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Chapter 22 Feb. 24, 2010!

Quiz 4

Name _______________________________________

1. What general led the American Expeditionary Forces during World War I?

2. World War I began in 1914 after Archduke Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo
by a Bosnian Serb. The _______________ system that was in place in Europe
during this era guaranteed that the war would not be isolated between Bosnia and
Austria-Hungary, but would spread across the continent.

3. ___________________ Wilhelm II led Germany during World War I.

4. What was the Lusitania and why was it important?

5. What year did America enter the war?

6. T or F The National War Relations Board enacted the 8-hour day, a living minimum
wage, and collective bargaining rights in some industries.

7. T or F Jane Addams, founder of Hull House, was a firm supporter of World War I.

8. T or F Because America helped France and Britain win the war, Woodrow Wilson
won every concession he wanted in the Treaty of Versailles that ended the war.

9. The war helped pass the eighteenth and nineteenth amendments to the constitution.

The 18th Amendment, passed Congress in December 1917, concerns


The 19th Amendment, passed by Congress in 1919, concerns


10. What two ethnic groups migrated in the “Great Migration” according to the text?

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