Washington College Student Magazine - The Collegian - October 2005

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Gas Prices Are Your Fault!

# Pharmacists With Agendas: The Pill Under Attack

Bathroom Graffiti # A 2.5 Million Dollar Funeral # Losing Life’s Luxuries Abroad

“My dogma ate

my homework.”


Volume 17 Number 1 October 2005

Kiplin Hall 2005: The
Simple Life Goes to the UK
Megan Walburn and Jon Hartman

Drop That, Add This
Wes Schantz
The Collegian is published monthly by and for
the students at Washington College, 300 Washing-
ton Avenue, Chestertown, Maryland 21620
Local correspondence can be sent through cam-
pus mail. E-mail collegian_editor@washcoll.edu
or visit http://collegian.washcoll.edu.
The Collegian is designed on Macintosh com-
puters using Adobe InDesign and is printed at Ches-
apeake Publishing House in Elkton, Maryland.
The Collegian does not discriminate on any
basis. We reserve the right to edit submitted mate-
rial as we deem necessary. After this is all over, I
think you and I should get an apartment together.
...on the cover

Birth Control Battle: September 2005
Losing Options Volume 17, Number 1
Justine Hendricks Photo by Kaitlin Wedge

Still in Search of the
Gonzo Dream
Peter Knox
Rant: A Gas of a Tale 3
14 Lauren Campbell
Labored Graffiti: Round Robin: Round 1 6
Bathrooms of Reilly Joret
Will Grofic Music Review: The Realities of Rock 9
Lindsay Bergman
15 Poetry 12
Katrina and the David Finniss, Afton Woodward
Great Flood
Lyndsey Gibson Video Game Review: Guild Wars 16
Ryan Stiffler

17 Movie Review: Suspiria

Zachary Z. E. Bennett
Waiting for the Auditor
A Play by Johanna Schaeffer Endgame 20
Renée Farrah

Will Grofic Additional Contributors Issue Photo Credits:
Gizmo Yeldon Zachary Z. E. Bennett Kaitlin Wedge, Emmy Hyde, Peter
Features Editors Lauren Campbell Knox, Alicia Henry, Megan Wal-
Renée Farrah burn, www.ppae.ab.ca, www.night-
Peter Knox Johanna Schaeffer Lyndsey Gibson mareongleimstreet.com, fervor.net,
Editor-in-chief Copy Editor Jon Hartman photos1.blogger.com, www.o-gee-
Megan Walburn Justine Hendricks paint.com, www.sciencemuseum.
Kate Amann Assistant Copy Editor David Finniss org.uk, www.cyh.com, i.cnn.net,
Layout Editor Wes Schantz www.clubic.com, www.dream-
Lindsay Bergman Molly E. Weeks Ryan Stiffler station.cc, my.net-link.net, www.
Assistant Layout Editor Business Manager Afton Woodward columbiacostumes.com, www.no-
Kaitlin Wedge lansmpc.com, gettyone.com, rock-
Alicia Henry Reilly Joret Emmy Hyde star.msn.com, amazon.com #
Photography Editor Distribution Manager
companies. Maybe it’s not even about the control
that President Bush has over fuel companies;
maybe it’s about the subconscious control that oil
companies have over consumers, and the control
that consumers could (and should) have over the
companies themselves.
People, even I at times, want to blame oil
companies. The truth is that although the gasoline
monopolies are less than sympathetic, it’s not their
fault either. It’s the consumers; it’s our fault. And
it begins with us realizing this.

A Gas of a Tale
Sometimes I think we are brainless in our
methods. We complain about the price of gasoline,
we argue for its immediate reduction, and we
look for someone to blame – but we do nothing
to change the situation. We would rather whine to
Lauren Campbell
someone else until we lull ourselves into mindless
complacency than to actually take a stand and
make a change. And the change begins with us,

as prices. Need I say more? We all know willing to charge us as much as we are willing to as individuals! We can’t simply look to our friends
the insanity that has become our weekly pay. We seem to be willing to pay nearly anything or neighbors to do it for us, or wait for someone
$50 fill-ups, the terror-stricken faces seen for our precious fuel. After all, we have to drive else to lead the way. We have to do something on
at every local gas station, and our bitterness when everywhere: we need our cars! We couldn’t our own, we have to grow minds of our own (for
we part with half our monthly salary just to drive possibly exist without a full tank of gas each week those of us used to traveling in packs and looking
ourselves to work. We break the bank trying to fill – or could we? longingly at someone else for answers, this may
our broken-down cars with gas so that we can break It’s true that Senator Dayton, a Minnesota be difficult!), then ACT. It’s funny how three little
our backs to earn money – only to spend the majority Democrat, introduced legislation that makes it letters can be so intimidating.
of it wasting our paychecks. It’s a vicious circle. a felony to raise oil or gasoline prices by more So, what can we do? If you just can’t live
Can it be that we were paying only $1.87 per gallon than 15 percent during natural disasters or other without your car, try to conserve! This means
in January? How have natural gas prices nearly emergencies, but can we really endure gas prices rolling down your windows rather
doubled in less than a year? than opting for the air conditioning,
It’s ridiculous! It’s a strategic buying gas in smaller amounts or
ploy from the oil monopolies only when needed, not topping off
to force buyers into spending your tank, and trying to use your
outrageous amounts of money car less often. Ditch that Hummer
for something that should be or F250 and choose a more fuel-
discounted by nearly twenty efficient car, like the Toyota Prius
percent. or Hyundai Elantra.
In 1979, gas prices Some of us, after doing
averaged at $0.78 cents per some serious soul-searching, have
gallon, and since then prices come to realize that a car is not
have increased at a rapid 13.3 always necessary in a small town
percent each year! In 1987, like Chestertown. Sometimes we
the year most freshmen were can just take the initiative to bike
born, people were paying somewhere, even if we do look a
anywhere from $0.98 - $1.09 little silly sometimes, or just use
per gallon. How is it that, in the good old-fashioned method,
eighteen years (from 1987 walking. Traveling home can prove
until the beginning of 2005), to be difficult, however. Making
prices had only risen by $1, fewer trips may be a solution for
but in the past nine months, some of us, or taking a bus may be
prices have increased by the a better alternative.
same amount? The answer – we allow it. that increase by another 15 percent? Should oil The less gas that we use, the less demand
Although prices have dropped to under $3 companies really have the luxury of increasing there will be, bringing prices down more quickly.
in the past couple of weeks, it’s only temporary. prices while their more-than-loyal customers are The solution to gas price inflation is in our hands.
Traders at the New York Mercantile Exchange suffering unmentionable hardships? Thousands of We can change things more easily than we may
amplified crude oil and gasoline prices last Monday, corporations rushed to the aid of Hurricane Katrina realize. So get off your butt and walk somewhere!
fearing that Tropical Storm Rita would turn into a victims, donating whatever products, services, and Bike your way into town. Tell Mom you can’t
hurricane and decrease oil production in the Gulf money they could provide. And what did Exxon come home this weekend. Do your part, or stop
of Mexico in the weeks to come. and BP do? They increased their prices by fifteen complaining! #
Supply and demand shocks are what cause percent!
large movements in oil prices, and the more oil In looking for someone to point the finger
we demand, the more money we will spend for it. at, a myriad of people have laid blame on President
Oil companies know that we need gas, and they’re Bush, as though he would have total control over oil

Vol. 17, Issue 1 The Collegian 3

three sets of bunk beds in a room the size of my
dorm room freshman year and, in order to keep the
showers flowing, we must hold down a pull-chain

Kiplin Hall 2005:

for the duration of our shower. We were not told that
my then-casual acquaintance Caitlin and I would be
sharing a bedroom and bathroom with the only two
male students on the trip, or that we would have no
access to television or internet for three weeks.

The Simple Life On June 18th, I made my way through

the Philadelphia airport with only a backpack, a
windproof fleece jacket, and the one regulation-
sized suitcase we were allowed to carry. I left behind

Goes to the UK my cell phone, makeup accessories, and my entire

wardrobe except for hiking gear and two pairs of
jeans. As much as I did not look forward to wearing
the same outfit for three weeks, I noticed immediately
Megan Walburn how much easier it is to transit through airports this
way than to haul around extraneous luggage. I quite
literally left behind my excess baggage.

ox’s hit reality show The Simple Life rides the Romantic poets and my
along with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie own journalism, I joined the
as they give up their cushy, socialite world group of eleven students
for a taste of life as working folks. The celebrity It- traveling England’s Lake
girls make their way through America’s small towns District and the Scottish
without their credit cards, stylists, or fancy hotels. Highlands from mid-June
TV viewers across the country tune in to see Nicole to mid-July. There was no
and Paris struggle through life “in the real world,” turning back.
finding satisfaction in their failures. It was not until
While our own society at Washington our spring informational
College is slightly smaller-scale than the Hollywood meeting that I realized the
celebrity scene, we are sheltered in many of the same conditions associated with
ways. With financially supported party lifestyles an overseas hiking trip and
and the occasional academic commitment, we’ve its youth hostel lodging
got it pretty good. As a self-proclaimed WAC social arrangements. For our two
butterfly, I sometimes feel that Facebook, Laguna weeks in England, we would
Beach, and Cosmopolitan magazine rule my life. In be staying in the converted
one of many attempts to keep some perspective, I stable house at Kiplin Hall,
undertook a Simple Life experience of my own this the estate that the state of
past summer. Maryland’s charter members hailed from. We were Arriving in England, our culture shock
Each year, English department head Dr. told that there would be two bathrooms and three extended beyond the expected tourist observations,
Richard Gillin, his spunky wife Barbara, and their bedrooms for the eleven of us, one telephone, and as our destination far exceeded tourist territory.
Irish mountaineer son-in-law Frank Fitzgibbon no clothes dryer. The Scotland hostel would hold We flew from London’s Heathrow airport to
lead a study-abroad summer Manchester, England before
program of about 12 students driving another three hours to
in the mountains of the our Kiplin Hall destination. Our
United Kingdom. The three- rural setting was beautiful but
week English program takes remote. I realized quickly that
students up and down rocks the region’s sheep population
and sheep pastures to trace the significantly outweighs its
landscape’s influence on the human population. There are
English Romantic poets of the no grocery stores, shopping
nineteenth century. centers, or even doctor’s offices
I am an English major within forty-five minutes of
concentrating on magazine either of our lodgings.
journalism, and I was eager to Our daily routine was
undertake this trip because I tailored to the lack of modern
can identify with the succinct, conveniences of northern rural
effective nature of both poetry England. Each morning, we
and journalism, and the return were expected to rise at 7:30am,
to Nature’s simplicity that find something in the kitchen
Romantic writers Wordsworth for breakfast, put together a
and Coleridge advocated. bag lunch, and pile into rental
When I received a Junior cars with enough hiking gear
Fellows Society scholarship to and Romantic poetry to last us
explore the connection between the day. We drove two hours to

4 The Collegian October 2005

whichever mountain was on the agenda that day, eliminated the catty
climbing to the summit before sitting down for clothing competitions
lunch and a Romanticism lecture. Arriving back that grace our Cater
at the hostel at around 7:00pm, those students on Walk runway.
“kitchen duty” scrambled to make dinner for 16, To me, the
while the rest wrote journal entries, reflected on the most important
day, or showered in preparation for a visit to The result of life without
White Heifer, the neighborhood pub frequented by luxury comforts is
sheep farmers. Returning home from the pub just the human interaction
before midnight, we went to sleep knowing that the that it necessitates.
following day, we would repeat the entire process. Instead of spending a
This lifestyle was drastically different from day returning to my
the one I had left in suburban Maryland, where I computer dozens of
could drive three minutes from home and find myself times to answer petty
between two gas stations, a convenience store, and a messages that friends
gourmet coffee stand. But as our time at Kiplin Hall have left on Instant
progressed, I began to notice something funny. I did Messenger, I spent
not miss my cell phone. A call with my phone card my days climbing
every few days that said, “Mom and Dad, I am safe” alongside my peers.
was sufficient. The absent TV also went unnoticed- Hiking for six hours the friends I have known since freshman year, and
any really important news could be broadcast over with no entertainment but the landscape around us I have seen them at their best and worst moments.
the radio in our rental cars. I got used to my daily forced me to engage in conversations that delved The simple act of face-to-face communication that
wardrobe of olive green Coolmax t-shirt and zip-off deeper than the polite “What’d you do Friday night?” we avoid here with text messages, instant messages,
khaki cargo pants; it was practical and it virtually conversations to which we are accustomed. We sang and Facebook messages, helped me to learn more
songs, talked about our families, about myself through the reaction of others.
even had political debates. Back The genius of the Kiplin Hall program lies
at Kiplin Hall, Frank introduced in Dr. Gillin’s method of teaching Romanticism by
us to a card game called Egyptian experience. The lectures and poetry readings are
Ratscrew, and we spent our merely standard procedure to make the trip seem
evenings huddled around the coffee academic. In undertaking the program, we actually
table engaged in fierce battles of undertook a modern reenactment of the discoveries
wit. We stopped relying on our cars that the Romantics made so long ago: It took an
as a mode of independent travel and extended period of time with nature’s landscape,
instead walked anywhere from one away from modern distractions, to teach me about
to seven miles to get around. human nature. The ultimate way to learn about a
I returned to the US in literary movement is to actually experience it, and
July healthier, more confident, and my personal Simple Life episode allowed me to
looking forward to spending the do just that. The Romantic journey that Dr. Gillin
year at WAC with the people that facilitated has made me a little less Paris Hilton, and
changed me. I realized that these a little more William Wordsworth. #
people know me better than some of

“Next Time Get an English Major to

Do It”: A Different Look at Kiplin Hall
Jon Hartman
I’m a history major, so let’s raise one blistered and sore foot over space I have here or even show you ridiculously cliché that I’m almost
just get that out of the way. I spend my the other to climb some mountain in a photograph because neither of embarrassed to have thought of
days neck deep in books about tsarist whose name I couldn’t remember them can do it justice. And then, writing that. But, somehow, I guess
Russia, nineteenth century America, and whose peak kept seeming to get before you could really even take it that’s really the best way of putting
Roman history, or any number of higher the more I walked. all in, we’d have class. it. Staring off into space I’d just
topics which I’m sure wouldn’t stir But then, we’d reach some Now I’m a pretty pessimistic zone out and be off in my own little
the most minor of interest in most of grassy spot a couple hundred feet person. I joke that I’m a history major world until a low flying RAF jet or
you. So you might wonder exactly above the surrounding countryside, because I’ve failed at everything else, an overly intrusive sheep jarred me
what the hell I was doing packing and we’d all sit down and catch particularly English, so naturally I out of it. Now I’m not gonna take
the collected works of Wordsworth our breath and maybe take a bite didn’t really expect to get a whole off into some metaphor-laden tirade
and a compilation of Scottish folk or two out of the turkey sandwich lot out of the poetry other than some about how I finally understood what
tales into a backpack and trundling drunkenly manufactured the night pretty words. But sitting on these Wordsworth meant, because, quite
off to rural Britain to spend three before. Finally getting a chance to mountainsides listening to a reading frankly, I still don’t think I get it. But
weeks reading poetry on hillsides. I look around, we’d be confronted of Wordsworth I couldn’t help but I have to say, it was by far the best
have no idea. And, to be honest, the with the most magnificently sublime space out and stare into the distance. classroom I’ve ever stepped into. #
phrase “what am I doing here” often vista, something that I couldn’t I want to say that the words “flowed
ran through my head as I strained to possibly describe to you with the through me” but that sounds so

Vol. 17, Issue 1 The Collegian 5

t had been too long. Stories of the Aeneid and to ask me that now. I never knew October could

Round 1
Odysseus kept piling up on my desk, and I be so cold, but maybe it was just the isolation and
couldn’t seem to stand on my feet anymore. I didn’t know the difference. I thought about my
How did I get here? Piles of unread mail and cryptic depression, nagging and unflinching, holding onto me
messages written by some forgotten hand. I lost as a nun holds onto God. Perhaps we are both being
track of who I was, thinking the whole time that I strangled, the nun and I. If only it would rain—a cold
Reilly Joret knew. It’s miserable when I am forced to remember; rain, I thought—then I could look like James Dean
I am lost in transition between lives. on a New York street, wandering aimlessly past the
Round Robin I went to meet them older at the station,
expecting something different. Or maybe I was just
expecting something different from myself, instead of
the same old shit. But as train times filtered out to me
from overhead speakers
bars and intersections, looking like I wish I did, but
probably feeling exactly the same as I do. There is
something there between us that I imagine and create
constantly. God, help me; I am looking for a way
out of this. Born in the
on the platform, my wrong decade. I feel
expectations faded into like I have burned my
thoughts of old friends. life and watched the
I remembered their flames die; now there
faces so quickly— is nothing left except
pulling them out of ash, long past the point
memory, from scenes of revival, charred
we acted out in a and gray, unable to
very different theater, be stoked. Should
on a very different I turn around? My
stage—but I failed friends haven’t seen
to recall the way we me yet. I stopped and
once had talked. I stared at the platform,
imagined getting up to wondering when the
where they were and finding how easily they talked train will come. I thought about how I looked to the
amongst themselves, but would find it hard to squeeze people in the steakhouse next door. Do I look a fool
between the lines. It was that fucking transition—a standing in the cold, bundled up in clothes that are
difference between lives—barring the conversation too thin for this cold snap? What do all the other
and nothing else. What else could? What could stop people think of me? Do they see James Dean, or me
high school friends from talking into deep hours of for who I am? To them I am just a lonely boy with
the night with nothing but instant coffee and packs of no friends and perhaps no destination whatsoever.
filtered cigarettes to keep them going? I remembered Some of them must think I am fucking scum, not
oh so well...all those conversations, how they veered good enough to ride along on the bottom of their
into everything—dabbling in the humanities and shoes. They see the scruffy face and faded, ill-fitting
ending up in social science. We talked as if we were clothes and cannot see beyond, but who are they to
born to be in that basement at that time with parents blame for what is but a thought in my head?
and siblings sleeping upstairs. We played music at But my moment was over, my feet continued
low volumes, crowded around the speakers; it was to walk toward the station. I heard the hiss of trains
music we all knew, but the rest of the country wasn’t and the voice of the automated woman. The wind
listening to and we knew that we were cool in at rose and closed off the sound from my ears, filling it
least an esoteric way. And there was passion in our up with whispers of something a little more earthly
voices, slightly cracked from smoke and exhaustion, and a little less American. Still, I hesitated. Is this
but more importantly: there was no tomorrow. There what I want? To come back to this town and these
was only the future we created for ourselves, but people—these faces—and pretend as though nothing
somehow it never happened…I’m not sure any of us has happened? Everything has changed. I am older,
ever expected it to. Nothing stays the way things are. so much older. I felt the black rings under my eyes and
There is no present; before you realize anything has rubbed my nose too hard. It’s tough being privileged,
happened there is another second of life gone…the I thought. I have everything I need, but everything
past has come. The present has just been by. Is it feels like shit. Everything has changed; I felt it
dizzying? Yes, of course. But that is the nature of deep within my soul, but it was out of my control. I
life and it is mandatory. remembered when I was a small child, my body used
I grew uncomfortable. The whole thing was to ache from growing pains. My knees would hurt
uncomfortable—tentative plans always put me on like an old catcher, those old football injuries acting
knives. I shuffled across the parking lot like bricks, up...war wounds. Little did I know that the scars
hands in my pockets, thinking about my father for from growing pains would never be revealed on the
no particular reason. I shook my head to chase the outside. My body would not betray the war wounds
thoughts away and concentrated on walking straight. that I carry with me. And as I stepped up onto the
The winds came then—cold wind, burnt platform and waved to those friends who stood
face—just as the clouds said it would. I pulled my waiting, I felt the war wounds from growing up, all
threadbare suit jacket tightly around my body and that scar tissue, creating gaps between the collective
dragged my knit cap lower on my face. My eyes conversation and spinning us into complacency. #
watered and stung, remember this cold? How cruel

6 The Collegian October 2005

lass- who doesn’t appreciate it? It’s like
style, but kindlier. Like elegance, but
approachable. And it’s very far from
swagger. It can be learned, but probably can’t be
taught. But there are lots of other things class can

Drop That,
be. It can be something you’d want to go to, for
example. If you have an idea for a class, something
interesting, something that no one has ever thought
of teaching, let’s hear it. Submit it however you
like: as a simple description or as a dialogue like

Add This.
you might hear on the first day. You could even get
really crazy and make a syllabus. You’re in school
because you want to be- let people know what you
Here’s an example to get you thinking:
“Cognizant Sensation” is one class I think I’d like. Wes Schantz
What is it? Well, it’s a 300-level in the English
department, and it’s where you’d go to learn
advanced techniques of description. It holds close
to what a wise man said, “The unexamined life is not steak: “Mmm! This is really good.
worth living,” although maybe it isn’t exactly what I wonder what all’s in it.”
he had in mind. There’s nothing very flowery about There are many other
Cognizant Sensation (in case you couldn’t tell that applications, too. Consider:
from the name). It holds no truck with metaphors those names of plants and trees
or the like. The class is closer to a research lab than and birds you read in Victorian
a bohemian café. But it isn’t a science any more novels, from when people still
than English itself is, and it certainly admits much knew such things—you learn
poetic-type thought. them. When you’re walking
Cognizant Sensation mostly deals with around campus you won’t have
things, not things for which there are no words, but to go up to the trees and read
things for which the words aren’t well known. Take their nametags anymore. And
colors, for instance. One of the primary resources all the emotions that play on
for the class is the Benjamin Moore website, where the edge of your conscious mind,
there are swabs of paint of every shade known to various cousins of loneliness and
home-decoration. Want to know just what colors hunger and pleasure—you learn
compose that sunset? Simply train your eye to pick their proper names and put them
out Soft Pumpkin, Sweet Naiveté, Barely Yellow, in tidy declensions. It’s really
and so forth. I’d suppose this course would also be a very helpful thing to know,
very helpful for art majors. even if you aren’t going into
Psychology, since everyone feels
things beyond “happy” and “sad”;
There is always the outside chance something
even trickier ones like “melancholy” are pretty tame
you ask for will actually be made into a class. While
compared to some of the really convoluted, specific
officially creating a new course- one that will appear
ones you eventually learn.
annually in the list of offerings- requires navigating
The course also deals with descriptions of
several layers of bureaucracy, it is fairly simple to
things for which no words exist. Consider: trying
have a “special topics” course instituted. These run
to describe things there aren’t quite words for- all
for no more than three semesters in a row, which is
the intricacies of love, or thinking, or grief- people
fine if you want to test the response to a new idea,
usually end up sounding stupid or pretentious
and in most cases they award credit like any other
unless they have a rare talent and a sympathetic
course. All that you need is a professor willing and
audience. Cognizant Sensation figures these stupid
with the free time to take it on, and the approval of
or pretentious-sounding people might be going
the department head. #
about their descriptions in the wrong way. In
this class, when you want to describe things, you
invent words for them. You must have heard of the
Thanks to Professor Olsen for the info.
famous example used by scholars of the great Saint-
Submit your ideas, earnest and otherwise: collegian_
Exupery: “leyellowscarf”? Or this one, a favorite of
Senses of smell and taste would be similarly those who write theses on Dante: “beauatrice”?
evaluated. After a few weeks you’ll be discoursing But students don’t get to make up their own
on food and wine to beat any restaurant review. And words for a while; that’s really something saved for
the next time you smell it, you know, that smell, that an advanced project or final exam.
one you really love but just can’t place, well, you’ll
know just what it is. You can impress your friends * * *
when they say around a mouthful of the Salisbury

Vol. 17, Issue 1 The Collegian 7

and her doctor have agreed she should be on birth
control. She should be commended for making a
responsible decision about her health and sexual
behavior rather than prohibited from obtaining her
Some “Pharmacists for Life” disagree.

Losing Options:
Catholic pharmacist Erik McClave wrote: “Even
though I did not prescribe the medication or force
the woman to take it, I still feel guilty for providing
it...I feel as though I am causing these women to
sin by providing them with the means to do so.”
Several national legislators feel it is not the

Birth Control Battle

pharmacists’ decision to make. In April, members
of both the House and Senate introduced the
Access to Legal Pharmaceuticals Act. It protects
the right of individual pharmacists to refuse to fill
Justine Hendricks a prescription but requires pharmacies to fill all
prescriptions, even if another pharmacist has to do

s college students, we’re at the age where would pharmacists seek to keep women from Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) said: “If
we like to figure things out on our own. taking it? Many pro-life advocates contend that a doctor gives you a legal prescription, no one
We don’t like people telling us what to do. life begins at the moment the sperm and egg meet, should be able to stop you from getting it filled
When our parents tell us not to get that tattoo or and that any interference with conception is wrong. – it’s as simple as that. Access to birth control is a
to stay home instead of going on spring break, it For them, the only way to avoid pregnancy is to women’s health issue and a private matter, not to be
usually doesn’t go over too well. avoid sex. tampered with by a pharmacist with an agenda.”
So how would you like it if your parents When a pharmacist refuses to dispense birth Birth control pills have been “legal
told you who you could or could not have sex control because he or she is personally against it, prescriptions” since 1961, when the Supreme
with? What if someone else made the rules about that pharmacist is discriminating against women. Court ruled, in Griswold v. Connecticut, that
your sex life? Because sex is such a personal topic Denying timely access to women’s healthcare is the Constitution implies a right to privacy
for so many people, I don’t think too many of encompassing a married couple’s decision to
us would be happy about others sticking their use contraception for family planning. The
noses in our business. Eisenstadt v. Baird case in 1972 extended
Now, what if I told you the government these to protections to single women. A
was trying to do just that? I’m not talking single woman’s right to birth control has only
about the highly publicized controversies over existed for a few decades. When our mothers
Roe v. Wade and emergency contraception; were our age, it may have been illegal.
I’m talking about something as simple as A National Family Planning and
birth control. Reproductive Health Association poll found
Since they became legal for single that 88% of respondents supported a woman’s
women in the 1970s, birth control pills have access to contraceptives. Even 80% of those
become a part of everyday life for many. But who identified themselves as Republican or
now, with ultra-conservative politicians in pro-life agreed that women should be able to
power and under pressure from the religious obtain contraception. This is encouraging, but
right, “the pill” is under attack. Recently, there unfortunately, a small number of opponents
have been an increasing number of reports of hold positions of power and are unwilling to
pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions for back down.
birth control because of their own moral and We need to be active to stop pharmacists
religious objections. from abusing their positions by refusing to
Statistics at www.feminist.org show do their jobs. Guys, this affects you, too. If
that 95% of American women will use birth your girlfriend can’t get her birth control
control at some point in their lives. Not all women not only a sexist policy, but it could also lead to an prescription filled, you could be screwed, and
on the pill use it for contraceptive purposes. Use increase in the number of unintended pregnancies not the way you’d like. We wouldn’t want our
of the pill can help regulate the menstrual cycle, and ultimately, an increase in abortions. parents telling us how to handle our sex lives, and
alleviate menstrual cramping and premenstrual Perhaps the most infuriating aspect is we definitely shouldn’t allow strangers to control
symptoms, and reduce severe acne. It is also the pharmacists’ imposition of their beliefs on them. #
prescribed to ease the symptoms of menopause. others. Some have not only refused to dispense
The pill is 92-99.7% effective in preventing birth control, but have also refused to return the
pregnancy. It uses hormones similar to those customers’ prescription slips, preventing them
produced by a woman’s ovaries to prevent the from getting the prescriptions filled elsewhere. I
ovaries from releasing an egg (ovulation), and by can tell you, if my pharmacist dared to do that, the
thickening the cervical mucus to prevent sperm pharmacy counter would not be enough to hold me
from joining the egg. Birth control does not harm back.
future fertility and may reduce the risks of ovarian Some people don’t believe in contraception;
and endometrial cancers and osteoporosis. that’s their choice, and they do not have to use it.
With all the advantages of the pill, why They should not, however, interfere if a woman

8 The Collegian October 2005


What constitutes sacrilege? Could it be a show that

puts moderately talented singers in a mansion to
create needless drama while searching for the new

The Realities of
lead singer of a band who lost its original lead singer
to a dubious death? Well, hot damn! Put me on the
next bus to hell, because Rock Star: INXS has owned
my life for the past two months. All the stress over
the next elimination, the foul language my television

Rock (and more)

had to endure, the shrieking my floor had to tolerate—
all these concluded on September 20 when INXS
determined J.D. Fortune as
“right” for their band.
The crowning of J.D.
coincided with the release of Lindsay Bergman
Rock Star: A Night At the
Mayan, an album featuring
the first performances of all in tracks like “Welcome Home” make it impossible self-titled from I Am The Avalanche is perfect for
the contestants on the show. to classify this album as “emo.” Even if Coheed is that. Vinnie Caruanas’s vocals are reminiscent of
Since the performances from not your bag, after Good Apollo, it’s difficult not to his former band, The Movielife, but there’s a new
up to week 10 are available respect them. maturity there. Obviously, his hiatus provided him
on iTunes, it’s more advisable with plenty of time and inspiration for harder tracks
to pick and choose the best ones rather than buy this like “I Took a Beating,” where he sings about the time
compilation. Plus, now that INXS is once again a full post-Movielife to present. Then there’s the classic
band, they announced a November 29 release date for THE DANDY inspiration of bad relationships for songs like the first
an album and a world tour starting in January 2006. WARHOLS: track, “Dead and Gone,” a catchy tune which can
These dates seem hopeful, but since J.D. is used Odditorium or immediately suck you in, and “Green Eyes,” where
preparing and arranging on such a short turn around Warlords from Mars Vinnie waxes poetic. The hooks in “Murderous” will
thanks to the weekly performances, and INXS has stay in your head for days, and the closing song “My
new material ready to go, they should be set. Odditorium or Warlords Second Restraining Order” leaves you wanting more.
One scary aspect that you notice if rockstar. from Mars attempts Despite simplistic lyrics and catchy bass lines, all the
msn.com is your homepage is that they’re already to return to that old- songs are solid pop punk masterpieces; there isn’t
considering a second season with this formula. It’s fashioned stoner charm one that can be singled out as bad. And, in addition
fun to speculate what band it might be. Rock Star: found in their earlier efforts, but lacks the standout to being a great pick-me-up before a 3-class day, it’s
Blind Melon? Rock Star: Nirvana? Rock Star: tracks that fit so well on mix CDs. Even Welcome a great driving album.
Queen? Rock Star: The Doors? Seriously, Mark to the Monkey House, a departure from their typical
Burnett, you can only go so far… style, had its own gems. And although everyone
loves a good 10-minute track now and then, the long
songs on Odditorium lack the substance necessary KANYE WEST: Late
COHEED & to keep a person from hitting “skip.” Songs such Registration
CAMBRIA: Goodd as “Smoke It”, in what may be a meager attempt
Apollo, I’m Burning to be catchy, are more obnoxious than appealing. Whether you love him or
Star IV, Volume One: That said, there is always the chance that it just may hate him for his inability
From Fear Through take a few listens before the deeper meaning of the to read a teleprompter,
The Eyes of Madness Dandys surfaces. Odditorium might be the perfect you can’t deny that
album to accompany a few drinks and some quality Kanye West, like Jay-Z,
The word “epic” seems time staring at the ceiling, although an album with is “not a businessman,
to be the common description for Good Apollo, I’m at least one song that lives up to “Not if You Were he’s a business, man.” Teaming up with Producer
Burning Star IV, Volume One: From Fear Through the Last Junkie On Earth” would have been more John Brion (former Fiona Apple collaborator and
The Eyes of Madness. Those who already adore appreciated. It’s worth checking out, but only worth Punch Drunk Love arranger) the highly hyped Kanye
Coheed & Cambria have doubtlessly waited for this the $14 if you are a true Dandy Warhols addict. West’s sophomore release delivers a broad variety of
album, and probably had it within seconds of its hip-hop greatness, flowing through subgenres like
release. Well, you all can skip this, because I’m not a well-written line. While the refusal to typecast
going to do it justice. Those who refuse to buy a himself to a certain genre was successful as well as
Coheed & Cambria album because it’s “conceptual” I AM THE admirably noted, it leaves a varied disc that some
and tells a story need to suck it up and listen to Good AVALANCHE: Self- hardcore hip-hop fans may even consider diluted. It
Apollo because, quite frankly, this album is what rock Titled may not be a disc to play through for some, but a
music should be. It has its climactic songs and its few tracks off of this release will definitely rock any
calm songs, and if it’s on shuffle, the fact that it’s a Sometimes a girl just party, as well leave you in awe of a truly talented
“concept album” is simple to overlook. “Keeping the wants to dance around lyricist and producer. The couple of Jay-Z stanzas
Blade,” the introductory track, is an eloquent rendition her room like an idiot on the “Diamonds” remix is worth half the purchase
of a hook used since their debut. The hints of Led while getting ready price alone.
Zeppelin, Metallica, Rush and large-scale rock bands for class. The debut

Vol. 17, Issue 1 The Collegian 9

Still ofinthe Search
Gonzo Dream Peter Knox

When the going gets weird,

the weird turn pro.
Hunter S. Thompson

10 The Collegian October 2005

he Woody Creek Tavern was so crowded I was just trying to stay out such zeal, and I embraced the opportunity a passerby in a blue car offered,
of the way. I had been here the night before drinking and eating where hitchhiking for only the second time in my life (both times were for Washington
Thompson had once done the same. After pissing in the toilet I’m sure College English papers).
he once used, I told the bartender that I had come in search of Thompson’s Thanking the kind driver of the vehicle, I was dropped off outside the
dream. As he poured me another Thompson classic, a Chivas Regal on the front gates of Thompson’s infamous Owl Farm at 4 p.m. Instead of being on
rocks, the dried-up football player behind the counter confided: “I knew him the list as I had been led to believe, I was denied entrance to the funeral, leaving
for a while. You know his public image? How people thought he could never be me only five hours to try everything I could to gain entrance. Having gone
that much of a drug-addict? Well, he’s a hundred times worse!” through the appropriate channels of security, I learned that if I wasn’t working
Back to the overwhelming scene on August 20th, 2005 at the Tavern or on the guest list (despite my inside connection with an editor), I would have
– the cannon is supposed to blow Thompson’s ashes into the sky by 9 p.m., and to wait outside all night or leave. I’d be damned if I wasn’t going to see what
here I’m waiting to get my first meal of the day! Due to my urgency, I accepted I came for. I took at seat outside the inner action and made friends with the
the only meal they could serve outside of the designated eating area, chips and security guards, who snuck me a sandwich and a soda, God bless them.
salsa, and retreated to the garden space in front of the adjacent Tavern shop. For the next several hours I was privy to stand with the guards on the
Following my unsatisfying appetizer (in comparison to the burger I had last night) innermost circle outside the funeral, less than 150 yards from the 150 foot
I continued to journal-write among hordes of Gonzo-ites like myself. There cannon. Juan Thompson, Hunter’s only son, took the famous “Red Shark”
was guitar-playing, documentary- Chevy convertible out of the gate, as did Anita, Thompson’s
filming, newspaper-interviewing, widow and second wife, drive away in her white sedan. There
and general excited talk about the was a moment when two GMC SUVs drove slowly by where I
day’s events. Here we gathered was sitting. As a tinted window lowered in the second car, Johnny
from across the nation, merely Depp appeared and my natural reaction was to give him the head
a few miles from the very same nod, which he respectfully returned before putting the window
“fortified compound in Colorado” back up.
that the late American author’s Soon enough I was no longer alone as over thirty people from all
bio always mentioned. walks of life appeared outside the gates in homage to the man that
To think that a little more showed us another way to read and write journalism. There were
than a year ago I was reading a stories, music, and tattoos shared as dusk settled on the valley and
book soon to change my life, and the strangely phallic monument was revealed in the crossing of
now the Denver Post is inquiring two spotlights. Beneath its two-thumbed fist clutching a glowing
as to my thoughts, opinions, and peyote button atop a dagger (the Gonzo logo), a large black tent
journey concerning the life and had been erected to house the 250 invited guests (including Johnny
works of the Good Doctor Hunter Depp, Benicio Del Torro, Bill Murray, Sen.
S. Thompson is by itself overwhelming. “Fear and Loathing isn’t just George McGovern, Josh Hartnett, and John
a drug-induced nightmare; it’s great writing” was the pullout quote Kerry). Japanese tribal drumming began
some editor used for their Sunday Edition. It was also how I felt after the countdown to the launching of Hunter S.
my first taste of Thompson’s literature – I wanted more. To be able to Thompson’s ashes distributed through thirty-
read and truly enjoy reading the writing of an author credible enough four fireworks canisters.
to be debated in a college literature class was one thing, but becoming At 8:45 p.m. Mountain Time, two
so engrossed in his breakthrough journalism (a genre labeled Gonzo) rounds of fireworks lit up the sky, and exactly
that you are not only allowed to write an undergraduate thesis on the six months following Thompson’s suicide in
man but are paid to attend his funeral is something else altogether February, Thompson was home. I would not
(here I will thank the C.V. Starr Center and the Comegys Bight have been anywhere else in the world at that
Scholarship, through which the American Experience is possible to exact moment as the assembled outcasts of
study). the funeral gasped in awe and cried in respect.
After proving to be a worthy interviewee, I began the process Bob Dylan’s “Mister Tambourine Man”
of changing into my suit – something required for most funeral played loud and clear over the valley, and
attendees, but something totally out of place at the Woody Creek everyone had known that Thompson would
Tavern. As not to alert the security officer posted next to my car not have wanted it any other way. The walk
(parking was tight and not allowed in many places) I keep reassuring back to the bottom following the celebration
him that I was just getting stuff from my car and going back to eat was easier physically (and I guess the bottle
at the Tavern. Really I was trading my shorts and sneakers for a suit of Thompson’s favorite whiskey, Wild Turkey,
and tie. Fully dressed, I resumed my spot in the garden, as the Tavern didn’t hurt) and no one there felt alone. The
was busier than ever. I collected my thoughts and my guts as I rose five shadows the Gonzo fist cast on the dark
to walk across the street and ascend a forty-foot dirt hill – in my formal wear. sky were perfect. The word “Gonzo” is derived from an Italian word once
My initial hope that the road to Thompson’s Owl Farm was just over meaning “a shining path.” We had received what we came for, and it couldn’t
the hill was dashed against the barbed wire now ensnared in my expensive- and have happened any other way.
dusty- suit as I stood between the hill and a rather large quarry. The next move Author’s Note: The rest of the night, no matter how ridiculous, can only
was to casually stroll along the ridge until I could stumble down the dirt hill be summed up in the phone call I made to the hotel following the discovery of
on the other side and climb up to the actual road. I had grossly underestimated a $25 charge on my credit card: “Yes, I can see the charge right here. Well,
the proportion between the temperature in my black suit under the August sun apparently the coffee pot had been missing from your room and it was found in
while at a 10,000 foot elevation and the distance to Thompson’s farm. Each the pool the next morning. And there were several complaints of loud noise at
security officer I passed along the way would simply continue to point in the three in the morning, do you know anything about tha-” ::click:: #
direction I was heading, instead of tackling me to the ground and arresting me,
as I had imagined. Walking the first mile was almost inspiring as I have yet
to meet anyone else that would be able to share in the pleasure of walking the
It never got weird enough for me.
solitary road to their hero’s house. The second mile, however, was without
Hunter S. Thompson
Vol. 17, Issue 1 The Collegian 11
Return of the White Rapper
David Yo Yo D Finn is back in the hizzouse
Another phat beat y’all
Hey yo, hey yo

We got more crackas up in this joint then a box of ritz
I bought some new pants but they don’t fit
Just when you thought that this couldn’t get worse
Here’s the part where I arbitrarily curse
Shit bitch ass cocksucker motherfucker sweet and low
Behold the end is near
These dudes want to make me over and I’m pretty sure they’re queer
Well I’m out of stuff so I’m just about done
I hope you all had a lot of fun
I didn’t write it to be hurtful
I didn’t write to be mean
I wrote for the heck of it and maybe it will be seen

A Dream That Will Go Unfulfilled

I am the wielder of the one ring
The greatest weapon in the universe
With it, I preserve justice and peace throughout the galaxy
I follow in the footsteps of Jordan, Rayner, Gardner, and G’nort
I do my best to live up to their example
Unlike some I will not lose to some Silver pansy Surfer
And those who worship evil’s might will beware my power
Good lord I’m a dork

Writer’s Block
Ok, need to think of something to write about
Just close your eyes and envision…the darkness
This isn’t working, I got nothing
Stupid cursor, it’s just sitting there
Laughing at me
Like that dog when you don’t shoot the duck in time
I got it! I can write about..a raven!!
Wait no that’s been done
Hmmm, oh idea!!

12 The Collegian October 2005

A 200 Word Essay Entitled
“What I Learned in the Fourth Grade”
When they finally pulled me by my hair out of the bushes
I was expecting a SWAT team maneuver,
an international backlash
against an elementary school renegade
who defied the principal’s tyrant decree against
walking on the grass.

They saw me spiral

into a life of recess crime,
cheating at four-square
(All the kids did it,
but only I had to stay inside and write
I Will Not Try To Fit In
a thousand times
as punishment), and

spreading slander in detention:

Mandy dies her hair blonde
and gives hand jobs after school
(it didn’t matter—
no one knew what a “hand job” was, anyway).

It was only when they found out

I was the one who put the slug
in Mrs. McAllister’s chair
and threw the paperweight shaped like Franklin Roosevelt’s head
out the second story window

that they stopped clucking their tongues and saying

she just needs time to adjust
and they didn’t make Mandy
eat lunch with me anymore.

Nothing Has No Value

A buddha [lowercase b]

Fiestas in a foreign land,

siestas in the afternoon,
and at dinner,
tequila stains on your shirt.
You laughed at everyone who would
laugh in return.

Picture frame

Paper maché pulp

oozing from the hole in the corner
like frosting onto a cake

writing in squiggly lines,
“Happy Birthday to me.”


Blink, go the yellow lights

down Pine Avenue
and a moonbeam rides along
the roof of a waiting police car
Vol. 17, Issue 1 The Collegian 13
plangent thuds of books are closed and a bathroom
break begins, men can further distance themselves
from one another and pontificate on their subject

Labored Graffiti:
matter at hand. And it is indeed the hand that men
continue to come back to.
Graffiti is given its polarity, and I begin
to understand why the library would harbor such
art. As quickly as one engraves the acronym NRA

Bathrooms of
on the basement bathroom stall, I see not more
than a paper’s length away the peace symbol at
the same longitude, taking up the same amount
of space. On inside of the basement door, “God is

Dead” is carved expansively across. It is written
so lavishly that “God is” stands above “Dead”, and
in the space between those two lines, someone of
faith has written “Alive”. The striking point to be
Will Grofic made is that this religious vandal didn’t cross out
the “Dead” yet merely squeaked in their opinion.
America, how sweet thou is. To the right of the

ello Other People- Sartre” is seen in the teams “blow” or “suck a big, fat (member)”. Picture graffiti is an arrow, and the arrow ends at another
crevice between bathroom tiles above Norah Jones playing at the Blue Bird on a Thursday statement of “He Loves U!”. The arrow seems to be
the urinal in the first floor of Miller night, and you can understand this entry. pointing as much at God, Alive, Dead, or Is. Such a
Library (although, the Collegian, and this writer, The artist presents the graffiti clearly: “To staggering ambiguity in an arrow may have never
do not advocate the continuation of graffiti). I love without pain is to deny yourself.” One could been seen before in bathroom graffiti. If it is God
begin to think while I stand there: did Sartre in taste the sappiness in the air if only this wasn’t an that loves U, then it is just another religious zealot.
his existential prose ever relinquish his ‘me, me, establishment used to expel waste. This mark emits If Alive, then an optimist, if Dead, then a Nihilist
me’ battle over essence or did Sartre once stand hurt and introspection and indicates that the torn or pessimist or possibly a necrophiliac, and if Is,
at a urinal and think, “There are other people, but lover could either be commenting on the instability then a Taoist. Remarkable when you think about
no god, so I must be courteous and it.
flush”? Right next to Sartre’s quote Finally, when someone tags
is: “My dogma ate my homework.” the wall with “MoMA”, you know
As the thoughts come pouring in, the you’re not on a city block or a train
Miller Library seems only fitting to underpass, this is high end graffiti
harbor philosophical quotes. This acknowledgement. The Modern
expression, wit, and contemplation is Museum of Art (MoMA) in New York
a gateway to collegiate thought and City houses such masterpieces as Van
comes across as a lowbrow form of Gogh’s Starry Night and Salvador
art. Dali’s Persistence of Memory. Just as
Sometimes, I think Auguste those two masterpieces battled with the
Rodin sculpted the Thinker as the paradox of timeliness and timelessness,
model sat on the porcelain throne. graffiti will always cultivate the mind
No matter that porcelain toilets and further the jumbled disunity of our
didn’t come to popularity until the ideas. The next time you see a “for a
nineteenth century (and on a side good time, call …” remember that “the
note, were called “ceramic water first known example of ‘modern style’
closets” in their infancy), Rodin’s graffiti survives in the ancient Greek
masterpiece seems to depict Dante in city of Ephesus (in modern-day Turkey)
profound contemplation while on the john. And I of love or the peaceful heartache that needs to be and appears to advertise prostitution, according to
think I remember Prof. Cousineau (If I’m wrong, embraced before it can be dealt with. Who sits on the tour guides of the city.” 1
sorry, Professor) say a quote from Samuel Beckett the toilet and wants the world to know such tragic Such a Thinker would have enjoyed these
about how he only wished he could “fart all day joy? Can you imagine a former lacrosse player ruminations. #
and read Dante”. Beckett would have been pleased with shaggy hair sniffling as he scribes this eternal
with my transmutation, then. On our campus, insistence, or a WIGS gamer proud and triumphant
some of the most passionate statements have been in overcoming a love loss and wanting to share in (Footnotes)
exhibited when a man has been in deep reflection his vindication? The anonymity presents any and 1
while seated and waiting. every option.
I can tell this artist is plaintive, and its Under that melancholic quote an
pathetic because you know he had enough time to observation reads: “Is that why it hurts for you to
think of the exact doleful wording. He has picked wank it?” Immediately and without any eloquence,
the exact quote and the exact place where one this could be simplified as man in his most pure
turns to unwind the squares of single-ply toilet form: the introspection and the mockery. There is
paper, everything is exact, and it is the execrable always the call of the lonely huddled behind the
bystanders that sit beside this quote that add to the machismo. It is apparent that men don’t console.
liveliness: those bystanders with their malapert Here especially, there is no sorrow for another
inscriptions that certain fraternities and athletic man, and in such a place as the library, where the

14 The Collegian October 2005

espite mankind’s superior engineering
skills, there are times when nature defies
our efforts to contain it and screams out
its presence. Hurricane Katrina, is an example of
this. A horrible disaster that has claimed the lives of
hundreds, it is a prime example of how destructive

Katrina and the

nature – or God, depending on your beliefs – can be
when it truly wants to. With the city underwater and
salvation coming in the form of boats, Katrina is a
modern day version of the flood myth that is found in
almost every culture and religion.

Great Flood Lyndsey Gibson

and the one most similar the Bible’s. In this version, survived the great flood by floating on a log with
a man named Utnapishtim is warned by the gods to various animals, and the Aztecs glorify Tapi and his
build a ship large enough to hold a male and female ark as the salvation of humanity. In Australia, the
of each species of animal, and to store enough food flood myth is called the Dreamtime flood. Noah is
to sustain them for a long period of time, for soon, the the hero of this legend as well, and survives the flood
earth would be flooded in order to rid it of wickedness. in the Ark Gumana with the Aborigines and animals.
The rain falls for six days and six nights, and afterward India, Hawaii, Egypt, Italy, Russia, and Peru also
Utnapishtim, like Noah, sends out a dove to see if the have similar myths.
waters have retreated. It returns, as does the swallow Despite the differences in the cultures, flood
he releases next. Finally, he sends out a raven, which myths all share several fundamental characteristics,
found dry land and so did not return. Utnapishtim including a warning about the imminent disaster, the
then determines that it is safe to leave the ship. use of a ship or ark, and the use of birds to determine
The most popular of these myths is the The Kenyan variant changes the story the water level. In each myth, it is the immorality of
biblical tale of Noah and his ark in which God warns somewhat, but the basic elements are still the same. humans that causes the flood, and the entire world
Noah of the impending flood and commands him to Legend says that the ocean was once contained in that suffers for their hubris under a sea of cleansing
take two of each living creature aboard a giant ark. a clay pot, which was placed in the care of a poor water.
The rain falls for forty days and forty nights before family. As the story goes, the man warns his family This wasn’t exactly the case with New
finally abating, covering the world and killing every never to touch the pot, but his daughter-in-law is a Orleans. Floods are a natural part of life in Louisiana,
living creature. After several months in the ark, Noah curious young woman and cannot resist. When she and hurricanes are common along the shoreline. The
releases a dove, which returned when it could find no picks up the pot it slips and shatters, releasing the city was inundated, and most of the refugees were
place above the water to rest. Seven days later, Noah ocean and flooding the entire world. saved by boats, but Katrina did not wipe out life as we
sends out the dove again, and it returns with an olive Such legends exist in almost every culture, know it. Though the hurricane was not as devastating
leaf in its beak, signifying that the waters have begun religion, and country. In China, it was the family of as the great flood, we could certainly learn a lesson
to recede. The third time Noah releases the dove, it Fuhi who saved humanity; in Greece, Prometheus’ from it. No matter how technologically advanced
does not return at all. human son Deucalion and his wife Pyrrha repopulated we are, Nature will always be stronger, and not even
The Babylonian legend, found in the Epic of the earth after Zeus flooded it. The Ojibwe Indians of our levees and dams can save us from her should she
Gilgamesh, is perhaps the oldest of the flood myths North America tell the story of how Waynaboozhoo truly wish to flood the world again. #


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Vol. 17, Issue 1 The Collegian 15
Europe and even Australia. The plot is complex,
considering the ten years of Warcraft games are all
just prequels to WoW (World Of Warcraft); but to
sum it all up, the land of Azoroth is war-torn because
of the bitter hostilities between the noble Alliance
and the Barbaric Horde. And with the Armies out in
distance battlefields you must now stand and fight to
protect your land, king, and way of life.
To start your life, you first choose a side, be it
with the horde or alliance, then choose your race, sex,

Guild Wars
appearance and name. Finally you choose a class.
There are a few more interesting classes in WoW than
in Guild Wars, such as Warlock, Druid, or Shaman.
The Warlock is a Summoner and keeper of demonic
creature. He strikes fear into any player. The druid,
Ryan Stiffler with his mastery of shape shifting into animals and
adopting their natural powers, is well suited for any
situation. Finally there is the Shaman, who uses the
power of Mother Nature to fuel his totems, which

ddiction. One would probably associate this first profession you chose can be taken to its full can give power, life, and destruction to anyone in the
word with drugs, alcohol or pornography; power. So, one could be a healer, or, in this game, vicinity.
however, Massively Multiplayer Online a Monk, and complement that with the skills of a The game is perfectly balanced with solo
Role Playing Games are a new addiction plaguing warrior or an Elementalist (a magic user). The choice and group playing, and one can play most of the
our world, and oh, am I in deep! I personally love all is yours, and this is where the customization aspect game alone. On some nights, however, you have to
RPGs, but nothing excites me more than the really of all RPGs comes in: you can only go into battle take on the much more challenging and rewarding
big ones; I find that I get almost “dangerously” deep with eight different skills, so you would choose the adventures with four buddies, or even later on in the
into them sometimes. I have played two very different best skills that work with all the other skills to make game, with 39 other players, taking on huge dragons,
MMORPGs, each of which had a unique quality that the best combination possible.
made them memorable to me. However, each also In terms of game play,
had a different level of “suck-you-in” power; or as I the environments and graphics
like to think of it, a “high.” are some of the best I have
The first, Guild Wars, I would classify as a seen in a MMORPG; they are
“gateway drug” into the MMORPG world. The plot truly stunning. However, with
of the game is very basic: you are a human in a land the choppy game mechanics,
that you must protect. You select a starting class, the pretty stuff losses its effects
appearance, and sex, and you’re off into the world. quickly. One major problem that
The professions that you can choose are your makes Guild Wars less gripping
typical picks, with a twist here and there: you have to me is that it stresses too
your warrior-healer, archer, or magic user (I found greatly on the group play aspects
both the Necromancer and Mesmer profession both of MMORPGS. It forces you
to be interesting and fun to play). The Necromancer to group with other players to
can use the life of their enemies to feed their powers, complete certain quests. I like
as well as summon undead pets to fight for them, the option to play in a group,
which is not new, but is always fun. obviously the reason to play a
The Mesmer is the most unique profession MMORPG, but to be forced to
I have found in this game. play in a
Though they do not exactly group for every single quest powerful warlords, and other fanatical creatures in
deal direct damage, Mesmers after level eight is ridiculous. climatic battles for riches beyond your belief.
have the ability to use their I personally feel that the Of course, there’s still the problem of the war
enemies’ own powers against developers didn’t realize that between the two factions, the horde and the alliance,
them. For example, a Mesmer people still like being a lone and you must deal with that too. There are certain
could cast a spell that would hero in a huge world. However, areas in the game that are considered contested:
force an enemy to receive the I still find it an ok escape from inside these areas, anything goes. This makes the
same amount or even more the real world, being that after community a lot stronger and closely tied because of
damage than they deal on the store price it’s a free game. a banding together to defend their land.
the Mesmer. This, coupled Take crack, weed, and With all this and so much more, MMORPGS,
with another spell that would three shots of heroin and you namely WoW, have successfully sucked me and my
return life to the Mesmer will understand the additive wallet dry. That’s why, if you wish to keep your
every time the enemy would nature of the only drug-I mean life and a checking account stray away from these
take damage, shows the game- that I play anymore. games, because once you’re on level 9, you never go
prowess of this profession. World Of Warcraft has literally back..#
As you progress in the game, captured the MMORPG world
you can choose and second and now feeds off of millions of
professions to complement player around the whole globe,
the first; however, only the From the US to Asia to all of

16 The Collegian October 2005

Cast of Characters: CAP’N SALTY (to himself, audible): Looks like
we’ve got an overachieving landlubber in our midst.
CAP’N SALTY: A pirate
RECEPTIONIST: A receptionist
me, Madam. (Tuns to Salty, brandishing axe): I’ll
have you know, you pungent sea-pigeon, that our
for the
Setting: longboats are far more seaworthy than your tar-
covered, stolen ships will ever be.
An income tax office. The office is garishly lit via
overhead halogen. Blue plastic chairs line the wall CAP’N SALTY (with surprising agility, rising to

facing the audience. The RECEPTIONIST’s window his foot and peg and drawing sword): Avast thar!
is positioned stage right. Nobody insults the Cap’n! Prepare yerself fer a taste
of cold steel!

CAP’N SALTY is already seated, his sword on the LARS THE MIGHTY (raising axe overhead; ceiling
seat beside him. He fidgets uncomfortably, adjusts tiles crumbling to the floor): Odin, god of war be
his peg leg, grunts uncouthly. It is an utterance of
both discomfort and relief.
with me, and also with the soul of this ignorant cur as
I send him into the afterlife!
A Play
RECEPTIONIST: Sirs, please. Mr. in one Act
RECEPTIONIST: The auditor Mighty, you haven’t yet completed
will be right with you, sir. All your form. Why don’t you both Johanna Schaeffer
you have to do is wait here. have a seat? The auditor will be
right with you.
CAP’N SALTY: Wench, I’d
be most grateful if he’d show CAP’N SALTY: Woman, know yer
his scurvy hindparts. I’ve got place before I smacks ye with the
nothin’ te hide. flat of me blade!

RECEPTIONIST: Of course LARS: For Freyja’s sake, sit down

you don’t, sir. and stop threatening the lady.

Enter LARS THE MIGHTY, stage CAP’N SALTY (sits, grudgingly):

left. He is carrying traditional Pagan.
Viking accoutrements, spear
and long-handled battleaxe. He LARS (seated): Cripple.
crosses to the RECEPTIONIST’S
window, she hands him a form CAP’N: I was attacked by a shark!
on a clipboard. By God, it was six fathoms long!

RECEPTIONIST: You’ll need to fill out your

profession and your name.

LARS THE MIGHTY: Profession?

RECEPTIONIST: What you do for a living.

LARS THE MIGHTY: I rob and pillage.

RECEPTIONIST: So you’re a pirate. You practice


CAP’N SALTY (to himself, but audible): That fur-

LARS: I’ve gotten quite a few war wounds myself.

CAP’N: Ah, that’s nothing. Why I once keelhauled

a British Admiral!
This here (exposes a huge scar on his hairy, burly
forearm) was when we were invading Nova Scotia.
I was hit with seven arrows, but killed just as many

LARS: Once we burned ten villages in a fortnight’s


CAP’N (admiringly, chuckling): I guess I can

wearin’ flea-nuts ain’t no pirate. appreciate a man like ye. Ye’ve probably got more
pirate in ye than half the bloody ignorant apes on me
LARS THE MIGHTY: Well, I farm too. crew. One of them scurvy dogs shanked an albatross
on our last voyage. And I’d bet my last piece of eight
RECEPTIONIST (reaching for clipboard): Well ye don’t pay a dime of income tax.
you can check this box for “pirate” or this one for
“farmer”. LARS: By the gods, no.

LARS THE MIGHTY: Maybe I’m more of an CAP’N (laughs raucously): And look where it got
explorer. ye!

...continued on page 19
Vol. 17, Issue 1 The Collegian 17
predictable decapitations here. At one point, one of
the girls at the school, fleeing a pursuer late at night,
climbs a wall and goes through a small window,

only to land on the other side in a pile of razor wire.
And keep an eye out for the sudden, and ridiculously
contrived, rain of maggots from the ceiling. Good
But Suspiria isn’t all splatterpunk and

Italian Horror gore. This movie has heart. In one scene, we get
a nice close-up of that heart, and a knife stabbing
it repeatedly. Seriously though, there is a distinct
artistry to it all—an artistry that is enhanced by

At Its Best
some fine casting decisions, including Joan Bennett
in the role of the dance school’s headmistress.
Bennett, longtime star of the gothic soap opera
Dark Shadows, plays her part to the hilt. She is
Zachary Z. E. Bennett simultaneously elegant and sinister. Being an avid
fan of Dark Shadows, I found her performance to
be a special treat. We never doubt her duplicity,

nless you’re a cult horror movie aficionado, The night she arrives, two students at the school but hey, she is the headmistress, after all. Isn’t she
you’ve probably never heard of, much less are killed in grisly fashion. Girl comes to realize supposed to be evil?
seen, the 1977 giallo classic, Suspiria. You that said ballet school is run by a coven of witches. Some have accused Argento of misogyny,
need to. More mysterious things occur, including more grisly but those claims are only knee-jerk slander. It’s
“Giallo” is Italian for “yellow”. true that he has directed many gruesome
The giallo subgenre of horror descended scenes of female victimization, including
from the hard-boiled detective stories and directing his own daughter, Asia Argento,
murder mystery pulp novels of the 1930s in a rape sequence for another film, The
and ’40s. These pulps were printed on low- Stendhal Syndrome. But when I watch
quality yellow paper in order to cheaply Suspiria, I am always struck by the fact
mass-produce them. Hence, “giallo”. In that all of the major characters, both the
cinema, the subgenre’s core component is heroes and the villains, are female. The
stylish ultraviolence, emphasis on stylish. male cast is relegated to supporting roles at
Edgar Allan Poe once wrote that best, window dressing at worst. Ironically,
“the death…of a beautiful woman is, this is exactly the reverse of what so many
unquestionably, the most poetical topic in “mainstream” films do. Importantly, the
the world.” I agree completely. Poe and main character finally defeats the witches
I are Romantics, and so is the director of through her own actions; she isn’t rescued
Suspiria, Dario Argento. Argento has said by any knight in shining armor. Far from
that Poe’s writings were a chief inspiration being misogynistic, this is the essence of
for his filmmaking, and the influence is feminist filmmaking.
easy to see. But Argento has an advantage, Loosely based on the essay “Suspiria
because whereas Poe depends on the De Profundis” by Thomas De Quincey,
reader’s imagination to conjure the wild Suspiria is a fitting homage to surrealism
images he describes, Argento doesn‘t have and the high art of the unconscious. But
to. He simply brings his macabre vision more than that, it is the first installment
to life before us. His use of color is the in Argento’s yet-unfinished trilogy of
most vivid I have ever seen. The first time “the three mothers” mythology. Mater
I saw Suspiria, I found myself thinking, Suspiriorum (literally, the “Mother of
“This is what ‘The Masque of the Red Sighs”), is the ancient witch whose evil
Death’ would look like on screen.” permeates the ballet school where Suspiria
To supplement its nightmare is set. She doesn’t appear until the final
dreamscape, Suspiria has a soundtrack minutes of the movie, but when she does,
by the little-known synth-rock group she makes an impression! As the original
Goblin. It is without a doubt the most tagline advertised it, “The only thing more
haunting score I have ever heard. Loud at terrifying than the last 12 minutes of this
times, but never abrasive, the music is an film are the first 80”. It’s true.
added assault on the senses. There’s no Halloween will soon be upon us, so
subtlety here. This is foreground music, what better time to see this masterpiece of
not background music. You’re constantly aware of deaths. Finally, Girl must confront the witches and Italian giallo? You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll scream
its presence, but that only enhances the viewing defeat them. All this is little more than a device in terror. A good time will be had by all..#
experience. for Argento to showcase his striking camera angles,
The plot is not well-developed, but in otherworldly color schemes, and luridly beautiful
Argento’s world, substance takes a backseat to style. death sequences.
Feeling and sensation override everything else. The The death sequences are, I should add,
basic story is: Girl goes to ballet school in Europe. extremely original. No meat cleavers in the back or

18 The Collegian October 2005

Auditor, continued from page 17
CAP’N: Well, let’s go.

LARS: Well I don’t suppose you’re here because of LARS: No.

Next month...
your law-abiding practices:
CAP’N: Why not?
CAP’N: It’s a simple matter, really. (Unfolds a piece
of parchment). I buried me last year’s earnins on an
island, here, only we got becalmed and between the
LARS: We’re waiting for the auditor. Scotland:
grog and that albatross, and then the skinny wench
who smuggled aboard in the muzzle of our six-pound
LARS: Are you sure it was this office? One Confused Junior
cannon… I forgot where the treasure be. But there CAP’N: What?
be more than one sense of the word “booty,” I can
tell you that. LARS: In which we were to wait?
English Major Tours
LARS: Well, use your intelligence. I’m sure you’ll
Toll Science Center
CAP’N: Nay, I don’t remember…in between the
recollect it presently. grog and that albatross…

(CAP’N SALTY uses his intelligence.) LARS: Well, let’s go. On The Road
CAP’N: I recall the spot now! Three degrees three CAP’N: Yes, let’s.
With Fall Out Boy
seconds to the south of the island that looks like
crossbones! Well matey, I humbly thank ye. (Sighs). (They do not move.)
Well, here we are, the two thieves. Wonder which of To A Parked Ford Truck
us will be saved, and which will be…
Outside SuperFresh
LARS: I hope the auditor crucifies quick. I’m afraid
I’m about to get me comeuppance for me life of
crimes: extinction. Poems By
Celeste Stanley

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Vol. 17, Issue 1 The Collegian 19

Endgame Renée Farrah

y mom’s birthday beach trip was cut short so we could turn around and go north to Warren, Ohio. My
great uncle, Joe, had died, and we had to attend an early family reunion to say goodbye (and hello) one
last time. At the viewing, there was a memory board; apparently an entire life can be pinned to a cork
rectangle. It was somewhat unnerving that the man I had known my entire life had gone to Lebanon and Egypt, and
had also fought in a world war, when all I knew about him was that he loved popcorn and pie.
After the viewing, we went to the location of the first house my family had when they came to America.
Though the house is now torn down and there’s a CVS in its place, some of the surrounding buildings are still
present (albeit not in good condition). My uncle Mitch was with us, showing us what he could remember: where the
house stood, where they played as kids, etc. Then, we went into the CVS to see where the bedrooms used to be, and
to find Dramamine for my car sick sister. All we found, however, were more of my relatives. Everyone finds their
way home, even if home has changed.
My dad took my sister and me to see my great grandparent’s graves after seeing the house site. We were
uncertain of the location of the grave, and all the help my Uncle Mitch could provide was the presence of a bush next
to it. The three of us split up and wandered around looking for the grave. I looked at the endless gravestones- the
only object telling the living that deceased rested under their feet. Large squares, obelisks, statues- my eyes blurred
with the varying shades of gray dotting the live green grass. Some graves had the name of one person, some four;
families, couples, children, siblings; some had black and white or even color pictures on them, or marriage bands
engraved between the names. There were names that sounded like they were from Italian, Polish, Indian, Arab, and
Irish families.
All I could think of was that I was standing in a field of people who know what happens when you die. I
thought I saw the word Nader, the name my great grandparents chose to be their new American name, engraved in
a large rectangular stone. I ran across the most ethnic cemetery I’ve ever seen, trying not to step on anyone while
I sprinted down the row. I’m not sure why I ran; perhaps I thought I would lose sight of it if I took too long and it
would vanish like ghosts are apt to do. I got closer and saw “Emilie and Nassef” engraved on a stone with a cedar
tree next to it, paying homage to Lebanon, not a bush, and called out to my dad.
We gathered around the grave that bore the names of the people who brought my family to this country.
I’ve never met them; I only hear stories. So I stood there staring at names that match faces I’ve never seen, with
dates next to them I never lived in. Then I realized that one day I’ll take my kids here, to Uncle Joe’s, Aunt Louise’s,
my grandfather’s graves and tell them of people they will never meet. And if I don’t take them there they will never
know where part of their family is, and it will be forgotten.
The funeral mass was conducted in the same church that Great Uncle Joe had his first communion in and
was confirmed in. He and his brothers had spent their entire lives in this neighborhood. As adults they had moved a
mile away from their parent’s house, now the CVS. It really hit me how close my family is and how it is our choice
to be this way.
During the funeral The American Legion gave a 21-Gun Salute, and also read a poem that I really enjoyed.
It was called “How You Spent Your Dash” referring to the dash on a gravestone between the date of birth and death.
An entire lifetime is symbolized in an inch-long crevice. The only way your dash can be more than a dash is through
the memories of those that are around you, your friends, and family. They can make you immortal with their stories
and pictures. Taps echoed through the cemetery. The sound waves were ricocheting off the stones of the dead, guns
were systematically firing, everyone, living or deceased, now knew of the tribute my Great Uncle Joe made during
his life.
As the summer drew to a close I came to a greater realization: I am part of a new generation. It is my duty to
pass on stories of those that cannot tell them themselves, to pass on to my younger relatives how amazing it is that
so many of us are still so close. So much can happen in one day, and after you’re gone, all you’ll have is a dash. So
often you hear about seizing the day, but it’s true- if you do nothing no one will talk about you when you’re gone,
and that is the only way to have more than a dash attached to your name. This Halloween, be with your friends, your
family, whoever makes you happy and helps you have a great time. Make your dash something to talk about.

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