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May/June 2006
Price D. Finley, Esq., Editor-in-Chief Volume 18 • Issue 3

Improving Communities With

Community Improvement Corporations
By Price D. Finley, Esq. and Emmett M. Kelly, Esq.
Bricker & Eckler, Ll.P'

Many communities utilize non-profit corporations Revised Code." As a corporation separate from a
to facilitate activities that a city or village could not municipality, a crc may assume certain community-
directly accomplish. Often these special corporations building activities that would be difficult, either legally
come in the form of chambers of commerce or business or politically, for the municipality itself to directly
groups like community development corporations. undertake. What really makes a CIC unique from a
Ohio law provides for the creation of a "community basic nonprofit corporation is the ability of a political
improvement corporation" as a more formal subdivision to designate a eIC as its "agency" age11cy
organization that can encourage and facilitate for the industrial, commercial, distribution, and
economic development. research development in such political subdivision."
This designation (in addition to certain agreements
Chapter 1724 of the Ohio Revised Code permits a
between the political subdivision and the CIC, as
municipality, county or township (the "political
discussed in more detail below) enables a CIC to
subdivision") to cause the creation of a non-profit
exercise certain superpowers on behalf of the political
corporation called a community improvement
subdivision for economic development; powers that
corporation ("CrC") "for the sole purpose of advancing,
the political subdivision would not be able to directly
encouraging, and promoting the industrial, economic,
exercise without jumping through cumbersome and
commercial, and civic development of a community
potentially problematic procedural hoops.
or area."? At its essence, a CIC is an Ohio nonprofit
corporation created in the same manner as a charitable, A CIC may be designated by the political subdivision as
arts, or other corporation formed "otherwise than for its agency to promote industrial, economic, commercial,
the pecuniary gain or profit of, and whose net earnings and civic development. Such designation may allow a
or any part of them is not distributable to, its members, political subdivision to use the CIC for development
directors, officers, or other private persons, except that purposes in a less restrictive process than that of the
the payment of reasonable compensation for services political subdivision. This designation is accomplished
rendered and the distribution of assets on dissolution by legislation of the governing body of the political
as permitted by Section 1702.49, of the Revised Code subdivision determining that the policy of the political
is not pecuniary gain or profit or distribution of subdivision is to promote the health, safety, morais,
net earnings .":' and general welfare of its inhabitants through the
designation of a CIC as such agency. Through such
In fact, all of the laws that apply to nonprofit
designation and through an agreement between the CIC
corporations generally also apply to CICs, unless such
and the political subdivision, a crc can have a positive
laws are inconsistent with Chapter 1724 of the Ohio
impact on the development within and of the development of the local economy. Unlike
community. governmental entities such as cities, counties and port
The agreement between CIC and the political authorities, CICs are typically funded through a mix of
subdivision may allow the CIC to undertake one or private and public donations. This allows communities
more of the following activities for the benefit of the greater flexibility when it comes to marketing and
political subdivision and the community: project generation. CICs allow staff some cover in
dealing with business that is not always possible when
(1) development of an economic development plan
reporting directly to elected officials. Additionally, the
for the political subdivision, which plan must be
ability of CICs to own land and buildings and to issue
approved by the governing body of the political
industrial revenue bonds gives communities more tools
to attract and retain business."
(2) sale or lease of lands, at an agreed-upon price,
Successful uses of CICs in Ohio are abundant. One such
owned by the political subdivision and not to be
example is the Village of Groveport's CIC, which is
required for its purposes, for uses determined by
designated agency of the Village of Groveport for the
the governing body as those that will promote
purpose of development. Jeff Green, the Economic
the welfare of the people of the political
Development Director for the Village of Groveport and
subdivision, stabilize the economy, provide
previously the Director for the Cambridge-Guernsey
employment, and assist in the development of
County CIC, has had much success with using
industrial, commercial, distribution, and
Groveport's CIC for acquisition and development
research activities to the benefit of the people of
purposes. "The Groveport Community Improvement
the political subdivision and will provide
Corporation has been instrumental in Groveport's
additional opportunities for their gainful
downtown development acting much like a downtown
employment and without advertising or receipt
development corporation," stated Mr. Green.
of bids:" and
"Groveport's CIC has helped the Village acquire
(3) conveyance of lands of the political subdivision property and demolish existing structures to make
to the CIC without competitive bidding." way for redevelopment projects, including commercial,
At least 40% of the members of the board of trustees mixed use developments and even a medical building
of the CIC must be comprised of appointed or elected development." Mr. Green also has found that the
officers of the political subdivisions that have process that the CIC uses to acquire, sell and prepare
designated the CIC as its agency. If more than one property for development is a "more efficient process
political subdivision has designated the same CIC than having to meet all requirements that the Village
as its agency, at least one officer from each political would have to endure, such as public sale requirements,
subdivision shall be a member of the board of to get these projects moving forward."
trustees." According to Norm Blanchard, the Executive Economic
Once created, a CIC can help facilitate economic Director, the Cambridge-Guernsey County CIC
development for the political subdivision primarily provides a "valuable monthly forum for community
in the area of property acquisition, disposal and leaders." Such a forum helps keep all the community
development. For instance, a political subdivision leaders informed of any business activity and helps
may acquire real and personal property in connection strengthen relations and bonds throughout the
with industrial and economic development and sell or community. Mr. Blanchard further explains that the
lease such property to the CIC without competitive Cambridge-Guernsey County CIC has been used as a
bidding." The CIC would then have the power to sell toll to "seek and retain jobs", which has "resulted in
such property without competitive bidding. One the purchase and upgrade of local rail systems,
restriction on the CIC in this regard is that, if the CIC purchase and re-sale of development property, and the
sells such property for an amount greater than the development of marketing programs designed to
amount it paid the political subdivision for such attract industry. Workil1g with local officials, the
property, the CIC must pay the difference to the [Cambridge-Guernsey County] CIC was the proponent
political subdivision,11 agency in generating millions of dollars of development,
Nathan V.Green, the Economic Development Director and over 300 jobs in last year alone."
for the Circleville-Pickaway CIC, has found that CICs A Cle's successful results require that the CIC be
"provide a great vehicle for communities to bring successful and proper operated. A CIC which has been
the public and private sectors together to promote designated as the agency of the political subdivision is

required to comply with Ohio's public records laws withdraw such designation and cause a new CIC to
and open meeting or "sunshine" laws in the conduct be formed, a municipality contemplating the creation
of its meetings, with certain exceptions discussed of a CIC should carefully consider the structure of the
below. In addition, according to an opinion of the Ohio board of trustees and the members that are appointed
Attorney General, the political subdivision would to the board of trustees in order to avoid having to
be required to provide for a defense for and to hold take dramatic steps to fix a CIC that has become
harmless members of the governing board of the CIC, comprised of board members who don't share the
which has been designated as the agency of the same vision as the municipality as to the CIC's role
political subdivision." in economic development activities.
As discussed above, certain exceptions to Ohio's public As with other economic development tools, a CIC
records laws apply to CICs. One such exception cannot be expected to solve all of the issues of a
applies to any financial and proprietary information, community struggling to strengthen its economic
including trade secrets, submitted by or on behalf of development programs. However, if structured
an entity to the CIC in connection with the relocation, properly, a CIC can serve a critical role in helping a
location, expansion, improvement, or preservation of municipality to accomplish its economic goals and
the business of that entity held or kept by the CIC, objectives and to coordinate its development
or by any political subdivision for which the CIC is activities .•:.
acting as agent, is confidential information and is not
a public record. Any other information submitted by
or on behalf of an entity to the CIC in this context is
confidential information and is not a public record 1Price Finley is the Vice-Chair of Bricker & Eckler's Public
Sector Group and focuses his practice on public finance
until the entity commits in writing to proceed with
and economic development. Price is also the Editor-in-
the relocation, location, expansion, improvement, or Chief of Ohio Municipal Service. Emmett Kelly is an
preservation of its business. When the board of associate in Bricker & Eckler's Public Sector Group and
trustees of a CIC, or any committee or subcommittee of has significant experience in municipal and economic
development finance.
the board, meets to consider information that is not a
public record, the board, committee, or subcommittee, 2 R.C. 1724.01.
by unanimous vote of all members present, may close 3 R.C. 1702.01(C).
the meeting during consideration of the confidential 4 R.C. 1724.08.
information. The board, committee, or subcommittee
5 R.C. 1724.10.
is not permitted to consider any other information
6 R.C. 1724.10(A).
during the closed session. Any meeting at which a
decision or determination of the board is made in 7 R.C. 1724.10(B).
connection with the relocation, location, expansion, 8 R.C. 1724.10(C).
improvement, or preservation of the business of the 9 R.C. 1724.10(A).
entity must be open to the public." 10 R.C. 761.02.
If a CIC relieves the burdens of government for the 11 R.C. 1724.10(C).
political subdivision and otherwise serves a charitable
120AG No. 87-024.
purpose, the CIC may be designated as a 501(c)(3)
organization under the Internal Revenue Code. If so 13 R.C. 1724.11.
designated, donations made to the CIC may be tax 14 Any individual or corporation considering a donation to a

deductible." CIC would need to consult with their own tax advisor to
determine whether such contribution would be tax
Besides the benefit of diverse development, CICs deductible.
can also serve as a forum for governmental and 15 It would be advisable for a CIC to have less than 500/0of
community leaders to discuss the community's the board comprised of board members that are officers
development opportunities and development plans. or elected officials of one municipality in order to avoid a
characterization that the CIC is under the control" of that
Creating the mechanism for such a forum may be the
most positive benefit to the community.
Although a municipality has some control over a CIC
through (1) its power to appoint at least 40% of the Reprinted from Finley's Ohio Municipal Service,
members of the board of trustees, IS and (2) its ability to May/June 2006, with the permission of the
designate a CIC as its agency and, if necessary, to publisher and copyright owner, West Group.

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