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IN LTJGPOS DA\GERoUS cooDs s_Anl\lall

:2 Dtr ,Dr@Jrq uod h4by -sevjsicdr!, dic br. 22 ]t. ln$ . ln.idcd bt th.addirloi
\o.qin! b\ p*:gndI | 4 ,;i Huoi!'!l I Dtl 1 lin dif ro p:ne€pbr.r of cbaprrr. Panr. of rrreIollo\ii-r
'A Tn! .oi'.,r-e ii :i(mr' ol d,ns!d6
simsilshalLb.s$nd 'F
(.) s&doi 95 (l) G)orrb. PonOffic.Ad.195s s*.on 95 (D G)ofrheFo$OfUeAcr. i953
(Ac.4 oll953).Eadqi$ rh.Erdaronspm (Ad 4-1oi 1953).rBd {iln $e rstrhriois pro,
lbJ r.oiario06.6orln.Auboris.dE\Dlosiv.s R. '.su r oi 6 6or h. adho'itrdE\pr6i!6 R.
quia'joNor lerz rDmurp,.duidd $qion
l 0 o f L h .E , p l o ( { 5 A u 1 0 1 6( A . n o f Aci 1956(Ad 25 of
r0 or rheExprosivis
1956rhi Co!!mm.n No c R 60.1of 3 1956).bv Co!:mm.d NoriceR. 1601or 3
Hoorsiukl cbapr.2
B.pcrking apEe%artikeEa.dde in rliestsie
nierian otdzry{ous Eoodson atj{ft
Uitbei^ns vn De.l I . HoaJ:trl 2. trn nn ldn&:ies
atput ).chdptt, otr, hslfffar

L Dn Ininksi.5 wod hillb! r.*vsis d.ur dn bv. 21.Tlr.lNndiors:ah.rb!an..d.dby rerddirioi

vd.sinqby paragfir2.l vai Hdtlsirt L D4rl. vai di. ro psi3sEphl r ol chaprer
l, Pan r, of $! folrovine
"4. ]ti. Commksloiqnay ii ?i! s^. or dhtu r.
g e n c y ' q t e n s n y o l h { l o m o | c o n Y . . v a i c c " r a P s!!g\ qh.r s\ o'ht lom or.oi()d. n io,p
nhi$, trvtuc fdr smdircevi,h,beafqi'oii' inr&n. or"h.rc rr:llcomrliai.e*irh th.!Iodsoin!
prc\trn 0r $ s p,cg3phtr.mrrn brhe pi,br,i p r o l i s o o r i ! p d B l m pLh. o n m q , o , h . p n b L L i
LntE'abJ(LLo]n!oh{hq]pp.l0].nhe i,*s, abj.c h my o'lrd lru spplobh n ,h.
zdho.iNot lny o1h( counh if a Uirhrh6 ro b! .uho y or.nv orbtrcoudr' ir a tlishtbasro b.
undenaili'hdrrh th.,i6oai. or 'hd-counh.and
$nh du. Esd,i }i:rioi !,r$ &d io 'h. $L,yor lih dE rcqd;}i,ion;i:( nd b se vt N or
aiy psei-or prop.nyflolvut. sE &rhodrr'lor dJ !trm_o, orcrd) i!ol!.J. snd adq{\ 6'
rh. conv.]arc.ordan!emu!goodsspecifi.dii rh.
for conveyan€b] craft underany drcunian.e.
$bjed b $.h cms. sndi'ionsrd rc*ic,ion r

24. Di. li$Dlsi* sord hicrbrr\r*is dcu di. bv x T l r . l i n r u do r r r L h r c b t! n < i d ! d b r , h ci d ' o i
lo.gingby p&,qnrf : I vri Hootit:, b&l 1, qn die
LoprisEph : r of ch.p,n 2 P:n r. or h. folrn"i!
' A. Th. commislondmr. if lred
rbe publn iir:rcst. bit $bj.d b my o,hd lau
'hep!br. i.rEn. bu,$q-' bmy drre'k$ ?ppri
b endon sf.') trd b lhc sierr o! nr |&soi d
l€rion erervmd ro rhc ir.ry or_!n) p€isonof

p!ftcr;pbGi.(b) ui.)a6r$ijcq o lch tds, ;n.; br::nn,fi oi ai! dr-qeoJsloodsrcn.d roin

.ondljoisornjnd|o0sasema}'ecmi.c${.Io pitugtuph kl. (t o, G) abore!ubl..t to su.htms.
conor,o(orr$ft onsarenala&m m(sa.yrc
ft,p&, or,hc eoi, @nnm"dr trm.; Cl"ptr,
12.PrnLof rhclnirudions..
lllPafl 2.orrhaInnncdons.

cgin-qbr pmlcaf l.r *i Hooistu ro pa€-qnph

2.r oi cbaprerl. Prn l. of ihe follonmg
''A. 'A Prsisd. \hrl
Pas.nr6 shall io( con!.l .nr canrid!.s unl.$
rheyai.nri .d rodo som rsmi ol scd_onl5A of r h q f t . f l i L . d ' o d o5 0i i

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