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# 17

Elazegui, Monina J.

February 29, 2016

Med-Tech Education
The Effective Teacher

Learning conventionally involves a teacher and a learner. There is a giving end and a receiving. A
great factor in transmitting information and knowledge lies in the manner in which these were
communicated. In line with this, RobertsonDaviesoncesaid,Theeyeseesonlywhatthemindis
students,effectiveteachingisnotliketheonesizefitsallsock(Diaz,1997).With an effective teacher,
students are able to learn right away as the learning process was conducted smoothly and efficiently. As
discussed, an to become an effective teacher requires several personal characteristics and skills. Among
these, instructional competencies were given much emphasis.
In terms of these competencies, are the characteristics of a teacher that we need to emphasize?
Among the instructional competencies in becoming an effective teacher, much emphasis must be given to
the following: mastery of the methods, strategies, approaches, and technique of teaching; mastery of
medium of instruction; mastery of educational psychology; mastery of the techniques of motivation; and
mastery of the art of questioning.
Mastery of the methods, strategies, approaches, and technique of teaching:
This instructional competency creates a great influence on the teaching process because the way the
student perceives certain concepts lie on the manner in which these were transmitted unto the learner.
In order to build the ideal character of a teacher, the following aspects must be obtained:
The teacher must constantly be willing to research more about the subject matter in order to
fortify ones understanding to vividly explain it to the students.

The teacher must be aware of the several teaching methods and select the most appropriate one
depending on the subject matter or topic

Upon utilizing a visual aid, the teacher must back up what is flashed on the screen with an
explanation, breaking the information down or simplifying it in order for the learners to understand

Mastery of medium of instruction:

This instructional competency plays a great role in the transmission of the knowledge. It is through the
medium of instruction that the learners understand what the teacher is saying. If the students can
comprehend things in English better than in Filipino, the teacher must adjust to that and explain it in

In order to build the ideal character of a teacher, the following aspects must be obtained:
The teacher must be able to switch to different languages (in which he/she is fluent in) at once
and express the same thought

The teacher must able to utilize the appropriate visual aids to simplify and illustrate the lesson.

The teacher must be possess the right amount of spontaneity by giving side stories and other
examples to support the concept being discussed but not straying away from it.

Mastery of educational psychology

This instructional competency serves as a guide in teaching through making the teachers aware of the
different factors for facilitating learning such as learning by doing, reinforcement, discipline, how to deal
with individual differences, etc. With these in mind, the teacher has now a vision of the direction one will
take in the teaching process, founded by these principles.
In order to build the ideal character of a teacher, the following aspects must be obtained:
The teacher must be aware of the classroom setting and must be familiar with how the class
behaves and how a student conventionally reacts to certain requirements.
The teacher must be able to exemplify what one is teaching and give true to life examples or
concrete examples.
The teacher must be able to relate the reading materials and supplementary texts efficiently to the
topic being discussed
The teacher must treat the students with fairness and be reasonable in giving requirements and
The teacher must avoid giving negative connotations and punishments regarding the outputs to be
submitted in class. Reinforcement must be emphasized, and not punishment.
Mastery of the techniques of motivation
This instructional competency becomes the fuel or gasoline to the vehicle towards learning. A student
who is stimulated and engaged to learn will possess the willingness to understand, go further and apply
what has been taught to him/her. This may also contribute to a longer attention span and a greater
capacity to absorb information.
In order to build the ideal character of a teacher, the following aspects must be obtained:
The teacher must give incentives upon accomplishing a very difficult task or scoring a good grade
in an exam. This reward motivates the students and gives then the drive to strive for more as they can
continue doing better.

The teacher must not dwell on punishing the students. Instead, reinforce the proper mentality in

The teacher must take time to evaluate and know the students interest. It is through this that one is
able to incorporate the interests and whatever easily catches their attention into the lesson proper in
order to make the lesson interesting at their end.

Note that the teacher should have a goal of making the students realize that the ultimate reward is
to learn and use that knowledge to grow as a person and do ones role in serving society and not just
for the sake of attaining high grades.

Mastery of the art of questioning.

This instructional competency emphasizes the more important type of questioning which is asking
questions that will develop critical and analytical thinking.
In order to build the ideal character of a teacher, the following aspects must be obtained:
The teacher must keep in mind that when a student answers a what question, it doesnt mean to
say that the student is already capable of explaining the why of things or how that answer came to be.

The teacher must be quick enough to come up with follow-up questions to put the students on
their feet and think on the spot.

The teacher must be able to make the students think out of the box by allowing them to apply
objective questions into certain case-scenarios and their daily life.

Albert Einstein once said, It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and

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