Mohamed Harkat Letter

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February 2016

The Honorable Minister Ralph Goodale

House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada K1A 0A6

Dear Minister Goodale,

I write concerning UN Convention refugee Mohamed Harkat, who faces deportation to
torture from Canada to Algeria under a controversial Security Certificate.

I write to ask that you allow Mohamed Harkat to stay in Canada. Moe considers himself
Canadian: he loves this country, he came here to escape persecution and for a better
life, and he does not belong anywhere else.

Under an opening in the law governing Security Certificates (section 42.1 of the
Immigration and Refugee Protection Act) you as Minister have the power to decide that
allowing Mohamed to stay in Canada is not contrary to the national interest.

Mohamed has spent most of his adult life in Canada, and has built a strong and
supportive network of family and friends who value his contribution to this country, to
the community, and to their lives.

Under Security Certificates, which I have publically opposed as a fundamentally unfair
measure, neither Mohammed nor the Canadian public can challenge the evidence held
against him. Nonetheless I personally doubt that he was ever the danger to Canada that
he was once determined to be. In fact, in September 2009, the court dropped the
conditions significantly after CSIS admitted that he was not the threat initially thought.

Furthermore I am absolutely convinced that at this moment, he poses no danger
whatsoever to the public or to public safety in Canada, but rather offers a positive
commitment to the life he has created here.

Just as importantly, Canadian and international law prohibit complicity in torture, and
there is good reason to believe that Mohameds deportation to Algeria could lead to his
torture. Amnesty International has exposed Algerias poor human rights record, and it
would be nave not to fear for Mohameds fate there.

Since 2009 all of the assessments done by CBSA, CSIS and Federal Court Justice Noel
state very clearly that Mohamed is at the very low end of risk. Moe respects his
conditions completely and would never do anything to jeopardize them or to let down
the large circle of family, friends and supporters he has built here over the years. He has

become a recognized figure across the country, and he understands how important that
is to us all.

It is hard to imagine how difficult life has been for Mohamed and his wife Sophie, who
have had to deal with secret allegations, separation and long-term solitary confinement,
very invasive house arrest conditions that completely robbed them of privacy, and the
kinds of accusations that can ruin one's reputation and life. And yet from what I can see,
they maintain a hopeful, positive attitude, believing in a sense of justice prevailing.

I urge you to use your unique position as Minister, and the discretion afforded to you
under the law, to exempt Mohamed Harkat from deportation and let him stay and live a
productive life in Canada. Make this decision of yours another shining example of your
governments commitment to sunny ways.


Alexandre Trudeau
1418, av. des Pins Ouest
Montral QC H3G 1A8

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