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AutoCAD 3

AutoCAD 3 - Fillets and Chamfers,

Surfaces of Revolution
Educational Objectives
Exercise 1 - Changing Existing Objects
Exercise 2 - Fillets and Chamfers
Exercise 3 - Brass Lamp Support
Exercise 4 - Surfaces of Revolution
Exercise 5 - Crystal Goblet

Introduction - In this AutoCAD practicum, we will first explore how to modify objects and how to use
Osnaps to obtain highly precise drawings. We will then learn how to use the revsurf command to create
surfaces of revolution.
Educational Objectives
After completing this lab the student should be able to:
1. Modify the properties of an object after it has been drawn.
2. Create chamfers using the chamfer
3. Use the fillet


command to create rounds.

4. Create circles using the two point and three point options.
5. Use the osnap feature to select endpoints, midpoints or tangents to objects.
6. Use the revsurf command to create surfaces of revolution such as spheres, tori and crystal goblets.

Exercise 1 - Changing properties of existing objects using the change command.

Very often, we want to change the properties of an object AFTER it has been created. In AutoCAD this is
done using the change command. One can change either the properties of an object (such as color, thickness, etc.) or the points of an object.
a. In a new drawing document, turn on the Snap and the Grid options. A quick
way to toggle the Snap command is to press the F9 key on the back row of
your keyboard. You can also toggle the Grid on and off by hitting the F7 key
repeatedly. Try this now.
b. Draw three red circles with different radii at arbitrary points.
c. Now suppose you decide that you really wanted blue circles of radius 1/2. Instead of redrawing all
three circles, you can use the change command by typing change in the command window.

AutoCAD 3
1. Select the change command and then choose Properties. Select all three circles and press enter.
Now to change the color of the circles, type c for the color option and then type blue to
indicate what color you would like for your layer.
2. We will now change the radii to 1/2. Type the change command again and choose the Points
option. Press enter to accept all three current centers, and then enter 0.5 for each radius. You
will have to do this three times.

Exercise 2 - Creating Chamfers

A chamfer is a beveled or sloping edge used to break sharp corners on artifacts that have been machinefinished. Use the chamfer
this effect.

command available on the Modify Palette (on the left-hand side) to create

a. (Set Snap On and Grid =0.5). Draw two rectangles to create the adjacent shape, which shows a portion of a table leg.
b. Select the chamfer
command and then enter D for distance. Set
both distances equal to 0.5 and press enter again to return to the
chamfer command. Select two adjacent edges of the base rectangle to
create the first chamfer. Press enter again to trigger another chamfer
command and just select the appropriate edges to form the second
chamfer. Finally add a hatch pattern as shown.

Exercise 3 - Brass Hexagonal Lamp Support

A hexagonal lamp support has six screw holes and rounded edges to prevent dangerous sharp edges.
Work through the following steps to create the lamp support shown.
a. Open a new drawing, turn on the Snap and Grid options with an
interval of 0.5 and draw two concentric hexagons as shown to the
right. The outer hexagon is inscribed in a circle of radius 2 while the
inner hexagon is inscribed in a circle of radius 1.5. The inner hexagon will be erased later.
b. Next we will add six screw holes for attaching the lamp base to the
ceiling. Turn off the Snap option and select the donut tool. Set the
inner radius to 0 and the outer radius to 0.2 and then place screw
holes at each vertex of the inner hexagon. The endpoint Osnap tool
will help you select these points exactly. Now erase the inner hexagon, which was only drawn to help place the screw holes.


AutoCAD 3

c. Next we will add fillets to each of the six vertices of the hexagonal support to round off the sharp
edges as shown in the upper left figure. To do this, select the fillet
tool and set the radius of the
rounds to 0.4 after pressing r for radius. Then press enter to reactivate the fillet tool and round each
of the six vertices.
d. Finally, we will add the standard hatch pattern, which indicates that the base is made of brass. Select
the hatch tool and choose the Pattern option to find the brass hatch pattern (under the other predefined tab). Then select the hexagonal plate, when you select the Select objects button, and
apply the brass hatching. That's it!!

Exercise 4 - Surfaces of Revolution

AutoCAD has built-in commands that make it easy to create surfaces of revolution.
The most useful command for this purpose is revsurf, which stands for "revolve surface". The two parameters SURFTAB1 andSURFTAB2 control how many copies are
created both about and along the axis of revolution.
Part A - Longitude and Latitude
The earth is divided by lines of longitude and
latitude as seen in the graphic to the left.
a. Type in the word surftab1, press
enter and then specify 24 at the
prompt. Similarly change the value
of surftab2 to 36.
b. Draw a circle of radius 1 and add a
vertical line through its center as
shown to the right.

c. Enter the command revsurf in the command window and choose the circle when prompted for the
path curve and the line when prompted for the axis of revolution. Choose the default start angle <0>
and the default-included angle. This should result in a globe as shown to the left below. To inspect
the globe from other angles, select View Orbit and experiment with different views. To return to

AutoCAD 3
the default plan view, select View Named views and select the top option and set it as the current view.

Part B - Creating a Torus.

To create a torus, it is only necessary to revolve about an axis
exterior to the circle. Open a new draw window, set Snap to 1
and draw a blue circle of radius 1 and a red line 1 unit away
from the circle as shown. Then revolve the circle about the line
using the revsurf command and change the view to better show
the torus. You might need to set the surftab1 and surftab2 again
for a better representation of the torus.


AutoCAD 3
Exercise 5 - Crystal Goblet
In this exercise, we will use the revsurf command to create a drawing of a crystal goblet.
a. Open a new drawing, set the Snap and Grid to 0.5 and change the drawing color to blue. Then use
the pline command to create the path shown in the figure below on the left. It is very important to
use the Polyline tool, as the exercise will not work if the Line command is used.
b. Use the fillet tool to round some of the sharp edges as shown in the figure below on the right. Let the
fillets have radius 0.2 and round all edges except the rim of the glass. Change the radius to 0.02 and
then round the glass rim.

c. Type in the word surftab1, press enter and then specify 24 at the prompt. Similarly change the value
of surftab2 to 20.
d. Using the Polyline tool, add the segment from (4, 2.5) to (4,6). This is the line we well revolve the
polyline about.


AutoCAD 3
e. Finally, use the revsurf command and change the view to better display your crystal stemware.


AutoCAD 3

AutoCAD Lab 3 Quiz A


ID #



1. Draw a rectangle having corners (5,5) and (8,9). Then apply a chamfer to all 4 corners using d=0.25
for both distances. The area of the chamfered rectangle is:

2. Draw a rectangle having corners (5,5) and (8,9). Then apply a fillet to all 4 corners using r=1 for the
radius. The area of the resulting shape is:

3. Draw a hexagon whose base is the line segment (5,5) to (7,5). Apply a fillet to all six corners using a
radius of 1. The perimeter of the rounded hexagon is:
a. 11.35

b. 11.45

c. 11.51

d. 11.65

e. 11.75

4. The crystal goblet was created by revolving a:

a. circle

b. polyline

c. line

d. polygon

5. Demonstrate your crystal goblet from exercise 5.

Your TA will record that you have completed this exercise when it is finished.


AutoCAD 3

AutoCAD Lab 3 Quiz B


ID #



1. Draw a rectangle having corners (5,5) and (8,9). Then apply a chamfer to all 4 corners using d=0.4
for both distances. The area of the chamfered rectangle is:

2. Draw a rectangle having corners (5,5) and (8,9). Then apply a fillet to all 4 corners using r=0.5 for
the radius. The area of the resulting shape is:

3. Draw a septagon whose base is the line segment (5,5) to (7,5). Apply a fillet to all seven corners using
a radius of 0.75. The perimeter of the rounded septagon is:
a. 13.45

b. 13.55

c. 13.65

d. 13.75

e. 13.85

4. The revsurf command can be used to create surfaces of revolution. The default values for surftab1 and
surftab2 are:
a. 4

b. 5

c. 6

d. 7

e. 8

5. Demonstrate your crystal goblet from exercise 5.

Your TA will record that you have completed this exercise when it is finished.


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