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HIS 2020 Project Proposal Instructions

Project Title:
Give your topic a working title.

Project Type:
Website-The successful website project will
HIS 2020 Project Proposal
explore a topic using multimedia tools. The
site can use static HTML, Flash, or a content
management system such as WordPress. The Name ________________________________________

goal is to use the medium to communicate Email ________________________________________

your research findings in an informative and
The purpose of this project is to dig deeper into a historical topic and communicate your findings either in
visual manner. Must have at least 5 individual a traditional paper or alternative communication forms.
pages with links to related info.
Project Title

Podcast-a podcast is a digitally formatted __________________________________________________________________________________

audio presentation posted for consumer
consumption through the internet. The suc- Project Type

cessful podcast project will explore your topic website

by writing a script and executing the script in podcast
a way that shares your research findings in an historical character reenactment
interesting way. 5-7 min. short documentary
Research paper

Exhibit-The successful exhibit will explore Other________________________________________

your topic and research findings in a museum

exhibit format. Must have at least 3 panels. Project Topic

Historical character reenactment-Pick a his- ____________________________________________________________________________________

torical character and design a way to capture
the person in a monologue. This option will
include a class presentation and an opportu- ____________________________________________________________________________________

nity for classmates to ask the questions. 5-7

Describe your topic in a question and answer format.

Short documentary-the successful documen- ____________________________________________________________________________________

tary will explore a topic using video. You will
write a script and figure out the best way to ____________________________________________________________________________________

present your project. 5-7 min. ____________________________________________________________________________________

Research paper-the traditional research paper

is an excellent way to conduct research and
share findings. This paper will need a research
question to begin. The paper must be 10-12
pages, with a short class presentation about
your findings.

Project Topic

Describe your project topic, then, in the next section, frame the topic as a question. The purpose for this exercise is to begin think-
ing like a historian. Historians approach history using scientific method. Research starts with a question, then proceeds until you
find answers based on evidence.

Example: We know that Abraham Lincoln was against slavery, but when did he begin speaking publicly about his beliefs and why?

Topic Presentation
Example: I want to do a short documentary about Lincoln’s beliefs on slavery while he was a young lawyer. I plan to write a script
for a voiceover that explains Lincoln’s intellectual and spiritual thoughts about slavery. I will show historical images of Lincoln and
his family as well as primary source material that relates to the slavery debate in Illinois during his time there.

Example: I want to do a short documentary about Lincoln’s beliefs on slavery while he was a young lawyer. I plan to use images
from the Library of Congress, and read through primary documents posted on the National Archives website, and other books
found both in the MTSU library and online that address his beliefs and their foundations.

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