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Three years ago in my book Social media as watchdog this was among the opening paras

in the introduction:
One of the biggest challenges for students coming out of schools and colleges in India is not
remembering what they learnt but unlearning what they did. This is particularly true of
history courses. Much of our history taught in schools cannot exactly be described as
accurate. Designed as they were by left-leaning historians, the courses use an abundant
dose of imagination and distortion. Thus, students have to learn true history and facts only
outside of schools. The same experience is true for the whole population when they
encounter Mainstream Media.
Although Christians had their vast missionary agenda in India for centuries, the arrival
of Sonia Gandhi to power had seen an exponential growth in their activities, fake agitations,
conversion activities and joining hands with Commies to denigrate and attempt to destroy
Hindu culture, traditions, icons and beliefs. The Commies were already batting for the
Mughals. I thus called such history-falsifiers and anti-Hindu-culture group as Chrislamists.
The Commies have dominated our education policy-making and history writing for ages.
Their first job was to follow Nehrus act of glorifying temple-destroying Muslim rulers and
negating the atrocities committed by the Mughals on Hindus. In fact, according to the school
books that they concoct, Indian history begins only with the Mughals prior to that Indian
civilisation did not exist if you read such books. In my speech in the previous post
(Highways of our minds) this is a tweet I used because it stunningly describes the
savagery upon our innocent kids starting from Class-4:

The kids are almost led to believe that India was established by Mughal savages and under
Congress-UPA the savages were glorified even more. I am not sure what fools write such
nonsense but take a look at this page from a book:

(Please note: Books mentioned here are mostly privately published text books or guide
books and schools make their own choices of books but Boards usually prescribe specific
books too).
Oh yes, give the Commies and Congress another chance and another ten years, they
will rename Bharat to Babur. They will replace the Ashok Chakra. I am not joking
Sonia govt put the Roman Cross on our coins only to be discontinued after
protests. I doubt our current school books even teach children why this country is called
Bharat. That would be damaging to the Chrislamist cause, wouldnt it? Among the first to
challenge the skullduggery of these Commies was Arun Shourie in his classic book
Eminent Historians. I call them Distortians, a title that suits the liars much better. In
my post Commie medias anti-Hindu poison-part 2 I reproduced a sample from Shouries
book and this should show you how they blacked out the Mughal savagery:
Under the CPM govt in Bengal a circular dated 28 April, 1989 is issued by the West Bengal
Secondary Board. It is in Bengali, and carries the number "Syl/89/1" (For Class-9. Here
Aushuddho supposedly means impure and Shuddho is cleanse by alteration or by
Book : Bharatvarsher Itihash, by Dr. Narendranath Bhattacharya, published by Chakravarty &
Page 89 : Aushuddho - "Sultan Mahmud used force for widespread murder, loot, destruction
and conversion."
Shuddho - "There was widespread loot and destruction by Mahmud." That is, no reference to
killing, no reference to forcible conversions.
Page 89 : Aushuddho - "He looted valuables worth 2 crore dirham from the Somnath temple
and used the Shivling as a step leading up to the masjid in Ghazni."
Shuddho - "Delete 'and used the Shivling as a step leading up to the masjid in Ghazni.'"
Page 112 : Aushuddho -- "Hindu-Muslim relations of the medieval ages is a very sensitive
issue. The non- believers had to embrace Islam or death."
Shuddho -- All matter on pages 112-13 to be deleted.

Page 113 : Aushuddho - "According to Islamic law non-Muslims will have to choose between
death and Islam. Only the Hanafis allow non-Muslims to pay jaziya in exchange for their
Shuddho - Rewrite this as follows: "By paying jaziya to Allauddin Khilji, Hindus could lead
normal lives." Moreover, all the subsequent sentences "Qazi...", "Taimur's arrival in India..."
to be deleted.
Page 113 : Aushuddho - "Mahmud was a believer in the rule of Islam whose core was 'Either
Islam or death'.
Shuddho -- Delete.
Thus, you are given the eternal dose that Akbar was Great and the first Secular
leader. Aurangzeb had a road named after him apart from two cities that I know of. Is it any
surprise then that many adults with Hindu-sounding names considerAfzal Guru, Yakub
Memon or Maqbool Butt as martyrs? Is it any surprise that some of these students
describe Durga as a whore? And the media morons will tell you thats an alternative
reading of Durga. Laughable! Try an alternate reading of Islam or Mohammad You would
be dead. Forget Islam, would you consider reading an alternate reading of Jesus and Mary
Magdalene? Christians were out in protest against the DaVinci Code movie even though the
movie was fictional. Would you approve of the alternate reading of the virgin-birth analyses?
The Christian organisations occupy as much real estate as the Muslim organisations across
India. Most of their schools are funded by state govts. Yet, they teach Bible in the school. This
is from as early as Class-2; here you go:

I do not know about the practice now but earlier the missionary schools had a practice of
teaching their religion to Christian students while the others had the option of going to a
different classroom and learn Moral Science as the subject. There should be no problem in
every student learning the basic history of Jesus, Mohammad or Zoraster but where Hindu
kids are concerned, it is now the sole responsibility of their parents and family to teach them
their religion, ancestry and rich heritage. The Sonia-govt of 10 years ensured Christian
conversion activity is freely promoted, free access to schools by Jesus-salesmen from across

the world and even promoting tainted alleged journos as role-models. At least, there is some
comedy in this. This is a class-7 book that promotes Barkha Dutt:

So the Radiagate, Cabinet-berth brokering journo should be the role model for your kid. That
apart, her 26/11 reporting was a total sham, full of Bollywood histrionics as is all her
reporting. Her Kargil reporting still remains controversial. And her love for Pakistani cuisine
and Track-2 Flipomatic nonsense is what you should be teaching your kid according to the
book. But that is slightly less comic than a book that has this King of Comedy as the topic

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