Minutes 2010 04 13

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2010 2011 IUSA Student Body Congress

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Meeting Minutes

Shobha Pai, 2009-1010 VPC, opens the meeting

Introduces Emily Berman, Campus Liason of IIPAC – Indiana Israeli Public Affairs
Emily talks about the issues concerning IIPAC
Encourages support from the incoming 2010-2011 IUSA Student Body Congress
Informs of other leaders who have signed the petition – Michael Coleman, Peter SerVaas,
Jen Peterson, IU College Democrat and IU College Republican Presidents, and other past
congress members
Pass the petition to the new congress representatives
Tara Maloney, SB Chief Supreme Court Justice is introduced to induct the new members
She reads of the oath and the new members recite after her.
They are all sworn into office.
Peter SerVaas, outgoing President and Incoming VP of Administration, talks a about the
responsibilities and a few words of wisdom.
Shobha gives her report of this past year – attendance, 35 resolutions past this year,
encourages the congress members to get involved, IDS coverage, etc.
Shobha takes attendance – Attending, ?; Not attending, ?; Proxy, 3.
Tara talks about the responsibilities and duties of Supreme Court Justices; and who
Today she is inducting 4 new members – Cameron Robinson, Mikela Shaw, Ronok Shah (?),
(last member’s name?).
Jen Peterson opens to question, debate, end debate, voice vote. – unanimously aye.
Daniel Herman, past Congress member, introduces the resolution regarding the IUSA
Daniel informs the group of his work with the bylaws. He encourages the representatives
to vote for this changes.
Major changes (John Gillard, Daniel Herman, Peter SerVaas spoke about these issues):
• Historian should upload congress resolutions and agendas online for the public to
see. Keeping electronic records.
• Historian is an added section
• IUSA Aid Funding Board – the board has created their own constitution and is seen
now as a separate entity. The board cannot change their own members, returning
this power to congress.
Tara asks a question about Article 11 of the IUSA Bylaws
She gives her opinion of this issue, suggest to strike provisions from this Article.
A tech guy came in and we finally got the overhead to work!
John Gillard introduces
Change – make IUSA Congress a part of the IUSA Funding Board
Article IV, Section 2 is an important part of these changes
Jen opens up to questions, open debate…
A proxy in a white shirt asks a question, Tara answers his question.
Motion to amend the bylaws – Jen, second –Farihah
Voice vote – unanimously aye
Jen says a couple of words – name tags, binders
Shobha talks about the duties of Speaker of the House, Parliamentarian, and Grammarian.
Three people are interested in becoming Speaker of the House (Summer Session) – Alex
Groysman, Steve Ross, Danielle Coffin. Each take some time to inform the group of why
they are qualified for the position
Little sheets are passed for voting
Peter SerVaas informs that next year there will be clickers for voting!!
He stalls the crowd while the ballots are being counted – talks about the location of the
IUSA Office and what it is used for; the different initiatives that you want to see done.
Peter introduces Farihah, a past congress member.
Danielle Coffin became Speaker of the House for the summer session.
Voting for the Parliamentarian – set the agenda, how it should be run, committees,
Jason Cheong-Leen ran unopposed for this position. He is our parliamentarian for the
summer session
Sarah Wells ran unopposed for the position of grammarian. She is our new grammarian for
the summer session.
Shobha adjourns the meeting.

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