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Department of English

Uses of Quotations in Bacons Essays

Prepared by :
Sariful Islam
ID: ELL- 100200809
submitted to:
MD. Mijanur Rahman,
Assistant professor,
Thesis Supervisor
Department of English,NUB

The article ultimately focuses on the style of Francis Bacons essays, primarily dealing
with Bacons uses of quotations in his essays. Almost all the essays of Bacon bear
witness to Bacons learned mind in the extensive use of quotations drawn from various
sources. Bacons uses of quotations serve his essays in many ways; highly influencing
his distinct style. This thesis paper attempts to analyze his techniques of using
quotations; describing the purpose the serve and the importance they hold in the
essays. And here at least five essays of Bacon have been used to provide examples for
the analysis.

Keywords: style; quotation.

A quotation is a group of words taken from a text or speech and repeated by someone other
than the original author or speaker. It may be used by a writer in his writings for a variety of
reasons: to illustrate the meaning or to support the arguments of the work in which it is
being quoted, to provide direct information the work being quoted, to pay homage to the
original author, to invite philosophical thoughts from the readers. Francis Bacon (15611626) is considered the father of English essays who has written a number of essays in
English. For writing his essays, he is highly praised as he is criticized. But there is no
denying opinion that his style of writing is outstanding. His essays have become a classic of
the English language and they owe this position, not so much to their subject matter, as to
their inimitable style and literary flavor. His prose style was suitable for all kinds of subjects
ranging from heaven to earth. Bacons style was completely different from the prolix
method that was used by his contemporaries like Hookers, Ascham, Lily and Ralgh.Bacons
essay style remains outstanding for several reasons. His uses of quotations are one of the
excellent qualities of his essays, which have a great influence in making his essays more
scholarly and convincing; they enriched his style while lending weight to his ideas and
impacting on his readers minds. The quotations used in Bacons essays are drawn from
various sources such as classic fables, the Bible, History, the ancient Greek and Roman
writers and the familiar collection of proverbs. Quotations are mainly used to illustrate and
support Bacons point of view or ideas; at times, he even gives his own interpretation of
quotations to make them fit the occasion; at times the quotations are rather inaccurate,
made to be more serviceable to him than the exact word have been; at times, the quotation
not only support the argument, but are themselves elucidated by the argument.

Uses of quotes in "Of Truth"

Bacon has used numerous quotations in his essay Of Truth. The essay begins very
strikingly with a quotation of Pilate, a Roman emperor What is
Truth(Pitcher,1985:61:1). Here Bacons implication that Pilate was not very serious about
the usefulness of truth is illustrated. Thus, Bacon also takes the advantage of setting the
discourse in motion by the quotation using at the outset of the essay.
Then, in order to discuss the attitude of the Church Fathers towards poetry, Bacon quotes a
Latin term vinum daemonum(Pitcher,1985:62:2) [the wine of devils]. As poetry fills the
readers minds with imagination, so they called it wine of devil.

Next, in the same essay Bacon gives a reference to Lucretius who belonged to the sect of
Greek philosopher (Epicureans), quoting excellent lines from him:
It is a pleasure to stand upon the shore, and to see ships tost upon the sea; a pleasure to stand in the window
of a castle, and to see a battle and the adventure thereof below: but no pleasure is comparable to the vantage
ground of truth, and to see the errors and wanderings, and mists, and tempests in the vale below;

The essayist quotes these lines with a view to illustrating the importance and the enjoyment
of searching for truth, for a man who knows the truth of the world gets the highest pleasure
in being enlightened and avoiding the errors and follies of the world. Bacon also supports
his conviction of the fact that the exercise of truth is the highest quality of human nature.
After that, to explain a liars lowest position and lowliness and the fact that a simple lie is
considered to be a serious sin, Bacon very appropriately says that A man lieth, is as much
as to say, that he is brave towards God and a coward towards men.
Here Bacon comes to explain a liars paradoxical position. This equation ultimately serves
his purpose of providing the fact that low of God is the low of Truth and telling a lie a man
appears to say what can God do to me? challenging His omnipotence or omniscience. And
finally Bacon draws the conclusion of the essay by a quotation from the Bible that when
Christ will come he shall not find faith upon the earth.(Pitcher,1985:63:9). So, such will be
the consequence if people divert themselves from the way of truth to that of false.

Uses of quotes in "Of Marriage and Single Life"

Bacon, in his essay Of Marriage and Single Life, discusses the characteristics of husbands
and wives of different categories and puts forward a balance sheet of assets and liabilities of
marriage and single life, where, in most cases, his arguments made very strong and
convincing by his excellent uses of quotations derived from many ancient philosophers.
When he talks about a serious mans behavior as a husband, Bacon quotes comments done
on Ulysses. For example, Bacon says that men of a serious bent of mind usually follow
conventions and are steady in their loves for their wives. The essays give evidence that
Ulysses was a highly serious man, of whom it was well said vetulam suam praetulit
immortalitati"(Pitcher,1985:82:10):[he preferred his old wife to immortality.]

So, this simple quotation supports his statement nicely.

Another excellent use of quotation is found when Bacon intends to reminds to the reader
about the disadvantages of getting married. Bacon quotes a very witty line from an ancient
wise man that made an answer to the question that when a man should marry- A young man
not yet, an elder man not at all.(Pitcher,1985:82:18).

The quotation here is so intelligently used that a reader may be in dilemma whether to
accept it or to deny. So, Bacons intention behind the use of this quotation is better be
interpreted as an encouragement for men to marry with accepting all the follies of it, rather

than a discouragement for them. Thus his uses of quotation lend weight to his idea, making
them more convincing and scholarly.

Uses of quotes in "Of Great place"

There are also very frequent uses of quotations in the essay Of Great place by Bacon. In
the essay, while talking about the difficulties a great position in an office hold and the
helplessness of men in great positions, Bacon quotes a line from Cicero. By quoting the line
Bacon supports his argument that a man in a great place would also suffers a great misery
even if he retires from his position in order to get freedom
Cum non sis qui fueris, non esse cur velis vivere"(Pitcher,1985:90:9) [when you are no longer what you have
been there is no reason for wishing to live].

The statement in the quotation obviously strengthens the argument given by the writer. The
quotation clearly explains the miserable condition of a retired man who once belonged to a
high position and has now withdrawn from his duty.
Then, in another point, Bacon says that a man in great fortune is a stranger to himself who
is too busy to take care of his own body and mind. Immediately, he defends it with a
quotation from Seneca: -Illi mors gravis incubat, quinotus nimis omnibus, ignotus moritus sibi"(Pitcher,1985:90:9)[Death falls heavy
upon him who dies too well known to others, but unknown to himself].

Surely, the quote from Seneca here elucidates Bacons own comment upon a man in great
place, at the same time the quotation itself being elucidated by the comment, lending weight
to each other.
Next, there is a quotation from the Bible that exemplifies Bacons affirmation that the
purpose of mans activities is to achieve good, and that the awareness of having done good
actions entitles a man to enjoy his rest. The quotation is
Et converses Deus ut aspiceret upera quoe fecerunt manus suoe, vidit quod omnia essent bona
nimis"(Pitcher,1985:91:9)[ and God turned to behold the works which his hands had made, and saw that they
were all very good.].

The quotation from Bible had made his points better convincing here.
In another point in the essay, Bacon argues that it is not proper to be influenced by personal
consideration and show favor to individuals because a man will readily violate rules for the
pettiest considerations.
Bacon makes his argument undeniable by supporting it with a firm quotation from
To respect persons is not good; for such a man will transgress for a piece of bread.(Pitcher,1985:92:19).

Uses of quotes in Of Friendship


The essay Of Friendship is another example of Bacons essays that contains abundant use
of quotations. At the very outset of the essay, for example, the argument is set in the motion
by a renowned quotation from Aristotle - Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or
a god. (Pitcher,1985:138:2)

Aristotles remark that a man who loves solitude is either a beast or an angel is according to
Bacon, only half true.
Bacon agrees that love of being isolated is indeed a symptom of a persons being beastly
nature. However, he criticizes that it can seldom be a mark of godliness, unless it is part of
the renunciation of the world for higher spiritual mediation.
Again, Bacon argues that solitude has a wider implication than what people believed it to
have. Bacon quotes a Latin adage:
Magna civitas, magna selitudoi"(Pitcher,1985:138:16)[A great city is a great solitude.]

The quotation here is also judged by the reasons put forward by the essayist: in a great town
friends are scattered.
In the essay there are a number of examples that bear Bacons wisdom and knowledge to
quote from many ancient writers. To exemplify the negative consequence of rising, Bacon
quotes the words of Pompey to the king Sylla:
Pompey said for that men adored the sun rising than the sun setting(Pitcher,1985:139:36)
in a tone of insolence and pride.
A similar type of example is available here that Augustus raised Agripa to such a high
position that Maneceas told him that he must either marry his daughter to Agripa, or take
away his life; there were no third way, he had made him so great.(Pitcher,1985:140:14).
The quotations from history are very effective in the essay to support and defend
affirmations very strongly.
Again, Bacon, in order to favor the fact that a man having no friend to disburden his heart
would be in a misery, mentions Comineus comment on Duke Charls The Hardy- that
closeness did impair and a perish his understanding.(Pitcher,1985:141:9).
Next, while Bacon discusses the advantages, he also reminds the readers now about the
negative effect of communicating ones heart to a friend by quoting Pythagoruss unpleasant
adviceFurthermore, Bacon amplifies it by saying that men want friends to open themselves unto
are cannibals of their own hearts.
Now, Bacon, in order to make a counterbalance, illustrates the condition of a friendless man
by quoting James marvelous opinion: (friendless men are those) that look something into
glass, and presently forget their own shape and favor.(Pitcher1985:143:9).

And finally, Bacon quotes an ancient saying just in order to emphasize the importance of a
real friend: that a friend is another himself.(Pitcher,1985:144:7).
So these are some of the excellent examples of Bacons uses of quotations in the essay "Of

Uses of quotes in Of Death

The essay Of Death, though not very lengthy essay, is full of quotations which Bacon
draws from history and ancient philosophers; their purpose being to support his arguments
and make them very impacting. Firstly, one of the arguments of Bacon in the essay, that
death may often be less painful than the extreme pain of a single limb, is followed by a
quotation by an ancient philosopher:
Pompa mortis magis terret, quam mors ipsa.(Pitcher,1985:64:13).
It implies that, it is rather the association that makes death look more fearful than the death
itself really is. In the next line Bacon interprets the quotation.
Secondly, Bacon affirms that many people incline to accept death without any fear of it in
some special occasions, and not only the brave but also many coward men can do so, Bacon
quotes Senecas opinion to illustrate his statement:
Cogita quamdu eadem feceris ; mori velle non tuntum fortis aut miser, sed etiam fastidious potest.

And Bacon now interprets the quotation in details.

Thirdly, Bacon quotes from history many lines to elucidate how the noble men accept their
deaths. Augustus Caeser died in a complement:
Livia, conjugii nostril memor, vive et vale.(Pitcher,1985:65:2).

Tacitus saith of Tiberius : Iam Tiberium vires et corpus,non dissimulatio, deserebant.

What Vespasian said in a tone of jest while dying is Ut puto dues fio.(Pitcher,1985:65:11)
Galba died with a command : Feri, si ex re sit populi Romani.(Pitcher, 1985:65:12).
Septimius Severus died in dispatch: Adeste si quid mihi restat agendum.
Here, with the help of a series of quotations showing how the noble men dealt with death,
Bacon tries to reinforce his attempt to remove or reduce the readers fear of death and the
quotations also help him to convince his points to the readers to a great extent. Bacon has a
tendency to give explanations immediately after he puts forward the quotation used in the
essay. Bacon quotes a philosophers line :

Qui finem vitae extremum inter munera ponat naturae.(Pitcher,1985:65:16).

Bacon regards a quot to be the sweetest canticle nunc dimittis(Pitcher:1985:66:1)[now
let me depart].Hence, it is clear that Bacon is of the openion that when a man has attained
his final goal he had better expect death now.
And finally, he proves that death is rather advantageous for men by the quotation
Extinctus amabitur edem,.(Pitcher,1985:66:3). [The same man ,envied while alive,shall be
loved once he is dead].
The three quotations mentioned above are highly influential in the essay to clarify Bacon's
statement having an excellent effect upon the readers minds.

A quotation is a group of words taken from a text or saying and repeated by another author
than the original author or speaker. The use of quotation is considered one of the influential
characteristics of a writer, largely enriching his style. Francis Bacon has shown extensive
uses of quotations in his essays, employing them with a craftsmanship, either to lend weight
to his ideas, or to explain and elucidate his points or to illustrate and support his point or to
defend his arguments, sometimes giving his own interpretations of them. This paper
attempts to analyze his different ways of using quotations, detecting their purpose and
importance in the essays.
ynt Cancer.
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