Marketing Management

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Mariana Cuahonte Balam

MGMT 4140V Marketing Management
Walden University
Professor: Marc Lyncheski



Market Analysis..

Domestic Market Opportunities.

Foreign/Global Market Opportunities

Business Environment Considerations...

Business Life Cycle.


This is a website that integrates the entire local fashion boutiques offer, in this way
visitors will know where they can find the clothes that suit their personal style, making their
shopping experience easier, saving time on going to every shop in town, without finding what
they are looking for. And, on the other side, fashion retailers will have a specialized site where
they can expose their products, joining the success that offers to be online, which is
undeniable. In a second stage, when the website is consolidated, we intend to launch our own
brand of clothing for the whole family.
Market Analysis
The emergence of websites as an effective way to do business, has more than two
decades settling down, and within the field of fashion, there are already several precedents
that have changed the way people buy clothes and accessories worldwide, as, or pages on a specialized niche as; but so far, the
attention has focused on the most cosmopolitan areas and has not created an option for the
common public, provincial people or just people who like to dress well but cant afford Gucci
or YSL every weekend.
In we show you the full range of choices for dressing that the
people living in the southeast region of Mexico has, in a nutshell this site is a showcase for all
the boutiques in the region.
The Seven Domains Model.
Target Segment Benefits and Attractiveness.
Our target market is all boutiques, local, and national origin. The attractiveness of this
market is that there are over 50 stores only in the area of Villahermosa, Tabasco and there is

no advertising medium that gives them the option to show their range of products, besides of
providing the service to update their exposure on the Internet and social networks,
Market Attractiveness.
In Villahermosa, Tabasco the market segment that would be benefit most from this
service is the population that is among middle and upper class, the market of this city is
mainly known for being very consumer regardless of economic status, it is because of this
feature that lots of shops and boutiques open month to month.
Industry Attractiveness.
The industry in which the company competes is very diverse, because in the first phase
would be in the advertising industry and in the second stage would be in the industry of ecommerce. In this city there are many companies that offer advertising services but mainly
concentrated in the mainstream media and none offers an advertising option that we provide.
In the second stage, the industry is more competitive because the e-commerce is global and no
matter where it is located, the company is competing with major Internet pages worldwide.
Sustainable Advantage.
Based on an arduous analysis, the USP (Unique Selling Proposition) of this company
is the public relations, the interaction that this company has with their customers is key to
making it a success, because when communication is good, information flow as it should and
the more information and variety of contents the website has, the visits will be higher and
advertising will be more effective.

Mission, Aspirations, Propensity for Risk.
From a very young age I have found a great love for journalism of fashion and over
time this has become my passion, during my studies in advertising I came up with a way to
join my passion with my skills and that's how it came this business idea, to give people like
me, an option to dress as they wish without having to leave Villahermosa. But since this
original idea came, I discovered several errors in the structure of the business, which in this
course have been resolved gradually, is not perfect but the risks have been reduced as I
developed the idea further.
Ability to Execute on CSFs.
As I mentioned above, the management of public relations are crucial for the company
to achieve success, so it is necessary to form a team with great negotiation skills and
interaction in order to build strong relationships with our customers.
Connectedness Up, Down, Across Value Chain.
Connectedness with our customers is essential because as mentioned, a constant
interaction for the management of information is needed. Unlike connectedness with our
competitors, because we provide a service that could be handled as a pioneer in this region,
and may not be very good, but if we analyze it properly, at some point, we might form a
partnership to provide a more conventional service, if the client so requests.
Forecasting tools.
The forecasting tool that will be implement by the company to have an estimated of
the demand of the services that the company is going to provide, will be observation,
observation consist in the strategy of study the behavior patterns of the possible website users,
and based on this, predict their future consumer behavior, in the particular case of

6 this analysis will be made by observing how much resources does the
principal clothes brands and boutiques invest on publicity, and based on this, offer a lower
price than the other publicity companies.
Domestic Market Opportunities
The specific marketing strategies that the company will follow to offer customize
service is going to be a Collaborative Filtering strategy, this strategy is going to be
implement in the web site of the company offering the costumers costume outfits according to
their history of research and preferences, another strategy that will lead us to success, if its
implement in an efficient way, is the customization technique, this technique consist on the
possibility of led the costumers decide the specification of the product, is a
company with a market orientation always looking for the approval of the users of its
services. The advantage that this marketing strategies will give to the company are that, there
is no need of a big amount of resources to make this possible and the benefits that we can
obtain by the implementation of this techniques are many, the main one is: having very low
cost, compare with the traditional marketing strategies implemented by most of the business
in the region like newspaper announcements, T.V commercials or radio spots.
Foreign/Global Market Opportunities
Global opportunities for a website are endless, because on the internet there are no
boundaries, so it is very important to focus our efforts on the Internet positioning, to achieve
the greatest amount of exposure in this medium. Also we need social networks to establish
real contact with new customers and mainly new users of the website. In the long term, we
expect to provide this service not only to people of this region, but the entire country, and if
given the opportunity, other Latin American countries.

Business Environment Considerations
The Internet companies are the most environmentally conscious, compared to other
industries, as they manage their information primarily online, and their savings are substantial
in paper and other inputs that affect the environment. In the same way this company is also
aware with customers and we guarantee to offer quality service at the lowest price compared
to competition. As a pioneering service in this region, is possible that at the beginning our
target be reluctant to hire us, so we are going to handle a viral positioning strategy, only in
social media, in this way we will be environmentally responsible and at the same time, we
will get the attention of customers.
Ethical considerations
The first ethical implication, taking in consideration the scope of the business, is that
the company have an implicit compromise with the users of the web page, this compromise
consist basically on the issue that users of the web page will expect to find on the different
stores of clothes, the outfits they saw in the web site, the second ethical consideration that the
manager of this company will have to take special attention, is the fact that the business will
have to make business deals only with the clothes companies that have the same business
scope and values that we have, this is primarily to project an ethical and responsible image of
the company to the user of the services of the web page.
Cultural Aspects

The cultural aspects that must be considered, mostly related to the adaptation of users
to the Internet. Although for everyone this medium is necessary, most just limited to the use of
social networks, their use for questions or purchases is primarily used by younger and
cosmopolitan segment of society, and these are living mostly in large cities. In provincial
towns, like mine, we should employ a strategy to educate the public and to invite them to use
this medium to serve more, rather than just to entertain.
It is for this cultural barrier that my project has two stages, because the first will focus
primarily on fashion journalism and advertisings o that during that time the public can adapt
and thus win the trust of users, and with the time in the second step be able to diversify the
brand and provide the opportunity to buy everything they see on the site.
Business Life Cycle

Design: This is the stage where we are today and has been the development and
structuring of business, we have analyzed the market and several bugs have been solved to
make this venture a successful idea
Introduction: The Company will legally exist, with the purchase of the domain, the
website will be activated, and this will be the right time to capture more customers. The
relationships that come out of these contracts are very important, because the information they
provide us will work as site content, and this will guide the reputation of the website.

Growth: As we capture more customers, the site's content will be more diverse and
attractive for users also we could organize events and also take part in fairs and conventions to
strengthen the brand.
Maturity: When we reach maturity is when I hope to begin the second stage of the
company, which consists in becoming a selling point for our customers, giving them the
opportunity to expand their sales worldwide. I also hope to launch an exclusive line of
clothing with the website brand. Therefore we can get the most out of this brand.
Decline: The decline of the company relies heavily on technology, and how we adapt
to the constant changes in the Internet, we must be aware that 10 years ago there were no
social networks, and now we do not conceive the Internet without these we dont know what
will happen in the next 10 years but it is essential for the company to know how to read the
trends of this technology, to not become obsolete.


Mullins, J. (2010) The New Business Road Test: What Entrepreneurs and Executives

Should Do Before Writing a Business Plan, London: FT Prentice Hall.

Manktelow, J. (2012) Mullins' Seven Domains Model: Analyzing Business
Opportunities From:

Mullins, J. & Walker, O. (2010) Marketing Management. A Strategic Decision

Approach. New York, NY: Mc-Graw Hill.

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