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Running Head: Research on the Louisiana Slave Database

A Research on the African American Slave Trade Louisiana Slave Database

Kevan Dunlop



March18, 2010
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The data is supplied by the Louisiana Slave data base. The origin of respondents is measured.
The race of the respondents is measured. The Skill group of respondents is measured .The age
group of the respondents is measured. The African Region of the respondents is measured. The
group of respondents who did not answer where classified as missing. The where a high number
of different races and different cultures involved during this time period. The group of
respondents classified as black had the most respondents answer questions on slavery. The
mulatto people were the second highest group of respondents. The quadroon group of
respondents held rank among respondents.
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Map of Sierra Leone

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1. Descriptive Discussion

In this bar graph the origin of respondents is being measured. The largest group of respondents is
the unidentified group of respondents with 62% of the overall respondents. The second group of
respondents is the Africans origin with 24% of the overall respondents. The third largest group of
respondents is the Creoles with 10% of the overall respondents. The respondent group of other
had 0% of the overall percentage of respondents which was the lowest. The two groups both tied
for third in the ranking of the seven groups are the Caribbean and Anglo groups. The respondents
who chose Caribbean as their origin had 3% of the overall respondents. The respondents who
chose Anglo as their origin had 3% also. The Indian respondent group had the lowest number of
prospects to be ranked with 1%.

2. Interpretive Discussion

In this bar graph the origin of respondents is being measured. The African group of respondents
makes up the largest group of people to identify their exact origin. Although the unidentified
group of respondents is the largest there is not a definite origin to be trace in those respondents.
The Creoles are the second largest group with double the percentage of the next three combined.
The next two groups of respondents are close in numbers but the Anglo group of respondents is
slightly larger in numbers than the Caribbean group of respondents. The group classified as other
had zero respondents. The Indians had the lowest number of respondents besides the other
respondent group.
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1. Descriptive Discussion

In this bar graph this is the race of the respondents from the L.A. Slave database. The group of
respondents classified as black had 84% of the overall population of respondents. The second
highest group of respondents was the mulatto with 7% of the overall population of race of the
respondents. The group of respondents with missing data which means they did not fill out their
race in this survey had 10% of the total population of the respondents. The grif classification of
respondents had 2% which would put them third in ranking. The quadroon group of
classification had 1% making them the fourth highest ranking group of respondents.

2. Interpretive Discussion

In this bar graph this is the race of the respondents from the L.A. Slave database. The group of
respondents classified as black had the most respondents answer questions on slavery. The
mulatto people were the second highest group of respondents. The grif classification of
respondents had very small number which would put them third in ranking. Octoroon had no
respondents answer the questions. The metis classification of race also had no respondents to
show up on the bar graph. The respondents who did not answer race where a large number of
respondents the second largest behind the actual race of blacks which is the missing group. The
quadroon group of respondents charted because there where at least a few who answered
questions on slavery.
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1. Descriptive Discussion

In this bar graph the age group of the respondents is being measured. The group of respondents
who did not answer where classified as missing. The group of respondents classified as missing
had 27% of the overall respondents. The second largest group is the 20-24 age group of
respondents with 11%. The third largest group of respondents is the 15-19 age group of
respondents with 10%. The fourth largest group of respondents is the 25-29 group with 9%. The
fifth largest group is the 10-14 age group with 8%. The sixth largest age groups of respondents
has two groups with the same percentage of 7% is the 0-4 group and the 30-34 age group. The
seventh group in ranking is the 45-49 age group of respondents and the 50-54 group with 2%
each. The age groups start to decline after that till there is 0% by the 85 and older group.

2. Interpretive Discussion

In this bar graph the age group of the respondents is being measured. The group of respondents
classified as missing is the largest by more than double the next highest group of respondents.
The 20-24 age group of respondents is the next largest group. The older age groups after the 65-
69 group of respondents the percentage of respondents gets very low to the point where by the 85
and older group there is no respondents to fall in this age range. The 15-19 age group of
respondents is well represented with little drop off in numbers from the next age class which was
the highest classification of ages the 20-24 age class. The group of respondents in age classes 0-4
and the 30-34 had the same high number of respondents. The age class of respondents 25-29 has
a number of respondents but a little less than the 15-19 age class of respondents.
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1. Descriptive Discussion

In this bar graph the Skill group of respondents is being measured. The group of respondents
who did not answer where classified as missing. The group of respondents classified as missing
had 91% of the overall respondents. Three skill groups are tied with the same percentage of
respondents to identify with a skill group. The craft skill group with 2% is tied for first among
respondents. The domestic skill group is also tied for first with 2%. The last group to be tied for
first is the agriculture skill group with 2% also. The land transport skill group is second with
1.5% .The two way tie for third with two of the skill groups of respondents. These two groups
are horse/cattle, leather and forestry/lumber skill groups with 1%.

2. Interpretive Discussion

In this bar graph the Skill group of respondents is being measured. Three groups had the same
percentage of respondents to have mastered that skill. The three skill groups had double the next
three closet groups of respondents to have a skill. Those three groups with the exact same
percentage were crafts, domestic, and agriculture represented the largest percentage of
respondents to have chosen a skill group. The three smaller groups in order from largest to
smallest is the land transport, forestry/lumber, and horse/cattle, leather. The group of respondents
who did not answer where classified as missing which was the largest group of respondents.
There were five skill groups without any respondents to have chosen that skill. Those five groups
were security, fishing &hunting, industry, marketing and water transportation.
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1. Descriptive Discussion

In this bar graph the African Region of the respondents is measured. The group of respondents
who did not answer where classified as missing. The group of respondents classified as missing
had 76% of the overall respondents. The largest group of respondents to have answered the
African region was the Senegambia region with 7% of the overall respondents. The African only
group of respondents had 6% of overall respondents ranked second. The Central Africa group of
respondents was third with 5% of the overall respondents. The Bight of Benin ranked fourth with
4% of the overall group of respondents. The Sierra Leone region of respondents ranked fifth with
3% of the overall respondents. The last group to have enough respondents to be ranked is the
Bight of Biafra with 1.5% of the overall respondents.

2. Interpretive Discussion

In this bar graph the African Region of the respondents is being measured. The group of
respondents who did not answer where classified as missing which was the largest group of
respondents. The Senegambia region had by far the largest group of respondents to identify this
region as the region of origin. The African only group of respondents was well represented
ranking second among the ten groups of respondents. The gold coast region had no respondents.
The Mozambique and Nation Unidentifier also had no respondents to identify this region as their
region of origin. The Central Africa group of respondents ranked third among the respondents.
The smallest group of respondents to have enough people to have chosen that region as their one
of origin is the Bight of Biafra
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Summary and Conclusion

With the data reviewed form the slave database I gathered from the category of skill group of
slave the following. Three skill groups are tied with the same percentage of respondents to
identify with a skill group. The craft, domestic, and agriculture skill groups have the same
percentage 2% which is tied for first among the respondents. The two way tie for third with two
of the skill groups of respondents where the horse/cattle, leather and forestry/lumber skill groups
with 1%. The land transport skill group is second with 1.5%.

When it came to the race of the respondents the slave database showed the following. The group
of respondents classified as black had 84% of the overall population of respondents. Octoroon
had no respondents to have answered the questions. The Métis classification of race also had no
respondents to have answered the questions .The mulatto people were the second highest group
of respondents. The quadroon group of classification had 1% making them the fourth highest
ranking group of respondents

When it came to age the following was gathered. The 15-19 age group of respondents is well
represented with little drop off in numbers from the next age class which was the highest
classification of ages the 20-24 age class. The third largest group of respondents is the 15-19 age
group of respondents with 10%. The older the age groups of the respondents the percentage of
respondents declines steadily where the 85 and older group of respondents there are no

With the data reviewed form the slave database I gathered from the origins the following. The
African group of respondents makes up the largest group of people to identify their exact origin.
The Creoles are the second largest group with double the percentage of the next three combined.
The next two groups of respondents are close in numbers but the Anglo group of respondents is
slightly larger in numbers than the Caribbean group of respondents. The Indian respondent group
had the lowest number of prospects to be ranked with 1%.

With the data reviewed form the slave database I gathered the following. The gold coast region
had no respondents. The Mozambique and Nation Unidentifier also had no respondents to
identify this region as their region of origin. The Senegambia region had by far the largest group
of respondents to identify this region as the region of origin. The African only group of
respondents was well represented ranking second among the ten groups of respondents.

After analyzing the graphs with data supplied by the Louisiana Slave data base I have gathered
enough information to better understand the high number of different races and different cultures
that where a part of the slave trade. The group of respondents who did not answer where
classified as missing which was the largest group of respondents on many of my graphs. After
the missing group of respondents the number of respondents that identified with a classification
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was well represented. There were many different backgrounds in which the respondents came
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Louisiana Slave Database Retrieved March16, 2010

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