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[ The Voice of Temples ]


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Rs. 5/-

Mahamakham at Kumbhakonam,
New Rajagopuram of Rajagopalaswamy Temple, Kumbhakonam

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#`# ~[Q~O - ~[Qq ^"O, OH}O
Vol. 17

MARCH 2016
'VAK' is available on




I visited Kumbhakonam the famous temple town of Tamil Nadu for the recently
concluded Mahaamakham event which is once in 12 years. All the temples in
Kumbhakonam had a new look with HR&CE (Endowments Dept) officials suddenly
camping and showing up in large numbers for the event. They were busy in collecting
donations from the devotees, introducing makeshift que controls and ticket system
and selling special darshan tickets to all the fast-track devotees who were thronging
the temples. This is a great opportunity for raising funds for the department said
one of the officials. I was visiting the small, recently renovated Rajagopalaswamy
temple in Kadaveedhi and was aghast to see that this small temple was also not
spared from this interference. A few more appalling facts compelled me to report
to the readers. This temple was recently renovated (2015) with new construction
of Rajagopuram, shiny gold plated dhwajasthambam, vahanams, mirror hall etc.
the whole renovation was spearheaded by ASTA trust lead by Villur Karunakarachariar
and several devotees contributing their mite. However the temple plaque says
not a single word about it. The temple has three sealed hundis and the officials
have made some devotees print ticket books for them to collect donations during
Mahamakham. Where do these funds go? Why are the HR&CE people managing
the temples? They are only supposed to regulate them as per law. When will
this harassment and onslaught over Hindu temples stop?

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................... 3

Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranamam-180

....... 4

Madhura Vijayam - 53

................... 7

q+<= Q^=o180
=^~q[O 53

................ 9
.............. 10
.............. 12




..... 15

umy Ts - 180

..... 16

u\ - 53

............. 18

Ahobilam and Ahobila Mutt-46

................. 20


................. 21

Devotee's Experiences

................. 26

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 3 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK


Now, devotees will take action on the Report.

There have been innumerable Committees in this Country. Lakhs of pages of reports on various
issues like public utilities, from toilets to schools, Agriculture to Finance etc. Maximum numbers of
these reports remain unimplemented in this country. Successive Governments have continued with the
best traditions of democracy when you cant decide on an issue, just form a Committee. By the time
the recommendations come, the main actors have moved on to other issues that warrant more new
panels to study, and recommend the way forward. The latest recommendations of these panels are not
being made for the first time. A lot of these issues have already been dealt with in the past. These
suggestions made with in-depth analyses by the committees, but die on the desks of Bureaucrats.
The temples Archakas and other Employees situation is unfortunately the sad story of one
such experiment by the Government which was started in 1987. It went to the Supreme Court. The
Supreme Court appointed two committees namely, The Pay Scales Committee and the Archaka welfare
Committee. The reports were accepted by the Government and put before the Supreme Court in 1997.
The Supreme Court ordered its implementation in 1997 itself. The Government conveniently ignored
these recommendations and watched the Temples being shut down. Again in 2004, a new Government
came and an All Party meeting happened on the Archakas and their abysmal plight... Its report was
followed by the Select Committee report in 2007 which resulted in the Endowments Act being amended
in 2007. Again the Act remains unimplemented even after 9 years.
In 2010, the Archakas and Temple Employees went on strike in October 2010. In fact, they
have been agitating for years together for redress of their grievances; everyone knows that the only
source of income for the temples was from the devotees offerings. Archakas and temple staff have been
demanding better wages as per PRC, while seniors demand pensions as well; Contract employees are
demanding regularisation of services, while another section demands jobs on compassionate grounds.
The Government constituted a Committee in 2010 in view of one such strike by temple nongazetted employees and Archakas of Vijayawada Kanakadurga Temple, Srisailam, Simhachalam,
Annavaram, Yadagirigutta, Dwaraka Tirumala, Basara, Vemulawada, Badrachalam, and other temples
protesting that the Government fulfills their demands. The Government set up a Committee, vide G.O.Ms
No. 1303, Revenue (Endt.I) Department, dated 20 October 2010, and modified the same later with G.O.
Ms No.1395 dtd 24.11.2010 in which your Editor was a Member. It was asked to examine the feasibility
of the extension of PRC scales to employees working in temples. The Committee submitted its report
on January 5th, 2011 in less than two months time. Immediately upon receipt of the report, the very next
day, a G.O was issued extending PRC Scales to Executive Officers and other Employees working in
Temples despite the Establishment expenditure being way above the Statutory limit of 30%. The other
recommendations related to Archakas and Employees conveniently ignored.
We all should know that not one paisa comes from the Government to Temples, and hence the
Government and its wise Bureaucrats need not sit on these reports on temples for years together. Many
issues still plague the Temples like retirement benefits, Hereditary Archakas succession rules and their
service issues etc., but none them are being considered for implementing.
The State Government is taking 21.5 per cent of donations made by the devotees to temples.
The Endowments Department is being run with taxes collected from temples. The salaries of Endowments
Department Employees, Executive staff, Commissioner and the likes are being paid from these funds.
While these employees were considered Government Employees, Temple employees are being treated
as second class citizens. Apart from the implementation of PRC, regularisation of services of NonMuster Rolls and compassionate appointments were some of their main demands
The sub-committee gave its report to the government on better emoluments to all temple
employees numbering over 20,000 in the undivided State of Andhra pradesh on January 5, 2011 and it
was approved. It is not yet implemented. Archakas and Temple Employees again went on a strike in
2015 and as usual one more Committee has been appointed and no one knows the fate of its report.
We at VAK and Temples Protection Movement have decided to publish the Government Report
of 2011 on Service issues of Archakas and Temple Employees. This Report will be taken to the Devotees
and we will educate them on the way the Contributions made by them in the Temples are being diverted
just to pay hefty salaries to officers but making paupers of the Temples and its servants. The time has
come for a Large Devotee Movement and the publication of this Report is the beginning of the same. O

There should be no regional boundaries for temples.

March '16

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Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranama - 180


Sri V.S.Karunakaran, Chennai

There was a very poor poet named Oonpodi

Pasunkudaiyar in the ancient Chola kingdom. True
to the saying that Goddess Lakshmi and Saraswathi
never go together, the poet and his wife suffered a
lot due to poverty. On seeing their sufferings, the
poets friend suggested that if the poet goes to the
palace and sings the glories of the king Ilanchetchenni,
the king will be pleased and will reward the poet
with enormous gold. Adhering to the friends advice,
the poet went to the kings palace and praised the
way the king Ilanchetchenni Cholan destroyed the
fort of Serupali village, defeating the forces of Bharatars
from the south and Vadukars from the north. That
song can be seen in the ancient tamil poetic work
Purananooru (song no. 378) in the Ettuthogai Sangam
Tamil Literature. The English translation of the song
(translated by my disciple Dr.N.Venkatesh) is as
The Chola Ilanchetchenni wearing fresh garland,
With a sharp spear and valiant horses,
Defeated the Bharatars of south and Vadukars
of north;
He, dwelling in a bright snow-like palace,
With walls painted like the dazzling moon,
When I, the poor poet from a hut praised his
Impressed with my poem, He poured tons of
golden jewels;
When I took them home, my awestruck poor
Wore ear rings in fingers, rings in ears,
Like the red-faced monkeys in mount
Wearing ornaments dropped by Mother Sita,
When being abducted by the mighty Ravana;
Oh! My family is such a laughing stock.
On listening to this song, the King
Ilanchetchenni Cholan was so pleased that he ordered
his servants to bring a lot of golden ornaments in
numerous baskets to reward the poet. The King then
praised OonpodiPasunkudaiyars poetry and happily
rewarded him with all those golden jewels which
was a pleasant surprise for the poet. He carried
all those jewel baskets home in a cart. The whole
village was taken aback on seeing the poor poet
riding a cart with loads and loads of golden ornaments.
As soon as he reached home, his wife became very
happy on sight of these jewels. She hadnt seen

such ornaments till then in her life. She wanted to

wear all those ornaments herself and show off to
the rest of the village.
But being unaware of how to wear them, she
wore them in a haphazard way, and went to her
neighbourhood and showed those jewels to all other
women. But those women made fun of her as she
has worn ear rings in her nose, anklets on her
shoulders, bangles on her ears, and necklaces in
her waist. So all women started laughing but the
poets wife thought that they were jealous of her
wealth and that is why those women are mocking
her. But a relative of the poet came there and saw
her makeup. She took the poets wife home and
told her secretly that she had worn all the ornaments
in a disorganized manner and hence the ladies had
made fun of her.
When she was just realizing the truth, the
poet entered the home after returning the cart that
carried the jewel baskets. On seeing the appearance
of his wife, a scene from Ramayana flashed in his
The Rakshasa Ravana abducted Mother Sita
from Panchavati and carried Her in his
pushpakavimana. Sita was at a loss and had no
idea of what to do. Then She thought of a plan;
She collected all Her jewels in a small piece of cloth,
tied a knot and dropped it down at Kishkindha which
was on the way, so that, when Rama and Lakshmana
come in search of Sitas whereabouts, this jewel
bag might give them a clue. That jewel bag was
collected by Sugrivas group of monkeys and since
they had not hitherto seen such jewels, they wore
them in a haphazard way - ear rings in nose, anklets
on shoulders, bangles on ears, and necklaces in
waist. OonpodiPasunkudaiyars wifes appearance
was as unsightly as those monkeys wearing those
jewels in a disorderly way.
This analogy shows that ornaments will add
beauty only if we wear them in a proper way. But
this does not hold good in case of The Lord Sriman
Narayana. Whatever way He wears His divine
ornaments, He looks elegant, and whatever thing
He adorns, becomes an ornament for Him.
For instance, let us take the example of the
divyakshetra Mannargudi , a place full of champak
trees and hence called Shenbakaranyakshetra. In
the Rajagopalaswamy temple of Mannargudi, during

O`x qOz# ~`= +H~O =~H\ ^.

March '16

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Vennaithaazhialankara, the Lord adorns a rakkodi

(usually worn in forehead) in His lower back. Even
then, it is enchanting and devotees thronge to have
darshan of this rakkodi in Rajagopalans divine body.
Another interesting aspect in this regard is, this rakkodi
in His lower back can be visualized only by viewing
the Lord from His back side. So even great renounced
souls (sanyasis) wait to observe the enthralling
exquisiteness of the Lord from behind Him, rather
than having darshan by standing in front of Him.
To quote yet another instance, when the
elephant Gajendra went to a pond to pluck a lotus
flower to be offered to the Lord, a crocodile caught
its leg. The elephant called the Lord for help. The
Lord Hari was in a hurry to save His devotee. So
He dressed up Himself in a disorderly manner with
all the ornaments being adorned at the wrong positions
in His divine body. He inadvertently wore Mahalakshmis
sari as His upper cloth and rushed to the pond to
save the elephant. Not only the elephant Gajendra,
but also all the devas had assembled to have darshan
of Gajendra Varada, and they all saw Him dressed

up in a disorganized manner, yet He appeared rich

and handsome.
Periyazhwar says in His Periyazhwar
Thirumozhi (1-7-9), Krishna! When you return home
after rearing cattle, the sand dust raised by the
cattle would be deposited on Your face. But even
that appears as a decoration to Your divine face
and it gives immense joy to me.
So, the greatness of the divine body of the
Lord is, whatever He adorns, His divine body adds
beauty to them. Whatever He wears, it becomes
an ornament. Irrespective of the way He wears them,
He appears rich and handsome.
That is why He is called Srimaan one who
is rich with ornaments. Nirukti puts this crisply as

utmu: O:y two:

Those who want to have a wealthy and pleasing
personality, as if decorated always with amazing
ornaments may meditate on the form of Lord Visa
Balaji at Chilkur and chant SRIMATHE NAMA:

@@H yoz :@@

All slokas Chant 108 times

FO <~O =+ #= FO H`* #=
G u z :

G qz r :

In moments of distress and despair For aspirants of Plots and own residence.

P^ L#C_ iOKO_.

FO *uO` #=
G [zuooz :
For good eye - sight.

O`OQ @, WO_ H<## "iH. +"# K H~.

All slokas Chant 28 times

FO ~=`< #= G nz :

FO $+H #=

For self employed people, for promotions and

success in games.

G J yNz :

For overcoming bad habits

H_H~, O Lk L# "iH, L#`

^~"@#O_ q=H O^_xH.

^= PtOK "iH.
FO =+\~ #= G b N : FO ` =< #= G o :
For Success in Business, Interviews, Visa
For better health. =Oz P~QxH.
Interviews, building relationship
FO ``< #= G o nz :
"~a=$kH, WO@~ O
To remove mental stress and for mental
H=_xH iOKO_.
FO N=` #= G yoz :
=# H P~QxH =# H Xu _ #O_
Please Chant for Handsome Appearance and wealth.

s~ O^~xH, O^.
FO JH~ #= G Eq :
For Education and better Financial strength.

q^a=$kH =i S~a=$kH.


FO ~} #= G | m z :
For Job Satisfaction

L^QO, K x JOH` "xH, `$H.

rq`#O^x JO^i` OKH=@" =.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 6 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK
Chant 108 times

FO q #=

FO +~H #=

G sue :

G Nq :

To keep Evil forces at bay.

For overcoming bad times.

^+ #O_ H_H#@.

H #O_ q=H O^_xH.

|} q"K# #$O `O

Chant one time

1. ^=` H~ ^~O O =^=O

N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
2. H eOy` "=OQO H<O =~^HO
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
3. PO` =^~O OY KH^ ^i}O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
4. ~}` ~O H^[q+<#O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
5. O<^# =` kQOu <#"
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H

6. ^ =~^O NO ^`~ q^i}O

N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
7. ~Q _`<O, H<=^O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
8. "^ "^O` *O |~^k =Ok`O
N #$OO =g~O #=q |}=H
9. W^O ~` x`O |}"K# Ol`O
J#$}*` ` ^#O j="`

FO `^ #= G o tz :

FO ^` #= G z :
For issueless couple. O`# H~
FO q^` #= G uz :

Chant this name to amend soured friendship

or any personal relationship

D `x Jx Ji, ^, PiH W|O^`

L#" O =O XHi i KHx
e`O aOk.

q`` =O OKH=_xH, ^O` Pregnant ladies to chant for healthy babies.

P~QH~"# t= H~
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
bhaktaanaam varadaayakam
Sri Nrisimham mahaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Aanthramaalaadharam Sankha
Chakraabja aayudha dha arina m
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Smaranaat sarvapaapagnam
kadrooja visha naasanam
Sri Nrisimha mahaaveeraam
namaami runamuktaye
Simhanaadena Mahataa
Digdhanthi Bhaya Naashanam

Chant one time

Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeraam
namaami runamuktaye
Prahlaada varadam sreesam
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Krooragrahaih peeditaanaam
bhaktaanaam abhayapradam
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Brahma Rudraadi vanditam
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Ya idam patathe nityam runa
mochana samjnitam
Anrunee jaayate satyo dhanam
sheeghram avaapnuyaat

=x+ `# `#Q =~@" =h`.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 7 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

Madhura Vijayam - 53

Sri Ranganatha Travel Part II

Tamil Manuscript : Sree Venugopalan, Chennai

Story so far: The story based on the 14 th century

incidents, was written by Sri Venugopalan which is
based on the historic facts elucidated in Madhura
Vijayam composed by Maharani Ganga Devi, Chief
Queen of King Kampanaraya. Two young menVallabha
and Duttaset out on an expedition to locate the idol
of Lord Ranganatha of Srirangam, which was saved
by four Kodavas from being ransacked by Muslim
invaders. After several adventures the two boys, with
the help of Chenchu tribes found the idol along with
one Kodava who protected the idol for more than
eighteen years deep inside the forest of Chandragiri.
Lord Ranganatha was brought to Tirumala and King
Ranganatha Yadavaraya the ruler of that place
patronized the upkeep of the idol with daily pujas.
Coincidentally Sri Gopanna, commander-in-chief of the
Vijayanagaras mulvoy province reaches Tirumala in
search of Lord Ranganatha and he promises Vallabha
help of Vijayanagara to restore Lord Ranganatha to
Sri Rangam which enabled Vallabha break his fast
unto death. Vallabha and Datta turned to Kancheepuram
on their way back, ensured safety of Manjari with her
neighbors after the death of Singazhagar who was the
key energy behind the expedition and left the town
with disguised Vaishnavas as the fort doors were closed
as a defense to an impending attack by Vijayanagar
army. The disguised Vaishnava leader was no other
than Camphor merchant who revealed that he was the
head of Intelligence army of Vijayanagar. Dutta, Vallabha
and the Vijayanagarmen managed to kill all their
pursuers and escaped to the foothills of the mountain
on which Sambuvarayas fort exists where at the behest
of Camphor merchant Vallabha and Datta enter the
Rajagambhira fort as Gem merchants to rescue
Makaravizhiyaal. They spot her in the palace while selling
gems to the queen. Datta wanted to abort the mission
and go while Vallabha stays firm. After some mutual
arguments the parting friends unite again to the mission
and get trapped in the palace attempting to meet the
Meanwhile at Vijayanara Bukkarayamoved by the
events has convened a high level meeting with his
son Kampana Raya, Gopanna, Salva Mangu and other
subjects to discuss the course of action on conquests
to south and have decided to taken on Madhurai Sultan
in spite of Bhamanis power always threatening them
across Tungabhadra. As a first step Kancheepuram was
conquered and Kampana Rayas army is now advancing
towards Rajagambhiramountain. Vallabha and Datta
have been who got trapped in one side of the fort got
rescued by princess Madhurangini and her aides..
When Vallabha heard the vessel fall down he became
alert . He thought that Madhura is signaling something
to him. He urgently went inside and swiftly climbed the
flag post and sat on the loft hiding place where he could
not be spotted from bottom. As expected by him after
some time some lady guards came in and looked for
someone. When they could not find they stood for some
time and left after searching here and there.

English Translation : CSL Narasimhan

I told you already that the girl has become mad. She
is constantly speaking to herself. I said to you this you
did not believe me. Now see for yourself. Are you able
to realize?! asked a lady guard. The other lady responded
yes. She has become mad!
When they left, Vallabha became more curious. There
was a clear sea like noise outside. What is this? What
a bad time! I got trapped here. I feel like eunuch. Said
Vallabha to himself.
I should escape from here, go out and join the fight
between armies happening out side. Will that be
possible?. What can he do single handedly? I am not
even aware where Datta had gone. Even if he had
escaped, he would not have gone out of the fort. That
is impossible at this stage. Would he have been captured
and beheaded by the kings guards? It is fearful to think
like that. I should have listened to Datta. If I had not
taken up to help the Karpoora Kantha, we could have
by this time reached Sathyamangalam. There we could
have met my mother. I could have narrated to her all
the happenings in detail. Poor lady! It has been six
months since I saw her. She would be stressed with
the separation. Even she would have lost weight and
gone down in her energies. She should be thinking
about me and often shed tears for me. I should have
gone to such a great lady and say Mother! Look Here
I am back and am with you again and made her enjoy
in the ocean of happiness. Instead of doing all these
good things, I went to help someone and got trapped
somewhere. Datta! Were you right in warning me? You
said not to get distracted on my way! Have I not heeded
to your advise nor to my mothers warning?
When he was having such depressing and confusing
thoughts in his mind he comforted his mind and tried
to pacify it in the following way.
Looking back, I have done all these for Lord Ranganatha.
Yes, that is for sure!. If Lord Ranganatha has to reach
Sri Rangam there has to be several political activities.
There has to be war with Sambuvaraya and Madurai
Sultan. If all these wars end favourably to Vijayanagar
then only we can re-establish Lord Ranganatha in
Srirangam. If these have to happen correctly we have
to do several preparatory work. This expedition of saving
the Princess of Madurai is one among the preparatory
works and has to be successfully accomplished. We
have been given this important responsibility by the
Vijayanagar Intelligence army chief. Therefore this work
is also part of the mission for Lord Ranganatha.
When he was thinking, suddenly he heard a low voice
Sir! Sir!.
Vallabha immediately came down from the flag post
and went to the place near the roof top and called
Sir. I am here only said Princess Madhura
What happened to you your highness? Why is your
voice low? enquired Vallabha.
They have chained me and my legs. I can only walk
around this room. I cannot cross this room. replied
Princess Madhura.

W`~ ^~^$x K #=O@O h J*<x `eKOk.

March '16

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Princess! It is difficult to hear this. When I, a man and

warrior is here, how can I be of no use! Please tell
me! I will come up and do any kind of help and favor
to you. It is a shameful feeling for me to be actionless
said Vallabha
Sir, dont do anything in a hurry. The whole palace is
under turmoil. Sambuvaraya king and family have arrived
from Kancheepuram. Everyone is very angry. If they
capture you they will kill you immediately. Therefore
dont do anything in haste. What will happen will happen.
I have belief in the Lord of Thirukkurungudi. He will
help said the princess.
The whole sweet voice of the princess was soothing
to him. Rather than the meaning of the words, the sound
of the words themselves have touched his heart and
filled sweetness. It was like a small joy given by
someone when one is under terrible distress.
When he was thinking like that, suddenly the water
birds where flying on the sky and leaving fast in herds.
Suddenly there were sounds of war trumphets, drums
and many other devices (Nagaara, Dundhubhi, Ekkalam,
Semakkalam) all together. It was like a sea of sounds.
Vallabha asked Oh! Princess! Are you able to see
outside? What is happening there? What flags are you
able to see?
Sir!, Sir! called Princess Madhura several times. Later
she became silent and after some time she said Sir!
I have now chosen a nice place in the room and have
settled. I can see what is happening outside. Oh! My
god! The whole fort is under siege. A sea of army is
outside the fort attacking it. Sir! Sir!, you asked about
flags. I can see the flags of the army outside. There
is embossing of Varaaha (Vishnus pig incarnation)
in the flags. They must be the Vijyanagar army men.
Correct? Only they have Varaaha in their flags. Correct?
enquired Madhura
Yes, Yes princess! Who all have come? asked
Sir!Sir! Her voice was full of happiness. Sir! Sir! I
dont know who is who! I can see majestic commanders
of the army mounted on horses. Each one of them is
having a flag with Varaaha. All of them are wearing full
armour. The horses are also wearing armour. They

look like strange animals! said the Princess.

Oh! Princess! Pricess! interrupted Vallabha. I am unlucky.
I am unable to join them and break this fort of Sambuvaraya!
Princess! My body is getting activated and enthused with
this and is longing to do this said Vallabha.
In reply the Princess said Sir! Dont become emotional
and nervous. Dont be a victim to anxiety. Please wait for
opportune moment. The Lord had sent you here I think.
If not I would have been in distress. It is good that you
are with me and guarding me! after than she shouted
with some excitement sire!...sire!... and later became silent.
Vallabha was worried again. What could have happened
to her. Why did she become silent. What made her excited?
Each second became an era for Vallabha. Later she
called with a sweet voice Sire!
What is the matter Princess?
I was about to fall down from the parapet wall. But
somehow I could protect my self and save back replied
the pricess.
Princess! Be careful! Save yourselves responded
I am now having good grip. I am able to see the war
front with good clarity. I can see the royal elephant with
goldenarmoury coming majestically. There is Varaaha
flag on the top of the carrier (Ambaari) of the elephant.
The horse men are standing around it with spears in
hand protecting it. He must be the king riding the
elephant!? asked the princess.
Yes princess! He should be the king. Only he will come
on top of the elephant like that. Princess, I am unfortuane.
Even I cannot see the war front. The walls of this room
are blocking me.
Sir! Dont worry. I will look and keep you informed said
the princess.
When she said it that way, somewhere he felt her touch
at the bottom of his heart.
The words, I will see and keep you informed made him
feel that she has linked him with her. There sounded a
kind of oneness feeling and trust in her voice. Did she
tell this with such a sweet realization or did she utter
these words unconsciously? wondered Vallabha.
(to be continued....)


~gO^~u H#_x Q` "=O

^~^, |=i 22 : ~`^O J`O` K~O Ok# H"kH ~gO^~u P_\iO Hk <Q pH@
H=`Ok. u <# Hx~A H~H= H "" `Ok. `O `OQ} O $uH Y OK_ `# =^
=z# HH~` $^O` =\_ J=~"# H~O JOk<~x, O $uH H~H= i `O W< ~x
HH~ K~. J~< H#_x O HxOk. Q`O ~gO^~u P_\iO# i[~ KH=_xH ~O_ <
=O^Q P<< \_` |H K<"~x HH~ K`<~. `O P_\iO J^ O|OkOz# __ *|
@x ~gO^~u H~xH = H=# `n ^~`O^x K=Ok O $uH O ~^ JO@<~.
_H\ _^ Z= =O^x HO^~O@O> =iHO^~ P_\iO =~=` K<~< K~O` =~H P_\iO
KO@<~< "^# qx<~. ~gO^~u P_\iO =~=` K<=x H\ Oz# `O H#
ZO^ KOk J< K=Ok HH~ qxOk. JC_C_ ^ H~H= [iy` iOQ O O_ Hx
"< ~_ xe"<~. _q_ Hx "~, ~ "iH`", W`~ H~H= =`" HxOk.
`Q H~H= [#O^O JC_C _ Hx O k. H ` "ey"e# P_\iO =^ =^ ZO^ Hq#==` O^<
=^#O ^. H~}O Of ^" Jx HO`=Ok "Mx<~. Hh ZO HP~ O`Q q_~< =#O
J#^=O JO@<~. D "Y H@#=~H< PK~} H#_"? ~gO^~u ~"=O O`iOKO@O^? D
ZC_ =^#O aO^ K_e. (PO^q23.2.2016)

=# J` z#x _ ZO` = JxOk.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 9 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK


WH x"kH K~ fO\~....

=#^O =x L<, Hq\ _ Jx L<~. ==` #Oz ~`, q^~

=~.... "H = Hr x"kH# D Hq\ =iO\~.g\ "Q K_xq Hx J~`,
Z= QO J= <KHx". XH `O~ WOH `O =O@Ok. *=x Wq ZO`Q
Q~qO> =^#O ^~Hx u = Hq\ U~> i~OQ q~. f~ Hq\, x"kH Jh
J~ ~ KuHO^ =xH `^~ =~ `` H}O fiH O_ LO\~. h D ~#
g~=~< |~ |^H@x iH`Q Pq+iOK~...JO> Jn LO_^. J^ ` zO`H K_. Wk
LO> J="# _|, Hx "zOz Hq\ =Q_ JOkOz# x"kH, ~, q+}...
JkH~ |g^ Ju [OQ =~}O\~.
WC_ =#O KCH q^Q^ 1987<\k. Q J~H`O K, W`~` = K J~He`
\\ rq` Q_ J~ H^ Wk. OH~ Q_ _ `H# `~ "` ~ O_ Hq\# H~ xqOzOk.
"`# Hq\, J~ OH= Hq\. g\ x"kH# _ `O P"kOz H~=O^OzOk. H~"~
_ O`+Oz1997< "\ J= P^tOK~. JO` ! P `~ "` J^g Z~Q# @ `O nx \O KH^ .
2004 H` `O H=niOk. JdH="O, 2007 HHq\ x"kH` z=~ ^"^
K\x =iOK~. JO` ! =m K` ^e<~. W\H 9U Q_z< K~ #O.
H_He# k` 2010 "KH `^. PHeHH giH H`g H^. WO` g~ J_Q`
=zOk, W\H J_Q`#^g ^=~ O H^, JO^iH `eO^.....PRC H~O r`e=O_x J~, ^"
|Ok H~`<~. x~ " OK# _ J_Q`<~. HO\H L^Q H=|nH~ } K x J_Q`<~.
=iHO^~ H~} x=H H~O@<~.
q["_ H#H^ ~= Q_, N O, OKO, J#=~O, ^yi Q@, ^~Hu~=, ~, "="_,
^KO ^" KOk# J~, P|Ok JO` "K_O` `O JH|~ 24, 2010# XH
Hq\x xq rF(G.O.Ms.No. 1395 )_ *s KOk. g~ K^=`# D uH O^ _ D
Hq\ . D Hq\ [#=i 5, 2011# JO> ~O_ < x"kH _ WKOk. P =~\ ~*
`O P xK Zy\" P~ (EO) W`~ L^Q P~ =iOK lF_ *s
KOk. OQ` Y~ 30% iquH |_ LO_# x|O^# L< P ikx ^\# P nx =iOK O k.
`= Uq@O>.. ^H}
Q UHH P^=#~. `O #Oz D P "\ H zeQ= _
=@^. Hh g\H O|OkOz# x"kH# `O, JkH~ O`OQO U`~|_ `H _`~. ^g q~=}
[<, J~ "~`x|O^#, s = Jh Q< "_` LO\~. J= <KH=.
=~ JHH~ q+OeK q~ 21.5% `" QO*O@Ok. ^"^Y Hg+#~,
L^Q, H~x~H |Ok r`h D x^#O_ Ke~. D J#q# "~O` `xH
KOk# '"\H~ L^Q HQ, Q_|Ok =`O k"x kf } ~.
[#=i 5, 2011 <\ x"kH# `O P"kOz< J= K <^__. H_ zOKO@ ^^
20"=Ok P|Ok =~ =~ "` ~_H~. JO`, =~ Hq\ H`iOzOk. WC_ P Hq\
ZH_O^, U=~O^ `^.
J~, P|OkH O|OkOz# s JO ` x"kH, 2011# KiOKx,[=^
fHo "iH J=Q# HeOKx ^" i~H} L^=O, "H(VAK) uH x~~OK~. P
Wz# q~` JkH~ ^Z `# r` Ke P O_# Mm K _x , P |OkH "O_K~
KO__x ^$+H fH_`O. ^ Z`# L^qOK_xH =O P#"Ok. P x"kH
K~}`< D L^=O `e P_Q_`#k.
<_ =#"ox #_#k #=Q H^ ~Q^.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 10 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

q+<= Q^=o180
N=` #=
POQ=O : N q.. ~}H~<

J#"^O : _II =<`

K ~[O, T_ O_~~ J< c^

Hq LO_"_. H;^q =i ~ u XH K@ LO_~
J# "Hx x[O K, P Hq, J`x ~ ^iHO`
^_"~. Hq `_ J`x ^ K, ~A
WOK\Kx =<xH "o P# ""x HiOz Q#O
K, ~A O`+Oz JO`x |OQ~x |=uQ
W_x WK_. `x # =xOz, Hq
~*<xH "o WOK\Kx K_ ~e Q=
H@# ^OO K, ^H} ~`~# L`~# Q
"^H~# [~Oz# f~# HiOK_. Z@`Q `q
OQO `O p# `q Hq`QO^O (378=
@) D @# ~<#~ =#O K_=K#. D
@# <t+_ _.Z<. "OH>+ POQO J#=kOKQ,
^x `Q J#"^O W...
WOK\Kx K_ = ^iOz,
"_ |O`, JO Hke "o,
^H} ~`~# L`~# "^H~# [~OK.
=OK=O\ `[Q
KO^aO|O =O\ Q_Q =#O LO@,
<=O\ x~^ Hq, iQ_ #O_ =z uOKQ,
Hq`xH O`Oz, Z#x ~~} <
#Q <# WO\H f "Q, < ~ <@ =@
~^ .
~=}_ JiOz#_ `= _"# #Q
^iOz# i+=H ~`Ox Z~=u H`=.
P" Kq P~} KuH, Kuq K=
J! < ~ ZO` ^==<H^!
D Hq`O q# P K~A, J`O` O`Oz,
`# =# H#x |@` ~H P~}
xO f~=x P^tOK_. `~"` ~A T_
O_~~ Qi Hq`x y_ P |@x #Q#
|HiOz Hqx O`+\_. P #QxO\x XH

|O_ @x WO\H f "_ Hq. JO`

^#~` WO\H =# Hqx K Ti "~O`
P~_~. WO\H Ki# "O@< Hq ~ P #Q#
K ~= #O^O OkOk. J@=O\ P~ }
# P"
WO` ~O `# rq`O K_<^. "@xO\h
`< ^iOz JO^iH Kx J##k.
Hh "\x Z ^i OK `e#O^ =#, W+O
=z#@Q "#k. JQ "o W~Q ~Q
KOk. Hh "~O` P"# "HiOK~ ZO^HO>
Hq~ Kq iOQ =, H \ *xH,
QA K=, HO~~ } #_= " #k. Hh,
O Hq ~ " ZO^ #=`<~ J~O H^ .
`# S~O K "~ D~_`<~x JO^H
"Hi<~x J#Ok. JO` HqQi |O^=
K@KQ =z P" JOH~}# KOk. P" Hq
~# WO\H f"o, P" P~} qO`Q
"H=_O =< JO^~ "Hi<~x KOk.
`x O Hq~ `O@#C_, #Q
f=z# |O_x uiy ~A ^Q~ O Hq uiy
=K_. qO` "+^~} ~# K_Q< P#
~=}Ox XH @O Q~ =zOk.
~=}~_ OK=\ ## `= `ex
JiOz `# +Hq=#O fx "o_.
`= Uq K `K^. P" Hk =O
PzOz XH ^H O "O k, `# P~ }
h z# |@
=@H\ , ^i =z# H+O^ =keOk. Z\H<
~=H } `## "^` H+O^ = D
P~ } "iH `# QiOz q=~ K x J##k
P #Q =@ w=x H` ^iH~, "\x #Q`
Uq K `eH, P #Q# W+O =z#@
^i OK~ - Kq iOQ =, He JO^ *,
QA K=, ~ #_=, HqQi ~ _
P H` = #Q# W+O =z#@Q ^iOzOk.
nx =# =# `#^q@O> P~}

^=" ^#O - ~~_ O^.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 11 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

_ ~# su ^i< Jq O^~x OK`~.

Hh D `O N=<~}x q+O x[O H^.
P# q`"# P~}# Uq^OQ ^iOz< P#
O^~O W#=_Ok, P# W+_ Uk ^iOz<
Jk P# P~}==`Ok. L^~} =#O
=<~Q_ k=H`x fO^O. P ^O JO`
KOH=$H` xO_ LO_@O =# ^xH #H~}
H`=x ~ =zOk. =<~Q_x ~[Qq
PO, "}`V JOH~ =O, q"~
~H_ (` ^iOK P~}O)x g HO^ QO
^i~. S<, Jk J`O` O^~OQ HtOk,
_ ~[Qx P ~H_x ^iOKH=_xH
~ f~`~. WH_ WOHH q+O U=O> D
~H_x q"i "#H "#O_ =`" K_Q=.
H=#, ^ ^ < ` O q"i P
k==OQ O^~x =O^#O_ HO_ "#H "
K__xH "z =O\~.
WOHH L^~}O fO>, Q*O^ "HO,
U# Q # Q * O ^ _ qH = iOK xq` O
`=~ x H_xH ~ xH kQ`_. JC_
"e Q*O^x H @O@Ok. Q*O^_ `##
~ H O K = x qx " _ O\_ . N i x
H_ \ xH _=_ Q | ^ ~ ` _ . q
P~}# _=_Q `C < `# k=^O
^iOz JOHiOK O\~. JQ P# =H;

p~# `# L`sO= "x Q*O^x ~HOK_xH

Q|Q |^i "` _. J Q*O ^=~^ xQ "o#
qx K_\xH Q*O^_ H^ = ^=`
~ fixK<~. J=OQ P# =
=i P~} P## O#xQ =i
O^~=O`_< K~.
i u~"V i~ Q~ ''H$!
=# Hz O` " #= WO\H uiy
=z#_, P ^o JO` h =YO LO@Ok. Hh,
h k= O^~"# =MxH Jk _ JOH~}Q
=i < J`O` P#O^x kOk g.
H=#, P q k=^O H qt+` U=O>
P# ^xx ^iOz< q k="# ^ O^~O
P P~}xH JO^xOk. P# P P~}x U
su Z ^iOz< P# O#_Q JO^Q_Q
Hx_. JO^H P## N=< Jx ~.
P~}` O#_ LO_"_. x~H W KOk.
utmu: O:y two:

O#Q, KHx O^~O H"#<"~,

ZC_ KHx P~}` JOHiOKH"#
<"~, z~x g rx =# ^x
''N=` #= J# <=x iOKO_.
@@H yoz :@@

Chant 28 times

No| y| \ | z \ @ o mz m To b Y oz @ @

H~g~~< <= ~* "< I ` ~} =`} Q`O #+O K ` II

Please chant this sloka to locate lost objects, persons and belongings.

`~# =, == uiy aOK@ D Hx H` iOKO_.

u| o qzTy N \zo@ N|t wu\ |: Nw zo u:@@
Every woman is my direct embodiment. One should not commit a wicked deed involving a woman; one should
not (even) think about sinful acts in connection with a woman. (Source : Lakshmi Tantram 43rd Chapter)

=`#~x` H` w H# [`I # ~^$l#O <~ =$`O # ~` II

u =x` < s~O. 'P_"i@ JOQ =iOK_" H^. qH~OQ PzOK_O _ OK#
JO@<~. J="~.
(H~} : H;`O`O 43= J^O)
y z u o z z z z @ o z @@

N~= ~= ~"u ~" ~" =<~" I <= ``O ~= <= =~#< II

<_ K^= ~O - =~# O =O@<~.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 12 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

=^~q[O ^~"H...53

=^~ q[O - 11

Q` OzH `~"~ QO....

[iy# H^ : Z< Ki``H x* `# O^~K# D
=^ ~q[O, =~A HO#~x @= + =~} QOQ^qK
~zO|_#k. q[#Q~ =*n _# N |H~x ^ =~_
=~HO#~_. H^~OQ q[O^ = =i ^`_ J<
W^~ = N~OQOx N~OQ<^x qQx "^H_xH
|^~`~. # #O #O_ D qQx #Q~ H_=~
H_ ~ ^O ^z_~. Z< Hi, ZO^i<
tOz# ^ , KOK`Q "i O` W^~ = N~OQ<^ x
qQO =i 18 UQ qQx }kHOQ H_`# PYi
H_=~x _ KO^yi J_= H#HQQ`~. ^` _ HO`=Ok
"@Q O` P ^< ~*# N~OQ<^ ^=~xH
O^x K~"_. ~A \\# #O` H^e=_. .....
N~OQ<^ x x`[ `q |O^Q #O` x~OK|_x ~Ax
"_O\~ `e^~, Hh, x nxx q~k~. ~*#
^=~_ x #KK# ^ "~ XCO\~. Hh,
N~OQ<^_ J<^ =, K_|_`<_x =_ ^_`_. P
^ P"OQ =i, xH ~A JO^~ He =^~ ##
ZkiOK=~ `# x~~ nH K#x H\ Oz "O@< P~Oa_.
=x D H~~ nH qKe`_# ~A "#"O@< q[#Q~
=*n_# |H~xH =K~O O_. iQ JC_
HH`mOQ, q[#Q~ =[ Q" # = ~[ < kHi N
Q#Q~, N~OQ<^ x J<+ , u~= =~ . N~OQ<^ x uiy
N~OQxH f"#x = xH "Q#O K_ . =^ ` , ~A
=i Q#Qi ^Q~ g_ fx `= @Oc#
HH=_xH |^~`~. =~=^ HOp~O =O[ix
HO\~. =O[i ^~ OQQ ~ x =~} "~ qx =^ `
`=`~. N~OQ<^ x "kH @H=_=< `# #_O z#
==H =~}O "ix f="# O`xH QiKOk. N~OQ<^x
" u H @ <=# K H x "~ P # K H =x
^_Q~... `~"` HOz #O_ H~~ "i <``O
q[#Q~ Q_K~` He "+ = "+O i`~. "ix J_ #
x# ^O KO JO^~ He O=~x H@
K~O\~. =H~qo P H@ |OnQ L#^x H~~ "i
= xH K_ . |OnQ L# =H~q i O_ =~} =^ ~Oyx
Jx, P"# |=O`OQ Z`H o O =~ ~[=~x` q"O
[~`<~# q+ O = xH `O k. =^ ~OyxH [~Q`#
q"O P P" ~H} ~x = x > `O L<~ H~ ~
"i. z=~ = ^` ~` "~ = =~"` H@
" O K~ . "^\ i "~ JO`~O =~ "o JH_ =~}H
Hx ~` J=`~. Hh "iH =^ ~Oyx H#|_^ . "~ @^ `
uiy WOHHi JO`~xH " Q ~} "i =O^ XH =ux
"_`Ok. P"# K =_ P~_`_. ~[QOc~
H@xH =H~q i# ~HO K_xH = ^` K # "+^ ~
"t ~ . ~` "~ = "o JH_ ~}H ~`# J=`,
=H~qo# K~. Hh `~"` ^`_ WO\H =~e "=x

J#"^O : N=u ^ ~OQ~[<

J#_ = _ JO^ x~Hi_ . "^u"^# `~ "` `
uiy XH@=`~. =u ~H}~O W^~ q` ~[QOc~ H@
=~" "t~. ~` "~ H@xH "o =~}H
~` J=_xH u~. JH_ =^~Oyxx K# =_
P`$`Q P" ^Q~ "_ . Jk K =~} aQ~ Q H H _O k.
=H~qo# ~HOK_xH =z# = ^` O=~ H@
zO\~. q[#Q~ ~*# |H~_ XH ="O U~@K,
^xH `# =~_# HO#~x, Q##, = =OQx W`~ #
q[#Q~xH Px_ . ^H} k ~ `= ~[ q~ } QiOz
=\_Q, Q# QO` =iOKx =\_@O ~Oa_.
q[#Q~O |H~_ "^Q"~ D ="O ~`O`
KiOz |=h, =^~ ## ZkiOK_xH =O <~.
JO^ "^\ J_QQ ~[QOc~ @<x [~OKe Jx
x~OK<~. "^\ J_QQ, HOp~x [~Oz,
HO#~x #O ~[QOc~ ~`O " HkeOk. H@

z~# =, ^` ~=i =^~Oyx =i P"

KeH` O` |@_`~.WH K^=O_...

== HO^_ |O qO@< =_ x\~Q

J_. =^~ `# U^ O^O W#^x QOK_.
Q|Q eH "o JH_# Z`# O|OH ZH
^<_. J`_ TOz#@Q< HO^~ ~HH
@~ =z Z=i< "uH "~. Z=~ H#_H
iH, Hk =O JH_ x|_ Jx " K
''P J=~ z^x JC_ K#. ZC_ `#
`< =\_O@Ok. ## Z=~ #=^. WC_
#" K_. WC_ h `eO^? J_yOk XH ~HH
@~. J=# x[" P" z^ JxOk WOHH .
" "o~. =xH Uq [~Q`#^
`H"# P`$` iy~Ok. |@ ~H
qx<~. ''Uq\! ZO`\ ^~ <# WH_
W z# |$# =i#@ Jx#k
JO@ =_ ^_Q_.
''<# WH_#O_ |@ "o |@ ^O K
#O` He ^O Ke. Jk ^=? <<H_x
Uq KQ#? ^`_ ZH_H "_ _ Z~Q#.
J`_ `OK< H\ ^\ "o LO__. D iu
Jk J^O. ~AH ^iH_, ~A J`x `f
LO\_? p!p! J J#H_^. J JC_ ^`x
=@ q#=Ok. H~~HO`x O fHH~

Ju+ =u x - q`+ Ju ~.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 13 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

LO>, D\H `=OQO K~x LO_"~O. J=#

H<"~O. [iy#^O` J= q=~OQ K"~O.
zk! P"# K P~ < H=#k. P" ZO`
^ _ ` #^.... ` = H Z^ ~ K zH "
LO@Ok. `## `Kx U_ LO@Ok z`e
J@=O\ Q `e ^Q~ "o J=! WkQ K_ <#
h ^Q~ =K# K_! Jx K P" O`+ Q~x
~z K K LO_=Ok. W@=O\ =Oz q+#
=ke Z=i< H_\xH ZH_ z#. ^`!
h= ## i Q < K iOK"? < =~ O #O_
`CH=^<=, <# h =@ q#^ < H#`e
KiH q#^.
WO\ PK# =## +O_Q, `#
=## `< W #KKC<_.
''"# uiy K, <# W^O` P ~OQ<^q
HO H^ K# J=#. Wk x[O! ~OQ<^q N~OQO
=m K~H"O> ~H ~[H H [~Qe.
O=~xH =^~ # =^ ^O [~Qe.
W=h q[ #Q ~ xH ` y #@ Q [iy` < N~ O Q O
~OQ<^x u+ [~Q`Ok. W^O` iQ J##
H~O [~QO> Hx ~H J`=~O. =^~
~ =ix ~ H O K _ O _ WO^ Q " . Jk
ky[OQ <~"~e. D xx q[#Q~ Q_Ki
~<kHi `= Wz# "^\ H~=O H=# W^O`
P ~OQ<^x H" [~Q`#k.
J`# W PzO_Q J! J! JO@
z# QO`H qxOzOk.
=_ JH_#O_ ''~=s Jx eK_.
''<# WH_ L<# JOk =^~.
''gHq [iyOk ~=s! ZO^ JO` z#Q
=\_`<~? J_Q_ =_.
''< H, K` OH "~. <# D Qk
=`" #_=Q#. WH_#O_ H^# |^ eHOk
''~=s! J xOQ =\_HO_. <O\
g~_ WH_ L#C_. g xH Z=~ ~x
J#HHO_. ^K < KO_. Z@=O\ xH<
<# ^O. Uq KO_ W ^x ~=_O QQ
L#k J<_ =_.
''K_O_, `O^~ Ux K=^. ~[=#=O`
H, HOQ LOk. ~A O=~_ J`x
@O|O HOp~O #O_ =K~. JO^~ K HOQ

L<~. D =O h= "iH ^iH` x# `H

KO~. JO^H _=_ Uh K=^. Uk
[~Q Jk [~Q`Ok. u~~OQ_ q g^ <
qO L#k. P# `H < O K_. J#k
~ =i u x =@ J` x =# x
O`iK~. P" =@x J~O HO> P" =@
|O J`x =#x `H fx xOOk. JOuQ L#
=x+H Z=~ z# O`x Wz#@Q L#k.
W Pz LO_Q, h\ PHO QO
QOQ "_O K_. ~`Q ^ s,
^O^, #Q~ Jh XHiQ qxOK~.
''~=s! |@ [~Q`#k g~ K_QQ
`<~? JH_ Uq [~Q`#k? JH_ ZQ~`#
[O_ Uq\? J_Q_ =_.
''J! J! JO@ ~=i =^~ ezOk.
`~"` P" =#OQ LO_~Ok. `~"` ''J!
WC_ D Qk XH O ~<#. WH_ #O_
|@ [~Q`#^O` Hx#k. H@ "`O =@_H
Q~#@#k. =^OO\ #O H@ "#O_
=@_OzOk. g~ P *O_ QiOz J_Q~ H^! Jq
< Hx#q. "\ ## =~zO K Jk
q[#Q~ #O =##k. J=<? J=# x[" Jk
q[#Q~ #" JxOk =^~.
''J=#, ~=s! Z=~=~ =K~? J_Q_
P" P#O^ O ` xO_ ~# ~ O ` ''J !
"~O` Z=~ < `e^, Hh, ~[OQ "~O`
J~_ L<~. u Jtx Ku [H `#O (*O_)
ZQ~`#k. "~O` ^ #^ H=K ^iOK~.
"~O` ^ #^ H=K ^iOK~. "i J
_ H=K` qz`OQ L<~. KOk =~}.
''P! ~=s! ~=s JO@ =^< P"#
P_ =_. ZO`\ ^~^$+=O`_x. "i` He
O=~ H@# k~KH#. < ~H<_,
s~O L`l`O J=`#k. W^O` <# _ Kx
LOk. J<_ P"OQ =_.
JO^ |^Q ~=i ''J! ""xH
QiHHO_. J``O J#~xH ^ifQ^. ~#
J=HO HO "z LO_O_. P " q=e WH_H
O_#O\#. W@=O\ H+=O g~ <
`_ O> <# U" ^x<. ## ~H <`

P OKO> JOu - ~=` $u` Ou.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 14 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

g~ LO_ @ O =Oz^ # k. JO@, JO` <

P#O^`` q!............g) JO@ JO`<
=#O =OzOk.
# =xH Ug J~O H^. Uq [iyOk.
JO`< ZO^ x|OQ LO_~Ok. P" P#O^xH
H~}O Uq\? Hh J`x [" ^~H^. J
J`xH H} QQ =~~. `~"` J`xH 'g!
Jx ux ~O qxOzOk.
''Uq [iyOk ~=s! g~ H="H^?
''<# Q_gk #O_ HO^ _#. Hh ZQ
## H_x "# ~QeQ# JxOk ~=i.
''*Q` ~=s! q=e g~ H_H"e
eH_ =_.
''WC_ <# *Q`Q< L<#. WH_ #O_
[~Q`#^O` +OQ H#|_`#k. ~AQi U#Q
~[OQ =#k. ^x JOs# =~ q[H`#O

q[`OQ ZQ~`#k. P U#Q ~H}Q K@

|` ^u ^O xK#k. P U#Q g^ L#k
~A H J#k =~}.
''J=# ~=s! J`< ~A, U#Q JOi#
H=O ~A =`" ~O\_. <# ZO` J^$+
#_#. ^x K J^$xH _ <KH^. D
Qk Q_ ## K_x=_O ^.
''zOuOKHO_. [~Q`#^O` <# g q=i#
J#k ~=i.
P" =@ J`x =# =# `H~.
[~Q`#k K <# g q=i# J# ^,
`# g^ P" Q `H =## ``<x
=xH `zOk. P" =@ `# #=HO, W^~O
XH> J# =# HxOzOk. D =@ J@=O\ =##
=H ~ K O^ H ` # ` e O_< J
=\_Ok^? P~ _ =_.


P <@" PO^ <@O-Of ^ =^ : i} ~"+

^~^, |=i 23 : Ki` @ u~Q" ~A HO

P #iOK #$` q^<< P <@OQ eK"~x,
HH"} J<H =~ [iy `Q"i HO PO^<@OQ
~`H~ _. #@~[ ~=H$+ <=H~}O K~x
<\K~ i} ~" J<~. =OQ"~O g_
ux^` =\_` `Q ~ ~O_ q[# `~`
HO`=Ok HH~ Of ^ K` PO^<@O
~ =~< ~x, Jk PkQ~=# J==xOz#># x ~<~.
D #$`xH O|OkOz #@~[ ~=H$+ i^# K
~H# K WC_ HO`=Ok J=H"^ ~
=~#H=_O iH^x K~. `Q qq^O
L^_ PK~ Zi t"~_ =\_` l QiO
PO^ <\xH =`" LO^x, D <@O i} t=`O_=O
XH Q=x +O K~. `Q qq^xH O|OkOz
=~OQ ~O i} #$`O tH}
W< =x, PO^< @O
. =~ J^~x `e~. D q+O i} ~"
Ok PO^ J< ~ "_@O W+Ox HH~ J<H
=^O` $+ < ~x J<~. H ^= O` =#=x, HH~
PO^ J< ~ =_O W+O H` P <@O Jx
OkOK=x, <@O ~# iQ =~_O `Q^ x , P PK##
q~qOKH"x ~" q[ K~. (PO^q 24.2.2016)
^"OQ q` #^ N"i KH< - uu^
P^~O =i 1 #Oz x~}
u~u : O^= ^~K~O QOQ =i XH\ `k
#Oz `q^ `n =~ ^"OQ L# q` #^

KH< x~OKO^ uu^ U~@ KOk. q`

==O qt+`#, ~Q}O, #n#O ^#`#
`e*O^ uu^ O^ ^~K~ i+` P^~O
H~H= NH~O K\O k. =i 1# q["_x H$#k
L^O 8 QO@ #Oz 10 QO@ =^ =i 2# ~ =^
Q^=i #k L^O 10 QOII #Oz =II 12 QOII =^
=i 5# "~}x QOQ #k LII 10 QOII #Oz =II12
QOII =^ KH#O [~Q`Ok. JQ =i 6# J^x
u"} OQ=O =^ LII 10 QOII #Oz =^O 12 QOII
=^ =i `qk# ~H`O KH#O x~OK#<~.
uu^ O^ ^~K~ i+` H~^i Q ~=H$+
P^ ~O WO^ U~@ [~Q`<~. (D<_ 26.2.2016)
~=#*K~ rq` ~~ ^#O
HzQ_, |=i 23 : _H~ HO^_ ~=#*K~ rq`
~~ ^ <`= H~H=O H=H~ e` H~u,
N`Q~ Q# OH P^~O =OQ"~O zH_e
Q# x H~= H"kH x~OK~. H~H=xH
=Y JukQ qK# H~ ^# <=i [ Z.
~=eOQ~~= _H~ HO^_ ~=#*K~ rq`
~~O ^#O K~. D O^~OQ P# =\_`
P^uH ~OQO ~=#*K~ K# =# Ja#OkOK~.
=O^ . OH |$O^OK POz# J#=K~ H~#
JO^ih JiOK~. =Y Hq ^= ^H` =Oz#
H~H=O ~K~ u _.H.q. H$+= i, Ki`H #= KH=i
PK~ =kQO_ t=^, O K iH~ Q ` _. H"OH@
nH` , Q#^ QOQ^~ <~. (PO^ q 24.2.16)

h # QiOK - ~ =Ozx Q=xOK.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 15 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

tNy ...

E O y EzT Ny uu T NzTz...

z tz u\oy L Goy Nzub, EzT y {@ {Y z zN uN oN, uus|

z zN bY oN@ Q E Nz uL Q we Ny uzb|z @ E{ EuNo T zoy y , E{ Ny
EN T z \oy @ N toy oy @ E{ z Foy zNouN uN u\ E N
N Yoy {, Gz To { uN FN uN oz { Nzby ue ty \oy {@ E{ FNz EN o
Tyo z qm TL u Euoo N, Ny y oz Ny - y joz L z Noz \oz
@ o Nz uL Ny TF| uu NzF| F| o zoy E{ z y z N| Ny yoy
Ny b Yj \oy @ oy\ Ny tz N E , s| zo \o {@
y tQy Ns 1987 Ny {, u\ ut \ L E z Nz z Tz Qy Nz uN EY|N z
z| T TF| sy@ o EY|N Nm Nzby zo Nzby N Te E E{ GNy uzb| Nz Nz
yN N, z y uN@ 1997 z Etz y ut s, Gz T Nz N @ , N
z Ey EQ t N y E{ F Nu o uNoz ut Nz ty ^ TL@
2004 F| N y, EuQ q z os 2007 Y Nzby Ny uu | N y
zuo E@ T { | yo YNz um E\ y y {@
Eoo: Qy Nz uN EY|N z 2010 Etz N o E@ u\ GNy y y z
z ubz Nz ooy Tz; zo m EzT (PRC) Nz E zo ue Nz , ezN N|Yu N
NyNm, Nw uuO Eut sy@
2010 y NNtT| u\g, y y{, y uY, y E, y tuTuTc, y N uo,
y oy, y \\z zg, y Y L E o z ut Nz EY|N os N|Yu; u\Ny
P TT 20,000 , Nz Etz Nz N z G.O.Ms.1395, 24-10-2010 LN Nzby Tueo
Ny@ u\ ENy F uN Nz tN y LN t @ Fz 5.1.2011 Nz tz Ez uzb| tz ty
sy@ ETz y ut N z ut N|o N|Yu, N|Ny E Nz uL PRC Nz ouN zo Nz uL
Etz \y uN@ os sTo QY| 30% Nz yo zz N u zz Nz \t, G y z EuN QY| zz z
ut Nz uL T y Nut@
o { uN O o uu y ut Ny E N LN @ N z LN ub N{gy y
ut Nz o zoy@ Gbz FNy E N 21.5% N zN | Q Nz EO, N|u|N EuNu,
N|Yu Nz zo tzoy @ E{ z Ey ^goz , FNz uL ut Nz EY|N L E N|Yy uoy zmy Nz zT
{@ E{ F uoy zmy Ny z uwu, L z y uu u\ GuN u T y {;
y uo \oy @ N GNz EuNu FN EuN y N \zT@
5-1-2011 uu Nz N z \ , um y @ Q z uQoz 20,000 ut
N|Yu z u Etz Ny Ngy@ um u LN Nzby N Gt@ GN M E? NZ o @
O ty F| u N GzT | EuNu Nz uL N; EY|N Ny uu E y T,
uu Nz T N os Fz uo 2011 Ny uzb| Eut Nz O Nz z z N N ut
uqm Eu os <N> z u {@ u\z O Nz z o Yz Ny GNz Nbu\|o N Nz
T Nz Eu|o N GzT N{z z @ E{ y | uzq N L | Q uN o z z
ut, z \, y Nwuo, z \y N uqm N y @ uN z F u
z Nt z z O Ny Tyty \z Ny F o N| Nz uL Eu| uzTy@ E{ F N um
Eoo: Nz uL tF| zT@
=@ Y~ xq, Hh q"#q.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 16 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

um y Ts - 180

yoz :
EtN : g} . o

-y.L. NmN
Yz [ Hzug Ng N LN u|
Nu o s@ N \o { uN y\y E{ oy\y
LN s oy@ F Ns Nz Gtm
Nu E{ GNy Vy u|o z uso zoz \y N z sz@ Nu Nz u GNy s Nz tzQ
uV T@ Yz \ FpYzb Yzu Nz
\N, GNz {Nz T Nz , \ ob zN
E t NzT, Gz Nu Nz ty@ u
Ny Nu \t Y@ Gz FpYzb Yzu
Yz N zu T Nz uNz Nz Nz E{
tuqm Nz o Nz os G Nz tN u\-Nzo
z GNy yo L ^^ N m| uN@
z LcozT{ ou T un , Yy ou
N-Ts (378 Tyo) F Tyo Nz tzQ
NTz@ F Tyo Nz zz u gy.L. Nbz z Et
uN@ GN ozT Et { <<
FpYzb Yz z Ny m N,
Ez z z , E \N, tuqm Nz o
Nz , G Nz t
N u\ o Ny@
u \{ z oz \
Y u ty Nz oz ,
^ \{ z u| Nu, ^ g y z EN o u o
Nz , Noz F N- y z
z N ,
u Nz @

\ z E
z \z o z N V Y oz z y Vy
G tz Q EN TF| @ \{ z J N |o z
Q t z m yom Nz
z } yo zNy Em Gb-b z
eyN Gy o@
zz nyz N Nz Tz s E{ s Nz

T Nz N @

!! z ny uNo \N N TF|?
F Nuo Nz Yz\ z, Eno z,
Ez, zN z NF|-NF| bzN uu N Nz
Em Nz z Ez Nz N@ oo Yo Gzug
Nzug Ny Nuo Ny N G bzN Nz
b tzN Nu Nz ob uN@ G z \zo
(Tz) Nz LN Tgy z Q V z T Nu@ Foz
T Nz s Eoz Nu Nz tzQ T Nz zT YuNo
L@ V Yoz y Nu Ny Vy Ny Qy Ny y
y@ Lzz T Nz Ez \y Ny tzQ s@
G Nz N zT Nz utQ Yoy
zuN G N{z N m N \oy
sy@ \{ Y Gz G m uN@ {z y \N
Gz Ez gzu Nz utQ@ z Gz u
uN, M uN Nu Ny Vy z N Nz Em
N , { Nz Em Nz, \E , s Nz NTm
N , Nlem Nz, N Qy sy@ zYy
Nu Ny Vy Nz o Y uN z M z ?
Gz zY uN zz Lz| z z \ z @ FyNm z
GN \N Gg z@ Foz Nu Nz LN uozt
EF|@ Gz GNy \b Nz tzQ@ Gz Nu Ny
Vy Nz o uN T Nz Eb-b m Nz Nz
Nm y z \N N z@
\ Nu Ny Vy n z ETo z y sy,
Gy Nu T Ny Tgy Nz \ Nz
{bN E@ Ey Vy Nz uuY z-m Nz
tzQ Nu Nz m Ny G Vb t Ey m Yby yo-o N m N Ez
N u zT s@ yo\y Nz o Y
uN E M N? NZ zY Gz LN z\

^#O HO H^ - Q}O HO @ _e.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 17 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

F| Gz Ez Em Nz LN Tey , oz
uNN Zzg ty@ GN u s uN yo Nz
jjo E -m \ ETz oz G NZ
\Ny oz uzTy@ Tey Ty Nz t-
Nz u@ G G T Nz z NZ ro s@
Gz \{z Yz {z G u@ Nu Ny Vy z
y { y u s@
Fz y ro zo { uN Em Nz eyN
z z y GNy to joy {@ zuN o
ym eyN {eoy@ z u Em Nz
\{z y z GNy E tzy z\oy {@ \zy z
z Em \o {@ Gtm Nz uL Tug
Nz ut Nz Tz@ tz YN wq z
o {@ Fy Nm Gz YNl Noz @ Nz
\Tz y Nz ut <Q Yz Nwm>Nz EN
Nz Nz zug (u m Nz
Em) Nz ye Nz uYzT oz @ u y
Eno t jT z zuo zo {@ Gz tzQz O
gy P Guso zoz @ LN E{ uzo
uN F Em Nz Nz yZz z y tzQ NTz@
F Nm gz - gz y y Nz utT t|
Nz z z , yZz z tzQz Nz uL Nz oz @
LN E{ Gtm yu\L@ T\ zq , sy
T\ Nz u|o Nz Nz uu N Nz z

z ozgz Nz z Goo {@ o T T\ Nz {
Nz Ng zo {@ T\ EN q Ny s| z
No @ Mo - q zo \ty t{g go {@ Nz
Em Nz \ty-\ty To s Ez ut tz
\ zo {@ Gy N G ggy y
\y Ny gy Nz Gy- m N T\ Ny q-uo
uN go {@ T\ Ny q Nz uL uNz Nz
EzNz Nz uL o tzo No Qgz zoz @
Eo-o Em y GNy z Nz joz @
zu uozu\ zu E \y - <<z N?
E Nz YN Nz \ o V {bz To
{, oz Q u - uo z zuo {@ zuN
y EN t zNN zoy {@>>
F Nm G uty Ny uubo uN
ut T z y Ny myo E{ y t|y zoy
{@ NzF| y Em, uNy y m Nz,
Gz GNy to Euo Toy {@ Fy Nm Gz
y Noz @ - TzY zo {@ uuMo
N T { <<utmu: O:y two:>>
L t t| Yzz, t t Em
z ENwo zz Nz FXZN , uYN Nz y y\y
Nz N <<yoz :>> N m Nyu\L@

@@H yoz :@@

EJmy \oz z yV o @ @

=x+H =Oz Q}" =Oz P~}=.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 18 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

uN LzuouN G << u\>>

u\ -


EtN : g} . L. T
E oN Ez j.... F Ny 14 y ty Nz VbE
Euo u\T Nz y TWtzy uuYo u\
N z Euo yzmTz \y N G N uty
Et uN @ uty o t u oTN N tuqm
o Nz ENm z NF| ut ut Eo-o z TF|@
yW y Y y @ y Ws\y Nz Gn uo| Nz {uN
z Yoz L 15 z tuqm o m N Eoo: Y Nzg
Mo z YuTu Nz \T zTL@ Gz oy {uN z TL@
LN Nzg Ws \y Nz Yz z L@ 18 t y
Ws Nz uo| Nz jj oz L E{ t N tz N uN gz@
E{ t Gz jj uNz Nz t yWs \y Nz
YuTu \ Nz z uo suo Noz @ uo
yWs \y Nz GNz \ u E \ Nz N
Nz \ Noz @..... y Ts Nz z N Y \yoz \y G
tz Nz Nz Nm z z uso z Gez sz@ gzy Ny tzQzQ \y
Nz Q, {m Nz z NZ oys| u Nz s z z Y uNoz
{@ Ez Nz NZ tz zo {@ yZz g N tzQo {
E{ t Yoz uN tz z z N N y {@
z o z Ez Nz u\T Nz Qu Q ooz {@ t{ Nz
lg \Ny Nuu (Wy) Nz z Ez
uNz z ty N Q {@ Gz Yz N tun E{ t
Nz z zo o Y z sz N| y Eo \ Ty Nz
uNz Nuu Ny q Nz uL E{ t z tN
z Noz @ y Nz y Nz \N z Ny y Nz
yz zYoz @ Nuu Nz uz Nz Nzy z tz tzoz
y Gz tzQ zoy { E{ z! N YyQoy {@ Nuu Ny
q Nz uL Ez E{ t Nz uNz \oz {@
u\T Nz \ LN N Ez\ No {@ G
T zz Nz uL Ez N Tz, T os E
Nz u\T Euo No {@ tuqm o Nz t{ o
z O Nz zo Ez u z gz {z uN, Y Noz @ G z Nt Nz \Ty [ u\
o N s@ uY N u@.... z Nt Nz ,
NYy u\y zN, N Ny z \Ty |o Ny Ez
ETz joy {@ uWy Nz q zo Eo: z y \o
{@ E ETz ujL....
uN oE Nz yYz uTz Ny E\ Nz oN|
z T@ t ^z NzF| tz tz y {, \ T@ \ty-\ty
yo \N Nz LN HYz Qz Yj N uZ T@ GNy
zY Nz E NZ y qN b z EN uNy Nz uL jjoy
y@ uNy Nz N z Yy TF|@ uNy Nz N NZ
oN Y Ez tzQoy @
<< z z y o s gNy T {@ t

Ez E o Noy oy {@ ^ uNy z u uN@

E o tzQz@ ^ TL ?>> Z LN qNb y z@ \y !
T {@ N LN E{ y z@ z Yz TL@
N Nz zu z, Eo z Ge@ o
- o Nz t F| tzz sz@ << M? uNo t|S?
T@ To { u\g Nz o T >> Noz L
uso zz T@
<<^z z uN \N z z u N
zT@ M {? ENz M N NT? t N
T, \o @ YN y uN N NzT? F
uusuo E {@ \ Ny \ g T oz M
GN u t Y zT? uZ: uZ: ^z Lz zY eyN
zT@ ^z z y t Ny o y sy@ N|No Ny
o u zo oz, E oN nT Y \oz@
z uo o tzoz@ Ty {@ Gz tzQ Z: yz yo TL@
uNo tQ Ge y zTy... y oyq Noz, Nb y
zTy@ z m N t zy zTy@ Lzy Nz
\N - << ET tzQz@>> N Gz oz T ET
N YuL s@ z Zzg uNy Nz Ygz \N T@
t@ M oz eyN jTz ^z uN s? zz T| z bz
Nz N s@ z ozy o y E{ y ut@
F N Ny zY ogoz Gz Nz ^@
<<yZz g tzQz , z yTs Nz uL uN
{, yTs Nz yT : Yz Nz uL NF| N Ny
\{uoN uNE Nz z zT@ E{ { o Nz
yY zz@ z u\T Nz EN z oz yT
Ts Ny s zTy@ \{ Yz { zz Nz uL
Nuo | uNE N z Eu| {@ { \Ny Ny
q N y FN LN u {@ Fz u\|N N
zT@ F N Nz u\T N ToY | zuo G
P No| Nz z E {@ F N \z y Y {
yTs Nz uL y {@>>
zYoz <<! !>> y F| g@
z z <\Ny> N N @
<< y >> N z@
<<\Ny! o M E? M yz-y o N y
?>> Z z
<<zz s - { zug @ F Nz y Y NTy@
z Ge NTy@>> z tz N@
<<\Ny! F N u \N o o Nyu\L@
\z @ ENy o Nz uL@ Yz o N{y y z@
u NZ uNz, uZN z T y {@>> z

JO^i P#O^" rq` ~=~= H"e.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 19 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

<<tzuQL! \ty NZ o Nyu\L@ z \ gg

{@ \ E{ GN u NYy z E E {@
y Nz @ Lzz Nb o uzTz oz z zy z tTz@
F Nm \ty N N GuYo zo@ \z z { z zT@
uoTug Nz z u {@ E zy o
NzTz@>> \Ny z N@
\Ny Ny oz GNz Nz o uN@ GNy
o z GNz o z ut@ Eo Nz uNy
z Zzb oz Nz ut- T@
zY y s uN Gz y Nz uq Nz EN
^lg \oz tzQ@ EYN zy, ttu, Tgz u LN
s \oz F| gz@
<<\Ny! \z z {, M E tzQ y {?>>
M z {? \z ^lgz Gg z z M ? z Z@
<<! !>> Noy \Ny z @ t
{ TF|@ t <<! E F Nz LN \T
{ey @ \z Vb , z utQF| tz@ uN Vz u
T {@ T \{y z ENm N y@ oz G ^lgE
Nz z Z s ? z ^z utQF| tz z @ G N
u {@ To { uN z u\ T Ny {@ { ? \y
Y {@ u\T Ny z {@>> \Ny z N@
<< \Ny! N{-N{ Ez ?>> Z z@
| z - <<! z N{ \oy@
z E Ej {@ Ezy Nz s ^lg Gg
{@ z Nz Ez @ NY y m uNL @ GNz E y
NY m uNz uuY T z @ <<\Ny z N o
z <<\Ny, \Ny>> No Gz \Ny Nz zN

z N <<uNo ET @ Gz u Nz uNz
Nz zt N@ zy ug E{ y Gzu\o z z@ ^z y
N s@>> Nz EN z N@
G \Ny z N - <<! Ez o
EFz@ Euo Gn Ny-Ny Es| N tzo {@ y {Nz Ny
oyq Nyu\L@ z y o z\ {@ Lzy usuo E
zoz oz z M zo? T y \z EN EXZ
y E@ Qy z y-y N, u { z TF|@>>
yo {ez Ny ^ NZ E@ M E?
EYN { M z TF|? GNy { N Nm M {?
GNz N G y u@ qm GNz uL T Tz@
Yo Gz <>@ LN ye F| ut@
<<M E \Ny? E oz N { ?>>
<< tzQoz-tzQoz ty z yYz Ny Ez uTz Nz TF|@
uNy o Ez Nz Y F|@>> N \Ny z@
<< \Ny! Ez ENz Y z zT>>
z N@ << @ z utQF| tz@ \ N sy
ee z E@ G u\ Nzo @ GNy q {uN Qgz
@ sy t \ Tz@ \Ny z N@>>
<<\y \Ny! y \ {@ E Nz \ y
{eo {@ uNo ET , Nz tzQ @ ty
^z tzQz tz y @>>
<<uYo N@ NZ oHTy@>> \Ny z N@
GNy o z GNz EoT N | uN@
^ T uN \Ny Nz GNz uL \T
{@ \Ny Nz y G u E{ tz LN zz Ny
Qoy {@ ^ N z y E\ Es @ zY
N Gz E| E@

N " O H > ~ q | ` ==
^=x _H QII, `HO_e =OII, =|#Q~ l
N =#^ <= OII~ } II K ` ~ t `k 22-3-2016 =OQ "~O #O_ }
|II + + =OQ "~O 29-3-2016 =~ ` HO_ e =OII ^ = x _ H Q=O N q"i
H |`== [~Q#.


|^ " ~ =
H " ~ O
x "~ =
Pk"~ =
="~ =


Jk " O , ^ *~ }O
~ }=
u~ H }` =O
= a +H O , x[~ ^ ~ #O
= H O =~ #

II s[, |e~}O
II Q~_=, Z^~
II Q [ " #O =
II ~ ^ ` =O

29-3-2016 =OQ " ~ = LII K H f ~ O

II N + Q O
| ~ \ : ^ ~ ^ , H _ , H i , ^ # Q ~ #O_ ^ = x _ H | H =.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 20 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK


This is spring season and we have already begun to
witness Brahmotsavams in various temples.
Mahamakham recently concluded in Kumbhakonam,
where we saw along with lakhs of devotees special
Brahmotsavams in all the temples there culminating
with Chakrasnanam in Kaveri and Mahamakhasnanams
in Mahamakham tank. There are many temple
Brahmotsavams in March-May time frame. At Ahobilam
the Brahmotsavam will be starting shortly. At Chilkur
Balaji temple Brahmotsavam will be falling in the month
of April. In this context we would like to bring to the
readers of VAK a nice article from VEDANTA DEEPIKAI
(SAMPUTAM 3, P84) on the Greatness of Brahmotsavam
It is known to the whole world that for the welfare of
the universe, Brahmotsavams are conducted with pomp
and glory by various devotee philanthropists in many
temples where Lord is resident as Archamurthy. It is
due to their great devotion and care that these
Brahmotsavams become glorious. For the benefit of
mankind Lord has bestowed these events without any
give away at almost all places where devotees exist.
The Brahmotsavams are meant for many living beings
who cannot worship the Lord inside the temple due
to physical disabilities.

F \ o NtDuzoz ntuqz|o! q @
ENw uz \ uw n yyqmyuYouo: @@
(Oh Lord! When are these people going to be drenched
in flow of your looks out of compassion which will eliminate
their tiresome coming out of life in this world- samsara).
As described in the above sloka, Lords look during
the Brahmotsavas on all the living beings will bring
in some respite to the living beings facing several
difficulties in the worldly life (Samsara). Therefore we
are grateful to the great souls who have institutionalized
and helped such opportunities to occur to the living
beings who are looking for salvation and satisfaction
of their purpose of life. However, in todays
Brahmotsavam practices, are there components which
are able to provide us the differentiated experience
to the devotees as envisaged by the sages? It is an
item to examine. In this context, we are not getting a
satisfactory answer. Although, in general, the current
day Utsavams are full of worldly glitter as per the
allowance and attractions of current times which may
be tolerable, there are at least two main behavioral
items which are intolerable in front of the Lord and
need to be avoided:
1. We have to show humility and egoless worship to
the Lord. In front of the Lord we have to surrender
our ego and desist discriminatory feelings. We need
to understand that the Lord who is the master of
all has nothing as unachievable desire for him.
There is nothing that Lord is going to benefit from
us. In front of him should we not eliminate the
discriminatory thinking of elite vs non-elite and go
to him with full humility like we behave in front of
s\sYtuo@? Lord is not looking for

- M.V.Soundara Rajan
any donations from us. He is only looking for
devotion. oz z z Mn XZuo@ ot
It is said by the Lord in
Bhagavadgita, whoever offers Tulsi leaves, flowers,
water with devotion I receive those offerings with
affection. When the Lord is expecting our devotion,
should we become prey to anger, desire and ego
and fight in front of him like animals and uncivilized
beings spoiling the whole devotional atmosphere?
should we go after false pride and receive all the
honours in front of the Lord? Should we demand
for VIP treatment in front of the Lord? Will the Lord
be happy with our behavior? Should we not allow
equanimity of all devotees in front of the Lord? Should
we not display the natural sattva (humility) quality
of a devotee? Should we behave in a way even
the uncivilized tribals appear more civilized than
us and resent our behaviours? Should we use
intolerable language in front of the lord and
physically fight like animals? Should we forget our
dharma and think, speak or act in a deplorable way?
A Bhagavatha (devotee) should never do this in his
life. These kind of non-devotee behaviours are
currently displayed in the Utsavams recently. They
need to be avoided and we must display mutual
brotherhood and goodness behavior. We must let
other devotees have darshan rather than us. This
will be a behavior honoured by the Lord.
2. During Brahmotsavams many devotees bring in
many selected and high quality materials for Lords
pooja. If this is out of devotion, this is a very nice
behavior and will lead to Lords happiness. However,
if one brings them with a show off mindset and
a mind set of his own sensual pleasures then these
may not be appreciated by the Lord. We should
avoid going after sensual pleasures during
Brahmotsavam and only focus on Lord as devotees.
If the articles for pooja are pure as per shastras
then even if they are brought with different intentions,
since they are acceptable and pure it will not lead
to a major sin for the person who brings it. If someone
forcibly tries to adore items not prescribed by Shastra
to the Lord then it will become harmful to the person
who is responsible for this. There are instances
and practices of bringing in devadasis and going
after them for sensual pleasures during the
utsavams. These behaviors are deplorable. These
days even the learned scholars are turning a blind
eye to these type of behaviours. They should also
come forward to advise the devotees correctly.
Let us pray to Lord that in places where we go and
have his darshan during Brahmotsavam, he makes
the place devotional and remove the impurities of desire,
anger and ego from the devotees so that we can have
a nice Brahmotsavam as per Shastric practices.
Dear VAK readers! The above was the English translation
of an article which appeared in VEDANTA DEEPIKAI during
1913. Even after more than 100 years we are seeing
the same behaviors. Let the above article open our eyes
and make us good devotees.
(To be continued)

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March '16

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Gold-rich temples weigh monetisation,
but melting a dampener

The gold can be deposited even in the jewellery form, but

it gets melted and the value is determined after testing
its purity.
As the government seeks to monetise gold worth an
estimated USD one trillion lying idle, all eyes are on their
biggest repositories the temples but many of them
fear that melting of the ornaments donated by devotees
may hurt religious sentiments.
Officials at a number of rich and famous temples across
the country said they may not be able to immediately
participate in the scheme, while a few others said the
scheme was worth exploring but a final decision was yet
to be taken.
For some temples, including Sree Padmanabhaswamy
Temple in Kerala and the Shirdi Sai Baba temple in
Maharashtra, the ongoing court cases are coming in the
The interest remains lukewarm among major temples
in Kerala, Karnataka, Telangana and Rajasthan among
other states, while a few in Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and Gujarat have shown initial interest.
However, most of them are concerned about issues like
loss of value in the melting process and the religious
sentiments of the devotees who donate gold ornaments
in the name of the deities of the respective temples.
The Gold Monetisation Scheme, an ambitious initiative
launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi last month,
aims to bring an estimated 22,000 tonnes of gold lying
idle with households, religious institutions and others
into the financial system in return for a regular interest
payout and the market-linked appreciation value.
The gold can be deposited even in the jewellery form, but
it gets melted and the value is determined after testing
its purity. The depositor can choose an option to get back
the gold at a later date in the equivalent of 995 fineness
gold or Indian rupees as they desire, but not in the same
Among various temples in Gujarat, the famous Ambaji
temple has ruled out depositing its gold for the scheme
at present, while Somnath temple has prepared a proposal in this regard and a final decision would be taken
by its trustees.
Dwarkadhish temple in Devbhumi Dwarka is yet to take
a call, but the chairman of the temple trust committee H
K Patel said the scheme was worth giving a thought.
The famous Siddhivinayak Temple in Mumbai also appears interested in exploring the scheme as it is looking
at options to utilise its 160 kg of gold reserves, out of
which about 10 kg is already deposited with a bank.
The high-level Investment Committee of Tirumala Tirupati
Devasthanams (TTD), which manages the worlds richest Hindu temple of Sri Venkateswara Swamy, will also
meet soon to discuss the issue of depositing its gold
under this scheme.
Kanakadurgamma Temple in Vijayawada, the second
richest temple in Andhra Pradesh, however has no plans
to participate in this scheme, while neighbouring
Telangana government has not taken any decision as
yet on participating in the Scheme.
(The Hindu 20th December 2015)

Kanya Vandanam: Little Indian goddess

Chilkur: People need not to travel to far away temples
and bow their heads to idols for seeking blessings. They
have Lakshmis, Saraswatis, Parvathis and Bala Tripura
sundaris right near them. With this as theme, as part of
Nari Swabhiman Movement, on Friday 35 students of
Govt Primary School in Chilkur were honoured. As chief
guest, Chief archaka of Chilkur Balaji Temple Rangarajan
applied turmeric and parani to the little girls of the school.
Caste , creed and social status are all in the mind. When
your mind is free of such negative thoughts, every person
is seen on the same level and every child is as precious
as your own, said Rangarajan. Emphasising on the need
to address the burning issue of female foeticide and
treatment of the girl child was the chief topic. Social
media, political greed, cultural references and modern
day cinema has completely changed the true spirit of
this motherland. This is the land where a girl child was
worshipped as a divinity. Ancient traditions believed that
by taking care of your girl child and promoting her health,
happiness and her spiritual being, are the biggest
blessings from nature.
India boasts of 940 females every 1000 males. But where
are those 60 unborn? And what kind of lives are the 940
females living. Are they socially aware? Physically healthy,
emotionally happy? Educated ? Spiritually enlightened ?
What is the quality of their day to day life? These and
many other girl child related issues were discussed at
the event. True empowerment lies in the quality of life,
we as a society provide the girl child. Is she being
victimised? Tormented, traumatised and abused? How
can we change the mindset of common man?
Centuries of cheap, commercial and sexual references
has left a scar on the scared aura of feminity. Its high
time media, social platforms and all individuals erase
this negative propagation of women and bring to light
,the true beauty behind dignity of respecting the womb
we owe our lives to. This initiative has been taken up by,
CS Rangarajan ( Chief archaka of Chilkur Balaji Temple)
. Indeed a rare contribution of gender sensitive promotion
from the most revered community of society.
(Metro India 13.2.2016)
They won the hearts of villagers with their selfless service
Even as eyebrows were raised when some women
devotees dared to break the age-old tradition of No entry
for women at some places in the country and question
the gender bias, Andhra Pradesh has become the first
State to have an all-woman trust board for a small, but
popular Sri Sitaramaswamy temple in Guntur district .
Though the presence of women on temple trust boards
is not rare, including the prestigious Tirumala Tirupati
Devashanams board, this is the first time the villagers of
Singupalem and their sarpanch have decided to bestow
the responsibility of running the temple and developing it
to the motley group of women.
It was in recognition of their selfless efforts for the upkeep
of the temple and its development through donations
from villagers.
The six-member team led by 57-year-old S. Visalakshmi
took oath on Wednesday to discharge their duties as
trust board members for a period of two years. The
temple, which did not have a trust board for the last 10

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March '16

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years, was managing to barely survive with meagre

annual income of about Rs. 2 lakh that came from the
15-acre land of the temple. The temple had no funds for
its maintenance and, one day, the house of the temple
priest too collapsed.
It was then Ms. Visalakshmi, wife of a farmer, resolved to
do whatever she could to improve the temple with her
own money about two years ago and slowly more women
joined her.
The women team managed to raise Rs.10 lakh entirely
from the villagers and their kin, besides Rs.50,000
released by the Executive Officer Sambasiva Rao, and
constructed a small quarter with Rs.8.5 lakh for the temple
priest. The rest of the amount was used for providing
amenities such as tap connection with motor pumpset,
inverter, replacing old electrical wiring, sprucing up
premises and decorating it. Happy with the support she
garnered from the villagers, Visalakshmi , chairperson
of the trust board, said that it was the collective effort.
Everyone in the village wanted our temple to be the best
one. Our temple is famous for the way we organise
Srirama Navami and Sita Kalyanam and other annual
festivals. Every household joins in the Srirama Navami
festivities and different rituals as if its a wedding in their
own family. Mr. Sambasiva Rao said that when the
Endowments Department decided to revive the trust
board, it was sarpanch Premaji and village elders who
proposed to MLA Anagani Satyaprasad on constitution of
an all-women temple trust board. The MLA, in turn, took it
up with Endowments Commissioner Y.V. Anuradha, who
instantly agreed and issued the order on January 22.
(The Hindu 18-2-2016)
In a groundbreaking shift from age-old tradition, the trust
board of a temple in Repalle, Guntur district, now has six
women among its trustees, creating a history of sorts.
The Endowments Department has just re-constituted the
Board of Trustees for Sri Sitarama Swamy Temple in
Guntur. Sajja Visalakshmi, Kolli Jayasree, Sajja Aparna,
Yarlagadda Parijatham, Samudrala Raja Kumari and
Yarlagadda Rama Devi are the six women who would
helm the affairs of the temple.
These six women are known for having collected about
Rs 10 lakh to construct the archaka quarters in the village.
They also offered to collect more money for constructing
a slab and for enhancing security in the temple. Samba
Siva Rao, Executive Officer of the temple, said, This is
the first time in the temples history and in the State that
such development has taken place and perhaps this is
the first time in the country too.
The initiative to nominate the women was taken by
Commissioner (Endowments) YV Anuradha. Sajja
Visalakshmi, one of the six women appointed as
trustees, said, We are allowed to perform pujas and are
treated equally with men here. I am very grateful to all
those who believed in us and took this decision, she
said. C S Rangarajan, a senior priest of Chilkur Balaji
Temple in Hyderabad, said, This is the first time in the
Telugu states that such a decision has been taken.
He also said that it was a great decision taken by the
State to give the management of a temple to women,
especially when there is so much of debate going on
about the entry of women into the temples. This is a
great example of respecting the feminine gender, he said.

The six ladies had collected money for constructing

archaka (priest) quarters. Even the biggest temples in
the country have not done something like this.
The ladies have understood the importance of archakas
and the need for looking after their welfare, Rangarajan
added. The nomination of women as trustees is otherwise
viewed as a symbolic one, as temple authorities in our
country are usually perceived as conservatives who are
ardent believers of age-old traditions like barring women
from even entering some of the areas of temples,
particularly the sanctum sanctorum.
One such temple that did not strictly allow women to
come near the main idol to offer prayers until recently is
the famous Shani Shingnapur temple in Maharashtra.
The shrine has always barred women from entering the
sanctum sanctorum of the temple, where the rock idol of
Lord Shani is installed. The temples trustees were in
the eye of a storm in November last year when a woman
attempted to enter the area where the idol of Lord Shani
is installed. The violation caused the trustees to perform
purification rituals which kicked up a controversy and
outraged several women groups across the State.
(Metro India News on February 18, 2016)
Cinema Viewers Forum President C S Rangarajan, on
Thursday suggested possible solutions to improve the
content being produced by Telugu Film Industry to
increase the viewership and make the experience of a
going to watch the movies better. In a memorandum
submitted to Cinematography minister T Srinivas Yadav,
IT and Municipal Administration Minister K T Rama Rao,
Rangarajan suggested a social audit of the movies at
the end of the year, which would be according to the values
vs revenue model.
He also mentioned that a percentage of short films should
be made by established producers on clean content for
children that inculcate mandatory human and moral
values and suggested strengthening the viewers forum
and make it like a Consumer Forum to address issues
which would be of great help. The Cinema Viewers Forum
appreciated the Cabinet sub-committee formation for
helping the Movie Industry of Telangana.
Participating in the Round Table on Telugu film industry
organised at the behest of a Cabinet sub-committee,
one of the representatives said, It is their responsibility
to put forth some important observations and the industry
is responsible for the impact it has on the society. Today,
if the viewer is not coming to the theater, it is not only
piracy but also lack of content, he said.
The officials spoke about the current situation via
commercial films and how the power had been
transferred to business houses that had consistently
ignored the social implications of their actions. They said,
it was established that the content of Films was damaging
not only society, but morality too.
The representatives of the Forum also discussed the
portrayal of women, teachers, elders, policemen and law
enforcing authorities in present day movies and how the
content generated had enormous social tension to which
there was no appropriate solution till date.
(Metro News 12.2.2016)
The Telangana Archaka Samakhya (TAS) will fight for the
rights of the archakas, whose remuneration is pitiably

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March '16

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low and launch a crusade against the draconian law 30/

87 of Endowment Act, said newly elected president of the
Samakhya, C S Rangarajan.
TAS president Rangarajan said that a welfare fund of Rs
1,000 crore should be raised for the sake of archakas
and requested President Pranab Mukherjee and the
Telangana government to help raise the fund
Rangarajan wanted daily puja fund system being
implemented at Chilkur Balaji temple to be followed in
every Hindu temple as it was approved by the Supreme
In a statement, Rangarajan explained his areas of focus
to redress the issues related to archakas. He said that a
welfare fund of Rs 1,000 crore should be raised for the
sake of archakas and requested President Pranab
Mukherjee and the Telangana government to help raise
the fund. Efforts are being made to get a part of the fund
from Tirumala-Tirupati Devasthanam (TTD), he said.
The TAS president said that the Samakhya will make
efforts to strengthen the rituals in the temples to ensure
and retain due respect for the temple priests. In this
direction, the priests should be given training to excel in
language apart from Agama Sastra. Then only, the priests
could get their due respect in the society, Rangarajan
Provision of training on various aspects in addition to the
agamas and improved ability to communicate in a
language that the devotees can understand should be
taken up so that each archaka can become a community
leader. Archakas need to be motivated and reformed so
that they can propagate the cult of devotion rather than
get more commercial and materialistic in nature.
A congregated approach with devotion as common
denominator for their betterment should be planned
periodically so that temples can be restored to past glory.
Focus should be put on the remuneration aspect of
archakas which is pitiably low. The recommendation of
the Committee on service issues of temple employees
which analysed the archaka remuneration threadbare
has to be implemented and in this regards the
organisation should play a very constructive role.
One of the major recommendations of the committee
was for a very strong Dharmika Parishad to oversee the
working of the department as envisaged by the Select
Committee and this should be pursued vigorously.
Rangarajan wanted daily puja fund system being
implemented at Chilkur Balaji temple should be followed
in every Hindu temple as it was approved by the Supreme
As a result of the puja fund system, income sources for
temples will be developed, thus improving the conditions
of the priests. He said the High Court Division Bench
clearly articulated that temple income has been exempted
from income tax and the banks are making TDS on
interest from FDs. There is a need for the Samakhya to
take necessary steps to stop this so that such money
can be used for archaka remuneration and welfare, he
Rangarajan said that the Samakhya will take active role
to ensure implementation of recommendations made
by pay-scale committee after discussing thoroughly on
the issue of temple employees. He said that the priests
were moving to courts challenging the Endowment
Department as there was no solution to the existing

problems. It should be rectified as the priests are

burdened financially, he said.
As part of the welfare of temple priests, the Samakhya
will ensure that benefits from Archaka Welfare Fund reach
the beneficiaries in a smooth way. Special initiatives must
be taken to help the poorest of the poor among the priests
to get health benefits in view of increasing healthcare
costs. Rangarajan said that the Central government
should take steps to implement the Central Endowment
Act as per the recommendations made by CP
Ramaswamy Iyer Commission. The Samakhya will also
exert pressure on the Centre to approve the Central Trust
Bill which was presented in the Lok Sabha in 1968,
Rangarajan said.
(Metro India 4-2-2016)
Kerala temple boards and priests oppose changes in
customs and rituals
Devaswom Board president Prayar Gopalakrishnan at a
meeting of temple priests to discuss various issues, in
Thiruvananthapuram on Monday.
Representatives of devaswom boards and temple priests
have unanimously opposed changes in temple rituals.
A meeting of representatives of devaswom boards and
priests of various temples in Kerala held here on Monday,
under the aegis of the Travancore Devaswom Board
(TDB), expressed their concern over altering the custom
and rituals.
The meeting condemned the cases registered against
board presidents and members for parading elephants,
displaying fireworks, and using public address system
as part of temple festivals.
Briefing reporters on the deliberations at the meeting,
TDB president Prayar Gopalakrishnan said the issue of
giving access to women at Sabarimala was not
discussed since it was pending at the Supreme Court.
Rates for various offerings would be evened out in
temples across the State. Mr. Gopalakrishnan said certain
quarters, including the government and government
agencies such as the Forest Department, were trying to
impede the smooth functioning of the boards.
The meeting resolved to resist such moves. No one
should aspire to curb the functioning of the boards, he
The meeting decided to evolve a system for coordinating
the functioning of all devaswom boards in the State. A
meeting would be held here on February 27 to discuss
the significance of custom and rituals in temples. Gouri
Lakshmi Bayi, member of the royal family of the erstwhile
State of Travancore, would address the meeting. The
next meeting of the boards representatives for
coordinating the functions of the boards would be held at
Guruvayur. The meeting asked Mr. Gopalakrishnan to take
forward the initiative.
Mr. Gopalakrishnan said special prayer sessions had
been planned in all temples under the board on March 7
in connection with the Sivarathri celebrations. It had also
been proposed to hold a meeting soon of all
organisations involved in Ayyappa Seva.
M.P. Bhaskaran Nair, president, Cochin Devaswom
Board; Panampilly Raghava Menon, chairman,

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March '16

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Board; Ajay Tharayil
Fight Devaswom
for Devotees
P.K. Kumaran, members TDB; C.P. Ramaraja Prema
Prasad, Commissioner, TDB; V.S. Jayakumar, secretary,
TDB; V.T. Surendran, member, Malabar Devaswom Board;
E.A. Rajan, member, Cochin Devaswom Board; K.
Gopinathan, member, Guruvayur Devaswom Board; R.
Sangamesh Varma, representative of Zamorin, were
among those who attended the meeting.
Hindu 23-2-2016)

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O yOK~. H~H=O zH ~=^, _H~ ~ g~q,
_H~ =Oj~=~A, _H~ `<\ ^^q <~.
(D<_, -2-2016)

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=_ 5 H ZH~ On Q q~ O OK`=x H\ O K_O ~}
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-Z ~OQ~[<, `OQ} J~H =Y ~R J^_
#~ =@ K@O HO> XH\ K KOK@O ".

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 25 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK

^iH UHO H"e

PO^q O^ ZO.q.P~.
H=~_, |=i 7 : Jx " = K@=\ J^iH
qKq_Q q[$Oa # ` i` O^= =*x
q<#O #Oz H_O^ <`# ^~ O g^ qO L#"~O`
q^# H#\ UHO H=@O J`=~=x PO^q
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l H=~_ =O_O `~[O\ Q=O J~ Q~O
|=q^O kf "iH`= , Q ^# =yO
ta~xH P# `H Px`Q [~ OyOK~.
q^j, J# =` , O^=x + , < "^=,
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(PO^q 8.2.2016)

~^+O =_xH | t z um z o

Q~_ H=K `= - Tg NY oz


JN Q~_ H=K ` =# <~^

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`Q" J=$``O J^ `O.

March '16

w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 26 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww VAK



Chilkur Balaji's Grace - 137

z~ r J#Q O 137

Balaji is always with us.....

r ZC_ ="O>...

I have been coming since 2012 when my

mother was critical. She needed a permanent
pacemaker. Her pulse was 220. Doctor said her heart
is working only 10%. I prayed to Balaji to keep her
alive . We changed doctors and he said no pacemaker
is needed... she is fine even now. Whenever I have
prayed I have been granted. I have always come to
say thanks. I must have done 108 at least 20 times.
Seeing me my daughter comes after clearing every
semester. We started seeing alliances for our
children. The first alliance we saw for our daughter
was very good but there was very much delay more
from our side. Later they saw my daughter and were
very keen on our alliance. Suddenly everything fell in
place..... We visited their house.... then, they came
and finalised.. Everything is Balaji Blessing... He is
always with us....

<# 2012 #O_ =< # JC_ = J= P~QO

J Q^. P" "H~ "e=zOk. P"
220 LO_Ok. P" QO_ 10% =`" xK#^x _H~
K~. P"# |uHOK=x rx "_ <#. `~ "` _H~ #
=~Q, "~ " H~ J=~O ^< ~. P" WC_ P~QOQ
L#k. <# ZC_ U HiH Hi# < <~" ~ `#k. <# ZC_
^#"^ KCH=_xH =K ^xx. ^^ <# 20 ~
108 ^H }
K#. ## K < `~ _ u q~
=y# `~"` =Ok. = _ O|O^
K< =. = J=~H =z# "^\ O|O^" , K =Ozk
=zOk. Hh "= x~~OKH=_xH P= K=. =
J=~x `~"` " K~. " #zOk. J,
JH`Q Jx O@# KHKH [iy~.... "=
"oO\H " _O... " = WO\H ~=_O... x~OKH=_O
JO` P r K"..... P# ZC _ =`< LO\~..

XH ~, ^~^
Chant 28 times

=[O O\ s~xH....... j y Nz uL

FO #" <~O =[^O =l}I =[^ =* #" =[ #MKII

H z u \ t b~ u\~ m z @ \~ t z \~ z \~ Q Y @@
Nz N N Nuz @
: Nu N Y@@
H"~ H= H= Hq< I
#= H=q~ H=~^~ K II
Kaameshwaraya Kaamaya Kaamapalaya Kamine
Namaha Kaamavihaaraya Kaamarupa dharaayacha
Marriages get finalised by Chanting this Sloka. Also
this sloka bestows intimacy, mutual affection and
trust between couples.

q" , ~ ~ #_= u, SH=`xH

D Hx iOKO_.

Chant 28 times

= o [iy# Hx << P#` q_ fH"x

x~~ Oz# =O Hx z~ q#_O [iyOk.

~E i< L<#. P~H~"# su = =^

J=Q# iy K J<#OQ LO@<=.
XH ~, =OQyi
= J=~H 38 U. Z< O|O^ =z< o
^~^. J~` D HO K# Hx ~A =Oz
=~_` o kiOk.
XH ~,

Andhra Mahila Sabha College of Fine Arts & Media Education

O.U. Campus, Hyderabad - 500 007. Ph : 040-27070052, 9396993646

Courses Offered : B.A. Music (Full Time) M.A. Music (Part-time) 1 Year
Certificate Course in Carnatak Music (Part-time) Six Weeks Certificate Course
in Devotional Songs (Part-time) 1 Year Certificate Course in : a) Key-Board,
b) Guitar, c) Violin (Part-time) d) Veena 3 Months Certificate Course in a)
Anchoring b) Dubbing, c) News Reading, d) Script Writing (Part-time)
3 Months Certificate Course in Media Acting (Part-time).

P`#O^O O^O> - PK~O` @ PK~} _ Ke.


Ministry of Finance, Income Tax Department,
Office of the Commissioner of Income Tax (E), Room No.506, 5th Floor,
Posnnet Bhavan, Tilak Road, Ramkote, Hyderabad - 500 001
Date : 10.02.2016
Prof. M.V. Soundararajan,
Chairman Managing Committee,
Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple,
Chilkur (V), Moinabad (M),
Telangana - 500029.
Sub : Application of section 10(23BBA) of I.T. Act, 1961 in the case of Sri Balaji
Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur - Reg.
Ref : Your application dated 20.01.2016.
Please refer to the above mentioned subject.
Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur is governed by the Managing Committee
as per the provisions of G.O.Ms.No.260 & G.O.Ms.No.46 issued by the State Government
of Andhra Pradesh under Sec. 154 of the Endowments Act.
The Income of the Managing Committee is exempt unconditionally as per section
10(23BBA) of the I.T. Act, 1961 and the same is clarified by CBDT, New Delhi, vide circular
No.4 of 2002 dated 16.07.2002 and there is no need to file the return of income.
In connection with the tax deduction at source, I am directed to inform that as per
the said circular there would be no requirement for tax deduction at source since the income
of the Managing Committee is anyway exempt under the Income Tax Act.
Yours faithfully

Dy.Commissioner of Income Tax (Hqrs)(E)


'VAK' Appreciates.....
'VAK' and Temples Protection Movement Congratulates
the Endowments Administration and the Local MLA
of Repalle Sri Satya Prasad for helping select an
all woman Trust Board under the Chairperson Smt
Visalakshmi and others for the Sitaramaswamy
Temple, Singupalem, Repalle Mandal, Guntur Dist.
We are also appreciative for the immediate Sanction
of Rs.10,00,000/- development fund for this temple's
development from the MLA's Constituency funds.
- Editor

Date of Posting 6th & 7th


Registered as a News Paper

Vol.17 VAK / MARCH / 2016

Date of Publication 1st of every month

RNI. No. AP/BIL/2000/2474

Postal Registration No. HSE/738/2015-17 No.3

o l u o Nz :@ uo oy | \ Ty@@
Wherever I exist, merits exist too, and wherever I exist, Kesava also exists. Further I exist in
all women, that is why women should be treated with respect. (Lakshmi Tantram 43rd Chapter)

`O `` }x `O `` H= =x` =O ` <s ~[Q#~

<# ZH_ LO> JH_ }O, <# ZH_ LO> JH_ H=_ (Q=O`_) LO\~, <# P_"O^i
L<#. H|\ P_"x < ~OQ Q~qOKO_. (H;`O`= 43= J^=)

z~ r ^"xH xk.... ''_~b * O_^~ =~O_.

D O_H kQ= zOK|_# O KeO HiOK|_#.
1) SB A/c No.62055583940 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
State Bank of Hyderabad, Moinabad Branch (R.R. Dist.) (\ OH P ^~^, "~<^ Y,
~OQ~_ l) from any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad situated in any part of the Country.
2) SB A/c No. 091110011008633 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Andhra
Bank, Pedda Mangalaram (Moinabad Branch PO^ OH, ^=OQ~O ("~<^ Y)) (R.R. Dist.) from any
branch of Andhra Bank situated in any part of the World. OKOx U O`O #O_< [= K=K.
3) SB A/c No.3063101000001 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Canara Bank,
113, Main Road, Himayatnagar, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. H#~ OH, 113, "~< ~_, =`#Q~, "~<^
=O_, ~OQ~_ l, from any branch of Canara Bank situated in any part of India. (=#^O x U O`O #O_< [= K =K.)
4) SB A/c No.24730110000007 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with UCO
Bank, Chilukuru Branch, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. H OH, z~ Oz, "~<^ =O_, ~OQ~_ l,
from any branch of UCO Bank situated in India. (=#^O
x U O`O #O_< [= K =K.)

~.100/- Hh KeO Q D xkH [= K =K.

D ` xkx =~_xH O^ih HiOK=#kQ i<=. J HiOz H=~x OOkOK
qH}"# z~ * q^<x PKO^~O xeK `__#O^ P r H$ `=`~.
The Fund donations can be remitted in the Following Banks with the following Particulars:1) SB A/c No.62055583940 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
State Bank of Hyderabad, Moinabad Branch (R.R. Dist.) from any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad
situated in any part of the Country. IFSC Code 'SBHY0020637'.
2) SB A/c No.091110011008633 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained
with Andhra Bank, Pedda Mangalaram (Moinabad Branch) (R.R. Dist.) from any branch of Andhra
Bank situated in any part of the World. IFSC Code 'ANDB0000911'.
3) SB A/c No.3063101000001 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Canara
Bank, 113, Main Road, Himayatnagar, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. from any branch of Canara Bank situated in
India. IFSC Code 'CNRB0003063'.
4) SB A/c No.24730110000007 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
UCO Bank, Chilukuru Branch, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. from any branch of UCO Bank situated in India.
IFSC Code 'UCBA0002473'.
Devotees can remit their contributions with a minimum of Rs.100/- to this Fund.
The Devotees who contribute to this Fund will have the blessings of the Lord Balaji for participating
in the continuation of this unique way of worship which inculcates Pure Devotion in the Temple system..
Andhra Bank Ph : 08417-252064, SBH Ph. : 08417-252071, Canara Bank : 08413-235088, UCO Bank Ph.: 08417-200023
Annual Subscription Rs.60/-. Life Membership Rs.1000/-.
All business communications and payments may
be addressed to The Manager VAK, 2-2-647/77/D, D.D.
Colony, Bagh Amberpet, Hyderabad-500 013. Ph :
27425640. Only local cheques and DDs drawn in favour
of VAK will be accepted. Subscriptions can be sent
through money orders also. Give your correct address.


Owned, Edited, Printed and Published by : Dr. M.V. Soundara

Rajan, Advocate, 2-2-647/77/D, Andhra Bank Lane, Be-

side Karur Vysya Bank ATM, D.D. Colony, Bagh Amberpet,

Hyderabad-500 013; Website :

Phone : 27425640 Cell : 9246505058

Printed at : M/s. Vakdevi
N a l l a k u n t a , H y d -4 4 .



If undelivered please return to : VAK, 2-2-647/77/D, Hyderabad-500 013.


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