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Offense man

Playname : 41

The basic rules of 41 are as follows:

1. Four guys out on the perimeter and one in the post unless
running a specific pick or play.

2. On each catch, FACE the basket STRONG and go to triple

threat position. Look for post and cutters and hold for two second
count if possible to give screens and post a chance to work.

3. Be AGGRESSIVE and ATTACK the basket with dribble

penetration and kickouts or post passes as the defense reacts.

1. Seal on the pass. Notice how 6 is in denial of 5 receiving the
pass from 1. But if 5 will continue to seal 6 on the pass from 1 to
3, 5 should be wide open for a layup or short jumper. See figure 1.

2. If no seal, then there are three options:

a) Backscreen. If 5 was unable to seal his man, then 3 can pass

back to 1, set up his man for a backscreen from 5. 5 will roll to
basket opposite of the wing's cut (wing goes low, post rolls high)
after setting the screen. See figure 2.

b) Backscreen then Downscreen. 5 steps out to backscreen the

wing, then downscreens for the wing coming back out.

c)Ballscreen. If 5 was unable to seal, then 5 can make an on the

ball screen for 3 while 3 still has the ball. Again, 5 should be
rolling to the basket.

Do not chase the ball, on ball swing stay on weakside for a 2-3
second count; then flash. Also, step away from defender on the
ball swing to eliminate the constant body on body battle, it should
make for better flashes.


Guard passes to Guard:

a) Screen away to wing on same side.

b) Basketcut and clear out to same side as wing fills in guard spot.
See figure 3.

On basketcuts; 1) Hesitate one count then take side (ball or

backcut) that defender allows (no wrestling match). 2) If post is
still weakside, then screen his defender.

Guard passes to Wing:

a) Screen away on other guard and continue screening to wing on

opposite side.

b) Basketcut and clear out to opposite wing side as everyone

shifts and fills. See figure 4.

On basketcuts; 1) Hesitate one count then take side (ball or

backcut) that defender allows (no wrestling match). 2) If post is
still weakside, then screen his defender.

Wing passes to Guard:

a) On Backscreen by post, go high or low off screen and then pop

back out on same side. See figure 5.

b) No Backscreen by post, Ballscreen for guard after passing back

to him.

Wing passes to Post:

Switch with guard on top and keep away from lane so defense
cannot help in the lane.

Additional Perimeter Options

Backdoor. 3 can make a v-cut to act like he is getting open, but

instead cuts hard backdoor. This should be done when the 5 is
not in the low post so his man cannot help.

Ballscreen by perimeter players. 1 passes to 3 and then goes and

sets a ballscreen pick on 7. 3 should be able to take the short

Ballscreens should be used the least because the defense is

seeing the ball and the screen at the same time.

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