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Briefing: Protalife

We are looking to receive a creative and consistent Protalife Brand Identity
Pack covering brand logo and a visual identity for 5 key lines of products,
as well as one of the products Packs.
We look for:
1- Logo: Protalife is an umbrella brand and needs a logo.
2- Instead of a Website and Stationary materials, we would like to see how
you believe Protalife lines would communicate visually, under the umbrela
brand. The key lines are: ProtaCare, ProtaKids, ProtaSlim, ProtaCell and
3 - Product Pack - finally, we would like to receive a visual sample of Agilix
pack, insert information, and the tablet's capsule foil design.
Your creative materials should follow the below briefing, which
also presents a brand map and Protalife's personification/ profile.
Good luck!
We look forward to working with you!

1 - Protalife Brand Identity Pack General information

"Enhancing quality of life for one and all."

We are committed to discovering more convenient, effective and innovative ways to
deliver health and beauty care solutions which enhance the lives of our families, friends
and people around the world.
We believe that many of today's health and lifestyle problems can be solved through the
balance of healthy nutrition. We advocate, educate and support people to live a healthier
and more active lifestyle.

We adopt rigorous quality standards where each product is researched, developed and
manufactured in the UK, using the latest studies available.
We accept no compromise in placing high emphasis on the safety and efficacy of our
products to meet world class pharmaceutical standards
Our Team of expert scientists, nutritionists and passionate staff strive for perfection and
in doing so, we deliver excellence.
Protalife will continue in developing new, advanced formulas to enhance quality of life for

Core Values

Trust Is our mantra...we care, we love, we share, we instil trust.

"Without trust you have nothing"


- Is our's our drive, energy and the oxygen of our sole.

"Either do it with passion or not at all"

Excellence is our deliverance.... perfection is not attainable but if we chase

perfection we can catch excellence.
"Excellence is not a skill it is an attitude"

2 - Business Model: Protalife Line of Products


Since the creation of Protalife, new products have been launched where
essentially the core product values have remained the same, to produce the best
health care products which enhance quality of life.
2015 started the year with a big question, where are we going to be in three
years or even 5 years time?...We now have the answer.
We will, by 2020, in five years time from now, have developed an extensive and
unique portfolio of products which will be sold in over 30 countries worldwide.
Our brand portfolio will consist of a range of products under the following titles:

ProtaCare - Protacare products will include supplementary products for

the care of Health & Nutrition
Currently there are 5 products developed
1. Agilix - Joints Care
2. Pregnace - Pregnancy Care
3. Finesse - Hair, Nails & Beauty
4. Calcium plus D3


- This range will include dietary health supplements for

weight management control

1. Glucomatrix - Fibre weight management formula


- This range will include products which offer the highest

technological and rapid application solutions, taken orally

1. Skin Collagen Peptide + - Advanced Skin care - Coming soon
2. Joint Collagen Peptide + - Advanced Joint care - Coming soon


- This range of products will include a variety of children's

supplementary health care products to support growth and development in

convenient and easy to take applications.
1. Multi Vitamin Drops - coming soon


- This range will focus on developing products which

enhance the performance of athletes and sports people.

Product Market Evaluation

HI-5 Process Chart

3 - Agilix Pack General Information:

We are after a clean, distinctive, branded pack which is aligned to your Protalife
Brand Identity.
Agilix, a nutritional joint care supplement, is aimed for males/ females over 40 years
old. It is a high quality product to help maintain healthy bones and cartilages.
What we expect to see on the pack:
Product Name/ logo
3 key components
Made in UK
Nutritional Information
Sides 1 |Side 2 | Top | Bottom

Important Notes
Bar Code
Batch/ MFT & BBE Dates

Please Consider - Insert Information and tablet's capsule foil

Regarding colours please refer to the brand map.

* Protalife Personification/ Profile *

Lucy is a 37 years old Archaeologist.
She was born in South Wales and spent her childhood in a farm, surrounded by
her well known traditional family.
Lucy graduated in 1999 by Oxford University. After 10 years experience in her
field, she became one of the top professionals in the UK and had been
approached by several TV programmes, where she presented relevant historical
discoveries, such as King Henrys skeleton.
Lucy has concluded an MBA and secretly plans to inspire new generations by
becoming an Archaeology teacher.
She is well known for being practical, modern and intelligent. She is a natural
opinion former and loved for her direct and honest approach.
Lucy, Mrs Smith, has 2 children a 10 and 2 years old. She divorced when her
first child was 5 years old and decided to focus her time between work, looking
after her family children, father and herself.
She is secure, smart and interested in several issues political, religious, and
She loves to travel and despises small talk.
Last year Lucy remarried and currently lives in London. To enjoy herself, she likes
to cook for her loved ones and go out and discover new places. She is a savvy
and conscious buyer.

* Brand Map *

How to use the above map:

As consumers we are driven by subconscious drivers. The two

drivers in the blue area in the centre of the map are the drivers
that will compel the consumer to bond with Protalife.
End motives shaded in gold are what people desire.
End motives are the links between the values/attributes of the
product and the consumers subconscious drivers. When
marketing products, these are the desires we must promise to
Activators shaded in purple are the values that Protalife
shares with its consumer. These activators link the consumers
desires to the brand Protalife.
Triggers shaded in green are the symbols that set off the
chain reaction above. So, for example, you wish to market a
particular item, first consider its attributes. What triggers can
you use to activate your consumers end motives? What
colours, symbols, images, etc, will set off the chain reaction
leading your customer to experience a subconscious drive to
purchase that item?
Keep the description of your target customer together with this
map. Put yourself in her shoes when you take your ideas
through the map and remember that she is a smart
independent person!

Some advice on copy and images:

Protalifes copy should follow a set pattern. In line with the map and our
target customer description, use language that reflects the brand identity
and resonates with the consumer.
Avoid obvious, overused words and phrases as our customers are smart
and will see through that!
We must find a voice for Protalife and be consistent.
The words below may be useful when writing copy for Protalife:
Quality, Scientific, Advanced, Energy, Healthy, Technology, Highlight,
Accentuate, Reflect, Trust, Depth, Vibrancy, Allure, Exude, Evoke, Ageless,
Enduring, Surpass, Striking, Enhance, Graceful, Vitality, Performance,
Simple to use, Respect, Fast, New.

We must follow the same guidelines when choosing images for marketing
materials and communications. We must find a pattern of visual
communication and be consistent. It is always better to show rather than
tell, especially when our customer is looking for quality solutions for
themselves and their families. As a rule: if we need more than one
sentence to explain a picture, then weve chosen the wrong picture.
We must refer to the Protalife map to check how relevant an image is to
our marketing. Will the image trigger an activator? We then should use
colours to communicate.
Solid, rich colours will evoke a sense of depth; lighter colours can be
playful and fun. We must use these tools to our advantage.
Colours within marketing materials can potentially change, showing that
the brand is evolving. However, the brand logo should stay consistent.

Notes: Subconscious Drivers / Psychological References

Pivots - subconsciously main instinct drive to consume (*have to be

Emotions/ Ideas - connecting subconscious to end motives.

Protalife words select wised where it fits.

o 5 most import and pick 1 or 2
o Image has to reflect To Learn/ To Seek - Sell the concept of Seek a
o Examples- Benetton with Bond or Car control, power, drive
mountain. Strength = power

We must find the target audience. Health = everywhere. Find a way to

stand out.
Protalifes consumer is independent, smart, with wealth career, a family
person, with strong connections, status, success. The brand should reflect
the distinctiveness. Example colour gold, silver, etc

What motivates the consumer to buy Protalife instead other brand? The
brand direction must be motivated by their key desire- (map: yellow

The language should be selling only solution for their punctual issue. We
sell more than products, we research, develop, create solutions and the
final consumer has to see through.

It is okay to not communicate all parts of the product in detail. We must

focus on what connects with Protalife, but keep it transparent, honest and
truthful to whom we are as company.

We have to pay attention with the selection of colours and images as

these can have different connotations geographically. (eg avoid the use
of animals in logos, red colours for health products, etc].

Smart independent customers like to learn without the sensation of being

told. The tone of voice within Protalife communications has to be short,
especially online, this should use layers of knowledge.

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