Scent of Apple

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Name: Jopie D.

Course and Section: BSED-Phy.Sci.-2

The story opens with the arrival of Mr. Santos, the author, in Kalamazoo where he was
asked to speak in October while the war was still on going. On the night that he had spoken to
the audiences, he met a Filipino named Mr. Celestino Fabia, who had been far from his country
for almost 20 years, and Mr.Santos was really surprised when he had knew that Mr. Fabia had
traveled a miles just to hear him speak. In the middle of their discussion, Mr. Fabia asked him
whether that Filipinas were still the same or if they had changed, Because Mr. Santos did not
want to hurt the feeling of Mr. Fabia, he told him that all Filipina women changed but their hearts
and feelings remained until the present days. With this response, Mr. Fabian was pleased and
seemed to satisfy.
After the lecture session, Mr.Fabia waited for Mr. Santos and invited him to have a
dinner with his family, though they were poor, they still manage to ask Mr. Fabian to have a
bonding with them. He even told Mr. Fabia that his wife and son would be very glad to see a
first-class Filipino. Mr. Fabian, without having any option, accepted the invitation.
When they were finally arrived in the farm, he can obviously smell the scent of the fresh
apple. They ate lots of fruits and when Mr. Fabia already decided to left, Mr. Fabia beaded him
with sweet goodbye. Mr. Santos also proposed Mr.Fabia that when he got back in the Philippine,
he will give him an update about his place. But then he refused and said that his family might
had forgotten him already.
As the story ends, they shook each others head and gave farewell goodbyes


Major Characters:
Mr. Santos: the one who arrived in Kalamazoo to deliver a talk.
(Developing, flat, stereotype)


Good in showmanship
Kind person

Mr. Celestino Fabia: the Filipino farmer who lived in America together with his
family who asked Mr. Santos about the Filipina and the one who asked him for a
(Static, Flat, Stereotype)

A Filipino speaker
A first-class Filipino

A Filipino Farmer
Has acute appendicitis
Once stubborn child

Very simple
A loving father
Very curious about things

Minor Characters:
o Ruth: the wife of Celestino Fabia.
o Roger: the son of Celestino Fabia.
o Filipino young man: the one who went in the conference.

Immediate Setting:
o Immediate Time: at night, during dinner.
o Immediate Place: in Fabias place.
Remote Setting:
o Remote Time: in the month of October
o Remote Place: in Kalamazoo, Michigan USA

1. Physical Conflict (Man Vs.Man)
o Mr. Santos/Author Vs. Mr. Celestino Fabia
It is when Mr.Fabia asked Mr. Santos if the Filipina were still the same 20 years
ago and Mr. Santos had hard time of thinking what would be his answer.
2. Psychological Conflict (Man Vs. Himself)
o Ruth Vs. Herself.
It is when Ruth didnt and cant believe that a first-class Filipino is going to visit
their house.
It is when Mr. Santos had doubt if he is going to accept the invitation of Mr.
Celestino or not to come into his house for dinner.
It is the fear of Mr. Fabia of being no longer belong in the culture.
3. Social Conflict (Man Vs. Society)
o Mr.Santos Vs. The difficulty of wars on that time.
It is when Mr. Santos/ the author is enduring the war in their society.
4. Environment Conflict (Man Vs. Environment)
o Fabias family Vs. Poverty
It is the poverty that Celestino Fabias experiencing within the family.

The theme of the story is: about how first generation immigrants experiences a
sense of loss and seek connections even if they had created a life for them in the
new world.

Be proud of your country, for it is the one who can tell you who you
really are.
Be a man of honor rather than a man of wealth.
Nothing life will be better than being with your mother land.
One people,one nation,one will, one hand,together,we stand!
The idea of the home is not a place where you was born and grew
up,but where you are as present.

Verbal Irony
o It is when Mr. Santos did not tell the truth to Mr. Fabia, instead of saying
that Filipinas do change inside and outside, he only said that they change
only in outside.
Irony of Situation
o It is when Ruth didnt believe that a first class Filipino is going to visit
them, but then, they were really visited by a Filipino.
Dramatic Irony
o It is when we, the readers know that the Filipinas in the present time were
totally different than Filipina in 20 years ago but Mr. Fabia didnt have any
idea about it.

o Scent of Apples: it symbolizes exile, loneliness, and isolation.
o Blur painting: it symbolizes the preservation of Filipino Women
o Winter: it symbolizes an observer of Hope.

o It was a First Person Point of View because it was being told by he author itself.

It is entitled Scent of Apples for it represents the longing of ones citizen into his
country, the loneliness and isolation he experienced is being represents by the
scent of apple.

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