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Spiral curves were originally designed for the Railroads

to smooth the transition from a tangent line into simple
curves. They helped to minimize the wear and tear on the
tracks. Spiral curves were implemented at a later date on
highways to provide a smooth transition from the tangent
line into simple curves. The highway engineers later
determined that most drivers will naturally make that spiral
transition with the vehicle; therefore, spiral curves are only
used on highways in special cases today.
Because they were used in the past and in special
cases today, we need to know how to calculate them. From
the surveyors perspective, the design of spiral curves has
already been determined by the engineer and will be
documented on existing R/W and As-built plans. All we have
to do is use the information shown on these plans to fit the
spiral curve within our surveyed alignment.

The introduction of the circular curve at the PC takes
place at a point but drivers and vehicles do not make
directional changes instantaneously.
It is also common practice in constructing curves on
highways to tip or superelevate the pavement downward
toward the inside of the curve to aid in the riding quality and
safety for vehicles navigating the curve. Again it is not
practicable or advisable to introduce the superelevation
instantaneously. If introduced on the tangent where it is not
needed, the driver must steer into it slightly with a negative
steering angle. If introduced all on the curve some area of
negative superelevation will generally result or the introduction
will be done so quickly that both the riding quality and the
visual attractiveness of the highway suffer.
A solution is to introduce both the curvature and
superelevation at a gradual rate using an easement curve that
gradually changes in radius from infinity to some finite value
where the associated circular curve begins. In short, a spiral
curve is required. There are a number of identifiable curves
that spiral, but their mathematical differences do not affect
their usefulness on highways.
The geometry of the spiral curve is more rigorous that
that of the circular curve and handbook tables are the usual

way of working out the deflection angles needed to lay out a

spiral curve in the field. The discussion has been worked out
with reference to Route Location and Design, 5th ed.,
Hickerson, Thomas F., New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964, for the
appropriate tables.
The spiral curve element generally selected by the
designer is the length of the spiral "ls". The choice is usually
made to introduce superelevation slowly enough so as not to
exceed certain relative slopes between pavement edge and
centerline grades. As a minimum, spiral curve lengths should
not be shorter than the distance covered in two seconds at
highway design speed.



What is delta backsight? It is the angle to turn from a

backsight point (TS in this case) to get tangent to the curve
(the red line is tangent to the curve). ...

What is delta forward? It is the angle to turn after you have

become tangent to the curve, to get to the next stake point
(SC in this case). ...


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