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Health education
GP Increased investment in preventable ill-health
BNP More emphasis placed on healthy living with greater understanding of sickness prevention through physical
exercise, a healthier environment and improved diets
GP Promotion of cycling and walking to school, and healthy school meals

National Health Service and funding

Con Implement a 'payment for results' system throughout the NHS
GP Introduction of NHS tax, with degree of public Control, and redistribution of defence budget cuts to NHS
Lib Want a cross-party commission set up to reach a Consensus on social care, with a preference for a
partnership model, where the state and the individual both Contribute, with a guaranteed Contribution to the
costs of care
Con Cut the cost of NHS administration by a third
Con A new independent NHS board to allocate resources to different parts of the country and make access more
Con Provide separate public health funding to local authorities
BNP Committed to a free, fully funded National Health Service for all British citizens
Con Weight public health funding so that extra resources go to the poorest areas through a new 'health premium'
UKIP Reform the working of the NHS with an Insurance Fund, whilst upholding the free at the point of care
Con Ensure NHS providers become autonomous Foundation Trusts
Con Scrap all of the 'politically-motivated process targets
GP Return cleaners and other privatised areas to the NHS team
Lib Would give people the power to take Control over their local NHS through elected health boards
Lib Would cut waste and re-invest in frontline services

NHS staff
BNP Raising pay levels for health staff
UKIP Reintroduction of matrons and locally run, clean hospitals
BNP Increase of staff and bed numbers
Lib Introduction of a national test to make sure everyone who works in the NHS can speak English to a good level

NHS reporting to general public

Con Make detailed data about the performance of trusts, hospitals, GPs, doctors etc available to the public online
Con Enable patients to rate hospitals and doctors according to the quality of their care

Specific health priorities

Con Focus on particular health results such as improving cancer and stroke survival rates or reducing infections
Lib Invest in frontline services, such as cancer treatment, mental health services
Lab More people screened for breast and bowel cancer, by extending the ages at which adults are screened
Con Provide £10 million a year funding beyond 2011 to support hospices in their work with children
Con Enable welfare–to–work providers and employers to purchase services from Mental Health Trusts
Con Would stop the forced closure of A&E wards
GP Heroin treated as a public health issue and funding for research into halting addiction
Lab National programme of vascular checks for everyone aged between 40 and 74
Lab Increases in number of psychological therapists treating people with depression and anxiety

Maternity care
Con Give mothers the choice over where to have their baby, with NHS funding following their choices, and allow
new providers to deliver maternity care – especially services like ante– and post-natal support
Lib Invest in maternity services
Con Would introduce local 'maternity networks'

Con Introduce a new dentistry Contract that will tie newly-qualified dentists into the NHS for five years
Con Allow dentists to fine people who Consistently miss appointments.
Con Stop paying dentists for unnecessary appointments

Con Preserve disability living allowance and attendance allowance and give patients with chronic illnesses or a
long–term Condition access to a single budget that combines their health and social care funding

Care for elderly

Con Would allow everyone – on retirement – to prevent their homes from being sold to fund residential care costs
by paying a one–off insurance premium of £8,000
Lib Invest in dementia care

Hospital care and hygiene

GP Return cleaners and other privatised areas to the NHS team
Con Hospitals will not be paid in full for a treatment which leaves a patient with an avoidable infection
Lib Stop hospitals from 'getting paid for mistakes'. New legal duty for them to tell patients if something goes
UKIP Reintroduction of matrons and locally run, clean hospitals
Con Increase the number of single rooms in hospitals

Choice - private and voluntary health providers

GP Increase of community based services and community health centres
Con Open up the NHS to include new independent and voluntary sector providers
Con Give GPs the ability to hold patients' budgets and commission care on their behalf
Con Introduce a new per-patient funding system for all hospices and other providers of palliative care
Con Provide the public with the ability to choose any healthcare provider that meets NHS standards
Con Put patients in charge of their own health records, with the ability to choose which providers they share them
Lib Introduce a 'Patient's Contract'. Pay for people to go private if NHS can't provide treatment within agreed

Con Link GPs' pay to the quality of the results they deliver
Lib Ensure everyone has the right to register with the GP that's most Convenient to them
Lib Would increase GPs pay to provide healthcare to patients in deprived areas with the worst health, paid for
by rebalancing the pay system across the board

NHS Direct
Con Would reform NHS Direct and introduce a single number for every kind of urgent care
Con Give access to a doctor or nurse when the local family doctor's surgery isn't open

Drugs and prescriptions

GP Abolishment of prescription charges
GP Re-legalisation of Cannabis for use as pain relief treatment
Con Drug providers would be paid according to the value of their new treatments
GP Drugs such as ecstasy or cocaine used in a legal framework

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