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Cell, Vol.

116, 763–767, March 19, 2004, Copyright 2004 by Cell Press


From Tough Nuts valve margins detach from the replum, which is caused
both by enzymatic hydrolysis of cell walls and mechani-
to Touch-Me-Nots cal tension. The latter is achieved through the juxtaposi-
tion of strips of different cell types, one with stiff, lignified
(woody) cell walls and the other with thin, unlignified
An intricate arrangement of different cell types is re- walls. Only the unlignified cells shrink readily when the
quired for the spring-loaded mechanism of spontane- mature fruit starts to dry, thereby creating a spring-
ous seed dispersal typical for many fruits. Liljegren loaded mechanism for fruit opening.
and colleagues (2004 [this issue of Cell]) describe a Through an elegant combination of forward and re-
nonlinear network of transcription factor genes con- verse genetics, the Yanofsky laboratory has over the
trolling this process. past five years or so identified several genes that control
the patterning of valves, replum, and especially valve
We all love flowers and easily appreciate the enormous margins. A central role is played by the colorfully named
diversity in floral morphology, much of which is thought FRUITFULL (FUL) and SHATTERPROOF (SHP) genes.
to serve adaptive functions. Diversity is, however, not Although genetic and expression studies had shown
only found in floral shape and form, but also among these genes to have antagonistic roles, the ful shp1
fruits, the immediate products of flowers. One important shp2 triple mutants have some paradoxical phenotypes,
distinguishing feature of fruits is the ease with which indicating that important regulators of valve margin dif-
they release the seeds contained in them. Some fruits, ferentiation had not yet been identified. The first tantaliz-
such as nuts, are proverbially tough to crack. In contrast, ing glimpse in this direction came from the discovery
one barely needs to brush against the ripe seedpods of of the aptly named ALCATRAZ (ALC) gene by Rajani
a touch-me-not (the scientific name appropriately being and Sundaresan (2001). The main defect of alc mutants
Impatiens) for them to explode and scatter their content. is a failure of the unlignified cells to differentiate, thereby
preventing spontaneous pod shatter and trapping the
These two types of fruits nicely illustrate the difference
seeds inside the fruit.
between what the botanists call indehiscent and de-
In this issue of Cell (Liljegren et al., 2004), Yanofsky’s
hiscent fruits (from the Latin dehiscere, to split open).
group takes an important step further, by describing the
The fruits of Arabidopsis thaliana belong in the dehiscent
INDEHISCENT (IND) gene, which is equally important
class, although they do not explode quite as violently
for the differentiation of unlignified and lignified cells.
as those of the touch-me-not. Coincidentally, the exact
Like ALC, IND expression at the valve margins is posi-
degree of fruit dehiscence is not only of academic inter-
tively regulated by the SHP genes. The SHP genes, in
est; in legumes such as soybeans as well as in Arabidop-
turn, are restricted to the valve margin on one side by
sis relatives such as canola, pod shatter is of consider-
FUL, which is active in the valve (Ferrándiz et al., 2000),
able agronomical importance. A pod should not release
and on the other side by REPLUMLESS (RPL), which is
its seeds precociously, but once harvested, it should be active in the replum (Roeder et al., 2003) (Figure 1).
relatively easy to remove the seeds. For many crops, Interestingly, there does not seem to be a simple hierar-
the optimal balance has not been found yet. chical relationship between these genes. Not all effects
Arabidopsis seeds are enclosed by the seedpod walls, of FUL or RPL are mediated by repression of the SHP
or valves, which are connected to the rest of the plant genes, and there may be as yet unknown factors that act
by the replum (Figure 1). Seeds are released when the in parallel with them. An attractive explanation, which
seems to be favored by Liljegren and colleagues (2004),
is some sort of feed-forward regulation, such that FUL
acts not only through the SHP genes, but also more
directly on IND and ALC. Similarly, some of the SHP
effects do not depend on IND and ALC.
An interesting question is whether FUL and RPL also
have positive roles in specifying valve and replum fate,
respectively, or whether they are only required to limit
valve margin differentiation. Although the outer valve
epidermis appears quite normal when ectopic SHP, IND,
and ALC activities are removed from ful plants, this is
not true for the inner epidermis. Paradoxically, eliminat-
ing FUL in a wild-type background causes ectopic lignifi-
cation, whereas inactivating FUL in an ind alc shp1 shp2
background causes a complete loss of lignification. How
Figure 1. Diagrammatic Cross Section through Part of an Arabidop- can this be explained? Apparently, FUL is a positive
sis Fruit regulator of a gene that promotes lignification of the
Genes are color coded according to the tissues in which they are ex- inner epidermis; the consequence of removing this ac-
pressed. tivity in ful single mutants is, however, normally masked
because the valve margin genes expand and more than

compensate for this unknown lignification regulator. An Oncogenic Mutations in B-Raf:

important approach to discovering such unknown fac-
tors will be to identify the direct targets of the de- Some Losses Yield Gains
hiscence regulators, all of which seem to encode DNA
binding transcription factors.
The other issue that needs to be tackled is how the A study by Wan et al. in this issue of Cell demonstrates
initial pattern of this regulatory network is set up. Fortu- that the majority of oncogenic mutations in the B-Raf
nately, we know quite a bit about the early steps of protein kinase result in increased catalytic activity,
flower development, which begins with the decision of through disruption of the autoinhibited state of the
a plant to make individual flowers in response to environ- kinase domain. Surprisingly, several mutations lead to
mental and intrinsic cues. The immediate result of floral impaired B-Raf kinase activity, yet these mutants are
induction is the transcriptional activation of a small set nevertheless capable of stimulating downstream sig-
of integrator genes. These in turn positively regulate naling through transactivation of C-Raf.
homeotic genes that control the identity of floral organs
including the central carpels, which produce the fruit. The Raf-MEK-ERK protein kinase cascade is a highly
Surprisingly, FUL activation occurs independently of conserved signaling pathway in eukaryotes, which links,
carpel formation, while SHP expression does not. Simi- for example, growth factor stimulation to cell prolifera-
larly mystifying is the observation that several genes tion. Raf is a protein serine/threonine kinase for which
affecting other aspects of fruit patterning are also ex- there are three mammalian isoforms: A-Raf, B-Raf, and
pressed independently of whether or not carpels are C-Raf. Activation of the Raf proteins is mediated princi-
made (Heisler et al., 2001; Sessions et al., 1997). pally through binding of the small GTPase Ras in its GTP
Finally, as alluded to in the beginning, there is tremen- bound state. The importance of this signaling pathway in
dous interspecific variation in the degree of fruit de- cell growth control is underscored by the finding that
hiscence. As the Yanofsky and Sundaresan laboratories approximately 30% of all human cancers have activating
have shown, it is quite easy to make Arabidopsis fruits ras mutations (Bos, 1989). Furthermore, somatic muta-
indehiscent, both by knocking out or overexpressing tions in B-raf are found in a majority of human malignant
various fruit regulators. They have not yet shown, how- melanomas (Davies et al., 2002). As might be expected
ever, how the system can be tuned to supercharge the for a protein kinase that sits atop an important growth
dehiscence process and create explosive seedpods. control pathway, Raf proteins are subject to a complex
Since Arabidopsis has close relatives such as hairy bit- regulatory scheme, including autoinhibition of the kinase
ter-cress, Cardamine hirsuta, which can fling seeds a domain by the N-terminal region, Ras binding and trans-
couple of feet, one is hopeful that this will not be too location to the plasma membrane, stimulatory and inhib-
tough a nut to crack. itory serine/threonine and tyrosine phosphorylation, and
possibly interaction with 14-3-3 proteins (Kolch, 2000).
Over 30 missense mutations in the B-raf gene have
Jan U. Lohmann1 and Detlef Weigel1,2 been identified in human cancers, most of which map
Department of Molecular Biology to the kinase domain. Wan et al. (2004) characterized
Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology the catalytic activity of 22 of these mutants by measuring
D-72076 Tübingen their ability to phosphorylate MEK in vitro. Seven of the
Germany B-Raf mutants exhibited highly elevated activity, above
Plant Biology Laboratory the level achieved by activating wild-type B-Raf with an
The Salk Institute for Biological Studies oncogenic form of Ras. Eleven of the mutants phosphor-
La Jolla, California 92037 ylated MEK above the basal level (non-Ras-stimulated)
for wild-type B-Raf, but below the level reached by Ras
Selected Reading activation of wild-type B-Raf. Both the high- and inter-
mediate-activity B-Raf mutants, when transfected into
Ferrándiz, C., Liljegren, S.J., and Yanofsky, M.F. (2000). Science cells, stimulated hyperphosphorylation of ERK. Finally,
289, 436–438. and most curiously, four of the cancer-associated mu-
Heisler, M.G., Atkinson, A., Bylstra, Y.H., Walsh, R., and Smyth, D.R. tants were found to have impaired kinase activity versus
(2001). Development 128, 1089–1098. wild-type B-Raf. Despite this, three of the four impaired-
Liljegren, S.J., Roeder, A.H.K., Kempin, S.A., Gremski, K., Øster- activity mutants, when transfected into cells, were more
gaard, L., Guimil, S., Khammungkhune, D., and Yanofsky, M.F. efficient at stimulating phosphorylation of endogenous
(2004). Cell 116, this issue, 843–853.
ERK than wild-type B-Raf.
Rajani, S., and Sundaresan, V. (2001). Curr. Biol. 11, 1914–1922. How to explain this seeming paradox? It had been
Roeder, A.H., Ferrándiz, C., and Yanofsky, M.F. (2003). Curr. Biol. shown previously, and again by Wan et al. (2004), that
13, 1630–1635. B-Raf and C-Raf are capable of heterooligomerization,
Sessions, A., Nemhauser, J., McColl, A., Roe, J., Feldmann, K., and and therefore one possibility is that the impaired-activity
Zambryski, P. (1997). Development 124, 4481–4491. B-Raf mutants stimulate ERK phosphorylation through
transactivation of C-Raf. This hypothesis was tested,
and it could be demonstrated that the three kinase-
impaired B-Raf mutants were considerably more effec-
tive than wild-type B-Raf in stimulating C-Raf activity.
Moreover, phosphorylation of ERK in cells transfected

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