, and using a s many scriptures were On hand at these
a s you feel are necessary to support the Lord's evening
250 partook
Already three group. of circuit and
each poiot. The scriptures used by
Trinitarians in their effort to prove $strict servants have come to Brooklyn'
Bethel for the new two-week Kingdom
on are
487, John
: 30 Ministry School. More are to COme ih the
is set right alongside John, 17 :20- fall. Emphasis has been placed on shep22, making clear its meaning. What herding the flock, taking time out from
about the Trinitarian statement a t other things, when necessary, to aid thosd
1 John 5 : 7? Starting on page 488, who need mature assistance.
you will find proof for both Protes- + O n April 2 4 rooming work began J
tants and Catholics showing that it are
the Toronto assembly. As many as 50.0C
expected from the U.S. and-Cts
on't you often find that later you is Spurious'
this i n f ~ ~ m a t i oisn right a t
8member points that you wish you YOU'Allfingertips;
nad used? Here is *here "Make are assembled ~ o wpowerful
comes in, because the points
"Make Sure" can be used to
When is it in order to contribute
re always there, ready for use., merit.
al- for transportation supplied by otherst
Ut's try it out.
most any doctrinal objection that The principle to keep in. mind im
I n a s few seconds a s it takes yo, will meet. B~~ this is its defen- this regard is that love "does not
for its own) interests
$1 Cur.
YOU to turn to the section on "Trin- sive use. It Can also be used to look
SO when we enjoy thi ~anspority9,
are equipped to present a clarify doctrinal truths and explain 13:s)
tation facilities of others on a regular
discussion of the subject. the Scriptural basis for the theo- basis it
always fitti= for us to
Whether you turn to the listing of eratic organizatiol;
and the way in in
Since the
to car
subjects in the front, or the Index which we carry on our ministry. owner is the one*p~ovidingtkie transin the back, you vill be,referred
you use "&fake gure" we feel portation he may be alked what
con.tributfo? he would .like. S? %t is
to page 484, where this sectiod ' t h a t you will And it to be a great 'fittmg to ~ ~ S C U Sthe
matter w ~ t htl
begins. Of course, the Trinity is help in presenting the good news. car driver and for him to let his wir






be known. A definite agreemen't does

help to avoid any rnisunderstaniMiMw.


These are meant to be left a t Some brotherrt ~ u s tleave the a g r e e upon contribution in the a ~ h
tray g f
homes where
know people
the auto.. Even thqugh wfr ~ i g h tee&
lDuring the past few d?ys the living but where no one is a t home to
feel In gome instances that 2%
Society has been PreParlng an %hen you call By using them well car owner may not need the contrlattractive four-page folder' for your during ~g~
june, it should be bution, the; loving thing is to offer to
contribute. Of course, in. dome caws
use In the ministry. It
possible for us to reach the people a car owner may make ~t known he
inhrest in the Book "Things im in ten million homes where we dms not desire any contri%ution,and
give it is proper to heed his wish.
Which It 16 Impossible for God to otherwise would not, be able
The car owner of course, shodld
Of the
the use discernment i6 the matter of con~~n~~
~ ~ t ~ , " , " ~ ~ V ~
tributions Some p rsons do not have
; you may much in a materia? way ?nd ~ a -not
~ r e e home Bible study service
offered by JehovahYs witnesses
leave both the folder and the hand- be able to get to meetwgs if they
2 Ten million of these fold&rs'are bill under the doors of not-at-homes.
eing printed, and we
When anyone in your territory transportation live some $stance from
,ome to your congregation, free of responds to the folder and orders ~ ~ ~ v i ~ ~ ~ gIyttGxB$$&y%,
d O t ~ e
charge, along with your songbook the neJ? book or requests a home have trqsportatlon facilities to pkn
order. There will be about thirty Bible Study, we will let you know
"or each publisher, but please do so that You can follow up on the ings or share in the service: In th2e
-lot order more: For now, that's interest. It will be interesting to ~ ~ k t $oue:&l ~ &h t ~h ~~ ~ ~ l ~ $ ~ n
.all we have.
see what sesulta we get.
to do.




k ~ ~ $ ~ ~ ~ ~ b , " " ~ { l ~

-. -

nelp rnose starting in service. in April to continue.



!d m

tchtower Bible and Tract Society of New Y

Second-class postage D-'" at Brook

Inc., 137 Adams

PrirA-ain U.S.A


- -



JUNE, 1966

"We shauld not neglect the ho*#=-of our God:---Neh.

CDem CPub!ishe~:



NO. 6

Ile Have What Thev Neeh

We have been asking ourselvet

"What will the results in the U.S.A.
be for April?" Now the final figures
No doubt you have observed, a s of the truth. So whe11 we offer these
are in, and we rejoice because such we have here in Brooklyn, that per- two publications-the
New World
a fine witness was given and you haps the majority of homes have a Translation and the 'Impossible to
~ ~ r k hard.
e d
Bible. Yet we khow that merely Lie' book, and two booklets, for
First, look a t the hours Excel- having a Bible has not given people $1.50-we
can be confident that
~t! There were 5,263,371 hollrs accurate knowledge of God's P U ~ - this is what people need.
spent preaching. Bible studies con"- Poses. Haven't YOU also discovered
3 Realizing
what people need,
ducted, one-quarter of a million f that even those who have done some haven't you often used the scripture
To be exact, there were 258,56$ Bible reading often admit that they a t John 17 :3 in your ministry,
Bible studies, a new peak for the have difficulty in understanding i t ? stressing the householder's need to
E.s. Your magozjne distribution, Of course, we know that the archaic take in life-giving knowledge of
7,191,379 c~yies. Additionally, you language is one of the problems. God and his Son? And here in the
bbfained, 148,280 new subscriptions. yet we are aware that their lives 'Imposs.ible to Lie' book we have
The report is fine arld all Kingdom depe?ld on understanding and apply- just that! A whole chapter on the
publishers have reason to be glad. ing God's- Word. So when We call true God and another on his Son!
But now we have another question. a t the h ~ m e sof the People with
4 Something else that all of us
Did we lose some sheep in April? the New world T'mnsZatiofi we can have found that deeply concerns
A year ago we had 327,588 publish- have confidence that what We are honest-hearted persons is this: Why
ers in the field. But this year we offering ig what they really need. does God allow wickedness? Many
had 318,559. We are wondering And if tbe~r-will listen for just a b v e bmome 8gnMics because they
why, and we guess you are too. few minutes, any one of us Can stumbled over this issue. Others
This is serious, isn't it? Did your show them that it is a Bible that is may profess to have faith, but it
congregation have fewer sheep in a delight to read, can't we?
is weak. What can we do. to help
April than last year? How many?
But in addition to that, people them? Offer them the 'Impossible
Bow did it happen that we had need help to understand the full to Lie' book; chapter 15 answe
9,029 fewer publishers in April? significance of what the Bible says. their question, and satisfactorily.
5 Some
other people that we
True, thls is our best month in Again, Jehovah has provided us
publishers- so\ f a r this year, but with just what people need in order would like to help are difficult to
why did we not have as many a s to be guided aright-the 'Impossible reach for a different reason-they
in 1965? Really, we had a whole to Lie' book! We've aU enjoyed are seldom a t home when we call.
year, twelve months, to help mature reading the book and discussing it Here again we have something to
those publishers who worked with together a t the congregation book fill the need! The Society has
liE! last year. Did we get these pub- study, and we realize that it is just
printed 10,000,000 folders advertislers to the meetings regularly what people need if they are going ing the 'Impossible to Lie' book and
during the year and help them to come to a n accurate knowledge
(Continued on page 2, col. 3 )
-nture? Did we continue to show
terest in them and have studies Where are. these lost sheep, 9,029 associating with us, because a t the
with them? Did we try to take t h e q of them? Have we neglected some- special public meeting we had 326,in the field service with us during thing during the year? Maybe we 263, an increase of 9,483 over the
the past twelve months? Why did were so busy with our own King- previous year. That's good! But the
me of those persons discontinue dom interests that we failed to look question is, Where is that one sheep,
~ublishing?Who were they? Teen- around and help some of our broth- or two, that strayed from the ninetyagers? Children? Grown-ups? Bap- ers who were in need. We have a nine? Do you think we can find
tized ones? It makes us think, responsibility toward them to help him?-Matt. 18: 12-14.
doesn't i t ?
them, maybe even find them again.
May Jehovah bless all of us a s
They are nearby because they at- we make it our qusiness to find the
'It is easy to say, "It is the trend
materialism, you know," and to tended the Memorial. There were lost sheep, feed them, cherish them
let it go a t that. I t could be. But 558,494 in attendance with us, 22,763 and help them get back into the
we would rather look a t it\ from more than during the previous year. fold, there to enjoy the fellowship
this paint of view. Have we, Jeho- That is wonderful. There were 5,016 of God's flock.
vah's witnesses, done everything partakers of the emblems, 107 fewer
May Jehovah bless all of You in
possible to help our brothers who than during 1965; but,- then, we Your happy, interesting work
once shared this glorious treasure expected the number of the remnant
Your brothers,
service to fully apprecixte i t ? to decrease. Interested people are

Inviting hungry ones to God's bgnquet for all peoples.



Theme: Sharing Our Spiritual Plenty

with Others. Song 65.
5 min: Introduction, text and comments. Include some reference to
Isaiah 25 :6.
20 m in : "We Have W h a t They Need,"
also "For Use on Bible Studies."
Questions and answers; perhaps a
short demonstration.
10 min: Branch letter. Discuss with
congregation a s a whole or in a n appropriate demonstration.
15 min: Plan for a n Upbuilding Summer.
(2 rnin.) Chairman: School is out or
soon will be in most localities, and
youths in the congregation a r e looking
forward to a n enjoyable summer. With
planning, i t can also be upbuilding.
W h a t a r e you and your family planning to do in the next few months?
(4 rnin.) Mature brother, preferably
one with a family, discusses with two
other parents his plans for himself
and his family for the summer. Highlight attending the assembly. Comment on aqy plans for enlarged field
service, which may include vacation
pioneering for some of the family, or
a t least more service for the children
under the supervision of the parents.
Brother asks what t h e other parents
a r e planning for the summer months.
Perhaps they have not given the
matter much thought. May have in
mind going to the assembly but had
not really planned anythink definite
a s to added service activity. Brother
comments t h a t summer goes by fast.
Advance planning helps us to get done
the things we want to; otherwise we
find t h a t the summer is gone and we
never did get them done. Parents
ag.ree t h a t added theocratic activitv
+odd make the summer especiall?
enjoyable and upbuilding; they plan
to discuss prospects a s a family.
(6 min.) At mealtime the next day
father, mother and children discuss
prospects for summer. Father asks
children what they a r e planning to do.
One says he is looking forward to
assembly, relaxing, sports, etc. Other
child agrees. Mother says that i t
would be fine if they could plan some
of their outdoor recreation together
while the weather is nice; others like
the idea. Father suggests t h a t the
children might enjoy having a n increased share in field service, and perhaps they can arrange so the family
can do i t together. Children would
enjoy that. Mother says that she
could ~ l a nto take some time several
days a week to work along with them
in service during the day. Father
comments on when he can be with
them. If anyone in the family can plan
some time to vacation pioneer, by all
means include that. All delighted with
prospects; something to look forward
to when plans are made in advance.
(Make the demonstration true to life.)
(3 rnin.) Chairman encourages families to work together a s much a s
possible during the summer. Point out
the blessings of vacation pioneer
service, whether for two weeks, a
month, two months or more.
2 min: Accounts servant's report.
8 min: Concluding comments. (Include appropriate Announcements,
"How Did We Do in April?" and
"Assemblies Start This Month." Song

various publishers he has asked to

prepare presentations. As much a s
possible use publishers who really do
t h a t type of work. Before or after
each demonstration, it may be helpful
to explain pertinent points regarding
the approach.
(2 min.) Chairman encourages all
to share in street witnessing a s opportunity affords. When offering magazines, always be kind, respectful and
polite, never insistent. Street witnessing can be done a t any convenient
time morning afternoon or evening
and ' usually in any public area o;
place, a s long a s one does not block
the door or disturb others allowing
the passersby free access to ihe street.
15 m in : Question-and-answer coverage of paragraphs 1 to 4 of "Preaching and Teaching in Peace and Unity."
Remind brothers to bring booklet next
week (unleqs you have a fifth meeting
in June) and study paragraphs 5 to 9.
8 min: Question Box. Person now
associating with congregation asks a
servant if he should send a letter of
resignation to church with which he
I was previously
Theme: Making the Truth Available 12 min: Concluding comments. Comto All. Song 85.
ment on article entitled. "Is I t Up-to5 min: Introduction, text and com- Date?" Include suggestions on places
and means for magazine d i s t r i b ~ n
locally. Song 89.
20 min : Magazine Distribution.
(10 min.) After magazine-teyitory
servant s t a r t s talking about street
witnessing' a brother raises his hand
This can be prepared by overse-.
and on being acknowledged says Consider
carefully needs of the con
"A& we still supposed to d d street
and arrange for interesting
witnessing? I hardly ever see anyone gregation
doing i t except a t assemblie:,. Usually
we go from house to house. Servant
shows i t is good to go where we can
meet people and accomplish most
Theme: M a i n t a i n i ~ gWorship a t
good. All features of service a r e good. House of Our God. (Rev. 7:15) Son
Scripturally based street witnessing 63.
is not out-of-date (Prov 1.20 21- 5 min: Introduction, text and corn
Acts 20:20. For f;rth$r
see "The Watchtower
issue of No- ments.
min: Talk on theme for month,
vember 1, 1957, page $68, paragraphs 10
"Maintaining Worship a t 'the House
11 and 12.)
God.' " See "The Watchtower"
Where and when is street work
advantageous? Some publishers and of July 1, 1966, and December 15, 1965.
pioneers enjoy excellent results in 15 min: "Carrying t h e Load Well."
magazine activity early in the morn- Overseer (if possible) discusses points
ing before i t is wise to witness from with congregation book study conhouse to house, or a t times when per- ductor who has difficulty getting
sons a r e leaving for work or a r e everything done.
coming home. In areas where there 20 min : Question-and-answer covera r e people living in hotels or inac- age of paragraphs 5 to 9 of "Preachcessible apartment houses publishers ing and Teaching in Peace and Unity."
often do more street witnessing than Read and comment on scriptures a s
they would in other areas because time is available.
this is about the only way (hat many 10 min : Concluding comments. Literof these people can be contacted with ature offer for July. Encourage any
the Kingdom message.
As with any magazine activity, i t who can to share i n witnessing activis well to be familiar with contents ities on t h e fourth of July. Song 119.
of issues you offer and i t is usually
good to highlight one point or article We Have What They Need
in a magazine. Since persons on the explaining the free home Bible
street a r e usually in a hurry, it is study service that we offer. So
important to keep that in mind when
approaching them and make your even when people are not a t home,
presentation brief. How can this work we can slip this attractive folder
be done? The most successful way is under the door, and this may stimuto approach persons waiting for others
in automobiles along the street or in late them to obtain what they need.
parking lots a t shopping centers, those Have you obtained your personal
waiting a t the bus stop or train supply? Be sure to use them all.
station, persons leaving or entering
6 We have all come to realize that
large factories or other buildings
people walking down the street, $tc: there has never been a time when
Why not share in street witnessing
yourself? (See "Qualified to Be Minis- more people needed to learn God's
will before it is too late. Our work
ters," Study 46, page 185.)
(8 rnin.) Demonstrate some ways is urgent! We have what they
t h a t i t would be appropriate in your need. It is a privilege for all of us
territory to do street witnessing. Magazine-territory servant may call on to share in taking it to them

Theme: Helpin
A11 to Keep "a
Firm Hold" on f i f e . (1 Tim. 6:19)
Song 66.
5 min: Introduction, text and comments.
15 min: Talk based on article "Time
Is Running Out!" in J u n e 1, 1966,
15 min: Servant discusses with undedicated publisher questions t h a t t h a t
one has about dedication and baptistn;
Draw material from "Make Sure,
pages 39-42, 150-153.
15 min: Presenting the Good News
-"Getting a Hearing Ear." Talk and
demonstration of main points. Make it
applicable to local circumstances.
10 rnin : Concluding comments. Local
experiences with current offer may be
tied in with items from Theocratic
News. Remind brothers to bring
"Preaching and Teaching in Peace
and Unity" booklet next week. P a r a graphs 1 to 4 will be covered. Song 78.

Carrying the Loma He11

1 "how
do you get everything
done?" is the question that is often
in the minds of assistant servants
reaching out for the office of overceer, especially so when they see
11 the work the congregation servant
has to do. (1Tim. 3 : 1) His duties
Ore certainly many, aren't they?
owever, week after week a capable
overseer endeavors to care for these
responsibilities so that the congregation will operate smoothly. I t is
apparent that he must take care of
small matters as well as big ones
day after day. But how does he find
the time, and how does he remember
all the things he must do?
Many capable overseers keep a
checklist to help them. Do you?
Some may use a notebook, others a
small diary, desk pad or a calendar,
writing down things to be accomplished a t certain times and checking them off when finished. I t saves
time, organizes their work and
serves as a constant reminder. Their
-hecklist for the coming month is
lade out a s soon as they receive
eir K i n g d o m M i n i s t r y and have
read it over. The publishers also
reading K i n g d o m M i n i s t r y know
,hattshouldbe done and, when they
see their overseer progressively carrving out his work, they develop
len greater respect for him as one
who can be depended upon
3 To see the work i n v o ~
v ed, loon

through this K i m g d o m M i n i s t r y and

put down all the things you would
have to do if you were overseer. For
June you would need to assign
meeting parts, plan for rehearsals
so that the brothers will gain the
most good from the meetings, and
meet with the school servant. Did
your list cover all these points?
Local congregation events and the
individual spiritual needs of publishers will make the list even
4 Can the overseer carry all this
load by himself? No, it is apparent
that he needs help. Whether you
are a servant in the congregation or


+Literature offer for July and August: "Thzngs zn Whzch I t Is Imposszble

for God to Lie" and a booklet for
50 cents.
+ I t is suggested that a half hour on
the service meeting following the week
most of the congregation attend the
district assembly be used to review
assembly highlights. Encouraging experlences may be mcluded. Overseers
will want to plan this in advance,
making whatever adjustments are necessary i n the service meeting schedule.
+Those who wish to share the joys
of vacation pioneering for two weeks
a month or more this summer are en:
couraged t o get an application and
fill it out right away.
Congregations may find it advantageous to arrange for group witnessing on the fourth of July, since that
1s a hollday for many persons.
Suggested meetings for field serAssemblies
vice. June 12: Deal with common
objection encountered when making
;the offer. June 19: Suggestions for
getting a hearing ear.' (See Present1 Yes, the "God's Sons of Liberty" ing the Good News.) June 26: How
District Assembly opens a t Toronto studies can be started. July 3: Revlew
June 22 through 26. Will you be current sermon.
Starting July . 3? circuit servants
there? Evidently a great crowd will
give the .pubhc talk "Christenbe, and what a spiritually upbuild- wlll
dom or Chr~stlanity-Which One Has
ing five days they will have to- Failed?"
gether !
+Please order handbills four to six
in advance and remit exact
ZIncidentally, if you are going weeks
with handbill 'order, figuring cost
to one of the Canadian assemblies cost
a t 25 cents a thousand.
you may want to keep in mind that
Overseer and school servant will
the U.S. dollar is worth approxi- meet early in June to discuss the
mately $1.08 in Canadian funds. congregation's ministry school.
However, if you do not want to,
When ordering bumper signs for
please be sure to indiit is not necessary to convert U.S. conventioners,
cate the assembly city for which they
funds into Canadian currency, as are desired. If you have not yet orAmerican money is readily accepted dered bumper signs and lapel cards,
now is a good time to do it.
may obtain songbooks a t
3 Rooming work will also be start- +Pioneers
the publisher rate. Records are
ing in other cities during June. In half
available to pioneers for their personal
San Francisco and Dallas the broth- use a t 50c each.
ers will begin to sign up rooms on g When the new records are used to
accompany congregation singing a t
June 12, and on June 19 in Balti- least
a t the beginning it may be k i s e
more. So, your brothers are getting to remind
t h e brothers not to sing
ready for you. They are anxious for during the lntroductlon or durlng the
the flnal verse.
ou to be with them for the full
New publications available :
~ ~ days
v e of the assembly. And you 8From
Paradzse Lost to Paradise
will be glad if you make arrangeRegazned
-Tswana. Ga
ments to do just that. The program +Out of stock in U.S.A.:
-English, Spanish
is just what we need, and it is one 1966
1965 Watchtower and Awake! bound
that w@ -ill all long romember. I
-English, Spanish



a publisher, you can assist the over,

seer. For example, the assistant
congregation servant can advise the
overseer of trends that need atten
tion in the congregation. Study
conductors have certain things thal
need attention a t their service cen
ters and they can call these to thk
overseer's attention a s well a s making personal calls on publishers whc
need assistance. Publishers, by co
operating with the overseer in ever3
way, just getting their field serl
reports in on time, helping t o keel
the Kingdom Hall clean, and sup
porting arrangements for field serv,
ice, are a great aid. If all cooperate
together, the overseer can carry his
load more effectively and efficiently
and that with benefit to the entj

Before becoming one of Jehovah's

witnesses, is i t necessary to request
t h a t one's name be removed from the
membership roll of his former religion?
Generally speaking, what does coming out of Babylon the Great mean?
Straddling the fence and keeping a
nominal membership in a Babylonish
religious system and a t the same time
desiring to be listed in the files of a
congregation of Jehovah's witnesses?
W h a t does Revelation 3:15, 16 say?
When a person approaches Jehovah to
make a dedication, is He pleased to
accept such one and a t the same time
let him list himself a s a member an!
supporter of Babylon the Great :
Where, definitely, does one stand? Or
is one indifferent?
One's serving personal notice on
Babylon the Great furnishes a n opportunity for a witness. If a Christian
writes his former church, this should
be done with dignity, briefly stating
why he is becoming one of Jehovah's
witnesses. One may wish to enclose
a n appropriate magazine, booklet or
tract, such a s "What Do Jehovah's
Witnesses Believe?"
In some lands failure to remove
one's name from the membership roll
of a false religious organization means
t h a t part of one's t a x money will continue to go to t h a t church. That, of
course would not be desirable. so,
in su<h a case, diligent effort dught
to be made to get one's name removed
from the church register.
If a person withdrew from Baby
nish religion many years ago he doer
not need to be disturbed ik he did
not make a formal withdrawal fron
the. church with which he was assoclated. The fact that, perhaps i r
childhood, one's name was enterec
on the membership rolls of a churck
has no bearing on his present course,
nor does it make his dedication invalid. What is i t t h a t actually make?
one a member of a Babylonish religion? I t includes attending churck
services, engaging in church social 01
recreational functions and contributing to the church. By ceaslng tc
attend, participate, share in falsc
worship and contribute, it should bf
clear to the church organization anc
observers in general t h a t one is nc
longer a member, whether a n actua
letter of withdrawal was submitted 01
not. With a n individual's ties to a
false religious organization cut hc
may share in the Christian ministrj
and make a valid dedication t o Jehovah GO^, if otherwise qualifiel-

+ The forty-second cla

=: a Hearing ~

around the things that

a r a sentation

are of greatest concern to them,. and

keep i t simple.
Men, too, are often more interested in local events and problems
than they are in those of other
countries. A man's job, his family
and their safety are of immediate
concern to him. Young people are
interested in their future; older
people, in their security and better
health. But no matter what people
are interested in, it soon becomes
apparent to them that they cannot
remedy all the difficulties they face.
I t will take someone more capable
than man. Their hop lies in t
5 Jesus said that
he good news
of the Kingdom is the message we
are to carry to all in our territory
during this "time of the end." If
we feature the Kingdom theme, we
will be able to keep things simple.
Also, you will find it easy to'make
personal application of information
concerning God's kingdom. Help the
householder to see himself being
benefited by the Kingdom. If our
presentations are simple, warm and
fit the individual's needs personally,
it may be all of us will be able
to reach the ears and hearts of more
people in our territory. I n this way
we will be able to aid more people
by our presentation of the good

Are you finding it difficult to

get ~ e o ~ to
l e listen to vou in' the
%in&try? Many of u s are having
his difficult^. a t least in some of
our territor5s. But why? I s it because people are deciding they do
not want the Kingdom good news?
[n somd cases this is no doubt the
reason. Yet in others it is not,
especially when other publishers
a n go into the same territory and
uave good success. Well, how is it
that they get a hearing' eai.? You
will no doubt find that a number
of things are involved.
2 For
instance: Have you observed that children, even though
heir presentations are very simple,
an often hold the undivided attenion of adults? Perhaps you have
noticed that foreign-speaking publishers and new publishers often
get a hearing ear where others do
not usually succeed. I s it that their
presentations are both simple and
very expressive? Perhaps we, too,
should strive for greater simplicity
and warmth.
I t has been said that womeu do
take as great an interest in
technical things or political subjects
a s men do. Women a r e interested
in living conditions, their relatives,
other people, their homes and children. So when y ~ utalk to women
n your territory build your Dre-P-

for Use on Bible Studies g%ig<g

~fGilead S
began April 25, 1966, w ~ f h106 stuaenfs
from 1 3 lands. Seventy-nine of them *are
learning Spanish; others are learning
French or Japanese.
Italy reports a new peak of 9,984
publishers in March-a
10.4-percent increase. Congregation publishers reached
the ten-hour goal for the qrst time.
West Africa, reports 92 publlshers in March, for an increase of 2 6
percent over last year's average.

I s It Up-to-Date?
Not long ago two Witnesses on
vacation in Connecticut inquired in
the town where they were staying
as t O the location of the Kingdom
Hall. Without hesitation the shop- '
keeper told them where it was, near
the edge of town. They drove out to
the hall and sfopped to read the
sign in front to make sure of meeting times, so they could plan to be
there. I t did not appear that any
of the brothers were a t the hall
just then, so the visitors started
to drive away. But a s they did,
a brother came from behind the
hall, curious to see who had stoppep
The visiting Witnesses were gla
to meet him, and told him that they
,were looking forward to being a t
the meeting there Friday evening.
"Our meetings have not been on
Friday for quite a while," he said.
"We meet on, Thqrsday." It was a
good thing that the visitors met
him, because, if they had followed
the sign, they would have missed
the meeting.
2 I n another location, in Pennsyfvania, a Witness whose husbanq
is not in the truth located a Kingdom Hall and checked the sign in
front to be sure about meeting
times. She worked hard to get the
children ready and, with her husband's permission, left for the hall
-just in time for the concluding
song. Meeting times had changed,
but not t'he sign.
3 What about the sign that shows
meeting times a t your Kingdom
Hall? I s it up-to-date?

You will be interested to know

perthat we already have the book prevalent in Our
ccThingsin Which It I s Impossiljle sons to see why they should build
for G~~ to ~ i ~ printed
, ,
in nhe
their faith on the Bible. I n most
Dutch, English, Cases i t is good to start right in a t
Finnish, French, German, 1taian; I the beginning of the book. Of course,
Portuguese, Spanish-and more are a t times we meet a person who is
on the way. These are tongues that particularly interested in a certain
are spoken by 833 million of earth's subject, and we need to be flexible.
inhabitants, and it is wonderful I t may be necessary to start studyto realize that we are equipped to ing the chapter that specially inter- ---L SERVICE REPORT
use this fine study aid to help any ests that householder. But when
.. 6-G
of them to learn the truth from the study is well established, i t
6i.St. Mans.
God's Word. We would like to do would be good to go back and cover
'1 Pios.
738 143.1 54.0 7.9 190~7
more than place the book with them ; the earlier part of the book too. The 3 0 s .
9,083 95.9 33.6 5.2 139.1
what we really want is to have a important thing is to help interested Vac Pios. 18,646 76.2 22.0 2.3 102.6
9.9 3.3
.6 13.4
:gular home Bible study with them. persons to study on a regular basis ; TOTAL
2 . 0 ~ rbrothers have found this and Jehovah, through his organiPublic Meetings ~ e j d : 20,928
book ideal for the purpose. It comes zation, has provided us with a fine
grips with the thinking that is instrument to accomplish it.
332,695 Publrshers



"We should not neglect tl

house of our


Theme: Paying Constant Attention

to Our Teaching. (1 Tim. 4:16) Song 20.
15 min: Introduction, text and comments and handling of Branch letter.
Give warm encouragement to young
people and pioneers to make Gilead
or Bethel their goal.
17 m in : Profitable discussion between
publisher and honest inquirer who
asks, "Did Peter Visit Rome?" (Based
on March 1, 1966, " W a t c h t o w e r , "
pages 150-155.) Use main headings a s
guideposts to conversation.
5 min: "Preach the Word-Anytime."
duestion-and-answer coverage. Keep
lively and enthusiastic. Have scriptures read and applied.
3 min: Accounts servant's report.
10 min: C o n c l u d i n g comments. Include some appropriate points on development of Scriptural theme from
1 Timothy 4:16. Also, cover "How Did
W e Do in May?" Song 89.

Theme: Putting Jehovah's Worship

F i r s t in Our Lives. (Rev. 14:7) Song 92.
8 min: Introduction, text and comments. Two publishers discuss material and register appreciation for
e x c e 11e n t encouragement t h a t text
provides for us day by day.
10 mi?; "Stepping Over into Macedonia. Question-and-answer coverage.
17 min:
Discussion of material in
"Make S,yret' on "Sign of Christ's
Presence, pages 451-456. Could handle
this a s a TV interview with two
brothers a n s w e r i n g t h e q u e s t i o n :
"What makes you people think we
a r e living in the last days?" Make
he setting in accord with actual conitions. If working unassigned terriry or assisting another congrega)n,' interview could be a s a result of
doing this work. If working local
territory, then adjust setting.
15 min: Presenting the Good News.
Questions and answers and demonstration of appropriate points.
' 3 min:
Concluding comments. Inude appropriate thoughts on slogan
- page four and selected items from
lnouncements and Theocratic News.
song 118.

Theme: Attending Meetings with

rgularity. (Heb. 10:24, 25) Song 41.
min: Introduction, text and coments and "Keep Up the Good Work."
0 min: Discussion between two pubshers on benefits of attending assemblies. Can draw on past experiences
and blessings a t assemblies or this
ar's assembly, if have already a t nded one.
15 min: Talk on "Mal;Se Sure" material
on "Encouragement
pages 171-174.
If desirable, can ha;e a short demonstration portraying a n experienced
brother calling on one who needs en--uragement. This should be done in
upbuilding manner.
1s min: Demonstration. "Can We Do
More to Help?"
(3 rnin.) Chairman: Discusses the
value of meetings. They build up our
spirituality. We need all of them each
week for growth to maturity. Meetings a r e highly essential to our Christian development and faith. We can
lp one another to attend.-Heb.
12; 12:1, 2.
4 rnin.) A mature sister visits a n -

other sister who has been missing a

number of meetings. (If it seems
practical, the sister might be calling
on phone rather than personally visiting.) She wonders how the sister has
been. Tells her about the excellent
meetings they have been having and
of the especially interesting subject
to be discussed in public talk on Sunday. Does not scold her shows a
loving interest in her and her family,
asks how the children a r e whether
they have had some illness,' for there
has been quite a bit of sickness of
late. Wonders if she can be of help
and gives encouragement in a n upbuilding, friendly and helpful manner.
(1 rnin.) Chairman. How good i t is
that we show a n interest in one another and, of course, when we see
persons missing meetings, we want to
encourage them and help them to be
present, if a t all possible.
(5 rnin.) Family (the ones above
who have been missing meetings) just
home from meeting, reflect on how
much they enjoyed excellent talk.
Glad they stayed for "Watchtower"
study too. Brothers were so warm
and friendly. They a r e glad slster
called to express interest in them and
remind them of good things they
have been missing. Husband and wife
sit down and talk over the situation.
They realize they have been lacking
in spirituality of late have slacked
their hands and neeh building up.
They a r e concerned about influence
of world on family without protection
of God's spirit. Wife asks: "What is
holding us back? Why don't we regularly attend meetings?" Husband then
suggests: "Let's list the reasons and
see if we a r e justified in staying away
from meetings." Husband then lists
such things a s overtime unexpected
guests, the f a c t t h a t he i's tired when
he comes home from secular work
and sometimes they plan for othei
things a t the time the meetings a r e
scheduled. Husband then reasons with
wife and states t h a t he realizes none
of the above a r e sufficient reasons for
not attending meetings. They both
come to the right conclusion t h a t
they should be attending mGetings
and i t will do much t o . develop the
spirituality of their famlly and glve
them the right outlook. on life. Wife
again expresses appreciation for the
sister's call, displaying a loving interest in them and family.
(2 rnin.) Chairman. Encourages a u dience to prepare for, attend and
participate in meetings. Show a concern for others and their spiritual
development. No need to criticize or
condemn. Reason with them and
lovingly offer help. This builds up
unity, spirituality and better praisers
of Jehovah God.
10 m in : Concluding comments. Also,
"Is I t Listed,?" and "Very Fine E n couragement. Reason. with publishers
on importance of being friendly a t
Kingdom Hall. Greet strangers, build
up warmth and loving atmosphere.
Strangers should be such only one
time. Song 85.

Please arrange program locally.


Theme: Become Mature Ministers

in Order to Aid Others. Song 100.
15 min: Talk on month's theme.
(Based on article in August 1. 1966,
Also includf some

points on the text and comments for

the day.
10 min: Discussion between two ~llature brothers, with one preferably the
magazine-territory servant, on "\e
material in the Question Box.
15 min: Talk by mature brother b
on May 1, 1966 "Watchtower" a1 le
"Increasing ~ a , $ p i n e s sThrough Christian Economy
pages 283-286. Slant
toward possibl; problems needing solution such a s contributing toward rent
of Kingdom Hall families setting
aside sufficient fudds to attend conventions, or making contributions to
the Society for the worldwide a d vancement of the work or whatever
local application is needed. May want
to feature a discussion of appropriate
10 m in: Demonstration on directing
interested ones to the organization a t
home Bible studies by encouraging
attendance a t the Theocratic Ministry
School. Stress use of visual aids t o
encourage attendance a t the school.
Use such aids a s the counsel slip,
school schedule, Bible and "Benefici
10 mi n : Concluding comments. Could
conduct review with audience on how
theme has been developed throughout
program. Song 63.
Preach the Word-Anytime
(Con6 cc)
Bible studies as we can, for we
recognize how much good we can
accomplish in this fine avenue of
service. I n this regard, several days
ago one of the brothers here a t
Bethel was talking to a sister fro]
his congregation, and she felt somtwhat discouraged. The reason for
this was that she couldn't seem to
fit her Bible study in a t any other
time except before the book study
on Tuesday evening, and she felt
this was not a proper time for it.
This sister was encouraged by her
overseer to feel free to preach the
Word a t anytime. Some of our
brothers in urban areas have found
they have had great success in
conducting studies for the first hou
of service on Sunday morning, anc,
there is no objection to doing this
either if you find it advantageous.
You know your territory locally
and what is best for it. (1 Cor. 9 :
19-23) TVith regard to starting
studies, we hope you enjoy the practical suggestions under Presenting
the Good News in this issue of
Kingdonz illinistrg.
5 We here a t Bethel hope you
have a fine time during July, attending an assembly, sharing the
truth with others, placing bound
books and starting studies. We will
be doing the same things. When the
month is finished, we should be able
to look back on it with great satis- '
faction because of our zealous and
voluntary works of preanh4ng the
anytime, anywhere.- I s . 119 :

r wer

into M

Very I-rne tnco,urageml t


their territory coverage this summer? Hundreds of overseers re-

is most encouraging to hear?

' "HEe' GOOD

With Our Goal in View
1Recently one of the circuit
,ervants suggested a practical and
successful approach in connection
with starting studies when working
with the current offer. When we
heard of i t we thought that you
would enjoy i t too, since we know
-ou are very much interested in
uilding up your Bible study acivity.
I n using the current sermon,
"The Bible Tells the Truth Concerning Man's Future," you could
say something like this after reading 2 Peter 3:13: "What, then,
must we do to live under that
righteous new system of things? I t
is obvious wetneed to take in knowledge of it. But how can we best
do this? I t would be reasonable to
-ssume that a Bible study would
elp us to get that knowledge, isn't
that right? And really that .is the
reason why I came to your door, to
help you study your own copy of
he Bible. As a minister I would be
,leased to conduct a Bible study
.vith you and your family without
any charge or obligation whatsoever. We can use your own copy
of the Bible or any copy- of the
Bible, and I feel sure you and your
amily would enjoy i t very much."
If the offer to start a Bible
study is accepted, then, of course,

B-C ,Bi.St. Mags.
a p ' ~Pios.
724 145.3 54.0 8.1 133.9
9,132 94.4 32.5 5.2 98.7
Vac. Pios. 3,063 82.0 23.8 2.9 84.8
9.7 3.5
.6, 11.0
T O T A L 308,351
Public Meetings Held: 22,796
332,695 Publishers


What a great pleasure i t was for. us
o tabulate the report for May and
o see that 225,077 bound boolis were
placed in one month! Just .think of
it, nearly a quarter of a million books
fi!led with information that can aid
sincere persons to transform their
lives. No doubt many persons in addition to the ones to whom you talked
will pick the
up and read a t least
portions of trose books. -4s a result
of your efforts many new Bible
studies will be siarted in. these homes
too So brothers we rejoice that your
combined effort; resulted in a great
witness during May.


we have accomplished our purpose.

We could then use the "Good News"
booklet and the householder's copy
of the Bible. If, on the other hand,
the offer is not accepted because the
person does not have the time for it
or perhaps shows no inclination
toward a Bible study, you might
say this: "Well, in view of the fact
that you cannot have a Bible study
now, the next best thing for you is
this splendid publication 'Things in

pubiishers. ~ h r = ebrothers
imprisoned because of their ministry there
just released; another arrested.

Guadeloupe reports 6 4 6 publishers in

March-a 20-percent increase. In French,
Guiana 4 2 publisherf report, marking
new peak and a 31-percent increase.
Martinique reports 21 2 publishers, and
5 6 1 present for circuit assembly.

Missionaries were told they rn
Burma. However, local publishers are in
good spirits and determined to carry o n '
wifh Kingdom service.
Fourteen percent of all congregation
publishers in Ecuador enrolled as vacation
Which I t Is Impossible for God to pioneers during April. Seven of them
Lie.' It's available for just 50c, were from the Guayaquil, West Unit,
along with this free booklet, and I congregation that has now had vacation
believe you will enjoy them both pioneers for 5 0 consecutive months and
very much. You show quite an in- has been divided into two congregations
terest in what is right and undoubt- twice in the same period of time.

edly your own personal research

into this publication will prove to
be very beneficial. Perhaps a t a
later date we can share some of the
points in it together."
So, if they accept the Bible
study, which is first and foremost
in our thinking, or if they accept
the publication, with the possible
hope of starting a Bible study later,
in either event we a r e putting forth
a real effort to preach the good
news effectively.

Keep Up the Good Work

1 Recently

one of our sisters sent

the Society a letter she had received from someone she had written after learning of the loss of
a loved one in this family. The
letter is as follows :
2 "Dear Mrs. SI am deeply
grateful to you for your long letter
of sympathy and explanation of our
hope of the resurrection. Such a
thought brings great comfort a t a
time of the loss of one's loved one.
1 have read and reread your letter
and the enclosed tracts. The Bible
does indeed hold the answers to
all of our problems, even when we
come face to face with death and
the loss of one's life companion.
3 "Thank you for trying to help
me find the right way and the
answers I need so much now. May
God bless you for all the trouble
you went to for me. Sincerely," etc.
4 SO keep up the goodlwork, brothers and sisters, and may Jehovah
bless you a s you keep on writing
letters to all kinds of persons who
need encouragement a t this ti .

4 Gallipolis,

Ohio, Congregation incretasing its joy because of increased service

activity. In JanuClry they averaged S
hours; in February, 16.3, and i 'Aarcn,
17. This despite snow in Jan1
r and
local flooding in February

During just one week

pioneers with Mount Airy Unit in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, placed 773 magazines, 9 6 'Impossible to Lie' books and
started 23 new st1 '- s.

+ In magazine activity are we alwa

Jimited to not more than sixty secon
when Making a presentation?
"Preaching and Teaching in Peace
and Unity," paragraph 34, suggests
speaking a few words, for "about
thirty to sixty seconds," and mentioning the high points of the magazine. However this does not mean
we must alwais confine our speaking
to a limit of sixty seconds. We search
for the sheeplike. persons, and, if in
the magazine activity we meet someone who has questions about the
Bible or the organization i t will be
beneficial to take t!me t h k . and give
him a n answer to his immediate questions a s well a s try to arrange for a
call on him again a t a . later date. It
is also proper to consider the local
customs of the people and be willing
to converse for several minutes where
i t is customary in order to show
ourselves f r ~ e n d l y and interested in
When there is much territory to be
covered we usually make our presentations 'brief so we can reach more
homes But in some places territories
are lirhted and if we spend a little
more t i m e a t k call we may have
better success in ~ l g c i n gour magazines and arranging for back-calls
which can lead to home Bible studies:
I t is good to let each publisher determine what .is the best method to use
in his territory to- distribute magazines and build up interest.

UJGUST, 1966



- ."We should not neglect the house of wr ~od."=&eh. 10:39.




Building One Another Up

Those of US who have attended

me of the first three conventions
a r e certainly enthusiastic and very
"you mean I should try to Halls just buzz with cheerful, theograteful to Jehovah God for what build others UP? I have never felt cratic conversation before and afier
he has brought tO our attention that I was supposed to. That's meetings. Sometimes new ones are
luring- the five days of the assem- really the responsibility Of the ser- impressed by this spirit as m u ,
dly. Here a t Bethel it has been vants, isn't it?" I s that the Way ' a s by what they hear from the
talk, talk, talk about what hap- you feel about it? If SO, You will platform. &any thoughflu1 publishpened. Expressions such as, "Isn't want to give close attention to - ers make it a point to get acthat great about Jeremiah!" and, what the apostle Paul says at quainted with each one in the con"They certainly made some strong 1 Thessalonians 5 : 11 : "Therefore gregation take a personal inter-t
)oints in the demonstration about keep comforting one another and in them ind
have something encourZotiphar's wife," are often heard. building one another UP, just as aging to say each time they meet.
Fhe keynote speech too gave us all you are in fact doing."
One older brother, now limited in
iomething to think about seriously.
2 Paul addressed this to the entire his activity, explained to one of
\ A s one brother put it, "If you miss congregation, not just to the ser- the Society's traveling represents+he first day of this convention, vants. Also, he said that they were tives that he spends a good deal
vhy, ,you have just missed too already doing it. He simply en- of time thinking of how he can
much. If you haven't attended yet, couraged them all to keep it up. encourage diffemnt ones in the conbe sure to be present right from Yes, the obligation to build up falls g+egation. He was doing a fine job
th'e start.
on each one of ds.
of it too.
you will be interested to know 3 HOW can we do this? By a
5 Family members, too, can build
bat, after the oro onto assembly, steady course of faithful endurance one another up. This also can be
3BC carried a half-hour TV Pro- and zealous service that sets a fine done in your normal daily schedule."
!ram from coast to coast about example, for one thing. We can For example, is the consideratjon
Jehovah's witnesses; and lots of also build others up by what we of the text for the day just a rOu-e
people are talking about it. I t say to them.
tine matter in your home? It need
showed the convention in Toronto, 4 Usually, it doesn't take much not ' be. Many have made it just
the Bethel home and branch office extra time. Think of how often the opposites time for a m i r i a there and how the preaching work we see our brothers a t the meet- ally upbuilding discussion. Thn
s done world wide. This s t k e d ings each week. Some Kingdom
(Continued on page 4, col. 1 )
up much interest for the next two
rtssemblies too.
4,668. Thirty-three were baptized may need some protection from the
We had an excellent public meet- on Friday morning. , Briefly, that heat of the sun during the day.
Here in Brooklyn in the sweltering in Toronto. The day was beauti- is the report given by Brother
ful. _While it was warm, that did Knorr when he returned to Bethel ing heat of summer-it has gotten
not keep people away; there were for ,a few days.
up' above 100 degrees a number of
- 48,118 present. A few days before
Brother Knorr attended all three times sa far-we are busy as usual.
+hat, 483 were baptized. The next of those assemblies and he expects Excavation work is under way ,on
veek the convention was held in 'to go to Montreal, Winnipeg and the new factory site, and we will
lorner - Brook, up there in the Vaacouver in Canada, Jehovah will- let you know more about that when
deautiful woods of Newfoundland. ing. He also plans to spend some the building gets above the ground.
Daily attendance was about 900 to. time with the brothers in Alaska,. We are also as busy as bees- getting
1,000. Friday was a holiday, and he told us. And he is going to San your-literature orders filled. We are
that evening we had 1,249 a t the Francisco for the first twa days certainly happy that you are so
meeting; they thoroughly enjoyed of the assembly there, in addition busy in the service and we are glna
it. Sunday there were 1,284 for the to spending a few days in Miami to be able to serve with you.
public Ineeting. Sixteen were b a p and Mobile. That is the latest news May Jehovah's rich blessilz$* go
tized. Following the Corner Brook from here.
with you and may you have as good
as those of
assembly, brothers from twentyWe might mention to those of you a time a t t b
eight states of the U.S.. and all planning to attend the San Fran- us have had who have already atparts of Canada showed up in cisco and Baltimore assemblies, it
Halifax for the next one. Right would be wise to take umbrellas or ~ $ ~ ~ y , ? ~ i s ~ ~ i c ~ ~ Ofs ~ ~ , "
from the first day, average atten- large hats to use a s sun shields,
danee was steadily about 3,900, and because both of these conventions Be tmmred Of Our warn love.
then for the public meeting wy had are in outdoor stadiums and you




Theme: Keeping o u r Minds Fixed

on the Things Above. (Col. 3:2) Song
12 min: Introduction, text and commerits. Blend all of this in with discussion of branch letter.
15 min: Discussion of -soul
sure,- pages 463-465. M~~ be ---ndled
by having a phblisher a t a new ~ i b
study where clergyman has dropped
i n to stop the study. Clergyman can
bring up subject of soul, perhaps
stating we a r e destroying hope of life
in heaven by teaching man does not
have a soul. Publisher, using points
from "Make Sure," can show man is
a soul, souls die, and how deliverance
from death by resurrection is promised for those souls counted worthy
Clergyman leaves remembering a n other
Publisher encourages continued study ?n subject of
soul in Chapter 5 of Impossible to
Lie' book. Householder will continue
18 min: "Building One Another Up."
Questions and answers on article.
Short demonstration can also be a r ranged, showing brother coming home
from work tired and worn from dealing with
Wife, recognizing his condition,
ingly greets him telling him
happy she is thai he is home. Meal
will shortly be ready. She mentions
h a t new "Watchtower" came and
here i s a wonderful article in it.
Jse current "lvatchtower.") Briefly
---ey talk about article and how helpful i t will be to them. He 1s anxious
to read i t himself.
Other settings may be used, if You
30 desire to show need of talklng on
~ o f i t a b l dmatters to cover local needs.
For example two or three sisters
can be talkink about another one and
" ~ e conversation drifts into critical
marks about the sister. T.hen qne
recalls the service meeting discussion
"Building One Another Up" and they
all agree conversation is not upbuilding or profitable. Will remember in
future to speak upbuildingly of others.
If time allows, more than one demonstration may be given m a k i n g
the points in the article 'stand out.
min: Accounts servant's report.
min: Concluding comments. "How
_d We Do in June?" and congreation's report for July may also be
-overed. If some a r e .pioneering, be
s u r e to mention their good work.
Song 31.

field ministry many have been placed of the varied spiritual food found in
with interesthd Persons. W h a t is be- this excellent book.
ing done to Study with them? 1f you 10 "in:
Concluding comments. Ina r e not yet conducting a study in
this publjcation, you may wish t o clude mention of slogan on page 4
try starting one This book is de- (Cole 1:10) Song 58.
signed to answer'questions of persons
of various faiths throughout the world.
I t presents a concise summation of
Theme: Remembering the Creator
the Bible and highlights important
and Rwents- (Eccl. 12:lb
l ~
t h a t distinguish true wor- -As Youths
ship. The People need this information.
(10 min.1 Scene I: Publishers pre- 5 min: Introduction, text and com
senting sermon to householder. House- ments.
holder comments t h a t he thinks i t is 15 ,in:
Laying a ~~~d ~
terrible t h a t so many favor the philosophy t h a t God is dead. Publisher Brother invites to the th
points out t h a t the first chapter of 'Ongregation of the(check with theirOf parImpossible to Lie' book powerfully ents in advance for
prefrefutes t h a t contention and he will erably preteen-age
enjoy reading it. I n fact may be
and asks then
interested to know t h a t @rt of pur in the "Paradise"
questions that they may anwork is conducting home Bible studies swer' In preparing
this part brothand would like t~ demonstrate briefli er
how We do that, a s this service is questions. make
these he
entirely free. IS invited in and s t a r t s Can Post a week ahead
study with first paragraph of chapbe
to prepare answers: The
ter one. They discuss several paragraphs publisher concludes by ar- other questions will not be previouslranging to continue study. E~~~~~~~~~~ h o w nto the youngsters, so they wii
person to read ahead noting partic- have
the knOwledg
ular-y interesting poin;s starting with they have gained
Brother can emphasize in conclusion
paragraph 13.
the importance of family studies and
(2.min.) Scene 11: After leaving, one how they establish basic ~ i b truth
l ~
publlsher says
that he en- and beliefs in minds of youngsters
p ~ y dstarting right in 'Impossible to
book, but he thought t h a t we 15 min: Discussion, p o s s i b l y with
supposed to s t a r t study in a overseer and two or three couples
booklet first. Other publisher points on article "That.Thep May Not ~ u r ;
out t h a t it depends on circumstances Aside." They will discuss how ther*
and what seems best in each case may cooperate together in a fine wa;
o f t e n good to study in booklet be: to help the children s t a y close t'
cause i t makes many points clear very the truth.
quickly and person can see difference 15 min. Talk, "Making. the ~~~t of
between .what Bible teaches and what Our Likes." Deal with pioneering and
false religion teaches Then too
work' enhelps us determine &ore qkickl;
person is sincerely interested or not ~ ; & " ; ' ~ $ l y a l : ~ h ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i & ~ " , ~ s
However, in some cases householde~ vice, Gilead and Bethel. "Pearbo
has a question t h a t needs more ex- experiences or local experiences ma
planation than is found in the booklet, be used to add interest.
and i t is good to switch to the more
complete comments in the 'Impossible 10 min: Concluding announcemer
to Lie' book to help overcome the Encourage publishers to support Labo
obstacle to progress by clearing up Day field service activity. Song 6 d
a n y troublesome point thoroughly.
There is .certainly no objection to
starting right in the book, either on FIRST MEETING I N SEPTEMBER
a chapter t h a t holds particular interTheme. Fearlessly Spreading Trut]
est . f o r the hou~eholder or right a t Though I t Plagues Men. Song 113.
beginning, especially where considerable interest i s shown and there is a
min: Introduction* text and co
good possibility of continuing the meritsstudy. Encourages brother to t r y it 10 min: Talk on month's t h e m e
himself. Explains that, even though "Fearlessly Spreading Truth Thougl
many people we speak to may belieye I t Plagues Men," based on July
in God and in the Bible still material 1965, "Watchtower',', and Septembein first three chapters is very impor- 1966, "Watchtower.
: ~ r g ~ ~ i : h f " ~ h~ m~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ u 15
" w min:
d h & Presenting
; i
the ~ o o dNews
In his brief part chairman should
such belief is proper.
it is that we lev(8 min.)
invites comments
in congregation,
es- ingly consider our Catholic neighbors
pecially those having studies in
and do our utmost to help them
Now more than ever i t seems Catholit
to Lie. book, telling how
to the King
got study started and what points
message' Biggest increases ir
they have found of particular interest to householder t h u s far. Concludes ~ ~ ~ ~ h ~ ~ e t h ~ l s y d ' a & ~ ~ r
by pointing out t h a t this publication "Awake!") If no Catholics i i terril
has taken place of "Let God Be True" tory, may use time for some other
a s the book most comprehensively matter needed locally o r m a y approact
covering true Bible doctrine and t h a t i t from the standpoint of what to dc
it is important for those progressing if encountering
in future.
in the knowledge of the truth to con- 10 min: Publisher talks to Bible stud3
sider this material. I t should be cov- servant, asking question discussed i1
He reads the ans
ered before a person is baptized. We
do not want to give the people just and
the point in quest
the milk of the Word, but we want 10 "in: Consider local neec
to help them progress in appreciation 10 minm"oncluding c o m m ~ n t s .Son





Theme: Showing Love by Feeding

t h e Sheep. (John 21:15-17) Song 103.
i min: Introduction, text and com~ents.
15 min: Talk, "Handling Family Problemg Before They Grow," based on
t h e August 1 1966 "Watchtower." To
b e handled brefeGably by a mature
has set ? fine
In rearing h ~ own
min: Theocratic News, Announcen t s and "Most Beautiful Music."
make this part lively and interesting.
23 min: Feeding the Sheep. Demonstration.
( 3 min.) Chairman: As we a r e now
using the 'Impossible to Lie' book for
+'-7 third c--~ecutive month in the



we are all one large theocratic family under our heavenlr*


dient and have always showed 1- - spect for us even though a t timesT

How can you parents help your

different. We know it isn't easy for or make a comment. We let them


next group of twenty new
public talk outlines will soon be mailed
to each congregation. These may be
scheduled anytime after you complete
the present series of twenty and are
able to arrange for speakers to deliver
them Six months ago each congregatio* was requested by the Society to
provide speakers for certain ones of
the talks in order to get the program
going i n each circuit. We suggest that
those congregations that were assigned
talk #l in the first senes take #21
in the new group- those that had #2
before will have9 #22 now- etc. Of
course if ou have more &mpetent
public'speaf;ers, you may assign them
any others of the public talks.
Society does not send out
personal copies of the booklet Memorandum on Procedure of Jehovah's Witnesses Under Selective Service to individuals. Each congregation should have
one copy in its file. Those needing it
may borrow it from the overseer for
a short time study it and then return
it to him sd that it Gill be accessible
to others needlng it The Societ has
only a limited suppiy of these gooklets so they should not be ordered
unl6ss the congregation has no copy
in its files or has many brothers of
draft age and so needs an additional
copy. If a copy
ordered, please enclose 25c.

.hese timely magazines and to obtain such a well-founded

subscriptZons. Order now so that you there is much to do
will have ample supplies.
one's responsibility as a
Suggestions for Sunday morning
meetings for field service: August 14: the reward comes in seei
Talking points for use in presenting youngsters have not tu
the 'Impossible to Lie' book. August 21:
Starting a study in 'Impossible to Lie'
book on inltial call when book. is
laced August 28. Making transition
from booklet stud; to impossible to
B-C B1.St. Mapa
Lie' book. to contmue study. Septem737 136.8 51.6 7.9 129
ber 4: Giving a witness to Catholic Sp'l Pios.
8,829 90.9 31.0 5.1
persons or whatever is appropriate Pios.
Vac. Pios. 4,123 79.8 17.4 1.7 71.
to your'territory.
287 235
9.5 3.3
.6 10
New publications available :
TOTAL 300'924"All Scripture Is Inspired of God and
Public ~ ' e e t l n ~Held:
U N I T E D S T A T E S G O A L F O R 1966
332,695 P u b l ~ s h e r s
+Out of s t o c ~in U.S.A.:
-1964 Awake! bound volurfies-English
" M ~ k eSure of All Thingsy'--Spanish
Very well in placing books and
+The Society has in stock the fol- Bibles.
We placed 13 114 more than
lowing bound volumes :
we did in May or a kotal of 238 191
Watchtower for 1964
This is excelleGt! What a blessin'ff it
French, German, ~ o r t u ~ u e s will
be to those who obtained theAwake! for 1964
a s they learn of God's promise of
Watchtower for 19 3.,-,
righteous new order. Even thou,-.
~ortugues; many of you were preparing for and
Awake! for 1963
attending the assemblies y o u s t i l l
German, ~ortugues$ made 1,321,570 back-calls.'~his is fine.
Watchtower for 1962
-German We commend you for taking a n inAwake! for 1962
-German terest in others and endeavoring to
erman help them get started on the way to
Watchtower for 19
~ i s h life.
Awake! for 19Z




To Assist Our Catholic Neighbors
l o n e woman said, "We've been
tricked." Another said, "Now that
me hear the mass in English,
there's nothing to it." Others say,
"We are supposed to witness to
Christ, but we don't know how."
These are some of the comments
heard from Catholic people since
the ecumenical council in Rome.
2 What ' approach might we take
so as \to assist our Catholic neighbors? If we are certain that it is
a Catholic home, we could say, "We
have been making friendly visits
on our Catholic neighbors to encourage more Bible reading and
discussion." Whatever introduction
you use, there are three points that
you may wish to include: (-1)our
call will take only a few minutes,
(2) it is free, and (3) we would
like ,to have the householder use
his own Bible. The householder can
be invited to get his Bible, and, if
"lere is some hesitation, we might
ent ti on the subject we want to
discuss. If Revelation 21: 3, 4 is
used, for example, we could briefly
4iscuss what its fulfillment will
nean to the householder. Other apropriate texts from a booklet such
a God's W a y Is Love or "This
_:ood News of the Kingdom" can be
used. After discussing appropriate

Malagasy Republic, with 211 publishers, reports 4 6 7 Bible studies, a n 86percent increase in studies over last year.
Zambia reports Memorial attendance
of 102,334, which means that one in
thirty-four of entire population attended.
+Vietnam reports 2 0 publishers for M a y
33-percent increase over last year.
Eighty aftend assembly in Saigon.
New Caledonia says 1 0 3 now sharing
in service--an 82-percent increase.
+Two publishers sharing in ministry
arrested in Colorado on charge of
"breach of peace" for waking up a
householder, a city policeman. In a full
courtroom, municipal judge dismissed the
y e .
+.Chelan, Washington, Congregation had
th~rteenof its eighteen publishers vacation pioneering in April.
+ A t Tehachapi, California, where there
is a congregation of 2 0 publishers, 1 3 6
attended film showing a t local movie
house. Theatc
ras used rent free.

right from the householder's own Bible, literature can
be offered a s an aid to understanding 'the Bible. If 'the literature
offer is refused, you may still be
able to arrange for another call
to have a further discussion directly from the Bible.
3 However we handle such calls,
it would be good to make the sermon simple and something that appeals to us a s well a s being informative and setting out a Scriptural
hope. Make plain the purpose of
your call so there will be no doubt
in the householder's mind.
4At the outset same brothers
talking to Catholics find it best to
state that they are Jehovah's witnesses and then kindly explain why
they are calling. They mention that
they are very much interested in
their neighbors and that is why
they take time to come to their
homes to help them with their study
of the Bible. Also, you can stress
the importance of Bible study because of the seriousness of the
times in which we live. Try to end
the call on a positive note, even if
the householder does not respond
to the offer of assistance made. May
our plain words of truth appeal to
the ears and act on the hearts of
those who feel they have been
tricked by their church.

a May more than one home Bible

study be reported if more than one
study is conducted with members of
the same family?
Circumstances in f a m i l i e s v a r y
somewhat, but i t is best wherever
possible to have the entire family
togethe; for one study of the Bible.
Sometimes misunderstandings. a r i s e
when a study is started with the
wife without the husband's kaowledge. Make every effort to have him
participate in the study right f r o d
the beginning Children too regardleas of age, should be 'i-nclided. The
conductor of the'study wlll nec~ssarily
have to take into consideration the
capaeity of each member of the family
"Most Beautiful Music"
to grasp the material being studied
the study in such a way
A letter recently received by the that direct
each member progresses to maxSociety from a publisher apprecia- imum
understanding. S t u d y i n g to
gether draws the family closer and
tively states :
studies they will be able to
"Right now I'm in the middle of between
the things learned for further
my housework and my home is discuss
enrichment. Parents can be encourfilled with the most beautiful music aged from the beginnfng to discuss
the Bible with their children and help
ever !
to 'prepare for their family
"Our two tc .age daughters have them
lost all inter
in the radio and There are times when circumstancesA
prevent all members of a famil
play the records every chance they may
from being together a t one time. Th
get. We didn't notice No. 10 with husband
may work 'nights and thus
the songs from the Bethel family not be able to attend a study when
of the family are toa t first, but what a thrill in hearing gether. Also -there
are cases where
those beautiful voices !
one marriag& mate may have started
"Now when the friends call on studying sometime before the other.
to catch up a s'eparate study
the phone they get to listen to. a In order
be necessary fbr a short while.
few notes of beautiful music before may
In these and similar situations i t
we talk. I just had to .write you a would be allowable for the publiiher
or publishers conducting t h e t w o
letter of thanks for all the works studies
one family to report
of love that went into getting these both andwithin
count the time spent Conrecords to us. This blessing from ducting them. (Clarifying information '
on reporting family studies conducted
our Father, Jehovah, draws us by
appears in the February
closer to him and
our brothers 1964parents
"Kingdom Ministry," I e 5,
House." paragran"- 22 and 23.)

next time you consider the day's
' s t , why not formulate a comment
n it that you believe will do the
reatest amoulzt of good in-encouraging other members of the family?
%Does your family prepare for
servlce together? Think of the
opportunities here for building one
another up. This month the offer
is the 'ImpossibZe to Lie' book,
with a booklet, for 50c. .Many
families prepare a sermon together
and, after experience with it in
'the field, exchange ideas on just
'-?hat seems, to work best. The same
s true with starting studies. Have
ou experienced the happiness that
omes from strengthening -a loved
_ne in this way; noC because of
obligation, but because of affection?
I s it really worth while going
-ut of your way to build someone
up? Yes, indeed. Being with our
brothers and having their interests
a t heart is always worth wL*'s.
Building One Another Up








"We should not neglect the house of our God."-Neh.

the beginning of a new service year.

Of course we do not yet know
what the korldreport for the past
year will be, but we can all conider the work done in our own con,regations during the past twelve
months to see what progress has
been made. We can check our own
increases and decreases. We can
analyze the Bible studies that we
have' been conducting with interqsted persons, see what progress
,as been made, and what we can
W t o stimulate further progress in
the months ahead. I t is a good time
to do a little reflecting on the work
-accomplished and to plan for the
We should be concerned with the
kind of building material we are
using to build up our brothers and
others interested in the t r u a of
God's Word. We do not want to be
building with wood, hay and stubble, things that are not fire-resistant.
Of course, Christ Jesus is the sure
'otlndation on which we build. But,
n addition, each one of us ought
o build with materials that are
firt5-resistant, with materials that
a r e like gold, silver and corals,
precious materials that fire does
not destroy. There is no doubt about
it, reports that we get show that
the fires of persecution are coming
upon Jehovah's people. We have in
mind Portugal Cuba and East Germany. When ;e see those brothers
withstand great pressures we know
that they are built up with fireresistant materials. Now, how about
each one of us ?-I, (=or. 3 : 10-13.
It is important to feel the need of
gaining a clear understanding of
God's Word. f f we feel that need,
we will not be neglecting the house
of our God, nor will we be slighting
our personal study. We will also Be
busy in the field service. Thus we
will be in position to aid others to
build with fire-resistant materials
because 'we will be doing the same
A great aid in this build,ng work is the book "Things @z

that you nave learned tne
truth and have dedicated your life
to Jehovah, what is your goal in
life? IS it not to stay in Jehovah's
favor to serve ~ e h o v a h everlastingly; Yes that is the goal all of
US gave ' ~ n dWe want to find
delight always in doing Jehovah's
will. But what is Jehovah's will
for U S now? Simply stated we are
called on to do the work that
Jehovah's only-begotten Son did and
to conduct our lives by the pattern
he set.
NOW, just think for a moment
about the pattern he set. Jesus was
a preacher and a teacher of God's
Word. He trained others to become fellow preachers and teachers
of the good news. And he foretold
that during the "time of the end''
'this good news of the Kingdom
would be preached for a witness
to all the nations.'-Matt. 24 : 14.
Those words let us know what
our work is. 'CVe know that if you
find interested people in your territory You will do everything you
can to teach them about the King-

With wa


doma If
listen, do


give a witness. Just being in the
territory and speaking
IZingdorn is
a witness.
this you are
down, do
be discouraged. What you are
is pleasing
Noah found no listeners in his
territory except the members of his
Own family. Our territory is not like
that yet, is it? We are still finding
interested, persons, and studies are
being conducted with them, aren't
they? Nevertheless, remember the
example set by Noah and his family.
They stayed together, they served
Jehovah and they survived when
God destroyed that world. 1sn't
that what we want for ourselves
and the members of our family?
"of course, our. womhip to ~ e h o :
vah includes mare than just sharing
in the field ministry. And i t is good
to analyze our personal activity_


Theme : Serve Jehovah with a Happy

Heart. Song 6.
5 m in : Introduction, text, comments.
4 min: Accounts report and local
field service report for August. Include report on activity of pioneers, if
there a r e any. Commend.
Seek, Happiness in Right
12 min:
Association. Encourage all to bring
"Make Sure" to this meeting. Chairman: Encourage all to turn in "Make
Sure" to "Associations," 'page 30. Ask
audience what Scriptural counsel they
would give a publisher who is (1) Beginning to miss meetings, (2) Going
back to some religious association
with false worshipers, .(3) Considering
marriage to a n unbeliever, (4) Considering social companionship with
worldly people.
15 min: "Our Goal." Questions and
answers. Read scriptures. and selected
paragraphs a s time permits.
15 min: Field Serv4ce Can Build You
Up Spiritually.
(3 rnin.) Chairman introduces: Holy
spirit aids us in field service. (John
14:26) Service brings joy. (Acts 20:35)
I t is a n eyidence . of our Jove for
Jehovah, bringing .JOY to his heart.
tegularly sharing in the field service
:an strengthen you spiriJually.
(10 rnin.) D e m o n s t r a t i o n : Young
~ u b l i s h e r says to his father: Field
iervice is hard for me. I don't like
.t when people tell me they aren't
interested or s h u t their doors in my
Pace. I n a kindly way and a s a n
effective teacher father draws out
son discussing points: Why do we
go 'in field service? To please men
or God? I t honors Jehovah. He can
use us a s a n example to answer
those who reproach him. We show we
love Jehovah by keeping his co'31~l's.ndments. Hvrtian observers and
lpirit obse?vers see t h a t we a r e on
Jehovah's side. (1 John 5:3; 1 Cor.
4:9; 9:16) We a r e looking for sheeplike ones. Not .all a r e "sheep." What
joy we have in finding and feeding
sheeplike ones! Father assures boy
t h a t we a r e all imperfect and need to
train our hearts so we come to love
the things Jehovah loves and so we
delight to do Jehovah's will a s Jesus
did.-Ps. 40%
Boy is benefited by d i s c u s s i o n
rtrengthened and sincerely t h a n k k
father. As he leaves he mee:s
younger brother who asks: W h a t
were you talkink to Daddy about?'
O l d e ~Prother says: 'About field service. Did you talk about something
interesting?' Older brother says: Yes,
I appreciated particularly what Daddy
said about our learning to love field
;ervice becaust this is what Jehovah
wants us to do.
(2 rnin.) Chairman concludes, assuring all t h a t we will benefit ourselves spiritually if we come to love
the things Jehovah loves. I t will also
result in life to us and others.-1 Tim.
9 min: Concluding comments. Song

sider "Presenting the Good News in

Territory Not Often Worked. Questions and answers and experiences
from publishers who have enjoyed
sharing in this work. ("Yearbook"
experiences may be used, pages 78,
156-7 176-7 ) Also "You May Want
to T G ~It." c h a i r r n k can discuss with
another publisher ALL the different
times during week when individuals
can share in field service, including
evening work As time permits, call
for experienc& from publishers who
have enjoyed success in evening work
and other experiences t h a t h a v e
brought joy to publishers. I t would
be well to arrange these in advance.
18 min: "It's J u s t What We Need."
Question-and-answer consideration of
article. Also, demonstration.
7 mi n : Concluding announcements.
Include comments on theme for month
on page one. Song 11.

This would be a n appropriate time

to consider what your congregation
has accomplished during the past year
and the work ahead of you during
the 1967 service year. The branch
letter could well be used to s t a r t
things off. Suggestions from last
visit of the circuit servant could be
considered and appropriate counsel
from the district assembly could be
emphasized again. Prepare your own
meeting &ccording to local needs.

Theme: Use "Awake!" to Spread

the Good News. Song 3.
5 m in : ~ntroduction,-text,comments.
15 min: Are You Watching the World?
This can be handled a s a n interview
or a news broadcast jf desired. Report on or read news item; then read
and comment on Bible prophecy fulfilled See "Watching the 'CVorld" of
July ' 8, 1966, "Awake!" pages 29-31,
for news items referred to below.
Other news items from current issues
can be used if desired.
Chairman: I t is strengthening to
our faith to observe the fulfillment
of prophecy. Have you observed the
fulfillment of Bible prophecy in current news?
"Children for Sale," Matthew 24:7,
famine. <'Earth a n Explosive Keg,"
24'12 increase of lawless~ o n g b~ a r t h ~ u a k e ,Matthew
24.7 earthquakes "The Grab Bag,"
2 yimothy 3.2 livers of money. Use
appropriate i t'e m s f r o m Theocratic
News, Matthew 24:14, this good news
is being preached.
12 min: "What's in It?" Questions
and answers.
18 min: "Why Does God Permit Wickedness?" Chairman: Discuss with congregation and demonstrate if desired.
As you present the "Awake!" subscription you may use the sermon
you like best and present the subscription offer in the way you get the
best results. For those who would like
to use it, a simple presentation is
' H I R D M E E T I N G " IN S E P T E M B E R outlined below.
Theme: W h y Does God Permit WickTheme: Do Not Give Up in Doing
Vhat Ia Fine. (Gal. 6:9) Song 9.
2 T i m . 3:l-5 (read parts)-Trouble
5 m in : Introduction, text, comments.
15 min: Two or three members of Rom. 9~:14 or Deut. 32:3, 4-~ehovah
is not the cause
t h e congregation committee discuss
t h e material in the September 1 1966 Matt. 6:10 (paraphrase)-Jehovah
"Watchtower" article "A ~ r d v i s i o i change things
for Spiritual Help in Times of Need.
You might say: 'Our call is to
'5'min: Tnioy Your Minist--- Con- answer a- question t h a t has been in

the minds of men for years. That is

why does God permit wickedness?
The Bible foretold t h a t there would
be trouble everywhere in the last
days. [Read and comment on parts of
2 Timothy 3:l-5.1 -.You
will notice,
however, t h a t the Bible makes clear
t h a t God is not responsible for wickedness. [Read and comment on ROmans 9:14 or Deuteronomy 32:3, 4.1
Rather, the Bible shows t h a t God
will put a n end to it. Remember,
Jesus taught us to pray for God's
kingdom to come and the time when
God's will would be done on earth.
Yes, the Bible makes clear t h a t God
will put a n end to wickedness. That's
good news, isn't i t ? But the question
still remains: Why does .God permit
wickedness now? The Bible answer
has been clearly set forth in this
special issue of "Awake!" ' A subscription for "Awake!" and t h r e e
booklets can be offered for $1 or
subscriptions for "Awake!" and "The
Watchtower" with .six booklets, for
$2. Offer single copies of the magazines to those who do not accept the
subscription offer.
Now, what points were made in the
presentation? (1). The Scriptures make
clear that God is not responsible for
wickedness. (2) More than that, he
will put a n end to wickedness. So,
if people take the literature or not,
they have been encouraged and built
up If they listen to the sermon and
understand these two points, haven't
they? But, you say, we didn't answer
the question Why does God permit
wickedness? 'NO, we didn't. We a r e
going to encourage them to read the
answers to t h a t question themselves
in the magazine. T h a t way they will
be able to get a well-rounded-out
presentation and not just part of the
answer to the question.
10 min: Concluding comments. Song 4.

Theme: Increase Earthly Interests

of the Prince of Peace. Song 73.
5 m in : Introduction, text, comments.
18 min: Now That Young Servants of
Jehovah Are Back in School. Th
can be a discussion between paren
and children in the same family or
parents and children of more than
one family, together, in a group. Co
sider the need for young servants .Jehovah to conduct themselves properly a t all times. Consider some of
the problems t h a t will face children
in the local schools and how Jehovah's
people will conduct themselves properly in speech, dress, manners, obedience, neutrality, holidays, etc. See
"The Watchtower" of June 15 arA
September 1, 1964, for direction c
these matters and others.
10 min: Talk on theme "Increasing
Earthly Interests of the Prince of
Peace." See "Watchtower[' of October 1. 1966. also Theocratic News.
15 min: Presenting ''Awake!" in Our
Territory. Call on mature publishel
and pioneers who have been notific
in advance to make presentations of
the subscription offer or the single
magazines, just the way they normally do it most successfully in the
fical territory. (Sermon need not be
included in presentation.) You may
want to interview some of these publishers after they make their presentation to ask why they presented
things the way they did.
12 min: concluding commer
Discuss Questinn Box. SOP^ 25.

people have read our

s for years and' yet bawn


31Vhen we make a return call

and ask the'householder if he read
the. magazines we left with him, the
-answer is usually "no," isn't it?
Well, after acknowledging that

ripture out of the magazine, yo

hurried and willing to talk. An01

Our' Goal


332,695 Publishers

All of us want to make t


Ministry of Jehovah's witnesses legally
recognized in Kinshasa, Congo. Despite
difficulties in province of Katanga, three
circuit assemblies were held for first
time; '1 3,472 saw Society's film.
Ceylon reports a circuit asremoly in
Tamil language in city of Jaffna attended
by 5 0 publishers; 141 persons present
pub'ic talk.

In Territory Not often worked
l You should have been there to
listen to her talk and watch her
eyes flash with delight and excitement as she told what happened.
who was it? A sister who had been
working in unassigned territory.
She told of her thrill in finding a
of publishers when she
thought there were ;lone in the
county. shetold also of a call at a
home where the husband had suffered a stroke and had lost all desire to live The wife listened and
then asked 'the sister if she would
~ 1 talk
~ 0 to her husband. He listened, took the magazines, wpreqsed
appreciation and began to read.
le wife just cried" the sister reMu~dted."It was t'hh first time in
months he had taken any interest
in anything. She just begged us
to come back." Yes, there are few
joys that can be compared to the
happiness that comes from finding
and feeding hungry sheeplike ones.

This summer there are ov;:

helping one another work congre

gation territorv that is not often

worked,. If y& a r e helping with
this work, will YOU finish up your
territory during September? We
certainly encourage you to do so,
if a t all possible. There' a r e sheeplike
in and
the feed
want ones
to find
one we

Thirty-four-percent increase in D O ~ I I I icon Republic; 2,147 publishers in June.

A new peak of publishers in Malagasy
Republic. During June, 214 reported,
which is 35 percent over last w e n r ' c .
Moorhead, Minnesota, Congregation

them that
can- Also, we want to reports that when 3 0 percent of the qubendpavor to get mailing 'addresses lishers were vacation pioneering in June,
of interested ones. During the fall the remaining 4 2 publishers averaged
and winter months You may be 15.1 hours-the highest report on record
able to
the interest alive by in the c0,ngregafion. Many studies were
making back-calls and conducting started.
Studies by
if you
An eleven-year-old publisher in New
the territory periodically.
Ywk received an honor certificate as the
look forward to hearing 'best citizens in his ?eventh-grade class.
from you a t the end of September
On Your Successes this Year in Presenting the good news in unassigned
territory and in nearby congrega- How much time should a pioneer
tion ~'rritors not often worked.
spend training other pitblishers in

the ministry?
All of us .have the God-given assignment to preach and teach this good
news of the Kingdom. Pioneers are
reaching for- the goal of 100 houi-s a
month in this ministry and they am
encouraged to try to &eet this goalAs stated in "Preachi~gand Teaching
in Peace and Unity
paragraph 65:
"The primary resp6nsibility of the
pioneel: is to devote hi? time to

Shcmt's in it'e always look forward to the

issues of ~ in fie
~ ~~t
question is.

k a taste
~ ofthey
!the will
be getting
of interestthat will be presentk u e this time? It's the answer to ing
&whyed in Awake! during the year. So
offer the subscripws ~~d permit Wickedness?,,
Srmnds like a good subject, doesn't tion to those who show interest in ~~~~~~~~g b ~ ~ ~ ! ~ a { n ~ ~ ~ ~ g B ~ $ l
i t ? And it is. ~t is a question ih the special issue. YOUwill be inter- and magazine actdity."
the minds of many people, religim;
~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ $ $ : "t on o$ ~t s~~ ~$~~o~~~~
~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ n % ~ ~ b
and non-religious. I n fact,
(Gal. 6:lO) So, if pioneers are able to
reason hany
people have nothing to scriptions, while last October we work with other publishers Inmthe
with religion is that they have obtained 173,007-0ver -23,000 less. ,$ ~ ~ t ~f~~~~~~
~ ~ i s
~ ~ ~ been,
v e rable to get the ahswer This was no doubt because we were do Auch in assisting' others in this
to that question so we believe that offering the new book in the field way and other ways and they are
and encouraged to
you will find
this issue will a t the Same time But during OC~O-keep UP their good work a s they are
this year
will be
able. Refreshing satisfaction and muLave a great appeal to all kinds of
just subscriptions for Awake! or a tual encouragement often result from
3ople in your territory.
1 ~ a s year
we found that many double subscription for Awake ! and
lblishers succeeded in placing 30 The Watchtower, if You wish. Of ploymefit or other things neediig his
agazinw and more during the Course, YOU will also be presenting attention, and hiastime for the minis,nth, With such a good subject three free booklets with each year's : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ Gecg:
& ~ ~ ~
talk about, you may find that subscri~tion. We know how much remaining limited time for his work
,-u are able to place that many We appreciate the excellent inforto wait On -Other
during October toom Some pioneers mation we read in Awake! from people and look after other publishers
have been able to place 200 and issue to issue. So, with, heartfelt at the sacrifice of his pioneer minktry.
some specials succeeded in placing enthusiasm tell others why you
So it is up to each p i o ~ e e rto decide
much time he can spend a'ding
300 and more in a month. We sug- W O U ~ ~ X ImiSS
a Copy. Offer sub- and training
other .publishers. Each
est that the magazine-territory scri~tions to friends, relatives, must take into .consideration hie own
-2rvant check with each publisher neighbors, business associates, teach- circumstances, show good balance and
and pioneer to determine how many em, schoolmates and everyone in ~ d ~ m $ ~ n $ ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ n g L
magazines he feels he may be able Your territory you can contact. do ju$t as he has resolved in his
to use.
With real pleasure we look forward heart,
God loves
or under
a cheerf-ul
hen interested ones read the to the result of our united activity. giver."














'We should not neglect the house of our God."--Neh.


All of us who attended one of

God can offer to serve Jehovah a t away the reproach by making

Bethel. There is also the missionary known the truth and, a t the same
service, preceded by special train- time, comforting those who love
ing a t Gilead. The Society is do- righteousness. I n a clear, undering everything possible right now standable way the special October 8
to open up foreign fields and get issue of Awake! presents the facts.
the Kingdom message preached. The The theme of the entire magazine,
work is urgent, and here a t Bethel "Why Does God Permit Wickedwe feel that u h n c y .
ness?", surely is timely, isn't it?
On September 11, 106 who share What a privilege it will be for all
%at feeling graduated from the of us to have a part in sharing i t
42d Class of Gilead,-.and now many with others!
are already on their way to their
2 During the entire month of Ottoassignments. The auditoriym was her, as we distribute this special
packed out for the graduation pro- issue of Awake!, we are going to
gram. ~ u n d r e d s of servants and urge people to subscribe for the
their wives specially invited by Awake! magazine for a full year.
the Society from congregations We know from our own experience
near New .Pork were glad to be that Awalce! gives insight into the
present, along with others. The meanpg of current affairs and. it
program emphasized the responsi- contains sound counsel for meeting
- bility of each one to give free to the problems of everyday life.' We
others the truth that he has re- also enjoy its articles on science,
ceived free. Kt highlighted the fact the marvels of creation and the way
People everywhere desperately of life of people in many parts of
something they can really the earth. And we know that when
eve in, and we have it for them. Awake! covers these fields of inI n the afternoon Brother Knorr formation it presents facts and
showed interesting pictures about highlights viewpoints that other
the missionary work 'world wide, publications do not, isn t that so?
and there was a fine musical pro- This is so because it does not comgram. Also, the students put on a promise 'the truth and because it
,fascinating Bible drama, showing always takes into acC0,unt the prinhaw the Mosaic law was adminis- ciples and prophecies of God's Word
twed an8 what the principles the Bible. Furthermore, when a
embodied in that law mean to us householder receives and 'reads
today. f t reminded us of the con- Awake! regularly he is kept aware
ventions this past summer.
of the vital fact that God has
New, another month is here and promised to bring' in a righteous
- B e ,~ppOrtullityto use it well to new order in this generation.
honor Jehovah. May we all share Awake! often appeals to persons
fully in the work that is done.
who are not inclined to accept our
Your loving brothers,
other publications. They like its
OFFICEbroader coverage; so it is an effec-

to obtaining subscriptions, we can have a



you could share this

you have talked about the Bible?

Many of them would appreciate a
satisfying answer to the questions,
w h y does ~ o permit
longer will it be?
Let th&.Sm have the opportunity 6
get the answers; Offer them the
magazine- It may get them started 2.
On the way to life. Let's keep on',
using th~?se magazines just as (Continued on page 9, ~ o z 1)


Theme: Have a P a r t in Vindicating

Jehovah. Song 105.
5 m In : Introduction, text, comments.
10 min: Why Does God Permit-Wickedness? Talk covering high points of
special "Awake!" Show how material
3 of benefit to us individually a s
?ell a s how i t can be used in the
field ministry.
20 m in: Question-and-answer coverge of main article, "Share in Vinicating Our God." After discussing
paragraph 2 have two or three publishers discdss briefly how and where
to obtain subscriptions; this should be
well prepared.
0 min:
Demonstration on how to
repare magazine presentations. a s a
amily group, with parents assisting
hildren. Use the two sample presen%tions under the heading "Present.3g the Special 'Awake!"'
with the children why certain points
are effective; prepare them for favorable and unfavorable responses from
householders. Emphasize reason for
this work, in harmony with theme of
meeting. Each of the family might
give a presentation. Point out why
i t is beneficial for parents to do this.
8 min: Man and wife discuss points
from branch letter and emphasize
their desire to have 8, share in honoring Jehovah by zealous share in
October service.
7 min: Concluding comments. (Include accounts report, "How Did We
Do in August?" and local service report.) Song 117.

Theme: Meetings to Equip Us for

the Ministry. Song 99.
5 m in : Introduction, text, comments.
8 min: Question Box. Include audince participation and comments on
pplication of points to congregation.
Imphasize importance of being a t
i he meetings to be effective ministers.
12 min: "Our Public Meetings." This
can be a discussion between two public speakers, particularly analyzing
paragraphs 4 5 Local expressions on
how publish6rs' feel about the new
public talks can be worked in.
15 min: Presenting the Good News.
Use audience ~ a r t i c i ~ a t i o nConaregation servant may want to take This
part and consider what adjustments
if any, are needed in service arrange:
ments locally. On paragraph 4, emphasize magazine work sharing in
d i s t r i b u t i o n of s p e c i a l i s y e of
"Awake!" with "Watchtower
veek. On baragraph 5, stress uEgency.
0 min:
Mature publishers demontrate how they have been placing
,pecial qagazines. Include one or two
encouraging experiences on use of
magazines. Encourage those who still
Fve any to get them into the hands
interested persons. might even
write to interested peisons that you
have not been able to find a t home
and send them a copy.
10 mln: Concluding comments. Report on number of subscriptions obtained to date. Experience from 1966
"Yearbook," p. 261, par. 3. Song 81.

%'$erne: Help Them to Get Accurate

Xnowleage of the Truth. Song 95.
5 rnin: Introduction, text, comments.
10 min: Theocratic News, emphasizSng.f&atum reflecting fact that publts@r~personall~ialded others to get
dear knowledge of the truth. Include
items from Grzhou~ncement-

10 min: Local experiences in obtaining subscriptions; emphasize how it

was done feature of service etc
Give enco6ragement to follow th'rouah
on all subscription promises. Rela32
experience from 1966 " Y e a r b o o k
p 250 par. 2. Point out how readitig
w wake!" helps one to gain accurate
knowledge of application of Bible
principles to many facets of life.
25 min:
Using "Awake!" to Start
Home .Bible Studies.
(2 rnin.) Encourage all to make return visits on those who obtained
special issue of "Awake!" Placement
of magazine can do much good, but
more good can be done if we keep a
record and follow through to aid
householders to gain accurate knowledge of the truth. The first issue of
"Awake!" each month is now designed to aid you to start studies.
(10 min.). Servant discusses matter
with publisher who wants help to
start Bible study. Direct attention to
article "Why, Then, Does God Permit
Wickedness?" Point out that study
questions a t end of article correspond
with paragraphs- one question for
each paragraph. 'Bible quoted in article is often the one householder will
have. Publisher asks how to start
off return call, what to say. Servant
suggests: remind householder of earlie r call, as! if he read magazine
answer is, No. I have been too bisuf'
gs often is the case you can say.
That is. exactly why' I called to see
you again. I know you are busy but
I realized that you were interestAd in
t h a t , subject discussed in the magazine With that turn to the study
article and read' first paragraph. If
i t arouses a spark of interest consider next few paragraphs a n d refer
to the Bible. Publisher asks how to
handle i t if householder has already
read plagazlne. Servant suggests saying: That's fine. ,No doubt you enjoyed i t .as I did. I particularly enjoyed t,his last article. Notice what
i t says. Then start readine:
- that
- first
(10 rnin.) Demonstrate call on magazine placement. Householder says he
did not read. Use suggestion above.
After first paragraph no interest
shown, householder sabs he has no
time. Conclude call pleasantly.
Demonstrate another call. Householder here too says he did not read
magazine. h s e kame approach. When
first paragraph is read householder
responds. Go on to ne&t paragraph.
When article refers to Bible stop
and encourage householder to &t his.
He does, and invites publister . in.
Discussion continues to extent time
permits. Use Bible. After reading paragraph, if you want to ask the corresponding question a t the end of the
article, fine. Use your own discretion.
( 3 min.) Servant emphasizes how
easy this arrangement is. At conclusion of call, arrange to call back.
When you qnish the article you
m ~ g h t say: It is interesting' how
much we have learned in such a
short time. But this !s just one of
the precious truths in the Bible.
There is more concerning God himself, his purpose .for the earth and
those of us upon i t and the hope for
the dead. We neGd to know these
things. I would be glad to spend some
time each week assisting you to learn
what the Bible says. We will use
your Bible and the arraygement is
absolutely 'free of charge. Then a r range to go into the "Good. News"
booklet, the 'Impossible to Lie' book
or another study art*-la in "Awake!"

10 min:
Concluding comments.
clude a n experience or two from a
local publisher telling how he learned
the truth bv means of a home Bible

Theme: Organized to Fight Hard

for the Faith. Song 91.
15 min: Introduction, text, comments.
Family discussion of the text, followed
by family discussion of theme for the
month "Orga?ized to Fight Hard
for tde Faith
(November 1 1966
"~atchtower.';) Include. discusiion or
one or two s c r i ~ t u r e swith
to family;'
15 rnin:
Youths Parents and the
Christian ~ongrekation." Talk, preferably by one of the- congregation
committee on article in September
15. 1966, ''~~atchtowe;."
20 m in :, Discuss and demonstrate suggested sermon for November.
Theme: Life Everlasting i n a Better
System of Things
Ps.. 37:10, 11-Wicked
to .be destroyed,
r~ghteous preserved ~ n t o peaceful
new system of things
Ps. 37:27-Must
turn away from bad,
learn and do w h a t is good
hoping in Jehovah
Ps. .37:34-Those
wlll see end of wickedness shortly

S u g g ~ s t e dintroduction and transitions: We are living in a system of

things where there is much wickedness. Honest-hearted . (peace-loving)
persons wonder if God is forever going
to tolerate wickedness and evildoers.
What do you think? [Allpw for response.] Notice what the Bible says a t
P s 37'10 11 [Read and emphasize
promis;! {hat 'wicked will soon be no
more and righteous will be blessed
with 'life everlasting in peace on this
earth.] Would you like to live forever
in a world with no wars sickness
sorrow or death? [Allow for'response.j
Well, the Bible tells us how we can be
part of such a peaceful world At
Psalm 37.27 we are promised- [kead
and make' point that we not oniy must
turn from bad but also must do good.
must study Bible to learn what ~ o d i
requires.] In this same book of the
Bible, in verse -34, we a r e told: [Read
and stress again need to study Bible
in order to know and keep Jehovah's
way; then we will actually see end of
wickedness.] We have the unique privilege of living a t the time when these
promises will be fulfilled This book
"Life Everlasting-in
Freedmomof the
Sons of God" contains a n interesting
chart on pages 31-35 showing that
this present system of things does not
have many more years left. [Be careful not to make any predictions about
when certain events are going to
occur.] I would like to encourage you
to check into this Bible chronology
and other fine points in this
publication. The book along wiFAbl:
booklet i s left for just 50 cents
After discussing and demonstr&ting
sermon chairman can comment on
followirig points: At outset it woul"
be good in some cases to invite house
holder to get his Bible. Encourage
householder to express self. Endeavor
to start a study on the first call i "
circumstances make that possihle
may use new book or a booklet In
giving sermon we should not make
any predictions abput Armageddon's
coming in a certain year. let them
read the chapter and see' what t h
evidence indicates.
10 min: Concluding comments. As1
for experiences had in starting studle
-r:+h "Awake!" Song 116.

. hearing yome of them. Each one pro-

vides a real spiritual feast and

practical counsel that we all need.
rbn't miss any. of them.

appreciate i t when they are told

in advance who is to give their
public t a l k If you prefer, this can
be posted on the information

something else about it to whet the

appetite. Why not try it?
If you have - the privilege 'of

pracement of each copy of tbis


Nith Well-Planned Arranaements I may ask someone else to care for


for Service
- I n a discussion among some of

the service group when necessary.

But if the one in charge of a service
group finds that he is often the
only one a t the meeting for service,
then perhaps other arrangements
need to be made.
41't is good to be flexible in
matters such a s these. Sometimes
where there are only a few who can
share in Saturday-morning magazine activity or Sunday activity, for
example, it may be advisable for
the overseer to combine several
groups, if this does not make it inconvenient a s f a r a s travel is concerned. A congregation that has
ten service centers, for example,
may want to have just three meetings for service on Saturday morning and then possibly some meetings
for service a t the same places or
other locations in the afternoon.
Even where such arrangements have
not been made, a wblisher, who
would like to work with a group
may find i t necessary to go to a
meeting for service a t another
service center on a certain day, and
that is all right. But do not forget
the importance of following up interest that is located.
AS we arrange our field service,
either individually or a s groups,
let's keep in mind that the important thing is to have a full share
in preaching the Kingdom good
news and making disciples. I n the
short remaining time, let's work a t
it with urgency !

- h e servants here a t the Brooklyn

branch office a short time ago, it
was mexltioned that sometimes publishers and study conductors alike
become discouraged because they
cannot support all the meetings for
field service. Do you feel that way
a t times? Well, perhaps the problem
is that we need to keep those meetings in proper perspective. They
are meant to be a n ai'd to us, not
t burden.
Some of you brbthers can be out
m the service every day, and that
is a marvelous blessing. Others of
you may get out in the field ministry just once or twice a week. But
not every publisher can be a t every
meeting for field service, can he?
Of course, when you do go out, if
it is convenient for you to work
with a group, it i s usually mutually
upbuilding. On the other hand, there
a r e times when you may find that
it is advantageous to work alone,
and it is quite all right to do that.
3 Our book study conductors endeavor to arrange things conveniently for us, land we appreciate
that. From time to time they may
want to talk to all of us in their
service groups to see just what time
we have available that we would
like to 'use for group witnessing,
and perhaps some of us can adjust
our schedules to coincide with those
of othe'rs in order to help them. I f
ne of us can share in prestudy
uu*8viceor other evening activity.
from house to house, making back:
Hrs. 6-C Bi.St. Mags.
calls or conducting studies, Our
~1 pios.
734 105.9 38.9 6.8 104.1
study conductor will be glad to ar9,259 77.9 26.8 4.6
range for that. If some can go out Vac. Pias.
3.408 79.1 16.6 1.6
on weekdays. arrangements will also I pubs.
370 - 3
be made for' that, even though not TOTAL 302;317
Public Meetings Held: 15,898
everyone can go then. So, too, some
may be able to go out on weekends, UNITED STATES GPAL F O R 1966
332,695 Publ~shers
while that m a s not be ~ a s s i b l efor
others. The p o h t is that-these meetDID WE D q IN AUGUST?
ings for service are arranged for A .HOW
nice conclusion to -our year's
our convenience; they are not arbi- report!
Yes, it was very fine to see
trarily selected times a t which 302 317 publishers an increase of 4 430
last A U ~ U S ~ T Especially was 'the
everyone is expected to meet for ov&
report good considering that August
service. The study conductor him- was district assembly month for the
with assemblies a t San Franself may not be able to be on hand U.S.A.,
cisco Dallas Newark B a 1t i m o F e
far every meeting for service, ~ i a d ~i e a c h and
~ o b i l e .Even wit6
though he certainly will be taking many publishers in the country a t tennine a n assembly, the field service
a zealous lead in the ministry. He acti
.-. sul rted.

I zos.


. o r t s ., . ...Y.. JO,Onn
rs for fourth
~lsecutive mon
They look forward to welcoming mc
from the United States in DecemberIn Dahomey 1,234 publishers rep
for July, a 30-percent increase.
~ o n gKong reports 248 publishers in
July. District assembly held, with 3 1 5 for
public talk; 1 0 baptized. Fine talks and
demonstrations much enjoyed.
+Seventh peak of publish(--- in Ker
for this year; -294 reportint D 40-p
cent increase.
[la+With 16,144 publishers in 11
wi enjoyed a 22-percent increase. neport
shows 13,565 Bible studies. First district
assembly since 1 9 6 3 has been hdd;
two more scheduled.
Congregation in Devine, Texas, reactivafed street magazine work and reported, "It was the 'first time' for several
of the publishers. A group of eight placed
5 4 magazines in one hour. The brothers
were delighted"'


IS theG a s e ~~lrrla &t tvlrlcn all

congregations ought to have their
No, there is no rule. The important
t h n g is to arrange for them a t times
convenient for the majority of the
publishers. That can mean that both
the times and the days when
ings are held may vary from
to place.
In some places more than one congregatiort uses the same hall, a s you
know, and meeting times need tc~be
set accordingly. In c o n g r e g a t i o n s
where most of the brothers a r e dairy
farmers it may be wise to adjust the
meeting time to make i t possible for
those with farm chores to get their
work done and still be a t the meetings. Congregations with many children of school age sometimes find
that attendance a t the .s?rvice meeting and theocratic minlstry school
is better on an evening that is not
followed by a school dgy. We even
know of a n instance in which quite
a number of sisters whose husbands
were unbelievers found t h a t t h e y
could not get to the congregation
book study in the evening, and so
arrangements were made for them to
have a meeting during the day. The
itnportant, thing 1s that we do not
forsake the gathering of ourselves for
Most publishers prefer to do their
field ministry early on Sunday, and
then gather' for congregation meetings Fn the afternoon or evening.
But certain congregations have found
that because of the way of life in
theii locality they get a more favorable respons$ in the field ministry on
Sunday afternoon than in the morning so they have their meetings
t h g morning. Either is all .right.
So, in settlng meeting times, .we
suggest that you c o n s i d e r t h e s e
points: (1) Are the meetings a t times
convenient for most of the publishers
and other interested persons? (2) How
will the times of the meetings affect
the field IY stry of the congregation?



. &g%i$<.





house of our God."-Neh.

: neglect the

em,~pub~lshehs: .

- I

The past service year has been

an interesting one for all of us,
d we feel built upa
Yes, Life Everlasting--in Freeuu a result of it. What was accom- dom of the lSacs of ,God is indeed
plished in the field service during
fine instrument, for us and
the year? Much good work! @n an
others! Have you
average 3000 more persons joined Comments on it? w e have.
pick it up and start reading it,
us in '6hi preaching work each
month than in the previous year; I ~ ' S hard' to put it dowh."- "This
feel a sense
that is a 1-percent iIICn?ase. Also,
14,163 got baptized, and, of course,. urgency." "I have read it through
'e want to aid them to be regular Once, but I must read it again-"
"This book has substance, surely it
praisers of- Jehovah.
Though we spent 80,000 Sewer
up the 'pirituality Of
urs inrthe service, still 48,647,551 Our brothers in these
hours were devoted to the field ' Have you read it yet? If not,
not do so as soon as possible?
and that has resulted in
tremendous witness to the name Remember, it is another fine' instruFurther- merit for 248. Here is "food a t the
and purpose of our
more, on the part of most of you Proper time." (Matt. 24: 45) There
that service represents careful plan- is only one way to transform that
spiritual food to spiritual strength
ning and earneSt devotion.
Here in the United States we and that is by partaking of it. True,

10: 39.

IX NO. 11

-I --- -

-- -

November we can concentrate or

offering the new book to all in OUI
territory.. What will they find a5
they begin to read? The most en.
couraging information for those whc
long for freedom Our book
them from the Bible how true fr,ee.
do, can be had I t shows that mall
needs- to be freed, from things out.
side and inside the body He need8
to be freed from
and the influence of unseen spiru
forces, as well as hnmah imperfec
tion, sin and death.
4 When you are presenting the
be good to be
to refer to something specllic that
would illustrate its value. For exOne might read the
pa'ragraph on page 5. Or, we might
refer to the fine illustration on-the
opening page and comment bn the
cogf4r, of
why wait until freedom that God has in mind for
while that is down somewhat from ~ ~ , " ! c ~ ~but
lovers of righteousness in a paradise
last year, still it represents 11.2
earth. Some have opened to page
monthly for publishers, 97 for piofood?
why 219 and ekplained that the ehapter
neers and 140.6 for special pioneers, not give up 'Omething
"God's Gift of Marriage" outlqes
~ n each
one placed has great faith- tant so as to get it read as
God's instructions for a happy
building potential. Our report also.
we have the oppor- attention
married life.
This has
shows that we obtained 105,000 tunity to enable
,of those
who caught
others to
fewer subscriptions this past year, from this a e instrument.
During that marital problems dre increasDrobably because
ing and that man's counsel has not
phasized,. but
dif have a he showed that in Tsaiah's day Jeho- offered the solution. After highZ ~told
~ ~the prophet that the r e lighting this chapter and placing the
wonderful time with the I ~ P O S Svah
to Lie' book. There were 430,000 sponse . of people to his preaching book, one brother said, "If she reads
inore books placed than the year would be refusal to see or hear or nothing but that chapter, placing
before, a n d that is the best 'in open their hearts so that they could the book with her will have been
twenty Years! I t also opened the get healed Perhaps we ,today are worth while, although I hope she
way for more new home Bible getting to the time when that is continues on and reads the rest."
studies, 'which are a vital Part of again true to a greater extent than -Sermons and comments can be
3Ur work. From 225,033 studies in i p recent years he said B U ~still flexible, in harmony with what YOU
1965 we went UP to 233,580: on an Jehovah
US ti keep bn decide to highlight.
xverage, in 1966. very fine indeed! preaching, telling them again and
5 Are
there others who might
Of, Some are wondering again. We must not let their hard appreciate the opportunity to obtain
why our increase was not as great hearts cause our love to lessen; the new book? What about friends
5s during past years, I t may be that we want to continue to be zealous and relatives? Many of them have
Brother Knorr pointed to the an- in the 'ministry.
our other , publications. I t could
Ewer when he spoke to 23,664 gath- We pray that Jehovah will bless well be that the new book 'is just
ered in Ips Angeles in September, you as you do just that during what they need to spark their
and again in Pittsburgh when h e ' t h i s new service year, declaring the interest and help them toward 1
talked to 2,977 on the same subject good news without letup even everlasting. And what about thc
- a t the Watch Tower Society's an- though the majority do not respond, on whom we are making back-ca
nual meeting on October 1. Basing
and those with whom we arc
With warm love,
%iscomments on Isaiah chapter six,
O ~ C E (ConirtzceP nn, pag- 9, ooZ.




Organized to fight hard for the




Theme: P a y A t t e n t i o n to Your
Teaching. (1 Tim. 4:16) Song 32.
rn in : Introduction, teat, comments.
tv min:
Branch letter. TWO study
conductors consider material together
and, where possible, make applicetion
of points t o their groups.
18 min:Are you Building Properly?
Bible study servant has
analyzed his file and has information


g d t ; ~ g ~ ; ~ ~ ; ~ ; . th.ak
number of Bible studies
conducted how many have been held


Theme: "Stand Firm in the Faith."

(1 Cor. 16:13) Song 17.
5 min : Introduction, text, comments.
Christians in Partugal Base this material on "The
of October 1, 1966, Page
587 V2
through page 589 l5 Prepare qbestions on the paragraphs and
study them with the congregation
having paragraphs read in summary!



: ~ l s ~ { ~ l ~ o E ~ ~ e & ~ f O ~ t:;$ ~
~ ~i~~m
on the text

time a month two times etc

in Portugal did and the reasons they
shows how m;ny are
for their position Each inthat is, publishers studying with thei; gave
dividual must decide for h i m s e l ~what
own children, and how often these course
he 1s going to follow In this
a r e conducted.
A11 of us should b e concerned with matter.
regularly and 10 min: An encouraging talk can be
making progress. How are our stu
the following
Yearbook" around
to be found
dents progressing? Are they
to a n accurate knowledge of the page 132 82. page 135 11 2. page 137
Do they understand how the 1
truth'applies to them and what they 81, 2. Have a brief introduction and
must do?
they coming to congre- conclusion on the theme "Setting a
meetings? If not
Fine Example." Help. &blishers t o
re anything be as t ; a c ~ ~ ? appreciate
c ~ ~
t h a t the Bible is right in
to Improve? We do not want to can
one's mate
draw out
his how
to the
a study as an end in itself,
as a means to an end. we want truth. This can be very encouraging
be purposeful. (Gal. 6:6) W e want
3Ur students to Come to a n accurate I*
Studies with
knowledge of the truth, begin to Awake!"
%ttend meetings and begin to serve
(2 min.1 Chairman mentions t h a t
we have had one month to use Ocin the field.
3 mln.) ~t this point publisher tober 8 "Awake!" with article deaudience asks how one can tell signed to s t a r t home Bible studies.
he is getting results and effectively HOW is Our congregation doing? Are
ieaching. H~ is invited t o platform we using it to the best advantage?
and servant discusses following points Let's hear from publishers who have
with him: Does the student answer
good experiences in using
in his own words? Could he explain Awake!"
One Or
the point to someone else? Does h e
know how the thought applies to him experiences. Prepare
and what action he should take on advance.
t h e matter? can he use the ~ i b t lo ~
min.) R e v i e w N o v e m b e r 8
D~~~ +e <'d&ake!" article designed t o s t a r t
back up his
see how the truth of the matter is
s"ggesthese points a r e
demonstrated by another publisher on
the other side of the platform
(8 min.) A capable
demanstrates possibly two or three of
the above points, selecting the points
thought needed in your territory
while conducting a Bible study. hi
Bible study servant interrupts and
t h e study stops a f t e r each point is
made and he briefly comments on it
and discusses it with the publisher
who is observing.
(3 min.) Chairman exhorts all to
?onduct studies regularly and purposefully, including family studies,
making them interesting. Be sure
student understands, can answer in
his own words, knows how material
applies to him, and is different from
false teachings.
15 min: "Another Fine Instrument!"
auestions and answers.
2 min: Accounts servant's report.
10 min: Concluding comments. Consider congregation service report for
October and "How Did We Do in
September?" Comment on advisability
of inviting those with whom home
Bible studies a r e being conducted to
meetings now so they might possibly
share in field service in December
%s we work for 10-percent increase.
3ong 54.

propriate items from Theocratic News

Theme : Helping Others to Find Go6
this~ part
o should
, " ~be ~a mature
~ i ~ ~~
brotherai ~~ to
e ~ Be
s ~~True.
~ (Ram.
e~ e ~ 3:4)
h Song

yt"hY3 ifor
t what or
workdoa sa sa tosubstitute
are conducted, number conducted
it. Simply study what the brothers

observe how some of

man can briefly relate the points

under the subheading "The Question
of Identification." This part should
~ a , h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ e~ ~ t yf t ! ~ ~
Christians in Portugal," in the pre.


Comments for the day. Experience2

from "1966 Yearbook," page 135 12, 3
and page 152
niight be included
15 min: "What View Do y o u Take?'
13 min.
Taking In and Giving Out."
Talk by capable brother on m a t e ~ i a l
under the heading 'IPresenting t h
News." He can draw
by a few questions on
l 3 "In:
Truth Aright.'-2
Tim- 2:15.
Chairman gives
Points about and reasons for the
and "I
thoughts might bk taken
Made in
Modern Translation"
October 15 1961 "Watchtower.") bne
half of thib talk' should deal with the
the Other
with the book'
that any sermon may be
Used' but for those desiring
"Life Ever?Fsting in a Better System
On a
summarize it

w i : ~ ~ : n ~ t " p " , ' ~ i ~~ ~ ~ n ~~ i ~ ~

of sermon.
(4 mi, ) Two well-prepared publishers dimonstrate making the offer
One features the Bibleaalong with the
book; the Other
the book
with the
The demonstrations begin a t the point where
they have just concluded their sermons. They each use a choice t a l k ~ n g
~ point
~ or
~ two
t from
~ ~the , literature
" n in


~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ n s ~
in October ''Kingdom
(2 min.) Chairman
to take advantage of

m~ \ ~
encourages all
(2 "in.) Chairman points out t h a t
new feature in
effort can be made to start
"Awake!" for starting home. Bib!e
~ $ d i ~ l d W ~ n~ ~ l a ~ ~



: ~ ~ ~ t i ~ ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ , " ~ e t O~?hnr%~onofa~d"O'l?~?~t$r?r~!~s'%
m ~ ~ ~ t O p h ~ ;

tation. Thus householder has opporstudies

to unherstand 'learly the
~ o n c l u d i n g comments. AP- of this book and Bible.
~ ~ o items
p ~ ! Announcements.
~ ~ ~
7 min: Concluding comments. Song
Mention service ?Frangements
"Thanksgiving Day. Song 79.
Fine Instrument!
( Cont'd )
Theme: Build on a Solid Foundation. ducting Bible studies, possibly in
(1 Cor. 3:lO) Song 36.
the 'Impossible to Lie' book? Shol
5 min: Introduction, text, comments. We decide that they might not
8 m in :

i\gk2de~ n ~ ~ t i o $ i s c " , " S%

$~: i o ~ita and
~ ~ thus withhold from ther


opportunity of obtaining it? No, let


"Qualifyi?g to Be a Preacher US lovingly give as many persons
of the Good News. Discussion among
three mature brothers possibly com- possible the opportunity to obtl
mittee, covering high boints of article it and read it.
in th?, November 1, 1966, "TvatchDO YOU enjoy doing things
20 mln: Christian Neutrals in Portu others? Why not, then, have a f gal and Sweden. Study with" the share in placing L i f e Everlasting
congregation information in
The during the'month of November and
Watchtower" for October 1, 1966, Page enjoy yourself to the full. I t is a
589 16 through Page 591 ;I.
fine instrument for us and for
"Awake!" for September
page 21 11-6. In conclusion the chair- others.


- -

What View Do YQU rake?

- to


t : h ~gaud newt6


God, but also oar o m sopliS, beca~se''

How do ydu-feel when 9 mature' chart. Of course, if the indkidual you became beloved to us." (1Thass. *
brother such as a study c6nduct0r wants to share in the 'ministry but 2: 7, 8) Our brothers are beloved
you? Do you view his visit circumstances -hinder him, we are ta us twof We want to revive their
an effort
get you Out glad. to assist. If he has little or love for Jehovah and their desire
service and
turn no desire to do so, then we want to serve him. One of the best ways
fn' reg0rt? Or do you
he is to help him become strong spiritual- to do this is to bring them with
here because he.i? genuinely inter- l y and to stay on the way to life. us to the congregation meetings,
your splrltual welfare and We feel about him as Jesus de- in harmony with our text for the
you? we do want
scribed in an illustration a t Mat- year, Nehemiah 10: 39, "We should
have the right view,
we? In thew 18 : 12-14: "What do you think? not neglect ,the, house-of ohr God,"
this - way we
the grdatest I f a certain man comes to have a
5 But what about the list study
their labors
love- hundred sheep and one of them gets' conductors receive from the as$isw e can learn ~ ~ u cfrom
the strayed, will he not leave the ninety- tant congregation servant twice a
-xample of Stephanas and his house- nine upon the mountains and set month, reminding them of any inold- Of 'them Paul said : "They out on a search for the one that is their g r ~ who
p have not been out
?t t h ~ ~ s e l v etos minister to the straying? And if' he happens to in field service? Isn't he supposed,,
.ones . . . they have refreshed find it, I certainly tell you, he re- to help them get into the service
my spirit and yours." (1 Corm16: joices more over it than over the and remind them to turn. in a re- .
5 , 18) They weye interested in ninety-nine-that have not strayed. port? These lists indicate that here
elping their brothers. What was Likewise it is not a desirable thing are people who need ,help of differJ be the
response from those to with my Father who is in heaven ent kinds. A rePoit of field service
rhom they ministered? Paul ex- for one of these little ones to perish." is not a mark of success in e e r y
ho*ed: "May you also keep sub- 4 SO when we visit .our brothers case. The conductor should analyze
nlitting yourselves to persons of that who need ' help, we are not there the situation and provide the hhlp
ind and to every0ne cO-o~erating to get something but to give some- each individual needs. Some pernd laboring."
Car. l6:I6)
thing. As Romans 1:11, 12 puts sons may need to have a home Bible
dhen we' visit
we have in its, to 'impart some spiritual gift study conducted with them' agair
them up, and when to them in order for them to be Others may need to be assistea t.,
us we are thank- made firm ; or, rather, that there get to meetings regularly, so they
ful that they are cohcerned about may be an interchange of e n ~ o u r a g swill really W a n t to serve Jehovah.
aren't we? merit-9 Our heart- go out to them, But if what is needed is aildnvifaI t is not, then, a matter of tryPaul,s did to his brothers in tion to go along in the service, he
fng to get a field service report
would not hesitate to offer it. We
when we call on one who is irreg- Thessalonica. To them he
feel as did Epaphhras, a fellow work,.We
nlar or inactive, is it? We are there
er with Paul, who put himself to
to help. That is our chief concern.
great effort on .behalf of the broth"h'e
congregation is interested in cherishes her , own children. So, ers, so that, as stated a t Colossians
i e spirimal growth of all asso- having a tender affection for YOU, 4: 12, they would "finally ataag
ciated, not simply numbers on the we were well pleased to impart complete and with firm conviction
in all the will of God."


xe "Your Word Is Truth" article

in e ~ i eDecember 8 Awake! is designed
for starting home Blble studies with
Catholics In a kind reasoning style

+ I t is suggested that a11 congregatlons ~ a k arrangements

for a special
Magazme Day on Noveplber 24. whlch
1s the worldly Thanksgiving Day.

f ~ ~ w t ~ h ~ ~ +
h Orders
~ and
r i for
~ copies
! ~ in&
o the. 1967
v%ewSary?" Do you have some .calls

-n which you might use it to good submitted starting November 23, and

be ordered in
later. The
)Literature dffer. December New 1s available m Eqglish and S alllsh
rwld Translation bf the HOLY'Snip- .5& e&h Calendars are availa%le
wes and M f e Everlasfing-in Freedom English, 'Danish, Dutch, --French, Gerf the Sons of God wlth two booklets man, Greek Italian, Japanese, Portu$an a contributiony of $1.50. ~anuar; guese, spanish Bnd Swedish, 25c each.
@robZh April, Watchtower . subscrlp- lease order through yaur con rega- hOn Bampalgn. Year's subscrlptlon and tion. Pioneers qn the list before
m e e bookl~ts,$1. Please qrder bookmay receive a Tree Yearbook b i
lets and lncrease magazme supply makmg. requegt of literature s e r v e t .
Thls wlll be included m cmgregatlon
Suggested discussions at meetin s order and later credlt may be refor service: Week of November
uesdd f o i the iioneer* co Y of the
DISCUSS and demonstrate an appro- Bearbook. Pioneers may ogtain ad- priate simplified sermon. November 20: ditional Yearbook copies at 15c each.
(EOW to OVerCQme local ob~ectlons,Or + ~ e w publications available:
effective talking points for new
"This Good News of the Kingdom"
-. Hovember 27: Suggestions on how to
drop .down to the two-maga~ineoffer
Basis for Belief in a New World
If regular offer is not accepted. De-Russran
,qemlaer 4: Discuss advantages of Ne'w
Out of stock in U.S.A.: ,/
=odd Translation, that can be used in
"Let God Be TTU~?"
"Equipped for Every Good Workw
who can arrange to vacatlon
Sure Of *11 Things"
eioneer in December are encouraged
, to do:so.
The enrollment requirements
When. ~ o dSpeaks Peace$ to A ~
a& still the same: one must l?)e a
, m a r publisher for six ,months and
T5-Hope. for the Dead
~ntlzed rhough not for six months.
VQ-Llfe in a New World --Javanese



6 SO, whether
we may
are giving
-our view
be one of grateful thanks to Jeho*
vah for moving his people to! show
genuine brotherly love, --for, one
another.-I Thess. 4: 9, 10.



Spy Pios.
Vac Pios.



8-G Bi.St. Mags.
49.8 7.2 133.9
31.1 4.9 95.6
20.6 2.2 74.3

747 737.0
9,270 91.7
2,891 80.7
Public Meetings ~ e l d : 18
u,NITED 336,029

' w DID



303 211

the field. In September 1965 we had

301 135 so there is evidence bf growth.
NO^, 'do you see yourself in lep-

ternber's report, or do you r s o m e ~ o ~

feel lost in that big figure? Remember,
if Jehovah knows when a sparrow
falls, he also knows what each servant of his is doing in honoring him
a s the months slide by in these final
years of the old system. (Matt. 10:29p
31) Rejoice in having participated f?l .
the great shout of PPaise fm oar God.
that these figures represent. Knowiw
that so , many others were .unite@
yphin Seppnber's wb wzu %e

1 I6 In


Cuba many Kingdom nails were

osed recently by the government. Much?%&
propaganda is being published against %%"
the Witnesses, yet our brothers continue$$J'$
;c k : - - k
i;;i >?.
Regular attezdidce a t the service
Kenya reports 2 9 4 publishers in Au-:.?
raking In and Giving Out
work as servants of ~
~ meeting
h , and
~ ministry
~school, h for gust, a 40-percent increase; also, 5 0 9 r.kF9
really not too complicated, is it. example, will keep us right up to .Bible studies.
Martinique, with 1 9 3 publishers in
stated, it is a matter of
taking in knowledge from Jehovah senting
the truth in the field. Luke August. tells that 6 5 0 attknded district? .'
giving it out ~h~~ re- 10: 1,2 tells of a meeting Jesus eon- assembly public talk in Fort de ~rance.:?-. '
ducted with seventy publishers be- *Two assemblies in indonoria: 700;:
minds us of what Jes& said, at fore
sending them out. Would any attended at Bandung, Java, and 26 hp52
~ received
~ one* of
these have wanted to miss tized; 3 5 6 at Manado, Sulawesi, and?-yive free.
the fine instructions that he' then 2 0 immersed. Four new congregations::2But let us not be fooled by the gave?
Would they have been truly formed in August.
of the
Both taB- effective in the field if they had?
Despite rainy weather, 6.652 on hand .
ing in and giving out require Of
not !
for public meeting in Hanyang Univer-1;. :
thought and application. Why? I n
sify amphitheater in Korea; 5.535 pub-:
order that each aspect will be done 6 Nor do we want to be out of -1ishers
in August.
, %

f <>#-





to the
possible and
also in order that they be kept
in pboper balance.
How could one get out of balante in this vital matter? well,
some have appreciated the importance of serving Jehovah actively

in is,the
either, that
in but
doing little in giving out. Our
-studying would then miss its full
/purpose, wouldn't it? I t would be Is it ail right to read thea parasimilar to living to eat instdad of graphs
first when
Bible study
inasmuch a s some &u-3
eating to live. .HOW would "this dents do n6t do well in studying in- .
good news of the kingdom" be advance?
rn conducting a home Bible s t u d y - .
we want the student to come to anA-~ ~ n t h ~ t i ~ pmached
if we did not zealously preach? accurate knowledge of the truth Also
rhey have had a full field service
of God and love of neighbor we want to teach him cab
how to'stud;
schedule, However, after a time Love
stand on-:
will prompt us t have a'good share SO
that eventually
his own two feet
to speak not
+hey began to realize that they in presenting t e good news
dependent on us t& feed him spi~itual
;sere pushing themselves into the
food. How can this best be done?
~ r v i c eand not getting as much
Will it speed
progresstoif prepare
we do not
give the matter, encourage
the student
joy frbm it as they o n e experienced.
we get
-servicebegan to fall
read the paragraphs first add
fttle and soon irregularity began for your own spirituality. Plan and there
then 'the questions? Very likely not.
to set in, and some even became in- work things out so that you keep It will ' undoubtedly encourage lazy
xctive. w h y ? A~~~~~~~~may have yourself spiritually strong. Personal study habits. ~t might even encourage
been focused on giving out, but tak- study
l ~ ~~ ga ~ ~h ~~ t e ~~ $ fn ~ k
(lance play
in this. attenThen, ~
example nor would he be pyepaPed
[ng in may have been neglected.
to tea& a s he shpuld be'.
For One to be a
vhere are other advantages to adn ~ to sothers. Paul had these two vance
publisher, happy in his work,
preparation. ~t sets a hlgh
the student. I t t e a c h ~ s
necessary *Or him to be 'On- in mind when he said: "If you him how for
to study. The teacher w?lI
:erned with his Own s ~ i f i t u a # t ~publicly
declare that 'word in -your be able to observe if the student is
This is not a t all selfish, but, rather, own mouth,' that Jesus is Lord, and. getting the main points by himself,
is relating them to 'the theme and
~ ~ ~ . r ~ :a
;:~ $ & b l ~exercise
God raised
the dead,
that understands their application.
re a good schedule for field
vice, have also a good schedule YOU will be saved. For with the cording to the crrcumstiXnces. No one
EOr personal study. If you have a heart one exercises faith for righ$: ;%
~ ~ ; ~ ~ $ e $ ~ h
& u ~ ~
home Bible study that you prepare teousness, but with the mouth One before' you arrive you would likely
for and conduct faithfully each makes public declaration for salva- ~ ~ & ~ ~ l t ~ ~ ~ ~$Ep~y
~ $: : ~ ' i
ek, then determine that in the tion."-Rom.
10: 9, 10.
give you the oppprtunity to revlew
Perthe principles
8 Truly Jehovah has instituted a Some
stme way you will prepare fo-r and
sonal study that. he can put rnto
attend the congregation meetings wonderful arrangement for his practice in preparing for next week's
each week. How important it is people. There need be no end of ~ ' g , d ~ r e ~ t o ~
~ h
, ~
" ,~"es ~
~ ft ~ f ~
to be "a fine minister of Christ taking in what is needed in order advance or if he does has drfllculty
Jesus, one nourished with the words that our faith may be strong. And ~ c ~ " , " ~ $ S i ~ ~ e ~ 0 4 f ~ ~ $
of the faith an8 of the*fineteaching there need be no lack of opportu- tion first then read the paragraph,
which you have followed,. ad:>.d,%G*
clp@J" ! nities in giving out, thus satisfying and
read good
the question
It "en'
1s always
to encourage
-1 Tim. 4 :6.
the Christian's unselfish desire to best methods of study while a t the
Not only will we be sttong share the truth with others. How r~gldlyto a set procedure. Those who
spiritually, "nourished with the worth while is the effort to main- have had in hind the higher standard
words of the faith," but we will tain a good balance'in taking in and ~ ~ $ a ~ ~ ~ P ~ ~ $ ' ~ ~ ~ ~
more effective in our ministry. niVina out!
resa in t h e ~ students.














>=-9 7 , -



%: , : : : - - ;

.ight now we
thinking about
our work for December and how
well it fits in with the
Tract Society. Last year we printed
118,770,627 copies Of The Watchand 139257~200Tracts9but
are we doing a s a Blble society?
Since 1g96 the Society has been
B Bible publisher, though having
other People do the actual printingStarting in 1926, we printed Bibles
on Our own Presses- But in
oar own New World Translatzm,
printed in the Society's
plant, was released. During the next
ten years we were getting Out the
individual volumes of the New
WOrZd Traqzslation, and 3,598,000
copies were produced. After that
we Produced our single-volume edition
and from 1961 to the
p&sel~t we have printed 4,893,743
copies. Add to that the large-print
editjay ~ n the
d total comes to well
over five million copies. That 's a
tremn-dous task for any
of Orner
groups much work has also been
done. We have published the New
World Translation of the Christian
Greek Scri@tures in Portuguese,
Dutch, German, French, Italian and
Spanish, and in the past three years
'.it has been necessary to print 1,775,100 copies of these editions. Truly
ae are a Bible society.
.For Decehber we are again prexbing for a big work of Bible
listribution, and we hope that you
are too. Wherever the New World
Translation is available around the
world, our brothers will be offering
it, in one form or another, to en,:&ourage the public to do Bible read?.%Jng. Many of the clergy today are
saying that the Bible is a myth,
; gnd people are losing faith in God's
2'%Vord.. But it is our purpose to get
peoplk to read the Bible and to
stimulate faith in it. A tremendous
number of people need that encouragement. That is why we will
%>be stressing distribution of the
;"wlble during December.
?+ Some of you have asked when we


[ .-.,,) Ya Jrself and Your fc :I-'-1 The apostle Paul wrote that
"no man ever hated his own flesh;
but he feeds and cherishes it."
(Eph, 5 : 29) He wants to keep
his flesh alike and healthy, so he
endeavors to follow regular eating
and living habits. As Christians we
well know the necessity of taking
in knowledge of God and Christ if
we are to enjoy everlasting life.
Therefore, regular spiritual habits
are required. Why not pause for a
moment and examine your spiritual
habits? Ask yourself: When is my
regular personal study period? Are
you really looking after your
own spiritual well-being? Spiritual
strength must be ours if we shall
endure. So for your good be sure
you have your weekly personal
study period.
2 But consideration goes beyond
self, for Paul was speaking about
a man's loving his wife a s himself,
a s Christ also does the congregation. Spiritual a s well a s material
provisions are due her, aren't they?

are going t o get out the complete

New World Translation in 'other
languages. Well, we can tell you
that all the copy is now on hand
for the Italian Bible, and we have
made it up into pages through the
book of Deuteronomy. Copy for the
Portuguese Bible has alsq arrived
and, a s of this writing, we are setting Genesis in type. Tbe Spanish
translation is completed too; and
we have finished setting type for
the book, but the "Important Bible
Words" section must be prepared
now. The type is made up in pages
a s f a r a s the Song of Solomon. Just
when these three Bibles will be
out we cannot say yet. 'Publishing
Bibles is no small job. Typesetting,
page-making, proofreading, platemaking, printing and binding must
all be done; but we are happy that
we are able to do it. Translation
for the editions' in Dutch, French
and German is still under way.
Work on the new factory, to enlarge our publishing facilities, is

(Continwed on page 3, col. 3)

still progressing. The 18-foot bas
ment walls are complete, the f i r ~ t
floor has been poured y i t h reinforced concrete, and structural steel.
is up to the third floor. We hope
that the work will move a l o m
a good pace now.
We all have much

Be assured Of Our warm

best wishes.
Y ~ u rbrothers

Helping others to find God ,to be true.


Theme: Truth-The
People's Great
Need. (John 8:31, 32) Song 69.
5 min: Introduction, text and comments.
10 min: Branch letter. A talk.
16 min: How to Create Interest in
"New World Translation" in Your
Territory. Three publishers demons t r a t e individual presentations actually
used in local territory, bringing out
points used successfully and comparisons made. One demonstration
may end with publisher starting home
Bible study.
17 min: w h a t Would You Say?
(2 rnin.) School servant discusses
some advantages of "New World
Translation. "
(15 min.) He brings up objections
raised by people locally when Bible
offer is made and invites audience to
s t a t e what they would say in reply.
(May be points like: Why do I need
a Bible? I already have a Bible. I
have no money, etc.) Have publisher
prepared tc, give a n answer, but urge
others to speak up, too. Commend all
for good suggestions.
2 min: Report on accounts for the
Dast month and on the audit.
10 mi?; Concluding qomments. Consider How Did We Do in October?"
along with local November report.
Show what has been done in December toward 10-percent increase encouraging service and reporting. 'Song

Theme: Kelp Yourself and Your

Famlly. (Eph. 6:4) Song 60.
5 min: Introduction, text and comments.
25 min:
"Help Yourself and Your
(5 min.) Talk on article.
(12 rnin.) Demonstrate family study.
Family seated together on platform.
Chairman asks father how he arranges
it. Then family demonstrates, with
even smallest one taking part.
(8 min.) Demonstration with same
family a s above. Father and mother
explain to children how to have a
share in service regularly and what
t o do. Have children practice presenting a sermon to one another. Review
family schedule for field service and
show children how they can put in
vacation pioneer time during holidays
even if they did not send in applications trying for 75 hours this month
lookihg ahead to summer vacatio;
pioneering while getting experience
20 min: Holiday Season Opportunities.
Describe local congregation's .plans
for rest of month. People will be
busy December 24 so good time for
Magazine Day- r e h e w two short presentations. ~ o 6 dto be considerate a s
most people in a rush. (See b e cember 1965 "Kingdom Ministry,"
p. 4.) Have audience show how to
deal with holiday greetings, what to
say a t school about special parties
a n d activities (parents and children
participate), etc.
10 min:
Concluding comments. Include Question Box and some items
of Theocratic News. Song 87.

This meeting may be prepared locally. I n concl6sion report what has

been done thus f a r in December field
service. Have all publishers been out?

Demonstrations of how to
subscriptions from relatives.
Explain how to fill out su
slips properly.
10 min: Concluding comments, with
remarks on slogan, page 4. Mention
campaign goal for congregation based
on two new subscriptions per publisher. (See Announcements.) Also,
yomment on "Can You Use $he Film
God Cangot Lie'?" Song 72.

Are you near 10-percent goal? Refer 12 min:

back to November 1 "Watchtower" get new
article, page 670.
5 min:

Theme: Getting Off to a Good Start

in 29th "Watchtower"
Song 50.
5 min: Introduction, text and comments.
15 min: Suggested Sermon for January :

Theme: God Is Alive!

is the living God
Jer. 10:lO-Jehovah
Theme: Cooperate a s a Flock wi'
2 Pet. 3:13, 14-He brings in righteous Servant Leadership. (John 10:3) Song
new system; to benefit we must act 26.
(1 rnin.) Chairman remarks: "Do 5 min: Introduction, text and cor

you like the soun? of these subjects: ments.

Where Is God?', E a r t h an: Heavens 10 m in: Talk on monthly theme basel
Declare: "God Is Alive!" ', How God on "Watchtower,
January 1, 1965.
Speaks to Us Today'? These a r e ~ u s t15 min: A group of publishers dissome of the outstanding articles t h a t cuss efforts of over:fers,
based on
will be appearing in 'The 'Watchtower' "Servants Help You.
im-porduring. the four-month Watchtower' tance of being 011 time Show
for meeting
campaign. How faith-strengthening not
and how timely these articles will mation.
prove to be!
"Having in mind these coming a r ticles, you may wish to use this two- heart-to-heart talk with interested
scripture sefmon in your ministry person on "Are You Ready to Get
during the Watchtower' campaign." Baptized?" fr2m November 15, 1966,
bringing out ma-(10 min.) Two publishers demon- "Watchtower
points. ~ e n t i b nlast year's total ba
strate sermon, tying in with opening tized.
1, 1967, "Watc
article in January 1 "Watchtower.
After a friendly greeting, publisher tower. 'r
says: "You have no doubt heard 8 min: Getting Them Interest'
talk these days t h a t God is dead. I Audience report on efforts to obtz
a m one of over a million persons who subscriptions how to overcome 01
have volunteered to go to the homes jections, poiGts of interest in currer
of their neighbors and show them magazines t h a t appeal to most. PC
from the Bible t h a t God is very much sons. Prepare two or three publ~shc
alive and interested in mankind today. ahead of time to speak out.
Notice how clearly this is stated a t 7 min: Concluding comments. Rema
Jeremiah 10:lO [read]. The Bible tells with audience the article "Upbuildi
us that a s the living God, after Experiences." Son= 45.
he destGoys the wicked, he will bless
God-fearing persons who have maintained their faith in him with life in
a righteous new system of things.
Notice how this new system is dePubs.
B-C BI.St. Mags.
scribed a t 2 Peter 3:13, 14 Iread]. To
748 153.6 51.7 7.2 161
e of those blessed with life a t Sp'l Pios.
9,383 96.4 33.0 5.0 12L.
this%me we need to be fully convinced Pios.
t h a t God lives and w e need a goqd Vac. Pios. 6,158 81.7 22.8 2.4 96.5
knowledge of what his purpose 1s
292,292 10.0 3.5
for us. To help you find this infor- Pubs.
mation in your Bible, I'd like to T O T A L 308,581
introduce to ypu t h e 'Watchtower'
Public Meetings Held: 22,065
magazine. Notice this outstanding U N I T E D S T A T E S G O A L F O R 1967
article . .
336,029 Publishers
(4 rnin.) Chairman explains other
methods. Another approach would be
to make reference to statements
t h a t God is dead and a s k the houseWe ended the month of October
holder what he thinks about it. The with 172 615 new subscriptions. T h a t
majority will say they do not think is just
little less than the number
God is dead. This gives us a n open- we obtained last October, when the
ing to ask what the person would total was 173 007 Though i t seems
say if he were confronted with the more difficult i o obtain subscriptio
statement t h a t God i s dead. How you worked very hard and spl
would he prove t h a t God. is alive? 115 525 more hours i n the minis
We have come t o help hlm defend thak during the previous Octok
his faith. Then proceed with the ser- While the subscript~onswere dowr
mon On the other hand if the person little, the magazine placements w
thinks God is dead we t h e n have the
The report shows t h a t 5 880
opportunity to prgsent our evidence &%re placed-141 080 more t h i n i
showing t h a t God is in fact very October. And i t 'was pleasing t o
much alive, using the sermon and 5 370 more publishers sharing in
article in "The Watchtower." Each &inistry than in September, the grr
publisher may use the presentation number of 6,158 .sharing in the va'
t h a t is .apprppriate .for the kind of tion pioneer mlnistry and a new pc
people in his territory. Encourage of 9,383 regular pioneers. Yes, wl
publishers to reviey persqnally points i t may be t h a t placements in so
in Chapter 1 of Impossible t o Lie' areas a r e more difficult, the fine L = book and "Awake!" of April 8 1966 port reflects your determination. to
in order to be well equipped t o Y s p e a 6 continue to please Jehovah and help
on theme.
honest-hearted ones to hear the truth.
13 min: Presenting the Good News. Keep up the good work 2nd encourage
one another to t h a t en
Questions and answers.


lSUoyou enjoy having Your overSeer or another servant visit you

and give words of encouragement?
yes, we all appreciate it when
these mature brothers take a - genuine interest in us. Especially are
we glad for their help when we are
faced with trying circumstances.
Rendering this loving help, the
. undershepherds are imitating the
Fine Shepherd, Christ Jesus, of
whom i t was foretold prophetically
that "I may know how to answer the
tired one with b word."- IS^. 50 : 4.
Sometimes we do get tired and
perhaps a, little weary, don't we,
a s we $'have plenty to do in the
work of the Lord"? Then we appreciate helpful words of encouragement. We may rest up momentarily,
but because we try to keep right
on faithfully serving we will not
cause the servants to spend their
time trying to help us as if we were
someone who had drifted toward
lactivity. By our endurance we
nelp the servants.
3 Since the spring of the year
circuit servants have been following
their revised schedule, which permits them to spend from twenty to
thirt$ hours each month visiting
those who need encouragement.
Special and regular pioneer overseers may also spend ten to fifteen
hours per month in this activity
w3etl it is necessary and note it
a t the bottoma of their report, always mentioning the number of
dedicated persons they served during those hours. I n line with this,
it is fitting that overseers and their
;sistants arrange to spend more
,,me visiting those who need special
help. Setting aside definite times to

make these calls is recommended.

This takes time, we realize, and our
servants have many things to care
for in doing their jobs right, in
addition to family responsibilities
in many instances. This may even
cut into the time they have been
giving to the field ministry some
months, but a lost sheep needs the
special help of the shepherd.--Matt.
id: 12-14.
4 Those who ar;! new or are slowing down in their service to Jehovah need spiritual food for strength.
The servant in calling will see what
is needed to ensure a good spiritual
diet. I n addition to a home Bible
study, where needed, he will see
what help can be given to get them
to the meetings regularly. I n fact,
they really should be coming to
meetings with a degree of regularity before they are encouraged to
report their activity in the ministry.
New ones need help to get the full
"pattern of healthful words." They
need to learn about Jehovah's organization and how they can cooperate with i t in preaching !he good
For the future, the Society
would like to recommend that when
the booklet Preaching and Teaching
in Peace and Unity is issued, the
overseer, his assistant or the Bible
study servant take an evening, or
two or three if necessary, and go
over the first twenty-five pages of
the booklet with the newly baptized person. There is valuable information here that the new one
needs to understand fully a s a
minister. The servant can make up
appropriate questions on the paragraphs, and the study can be

handled in a manner similar to a

home Bible study, making sure the
student understands the points being made.
The loving help given by our
servants is appreciated. Let u
with gratitude respond t~ their
efforts to help us a s they shepherd
the flock with tenderness.

Upbuilding Experiences
Before you leave for service tumorrow morning, would you enjoy
visiting with an experienced missionary to hear how he handles
situations that arise in the field?
How would you like to be with publishers in Asia and Africa for a
few weeks a s they share in the
ministry? Or, what about having
brothers and sisters from Commu-

Ann ouncements

,from congregation Stock.

scribers during the Watchtower camSuggested discussions at meetings
One ~of? the par-?Gc:=
I ;.
for service: December 11--Offering the
may~ report
the regular
New World Translgtion. December 18- may be ordered for this purpose.
conducted with the children when @
Showing consideration ior busy people.
necember 25--Revlew of the
New ublications available:
are not baptized.
%.*-....?-; -Januar 1-Presenting the subscrip:
News Of. the Kingd~.m" some
5Families a r e blessed when all
tlon: &nuary &Calling. back where
-Afrikaans, Chlshona Fmnlsh
1bo: Swahili
placements were made m December.
What Has God's Kingdom Been Do- attend congregational meetings to- L~z;.."'
The Societ has arranged to keep
ing Since 1914?
-French gether. At the Kingdom Hall you Z??:2 - .
in stock for a t least a year the special
God's Way Is Love
-French will help your children if you have
them seated nearby and know that q-g:"21
has in stock
the in
Does God Permit Wicked- languages shown- 1965-German- 1964 they are paying attention and learv- *
l ~ ~ h196kEnglish;
ness?" wlll continue to be available - ~ ~ ~ Germah;
ing the truth.
for your use
mmls;~ man; 1962-Engl~sh, German; 1960
6 Why do we want to help ourAny congregations that desire
selves and our families with regular ?.'*.''.
ditional supplies of this issue may
order them.
and Awake! bound volumes m En- spiritual food? Besides providing ~ ~ $
Goal: It is suggested that congre- glish Spanish and Portuguese may be personal benefits and blessings,
-%ions be aven weekly repods on subditted starting on January 5, 1967 when we do so all of " 7 a r e tn 6 ,.: , - * how- m$n.y new subscriptions have A good supply ofathe 19% watchtowe;
- 3
IdZen obfalned to date throughout the bound volumes In Enghsh are also positioi to h e h o t h e r ~ I find Gc _:$.:Zc
s- 7 L-="* true.
four-month campaign, keeping in mind available.


$$fbzE ~ h ~ 9 ~ i 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ f 0 n f ~ ~ ~ e ~ u ~







... .I



- -- - - - --.- - - +' NEWS

d 4 3 r d Class of Gilead School begcn
October 24, with 1 0 3 students from 1
different lands. The students average
26.6 years of age and 11.2 years :%*.
the truth.
The Pro! cts Are Food!
conduct Bible studies, ones on he October 8 special "Awakel" a n
i t w h y can lr; be said that t
whom we make back-calls and to "Why Does God Permit ~ickednets?"
p~ospects a r e very good for t---. whom we deliver magazines- Per- was given excellent distribution. 3 , 2 M
twenty-ninth' annual Watchtower sons with whom we conduct Bible 0 0 0 copies in English were printed ar
campaign? We have excellent re?- studies are almost Certain to want mailed from Brooklyn alAne, corn ed t o .
sons to say this because never the Watchtower subscription, SO 2,747,000 copies for the special ue ikllave we had so
p n b l i m of be sure to offer it to them. Those October of 1965.
the good news out in the field on our magazine routes are already +A new branch started as of Septc er
preaching world wide. Never has enjoying each issue of The Watch- 1, 1966, in LomC, Togo. The report
the tArUb bee^^ _ so _ unmistakably tower,
each showed, 6 6 8 publishers in the ministry.,
+lebanon, 'with 854 publishers in Sepclear and att-acti~e to sheeplike one with the subscription offer?
51n l!Garch we could approach tember, reported a combined assembly
,ones. (Prov. 4 : 18) Never have we
been so well qualified a s mhisters t h o s e with whom we do constant attendance of 1,315 and 19 were.
to present the good news. An never business. How about Your grocery- baptized.
wg &feltthe nearness oPAkma- man? you know him well and he - + ~ i c a r a ~ u a had 8 2 5 publishers for
geddon and the urgency of our work supplies You with physical food, so September, a 20-percent increase over
5 we do now. What motivating why not offer him spiritual food last September and a 9-percent
reasons for an outstanding Watch- through a m b s a i ~ t i o n for The over last year's average of 755.
Watchtower? Do your doctor and + ~ i j i report9 two one-day atsemalles
tower campaign !
think about dentist have Watchtower subscrip- held, one on each side of the island, to
2 F ( O ~ a rnomeht
our prospects for subscriptions. tions? And the milkman? Dc 1 you follow up the Pogo Pago assembly. 4 3 5
How many friends or people close agree that these a r e tail made attended the two assemblies, four were
to you are there who a r e not in prospects?
the - truth and not receiving t h e
Finally, we could make a dili- e ~ i r s ttheocratic bssemblr held in M a
J V a t c h t o w e r m a g a z i n e ? T W O ? gent effort during the fourth month shalloIslands in September, with 5 5 a t
Three? Four? Don't you agree t&t of the Watchtower campaign to public talk and fhree baptized. This wcif they are friends. they should obtain a subscription from one of excellent;, iust
8 publishers reporting. -


hive the Watchtwer subscription ?

Do txTewant to hold back from them
this life-giving iafosmation because
I-e know them well? (Eph. 4: 2 5 )
each of us obtains just one
lbscription from one of our friends,
will mean over 1,000,000 more
nbscriptions !
Let's go about contacting these
rospects in a systematic way.
wuppose y e start off the first month
of the campaign With our immeiate family and our relatives. Are
e personally subscribers for The
JVatchtower? Do our children have
tieir own subscriptions? You will
nd that the children will appreate The' Watchtower more if they
have their own copy coming through
the mail in their name. This can
be a real incentive to their reading
nd studying the magazine wSth
more appreciation. Most ,of us have
relatives who are not in the truth;
ha#e we given them the opportunity
to learn the same wonderful things
we've learned? Give them that opportunity when you write t o them,
ilk to them on the phone, or when
.siting them. Offer the Watchtower
Llbscription to them. Let the direction of God's spirit do the rest.
4 For the second month of the
campaign we could give special
- - - - - -to- -those
- - - -d -i t h whom I,V


_ w _ w ~ or
! ~ -neighbors.
And You s~hoolchild 1, don't forget
Your schoohnates.
With these, gi
for subscriptions iu view, alolzg
with our regular house-to-home
ministrg, we can .certainly say that
the prospects are good for this
year's campaign. So good; in fact,
that .we can hardly wait to get

The Society published the "Kingdgn Mini s try" supplement "Progrers$l%

Speech Training" in 1962 a s an aj
to publishers at the time. But slnce;
that time some oflthe publishers have
lost theirs or they find them bad1
sworn an8 there are many newer put
lishers who have never received
copy. Numerous requests have bee
sent $0 the Sociew about possibl
obtaining more coples of "Progressi~
Training," but copied are not
The brothers everywhere have Speech
now availabIe. They may be later cm,
expressed appreciation for the film in 1967. but lease do not order tbel
"God Cannot Lie." ,Now, in order now.
Those whp .haye. the "Progressi~,
that an even wider audience may Speech
Training" inserts may cor,
be reached, the Society is happy to tinue to refer to thdm. However, the
announce that this interesting film Society publisherf the book "Qualified
to Be Ministers, and that book m&y
is available for any drcuit, con- be
used a s a basis for giving Couhsel
gregation or individual wishing to and suggestions to those who a are ' '
obtain copies for local showings. articipating in the Theocratic Minisry School There are ad quate ref- a
Made by Technicolor, it consists erences
in' the index bepLning with
of six 400-foot reels, 16 mm, without page 361 of the book - t o help thosound track, and must be run a t interested to locate th'ebubjects with
which they are concerned and - thus
silent speed (16 frames per second). receive
practical suggestions
I t comes with. either single or to improve %inthe presentation of tBeKingdom
double perforations. The cost is
servants to use the \boo .
$150 for single perf orations, $160 school
"Qualified to Be Ministers" in giving
for double. This is a cash item helpful counsel to those who arexen?
in the school. Therefore yo
and shipping costs a r e included. A rolled
may find it advisable to carry tki3
script in either English or Spanish book
&hen attending ar a participatis 'so included.
ing in the .Theocratic
try Schoo&
- - - - - -

YOU Use the Film

"God Cannot

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