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Vertical and Horizontal Hydrotest Position


11/23/2008 11:41 PM

Join Date: Oct 2008

Posts: 56

Dear Members,
What is diffrent between Vertical & Horizontal Hydrotest Position. I always used Horizontal hydrotest position for any type of vessel. Could
anyone interpret to me litte bit regarding this matter.

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Re: Vertical and Horizontal Hydrotest Position

11/25/2008 1:46 AM

Hi Faizol,

Join Date: Jun 2008

Posts: 26
Good Answers: 5


I assume that you are talking about vessels that are fairly tall. If so, then the only difference when hydrotesting the vessel in the vertical
position is that you must take the static head of the water into account. The top of the vessel must obviously experince the full hydrotest
pressure, so the bottom of the vessel will experince this pressure plus the static head. The pressure guage is usually at the bottom of the
vessel, so when testing ensure that the guage reads the total pressure (test pressure plus static head).


Re: Vertical and Horizontal Hydrotest Position

11/25/2008 11:03 AM

I would think that the better position would be the one the vessel will be used in. As stated above, a tall vertical vessel will have a higher
pressure at the bottom that at the top, while a horizontal vessel will have the same pressure throughout.
"Just a little off the top" - Marie Antoinette

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Location: Cleveland, OH
Posts: 447
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Re: Vertical and Horizontal Hydrotest Position


11/25/2008 7:38 PM

Join Date: Oct 2008

Posts: 56

Dear Members,
anybody know how to calculate stress for every parts like bottom head, shell and top head using manual calculation. Could someone guide
me and provide a stress formula.
Thank you.



Re: Vertical and Horizontal Hydrotest Position

10/27/2009 5:18 PM

For vertical vessels tested horizontally, we have always added the static head to the required hydro pressure. Per interpretation
VIII-1-95-27, this is not required. The test pressure regardless of position is 1.3P times the materials stress ratio. Interpretation:
VIII-1-95-27 Subject: Section VIII, Division 1 (1992 Edition, 1993 Addenda); UG-99(b) Date Issued: January 12, 1995 File Number:
BC94-414 Related Documents: Question (1): Does the last sentence of UG-99(b) of Section VIII, Division 1, "All loadings that may exist
during this test shall be given consideration," require that the static head that exists in a tower in the vertical position must be considered
when determining the test pressure in the horizontal position? Reply (1): No. Question (2): Does UG-99 specify in which position a vertical
tower must be hydrotested? Reply (2): No.



Re: Vertical and Horizontal Hydrotest Position

07/28/2010 4:31 AM

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CR4 - Thread: Vertical and Horizontal Hydrotest Position

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