Social Discovery: TV's Lessons For Music

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Issue 241 | 15 April 2010

Music Ally was back in Cannes this week for Also in this issue:
MIPTV, which is to the TV biz what Midem is
to the music industry. Some of the similarities PAGE 4:
were striking. The Pirate Bay is well and truly Nokia's next moves »
on the industry's radar as a villain; and in the
UK at least, the Digital Economy Act is being PAGE 5:
welcomed by the industry. Indeed, Sky's UK UK OK: why Britain
boss Jeremy Darroch referred to both in his is bucking global

This report is registered to: joacotroniks Joaquin Fernandez

keynote speech at the show. sales trends »
There's also just as much fierce chatter in PAGE 9:
the TV industry about new platforms and
Market profile:
business models as there is in the music
Sweden »
industry, and an equally tense debate around
free versus paid. Producers and broadcasters PAGE 11:
are increasingly unhappy about purely The Digital Economy
ad-supported business models: there is Act: so what happens

Social discovery:
discernible pressure on video portal Hulu to next? »
introduce a paid option, while über-producer
Ben Silverman complained about Google and
other big web firms in his keynote, saying

TV's lessons for music

“they're not yet ready to pay for what we do
in a premium way.” PAGE 7:
At points, if you closed your eyes, it could Digital stats »
have been Midem again. There was even a PAGE 8:
90-minute media futurism session from Gerd Dealtracker »
It's easy to think the TV industry is behind music on the Leonhard. However, one area that we found
really interesting – and possibly useful in
digital adoption curve. But actually, it's catching up fast the context of music – was the buzz around

– in part because TV companies are learning from the harnessing social media as a discovery tool
for TV shows, and as a way to interact with
experiences of labels over the past decade. There are them in real-time. The Report is the copyright of
Music Ally Ltd and may not be
Some examples. Twitter launched its Twitter distributed, copied or reproduced
even areas where music can learn from TV's example. Media Hub this week: a site with case studies otherwise without permission.
COVER STORY the REPORT | 15 April 2010 | Page 2

viewing' tool. It's a bit like a Foursquare for TV between a range of initiatives. of partnerships with Facebook and Twitter
shows, in that people check in to whatever that the TV broadcasters and producers are
You can see it in WaTunes, the US digital
show they're watching, comment on it and putting in place.
music store that's based entirely on
read the comments of their friends and the
Facebook, allowing people to see what their The overriding theme at MIPTV, though,
wider community. A rating system means
friends are purchasing. The company has just was that engaging with social media is
the funniest and most insightful comments
signed a licensing deal with Warner Music definitely not a one-way process: it's about
bubble to the top. They then fed back to the
Group, having already signed up Universal conversation rather than just broadcasting.
broadcaster or producer of the show in real-
Music Group and EMI. You can also see it to a To relate this to music, it's not just about an
time, to be used on-screen if they want.
different degree in mflow, the just-launched artist tweeting or posting video updates. It’s
Starling says it's trying to filter and make UK digital music store that revolves around about trying to tap into the conversations
sense of the enormous number of online social recommendations and rewards. that fans are having around an album or
comments about TV shows, for both viewers song, making sense of those tweets to invite
You can also see it in Apple's growing
and broadcasters. Again, switch 'albums' or more people into the conversation, and
partnership with Facebook, having launched
of how broadcasters and other media 'artists' for 'TV shows', and you can see the perhaps also feeding them back into your
official applications on the social network
companies are using Twitter effectively to potential for someone to do a similar thing own artist website.
for both iTunes and the App Store. There has
engage with their audiences. Its director of for music.
been speculation in recent weeks that this The other interesting thing about Starling
media partnerships – yes, Twitter has one
This stuff is happening first in TV because relationship could deepen more, possibly is its reward structure, with users gaining
of those, and has done since early in its
comments tend to cluster around live events through Apple integrating the Facebook points for voting up comments or having
history – said that the service is becoming
– people tweet about X Factor, the Super Connect API into iTunes itself so people could their own comments become popular. As a
“the way people find what they want to watch
Bowl or American Idol during a specific time share details of their purchases and reviews. result, the producers of these shows will be
and what they want to read”. She didn't add
period when they're airing. It isn't something Needless to say, any such move could have able to see at a glance who their 'super-fans'
“and what they want to listen to”, but the
that applies so much to music with the big (negative) implications for the likes of are – a good base for any future social media
implication was clear.
possible exception of major events like the WaTunes and mflow. campaigns.
Twitter wants to help 'flock' viewers to shows, BRITs or MTV’s Europe Music Awards and
This use of social media to drive Companies like Starling will surely spring
so why not also help flock them to albums Video Music Awards; although it is arguable
conversations around music can also be up with a more musical focus, and probably
or tracks? The difference is that it's actively these examples are TV events first and music
seen in the partnerships companies like soon. It seems that Twitter and Facebook
working with broadcasters, more so than it events second.
Ustream are signing with labels and artists. are also keen to forge closer partnerships
is with labels. For now. Facebook also talked
There's a more general issue here, though: These typically involve webcasts alongside with content owners. As Twitter's director
about its partnerships with broadcasters
the idea of tapping into what's known as which fans can chat about what they're of media partnerships Chloe Sladden said
during MIPTV – and it seems to be doing
the social graph – people's friends and the watching, and push their comments back this week: “Your audience is on Twitter and
more directly with these companies than
conversations they're having with them – in to Facebook or Twitter, raising awareness already talking about your content. There is
with record labels.
order to drive awareness of content, be it TV of that particular event and thus driving a conversation and it's happening naturally.”
Another example: a new mobile application shows or music. And this IS something that's more usage. This stuff is happening in music, The question is how to tap into it most
called Starling, which is described as a 'co- happening in the music industry, spread although labels have yet to establish the kind effectively.
DIGITAL FORTNIGHT the REPORT | 15 April 2010 | Page 3

Over the last two weeks

we loved… and we learned…
It sold 300,000 units on its first day but the iPad’s UMG has got into social gaming with a Conduit Labs deal. Remember those articles
appeal to the music industry remains to be seen. we wrote about what the music industry can learn from Farmville? Universal Music

Group clearly has its eye on the social games market as it's signed a deal with Conduit
On launch day analyst firm Piper Jaffray surveyed Labs to license its music for the company's range of Facebook games. Tracks by the likes
people buying an iPad on what they planned to of Lady Gaga, Lil’ Wayne and Black Eyed Peas will be sold as virtual items within games.
use the device for. Just 8% said music, compared We think Music Pets in particular is worth keeping an eye on, with over a million sign ups
in its first month.
to 18% for games and apps, 26% for video and 38%
for e-books. So? The earliest iPad adopters might The UK's Digital Economy Bill was passed featuring a controversial site-blocking

not be music buffs (or might have another device clause. An amendment to clause 8 will allow the secretary of state for business to
order the blocking of a site "which the court is satisfied has been, is being or is likely to
fulfilling that role), but this may change as other be used for or in connection with an activity that infringes copyright". It's the “is likely
music services join Pandora, Shazam and Muziic to” which is already causing a rumpus. MPs protested about the lack of time available
in providing support. to debate it – the last 42 clauses were rushed through in five minutes.

It was great to see a double dose of fan Telecom and Deutsche Telekom want The iPhone OS 4 is ready and could pose a dilemma for music marketers. Apple
empowerment delivered by pop stars this Google to share its advertising revenues

previewed its next-generation iPhone OS and there was plenty to ponder for the music
fortnight. Firstly Mary J Blige released a with them. This is because they have to industry. Particularly the addition of iAd, its mobile advertising network. The iAds are
motivational iPhone app called ‘Strength bear the bandwidth load of delivering effectively mini-apps that sit inside other apps, offering video and interactivity. They
In Words’ that’s been designed to be YouTube video content to customers. could present an interesting dilemma for music marketers: rather than spend money
“inspirational” for her fans. This involves "These guys are using the networks and creating artist apps, they may divert that budget towards iAds in other popular apps.
daily nuggets of wisdom from Mary and a they don't pay anybody," says Telefonica
‘Living Better’ checklist to encourage some chairman Cesar Alierta. Meanwhile, France Twitter has unveiled its advertising strategy. Twitter described it 'Promoted Tweets'
initiative as "ordinary Tweets that businesses and organizations want to highlight

further ‘can do’ attitude. Similarly, Alicia Telecom boss Stephane Richard was keen
to a wider group of users". An important element is what Twitter is describing as
Keys launched a new website entitled I Am to link the telcos' complaints with those of 'resonance': "if users don't interact with a Promoted Tweet to allow us to know that
Superwoman that promises to “ignite super content providers. "Today, there is a winner the Promoted Tweet is resonating with them, such as replying to it, favouriting it, or
women with empowering content”. who is Google. There are victims that are Retweeting it, the Promoted Tweet will disappear."
content providers, and to a certain extent,
Finally, it was great to see some ISPs
network operators. We cannot accept this." From the archives… (click to view archives)
fighting the corner of content providers.
European telco firms Telefonica, France Issue of 15 October 2009 Now we say...
We revealed figures leaked to us that showed Last week, Nokia brought CWM to China to
Nokia’s Comes With Music (CWM) was seriously offer unlimited downloads stripped of DRM.
“A few of you have been a total pain in the ass” struggling. Across eight markets, it had only
signed up 107,000 users. Confused messaging
While CWM may continue to struggle in western
countries, its focus on developing markets like
Quote meant it faced a challenge in the west but we Brazil and China could prove the ace in its pack.
Outgoing head of Amazon’s digital music arm Scott Ambrose Reilly is
of the said it could prove an “important stepping stone Of course, China is wracked with piracy, but a
leaving to run the company’s Kindle division but is not sad to no longer into a legal environment for consumers in the major brand like Nokia coming in with a brave
have to deal with the music industry. piracy-ravaged developing markets”. music solution should be applauded.
TRENDWATCH the REPORT | 15 April 2010 | Page 4

Nokia's next moves

2009 wasn't such a happy year for Nokia: Comes With popular handsets, and that the 10 most active recent weeks that Nokia may be planning
countries (in alphabetical order) are: China, to launch its own tablet as a rival, later this
Music struggled, its Ovi Store was criticised for its poor user Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Russia, Saudi year. Analyst Ashok Kumar claimed that
experience and its touchscreen handsets were compared Arabia, Turkey, the UK and Vietnam. Check Nokia's supply chain is “being primed up
negatively to Apple's iPhone. However, the company is nothing the emerging markets in that list: there's for a Fall release”, while games company
evidence that Nokia's store is gaining traction Fishlabs let slip this week that it's working on
if not durable, with a number of recent announcements in and in the parts of the world that iPhone isn't. a game with Nokia “featuring OpenGL ES 2.0
around the music field (and elsewhere). graphics for a large screen”. Nokia's move
iPad-killer? into the tablet market would be no surprise,
Comes With MP3 Music already launched. What the Indian name
While Nokia continues to take the fight to
but it won't be alone in seeking to challenge
change shows is that Nokia is keen to focus Apple. Alongside the above speculation,
Comes With Music's launch alone in China its music activities more tightly under its Ovi Apple with its touchscreen phones, the
there's just as much chatter about Google's
would be significant – just because of its services brand. The strategy was trailed in battle could shift later this year to connected
plans to launch a tablet – while its Android
location. China is huge and so is its piracy January when Nokia launched the Ovi Music tablets. Apple's iPad has sold more than
OS is being used by other companies for
problem. Nokia continues to be an extremely Store in Russia, rather than using the 'Nokia 500,000 units in the US alone so far, but
their own slate devices.
popular handset vendor there, so its launch Music Store' name. But, in a further twist, it there has been increasing speculation in
of a legal service is a big deal. However, the seems that Nokia WILL implement that name
really interesting point is that China is the change to those stores around the world.
first country to get a DRM-free version of In short: Comes With Music services won't
Comes With Music, where its catalogue is change name, but Nokia Music Stores will.
available as MP3s. It's an essential move, Geddit?
given that the main competitor is equally
DRM-free piracy. It does raise the question of Ovi Store growth
when (or indeed whether) labels will agree
to let Nokia switch to MP3 in other countries Since its much-maligned launch last year,
around the world. Nokia has been steadily improving its Ovi
Store. It's still not as slick as iPhone's App
Re-re-brand Store, but it's hugely improved compared
to its initial form. This week, the company
In some markets, Comes With Music isn't, dished out new stats on the store's
well, Comes With Music. The all-you-can- performance. More than 1.6m pieces of
eat service is being rebranded as Ovi Music content are being downloaded a day – that's
Unlimited in India, for example. After that apps, but also ringtones and wallpapers – and
news was revealed recently, however, Nokia the average Ovi Store user downloads 8.5
confirmed that it wouldn’t be changing the pieces of content a month. More than 9,500
brand in countries where the service has content items are available for Nokia's most
FEATURE the REPORT | 15 April 2010 | Page 5

why Britain is bucking global sales trends
Recently Billboard reported that, music industry were doing “pretty bloody
for the first time in US digital music well” and estimated that the licensing sector “A quarter of music is free at the point of
history, sales were down (sliding accounts for a quarter of all revenue, with live
music bringing in 38% (£1.4bn) and recorded
consumption, but compensation is taking
in Q1 2010 compared to Q1 last
year). It’s a landmark figure, but is
music 36% (£1.3bn). place. That section of the industry is at best
it worrying? More importantly, is it This is borne out by PRS for Music’s recent
announcement that its B2B revenues were
misunderstood and at worst completely ignored
globally applicable?
According to Billboard, US sales declined
up by 14% in 2009 (£491m). Moreover, PPL by influential people such as policy makers”
announced on Monday that it had collected
to 312.4m units, down nearly 1% from the record international revenues of £21.6m, a Will Page, PRS for Music
315.4m units scanned last year during the rise of 40% on 2008.
first quarter. This is the first quarter-on-
“A quarter of the music is free at the point
quarter decline since digital track sales were chain had also been closed down. value to £1.129bn according to ERA – by the
of consumption, but compensation is taking
first reported. The natural assumption is decline in sales in compilations. Moreover,
place,” Page told delegates. “That section of “One in five CDs were purchased from stores
that digital has either matured or flatlined, sales of artists featured on TV talent shows
the industry is at best misunderstood and in 2008 which didn’t exist in 2009,” Page
depending on your glass-half-full-or-glass- are credited with maintaining unit sales.
at worst completely ignored by influential says.
half-empty outlook.
people such as policy makers. Be wary of “Many of the biggest albums [of 2009] are
On a more optimistic note, he said that last
Yet the UK is fairing better than most, generalisations – it’s not just about CDs and TV-driven. In an increasingly fragmented
year saw the Game and Waterstones chains
according to PRS chief economist Will Page. downloads. And don’t generalise about media landscape, TV has greater impact and
stock CDs for the first time, while HMV
Speaking at the Wide Days conference in markets around the world – it’s not just about power,” explains Martin Talbot, MD of the
launched its pop-up stores.
Edinburgh last Thursday, Page cautioned what is happening in America.” Official Chart Company.
And Kim Bayley, the DG of ERA, believes that
against doom mongering and suggested that It’s an interesting point. Given the global “Susan Boyle is a perfect example of an
other retailers were quick to fill the gap left
the UK was bucking the trend when it came interest in Spotify, Comes With Music and act which is hitting a demographic which
by Woolworths and Zavvi.
to sales of recorded music. ISP-funded music models, the fact that a doesn’t buy more than one album a year,” he
quarter of all music income in the UK now “It’s hard to know exactly where the continues. “There will be a lot of people who
According to figures supplied by the
comes from sources other that the point of Woolworths sales went, but I suspect that bought that album who wouldn’t dream of
Entertainment Retailers’ Association (ERA),
consumption (i.e. the music consumer) is it was mostly to the supermarkets, while going into a record shop.”
revenue for sales of music (including music
worth a second look. in Zavvi’s case it was a combination of the
video) was almost static at -0.8% in the last The ease with which British consumers
internet and HMV,” she said.
year, totaling £1.313bn for 2009. Explained in Page also underlines that 2009 sales in the can purchase music – both digitally and
unit sales, the results are even better – with UK are particularly impressive given that the While the BPI is still compiling sales data for in the high street – is widely attributed to
only a 0.6% decline, the equivalent of 154.8m year began without significant retail chains 2009 (due to be published this summer), maintaining sales, and Page suggests this is
units. Woolworths and Zavvi (formerly Virgin there is a broad consensus that artist album why the UK is fairing better than the US.
Megastore), while most stores in the Fopp sales were brought down – slipping 3.8% in
Page indicated that certain areas of the “I think it’s fascinating that Manhattan doesn’t
UK OK: why Britain is bucking global sales trends the REPORT | 15 April 2010 | Page 6

have a high street record store left since a lead album review in NME and a five star Record label income by sector
Virgin on Time Square closed last year,” he review in Q, with the same level of profile
maintains. “Supply creates its own demand.” and promotion, are selling much less than
what they once were,” he says. “You might be
ERA’s Bayley concurs, but suggests that
achieving the same level of profile, but what
the trend is moving towards a “short tail”
you are getting back is far less than what you
whereby a decreasing number of hit albums
used to get.”
make up a significantly larger proportion
of sales. “The top 200 albums account for Nevertheless, acts at this level are
approximately half of all album sales,” she increasingly able to tap into online
says. “Many consumers do not have access opportunities – not just in terms of selling
to the long tail product.” their music, but also in terms of the
consumer data provided by aggregators.
This reflects the limited stock carried by
This, in turn, can be used for marketing.
supermarkets, which tend to base their
selection on the top 100. And it puts the With ERA reporting that digital album sales
role of the independent bricks and mortar are up to £119.1m (56.1% in value) for 2009,
record shop under increasing pressure, there is increased potential for artists and
which, according to Bayley, has the potential labels, not least because the decline in
to impact on breaking new acts which don’t physical sales is a relatively manageable 8%,
appear on TV talent contests. down to £1.01bn.
“Independent retailers have a very important Although statistics which allow for direct
place in the market as they help drive new comparison with the US and UK are not yet
talent,” she says. available, Nielsen SoundScan figures for
the first quarter of 2010 cited by Billboard,
The problem, of course, is that the
indicate that US digital declined for the first Source: PRS for Music
independent retail sector has been massively
time since the launch of iTunes in 2003,
hit in recent years. ERA reports that there
down 1% to 312.4m units.
were 734 independent stores in the UK in
suddenly sounds impressive,” he concluded. out. Nevertheless, he believes that the UK
2005 but this has shrunk to just 269 last year. Page points out that it makes little sense
still boasts certain advantages.
simply aspiring to the US model where one in While Adam Liversage, BPI director of
Talbot adds that anecdotal evidence from
five of sales of recorded music are digital. communications, welcomes the rise in “Our consumption of music remains pretty
labels suggests medium-selling artists are
licensing opportunities offered by the high on a per capita basis,” he says. “We have
bearing the brunt of changes in retail and “That tells you more about the collapse in the
likes of Guitar Hero and The Beatles Rock the advantage of enjoying all the repertoire
consumer habits. five than the growth in the one. Perhaps it
Band game, he cautions against premature of the US and everything we produce as well.
should be one in 10, but because the physical
“An act who 10 years ago might have got optimism with regards to sales bottoming So it’s the best of both markets.”
market has collapsed [in the US], one in five
TOOLS the REPORT | 15 April 2010 | Page 7

Online Mobile
Pandora – registered users Global music video streams Platform % popular apps Median app
paid for price ($) price US smartphone market share,
50m Current users 40m Users at start of 2010 Country % of streams
iPhone 57 6.00 February 2010
US 40
2m Users added in 25 days – or 80,000 new users per day Japan 10
BlackBerry 33 2.72
Source: Pandora, April 2010 UK 9 Android 16 2.00 9 BlackBerry

Video – fan engagement, January 2010 Germany 3 Source: Mplayit, March 2010
15.1 Windows Mobile
Source: TubeMogul, April 2010 % of US mobile users...
Video Streams Videos watched Google’s
streamed on... (millions) in their entirety Playing games 21.9 25.4
Android OS
Vevo 226 12% Social networking 18.0
Artist & label sites 25 29% Listening to music 13.1 Source: comScore, April 2010
Source: TubeMogul, April 2010 Source: comScore, April 2010

Financials Social networking Sales

US broadcast royalties, Q1 2010 Twitter Apple iPad – first day of release in US
Royalties distributed to artists and
Increase on any previous quarter
60% 300,000 Units sold 1m iPad apps downloaded

copyright holders Source: SoundExchange, April 2010

Registered accounts outside the US
250,000 e-books downloaded Source: Apple, April 2010

Advertising 50% US – Q1 2010

Overall album sales
Rise in sign-ups in Spanish-speaking countries
Internet advertising send, Q4 2009 after November 2009* Year Units sold YoY decrease
(millions) %

$6.3bn 3.4% 300%

2010 82
89 13.5
Total internet advertising spend Fall in total spending for the year
versus 2008 Rise in sign-ups in Colombia
Overall track sales

$17% 39% 100% Year

Units sold
YoY decrease
Of brands' ad budgets allocated Rise in sign-ups in India since the start of 2010 2010 312.4 1
to online in 2009 (up 8% YoY) Increase in digital video advertising
between 2008 and 2009 *launch of Spanish-language version of Twitter 2009 315.4
Source: Internet Advertising Bureau, April 2010 Source: Internet Advertising Bureau, April 2010 Source: Nielsen SoundScan, April 2010
TOOLS the REPORT | 15 April 2010 | Page 8

WaTunes signed a number of significant deals in the US this Deals
past fortnight. Its deal with Facebook will see the launch of 01.04.2010 – Juno Download / – global
a Music Store app. WaTunes quickly followed up the deal by Juno Download signed a deal with that will see the two companies launch Discogs Downloads.
signing up Warner Music Group’s catalogue to the service, 06.04.2010 – Universal Music Group / Conduit Labs – global
joining UMG and EMI, who already have deals in place with Universal Music Group has signed a deal with Conduit Labs to license its music for the company's range of
WaTunes. The store will allow users to stream 30-second Facebook games.
previews, buy tracks and albums, and share details of their 07.04.2010 – Facebook / WaTunes – US
purchases with their friends on Facebook and Twitter. Facebook and music discovery service WaTunes have partnered to launch a new Music Store app.
11.04.2010 – WaTunes / Warner Music Group – US
Nokia’s Come With Music takes another step into the unknown Warner Music Group has become the third major label to strike a licensing deal with WaTunes. VIEW all
by launching the service DRM-free for the first time. Nokia has
partnered with Huadong Feitian to bring the service to China, Launches
and eight handsets will be supported from day one. It’s also the 06.04.2010 – Mixtape For You – global
first time people will be able to sign up to the service without Mixtape For You launched a site which lets people upload MP3s of songs to create personalised digital 'mixtapes'
to be sent to one person at a time.
buying a brand new handset.
07.04.2010 – Kroogi – global
Finally, Twitter’s long-awaited ‘promotional tweets’ have Kroogi launched in North America, Europe and South America. It's aimed at musicians, artists, photographers
launched. The tweets appear in search results on the Twitter and other creative types to sell their work on a 'pay what you like' basis.
website, but they'll later spread to users' feeds and Twitter 08.04.2010 – Nokia – China
mobile and desktop apps too. Starbucks, Bravo and Virgin Nokia has launched Comes With Music in China with all tracks DRM-free.

America are all on board for launch, and users will be able 12.04.2010 – Twitter – global
to retweet the ads just like normal tweets. Twitter has announced plans to bring ads to its service as its 'promoted tweets' initiative goes live. VIEW all

Mergers, Acquisitions & Investments

01.04.2010 – NearVerse - global
NearVerse has raised $1m in funding to further develop its iPhone app, LoKast. The start-up says it plans to
launch an Android version of the app soon, as well as adding Facebook Connect functionality.
06.04.2010 – Brightcove – global
Brightcove, a provider of Internet video delivery technology, has raised $12m.
06.04.2010 – Yahoo! / Foursquare – global
Yahoo is in talks to acquired location-sharing start-up Foursquare for as much as $100m.

Click here to search all the latest deals, launches 07.04.2010 – AOL / Bebo – global
AOL has announced plans to sell or close Bebo only two years after it bought the social VIEW all
and investments across the globe network for $850m.
MARKET PROFILE the REPORT | 15 April 2010 | Page 9

it’s not just about Spotify
Sweden has seen an extraordinary Digital sales still account for only 16.3% of exchanges in five Swedish cities), internet
turnaround in the past year, but the total recorded music market. Some 46.1% traffic dropped by 30% the day after the Sweden stats
comes from streaming music services (up ruling. Population:
will it continue? High broadband
from 17% in 2008) and 51.9% comes from 9m
penetration, one of the most On 16th April, the four founders of The Pirate
‘other internet services’ such as download GDP per capita:
conspicuous filesharing crises in the stores (iTunes being the major player) and Bay were sentenced to one year in prison and US $36,800
developed world and the emergence mobile sales. The digital market is worth a 30m SEK ($4.1m) fine. The sentences are Internet users:
of forward-thinking digital services 140m SEK ($19.6m). pending appeals and it could be several years 7m
such as Spotify and Omnifone before a final verdict is reached. Broadband subscriptions:
Sweden is internet-savvy and piracy is a high-
make Sweden a prime example of Recent data suggests that the ‘scare effect’ 2.9m
profile issue which has crippled the growth
the benefits of the ‘carrot and stick’ has worn off and internet traffic is back Mobile subscriptions:
of the digital market until now. Some 91% of
approach. For this year at least. and above pre-IPRED April 2009 levels. 11.2m
16-75-year-olds use the internet and there is
89% broadband penetration. The Pirate Bay Combined with the fact that piracy is harder 3G subscribers:
Despite an economy affected by the global 4.1m
is arguably the most conspicuous filesharing to spot as filesharers migrate away from P2P
crisis and a music industry in decline for
site in the world and the Swedish arm of the systems to other forms of illegal content Sources: CIA World Factbook and PTS
six years, Sweden has shown a strong
Pirate Party even has a seat in the European access and also adopt new technologies in
turnaround with an increase in total recorded
Union parliament. order to hide their identities such as proxy but methods of gathering sustainable legal
music sales of 10.2% last year, driven by a
servers or VPNs (virtual private networks), it evidence are still being finalised.
remarkable 98.6% increase in the digital Visibility of action and alternatives seems to is hard to know how effective the anti-piracy
market (according to IFPI figures). be a determinate factor in the fight against “This is difficult because the nature of torrent
legislation and Pirate Bay Trials may be in the
piracy. long run. sites means that uploaders, for example, may
only be contributing to small parts of each
On 1st April 2009, The Pirate Bay released its own VPN file in each case,” says Magnus Martensson,
Sweden adopted new software, called Ipredator, in January this a lawyer for IFPI Sweden. Nevertheless there
legislation based on year. An increase in internet traffic may also has been some prosecution this year against
the European Union’s represent an increase in the use of legal filesharers on the DC connect network, made
Intellectual Property Rights streaming and mobile services driving the possible because of the one-to-one visibility
Enforcement Directive upturn in digital sales. of the system. Users connect and upload/
(IPRED), allowing copyright download whole files so evidence is relatively
holders to force ISPs to The focus of the Swedish authorities
straightforward to collect.
reveal IP addresses of has been to tackle the index sites first,
users illegally downloading exemplified by the Pirate Bay case. The door Driving the strong swing towards streaming
copyrighted material. has not been opened yet against uploaders services (now 46.1%, up from 17% last year)
According to Netnod on BitTorrent-style networks. There are is Spotify – a site of Swedish origin and with
figures (covering internet plans to take legal action in the near future, most of the market share.
MARKET PROFILE the REPORT | 15 April 2010 | Page 10

Telenor (15%), followed by Hutchinson’s

“Despite an efficient advertising system, there has 3. Churn rate at 6% is considerably low,
giving the operators a safe springboard
been controversy over whether the ad-funded from which to launch services. Omnifone
model is sustainable in the long run” has been a major player in developing and
bringing mobile music content services to
One of the significant ‘carrots’ available to Spotify has recently admitted that migration Sweden, with three significant cloud-based
internet users, the ad-funded service, is an towards the premium service is the basis of partnerships offering music from all the
incentive to migrate to a ‘free’ platform that is long-term growth and revenue generation. majors and various independents:
legal and has music from all the major labels
SVP of digital at Universal Music Group In June 2007, Omnifone was the first to enter
and many independents.
International (UMGI), Rob Wells speculates the market with Telenor via its MusicStation Packard PCs in Sweden and other territories.
Users can stream songs while connected to that Spotify must convert 10% to 12% of unlimited subscription service available Subscribers can download and play unlimited
the internet and adverts are mixed between its user base from ad-funded to premium across a range of handsets. In November tracks on their PC for 99 SEK ($14) per month
display ads and audio ads running between subscription to create a sustainable business 2008, it partnered with Sony Ericsson and can keep 10 tracks per month DRM-free
every few songs. For 99 SEK ($14), users can model. Payout figures are elusive and there to offer the PlayNow Plus service across as part of the KYF scheme.
upgrade to Spotify Premium and cache and has been criticism of low ‘per-stream’ payouts Sony Ericsson handsets and PC, allowing
synchronisation between computer and Facebook in Sweden has 3m active users and,
listen to music offline for a period of up to 30 in certain territories. Yet in Sweden, as well as
handset and also allowing users to keep with an 80.7% increase on last year, shows
days without internet connection. They can its four other launch territories, Spotify now
a certain amount of tracks each month as the consistent growth and strong reach of
also synchronise and cache offline content pays the labels directly from its premium
DRM-free MP3s under their KYF (Keep Your digital services. is now listing
to mobile devices across several platforms: subscription and advertising revenues.
Favourite) system. 45+ legal music services and even Peter
iPhone, iPod Touch, Android and Symbian.
Spotify was UMGI’s fourth largest digital Sunde of Pirate Bay notoriety has launched
Spotify can also target ad campaigns on age,
partner for revenue last year. If Spotify Nokia followed Omnifone into the market his Flattr site, a micropayments site for
gender, geography and musical genre.
continues to grow into other territories and with Comes With Music in April 2009. musicians, artists and other content creators
Click-through rates (CTR) on display ads are develop its revenue generation model, it During their subscription period, users can (currently in beta testing) which aims to
generally higher when compared with the will be a groundbreaker on the global digital synchronise and download an unlimited help raise revenue by combination of a flat
industry average CTR in Sweden. In cases stage and will have successfully led the way amount of tracks from all four majors and subscription fee and tip-based system.
where the audio ads are bespoke, the CTR in carving out a new sustainable system many independents between their handset
and PC and keep the tracks forever (although It has been a remarkable year indeed in
increases even more, as there is usually a call of music content delivery and revenue
they do come with DRM). Sweden, driven by the emerging carrots of
to action to click on the brand logo which generation for the digital market. This is
legal content services versus the sticks of the
replaces the album artwork. crucial in the fight against piracy.
Omnifone has made further strides into the anti-piracy legislation and Pirate Bay trials.
Despite an efficient advertising system, there There are four major operators in the cloud-based market place with the recent Will it continue? IFPI Sweden says that things
has been controversy over whether the ad- Swedish mobile market: TeliaSonara (45% announcement of its MusicStation service are looking good so far.
funded model is sustainable in the long run. market share), Tele2/Comviq (25%) and being pre-loaded onto 16 models of Hewlett-
OPINION the REPORT | 15 April 2010 | Page 11

The Digital Economy Act:

so what happens next?
next-generation broadband (removed those IP addresses found to be repeatedly From which point, Ofcom must submit
from the Finance Bill), clauses dealing with infringing. Work on this gets underway interim reports to the Secretary of State
extended collective licensing and orphan immediately. every three months. These will monitor the
works, funding of local media and an success of the notifications, the actions of
Under those two areas, the Code will
extension of powers for media regulator rights holders to develop the legal market
encompass everything from the mechanism
Ofcom were all deleted in the Commons. and educate consumers, and the impact of
by which right holders detect infringements,
any potential legal actions against infringers.
Other areas relevant to the wider music through to the standard of evidence
industry – measures to reduce online submitted to ISPs, the appeals process, and After a year, Ofcom will consult on the need
copyright infringement, and to future proof the actual content of the notifications – these for “technical measures” on the accounts of
the legislation for non-P2P infringement – will detail a description of the apparent serious repeat infringers (and, what those
were left intact. infringement, information on the purpose of technical measures might be).
copyright, advice on legal services, advice on
Ultimately, the Bill was passed at its third I think it is vitally important these measures
internet security and any other information
reading with a majority vote of 189 to 47. are in place, that we have Government
relevant to the Code.
support for the creative industries, and that
Which all leads to the fairly pertinent
In itself, this conversation is significant and this legislation brings a meaningful change in
Feargal Sharkey, CEO, UK Music question: what happens next?
involves a wide range of interested parties. how creative content is viewed online.
In what has been, at times, an emotional
The Digital Economy Bill is now the It is important that we get the detail right. However, as UK Music and others stated last
debate and heavy in semantics – particularly
Digital Economy Act. Even though a in the feedback loop of Twitter – this is The Code will form part of a public
week, the Digital Economy Act is not a means
number of clauses in the bill did not something to which all interested parties consultation to take place by the end of May.
to an end. It will not on its own “fix” the digital
make it into the act itself, the hard market. It is a spur to action.
should pay attention.
(Running alongside it is the issue of costs,
works starts now and all in the value We now have in place a vital legislative
Hopefully, as the dust settles, more focussed something that the Department for Business,
chain must work on forging new and constructive conversations will emerge Innovation and Skills is already consulting on,
foundation on which to develop the UK’s
partnerships. in the days and months ahead. and which is due to close on 25th May.)
online economy. But it is up to all of us
– creators, investors, ISPs, technology
As of last Thursday, the Digital Economy Bill In reality, the next stage of the Act’s Post-consultation, the Code must then meet companies – to do the building and deliver
is now the Digital Economy Act. implementation is further consultation, parallel approval – from both the European fans the content that they want.
Receiving its second reading on 16th April leading to the establishment of a Code of Commission and the Secretary of State. This
All of us should have a mutual interest in this
(the same day that Prime Minister Gordon Practice, all overseen by Ofcom. will take us towards the end of 2010.
and it is a time for forging new partnerships.
Brown called the general election) various The Code will govern: (a) the process After further Parliamentary scrutiny,
pieces of this wide-reaching and much- In context, the digital music market has
of ISPs sending notifications to account from both Houses of Parliament, ISPs will
discussed legislation were ejected in the diversified enormously over the past three
holders detected, by right holders, of be compelled to send notifications. It is
ensuing “wash-up” period. years. It is a great time to be a music fan, but
infringing copyright; and (b) the subsequent anticipated that this first stage of the Act will
we now have a significant window to make a
Joining the £6 tax on landlines to help fund development of an anonymised database of come into effect in January 2011.
giant leap forward and make it even better.
Music Ally The Team:

Music Ally is a music business information and strategy company. We focus on the
Over the last few years Music
Ally has become the go to source
change taking place in the industry and provide information and insight into every Paul's Spotify Playlist
for objective, well researched,
aspect of the business, consumer research analysing the changing behaviour and trends
Paul Brindley finger on the pulse insight and
in the industry, consultancy services to companies ranging from blue chip retailers and information. I read the bulletin
:: CEO ::
telecoms companies to start-ups; and training around methods to digitally market your every day and the report they
artists and maximise the effectiveness of digital campaigns. We also work with a number
send out covers the lot. Paul, Steve
of high profile music events around the world, from Bogota to Berlin and Brighton, bringing Steve's Spotify Playlist and the team are passionate about
the industry together to have a good commonsense debate and get some consensus on Steve Mayall
music and it shows in everything
how to move forward. they do under the Music Ally

:: Director ::
Our clients include:
Paul Brown, MD, Spotify
• Apple • BBC • EMI • MTV • O2 • Orange • Sony BMG • Stuart's Spotify Playlist

• Tesco • Universal Music • Vodafone • Warner Music • Stuart Dredge

Contact Music Ally:
:: Editor ::
1-5 Exchange Court, The Strand,
Contact us: Did you know? Juan's Spotify Playlist
London WC2R 0JU
Tel: +44 (0)20 7420 4320
Juan Paz Fax: +44 (0) 207 836 5102
If you have a news story for the BULLETIN, Music Ally is currently involved in a scheme :: Head of Research ::
the REPORT or the Blog please contact to encourage innovation in the digital media
Stuart Dredge. space. Called DCIS (Digital Content Incubator
Registered company number: 04525243
Scheme) the idea is to bring together all the Anthony's Spotify Playlist
music industry rightsholders to create a VAT number: 858212321
mechanism which allows for limited use of Anthony Churchman
their content and rights for early stage testing :: Sales :: © Music Ally Ltd. For the purposes of personal,
If you’d like to subscribe, add new subscribers, of new technologies and service models on private use the subscriber may print this publication
or talk about a corporate deal please call a controlled basis. We have been developing or move it to a storage medium; however, this
and promoting DCIS as a way to stimulate publication is intended for subscribers only and as
Anthony Churchman. Ralph's Spotify Playlist such may not be redistributed without permission.
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Subscribers agree to terms and conditions set up
ensuring the rightsholder interests are fully Ralph Watson on the Music Ally website, except where a separate
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See all reasonable endeavours to ensure the validity of
If you’d like to talk to us about training / all items reported within this document. We do not
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Nik's Spotify Playlist damage caused by errors or omissions. In particular
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