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4:25 pm – 327 Graff Main Hall

April 6, 2010

Members: Joe Heim (absent), Kerrie Hoar, Becky LeDocq, Adrienne Loh, and Bart Van Voorhis
Visitors: Kathleen Enz-Finken, Scott Cooper and Ann Galbraith

1. Minutes from the March 30 SEC meeting approved.

2. Chair’s Report and Discussion:

a. APR will not have reports ready for the April 15 FS meeting.
b. Graduate Reading Program Discussion: The Reading program is part of the MEPD
program. FS voted to suspend all three tracks of the program due to lack of students
and faculty – retaining the ability to reinstate the program. Gary Wilhite would like to
request that one of the tracks be reinstated. The Provost has asked for information
showing that the is a need for and interest in the program before he gets too far into
his work. In addition, FS will also want information on why the track was suspended,
is it operable, and will there be enough students to keep the program viable.
c. Calendar Committee Discussion: The option with a fall break is just on a workable
option for the lab sciences. The Calendar Committee will meet with SEC on April 13
to discuss its findings. They will be bringing their work to FS for discussion. SEC will
also invite Dean Riley to speak on the impact to the lab sciences.

3. New Business:
a. Gen Ed Assessment Committee Discussion (Scott Cooper & Anne Galbraith):
i. What is the fate of the GEAC once its three year initial assignment is up
(Spring 2011)? There are three options:
1. Gen Ed could take over the work of the GEAC; however, this would
significantly increase the workload of the Gen Ed members. It would
also require that Gen Ed committee members have some experience
with assessment.
2. GEAC could continue to operate as a subcommittee of the Gen Ed
3. GEAC could become a standing committee. Is there enough work?
Yes, the workload of this committee is equal to or greater than most
standing committees.
ii. How will the Assessment Coordinator be involved if GEAC is a standing
committee? The AC starts on June 1 and will have several large projects
immediately upon hire (CLA and NESSE are both coming up next year) and
several individuals have already inquired about projects that they would like
the AC to be involved in. This said, however, a large portion of the AC job will
be to assist (and provide guidance to) the GEAC (or Gen Ed committee) with
Gen Ed assessment. The AC could also be appointed as a consultant on
either (or both) Gen Ed and GEAC.
iii. How do we respond to HLC directives?
1. The next round of data on SLOs is due on June 1. Can we compile this
data in such a way that we can get some viable assessment information
from it for the HLC report? Anne will contact someone involved with
LEAP to ask how others have used the data.
2. What exactly is HLC looking for in our report on how we are assessing
the Gen Ed program? The Provost will contact our liaison at HLC and
see if she can get some more details about this. Unfortunately, HLC
does not have a specific model as they don’t like to dictate exactly what
we should be doing.
3. SEC will being the process of solidifying GEAC as a standing
committee so that a decision on the fate of GEAC has been finalized as
the committee finishes out its third year.

4. Faculty Senate Meeting Agendas:

a. April 15:
i. Indirects Reallocation – continuation of discussion
ii. GEAC charge for next year
iii. 2nd readings for online course policies
iv. Calendar Committee feedback
b. April 29:
i. Cookie Day & Organizational Meeting
ii. APR Reports – Envir. Studies Minor, PT & PETE
c. May 6 (rather than May 13 since it is during finals week)
i. Remaining APR reports
ii. Finalization of 2012-13 academic calendar

Meeting adjourned at 5:55 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Kerrie Hoar, secretary

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