ISTQB Exam Frequently Asked Questions

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How can I get an ISTQB Certificate for software testers? You must successfully pass the exams organized by your National or Regional Board or ISTQB
recognized Examination Provider. There are
What are the Foundation level exams?The Foundation level offers the following exams: Foundation level core (1 syllabus ) Foundation level specialist(4
syllabi, two of them
What are the Advanced level exams?The Advanced level offers 3 Core exams and will in the future offer additional Specialist exams; in particular:
Advanced level
What are the Expert level exams?The Expert level Core offers the following exams (no Expert level specialist exams are currently available): Expert Test
Manager Expert
What is the Agile stream?The Agile stream consists of a set of syllabi (foundation specialist and advanced specialist) dedicated to the professionals
involved in
What is a core certification?A core certification is a certification that cover a topic in a broad, horizontal way, valid for any technology /
What is a specialist certification?A specialist certification is a certification that focuses on a specific topic / domain in a vertical way, using a
What is the content of the exams?Each exam contains questions aimed at verifying the acquired professional knowledge of the candidate on the topics
covered by the Learning
What is an Exam and an Exam Question?An Exam is an assessment intended to measure a candidates (test-taker's) knowledge, skill, and competence
related to an ISTQB syllabus.
What are Learning Objectives?Learning Objectives are statements which describe what the student is expected to know or be able to do after mastering
What is a Business Outcome?A Business Outcome is a specific statement of what can be expected from a person who achieves certification in a
Why is a specialist certification recommended?New topics emerge due to technology and methodology changes in the market. For this reason, Specialist
syllabi are established to
Is the Agile Tester Certification right for me?The certification for Agile Tester stream is designed for professionals who are working within Agile
environments and for professionals who
Can I take a two exams (e.g. a Foundation Core exam and a Foundation Specialist exam) on the same day? Please ask your local ISTQB Member
Board or Exam Provider if they are able to provide this option. A specialist
Do I have to pay for the Specialist exam separately? Each exam has its-own fee; so, a fee is required specifically for each Specialist exam.
What does the specialist certificate look like?Your local ISTQB Member Board or Exam Provider will issue the certificate using the usual format,
identifying the specialization.
Can I take an exam without owning the pre-conditions for it? By default, it is not possible to sit in an exam without owning the pre-conditions needed for it;
sitting in
How are the exam questions structured?Foundation Level and Advanced level exams are based on Multiple Choice questions. Each Multiple Choice
question consists of a problem
How do I know how many questions on each topic I will get in an exam? The number of exam questions per Learning Objective is defined in the ISTQB
"Exam Structure and Rules" document for the
What are K-levels?Each question is classified according to the cognitive level, the K-level (also known as level of knowledge). The Foundation exams
How are scores assigned to the answers?Foundation Level exams award 1 mark to each correctly answered question. For Advanced Level exams a K2
question is allocated
How is the Foundation Level exam structured?The Foundation Level exam comprises 40 multiple-choice questions, with a scoring of 1 point for each
correct answer, a pass
How are the Advanced Level exams structured?Questions in the Advanced Level exams can be awarded 1, 2 or 3 marks depending on difficulty. The
distribution of
How are the Expert Level exams structured?Each Expert Level module constitutes a separate syllabus that may comprise 1 or more parts. Expert Level
examinations will be
Where can I find examples of exams and exam questions? If you wish to look at sample questions, you can download sets of questions from the ISTQB
website. The following
How do I get the result of my exam?Your local ISTQB Member Board or Exam Provider will provide you with your result. Please ask local ISTQB
Member Board
How do I get my ISTQB certificate?Your local ISTQB Member Board or Exam Provider will post or e-mail the certificate to you.
Where and when can I take an exam?Exams are offered by the ISTQB local Member Boards and Exam Providers. Please contact them for information
on exam dates,
What types of exam formats are available?The exams are available in paper-based or computer-based electronic formats. Not all ISTQB Member
Boards and Exam Providers provide both
Are there any pre-requisites to take an ISTQB exam? The Foundation Level Core exam has no pre-requisites. Preparation on the syllabus topics
(obtained either through attending a course provided
Are there any rules to be followed during the exam? Each exam is supervised by an authorized proctor (invigilator), who will distribute printed material (for
paper-based examination) or make material
How can I demonstrate the possession of an ISTQB Certificate? You may display the paper or electronic certificate that has been delivered to you. In
addition, if available and if
Is there any validity period for this certification?Foundation Level and Advanced Level ISTQB certificates, including Specialist ones, are valid for life.
Expert Level ISTQB certificates are valid
How often can I take the exam? Do I have to pay for re-taking an exam? You can take the exams as many times as necessary to pass them. The fees for
re-taking the exams are
I want to prepare for the exam by self-study. Which preparation material should I use? The relevant ISTQB Syllabus and Glossary should be used as
a minimum. Other suggested preparation material (books etc.) may be
Whom should I contact if I did not find the information I was looking for? For additional details, please contact your local ISTQB Member Board.

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