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Carlatan, City of San Fernando, La Union

I. Title of Activity Attended :

eHATID LGU Project: 2nd Regional Technical

II. Inclusive Date

III. Venue

Assistance Partners (RTAP) Training Workshop

April 22-23, 2015
Rm 203 Frank Lynch Hall


Institute of Philippine Culture

Ateneo de Manila University
IV. Synopsis of Training/Seminar:
The eHATID LGU Project: 2nd Regional Technical Assistance Partners (RTAP)
Training Workshop was conducted at Frank Lynch Hall, Institute of Philippine Culture, Ateneo
de Manila University on the 22nd to the 23rd of April, 2015. It was attended by other RTAP
nominees from the different provinces entire the country. The training workshop aimed to
provide a comprehensive background about the project, its purpose and other future research
endeavors; orient RTAP nominees from the different provinces in the country about the mobile
and web application; present and discuss the scope of work, activities to be conducted during
deployment and list of municipalities who engaged with the program; and conduct evaluative
examinations to RTAP nominees for final selection.
The eHATID LGU project is a health information system support for Local
Government Units (LGUs) through an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) that generates health
reports for the Department of Health (DOH) and the the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
(PhilHealth). It aims to improve efficiency and transparency among stakeholders using an
enhanced health information system (HIS) model that promotes convergence and informed

decision-making. This is a joint project of the Philippine Council for Health Research and
Development (PCHRD) of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), and the Institute
of Philippine Culture (IPC) and Ateneo Java Wireless Competency Centre (AJWCC) of Ateneo
de Manila University (ADMU).
The eHATID LGU Application (aka EHATID LGU App) is a software designed for
mobile android devices. Its main feature being able to keep an Electronic Medical Record
(EMR) that kept in sync with a central database via cloud service. The EHATID LGU App also
aims to conveniently provide analytical information about the health status of the local area of its
users as well as to have an integrated functionality within the LGU and between RHUs and other
government entities.
The eHATID LGU Project is a mobile application that uses an android phone/tablet as
its main platform. With the uses of such modern device, some people find it difficult to adjust
from paper to the utilization of modern technology, which is why the RTAPs were generated to
directly help the Municipal Health Officers (MHOs), the Local Government Units (LGUs) and
the other end-users of the system. The RTAPs are also expected to further orient and train the
LGUs that will be participating in the project and monitor the eHATID LGU application
During the first day of the training-workshop, they presented to us the overview of the
eHATID LGU Project, discussion of the RTAP engagement process, scope of work and activities
that the RTAPs will be conducting. And on the second day, the demonstration of the eHATID
LGU application was done. We were taught of the pre-requisites of the application, mobile
registration/application and web-based application.

Further, they elaborated to us how to

generate graphs and reports, alerts or notifications, FHSIS and PhilHealth reports, batch
uploading of data, health information system dashboard and basis troubleshooting.
The training-workshop was ended with a comprehensive examination that was given to

all the participants.

V. Three main points you have learned from the training/seminar that you can apply/adapt
to your job or current designated position:
1. The maximization and integration of the different forms of technology (mobile, laptop, etc)
in the provision of basic health services in the Rural Health Units (RHUs).
2. The facilitation of convenience, comfort and reliability to patients/clients seeking for
medical assistance for their health and other health-related concerns.
3. The creation of a Uni-wide Health Information System for the country to have a clearer
picture for the occurrences, possible causes/treatments and other relevant information of the
different emerging diseases which are needed for informed decision-making and facilitating
political involvement in health.
Prepared by
Dean, College of Nursing

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