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7012- Human resource planning

• Defining the topic
o Human resource planning is the process for ensuring that
the human resource requirements of an organization are
identified and plans are made for satisfying those
• Global overview on HRP
o Human Resource Planning determines the human
resources required by the organization to achieve its
strategic goals
• Introduce the organization e.g.
o The organization that I have chosen for this assignment is
organization X. Organization X is a retails giant that.....
o HRP at organization X is a much emphasized area and...
• Develop a structure e.g.
o In this assignment first I would try to explore how HR plan
supports organization X’s strategic objectives. Then I will
discuss.... Finally I will conclude my work by
1.1 Assess the strategic importance of current, future and
anticipated HR requirements
• Organization’s strategic capability e.g. the ability of the
organization X to achieve long term goals
o Resource capability i.e. financial resources, material
resources and human resources
o Organization’s mission, values, image as a resource
o Human resources i.e. people’s skills and competence as a
main strategic capability

• Putting together an HR strategy

o The meaning and scope of a business strategy e.g.
Business strategy is concerned with achieving competitive
o Strategic integration/alignment/fit, i.e. linking HR and
business strategies e.g. business strategy is cost cutting
and subsequent HR strategy is redundancy.
• Strategic importance of HR requirements
o Current HR requirements and its importance e.g. number
and type of people required to meet current targets
o Future and anticipated requirements and its importance
e.g. number and type of people required to achieve future

1.2 Analyse how HR planning impacts on the strategic plan

• Organization’s strategic plan

o The strategic plan of organization X is..........
• The process of HR planning
o Analyzing information for HR planning, demand
forecasting, supply forecasting, analysis of internal
movements, succession planning etc.
• Components of HR plan
o Organization and structure plan, employee utilization
plans, learning and development plans, performance
management and motivation plans, reward plans,
employee retention plans and communication plans.
• Impact of HR plan on strategic plan
o How an organization’s strategic plan is influenced by HR
plan e.g. if HR plan is timely and effectively prepared it
helps the organization to achieve its long term goals

2.1 Evaluate the current legal requirements influencing a HR plan

• Fairness in recruitment and selection

o Unlawful discrimination in , for example, writing job

descriptions and personal specifications, advertising,
devising an application form, short listing, interviewing ,
testing and final selection

• Fairness and protection during employment

o Employee rights, for example, maternity rights, adoption

rights, parental leave, paternity leave and pay, emergency
leave, right to request flexible working etc.

• Leaving the organization

o Fair and unfair reasons for dismissal

o Dismissal and reasonableness

o Constructive dismissal

2.2 Describe a process for recruitment and selection of new staff

(external candidates) that complies with current legislation and
organisation requirements

• Legal and organizational requirements for recruitment and selection

e.g. legal requirements are fairness equal opportunity etc. in
recruitment process whereas organizational requirements are
demands for replacements or for new jobs, shortage of staff etc.
• Recruitment process
o Planning how to find and attract candidates
o Defining requirements
o Writing job descriptions and personal specifications
o Advertising the vacancy
o Reviewing the effectiveness of recruitment
• Selection process
o Sifting applications
o Short listing candidates
o Selection, interviewing and testing
o Contract of employment
o Inducting new employees
3.1 Discuss how organisational culture affects recruitment and
retention of staff

• Organizational culture
o According to Shein (2004), Organization culture is “ basic
assumptions and beliefs that are shared by members of an
organization, that operate unconsciously and define in a basic
taken for granted fashion.”
• Effect of organizational culture on recruitment
o For example power culture in an organization will breed use of
power in recruitment process
• Effect of organizational culture on retention
o For example person culture may have an adverse effect on the
retention of less privileged group of employees

3.2 Assess work life balance issues and the changing patterns of
work practices

• Work life balance issues

o What is work life balance and its importance e.g. work life
balance is the equilibrium between the amount of time and
effort a person devotes to work and that given to other
aspects of life

o Benefits of better work life balance arrangements e.g.

Higher productivity, competiveness etc.

o Problems with work life balance arrangements e.g.

additional cost, take up gap etc.

o Setting up work life balance arrangements e.g. Flexible

working hours, Career breaks etc.

• Changing work practices

o what are changing work practices and their importance
e.g. new and flexible ways of working to make the best use of
staff and other resources

o Causes to changes to working patterns e.g. Demographics,

Diversity issues etc.

o Impact of changes to working practices e.g. Increased

retention, Improved recruitment etc.

o Problems with flexible work practices e.g. line manager’s


4.1 Identify the process to be followed in a grievance situation

• Employee informing you of the grievance
• Calling him/her to a meeting
• Investigating the grievance
• Making a decision
• Offering the right to appeal

4.2 Describe the stages of a discipline issue that results in


• Defining dismissal
o Employer terminating employees job with for a particular
• Investigating the matter thoroughly
• Sending out a letter to employee to come to a meeting
• Holding a meeting
• Making a decision including any sanctions- first written warning,
final written warning and dismissal
• Offering the right of appeal
4.3 Explain the role of ACAS, Employment Tribunals and other
external agencies that could be involved in grievance, discipline and
dismissal processes

• Role of ACAS in grievance, discipline and dismissal process

o ACAS (Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service ) is an

agency that provides advice and guidance , mediation ,
conciliation etc. on employment issues

• Role of employment tribunals in grievance, discipline and

dismissal process

o Employment tribunals are independent judicial bodies

which resolve disputes between employers and employees

• Role of other external agencies in grievance, discipline and

dismissal process

o Equality and human rights commission that deals with all

aspects of equality and discrimination

o Information commissioner’s office is the UK’s independent

authority set up to promote access to official information
and to protect personal information

o Health and safety executive has a mission to prevent

death, injury and ill health in the UK


• Summary of the assignment e.g.

o In this assignment I have tried to explain how HR plan at

organization X supports its strategic objectives. I have also
made an effort to.....

• Final impression with a tinge of exploring new avenues e.g.

o Though Human resource planning at organization X is an

important activity that supports the strategic objectives of
the organization, yet in the wake of global economic,
demographic, social, and technological changes there is a
dire need to inculcate some strategic changes in some of
the above discussed areas that form the basis of HRP.

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