Economic Policies: Underwriting Bank Lending

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Economic policies



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Underwriting bank lending
Lib A 10% levy on bank profits until the system can be broken up
Con Installation of a National Loan Guarantee Scheme to underwrite bank lending to businesses
GP Regulate banking
Lib Would break up the banking system to ensure the taxpayer no longer underwrites high risk banking

Cost of the public sector

Con A public sector pay freeze for all public sector workers in 2011, except for those earning under £18,000
Lib Cuts in spending to include a cap of public sector pay rises to £400 for two years
Con Cut the cost of Whitehall and quangos by at least a third

Public sector pensions

Con Cap of public sector pensions at £50,000 per year

Con Introduction of a new programme for everyone who is unemployed

Child Trust Funds

Lib Abolition of the Child Trust Fund
Con Stop Child Trust Funds for 'better off' families. Continue for disabled children and the poorest one third of families.

Child Tax Credits

Con Would stop paying Child Tax Credits to those earning over £50,000

Benefits - unemployment etc

Lab New lone parents on income support will be required to seek work once their youngest child is seven…
GP Reduce poverty by introducing a Citizen's income
Lab backed up by the local availability of wrap around child care

State Pensions
GP Provide satisfactory pensions
Con Hold a review to consider bringing forward the planned rise in the state pension age

Social Care
GP Provide free social care for older people

Public investment
GP Invest in public transport and in waste management
Lab Increased spending to support British science and innovation
Lib Reallocation of £3.5 billion to 'job rich capital projects'

Defence spending
Lib Scrap unnecessary defence projects

GP Invest in renewable energy and energy efficiency

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Economic policies

LibGreater taxation of pollution

GP Provide free insulation for homes, schools and hospitals
GP Introduce green workforce training

House building
GP Create more affordable housing for rent

Skills and labour market

Con Build a new generation of technical schools, creating 100,000 new apprenticeships,
Con Funding 10,000 extra university places

Corporation Tax
UKIP Cut corporation taxes
Con Reduction of the headline rate of Corporation Tax from 28p to 25p as a first step to lower business taxes…
GP Introduce a Tobin tax on speculative currency exchanges
Con funded by a reduction in complex allowances
Con Reduce corporation tax to 20p for small businesses
Lab Reduction in the main rate of Corporation Tax

Employment Tax
Con Would abolish all tax on jobs created by new companies for two years after election.
Con Any new business started in the first two years after the election will pay no Employer National Insurance …
Con on the first ten employees it hires during its first year

Income Tax and National Insurance

Lab National insurance due to rise by a penny in the pound from April 2011, with the aim of reducing the deficit.
UKIP Simple Flat Tax (with National Insurance) starting at £10,000
Con Repeal the above rise for those earning <£45k, reducing burden on public sector and helping economic recovery.
Lib No income tax on first £10,000 earnt

Council Tax
Con Freeze on council tax for two years by reducing Government spending on Consultants and advertising

Mansion Tax
Lib Introduction of 'Mansion Tax'

Inheritance Tax
UKIP Scrap Inheritance Tax
Con Would raise the Inheritance Tax threshold to £1 million…
Con by charging a flat-rate levy on UK residents of foreign origin who are tax-domiciled offshore

Stamp Duty
Con Would take 9 out of 10 first time buyers out of Stamp Duty

Tax loopholes
GP Close tax loopholes

Small & medium enterprises

Con Reduction of the small companies' rate of Corporation Tax from 22p to 20p

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Economic policies

Employment Law
BNP Preference in the job market to be given to native Britons

Public finance responsibility

Con A new, independent, Office for Budget Responsibility…
To assess sustainability of public finances and hold the Government to account

BNP Break up of supermarket company monopolies

Bureaucracy put on business

Lab Reduction of administrative obligation on business

British ownership
BNP Restoration of British economy and land to British ownership

Employee ownership
BNP Encouragement of worker shareholder and co-operative schemes

Made in Britain
UKIP Re-enter Commonwealth and encourage UK manufacturing
BNP Selective exclusion of foreign-made goods from British markets and the reduction of foreign imports
BNP Ensure manufactured goods are wherever possible produced in British factories, employing British workers

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