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Birmingham Plants Win National Award

Stockham Pipe Co. Buy Bonds! Director
Jefferson County Outstanding Ala. By-Products
Latest Honored
Paterson Urges
.In Number ofPlants Honored When the National Security
"All. the things which we use in
Award was presented in April to
this war, everything we send to
fifteen Birmingham plants, Jeffer-
our fighting allies, costs money-
son County went down in the annals
a lot of mQney. One sure way
of Civilian Defense history as re-
every man, woman, and child can
ceiving the largest number of awards
keep faith with those who have
ever made to one county in the
given, and are giving their lives,
United States at one time. The
ceremonial banquet at the Tutwiler is to provide the money which is
needed to win the final victory.
Hotel will long be remembered as
an outstanding event. "I urge all Americans to buy
Again, Alabama plants distinguish War Bonds without stint."
themselves. Stockham Pipe Fittings President Franklin D. Roose-
Company and Alabama By-Products velt thus appealed to the Home
Front to back the Fighting Front,
Corporation of Birmingham will be
by supporting the Fifth War
added to the State's honor roll in
Loan Drive, the most important
July for outstanding efficiency in
- of the War-with its $16 billion
Plant Protection services, when they
will receive the OCD National Se-
curity Award, sympol of industrial State Defense Council Director,
Haygood Paterson has been re-
preparedness on the home front.
ceiving reports- from all points in
The National Security Award was
Alabama to the effect that Local
established by .the National Office
Defense Councils are rallying to
of Civilian Defense to be given to
plants and facilities not entitled to the support of the bond issue.
_ Alabama's quota is $102,000,000.
Two hundred of Alabama's representative citizens gathered at this receive the Army-Navy E, in recog-
Director Paterson has asked all
impressive ceremonial banquet at the Tutwiler Hotel, Birmingham (Turn to page 3) Chairmen, Commanders, and Di-
rectors of Citizens Service Corps
when fifteen plants received the National Security Award for out-
to offer the services of their or-
standing efficiency in Plant Protection Services. State Defense Di- ganizations to their War Bond
.rector Haygood Paterson and H. Burton Andrews, Chief of Civilian July Named Food Chairman.
. "Alabama has never failed".
Protec~ion represented the State Defense Council. The Stockham Preservation Month according to Mr. Paterson-"And
Pipe Fittings Company and Alabama By-Products Corporation will her people will not fail now."
receive the Security Award for .the maintenace of an unusual s'afety From plow to plate 20% to 30% of
all food is wasted. Food saved iG
record at a special ceremony in July. equivalent to extra food produced. Montgomery Leads
It is not only important to produce
sufficient food for our servicemen State In June For
Employee l\1orale Clothing N eed~ but also to improve the nutrition of WAVE Recruiting
Stimulated By Rise Every IVlonth our population while the war is go-
ing on. The County Nutrition With a total of 15 young women,
Invasion News Councils in Alabama through the aid the Montgomery Navy Recruiting
"Enough clothing to provide more of the State Nutrition Council have Station led the State for the month
A Nationwide survey of the re- than 100,000,000 persons with com- adopted programs, which will make of June; Birmingham following
action of war workers, .their leaders plete outfits will be required in the "Food Fight For Freedom". with 11.
and employers, to the invasion of relief period immediately after the Special attention was directed in
A contest was started between
Europe has been completed ty War -reconquest of Europe. . . ." June to the elimination of food
Birmingham and Montgomery. when
Production Drive Headquarters of "The clothing problem . . . is waste. July is the Food Preservation
L. D. Rouse, President of the Mont-
the War' Production Board. The probably more acute than the food Month. All County Councils have
gomery Chamber of Commerce is-
survey disclosed that there is a new problem and the bulk of this cloth- been given copies of recommenda-
sued a challenge to J. Frank Rush-
invasion spirit on the home front. ing will have to be supplied, if at all, tions and techniques on Home Food
ton, Jr., President of the Birming--
Employee morale and production by the United States." Preservation and the Standard
ham C. of C.
have been stimulated by mention of These excerpts from it report of Timetable for Alabama as recom-
In a telegram to Mr. Rouse, Mr.
specific equipment in action abroad, the National Planning Association, mended by the Alabama Nutrition
Rushton said, "Your victory with
an upsurge is reflected in meeting as published in the New York Times, Council. Emphasis is centered now
15 WAVES is a definite contribu-
production schedules, absenteeism underscore -the effort which the GW on saving the over-all food supply
tion to the War. I am giving a
and turnover have dropped, and RA is making to collect 20 million by preserving food at home.
pint of blood to the Blood Bank in
there is a greater willingness, par- garments for Greece. August is designated 'as Crop Corps
your name."
ticularly among women to seek war The Association's drive is now month, while"'leptember is Nutrition
plant employment. eight months old. month throughout the Nation. (Turn to page 3)

State DC Report Sylacauga Police

Reveals Many War Here And There On The Home Front Given Merit Award
Service Activities NEW JERSEY Colley S. Baker, executive secre- For Fine Service
Seven men, trained by the De- tary, outlined the program to comb
An estimated total of 200,000 vol- fense Council as auxiliary firemen; farms of every bit of scrap during Twenty-five Sylacauga Auxiliary
unteers in Alabama, one out of every are serving regular tours of duty the summer months which is to be Policemen were awarded the 500
fourteen persons, are now fighting with the fire department at Maple- followed with an intensive campaign hour Service Ribbon and Certificate
a vital battle on the home front wood, N. J. Each man serves an during the Fall to salvage waste- of Merit June 27, at an informal
through participation in war service average of two nights a week. paper, tin cans and other needed chicken fry given by the Sylacauga
organizations, according to a Re- Chief Zimmer said he would wel- materials. Auxiliary Police in honor of their
port of the Alabama State Defense come additional volunteers who ****** members, who had distinguished
Council, just off the press. have had fire training. ALABAMA themselves by significant service.
This Report, sUInmarizing State ******- Children staying within the city Forty mem bers attended this
Defense Council operations from its MINNESOTA of Montgomery this summer will meeting at the Sylacauga Marble
creation on January 3, 1941 to April The Lincoln County, Minnesota have an opportunity to· participate Bowl Swimming Pool and Picnic
1, 1944 enumerates. among major Board of Commissioners has .an- in summer programs at home. The grounds, Assistant Chief Lamar
activities: nounced the appointment of Mrs. Cloverd·ale town meeting day camp Kelley presiding.
Organization of 67 Local Defense Senus M. Hansen of Tyler as the for boys and girls is in full swing The presentation was made by
Councils embracing 97,500 volunteers first woman County· Chairman of every morning from nine until one Dr. John Inzer, past National Chap-
who stand ready to assist in guard- Civilian Defense. ,Mrs. Hansen has at the Cloverdale school. Older lain of the American Legion to the
ing their communities from possible served as County Chairman of Vic- boys and girls have a sports program following auxiliary police: J. R.
enemy attack and natural disaster tory Aides since ~anuary 1942 and in the afternoon and a dancing club Edwards, D. H. Reynolds, O. T.
and render important civilian war will carryon in this capacity. Be- at night. More than 200 elementary Roberson, A. B. Stoner, Ed Thrash,
services. fore the War she served the people children are enrolled in the morning H. A. Ellison, O. A. McDaniels, F. A.
Establishment of 150 High School of the 12th District as Representa- program. Summerlin, L. H. Jackson, Leonard
Defense Councils through which tive in the State Legislature in 1939. The Kiwanis Club day camp for Scott, J. G. Pippin, Lee Motes, Lyle
10,000 students contribute substan- Mrs. Hansen is an outstanding girls at West End has registered Johnson, Woodie Knight, James
tially to victory. example of today's woman, who is nearly 100 girls who assemble for Jones, O. W. Allen, A. G. Wicker-
Allocation of $337,500 of United willing and ready to assume every varied activities from nine until one sham, Lamar Kelley, Irvin Grimes,
. States fire fighting equipment to 55 responsibility that the shortage of on every Monday, Wednesday, and Otis Parsons, J. B. Bernard, W. M.
cities and towns on the basis of manpower necessitates. Friday morning. Batchelor, E. V. Fowler, N. N. Hurt
need. ****** The Optimist Club day camp for and otto Kirby.
Distribution of Federal Emergen- ILLINOIS girls at Oak Park has claimed 78
cy medical equipment and supplies Illinois' leading Victory Gardeners girls, enthusiastic over every sug-
valued at $75,000. gested actiVity. The Exchange Club
Recruitment of 15,500 volunteers
will be selected in a "Green Thumb"
contest to be conducted by the State day camp for girls in Kiwanis Park Need Still Urgent
of the United States Army aircraft War Council. A "green thumber" is is reaching some 60 children, most For Waste Paper
warning service and 400 civilian pi- an adept amateur, "who could make of whom have working mothers. .
lots and 130 privately owned planes a broomstraw grow if planted". Spe- The Maxwell Field Civilian Em-·
ployees' Club is opening a new day So serious has the paper shortage
for the Civil Air Patrol. cial awards will be made to winners
camp for girls at Hamner Hall Park. become that the Alabama Periodical
Creation of a Volunteer Fire in local and county competitions and Publishers Salvage Committee has
Fighting Service to help protect our the State Champion in the adult ****** assigned William Gunn on a full
19,000,000 acres of timberland. division will get a $500 Bond. - VIRGINIA time basis to the Alabama Salvage
Coordination of hundreds of other ****** Smart frocks for street wear,
agencies concerned with various Committee for the duration of the
NORTH CAROLINA house dresses and a variety of other summer. •
phases of civilian defense. Groundwork for a permanent rec- women's apparel, that rivaled those
Institution of an effective program L. E. Creel, Executive Secretary of
reation program to reach all ages on display at city shops were recent- the Alabama Salvage Committee ex-
of industrial plant fire prevention was laid in Morganton, N. C., with ly modeled by 34 members of sewing
and ·inspection. pressed appreciation for the loan of
the visit of Dr. Harold D. Meyer of classes conducted by the Roanoke Mr. Gunn, pointing out that it is
Preparation of a State-wide dis- Chapel Hill, executive secretary of Defense Council with the coopera-
aster plan. during the summer months that pa-
the North Carolina Recreation Com- tion of the school home economics per salvage activities lag because the
Director Haygood Paterson in con- mittee. A summer playground pro- department. schools are having vacation and it
clUding his l'eport calls attention to gram, with swimming facilities, will During the past year classes have is the. school children, who salvage
the vast protective network, which be started for children as the ope.n- been held for white and Negro wo- most of the paper.
will render the State self sufficient er of the program. men and 234 women have completed
and ready to meet any emergency' the sewing courses. No further All agencies and individuals are
or disaster, now or at any future MICHIGAN classes will be held before fall, ex- urged to redouble their efforts dur-
time. It takes so little time to save fats, cept a night class for business wo- ing the summer months to prevent
; - - -......- - - - -:- I package paper, and prepare tin cans men beginning in June. the decrease in salvage just at the
-but those few minutes bring us time the European invasion is well'
What Does He Do In closer to the battlefields of France,
Record Bond Sales
under way. Paper is needed more
now than it has ever been needed
in Italy, or on the Pacific, accord-
His Spare Time ing to the Michigan Salvage. Be- By Business Women tefore.
The Rev. Lewis J. Grotenhuis, cause we DO the work-some boy While there is still a shortage of
has a pastorate at Harmony wounded in Normandy will have .the Montgomery's Business and Pro- certain types of heavy metal and
Township in Sussex County, N. J. syrette he needs; some paratrooper fessional Women's Club is reporting household fats, the urgent need for
Besides attending to his minis- will float to the ground in a strong, through its Publicity Chairman, Mrs. waste paper and tin cans has caused
terial duties, the Rev. Mr. Gro- light parachute, some shipwrecked Carrie K. Andrews the sale of $467,- the War Production Board to put
tenhuis also: American sailor will have a signal 645.00 in Fifth War Loan Bonds. at the disposal ·of the General Sal-
Drives the school bus every flare to light the way of his res- These women have gained state- vage Division, the Industrial Unit,
morning and afternoon. cuers. So little time and SO MUCH wide recognition f.or intensified effort which in Alabama, is composed of
Delivers the· mail once each TO GIVE. Can anyone refuse to go and significant attainment in each five men who will give full time
·day. , along on that basis? for the next sixty days to the col-
of the War ·Loan Drives. Mrs. Jen-
Conducted ...:the Soldier Vote lection of waste paper and tin cans.
canvass and obtained the highest
****** nie Freehling is serving as Bond
PENNSYLVANIA Drive· Chairman. This condition was brought about
percentage·of fUled-out cards for Plans for a concerted drive to col- because of the unusual amount of
the enpre. county. lect scrap on Pennsylvania farms California hit's 231 nursery schools paper and tin required to get addi-
We. are .afraid to ask what he this summer, were adopted at a re- with an attendance of 8,127 and 205 tional supplies to our armed forces
does with his spare time. cent meeting of the State Defense extended day care centers with an overseas in as short a time as pos-
Council's Salvage Committee. attendance of 5,609. sible.

Alabama War Chest
Plans County Units ~
M~bile Auxiliary Truck Fire . Realistic Contests'
Staged By Mobile
Companies Vie For Prizes
For Local Needs Fire Companies
The Alabama War Chest Execu- The series of contests between
tive Committee at a meeting June Auxili!try Truck Fire companies was
27, recommended the. appointment concluded Sunday afternoon, June
in each of the 67 counties of the 4th, when the prizes of a plaque and -
State of an executive committee of $25.00 in cash were won by Com-
5 outstanding citizens to study the pany 10-A of LaFayette street, cap-
advisability of a countywide chest tained by H. W. Clements. The
organization. Future appeals for - runner-up was company 20-A of-
funds would be handled by these lo- suburban Forrest .Hills, John J.
cal committees, instead of by a lo- Hughes, Jr., Captain, that lost by
cal chairman appointed by the an extremely small margin.
State Agency. There were two prior elimination
contests on May 21 and 28, which
It was also recommended that be-
were participated in by a number
fore the annual appeal for funds is
of the auxiliary fire companies Qf
launched in October, that the State'
the city of Mobile and the' suburban
organization enter into formal con-
areas. At· this time there are 166
tract with County Chests with ref-
active enrolled members of this di-
erence to local charities and needs;
that any surplus funds t6 the credit
of counties from previous campaigns At each contest very realistic drills
be turned over to the newly ap- were given by two crews of auxiliary
pointed local committe for dispo- rescue squads.
Under an amendment adopted, R.F.D. Carriers May
the Board of Directors will consist
of 67 members, .one from each coun- Collect Waste Paper
ty, selected locally, instead of ap-
pointed by the central authority, Collection of waste paper by rural
thus placing more power in the . mail carriers on a voluntary basis is
hands of local leadership. The made permissible by an official
Executive Committee will consist of r;uling recently published in the U. S.
15 members, selected by the direc- Postal Bulletin. The instructions as
tors. issued in' this 'bulletin stated:
Haygood Paterson, Chest President "It should J::e understood that if
]:lointed out that :while the State the carriers engage in this work,
War Chest will end with the war, it is to be strictly on a voluntary
the work it has sponsored will form basis. They must not deviate from
the nucleus of permanent Charity their routes' either to collect or to
and Welfare units in many counties. deliver the waste paper, and are not
The Alabama War Chest was or- to be involved in handling cash 01'_
ganized two years consolidate Volunteer Defense Firemen in Mobile have 'been training for the' issuing receipts in conection with
appeals for wartime purposes into a real thing and Auxiliary Fire Company 10-A pictured above are the payment for such waste paper."
single drive-after passing on the proud winners of a contest conducted by the Mobile County Council
worthiness of such appeals. It has of Defense. The-coveted prize was $25.00 in cash and a handsome STOCKHAM PIPE CO.
won National recognition and has plaque. The men composing the Company appear, 'left to right. back
been adopted as a model for other row-F. J. Brown, J. O. Donague, and Captain H. W. Clements; 'Front (Continued from page 1)
states. row, N. B. McAllister and R. B. McAllister. Below is seen Federal nition of the effective manner in
Fighting equipmenCallocated Mobile. which they have provided for their.
own protection.
,T efferson County D-DAY MONTGOMERY L,EAm::.
(Continued from page 1)
Representatives of .the Fieldmen's
Association and the Alabama In-
Service Corps And D means the Dawn
Breaking in the East According to agreement, a pint of spection and Rating Bureau have
Volunteers Active Chasing clouds of darkness I blood was to be given to the Red just completed the inspection of
Waking man and beast Cross Blood Bank by the loser. more than 50 plants in the State to
The Citizens Service Co'rps and , Jlme was a record month for the determine whether they are main-
Volunteer Office has moved its D means the Dat+ntless enlistment of WAVES in Alabama.' taining· adequate protective meas-
headquarters from 1718 Second Ave- Facing toward the West Other Stations with good enlist- ures against hazards of fire, acci-
nue, North to 119 North 21st Street. Surging up and onward ments included Opelika, Tuscaloosa dent, sabotage, and unauthorized
- The British War Relief (Mrs. Har- Giving of their best and Dothan with 10 each; Bessemer entry.
old Brownell, Executive Secretary) 8, Gadsden 7; Florence and Hunts- Reports of inspections have been·
has also moved from the Molton Ho- :q means Defenders ville 6; Evergreen and Anniston 2. carefully checked by the Evaluation
tel and is now sharing space with Of all that we hold dear . Mr. Rouse was high in his praise Committee of the States War In-
the Service Corps. Freeing man from bondage of the young women, who enlisted spection Service; who' are calling at-
Stifling hate and fear during the montli and expre'ssed tention' of plants to deficiencies in
Mrs. George Lewis Bailes, Director hope that the fine spirit evidenced protective devices and arrangements,
of the Citizens Service Corps and D means Deliverance during June would continue as long making cOnstructive recommenda-.
Volunteer Office, spent the month Freedom for t,he earth as there is a need for more womeri tions.
of' June at Camp Winnetaska. Sit- Unifying mankind to answer the call of the colors. Many plants were congratulated
uated in the mountains of Shelby Heralding rebfrth Congratulating the enlistees, he for. their fine work along the lines
County, Winnetaska is an annual declared, "We wish to thank each of general protection, fire preven-
camping ground for teen age girls D means the Dawn of you; who ·has entered - this fine tion and pmtection, aeeident pre-
and is sponsored by the Birmingham All shadows passed away branch of the Service, where you. venti6n, "and passiv.e defense.
Sunday School Council. This marks Waking from the night will have' an opportunity to partici- All inspections. of the Plant Pro-
the twentieth year that Mrs. Bailes, To Life's Eternal Day pate actively in the successful tection Program were made by V0 1•
(Turn to page' 4), -Miriam Thwaites Miller. prosecution of the War. unteer inspectors.

Junior Commandos Regional OCD

IPERSONALSI Citizen Of The Solve Lauderdale Offiees Closed
Month-E. D. Emigh
Lt. Carlisle P. Griffin, fonnerly Salvage Problem The Office of Civilian Defense
Executive Secretary of the State De- closed its nine Regional Offices June
fense Council is now in Ft. Benning, 30th and set up four Field Offices
Ga. He passed through Montgom- in New York, Chicago, San Francis-
ery recently en route to his new as- co, and New Orleans. The Field
signment and was most enthusiastic Offices will have no administrative
in his comment on Anny life. or policy authority but will act as
****** liaison units to work with other
Mrs. Stuart X. Stephenson, who agencies on OCD programs.
has served the State Defense Coun-
cil in a responsible stenographic ca- The National Recreation Associa-
pacity since its inauguration is now tion announces publication of a
on leave, but expects to return to pamphlet, Teen Age Centers, Bird's-
her desk by September. Eye View, which tells what has been
****** done to provide wholesome recrea-
Mr. Alex Smith, Jr., Chairman of tion for young people in various
the Fayette County Defense Council communities.
resigned June 14th to enter the U. S.
****** (Continued from column 2)
Mr. ·H. B. Andrews, State Chief
of Civilian Protection spent a few tagious. He is eloquent in his pres-
days in Washington, D. C., where he entation of vital facts to his mem- ..
met with Defense Council Officials. bership, who have faith in his
****** judgment. Coming to Montgomery
Mrs. J. Y. Brame, Director of the in 1933, he has identifie~ himself
Montgomery County Citizens Service with important civic groups and has
Corps has announced the removal taken an active interest in the wel-
of her office from 207 Dexter Ave- fare of the community.
nue to 202 Hudson Building. Mr. Emigh is officially the
"Weather Man", holding the tech-
JEFFERSON COUNTY nical title of Associate Meterologist.
(Continued from page 3) Heads Local Group He began his career with the Gov-
ernment in this field in Cheyenne,
who is also a registered nurse, has
beeR on duty at the camp.
For Coordinating Wyoming in 1898, serving in a num-
.***** Community Services ber of states. The greater part of
his life, however was spent in the
South-to be exact-in Augusta, Ga.,
where his four sons and a daughter
were educated. From Augusta he
moved to Mcntgomery and is now
an ardent Ala1::amian. He is Chair-
man of the committee on member-
ship and activities of the Alabama
Academy of Science and Director of
the Alabama Climatological Service.
At a June meeting of the Co-
ordination Council, President Emigh
gave the high spots of a regional
conference of Civilian Defense
workers in New Orleans, La., where
the purpose of an agency for the
coordination of community service
was outlined, to assist with problems
of health and hospitalization, hous-
ing, recreation, transportation, crime
prevention, delinquency, welfare, etc.
Montgomery's Council is excep-
tional in the diverse and compre-
hensive variety of its group allign-
ments; in the enthusiasm of its
members; in the projects spo.nsored;
and in vision of its President.
Mr. Emigh is also serving as Com-
Led by Major Ruth Jackson mander of the Citizens Service
Odum, the Beauticians' Volunteer Corps. The increasing importance
Corps (Col.) is to be commended of the war service work of the Citi-
for the very excellent work done in zens Service Corps and the fact that
war service among the colored peo- agencies composing the Coordina-
p~e.. Outstanding is the work that tion Council can be of assistance in .
they have done in the sale of War investigating and solving community
Stamps and Bonds, the survey for problems makes it possible for Mr.
woman power and the U. S. O. Emigh to plan projects of scope and
significance with the assurance that
Jack J. Caruthers, Commander of he will have the cooperation of
the Sheffield Citizens Defense Corps State, County, and Municipal Age~­
wishes to remind everyone that our cies, civic and philanthropic organi-
boys still need our prayers. ~ations in carrying them out.

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