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Job Satisfaction of Employees in Pharmaceutical Company
Submitted By:
Mohit Gautam
In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree

Bachelors in Commerce (Honors Programme)

Under the Supervision of:

Submitted by:



Assistant Professor

Roll No: 12MSB028

Ph. +91 8679100240

Shoolini University of Biotechnology & Management Sciences, Bajhol, Solan, H.P 173212.
Approved by University Grants Commission, AICTE, etc.


The project on Job Satisfaction of Employees in Pharmaceutical Company would not have been
successful without the following people and their priceless support and cooperation. Hence I extend my
gratitude to all of them.
As a student of Shoolini University of Biotechnology & Management Sciences would first of all like to
express my gratitude to Dr. Kesari Singh for granting me permission to undertake the project report in their
esteemed organization.
During the actual project work, Dr. RAKESH KUMAR SHUKLA (Guide) he had been a source of inspiration
through their constant guidance; personal interest; encouragement and help. I convey my sincere thanks to her.
In spite of their busy schedule they always found time to guide me throughout the project. I am also grateful to
her for giving me the freedom to work on my project. Without their invaluable help I would not have been able
to do justice to the project.
I express my sincere thanks to DR.RAKESH KUMAR SHUKLA, Assistant Professor at Shoolini
University for her valuable suggestion & making this project a real success.




Students of B.Com (Honors) at Shoolini University are required to undergo Project Work as an integral part of
To accomplish this project as Job Satisfaction of Employees in Pharmaceutical Company there is need to
become familiar with the project.
It can be possible only through theoretical inputs as well as practical exposure in which my practical knowledge
is helpful which I acquired at the college.
I have also done this study from secondary sources.



This is to certify that the Project work entitled Job Satisfaction of Employees in Pharmaceutical
Company submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Bachelors in
Commerce to Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences, Bajhol, Solan (H.P.) is a
bonafide Project work carried out by Nikunj Kalra (12MSB025). No part of this work has been
submitted for any other degree or diploma.

Name of Student:


Mohit Gautam

Name of the Guide: Dr. R.K. Shukla


Place: Solan






Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4


Chapter 5



Chapter 6


Chapter 7



The Pharmaceutical sector plays a vital role in underpinning the economic development of a country. This study
attempts to evaluate job satisfaction of employees in different pharmaceutical companies. It focuses on the
relative importance of performance appraisal & job satisfaction factors and their impacts on the overall job
satisfaction of employees. Both primary and secondary sources of information have been considered as a data
collection process. Primary data was collected through checklist and personnel interview. At present, in
Bangladesh, there are 204 national pharmaceutical companies and only 7 multinational or foreign companies
In our survey we found Level on work conditions, Level on Pay and Promotion, Level on Fairness, Level on
Job Security, Level on Relationship with co-workers, Level on Relationship with immediate supervisor; we also
found the procedure of performance appraisal & employee job satisfaction in multinational pharmaceuticals
[include: GLAXO, & Roche] & local pharmaceuticals Company [includes: BEXIMCO & SQUARE].
In the overall job satisfaction summary we focused on the satisfaction with interpersonal relations, satisfaction
with compensation package (salary, fringe benefits), satisfaction with professional effectiveness, overall job
The results suggest that the factors had satisfactorily explained job satisfaction and that the policy makers and
managers should focus on the factors that affect employee job satisfaction, if they want to enhance their
businesses. Based on the results for the standardized values, we are able to see that work conditions, fairness,
promotion, and pay, are key factors affecting pharmaceuticals companies employees job satisfaction.
Results of the study reveal that a good performance appraisal system, work environment and good work
conditions can increase employee job satisfaction and the employees will try to give their best which can
increase the employee work performance.


Chapter 1


The pharmaceutical industry spends billions of dollars annually on gifts to physicians often these gifts consist of
items that are designed to enhance patient care (e.g., anatomical oodles) or learning (e.g., textbooks), but gifts
may also be of a more personal nature (e.g., vent tickets). Serious ethical concerns have been raised that gifts
from the pharmaceutical industry to individual health care professionals risk compromising health care
providers professional objectivity and integrity, and/or undermining their fundamental ethical commitment to
putting the interests of patients first. This report discusses the special nature of gift relationships, examines why
gifts to health care professionals from the pharmaceutical industry may be ethically problematic, and reviews
professional ethical guidelines and legal standards regarding acceptance of gifts.
Health care professionals who prescribe pharmaceutical products base their prescription decisions on many
factors including effectiveness, safety, and cost. In an effort to influence practitioners prescribing practices, the
pharmaceutical industry employs diverse marketing and promotional strategies, among them offers of free drug
samples, educational materials, meals, and other forms of gifts. These efforts are both intensive and expensive.
In 2001 the drug industry spent more than $16 billion on visits to physicians offices. In the last five years the
number of pharmaceutical company sales representatives in the U.S. has increased from 42,000 to 88,000.1
Some 80% of physicians report having been offered cash or gifts from pharmaceutical industry representatives.2
Many physicians meet with pharmaceutical industry representatives four or more times per month.3 Serious
ethical concerns have been raised about these contacts between the pharmaceutical industry and individual
health care professionals, especially when gifts are involved.4-9
The practice of accepting gifts from pharmaceutical industry representatives risks compromising health care
providers professional objectivity and integrity, and undermining their fundamental ethical commitment to
putting the interests of patients first. Gift incentives to participate in continuing professional education programs
are the wrong incentives for health care professionals and trainees, who should be independently motivated to
participate in lifelong learning.7 And there are economic consequences when the costs of gifts are passed along
to patients, health care institutions, and third-party payers in the form of higher prices for drugs.

Chapter 2


In todays intensely competitive and global marketplace, competitive advantage lies not just in differentiating a
product or service or in becoming the low cost leader but in also being able to tap the companys special skills
or core competencies. Especially for pharmaceutical industry skilled and efficient employees are must as it
requires specialized, technical and, scientific knowledge and expertise and there is zero tolerance in terms of
developing quality products & services.
To attain such objectives HR plays a vital role and one of the most used tools by HR in order to ensure skilled
and efficient employees is performance appraisal. Performance appraisal may be defined as a structured formal
interaction between a subordinate and supervisor, that usually takes the form of a periodic interview (annual or
semi-annual), in which the work performance of the subordinate is examined and discussed, with a view to
identifying weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities for improvement and skills development.
Performance appraisal is evaluating an employees current and/or past performance relative to his or her
performance standard
On the other hand, Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. There are a
variety of factors that can influence a persons level of job satisfaction. Some of these factors include the level
of pay and benefits, the perceived fairness of the promotion system within a company, the quality of the
working conditions, leadership and social relationships, the job itself. Other influences on satisfaction include
the management style and culture, employee involvement, empowerment and autonomous workgroups. Job
satisfaction is a very important attribute which is frequently measured by organizations.
The most common way of measurement is the use of rating scales where employees report their reactions to
their jobs. Questions relate to relate of pay, work responsibilities, variety of tasks, promotional opportunities the
work itself and co-workers. Some questioners ask yes or no questions while others ask to rate satisfaction on 1
5 scale where 1 represents not all satisfied and 5 represents extremely satisfied.
In our findings some organizations maintain their formal evaluation system because they consider performance
evaluation to be fundamental to organizational effectiveness. It is better to maintain the visibility of a formal
program because; it may help to improve systematically the fairness, validity, usefulness and reliability of the
appraisal process.

According to them the purpose of performance appraisal process are to (a) control the employee performance
focusing on the past performance, and (b) develop employee to be an effective performer focusing on the
importance of future performance. Performance appraisal is important from the viewpoints of both the

employee and the organization.

From the employees point of view performance appraisal is important, because: (a) they can modify their work
behavior to become a more effective performer, and (b) it increases the likelihood of receiving increase
compensation and/or recognition.


Chapter 3

The objectives of this study are:

To study the Job Satisfaction of Employees in Pharmaceutical Company.

To identify the factors which influence the job satisfaction of employees
To identify the factor which improves the satisfaction level of employees


Chapter 4


This chapter focuses on the research methodology & the techniques used for the collection, classification &
tabulation of data. It puts light on the research problem, the objective of the study & its limitations.

Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the problem. It is a plan for conducting research. In this
we describe various steps that are taken by the researcher.
Research is a common place for knowledge. Research is an art of scientific and systematic investigation. Thus
research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting,
organizing and evaluating data, making deductions and reaching conclusions.
Research methodology is the way for collection and analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine
relevance to the research purpose.
Research Methodology is the structure within which research is conducted. It constitutes the blueprint for the
collection and analysis of the data.

Research methodology is a framework for the study and is used as a guide in collecting and analyzing the data.
It is a strategy specifying which approach will be used for gathering the data. It also includes time and cost
budget since most studies are done under these two constraints.



Descriptive Research
In the study descriptive research design has been used. As descriptive research design is the description of state
of affairs, as it exists at present. In this type of research the researcher has no control over the variables; he can
only report what has happened or what is happening.
Descriptive research designs are those design which are concerned with describing the characteristics of
particular individual or of the group. In descriptive study the researcher must be able to define clearly what he
wants to measure and must find adequate method for measuring it.


After the research problem has been identified and selected the next step is to gather the required data. The
methods of data collection used for the research are of 2 types, primary data collection and secondary data



Primary Data

The primary data are those, which are collected fresh and thus happened to be original in character. We can
obtain primary data either through observation or through direct communication with respondent in one form or
another or through personal interview.

Secondary Data
The secondary data on the other hand, are those which have already been collected by someone else and which
have already been passed through the statistical processes. When the researcher utilizes secondary data then he
has to look into various sources from where he can obtain them. For e.g. books, magazine, newspaper, internet,
publications, reports, etc.
In this study data have been taken from various secondary sources like:

Books (net)
Journals (net)


Chapter 5



Chapter 6



This section will try to highlight and discuss the results and the findings based on the analysis done on the data
collected from respondents. This research focuses on the factors affecting employee job satisfaction in selected
pharmaceuticals company. The discussion then will try to accomplish all the objectives of the study. In this
instance, for simplicity of analysis and findings, this part focuses on the levels of employee job satisfaction &
performance appraisal procedures in Pharmaceuticals Company and discussion.


This part discusses the respondents overall perception of employee job satisfaction in Pharmaceuticals
Company and sub-dimensions such as pay and promotion, job security, work conditions, fairness and
relationship with co-workers and management. The findings are presented in frequencies and percentages.

Overall level of employee satisfaction in Pharmaceutical Companies


In terms of working conditions, pay and promotion, job security and relationship with co-workers the study
found that the level of employee job satisfaction is neither happy nor unhappy and in terms of relationship
with immediate supervisor the level of employee job satisfaction is somewhat unhappy. Overall level of
employee satisfaction in pharmaceutical companies, the study found that the average mean is 61%, so the
overall level of employee job satisfaction is neither happy nor unhappy.

Level on work conditions

In terms of level on work conditions in pharmaceuticals companies, the study found that 44 respondents
perceived atmosphere to be Neutral. About 29 respondents perceived the work conditions to be happy,
while 15 respondents perceived work conditions as unhappy .A few, 7 respondents rated the work conditions
as very unhappy and very happy 5. At last, the mean score is 3.01, so the work conditions are neither
happy nor unhappy. Looking at the mean score of 3.10, we can see that work conditions influence job
satisfaction in pharmaceuticals companies.

Level on Pay and Promotion

In terms of level on pay back in pharmaceuticals companies, the study found that 49 respondents perceived pay
and promotion to be neither happy or unhappy, 21 of the respondents perceived the pay and promotion to be
somewhat happy and 21 respondents perceived pay and promotion to be somewhat unhappy. Only a few 4
and 5 of the respondents rated the pay and promotion as very unhappy and very happy. At last, the mean
score is 3.02, so the pay and promotion is somewhat unhappy. According to a mean score of 3.02, we can see
that pay and promotion influences job satisfaction in pharmaceuticals companies.

Level on Fairness
In terms of level about fairness in pharmaceuticals companies, the study found that 51 respondents perceived
fairness to be neither happy nor unhappy, 24 respondents perceived the fairness to be somewhat happy,
while 16 respondents perceived fairness as somewhat unhappy. A few 6 respondents rated the fairness as
very unhappy and 3 respondents are very happy. Finally, the mean score is 3.02, so the fairness is neither
happy nor unhappy. According to the mean score of 3.02, we can see that fairness influences job satisfaction in
pharmaceuticals companies.

Level on Job Security

In terms of level on job security in pharmaceuticals companies, the study found that 50 respondents perceived
job security in pharmaceuticals companies to be neither happy nor unhappy, 24 respondents perceived job
security in pharmaceuticals companies to be somewhat happy, while 17 respondents perceived job security in
pharmaceuticals companies as somewhat unhappy. 5 respondents rated job security as very unhappy and 4
respondents were very happy. Finally, the mean score is 3.08, so job security in pharmaceuticals companies is
neither happy nor unhappy. According to the mean score of 3.05, we can see that job security influences job
satisfaction in pharmaceuticals companies.

Level on Relationship with co-workers

In terms of level on relationship with co-workers in pharmaceuticals companies, the study found that 42
respondents perceived relationship with co-workers to be neither happy or unhappy, 25 respondents perceived
the relationship with co-workers to be somewhat happy and 19 respondents somewhat unhappy. Only 1
respondent rated the relationship with co-workers very unhappy and 13 respondents were very happy. At
last, the mean score is 3.30, so the relationship with co-workers is somewhat unhappy. According to a mean
score of 3.30, we can see that relationship with co-workers influences job satisfaction in pharmaceuticals

Level on Relationship with immediate supervisor

In terms of level on relationship with immediate supervisor in pharmaceuticals companies, the study found that
49 respondents perceived relationship with immediate supervisor in pharmaceuticals companies to be neither
happy or unhappy 14 respondents perceived relationship with immediate supervisor as in pharmaceuticals
companies to be somewhat happy, while 25 respondents perceived relationship with immediate supervisor in
pharmaceuticals companies as somewhat unhappy. 8 respondents rated relationship with immediate
supervisor as very unhappy and 4 rated it as very happy. Finally, the mean score is 2.81, so relationship
with immediate supervisor in pharmaceuticals companies is somewhat unhappy. According to the mean score
of 2.81, we can see that relationship with immediate supervisor influences job satisfaction in pharmaceuticals



Performance Appraisal
At BPL appraisals are done by the Self-appraisal system. Goals are set by
participative_management approach and performance is evaluated quantitatively against those
previously set objectives. Managers appraise the performance of their subordinates through 5 points Graphic
Rating Scale. The total appraisal process is completely transparent to everyone within the organization: 1 for
unsatisfactory, 2 for marginal, 3 for target, 4 for superior, 5 for outstanding.

Employee Compensation
Employee compensation refers to all forms of pay or rewards going to employees and arising from their
employment. It has two main components:
1. Direct financial payments: Wages, salaries, incentives, commissions, and bonuses. There are two ways
to pay directly:
Time based pay: Daily, hourly, weekly, biweekly or monthly wages and salaries
Performance based pay: Ties compensation directly to the amount of product the worker
2. Direct payments: Financial benefits like employer-paid insurance and vacations.

Legal considerations in compensation

Union influences on compensation decisions
Corporate policies and competitive strategy
Policy issues affecting the plan of an organization


The Salary Survey

A survey aimed at determining prevailing wage rates. A good salary survey provides specific wage rates for
specific jobs. Formal written questionnaire surveys are the most comprehensive, but telephone surveys and
newspaper ads are also sources of information.

Job Evaluation
A systematic comparison done in order to determine the worth of one job relative to another. Job Evaluation
method includes:
1. Ranking
Involves ranking each job relative to all other jobs, usually based on overall difficulty. There are

several steps in this method:

Obtain job information for each job
Rank jobs by department or in clusters
Select just one compensable factor
Rank jobs
Combine ratings

2. Job Classification:
Categorize jobs into groups
3. Point Method
A number of compensable factors are identified and then the degree to which each of these
factors is present on the job is determined.
4. Factor comparison:
Ranking jobs according to a variety of skill and difficulty factors, and then adding up these
rankings to arrive at an overall numerical rating for each given job.



Indirect financial and non financial payments employees receive for continuing their employment with the
There are several types of benefits:

Supplemental Pay Benefits

Insurance Benefits
Vacations and Holidays
Sick Leave
Parental Leave and Family Leave
Medical Leave
Retirement Benefits

Health & Safety

Pre employment medical check-up

The selected person before joining has to go through full medical check-up that guarantees his /her physical
fitness to perform the job successfully. A medical practitioner who uses a physical capability analysis that
assesses the candidate against the physical capabilities documented for each role conducts the medical checkup. A medical is also appropriate for internal candidates if they are applying for positions that require different
physical capabilities.

Medical Facilities
Doctors are arranged to visit each location of numbers of times a week to provide necessary medical support to
the employees. Moreover, the non-management staffs enjoy medical treatment at Hospital at company

Health Insurance Policy


Management staffs enjoy health insurance for self, spouse and two children up to 21 years for hospitalization
only. Delta Life Insurance provides the insurance and the company pays the premium.

Company Safety Policy

It comes from the group chief executive to adapt in all the country. The local CEO counter signs the policy for
each individual country and the copy of the policy is circulated to all the levels in the organization. So it is the
duty of all the employees to emphasize on safety.
There is an Oath in BPL, Bangladesh regarding safety. That is SAFETY FIRST QUALITY MUST. The
safety policy of BPL, Bangladesh safety health and environment management which is signed by the CEO
carries certain messages for us. It complies with the local safety laws of Bangladesh. One important issue of this
policy is DUTY OF CARE.
It can be described as not to do any things that may cause risk to others, properties even to me and also let other
not to do even that may hazardous to him only. There is another planning for emphasized on safety. Safety
aspect may include in every ones KPI & CSF. There are some other important points of the policy that we
should care and implement per hour daily work.





Employee job satisfaction can improve service quality and increase employee satisfaction. In this circumstance,
policy makers and managers have turned their attention to provide different kinds of facilities to their
employees in order to satisfy their employees. This study tested factors affecting job satisfaction for
pharmaceuticals companies. The results suggest that the factors had satisfactorily explained job satisfaction and
that the policy makers and managers should focus on the factors that affect employee job satisfaction, if they
want to enhance their businesses. Based on the results for the standardized values, we are able to see that work
conditions, fairness, promotion, and pay, are key factors affecting pharmaceuticals companies employees job
satisfaction. Money is a good motivator, actually all employees work for money, employees need the money, a
good salary and good compensations are key factors in satisfying the employee. The factor of work conditions
is also proven to have significant influence over the pharmaceuticals companies. The physical design of the
place does have certain impacts on job satisfaction. Because the work conditions in the pharmaceuticals
companies include the employee relationships and work environment, all these factors relate to employee job
satisfaction. A good performance appraisal system, work environment and good work conditions can increase
employee job satisfaction and the employees will try to give their best which can increase the employee work
Results of the study reveal that middle level managers are satisfied in both local and multinational
organizations; but mangers of multinational organizations are slightly more satisfied then the local organization
managers. When mangers were inquired for all the dimensions of organizational climate it was found that there
was not much difference in both local and multinational organizations on the facets of organizational climate
except for pay and reward system. Middle level mangers of local organizations were not satisfied with the pay
and reward system but the employees of the multinational organizations show that pay and reward system in
their organizations are good and fair.



Business magazines (business times)
News papers (Economic times, Times of India).



Questionnaire (only Study Purpose, Not for publicly)


Part A

a. 18-25
b. 25-35
c. 35-55
d. above 55
Marital Status
a. Married
b. Unmarried
a. Male
b. Female
Monthly Income a. below 5000
b. 5001-20000
c. 20001-35000
d. above 35001.
7. Area
a Rural
b. Urban
8. Caste
a. General
b. OBC
c. SC/ST
Part B
1. How you come in the industry?
A. Interview
B. Direct.
2. In which of the following reward system would you like to work?
A. piece rate system
B. Fixed Salary
C. Fixed Salery+Commission
Any other


3. Are you getting equal wages for equal work?

A. Yes
B. No
4. Are you ready for extra hrs. time work?
A. Yes
B. No
5. Are you having job security in your company?
A. Yes
B. No
6. Job security plays very important role to work more
A. Agree
B. Disagree
C. Cant Say
7. Recognition of sincere efforts motivates a person work well
A. Agree
B. Disagree
C. Cant Say
8. The recognition of good work, if considered for promotion, it will motivate the workers to
work well
A. Agree
B. Disagree
C. Cant Say
9. Do you get any discount on medicines which are produced in your industry?
A. Yes
B. No.
10. Are you satisfied with your job
A. Yes
B. No
11.Industry deduct your EPF
A. Yes
B. No

12. If yes, then how much

A. Below 5%

B. 6%-8%

C. 9%-11%

13.Saturday is working or not


D. more than 11%

A. Yes

B. No never come Saturday

A. Yes
B. No
15. Any suggestion for the company?
16. You want to any other facility in your industry?


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