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Morning Murli

Om Shanti



Sweet children, you have to become the most elevated human beings at this elevated
confluence age. The most elevated human beings are Lakshmi and Narayan.
Question: Which incognito task are you children carrying out with the Father?
Establishment of the original eternal deity religion and the deity kingdom. You are carrying
out this task with the Father in an incognito way. The Father is the Lord of the Garden who is
changing the forest of thorns into the garden of flowers. Theres nothing fearsome in that
garden which could cause sorrow.
At last the day for which we had been waiting has come.
Om shanti. The spiritual Father sits here and explains to the spiritual children. He definitely has to explain
through a body. A soul cannot perform any task without a body. Only once, at this elevated confluence age,
does the spiritual Father take a body. This confluence age is also called the most elevated age because, after
this confluence age, the golden age comes; the golden age is also called a most elevated age. The Father
comes and establishes that most elevated age. He comes at the confluence age. Therefore, this age is called
the most elevated age. It is here that He makes you children the most elevated. Then you go and stay in the
most elevated new world. Most elevated means the highest-on-high human beings, who are Radhe and
Krishna or Lakshmi and Narayan. Only you have this knowledge. People of other religions will also agree
that they definitely are the masters of heaven. Bharat is praised a great deal. However, the people of Bharat,
themselves, dont know this. It is said that so-and-so became a resident of heaven, but they dont understand
what heaven is. They themselves prove that so-and-so has gone to heaven, which means that he must have
been in hell before. Heaven will come when the Father establishes it. Only the new world is called this.
There are the two things: heaven and hell. People say that heaven exists for hundreds of thousands of years.
You children understand that it was heaven yesterday, that it was their kingdom (Lakshmi and Narayan) and
that you are once again claiming your inheritance from the Father. The Father says: Sweet, beloved
children, it is because you souls are impure that you are in hell. It is also said that the iron age still has
40,000 years left. Therefore, they definitely would be called residents of the iron age. This world is old.
Human beings are in the depths of darkness. At the end, when there is fire, all of this will finish. You have
loving intellects, numberwise, according to the effort you make. According to how loving your intellect is,
to that extent you will claim a high status. Wake up early in the morning and remember the Father with a lot
of love. You may even have tears of love. This is because it is after a very long time that the Father has
come and met you. Baba, You come and liberate us from sorrow. We were floundering in the ocean of
poison, and continued to become so unhappy! This is now the depths of hell. Baba has now told you the
secrets of the whole cycle. He has also come and explained to you what the soul world is. Previously, you
didnt know this. This world is called the forest of thorns. Heaven is called the garden of Allah, the garden
of flowers. The Father is also called the Lord of the Garden. Who makes you flowers into thorns again?
Ravan. You children understand that Bharat was a garden of flowers; it is now a forest. Animals and
scorpions etc. live in a forest. There are no fearsome animals in the golden age. They have written so many
things in the scriptures, such as that Krishna was bitten by a snake, that this happened and that happened.
They have portrayed Krishna in the copper age. The Father has explained that devotion is completely
different from knowledge. Only the one Father is the Ocean of Knowledge. It isnt that Brahma, Vishnu
and Shankar are oceans of knowledge; no. Only the one Ocean of Knowledge is called the Purifier. It is
only through knowledge that human beings receive salvation. There are two places of salvation: the land of
liberation and the land of liberation-in-life. You children know that a kingdom is now being established.
However, this is incognito. The Father, Himself, comes to establish the original, eternal, deity religion. All
others come in their own human costumes. The Father doesnt have a costume of His own. This is why He
is called incorporeal God, the Father. Everyone else is physical. He is called incorporeal God, the Father
of incorporeal souls. You souls live there and the Father also lives there. However, He is incognito. The
Father comes Himself and establishes the original, eternal, deity religion. There is no sorrow in the soul
world. The Father says: Your benefit lies in just one thing: Remembrance of the Father! Manmanabhav,
thats all! It is understood when someone has become a child of the Father, that the child will receive an
inheritance. To remember Alpha means to receive an inheritance of the golden-aged, new world. This
impure world definitely has to be destroyed. We definitely have to go to the land of immortality. The Lord
of Immortality is telling the story of immortality to you Parvatis. So many people go on pilgrimages! So
many go to Amarnath! There is nothing there. All of that is deception; there isnt even a grain of truth. It is
sung: The body is false, Maya is false and the whole world is false. There has to be a meaning to that.



Morning Murli

Om Shanti



There is only falsehood here. This too is an aspect of knowledge. It isnt a lie to call a glass a glass. On the
path of devotion, they tell lies about the Father. Only the one Father speaks the truth. You know that Baba
has now come and is telling you the true story of becoming true Narayan. Artificial diamonds and pearls
also exist. These days there is a lot of show of artificial things. Their shine is such that they look even
better than the real thing! These artificial stones didnt exist here previously; they came here recently from
abroad. When the artificial and the real are mixed together, you cant tell them apart. Instruments have
been invented with which you can recognise them. Artificial pearls have been invented so that you just
cant tell them apart. You children no longer have any doubts. Those with doubts dont come back again.
So many come to the exhibitions. The Father says: Now open big shops. Yours is the only true shop. You
open the true shop. The very big sannyasis have very big shops where important people go. You can also
open big centres. The expansion of devotion is completely separate from knowledge. It isnt said that
devotion has been continuing from the beginning of time; no. Through knowledge there is liberation, or
day. There, you were completely viceless, the masters of the world. Human beings dont even know that
this Lakshmi and Narayan were the masters of the world. There were only the sun dynasty and the moon
dynasty; there were no other religions. You children heard the song. Do you understand that that day of the
confluence age has finally come when we come to meet our unlimited Father? We are making effort to
claim our unlimited inheritance. In the golden age you dont say: At last the day has come. People here
make plans for a lot of grain and other things. They believe that they are the ones who are establishing
heaven. They believe that students are the new blood and that they will help a great deal. This is why the
Government works hard on them. However, it is the students who then throw stones etc. It is the students
who are the leaders in causing chaos. They are very clever; they are called those with new blood. There is
no question of new blood. Theirs is a blood connection and yours is now a spiritual connection. You say:
Baba, I am Your two month-old child. Some children celebrate their spiritual birthday. It is the Godly
birthday that should be celebrated. Your physical birthdays should be cancelled. We will only feed
Brahmins. It is this that should be celebrated. That is an impure birth, whereas this is your Godly birth;
there is the difference of day and night. However, this happens when there is faith. It shouldnt be that you
celebrate your Godly birthday and that you then go back to your impure birth again. That also happens.
They had continued to celebrate their Godly birthdays and then they disappeared. These days, they celebrate
their wedding anniversaries. They think that weddings are auspicious occasions. They even celebrate the
day of going into degradation. It is a wonder, is it not? The Father sits here and explains all of these things.
You must only celebrate your Godly birthday with Brahmins. We are Shiv Babas children. When we
celebrate a birthday, we only remember Shiv Baba. The children who have faith in their intellects should
celebrate their birthdays, so that they forget their impure births. Baba also gives this advice. This is only
when you have firm faith in the intellect. We belong to Baba and none other, thats all! Then, at the end,
we will reach our destination. If you die in remembrance of the Father, the next birth you take will be
according to that. Otherwise, those who remember their wives at the end This is also mentioned in the
Granth. It is said: Let there be the water of the Ganges in your mouth at the end. All of those things belong
to the path of devotion. The Father says to you: Even while leaving your body, spin the discus of selfrealisation. Keep the Father and the cycle in your intellects. It is definitely by continuing to make effort
now that you will have that remembrance at the end. Consider yourselves to be souls and remember the
Father because you children now have to return home bodiless. While playing your parts here, you have
become tamopradhan from satopradhan. You now have to become satopradhan once again. At this time,
you souls are impure, so how can you receive pure bodies? Baba has given you many examples; after all, he
is a jeweller. Impurity is not mixed into the jewellery; it is mixed into the gold. If you want to make 24
carat gold into 22 carat gold, you mix silver into it. There is now no gold! They continue to take it from
everyone. Look at the kind of banknotes they make these days. There isnt even enough paper. You
children understand that this has been happening for cycle after cycle. Everyone is fully investigated.
People are made to open their lockers etc. Full checks are made. It is said: The wealth of some will be
buried, the wealth of others will be looted by the Government. Fierce fires will also break out. You
children know that all of that is going to happen. This is why you are preparing your bags and baggage for
the future. Other people dont know this. Only you receive an inheritance for 21 births. It is with your
money that Bharat is being made into heaven. You yourselves will then reside there. You children claim
your tilak of sovereignty through your own efforts. Baba, the Lord of the Poor, has come to make you into
the masters of heaven. However, you become those according to how you study. It doesnt happen through


Morning Murli

Om Shanti



mercy or blessings. It is a teachers duty to teach. It is not a matter of mercy. Teachers receive a salary
from the Government. Therefore, they will definitely teach. You receive such a big reward; you become
multimillion times fortunate. They show the symbol of a lotus at Krishnas feet. You have come here to
become future millionaires. You become very happy, wealthy and immortal. You gain victory over death.
Human beings cannot understand these things. When your lifespan is over you become immortal. They
have created images of the Pandavas showing them to be big and tall. They believe that the Pandavas were
very tall. You are those Pandavas. The difference is that of day and night! People are not that tall. They
are only six feet tall. On the path of devotion there is first the devotion of Shiv Baba. They cant build a big
image of Him, can they? First, there is the unadulterated devotion of Shiv Baba. Then they carve statues of
the deities and they make very big idols of them. They make big images of the Pandavas. They make those
idols so they can worship them. The worship of Lakshmi takes place once every twelve months. The
worship of Jagadamba (the World Mother) takes place every day. Baba has also explained: You are doubly
worshipped. I am worshipped just as the Soul, or the lingam (the oval image). You are worshipped in the
form of saligrams and also as deities. When they hold a sacrificial fire of Rudra they have so many
saligrams created. So, who is greater? This is why Baba says Namaste to you children. He enables you
to attain such an elevated status! Baba tells you such deep things. Therefore, you children should have so
much happiness! God is teaching us to make us into gods and goddesses! We should thank Him so much!
By staying in remembrance of the Father you will have good dreams and you will also have visions.
To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the
Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.
Essence for dharna:
Celebrate your Godly, spiritual birthday and maintain your spiritual connection, not a blood
connection. Cancel your physical, impure birthday. It should not even be remembered.
Prepare your bags and baggage for the future. Use your wealth in a worthwhile way to serve
Bharat and make it into heaven. Give yourself your tilak of sovereignty with your own efforts.


May you be an elevated effort-maker who does golden-aged service through your golden-aged
These children who do not have any alloy of jealousy, any feeling of trying to prove
themselves right, of being stubborn or any old sanskars mixed into their natures are those with
golden-aged natures. Elevated, effort-making children who have such golden-aged natures and
the sanskars of Yes indeed mould themselves according to the time and service and become
real gold. Let there not be the alloy of ego or feeling of being insulted mixed in service and
you would then be called someone who does golden-aged service.
Finish the questions of Why? and What? and remain constantly happy hearted.


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